WHERE Clause' Search Condition From Argument In A Stored Procedure.
Nov 7, 2007
I wonder if someone could suggest a way to obtain the following. Using SQL Server 2005 I want to create some stored procedures. I want to query the DB with various filter arguments and combinations of these. One way would be to create one stored procedure for each function signature. However, as the number of combinations of filter is large, if possible I'd rather have a generic input to the each stored procedure that corresponds to the entire WHERE clause' search condition.
The stereotype behavior I'm looking for is:
SELECT myField
FROM myTable
WHERE @mySearchCondition
Does any one have some good suggestion, code samples and/or links?
Hello frend...i have a problem with my application when i'm trying to delete a certain data from gridview...i have a store procedure that already create in my mssql server...and in datasource i'm using command that i've already created in my mssql server...the problem is i dont know how i can send my value to the parameter in datasource.....and one more thing what is exaclty the error with 'Store procedure has <my function> too many argument" occur? Please help me....so i paste my code below to easier and detect my problem....(sorry my english are no good).... 1) This is my code in asp.net <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDSRole" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:PVMCCon %>" DeleteCommand="Roles_delete" DeleteCommandType="StoredProcedure" SelectCommand="Roles_view" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <DeleteParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="roleName" Type="String" /> </DeleteParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellPadding="4" DataKeyNames="Role_application_id" DataSourceID="SqlDSRole" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None" PageSize="4"> <FooterStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" /> <Columns> <asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" /> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Role Application Id" Visible="False"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Role_application_id") %>'></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="roleApplicationIdLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Role_application_id") %>'></asp:Label> </EditItemTemplate> <AlternatingItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Role_application_id") %>'></asp:Label> </AlternatingItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Role Name" > <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="roleName" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Role_name") %>' CssClass="LabelInfo" ></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="roleNameTxt" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Role_name") %>' Width="200px"></asp:TextBox> </EditItemTemplate> <AlternatingItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Role_name") %>' CssClass="LabelInfo"></asp:Label> </AlternatingItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Role Description"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Role_description") %>' CssClass="LabelInfo"></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="roleDescriptionTxt" runat="server" Height="30px" Text='<%# Bind("Role_description") %>' TextMode="MultiLine" Width="300px"></asp:TextBox> </EditItemTemplate> <AlternatingItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label7" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Role_description") %>' CssClass="LabelInfo"></asp:Label> </AlternatingItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> </Columns> <RowStyle BackColor="#F7F6F3" ForeColor="#333333" /> <EditRowStyle BackColor="#E0E0E0" /> <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" /> <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" /> <HeaderStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" /> <AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#284775" /> </asp:GridView> </ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel> 2) And this is my Store procedure that i created in mssql server Store Procedure: Roles_view set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Roles_delete] @roleName varchar(50) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DELETE FROM Role WHERE Role_name LIKE @roleName END 3) The problem is when i'm trying to delete my certain data, the message box appear and say "Procedure or function Roles_delete has too many argument specified".what should i do????anabosy please help me..
Select columnname from tablename order by ordercolumn
We will call that "sp_foldersOfFile". It takes 1 parameter, a fileID (int) value.
The result when I execute this from within Management Studio is a single column of 1 to n rows. I want to use these values in another stored procedure like this:
Select @userCount = COUNT(*) from permissions where UserID = @userID and (projectid = @projectID or projectid=0) and clientid = @clientID and folderpermissions in (dbo.sp_FoldersOfFile(@fileID))
The Stored Procedure compiles but it does not query the folderpermissions in the selected values from the sp_FoldersOfFile procedure. I'm sure it is a syntax issue.
Hi - I'm short of SQL experience and hacking my way through creating a simple search feature for a personal project. I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out with writing a stored procedure. Problem: I have two tables with three columns indexed for full-text search. So far I have been able to successfully execute the following query returning matching row ids: dbo.Search_Articles @searchText varchar(150) AS SELECT ArticleID FROM articles WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @searchText) OR CONTAINS(Title, @searchText) UNION SELECT ArticleID FROM article_pages WHERE CONTAINS(Text, @searchText); RETURN This returns the ArticleID for any articles or article_pages records where there is a text match. I ultimately need the stored procedure to return all columns from the articles table for matches and not just the StoryID. Seems like maybe I should try using some kind of JOIN on the result of the UNION above and the articles table? But I have so far been unable to figure out how to do this as I can't seem to declare a name for the result table of the UNION above. Perhaps there is another more eloquent solution? Thanks! Peter
i am trying to use INSERT statement based on some condition not WHERE but using IF condition on the database. something like INSERT INTO table1 if id = @id or order = @fdfdfd.
i think it will return no of rows affected with insert statement. am i right? any help will be appreciated.
