WHILE Loop Speed Compared To Cursors?

Jul 23, 2005

Working on some new code, I'm coming across WHILE loops used instead of
cursors. I was curious if anyone had any stats on how the speed of
doing this compares to the speed of a cursor. I typically avoid
cursors for performance sake, but I'm not sure how this avoids the
speed hit of a cursor, since it's doing essentially the same thing.

Many thanks.

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Any Other Way But Cursors Or While Loop

Oct 19, 2006

Hi all,

I have a bit of a challenging on my hands with this,

i have a result set in a table which i am trying to iterate through the rows one by one i.e


Values Dates


2006-03-31 00:00:00.000
2006-06-30 00:00:00.000
2006-09-30 00:00:00.000
2006-12-31 00:00:00.000

go to each row get the value and the date perform some calculation with the value and the date and insert it into another table(which sounds easy enough) my problem is how do i iterate through the result set one by one without using a cursor or a while loop?

do i have any other options at all?

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Cursors Vs While Loop

Aug 31, 2007


We know cursors are evil, use lot of memory, adds up tempdb activity, not scalable, hinders concurrency etc...Say if I replace 10 heavily used cursors in OLTP system with while loops how much do I gain if any and how can I measure that. How can I convince my code review DBA to make this change? Does this change help the server?

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Foreach Loop Container - Foreach ADO Enumerator How Performance Compares To Use Of Cursors In Stored Procs

Apr 22, 2008


I have a question

How is foreach loop container - foreach ADO enumerator performace in SSIS package compares to use of cursors in stored procedures

Is there any articles comparing them

I understand a lot of factors can affect the performance, however what is expected performance for the foreach ADO enumerator loop for large dataset. What is Microsoft recommendation for that - recommended - not recommended (using large datasets - over million records)

Thank you
Arminr Bell

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¿What Improves SQL Server Performance? HD Speed, Processor Speed Or Ram?

Oct 18, 2007


I have several data bases on a server (SQL Server 2000 only, no web server installed) and lately, as the company keeps gowing, my users complain saying the server gets slow, (this dbs are well designed and recieve optimizations and integrity checks, etc) because of this, Im thinking about getting a new server to repleace my old ProLiant ML 330 which was bought 4 years ago but Im concerned about what server arquitecture or characteristic can help me best to improve response performance, is it HD speed? Processor speed? or more Ram? I want to make a good decision, so I´d really appreciate your help...

Thanks, Luis Luevano

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Sql 2000 Compared 2...

Apr 2, 2004

anyone know reasons why sql server 2000 is a better choose for db creation instead of say oracle and mc access???


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SSIS Compared To DTS?

Dec 7, 2007

There is no doubt that SSIS has been designed to build on the lessons learned from DTS but in one respect I think that there may have been a backward step and that is ease of use. A big attraction (a hallmark even) of DTS was that you could configure a package to move data between data sources and destinations in minutes.

When you first start using SSIS this is far from being true. I tended to get a lot of errors (many of them not very helpful) relating to stored procedure parameters, truncation of data etc. Looking around this Forum I think that I am not alone. This is partly a learning curve issue but I think that the learning curve is much steeper for SSIS.
This is not a plea to go back to DTS, we must move on, but I would like to think that there will be an emphasis on improving ease of use for SSIS going forward.

For the record two general improvements that I can see in SSIS (over DTS) are:-

1. A more logical structure.
2. The ability to easily set any Package Property, not just Variables at run time.

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Two Strings To Be Compared Have Different Collation.

May 10, 2006

I've written a stored proc which passes in an SqlString parameter and compares it with an SqlString read from an SqlDataReader.

I get the following exception:

System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: Two strings to be compared have different collation.

Any ideas on collation inside CLR stored procs?


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SQL 7 High Page Faults/sec Compared To 6.5 ?

Aug 11, 1999

I am running an application on one NT Server, running against SQL Server 6.5 sp 3, and SQL 7 with sp1 applied.

