Visual Studio : Step Into Procedure

May 1, 2008


I have just had to reinstall Visual Studio on my laptop after months of merry developing.

To debug the sprocs I have written I made use of Visual Studio's "Step into Procedure" facility that lets you run your code line by line. Its a great feature.

With the new installation in place if I right click on a sproc of interest I no longer get "Step into Procedure" on the pop-up menu.

I remember we had a bit of trouble making it appear when we installed Visual Studio last year. My boss was around that time and fixed it for me. Today he's not around.

Anyone know how to make "Step into Procedure" appear? Is there some option in Tools or something?

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

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Frustrating Visual Studio Crashes When Adding Script Step

Sep 19, 2007

I have two similar packages that are both experiencing this issue.

I need to add a script step to generate an incrementing id for the packages.

Once I add the script step, and then save the package, next time I open the package I get a "Microsoft Visual Studio has encountered a problem and needs to close" error which kills off Visual Studio.

The error signature is:
EventType: clr20r3
P1: devenv.exe
P2: 8.0.50727.762
P3: 45716759
P4: microsoft.sqlserver.txscript
P6: 443f5ab8
P7: 67
P8: d
P9: bbp0yyyc15o2dbouwcacz2m0bodqkotn

If I move the error window to one side, delete the whole Script step, and save the Package, then I can reopen the package again without the error occurring.

Here is the actual code in my script step (in case its of any assistance...)
(I have retyped it from a printout, so it may not be 100%. DOCID is supposed to increment from 1. DREF1 is a system-unique id, that takes up from where the last batch left off, and is a string prefixed by "MP")

Code Snippet

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dta.Runtime.Wrapper

Public Class ScriptMain

Inherits UserComponent
Dim ndx as Int32 = 0

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(Byval Row as Input0Buffer)

' Add your code here
Dim dref as String

ndx = ndx + 1
Row.DOCID = ndx

dref = "MP" + Ctype(ndx + Variables.MPIDOrig, String)
Row.DREF1 = dref
End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub finalize()

Variables.MPID = ndx + Variables.MPIDOrig
End Sub
End Class

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Can Visual Studio 2005 BI Co-exist With Visual Studio 2003?

Jan 19, 2006

I ask because I'm still looking for the source of interface problems I have in using the SSIS designer.

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Problem Debbuging A Stored Procedure In Visual Studio

Jan 14, 2008

Hello,I want to debug a Stored Procedure in the VIsual Studio. Actually I managed to do that, but only from Step into SP and Execute. I want to put a breakpoint in the procedure and when it is hit to stop, but if I Run(With Debug) my Site it doesn't stop at the  breakpoint in the SP. I put a mark in the project options to debug SQL. What can be wrong?

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Debugging Stored Procedure From Visual Studio 2005

Feb 29, 2008

 Hi ,I am using Visual studio 2005 with sql server 2005. I want to debug my stored procedure, which is situated on the server on the network(accessible through network share). I followed the following URL: have used Direct database debugging : When I right click my stored procedure and click 'step into stored procedure', I get the following error: "Unable to start T-SQL debugging. could not attach
to SQL server process on 'sql_server_name'. The remote procedure call failed and did not
execute" I am using windows authentication to  login to sql server Any help?  

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T-SQL And Visual Basic 2005 Codes That Execute A User-Defined Stored Procedure In Management Studio:How To Declare EXEC && Sp?

Jan 17, 2008

Hi all,

In my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE), I executed the following sql code suuccessfully:



CREATE PROC sp_insertNewRecord @procPersonID int,

@procFirstName nvarchar(20),

@procLastName nvarchar(20),

@procAddress nvarchar(50),

@procCity nvarchar(20),

@procState nvarchar(20),

@procZipCode nvarchar(20),

@procEmail nvarchar(50)


VALUES (@procPersonID, @procFirstName, @procLastName, @procAddress,

@procCity, @procState, @procZipCode, @procEmail)


EXEC sp_insertNewRecord 7, 'Peter', 'Wang', '678 Old St', 'Detroit',

'Michigon', '67899', ''


Now, I want to insert a new record into the dbo.Friends table of my shcDB by executing the following T-SQL and Visual Basic 2005 codes that are programmed in a VB2005 Express project "CallshcDBspWithAdoNet":

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

Public Class Form1

Public Sub InsertNewFriend()

Dim connectionString As String = "Integrated Security-SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;" + _