I'm trying to write a nested stored procedure, with the outer proc named "spAssociate", and inner proc named "spSales".
So far I have created the inner proc
CREATE PROCEDURE spSales@userID intASSET NOCOUNT ON SELECT SalesOppID FROM Sales_Opportunities WHERE SalesOppCurrentStatus NOT IN ('Sale Lost','Sales Closed','Sale Closed','Unqualified','Deferred','Dropped') AND OppOwnerUserID = @userIDGO
This was successfully created. I wanted to use the return set in the outer proc, which I tried creating as:
CREATE PROCEDURE spAssociate(@userID int, @containerType varchar(100), @associateType varchar(100))AS SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT AssociateID FROM AppRelations WHERE ContainerType=@containerType AND ContainerID IN (EXECUTE spSales @userID) AND AssociateType=@associateType GO
I get an error "incorrect syntax near execute".
How can I use the results from the inner proc for the WHERE condition in my outer proc?
hi i want to know how to write stored procedure ..then i have to include (IF condition ) with SP .. let me this post ..................anybody ??????????
I have a stored procedure with several insert into statements. On occasion one of the insert into queries doesn't return any data. What is the best way to test for no records then, skip that query?
IF (@i_WildCardFlag=0)BEGIN SET @SQLString='SELECT Batch.BatchID, Batch.Created_By, Batch.RequestSuccessfulRecord_Count, Batch.ResponseFailedRecord_Count, Batch.RequestTotalRecord_Count, Batch.Request_Filename, Batch.Response_Filename, Batch.LastUpdated_By, Batch.LastUpdated, Batch.Submitted_By, Batch.Submitted_On, Batch.CheckedOut_By, Batch.Checked_Out_Status, Batch.Batch_Description, Batch.Status_Code, Batch.Created_On, Batch.Source, Batch.Archived_Status, Batch.Archived_By, Batch.Archived_On, Batch.Processing_Mode, Batch.Batch_TemplateID, Batch.WindowID,Batch.WindowDetails, BatchTemplate.Batch_Type, BatchTemplate.Batch_SubType FROM Batch INNER JOIN BatchTemplate ON Batch.Batch_TemplateID = BatchTemplate.Batch_TemplateID WHERE ((@V_BatchID IS NULL) OR (Batch.BatchID = @V_BatchID )) AND ((@V_UserID IS NULL) OR (Batch.Created_By = @V_UserID )) AND ((Batch.Created_On >= @V_FromDateTime ) AND (Batch.Created_On <= @V_ToDateTime )) AND Batch.Archived_Status = 1 ' if (@V_BatchStatus IS not null) begin set @SQLString=@SQLString + ' AND (Batch.Status_Code in ('+@V_BatchStatus+'))' end if (@V_BatchType IS not null) begin set @SQLString=@SQLString + ' AND (BatchTemplate.Batch_Type in ('+@V_BatchType+'))' end END ELSEBEGIN SET @SQLString='SELECT Batch.BatchID, Batch.Created_By, Batch.RequestSuccessfulRecord_Count, Batch.ResponseFailedRecord_Count, Batch.RequestTotalRecord_Count, Batch.Request_Filename, Batch.Response_Filename, Batch.LastUpdated_By, Batch.LastUpdated, Batch.Submitted_By, Batch.Submitted_On, Batch.CheckedOut_By, Batch.Checked_Out_Status, Batch.Batch_Description, Batch.Status_Code, Batch.Created_On, Batch.Source, Batch.Archived_Status, Batch.Archived_By, Batch.Archived_On, Batch.Processing_Mode, Batch.Batch_TemplateID, Batch.WindowID,Batch.WindowDetails, BatchTemplate.Batch_Type, BatchTemplate.Batch_SubType