Viewing LIVE Transactions From AS400 In SQL-Server 2000
Dec 17, 2005
I need to live update my SQL-Server 2000 database from AS400 database.
I usually use Access 2002 database between the AS400 database and the SQL-Server 2000 database to reflect any live update.
I use the (Link Tables...) option when creating a new table in access and link it with the ODBC to connect with the AS400 database.
After that I work with the Access link table.
Is there any tool in SQL-Server 2000 to show the live transactions in AS400 databasee so I can work on it?
Please advise
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Aug 22, 2006
Hello,I'm trying to follow some sql sentences that my system send to SQL 2005express and I don't have a deep knowlegde of databases. I know thatthere's a transactions log that keeps all sentences that go intodatabase motor. Is it correct? in case yes, is there a way to look atthis archived sentences?Thanks in advanceIgnacio
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Oct 7, 2015
Client is running X- version of application and corresponding database size is huge. Now client's vendor is releasing Y-version of same application with many database schema changes (like new tables added, new columns added, renamed existing columns and etc) To upgrade to the Y-version, vendor is suggesting to my client that down the system and do the upgrade for application/database to Y-version. We are sure that this process will take days together to upgrade to the Y-version. My client is not ready to down the system for that long. So we are trying to find the solution with minimal down time.The approach we are thinking is,
1) Create the replicated database to another server (server2) from production server(server1) using golden gate with X-version
2) Create new tables/schema updated tables from Y-version database on same server1. Here for Updated schema tables we are planning to use the name <table_name_Y_version> as the same table name exists in X-version.
3)With above 2 steps, golden gate replicate the changes from production to server1 and server1 will have the new Y-version table schema (with different concatenate name ' _Y_version'). BTW , there is no affect for the production
4) At this stage we are planning to find best approach, to fill the '<table_name>_Y_version' from X-version tables. two challenges here a) all data needs to be moved to Y-version tables b) they have to sync data in real time.
we thought of going to
a) ssis package to pump the data to Y-version tables, but real time data will not sync.
b) trigger based technique, previous experience said, lot of load
c) thinking about sql replication.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have an ODBC link to DB2 Database. I can see the values of the DB2'stables in Access but not in SQL Server DTS.IN DTS, I connect the Source but when i want to see the values in theData transformation task, i have this message :HResult of 0x90040e37 (-2147217865) returned. Erreur inattendue. Unr�sultat d'erreur a �t� renvoy� sans message d'erreur.Someone have a solution?
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Jun 13, 2001
I need to have an automated process to read data from DB2/AS400 and feed it to SQL Server 2000. Has anyone done this before? Any suggestions how it may be done? I know my company doesn't want to spend a lot to do this.
Thanks for your time.
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Jul 5, 2006
I never noticed it before, but I am now using Management Studio to administer our sql databases and the issue became apparent. One of the databases located on a sql 2000 server, says "6.5 compatible", when viewed from Management Studio (but not from Enterprise Manager).
What are the step needed to upgrade the database? (I think I need to run the Sql 2005 Upgrade Advisor first, fix any errors found, then manually change compatibility mode (to 80) from the sql 2000 server where the database is located. )
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May 11, 2005
i have developed an web-enabled database application using, C# and sql server 2000.
now i want to implement transaction controls over the same
can anyone plz help me in implementing the same?
thanks in advance
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Sep 16, 2002
I am trying to link SQL2000 to AS400. I have created the link and can access the data on the Server, but when I try to access from a client I get the following error:
Error 7399: OLE DB Provider 'MSDASQL' Reported an error. Data Source Name not found and no default driver specified.
Has anyone run into this and if so does anyone have a solution to this problem?
Any help would be greatly appreceiated.
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Oct 25, 2001
It was possible to read the transaction log on SQL 6.5 with DBCC LOG and find out what was going on. Is there any way to do this in SQL 7.0/2000 or do you now have to rely on SQL Profiler? I have noticed that SQLProbe has a log viewer in it and would like to know how they did it.