The application is a 'data migration' type application - ie heavy insert and update workload - against many (50+ tables) with many different SQL statements.

The SQL 7 server is configured with 'floating' memory.

On SQL 7 - I am experiencing very high page faults/second for the sqlservr process - sometimes peaking at over 1,000. I was under the impression any number greater than 10 indicates a problem with system performance.

The same application, same data, same NT configuration etc against SQL 6.5 does not page fault. SQL Server 6.5 completes the work faster than 7.

Could anyone help me understand what's going on ?

Thanks in advance.

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Data Access Very Slow In .net As Compared To VB

Jan 9, 2006



I have migrated my app from VB to VB.Net. A 3-tier app with remoting and COM+.

I am experiencing a long wait time of about 3 times higher than what it would take in the VB App.

I am using DataAdapter.FiLL method to fill the datatable.

I have tried.

Using DataReader ( Made the things worse )

Using BeginLoadData and EndLoadData

Creating a Dataset and calling fill with the dataset so that the round trip to the middletier is saved to bring the SQL.

But i feel now that whatever is done. the problem is with the fill method only?

Is there any alternative?

Please suggest. It is one of the most important thing which if not possible may lead to scrapping up idea of upgrading to .Net.


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Log Sent Rate Is Low As Compared To Log Bytes Flushed/sec

Jun 12, 2007


We have Asynchronous Database Mirroring on SQL Server 2005 SP2 Entprise Edition/Windows 2000 Advanced Server. We noticed that log sent rate is quite low (average 1.3 MB/sec) in most of the cases whereas "Log bytes flushed/sec" is high (1.4 MB/sec) as a result Log send queue keeps on increasing and finally taking all the transaction log space. Our disk queue length is always in range of 0.01. And prinicipal and mirror servers are on local LAN.

I tried on low end server and high end server and in both cases Log sent rate is approx 1.3 MB/sec (Maximum 4 MB/sec).

Is there any limitation on Log sent rate?

How can we improve on log sent rate? Since both servers are on local LAN, network bandwith does not seems to be an issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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VERY Slow Generate Scripts On SQL 2005 Compared To

Jun 10, 2008

i was using sql 2000, the database contains 500+ tables, 3000+ sp.
i moved to sql 2005 and found problem on generating script (right click database -> tasks -> generate scripts).
i need to generate the table relations.... it is very very slow compared to sql 2000 which is done in about 30 seconds to few minutes.
i already tried many ways including set options to false which in my thought could speed up a lot...but still very slow.

average generate script time with sql 2005 (sp 2): 70-90 minutes.
average generate script time with sql 2000 (sp 4): 2-3 minutes.

can anyone tell why ? thx in advance

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MSSQL ODBC Difference Compared To MySQL

Mar 6, 2007

The source for this problem can be found http://www.wellytop.com/SQLProblem.zip

This test creates two threads each with a database connection and uses transactions to insert values into the same table.
The objective of this test is to check that a thread cannot read the results from a pending transaction on a different thread.
In effect this checks dirty reads do not happen and transaction locking.

The test runs correctly and displays "PASSED" with MySQL indicating the transaction and threading worked.
When running with MSSQL Express 2005 it reports a deadlock error during a transaction.
It's not really possible to re-run the transaction and I would like MS SQL to operate similar to MySQL, i.e. MySQL waits for the other transaction to finish before the next transaction can operate on those table rows. I'd like to use MSSQL but I am wondering why this error doesn't happen with MySQL and so have, for the moment, chosen to use it as my preferred database solution.
I have experimented with transaction isolation levels and this doesn't seem to solve the problem.

I've tested this with a fresh install of Windows XP SP2 and no firewall turned on.

To run this test with MSSQL Express2005 use the ODBC Data Source Administrator (odbcad32.exe) to create a data source named MyExpressTest and attach this to an empty database that has been created with the default values. Enable the #define MSSQL in the coude otherwise it tests with MySQL.