"Initial Catalog=shcDB;Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS"

Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)



Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_InsertNewRecord", connection)

command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

EXEC sp_insertNewRecord 6, 'Craig', 'Utley', '5577 Baltimore Ave',

'Ellicott City', 'MD', '21045', ''

Console.WriteLine("Row inserted: " + _


Catch ex As Exception





End Try

End Sub

End Class

I ran the above project in VB 2005 Express and I got the following 5 errors:
1. Name 'EXEC' is not declared (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
2. Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
3. Name 'sd-insertNewRecord' is not declared. (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
4.Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
5. Expression expected (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
I know that "EXEC sp_insertNewRecord 6, 'Craig', 'Utley', '5577 Baltimore Ave',

'Ellicott City', 'MD', '21045', '' "in Line 16 of Form1.vb is grossly in error.
But I am new in doing the programming of T-SQL in VB 2005 Express and I am not able to change it.

Please help and advise me how to correct these problems.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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T-SQL And Visual Basic 2005 Codes That Execute A User-Defined Stored Procedure In Management Studio Express (Part 2)

Jan 23, 2008

Hi Jonathan Kehayias, Thanks for your valuable response.

I had a hard time to sumbit my reply in that original thread yesterday. So I created this new thread.

Here is my response to the last code/instruction you gave me:

I corrected a small mistake (on Integrated Security-SSPI and executed the last code you gave me.

I got the following debug error message:

1) A Box appeared and said: String or binary data would be truncated.

The statement has been terminated.


2) After I clicked on the |OK| button, the following message appeared:

This "SqlException was unhandled

String or binary data would be truncated.

The statement has been terminated."

is pointing to the "Throw" code statement in the middle of


Catch ex As Exception





Please help and advise how to correct this problem in my project that is executed in my VB 2005 Express-SQL Server Management Studio Express PC.

Scott Chang

The code of my Form1.vb is listed below:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

Public Class Form1

Public Sub InsertNewFriend()

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=shcDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)



Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_insertNewRecord", connection)

command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

command.Parameters.Add("@procPersonID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 7

command.Parameters.Add("@procFirstName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "Craig"

command.Parameters.Add("@procLastName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "Utley"

command.Parameters.Add("@procAddress", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "5577 Baltimore Ave"

command.Parameters.Add("@procCity", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "Ellicott City"

command.Parameters.Add("@procState", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "MD"

command.Parameters.Add("@procZipCode", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "21045"

command.Parameters.Add("@procEmail", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = ""

Dim resulting As String = command.ExecuteNonQuery

MessageBox.Show("Row inserted: " + resulting)

Catch ex As Exception





End Try

End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


End Sub

End Class

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User 'Unknown User' Could Not Execute Stored Procedure - Debugging Stored Procedure Using Visual Studio .net

Sep 13, 2007

Hi all,

I am trying to debug stored procedure using visual studio. I right click on connection and checked 'Allow SQL/CLR debugging' .. the store procedure is not local and is on sql server.

Whenever I tried to right click stored procedure and select step into store procedure> i get following error

"User 'Unknown user' could not execute stored procedure 'master.dbo.sp_enable_sql_debug' on SQL server XXXXX. Click Help for more information"

I am not sure what needs to be done on sql server side

We tried to search for sp_enable_sql_debug but I could not find this stored procedure under master.

Some web page I came accross says that "I must have an administratorial rights to debug" but I am not sure what does that mean?

Please advise..

Thank You

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Visual Studio Database File And SQL Server Management Studio Express Question

Mar 17, 2007

I have a database in my "App_Data" folder of my visual studio project.  I can view it fine in Visual Studio's built-in tools for managing a database attached to a solution.  However i recently started playing around with the SQL Server Management Studio Express program.  When i attach my database to Management Studio, and try to run my program it crashes.  I think it might be a permissions error?!? When i detatch it and reattach it in visual studio it runs fine again.   Any suggestions? ThanksJason 

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MS Visual Studio 2005 Vs SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio

Apr 16, 2007

I recently installed the Evaluation Edition of SQL Server 2005 x64 and it appears that MS Visual Studio 2005 is installed in stead of SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. When I choose new project the only template available is "Blank Solution". How do I get all the templates (i.e. Analysis Server Project, Integration Services Project, Report Model Project, Report Server Wizard project, etc.)?

Or would it be better to uninstall MS Visual Studio 2005 and attempt to reinstall BIDS?

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Visual Studio 2005 Standard And SQL Server Management Studio?