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May 4, 2006
I know my problem is not directly associated w/ SSIS, so please forgive the post here. I figured this would be the "most" appropriate place to post this challenge.
We're attempting to edit a 2000 DTS package in Design mode from within the 2005 SQL Management Studio. To do this we downloaded/installed the following packages from the MS download site:
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components
We're able to open the package in design mode from the Management Studio (Server > Management > Legacy > Data Transformation Services > DTS Package Name). But, when the DTS designer is open, the backspace and arrow keys won't respond in the Management Studio. They begin responding when we close the DTS designer. There are no error messages when we close the DTS designer.
Does anyone know of a fix or a workaround? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Mike
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Nov 10, 2004
We just upgraded from SQL 7 to 2000 and for some reason I am unable to perform distributed transactions. I keep getting the following error:
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' ITransaction Join:: JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a]. Operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' was unable to begin a distributed transaction
I tried a few of the fixes recommended on the microsoft website but they did not solve the problem. We are still using the same O/S (Windows 2000 Pro), so the only thing that has changed is the server.
Any help would be appreciated.
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May 30, 2006
I'm developing a web app using ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005 Express. So far it's all been on my local computer, it hasn't gone live yet, so if I need to add a column to a table or make some other schema change I just do it right in Visual Studio, nice and simple. If I have to delete all the old content and start over, no problem. When I deploy it to a staging server I just overwrite the existing file with my new one, losing its data in the process. But soon enough I'll be deploying this to a public web server, there will be real live data in the db, people using it when I need to make updates.
What are some common strategies for updating the schema of a database on a live server?
It's obvious that when I need to update the db I'll have to shut down the site temporarily. But my biggest question is how to keep the existing data from the live db? I obviously can't overwrite it with my local copy. I want to overwrite its schema, without touching its data. How's that done?
Thanks for some advice!
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Feb 15, 2005
I'm trying to connect SQL SERVER with my AS/400.
I linked my as400 with linkedserver.
When I execute a query with analyse query it works fine, but if I make a store procedure as schedule this job to get information from my as400 I got this msg:
Executed as user: NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. OLE DB provider 'IBMDA400' reported an error. Access denied. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7399) OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'IBMDA400' IUnknown::QueryInterface returned 0x80070005: Access denied.]. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 7300). The step failed.
Why? anyone have any idea?
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Feb 17, 2005
I have been tring to connect to the as400 through the IBM ODBC (IBMDA400),
but have run into a wall. I was wondering, could i set up the 400 in SQL Server 2K as a DB or Table or something and maybe access it through SQLOLEDB?
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Aug 19, 2007
I am experiencing a situation where certain functions work perfectly when I run it on my local machine under MVS, but when I upload it to the server, then it does not?!
Here is an example:
I am using a drop down box (in a FormView) that is databound in an online submission form. When I run the application in MVS, then I can edit the records by opening the form, and selection the new value in the drop down list. The new value is then also saved to the database when I hit the update button. When I upload the code to the server, then the drop down list shows the correct information (so the databinding to the control seem to work correctly), but the new value is not saved to the database.
Here is the code for the drop down list:
"DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3"DataTextField="UserName" DataValueField="UserId" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("UserId") %>'CssClass="text">"SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:LocalSqlServer %>"SelectCommand="SELECT [UserName], [UserId] FROM [vw_aspnet_Users] ORDER BY [UserName]"> Here is the code updating the database with the record (I have removed some records as well as the Insert and Delete parts):
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:tourism_connect1 %>"UpdateCommand="UPDATE Resorts SET typeid = @typeid, destrictid = @destrictid, UserId = @UserId, WHERE (resortid = @resortid)"OnInserted="SqlDataSource1_Inserted">
<UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="typeid" /><asp:Parameter Name="destrictid" /><asp:Parameter Name="UserId" /><asp:Parameter Name="resortid" /></UpdateParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
What I can mention further, is that if I connect to the database that is on the live server (so the application runs in MVS on my local machine, but it then retrieves the info from the online database), then it also works fine. It is just giving this issue when the online application is trying to update the values.
