I have monthly tables named as 'Tablename_yyyy_mm' etc.
I want to make a view that will capture the current months table and the last 3 months data.
for eg: if today is november 19th, 2003.
The view should capture 'Tablename_2003_11', 'Tablename_2003_10', 'Tablename_2003_09' tables
if today is jan 01,2003
The view should capture 'Tablename_2003_01', 'Tablename_2002_12', 'Tablename_2002_11' tables
Fellow database developers,I would like to draw on your experience with views. I have a databasethat includes many views. Sometimes, views contains other views, andthose views in turn may contain views. In fact, I have some views inmy database that are a product of nested views of up to 6 levels deep!The reason we did this was.1. Object-oriented in nature. Makes it easy to work with them.2. Changing an underlying view (adding new fields, removing etc),automatically the higher up views inherit this new information. Thismake maintenance very easy.3. These nested views are only ever used for the reporting side of ourapplication, not for the day-to-day database use by the application.We use Crystal Reports and Crystal is smart enough (can't believe Ijust said that about Crystal) to only pull back the fields that arebeing accessed by the report. In other words, Crystal will issue aSelect field1, field2, field3 from ReportingView Where .... eventhough "ReportingView" contains a long list of fields.Problems I can see.1. Parent views generally use "Select * From childview". This meansthat we have to execute a "sp_refreshview" command against all viewswhenever child views are altered.2. Parent views return a lot of information that isn't necessarilyused.3. Makes it harder to track down exactly where the information iscoming from. You have to drill right through to the child view to seethe raw table joins etc.Does anyone have any comments on this database design? I would love tohear your opinions and tales from the trenches.Best regards,Rod.
We have an SSAS instance where when we run the query "select * from $system.discover_traces" the creation time in the resultset shows a different time from when we actually started the trace.
for example if we have create the trace at 3.30pm it shows 7.35 pm in the Sql server management studio resultset when we run the query "select * from $system.discover_traces".
Newbie here. I've only been using SQL for about a year now and have some minor questions about sql objects that reference other objects.
We have some views which reference other views in the joins. I will call one the primary view and the one being referenced in the joins as the secondary view.
Recently we made changes to the secondary view.
After which the primary views which referenced it would not work because of this change and had to be 'refreshed' by using drop/create scripts which essentially just dropped it and recreated the exact same view. I do not recall the exact error message that was returned other than it seemed to suggest that it could no longer see the secondary view since it had been changed. Nothing in the primary view was changed in any way, just the secondary.
Some here where I work have suggested off hand that this was a recompile of the primary view because the contents of the secondary changed.
My questions are:
1. Exactly why did this happen and is there a proper name for it when it does?
2. The same problem does not seem to occur when we have stored procedures referencing views in the joins which had just been changed. Why is that?
Thanks for any help on the matter. I greatly appreciate it.
Hello There,I'm trying to create a view that has calculations dependent oncalculations, where the problem resides is that each time I make acalculation I must create an intermediate view so I can reference aprevious calculation.for example lets say I have my_table that has columns a & b. now I wanta view that has a & b, c = a + b, and d = c + 1.this is grossly simplified, the calculations I actually use are fairlycomplex and copying / pasting them is out of the question.so what I have is my_view_a which makes column c, and my my_view_finalwhich makes column d (however, in my real application I have 5 of theseviews, a/b/c/d/e/)is there anyway I can consolidate all these views into one? I wasthinking of using a stored procedure with temp tables or somethingalong those lines.I just which I can use the aliases that I create for c in d in onestep.any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I know this is not SQL forums but still if some body has solutions..then plz help My backend is SQL. My Ms Access database is always open and getting updated continously.
I need to create Job for SQL. This job will run every 10-15 min may be. This job should pick latest data from MS Access and put in my SQL server database Is it possible to create such kind of Job>
Can my application read this MSAccess database when its open by some other application and getting updated continously?----I tried this in vain!!!!
I have a task I need to create an SQL job, that will compare a file path listed in the database, and see if the path actually exists, and for the ones it does not see that dont exist to email the results to an operator ..
Hello to all! I have a procedure "rebuild_index" and I would like to create a job running that procedure. May someone send me a script (template) how to create this job, the most important: When I click on job's properties->Steps->Edit->General->command I could change the database name, because I have a lot of servers and databases, so this way I could change only DB name in properties (not changing db name in job script) Thank you very much for your help!
create proc p_rebuild_index as declare @name varchar(100), @string varchar(200) declare c1 cursor for select name from sysobjects where type = 'U' open c1 fetch c1 into @name while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @string = 'dbcc dbreindex([' + rtrim(@name ) + '],"",85)' execute (@string) --print @string fetch c1 into @name end close c1 deallocate c1
How can i create sdf files? Is there any way to convert a mdb or a xml file to sdf? The only way i was able to do this was with data port wizard from primeworks, but its not freeware... Can i populate my sdf database from xml files by writing code...?? Does someone knows?? I have searched everywhere and didnt find anything... I'm working in VS2005 vb.net and i have installed compact sql... Thank you!