To run this test with MySQL (to show how this test should work) use the ODBC Data Source Administrator (odbcad32.exe) to create a data source named mySQLNewTest and attach this to an empty database that has been created with the default values. Comment out the #define MSSQL to switch to MySQL mode.

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VERY Slow Generate Scripts On SQL 2005 Compared To SQL 2000

Aug 1, 2007

i was using sql 2000, the database contains 500+ tables, 3000+ sp.
i moved to sql 2005 and found problem on generating script (right click database -> tasks -> generate scripts).
i need to generate the table relations.... it is very very slow compared to sql 2000 which is done in about 30 seconds to few minutes.
i already tried many ways including set options to false which in my thought could speed up a lot...but still very slow.

average generate script time with sql 2005 (sp 2): 70-90 minutes.
average generate script time with sql 2000 (sp 4): 2-3 minutes.

can anyone tell why ? thx in advance.

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Transact SQL :: Text Data Type Cannot Be Compared With Distinct

Oct 9, 2015

Field is not listed as text in any of the databases it is a varchar(255) - and that can be changed if that is what causes the issue.  

But here is my syntax which produces the error Msg 421, Level 16, State 1, Procedure, Line 2

The text data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT because it is not comparable.

WITH c1 AS (
SELECT [abcd] AS table_name
FROM [intranet].[dbo].[soccerfieldinfo]
where [abcd] IS NOT NULL
), c2 AS (
SELECT Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY table_name) AS r

[Code] ....

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Stored Procedures On SQL 2000 Compared To Dotnet's Datatable.select

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Has any one ever compared the performance of calling a DataTable'sSelect method with a stored procedure doing the same thing?My point is:dataRows = DataTable.Select(filter) is better orPassing paramters to stored procedure?The datatable holds about 500-700 rows at any given time.If I select one of the approaches the business logic will go intorespective layers.With dotnet in picture what would be a good approach- Have the data in Datatable and do a filter on the data or callstored procedures which has been the convention.Can some one pl. suggest?

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Adding Logins Via SSEUtil Compared To SQL Server Management Studio

Feb 7, 2007

Hello all,

I am currently in the process of setting up an SQL Server Express installation that comes packaged with an application I have written. My problem is that I want to use SQL Server user management (not just windows users) which work fine if I set them up manually. I started writing a script that I have SSEUtil execute once the application is fully installed (a step in my installation script) which sets up the users and passwords etc. The script is similar to the following:

USE [DBName]

EXEC sp_DropUser 'user1'
EXEC sp_DropUser 'user2'
EXEC sp_DropUser 'user3'
EXEC sp_DropUser 'user4'

USE [master]

EXEC sp_DropLogin 'user1'
EXEC sp_DropLogin 'user2'
EXEC sp_DropLogin 'user3'
EXEC sp_DropLogin 'user4'


USE [DBName]

EXEC sp_AddUser 'user1'
EXEC sp_AddUser 'user2'
EXEC sp_AddUser 'user3'
EXEC sp_AddUser 'user4'



EXEC sp_DropRole 'MyRole'
EXEC sp_AddRole 'MyRole'


EXEC sp_AddRoleMember 'MyRole','user1'
EXEC sp_AddRoleMember 'MyRole','user2'
EXEC sp_AddRoleMember 'MyRole','user3'
EXEC sp_AddRoleMember 'MyRole','user4'

Now if I run this script from within SQL Server Management Studio it executes perfectly. The logins add, the role is added, each user is added to the database logins and assigned to the role, the schema is set correctly on each user.

Then when I try to run the exact same script from the SSEUtil application (SSEUTIL -s PCNAMEInstance -run USERS.SQL), it processes everything, except the Logins.

This is frustrating as it means to install for a client I would need to either get them to open the management console and run the script from there, or I have to go to site just to setup users.

Am I on the right track? Or is there another way to automate the adding of Logins?