FROM Batch INNER JOIN BatchTemplate ON Batch.Batch_TemplateID = BatchTemplate.Batch_TemplateID WHERE ((@V_BatchID IS NULL) OR (isnull (Batch.BatchID, '''') LIKE @SSS )) AND ((@V_UserID IS NULL) OR (isnull (Batch.Created_By , '''') LIKE @V_UserID )) AND ((Batch.Created_On >= @V_FromDateTime ) AND (Batch.Created_On <= @V_ToDateTime )) AND Batch.Archived_Status = 1 ' if (@V_BatchStatus IS not null) begin set @SQLString=@SQLString + ' AND (Batch.Status_Code in ('+@V_BatchStatus+'))' end if (@V_BatchType IS not null) begin set @SQLString=@SQLString + ' AND (BatchTemplate.Batch_Type in ('+@V_BatchType+'))' end END PRINT @SQLString SET @ParmDefinition = N' @V_BatchStatus Varchar(30), @V_BatchType VARCHAR(50), @V_BatchID NUMERIC(9), @V_UserID CHAR(8), @V_FromDateTime DATETIME , @V_ToDateTime DATETIME, @SSS varchar(500)' EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @V_BatchStatus , @V_BatchType , @V_BatchID, @V_UserID , @V_FromDateTime , @V_ToDateTime , @SSS GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GOSET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
The above stored procedure is related to a search screen where in User is able to search from a variety of fields that include userID (corresponding column Batch.Created_By) and batchID (corresponding column Batch.BatchID). The column UserID is a varchar whereas batchID is a numeric. REQUIREMENT: The stored procedure should cater to a typical search where any of the fields can be entered. meanwhile it also should be able to do a partial search on BatchID and UserID.
I'm trying to create a stored procedure which has the 'TOP' clause, in SQL Server 2000.The syntax is
CREATE PROCEDURE SPGetRemainingRecordsB @Remain int
exec('SELECT TOP' + @remain + 'logdetailid FROM boxdetail WHERE logdetailid in (SELECT TOP' + @remain + 'logdetailid FROM boxdetail ORDER BY logdetailid Desc) ORDER BY logdetailid ASC') GO
Syntax check is ok,but i get an error "The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries, unless TOP is also specified
I am doing something like this: idlist is the list of id's(intergers) create proc spTest(@idlist varchar(1000))asbeginselect * from stuwhere id in (@idlist)end exec spTest '1,2,3' But I am getting an error saying that cannot convert a varchar to int. I think its just some syntax that I am missing. Any clues on doing this??
hi i'm new to this so if i'm missing something please go easy on me!! i'm using access97 and sql server 7 i have a stored procedure that i want to pull back a list of details, to do this i have constructed a sql statement which uses the in clause ie select * from tblx where tblx.strname in (xxxxx) i have created and declared a variable called strName so my statement now reads .... select * from tblx where tblx.strname in (@strName) ....