Is it possible to create a database structure in MS-Access and somehow import it into Visual Web Developer 2005 Express or SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Express?
Hi, I am not sure is this a proper place for my question. All we know that creating a database can be done as the following. 1) Create a project named DBExample 2) Click Add->New Item. 3) Select SQL Databse and type a name.(Ex: Database1.mdf) A database is added to the project 4) Then add table and input values. 5) Set the primary key.... My question is I parsed a text file to form a 2d string array x. How can I convert x into the database?
Hello... I want to develop a web site having two features 1. Online Shopping2. Forums Im using SQL Server, ASP.NET and C#. Now the problem is that how do I configure the Databases. Whether I create new database for each or I marge the both things into one database. if i create saperate databases for each of the feature then users have to register for two times, first for forums and second for shopping. I dont want to do this...! I want users to register just for once. ____________Thanks in advNauman Ahmed
I'm sorry to beat this to death but something odd is happening that I'm not quite sure I understand.
I have a number of DTS packages that when originally created with the wizard were scheduled and the jobs have run fine. Today, I created an import job that runs great but then crashes when I try to schedule it from the wizard. When I manually go in and try to schedule the DTS job, it accepts the input but does not create the job.
Since I've done this before, I'm confused about why I was able to do this previously, but not now. Permissions, etc. have not changed at all and I am the dbo for the database. The DTS package and attempted job scheduling are being done on Windows 2000 Server. SQL-Server version is 7.0.
I have to create a Procedure called customer_insert which inserts a record in the customer table. The input to the procedure should be all attributes of customer table except customer_id. This Procedure should use a sequence to generate a new customer_id when it is inserting a new record in the customer table. The rule for generating customer_id is that the minimum customer_id should be 1000 and customer_id should be incremented by 1 for every new record
I thought of creating a sequence first and then use the sequence inside the procedure to create a new customer_id ....didnt workkk...
procedure creation I have to create a Procedure called customer_insert which inserts a record in the customer table. The input to the procedure should be all attributes of customer table except customer_id. This Procedure should use a sequence to generate a new customer_id when it is inserting a new record in the customer table. The rule for generating customer_id is that the minimum customer_id should be 1000 and customer_id should be incremented by 1 for every new record
I thought of creating a sequence first and then use the sequence inside the procedure to create a new customer_id ....didnt workkk...
any clues? i thought of using identity property in the field so that SQL server automaticaly assigns a unique value to the record. I modified the table structure below. & tried to execute this.
But while writing insert statement didnt specify this column.
Here is the problem : I can not create a DTS package in SQLServer. => Error description : access denied Environment : - Windows NT4 sp6 Server, french, logon on as "Administrator". - SQLServer 7.0 sp4, french, logon as "sa" on the NT Server with Enterprise Manager. - SQLServer Agent runs under an Administrator account
Why can't i create à single DTS package ? Strange, isn't it ? Many thanks for your ideas
We normally map a single SQL user to all application users . From performance standpoint and from best practices perspective , what is the preferred method of mapping OS users to SQL users viz one to one OR many to one .
I am a promotional DBA and need help with some code a developer wrote that errors out. He is trying to create a role and to my knowledge there is nothing wrong with the syntax but it gives an incorrect syntax error.
error: Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'ROLE'.
we tried it with ' ' & "" and without either. I'm sure this is an easy one for you all. Thanks.
I want to create a form (Infopath) or web page where the user can request for a new database I want the user to fill in the required info (like the size, name columns.....) and ones they're done filling the required info, they will click on a button and that should trigger the database automation script to run and if the database with the requested name is not created, the script should create a database for the user.
First time poster here, basically I have a second year university module on database design and for our coursework we have to model and create a database. One of the questions asks us to create a table that has a constraint on how many rows it can contain. I now that this is possible in some other databases, however I haven't seen a constraint that I could use on create table to limit the number of rows.. Does anyone now if this is possible?
hi every body, i have a problem in creating dsn ....i have sql server installed in a system name RESEARCH.....when i wish to create a dsn to that server from a system RESEARCH1 i'm unable to create it.......has anyone encountered such an error...plz help thanks in advance
How to create a database in MS SQLserver 2005 express edition. Pleae help me to get started.I have learned some SQL commands. But i want to execute those in SQLserver 2005.But i don't know the procedure for creating a database.please help me on this.
Hi, I'm just beginning to work with the Integration services package on a remote machine.When i try to open a new package, i receive the error message as
Failed to save package file "file path" with error 0x8002801D "Library not registered.".
Hi, Currently i have one store procedure which is used to report generation. It creats some temporary tables ( # tables), and also uses while loop.
Now i wanted to create a view for the same functionality due to client requirment.
Now when i changed the code, it tells me that u cannot create a view with # tables. With the following Error : "" Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with '#' denote temporary tables""