Thanks in advance,


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Data Transfer From Lotus Notes Very Slow Compared To SQL 2000 DTS

Sep 7, 2006

To extract data from an ODBC source, try the following:

Add an ADO.Net Connection Manager.
Edit the Connection Manager editor and select the ODBC Data Provider
Configure the Connection Manager to use your DSN or connection string
Add a Data Flow Task to your package.
Add a Data Reader Source adapter to your data flow
Edit the Data Reader source adapter to use the ADO.Net connection manager that you added.
Edit the Data Reader source to query for the data you wish to extract.



Using the steps outlined above as described by Donald Farmer in another post on this forum, I have created an SSIS package which retrieves data from Lotus Notes 6.55. The DSN referenced by the ADO.Net Connection Manager connects to Lotus Notes via the NotesSQL ODBC driver 3.02g.

When I execute the dataflow, data is transferred from Lotus Notes, but the data transfer rate is extremely slow compared to SQL 2000 DTS. In SQL 2000 DTS, we can retrieve just under half a million records from Lotus Notes in about 13 minutes. Utilizing the same DSN on the same machine, SQL 2005 SSIS completes the transfer in about 57 minutes.

Is there anything that can be done to improve the performance in SSIS to retrieve data from Lotus Notes via ADO.Net ODBC?


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Power Pivot :: Find Percent Of One Of Last Occurrence Compared To All Last Occurrences (DAX)

Jun 3, 2015

I have a fact -REVENUE  table of accounts, each account can have multiple instances . And I have an Aggregate that summarize the latest occurrence of a revenue for each account ( in a chosen Period )   : 

        LASTDATE('scd_FactAccountRevenue'[Revenue_Date])   ) 

How can I find the percent of one of the lastest accounts Compared to all accounts? Assuming i have connect Dim_Time ( Y-Q-M-D )  to Revenue_Date, how can i find the percent of one Month Compared to all the months in the Quarter ( And so on hierarchies ) ?


powerpivot :

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ADO.NET Returns Different Colum Value When Compared To View Results In SQL 2005 Management Studio

Feb 7, 2007

I have a complex view in my sql 2005 database.
The view returns a column that could be null (as the result of a left outer join).
The coulmn that is returned is an integer.
Everything works fine if I run the view from SQL 2005 Management Studio.
My column value is always null if I use ADO.NET's SqlAdapter to return a DataTable.
Has anybody seen this behaviour before?
Any help appreciated.

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Report Running Very Slow Compared To Query Analyzer - High TimeDataRetrieval

Jun 26, 2007


I have a report in SQL Reporting Services 2005 which calls a stored proc and the report takes a very long time to run and sometimes returns zero records. But when i run the stored proc in query analyzer it takes about 4 seconds!!

I have checked the execution log on the RS using the below sql:

Code Snippet

use ReportServer

Select * from ExecutionLog with (nolock) order by TimeStart DESC

It shows that i have a large amount of time for the dataretrieval (601309ms, about 10mins) and does not return any records most likely because of a query timeout:

TimeDataRetrieval TimeProcessing TimeRendering Source Status ByteCount RowCount
601309 2227 3 1 rsSuccess 4916 0

The weird thing is that when i run it in query analyzer, i get about 400 records in 4 seconds !!

I dont understand what RS is doing to take up so much time like this to retrieve data.

The report is very simple - it basically returns the records straight out into a table.

The only thing I somewhat suspected was a parameter data type conflict between RS and SQL, specifically dates. I have a start and end date parameter in the report - i tried specifying this as date and string to see if it made any difference but it didn't.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Difference Between FOR LOOP And FOREACH LOOP?

May 28, 2010

difference between FOR LOOP and FOREACH LOOP with example(if possible) in SSIS.

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Error Description Differs When Logged With Redirect Rows Compared With Debug Mode

Jan 18, 2007


Can any one please tell me how to get the complete error description for example when i dont Redirect Row for Error in OLEDB Source i get a detailed error message with column name as

[RCheck [385]] Error: There was an error with input column "CHECK_STATUS" (456) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (398). The column status returned was: "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".

But when I set Redirect Row for error and use the Script component to log them into a Table with ErrorDescription based on ErrorColumnID it only gives me this.