can i pass accross many values in the @strName variable?? - there might be one value there might be twenty - i know using vba how to put the values into my pass through query (which calls the sp), but i can't get the syntax right for sql server to accept this as more than one value (it works fine with a single value)
can any one help - if not i might have to go back to linked tables again which i was trying to escape from thanks mike
I'm trying to write a stored procedure that uses a second stored procedure in its where clause. I have a stored procedure that accepts two parameters and outputs a float. What I'd like to do is have a stored procedure that accepts one parameter and has a select statement such as: Select * from table WHERE STOREDPROCEDURE(@param1,table.field)>5
If anyone can give me some advice I'd apprectaite it. Thanks
I'm trying to write a stored procedure that uses a second stored procedure in its where clause. I have a stored procedure that accepts two parameters and outputs a float. What I'd like to do is have a stored procedure that accepts one parameter and has a select statement such as: Select * from table WHERE STOREDPROCEDURE(@param1,table.field)>5
If anyone can give me some advice I'd apprectaite it. Thanks
I have an existing query from MS Access that I want to convert it toSQL Server Stored Proc. My problem is on how to convert the WHEREclause.This is the query from MS Access:SELECT SchYrSemCourseJoin.SchYrSemCourseID, Students.IDNo, [LastName]& ", " & [FirstName] & " " & [MiddleName] AS Name,Program.ProgramTitle, Program.ProgramDesc, SchYrSem.SchYr,SchYrSem.Sem, SchYrSem.Year, SchYrSem.Section AS Section1,Major.Major, Course.CourseCode, Course.CourseTitle, Course.Unit,SchYrSemCourseJoin.Final, SchYrSem.SchYrSemIDFROM (Program INNER JOIN Students ON Program.ProgramID =Students.ProgramID) INNER JOIN ((Major INNER JOIN SchYrSem ONMajor.MajorID = SchYrSem.MajorID) INNER JOIN (Course INNER JOINSchYrSemCourseJoin ON Course.CourseID = SchYrSemCourseJoin.CourseID)ON SchYrSem.SchYrSemID = SchYrSemCourseJoin.SchYrSemID) ONStudents.IDNo = SchYrSem.IDNoWHERE ((([LastName] & ", " & [FirstName] & " " &[MiddleName])=[Forms]![Rating Report Dialog]![SubName]) AND((SchYrSem.Year) Like IIf(IsNull([Enter Value]),"*",[Enter Value])));This is a stored proc that I have currently created:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Rating@LastName nvarchar(50)AS SELECT SchYrSemCourseJoin.SchYrSemCourseID, Students.IDNo,[LastName] + ', ' + [FirstName] + ' ' + [MiddleName] AS Name,Program.ProgramTitle, Program.ProgramDesc, SchYrSem.SchYr,SchYrSem.Sem, SchYrSem.Year, SchYrSem.Section AS Section1,Major.Major, Course.CourseCode, Course.CourseTitle, Course.Unit,SchYrSemCourseJoin.Final, SchYrSem.SchYrSemIDFROM (Program INNER JOIN Students ON Program.ProgramID =Students.ProgramID) INNER JOIN ((Major INNER JOIN SchYrSem ONMajor.MajorID = SchYrSem.MajorID) INNER JOIN (Course INNER JOINSchYrSemCourseJoin ON Course.CourseID = SchYrSemCourseJoin.CourseID)ON SchYrSem.SchYrSemID = SchYrSemCourseJoin.SchYrSemID) ONStudents.IDNo = SchYrSem.IDNoWHERE ((([LastName] + ', ' + [FirstName] + ' ' +[MiddleName])=@LastName)) ReturnGOMy problem is on how can I add the second criteria which is the FieldYear on my stored proc. The query above (MS Access) returns all therecords if the Parameter Enter Value is null.Anyone know how to do this in stored proc? I want to create a storedproc that will have the same results as the query above.Thanks in advance.
Hi,I have an sp with the following WHERE clause@myqarep varchar(50)SELECT tblCase.qarep FROM dbo.tblCaseWHERE dbo.tblCase.qarep = CASE @myqarep WHEN '<All>' THENdbo.tblCase.qarep ELSE @myqarep@myqarep is returned from a combo box (ms access)...the user eitherpicks a qarep from the combo box or they leave the default which is'<All>'they problem i'm having is that if the record's value fordbo.tblCase.qarep is null...the record does not show up in theresults...but i need it toany help is appreciated.thanksPaul
WHERE ltrim(str((DATEPART(yyyy, dbo.Media_Tracking_Ad_History.ADDATE))) IN ('2003','2004','2005'))
This doesn't:
WHERE WHERE ltrim(str((DATEPART(yyyy, dbo.Media_Tracking_Ad_History.ADDATE))) IN (@strYears))
@strYears will work if I only pass a single value such as 2003. I've tried every combination of single and double quotes I can think of to pass multiple values but nothing works. Any suggestions?
select * from tableName where firstName like '%' + @keywords + '%' (assuming @keywords is declared with varchar)
when I use QA, it runs perfect and returns something that has words in between for matching up firstName, but when I use with the following code (Data access layer) it wouldn't return.. it will only return the matched text.. (ex. if i input 'ke', it suppose return kelvin, kelly, okey something like that, but somehow it only retunrs the whole words that's matched)
Is there something wrong? The code for DAL is as follows.