There is also no errors during the process.
I will appreciate any advise on how to overcome this, as I really do not know where to look anymore...
Thanks in advance!
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May 17, 2002
At Sql Server Live, I saw Sharon Dooley using the debugger in Query Analyzer, but now that I've tried it I can't step an sp, instead, I get....Quote:
SP debugging may not work properly if you log on as 'Local
System account' while SQL Server is configured to run as a
You can open Event Viwer to see details.
Do you wish to continue?
End Quote:
I'm logged in at a W2Kpro box connectig via client tools
to a W2KSVR box via Integrated NT security. SS2K is NOT
installed locally.
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Jul 20, 2006
I need to restart (becouse of the Database Mail :( ) SQL Server Agent on a live server which acts as a distributor for a lot of replications. I know that it shouldn't cause any problem, but I want to confirm that it want couse a subscriptions to be reinitiated.
Thanks in advance for quick reply
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Jun 27, 2005
This is a bit confusing but here goes: I need to access data in SAP via OLE DB. I can't go direct to the back end database (Oracle), we have to use RFC or BAPI calls to access the SAP data. That's part works, we have a DLL that accesses the SAP data we need.
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Sep 14, 2005
First, I apologize if this is a dual post; I had a problem with my original posting.
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Aug 27, 1999
I have been asked to make it possible for our SQL 7 server to pull infromation from AS/400 and utilize it in web applications, and such. Is there any way of doing this? I have heard that you can export the data on the as400 to a DB2 file, and import it with SQL. Is this the only way of access info off of the 400?
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Jun 24, 2004
Hello...Our company has been on an AS400 for eternity. We have chosen a new erp package called Syteline 7 which runs on 5 servers on of them being a SQl server. I currently have 1 IT person on staf now. Can anyone tell me what my workload for my one IT person maintaining these 5 servers be? I would have 35 users and 50 PC's in total.....also does anyone have any negative comment about Syteline 7?Thanks
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Mar 21, 2006
Can SQL Server run in AS400 Machine?
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Jun 4, 2007
Im finding the way of connecting to DB 2 database which is exixst in the AS400
machine to do some data manupulation.Please attach the SQL cording.
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Dec 20, 2007
Please can anybody help me in transferring existing SSIS Packages saved in a shared folder location from development server 2ED to Live server TWD1.
Both has SQL server 2005 running and has visual studio 2005
Currently about 25 SSIS packages are executed from the development server transferring data on Live server TWD1...these ETL process is called from development server but executed on live server.
Now the problem is when i call these packages from the shared folder from live server it crashes.....i need to changes something to shift the whole package to the live server..and execute on live server itself instead of recreating the whole 25 process from scratch.....also i use optimize for many tables ..and run in a single how can i see the mappings of source and destination tables.
Please let me know the process how i can achieve this.
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Apr 13, 2007
I have created a site using VWDExpress and now that I’ve finished testing have moved it over to the server which runs SQLServer 2000. Part of the site requires login, so I created the membership using the web configuration tool and when testing locally worked well.
Now though that I’ve copied the web site over, when I try to log in I get the error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified
Obviously its some sort of configuration issue, but I don’t know what.
What do I have to change to make this work from a test machine to a live server?
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Feb 5, 2008
Hi,Ive been building a project on a local server and now need to transfer the files and database over to the live server. I have managed to transfer the files quite easily, however I am having a few problems transferring the database using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. When I try importing data to the live database, all the data and tables are brought across however some of the values for the fields are lost. For example all the fields which had a primary key no longer have one, and all the set default values for the fields are also lost. Ive been considering just going through every table in the database and re-entering the correct values for the fields, but this seems a bit time consuming and I'm also concerned about possible errors which could arise as there will be an inconsistency.Another method I tried was copying the SQL query across which created all the tables and the correct values for the fields. However when I tried to import the data an error was produced as you cannot import data into a table which has read only fields etc..Does anyone know a solution?Thanks for your time.