The data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow.



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Loop Though Table Using RowID, Not Cursor (was Loop)

Feb 22, 2006

I have a table with RowID(identity). I need to loop though the table using RowID(not using a cursor). Please help me.

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Foreach Loop Doesn't Loop

Mar 3, 2006

I have a foreach loop that is supposed to loop through a recordset, however it doesn't loop. It just repeats the same row, row after row.

I would like to look into the recordset variable but I can't because it is a COM object and the ADODB namespace is not available in the script task.

Any solution to this? anyone experienced anything similar

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Fishing For A Clue. To Loop Or Not To Loop

Jul 8, 2006

I have a table called Tbltimes in an access database that consists of the following fields:

empnum, empname, Tin, Tout, Thrs

what I would like to do is populate a grid view the a select statement that does the following.

display each empname and empnum in a gridview returning only unique values. this part is easy enough. in addition to these values i would also like to count up all the Thrs for each empname and display that sum in the gridview as well. Below is a little better picture of what I€™m trying to accomplish.


|empnum | empname | Tin | Tout | Thrs |

| 1 | john | 2:00PM | 3:00PM |1hr |

| 1 | john | 2:00PM | 3:00PM | 1hr |

| 2 | joe | 1:00PM | 6:00PM | 5hr |


| 1 | John | 2hrs |

| 2 | Joe | 5hrs |

im using VWD 2005 for this project and im at a loss as to how to accomplish these results. if someone could just point me in the right direction i could find some material and do the reading.

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Can A Calc'd Query Column Be Compared Against A Multi Value Variable Without A Nested Query?

Nov 15, 2007

do i need to nest a query in RS if i want a calculated column to be compared against a multi value variable? It looks like coding WHERE calcd name in (@variable) violates SQL syntax. My select looked like

SELECT ... ,CASE enddate WHEN null then 1 else 0 END calcd name
WHERE ... and calcd name in (@variable)

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Varchar Datatype Field Will Ignore Leading Zeros When Compared With Numeric Datatype?

Jan 28, 2015

Need to know if the varchar datatype field will ingore leading zeros when compared with numeric datatype ?

create table #temp
code varchar(4) null,
id int not null
insert into #temp

[Code] .....

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ForEach Loop Or For Loop??

Feb 23, 2006

I have source and destination table names in the database(one table) and I need to read the source and destination tables one by one...

My Lookp table is like the following...

Srn srctable desttable




Now I want one package to load from source to destination.. how do I do it.. I dont know how to use....

How do I run the pacakge for each of the rows... ..............................

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Using Cursors

Jul 16, 2006

Can anyone direct me a good article that is about why we should try avoiding using cursors and what are the alternatives?

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Using Cursors From Asp.net

Feb 16, 2008

can we call cursors from asp.net as we can call stored procedures from asp.net.

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Jan 7, 2005


I'm writting a stored procedure to insert new rows into a table, but I need to loop through an exsiting table and create a new record for every row in the old table. So I think what I'm needing to use is a cursor, but I've never worked with cursors before, and I just want to check that I have the right idea on what they are used for and if what I have so far looks ok.

This what I have so far, the StoreFees table only has 5 rows:

DECLARE @StoreFee as smallmoney
DECLARE @StoreLineID as int

SELECT LineId, StoreFee FROM StoreFees ORDER BY StoreFee

OPEN MyStoreFees

INTO @StoreLineId, @StoreFee

--Do my Inserts into other tables
INSERT INTO OtherTable (...,...,.., @StoreFee)
-- Done working with that row

CLOSE MyStoreFees

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Feb 28, 2005

I am trying to pull the data via fetching rows into a variable.

Fetch Next Into @temp...
Select @MainVariable = @MainVariable + @temp < @temp doesn't refresh with next fetch)

Print @temp < this works fine and returns the value for each fetch


I can print @temp and the data returns fine, but when I try to cancantenate with the above select, it doesn't refresh @temp wit the column in the table.

Any ideas?


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