Public Function GetOrderList(ByVal keywords As String) As DataSet Dim myConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")) Dim myCommand As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("sp_GetList", myConn)
Dim paramKeywords As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@keywords", SqlDbType.NVarChar) paramKeywords.Value = keywords myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(paramKeywords)
Dim myDS As New DataSet myConn.Open() myCommand.Fill(myDS) myConn.Close()
Hi all! I need to create a stored procedure with a parameter and then send a WHERE clause to that parameter (fields in the clause may vary from time to time thats why I want to make it as dynamic as possible) and use it in the query like (or something like) this:
SELECT fldID, fldName FROM tblUsers WHERE @crit ----------------------------------------------------
Of course this does not work, but I don't know how it should be done, could someone please point me in the right direction on how to do this kind of queries.
Hi, I have several parameters that I need to pass to stored procedure but sometimes some of them might be null. For example I might pass @Path, @Status, @Role etc. depending on the user. Now I wonder if I should use dynamic Where clause or should I use some kind of switch, maybe case and hardcode my where clause. I first created several stored procedures like Documents_GetByRole, Documents_GetByRoleByStatus ... and now I want to combine them into one SP. Which approach is better. Thanks for your help.
What i want is to add by parameter a Where clause and i can not find how to do it!CREATE PROCEDURE [ProcNavigate]( @id as int, @whereClause as char(100))ASSelect field1, field2 from table1 Where fieldId = @id /*and @WhereClause */GOany suggestion?
I have a stored procedure being called based on user search criteria. Some, the colour and vendor fields are optional in the search so i do not want that portion of the procedure to run.
at this point i keep getting errors in the section bolded below it never seems to recognize anything after the if @myColours <> 'SelectAll'
CREATE Procedure PG_getAdvWheelSearchResults3 ( @SearchDiameter NVarchar( 20 ), @SearchWidth NVarchar( 20 ), @minOffset int , @maxOffset int , @boltpattern1 NVarchar( 20 ), @VendorName NVarchar( 40 ), @myColours NVarchar( 40 ) ) As BEGIN TRANSACTION SELECT *, dbo.VENDORS.*, dbo.WHEEL_IMAGES.Wheel_Thumbnail AS Wheel_Thumbnail, dbo.WHEEL_IMAGES.Wheel_Image AS Wheel_Image, dbo.WHEELS.*, dbo.VENDOR_IMAGES.Vendor_Thumbnail AS Expr1, dbo.VENDOR_IMAGES.Vendor_AltTags AS Expr2 FROM WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS INNER JOIN dbo.VENDORS ON WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Vendor_ID = dbo.VENDORS.Vendor_ID INNER JOIN dbo.WHEEL_IMAGES ON WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_ID = dbo.WHEEL_IMAGES.Wheel_ID INNER JOIN FILTER_CLIENT_WHEELS5 ON WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_ID = FILTER_CLIENT_WHEELS5.Wheel_ID INNER JOIN dbo.WHEELS ON WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_ID = dbo.WHEELS.Wheel_ID INNER JOIN CLIENT_WHEEL_PRICES5 ON FILTER_CLIENT_WHEELS5.Client_ID = CLIENT_WHEEL_PRICES5.ClientId AND WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_Char_ID = CLIENT_WHEEL_PRICES5.Wheel_Char_ID INNER JOIN dbo.VENDOR_IMAGES ON dbo.VENDORS.Vendor_ID = dbo.VENDOR_IMAGES.Vendor_ID WHERE (dbo.VENDORS.Vendor_Active = 'y') AND (FILTER_CLIENT_WHEELS5.FCW_Active = 'y') AND (FILTER_CLIENT_WHEELS5.Client_ID = '1039') AND (WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_Diameter =@SearchDiameter) AND (WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_Width =@Searchwidth) AND (WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_Bolt_Pattern_1 = @boltpattern1)
if @myColours <> 'SelectAll' and WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_Search_Colour = @myColours end if
AND (cast(WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.wheel_Offset as int(4)) BETWEEN @minOffset AND @maxOffset)
Anyone know how i should word the if...statements? I have not found anything that works yet. Thanks
By reading answers on the web I have found out that I can't use a stored procedure in a where clause of my query, but I can use a User defined function. This almost fits my needs but not quite. The function would work great if it could insert the results of its query into our cache table but you can't insert stuff into external tables to the function.