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May 18, 2000
I have a live server running windows Nt and sql server We brought a new
backup server of higher configuration we wanted to swap the data we installed nt and sql server in the new server will a cut paste of the data directory of the live server to the backup server is sufficient or the data directory to be restored to the respective files through sql enterprise manager please do clarify me
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Aug 17, 2007
Im fairly new to this so apologies if Ive put this in the wrong place.
I have just rented out server for a new site. Ive been developing the site on my local machine and the database in Sql Enterprise. Ive recently put a copy of the site on the live server and got everything configured.
However everytime I make a change to my local database, or add values into my look up tables I have to go do the same on the live server and its proving a bit of a pain in the ass, so Im guessing there has got to be a much smarter way of doing this. I dont want (if possible) to open up the live sql server to allow remote connections, but if thats what neccesary so be it.
So my question is basically what are my options for keeping my live server up to date with my development server. As I add new features on my local server, should i be saving sql scripts of all the changes I make?
All opinions much appreciated.
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Jun 17, 2007
why can't i see SQL server 2005 the same way i see Visual Basic 2005 Express edition. i'm able to see VB by going under the all Programs menu and select it, when i try to find SQL 2005, i see configuration tools and some submenu of configuration tools. is that the way it is? if not, how do i get SQL 2005 to open up like VB so i can play with it. Also, at home i do not have a server, do i have to have a home server to play with SQL
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Mar 15, 2001
I wanted to know whether it is possible to query a database in AS400 server from MS SQL Server 7.0 using linked server. If it is possible, could you show some pointers as to how it can/should be implemented.
Thanks in Advance.
DMT Team
DaimlerChrysler Capital Services
Phone - 203-845-7326
EMail -
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May 16, 2000
I got the following Error Message when trying to update a AS400 Database
"(Table Name) on (Data Source) not valid for operation"
My question is? Does Sql Server require journaling the files? How Should I change this option?. Please Help!
I did try to fix the above error, but then I got a new message:
OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' supplied inconsistent metadata. The object '(user generated expression)' was missing expected column 'Bmk1000'.
Could you help me?
I will appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance
Ivette V
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Jul 31, 2007
Hi all,
I am working at insurance company that using AS400 as it main server. All transaction data is already kept for about 10 years (or even more..). This data is growing larger from time to time, and after several upgrades (that cost a lot!), my supervisor has an idea to partly move the data from AS400 to SQL Server. (since the cost for upgrading sql server is cheaper than AS400).
So.. let say, we only want to kept data in AS400 from 4 years before until now (2004 � 2007), and the rest of data is kept in SQL Server.
So first, all transaction data from 1997 � 2003 is transferred to SQL and deleted in AS400.
If user queried data and didn�t found the data in AS400, it will search the SQL, if data is found in SQL, then data is transferred back to AS400 and deleted in SQL.
I�m using SQL Server 2000 DTS (use HiT OLEDB) to transfer the data from AS400 to SQL and vice versa.
I wanna ask if anyone has done this before? What�s the difficulties by using this approach? (btw, I will implement the DTS using user control in
Or anyone has a better solution to overcome this problem?
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Mar 18, 2004
I am trying to set up a linked server in MSSQL to an IBM AS400 using the IBM AS400 OLE DB Provider. The New Linked Server dialog box asks for properties Product Name and Data Source. I would like to know from someone who has successfully set up a linked server to an AS400 what the specific syntax in the properties needs to be. I have reviewed the OLB section on sp_addlinkedserver, and while this is helpful and gives many specific examples, I need an example for an AS400. Thank you to anyone who can help!
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