Sep 4, 2007

I am new to visual studio and I am still not sure of all its components and features.

I installed visual studio 2005 standard edition but cannot find SQL Server Management Studio?

I guess this must be because it is not included with Visual studio 2005 standard. Is it included with VS 2005 professional?

I want to add pictures of products to my shopping site using an SQL database and I’ve been told that SQL Server Management studio is required as it is a graphical tool.

How would I go about obtaining the SQL server management studio. There seems to be different versions of SQL server that it is confusing to know which one to purchase.

Will the SQL server 2005 version that comes with Visual studio standard be sufficient for me now right? I want to create a shopping site with hundreds, perhaps even thousands of products. I want to use an SQL server 2005 database. The database will include ‘dynamically generated’ product images if that is the correct terminology.

My goodness, it seems I still have so much to learn.


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The Database Created Using Management Studio Cannot Be Connected To Visual Studio???help

May 13, 2008

I have created a database under management studio and i want it to be connected in visual studio but it failed
the error msgs said that the database can't be connected coz the database with same name exits but that is not true

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How Do I Get The Database That I Am Using In Visual Studio Into My SQL Server Management Studio?

Sep 12, 2007

How do i get the database that i am using in visual studio into my SQL server management studio?
i need to create some scripts to create stored procedures on a live server.

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Query Works SQL Server Studio Not Visual Studio

Feb 29, 2008

I have SSRS in Visual Studio. I created a query that works fine in SQL Server Management Studio, but when pasted into Visual Studio I get the error "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near '('.

Here is the query. Can anyone help on why this isn't working? Thanks.

THEN dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END AS CurrentMonth,
CASE WHEN SubString(dbo.MAS_CCS_GL_Account.Account,1,3) = '400' THEN 'ALEDO' ELSE ' ' END AS Location,
dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader.SOTransDate, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader.InvoiceNumber,
dbo.MAS_CCS_AR1_CustomerMaster.CustomerName, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.DetailSeqNumber,
dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.LineType, dbo.MAS_CCS_GL_Account.Account, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.SOExtChargeAmount
FROM dbo.MAS_CCS_AR1_CustomerMaster, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail,
WHERE dbo.MAS_CCS_AR1_CustomerMaster.CustomerNumber = dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader.CustomerNumber AND
dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader.InvoiceNumber = dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.InvoiceNumber AND
dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.SOGLSalesAcct = dbo.MAS_CCS_GL_Account.AccountKey

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Is Management Studio Express Compatible With Visual Studio?

Sep 13, 2006

I have installed Visual Studio 2005 which includes SQL Server Express but not the Management Studio.

Can I install SQL Server Management Studio Express?

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SQL Server 2005 - Studio Express Vs. Visual Studio 2005 Install

May 5, 2006

I'm very confused.  I installed Visual Studio 2005 and thought I understood that SQL Server 2005 came with it, but it appears that it's SQL Server 2005 - Express.  Can anyone tell me what I need to do in order to get Data Transformation Services loaded or the equivalent of DTS in SQL Express? 

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Visual Studio

Jun 17, 2008


I am new to this environment, Can Someone help me in how to write the SSIS Packages using the Visual Studio in STEPS or using any links.

Thanks in Advance.

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DMX Vs Visual Studio

Dec 22, 2006


Are there any (important?) advantages of using data mining through DMX instead of Visual Studio 2005 on the SQL server 2005?


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Database In Visual Studio

Jan 13, 2007

When I try to create a database that will have fields for a date and a time the only data type option in visual studio is datetime. This stores data as dd/mm/yyyy-00.00.

how can I set it to store either a date dd/mm/yyy or a time 00.00 but not both.

As it is now I cant seem to store a time.



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How To Run Dts Package From Visual Studio

Nov 4, 2007

Hi all,
 Have tried running a dts package but Im unable to add the reference Microsoft.Sql.managedDts.
Is there any other way that i can do tat from Visual studio code behind page? I need to let the user to
trigger the package from the web application. Thks in advance.

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Visual Studio 2005

Jun 19, 2006

Hi guys,

Can I use MS SQL server 7 for Visual Studio 2005 ?