The problem is that our stored procedure/function does looping to find parent objects way back up the tree to find out permissions for certain records. Since the stored procedure and function do so much querying to find the root most object that has permissions set there is a lot of reads in our call. We would like to cache this process so that next time they look for permissions it only does one read first. But in order for our caching to work the function needs to insert the results it found in our cache table which it can't do and the stored procedure can't be used in a where clause so that doesn't work. Any suggestions?
Query looks like this, the query is built on the fly through code.
select Title, Descriptions FROM defects df WHERE dbo.fnHasProjectRights(df.ProjectID);
and that function first checks the cache table to see if it has ran before for that projectID and if not then starts doing all its logic to get permissions.
Any suggestions how to approach this? I just wish functions could insert and or stored procedures could be used in the where clause since they can insert.
Hi..I am working With Asp.net using Vb for a Music Project.i have the requirment for serach songs according to catagory wise(Singer,Actor,Music Director, etc) i have code like this... If Not Page.IsPostBack Then searchword.Text = Request.QueryString("SearchWord") Response.Write(Request.QueryString("SearchWord")) Response.Write(Request.QueryString("Language")) Response.Write(Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory")) 'Response.Write(Request.QueryString("Query")) Dim str As String = "select * from Music_SongDetails where Music_Clip_Id>0 and Music_Clip_Lang='" & Request.QueryString("Language") & "'" If Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Song" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Name like '%" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "%'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Movie" Then str = str & " and Music_Folder_Name='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Actor" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Actor='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Actress" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Actress='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Music Director" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_MusicDir='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Singer" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Singer='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "All" Then str = str End If........... I need to write this code using Store Procedure.... Kindly Help me out Thanks in Advance
hi iam working with search for the first time,in the GUI i have 3 fields Audit Name,Year,Audit ID.After enetering any or all these details and pressing submit i must show the gridview with complete details. I have problem with the procedure for searching depending on the details given,here is the procedure: Select Aud.Ad_ID_PK,Aud.Audit_Name,Ind.Industry_Name,Cmp.Company_Name,Pla.Plant_Name,Reg.Login_Uname,Aud.Audit_Started_On,Aud.Audit_Scheduledto,Aud.Audit_Created_On from Industry Ind, Company Cmp, Plant Pla, RegistrationDetails Reg, Audits Audwhere Ind.Ind_Id_PK =Aud.Audit_Industry and Cmp.Cmp_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Company and Pla.Pl_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Plant and Reg.UID_PK =Aud.Audit_Engineer and Ad_ID_PK in (select Ad_ID_PK from Pcra_Audits) and year(Audit_Created_On)=year(@YrofAudit) order by Audit_Created_On DESC iam getting the data when the user enters year but i want the procedure where i can check for the three fields(Audit Name,Year,Audit ID) which user is entering.If he enters only one field it must check which field is enetered and must get the data.if more than one field is entered then all the conditions must be checked and must get the details.please help me.......... Its very urgent..Plz...
I am an inexperienced SQL programmer and need to write a SP which will be used to search a Call table within a Call Logging System used to log support calls for my company. The search criteria are fields like Call Reference No, Logged By, Call Status etc
The problem I have is that individual or a combination of these criteria may be used to search on -can anyone advise how I can write a SP which will take account of the possible different combinations of parameters which may be passed to the Stored Procedure
i.e. if 2 fields are populated during the search and 4 are empty
Hi to All, I am new to Prpgramming, I need to create a Stored Procedure for my requirement here is my requirement,I have two tables from those I need to get data. Table_One consists UserID,Name,Address,ContactInfo,EmailID, and Table_two consists UserID,CitizenShip,HieghestEducation,ExpectedJob But I need get data search report Name,EmailID,HiehestEducation,ExpectedJob. User should able to wile card search. Pls help me in this regards. Thanks in Advance..
Could anybody please tell me how I can search for a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005? I know the name of the stored procedure and I want to find in which database that stored proc is located/stored and I want to see the code of it. (I have all the necessaary previleges.) Please tell me how I can I do this.