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Visual Studio Newbie

Mar 30, 2007

visual studio 2005
how will i know what edition of visual studio i have? i have seen in connection strings the .sqlexpress. does it mean that it is express edition? but the owner of my cd told me that it is not.

can u help me build my connection string?

when i uninstall visual studio, will my files be lost? or i can still access them when i reinstall it? because i'm planning to uninstall and reinstall it but i don't want my files to be lost. tnx

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MS SQL && Visual Studio 2005

Jul 29, 2006

I want to install SQL on the same machine as VS 2005 Pro for development.While trying to install the version of SQL that comes with the VS 2005 ProI'm getting error messages and the SQL engine will not start. Is itpossible to have the SQL install on the same machine as the VS 2005 or do Ineed to install the personnel edition instead? What should I do?Charles MacLeanMTS, Inc.

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SQL Server In Visual Studio

Mar 13, 2007

Hi there, I am a newcomer to SQLExpress. I have installed Visual Studio 2005 and have been playing with it. Now I need to make a DB project with SQL server but I can not find a way to run the scripts (provided) to create the database I need.

Does anybody can help with this elementary question?



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SQL CE And Visual Studio 2005

Nov 20, 2006


I am trying to install SQL CE v.2.0 to use it with visual studio 2005. The problem is that when I try to add refference System.Data.SQLClientCE I cannot find it hence I belive that it does not install properly. I am new to this so please try to be as more informative as you can.

Kindest regards,


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Visual Studio C++ And SQL Express

Jun 27, 2006

I currently have Visual Studio .NET 2003 installed on my computer and I am trying to develop an application that would require the use of SQL data base on a network using C++. Would I just need to install the SQL Express and Express Manager to get Visual Studio working with the database? Or do I need to also install Visual Studio C++ 2005 express to get the data base features working correctly.


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Visual Studio && SSRS

Mar 7, 2008

We're just about to enter the dark world of SSRS.

As I understand it, to author the reports, we need Visual Studio. Some stupid questions then:

1> Does SQL Server 2005 come bundled with Visual Studio 2005, if so, this just represents one user license?
2> We will be needing more than one licesnce, what version of Visual Studio is it?
3> Am I right in thinking that I can just Install VS on a client machine instead of direct on the server, if so, is there any SDKs or the like I need to install so I can author SSRS?
4> Do I need to install SSRS on my machine?

Thanks for your help


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CAn't Run DTSX From Visual Studio

Aug 30, 2006

I can create and edit DTSX packages in Visual Studio 2005, but I can't execute them because the start button is grayed out. Can someone help?

I am able to run them using the execution utility, but that's a hassle.


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SS05 SP1 And Visual Studio

Aug 28, 2006

I installed SP1 to fix a few problems, including one where the help button did not work from dialog boxes in Business Intelligence Development Studio. The installation of SP1 did not fix the help button problem so I decided to uninstall sql server development tools and reinstall them. Well, now I can't reinstall them because of a build block error that states I am trying to install an earlier version of Sql Server on top of a new one (which, of course, I am (in a way)). Is there any way to get around this?

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Visual Studio Is Slow

Jan 8, 2008


I am not sure whether this questions goes here.

I have lot of packages stored in my hard disk and i am creating some more. Now my machine gets very slow only if i open these packages in visual studio. When i check the CPU usage by that time it is not even 2%. If i try to navigate between data flows. I get message "Microsoft Visula studio is doing some internal operations and if you are getting this message in normal usage repor this to Microsoft". Is this the issue in my visual studio installation or some thing else.

I also reinstalled all the software 3 weeks back and it was working good till yesterday again the the problem started yesterday.

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Visual Studio Version

May 13, 2007

Can anyone tell me what is the difference between
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 9.00.1399.00

Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 9.00.2047.00

I have some problems with parameter passing in version 1399 but it seems to work on version 2047. I wnat to know if the reason for that is the VS version.

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How To Add SQL 3.5 In Visual Studio Prerequisites ??

May 11, 2007


I want to deploy an application that require the SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 to be installed..... and I want to deploy my application with ClickOnce!

But, the problem is that I can't select "SQL Server Compact Edition" in the prerequisites of the Visual Studio Project properties... ???

Do you have a solution ?


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Cannot Add SQL Database In Visual Studio

Nov 7, 2006

I am working with VS version .0.50727 and .Net froamwork 2.0.50727.

Database under Options is set to SQLEXPRESS. In SQL Server configuration Manager, SQLEXPRESS is running and has all except VIA enabled.

When I try to add a new SQL data base to a project, I recieve the message 'Failed to generate a user instance of SL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will close.

Can someone help me with setup between VS and SQL serve?

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