Apr 20, 2007

I am really trying to be very understanding/patience/tolerant here but this is just really annoying. Why does the green line in Intergration Services just never go straight?!?!?!?!?!??? I mean what is the ultimate purpose of having a tilted line? it just makes your package looks like it was done in 2 minutes and hasn't been sought after.

A very disgusted,

BI Developer

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SAC Command Line Utility Doesn't Start SQLBrowser Service

Feb 16, 2007

I've exported surface area configuration settings from a server and tried importing them onto another server. The remote connection settings are imported but the SQLBrowser service remains Disabled. Am I doing something wrong?

The command line command I ran (in the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Shared directory) is "sac.exe in sacconfig.xml".

The following is my config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CommandArguments xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<anyType xsi:type="Component">
<anyType xsi:type="Instance">
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="ArrayOfAnyType" />
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="ArrayOfAnyType" />
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:boolean">true</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Pair">
<Value xsi:type="xsd:boolean">true</Value>
<anyType xsi:type="Component">

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How On EARTH Do You Connect To Sql Server Using Asp.net

Jan 14, 2004

im using the free asp.net web matrix.. and i have sql server installed on my local machine

i have looked all over the web to find how.. and cant find any.. does anyone actually have code to show how to do this?

please help someone

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Finding Duplicates - What On Earth Am I Overlooking?

Aug 15, 2006

I have two lists of contacts. They're similar. I want a list of all the contacts whose email address occurs only in the first list.

returns 13460

returns 13220

returns 0 rows

How can it be returning no rows? What am I failing to take into consideration?


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Connection String Has Semicolon (;) - How On Earth Can I Get This Working?

Aug 3, 2007

Ok, here's my setup. I've got a named instance in a SQL 2000 cluster. I only have dbo rights on my database, because it is a shared infrastructure. Here's my current web.config connection string (the meat, anyway):
When I'm at the office, this is my connection string, pretty normal:
connectionString="Data Source=ServerNameInstanceName;Initial Catalog=blah..."
But, when I connect through the VPN, I can't just connect through the named instance - I have a specific port. This is where things get odd.
First, if I try to connect through SQL Server Management Studio (2005), i get nothing. If I try to connect using "ServerNameInstanceName, (comma) Port Number" it connects, but not to my instance. I get a seperate set of databases that I believe are in the default instance. So, I changed the comma to a semicolon (;) - and it still connected to the same thing - connected to the database, but to the wrong set of databases. So, on a whim, I tried plunking my string, which was now "ServerNameInstanceName;(semicolon) PortNumber" into the SQL 2000 Tools and it worked in both Query Analyzer and in Enterprise Manager. So, I thought, I'll just slam this into my connection string and all will be well. No. I can't use a semicolon in my connection string, and I can't find an escape character to use. Double semicolons don't work, a comma doesn't connect me properly, double colons don't work, the JDBC brackets don't work {} - so I'm at a loss. I'm out of ideas. I've set up aliases, and those don't work earlier.
I'm using ASP.net 2 with VB & C# and Visual Studio 2005 Professional. Thanks for any help anyone can give on this!

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Render Report Straight To Pdf

Sep 18, 2007


Can anybody tell me if it's possible to set a report to render directly to PDF please. I've found stuff on how to do it via a url but that's not how we want to do it.

Thanks in advance


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Which Is More Efficient, Join Or Straight Select

Jul 23, 2005

Which way of retrieving a record is more effecient?:Select tbl1.field1, tbl2.field1from table1 tbl1 inner join table2 tbl2on tbl1.id = tbl2.idwhere someid = somevalueand someid = somevalueorSelectfield1 = (Select field1 from tabl1 where someid = somevalue),field2 = (Select field2 from table2 where someid = somevalue)

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Stored Procedure Vs. Straight T-SQL Performance Problem

Jan 7, 2008

Here is the background for my question.

For my organization, I wrote a stored procedure to generate invoices for all of our clients using an audit table. Any time changes are made to the data in a table in our database, corresponding records are added to our audit table. Using this audit table we can recreate any table in the database as it was on a particular day. To generate the invoices, I first use the audit table to generate a cached view of the information. After I have a cached view, I insert records into an invoices table using various filters in my select statements.

When I run the T-SQL directly from query analizer, it takes about 1 minute to generate all of the invoices. However, when I run the same T-SQL as a stored procedure, it takes roughly 14 minutes to complete. Thinking there was a problem with too much parallelism, I restricted the MAXDOP to 2 (as the server has 2 physical processors). However, this did not reduce the execution time at all. Next, I tried using the sql profiler to watch the database while I ran the query. I checked and I did not see any unneeded recompilation. Oddly however, I noticed that the stored procedure required well over 2 million reads compared to only 400,000 reads using the straight T-SQL. I am at a loss for how to make my stored procedure run as efficiently as the straight T-SQL code. If anyone has anything else for me to try or has any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
David O'Keefe

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Stored Procedure - Update Statement Does Not Seem To Update Straight Away

Jul 30, 2007


I'm writing a fairly involved stored procedure. In this Stored Procedure, I have an update statement, followed by a select statement. The results of the select statement should be effected by the previous update statement, but its not. When the stored procedure is finish, the update statement seemed to have worked though, so it is working.

I suspect I need something, like a GO statement, but that doesnt seem to work for a stored procedure. Can anyone offer some assistance?

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How Can I Remove The Line Feed/carriage Return In The Last Line Of The Exported Text File ?

Feb 27, 2007

for some AP issue, the file I upload must be without the line feed/carriage return in the last line.
for example:

original fixed-length file (exported from SSIS)
line NO DATA
1 AA123456 50 60
2 BB123456 30 40
3 CC123456 80 90
4 <-- with line feed/carriage return in the last line

The file format that AP request. The file only has 3 records, so it should end in the third line.
line NO DATA
1 AA123456 50 60
2 BB123456 30 40
3 CC123456 80 90

Should I use script component to do it ? I am new for VB . Anyone would help me ?

Thank you all.

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Reporting Services :: Draw Trend Line For SSRS Line Chart 2005

May 4, 2012

I need the Trend line for the following data in Line chart they are the following data. The following are the graph are my output and i need the trend line for these Key_gap value.

This is the link [URL] ....

I need the same trend line for the Bar-Chart in SSRS 2005.

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Storing And Retrieving Line Breaks/newlines From Multi-line Textbox (C#)

Aug 31, 2007

I hope I'm posting this in the correct forum (forgive me if I'm not) since I'm not sure if this is an issue with inserting an item into a db or the processing of what I get out of it.  I wrote a basic commenting system in which someone my post a comment about something written on the site.  I wanted to keep it very simple, but I at least want the ability for a user to have newlines in their comment without having to hardcode a <br /> or something like that.  Is there a way for me to detect a newline if someone, for example, is going to their next paragraph?
Let me know if you need a better explanation.
Thanks in advance!

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ISQL: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Line 1: Incorrect Syntax Near ' '

Nov 8, 2006

G'day everyoneThat's a space between the ticks.It's all part of a longer script but seeing as the failure occurs online 1if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[config]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') =1)drop table [dbo].[config]GOThat's three lines only. Does it matter that they're in Unicode?Any ideas?Kind regards,Bruce M. AxtensSoftware EngineerStrapper Technologies

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Use Of SSIS In Reading And XSL File. Should I Use SSIS Or Just Straight C#

Aug 1, 2007

I need to build an asp.net/C# application to read values from an Excel spreadsheet. Once the values are read from the spreadsheet, the C# code will do some elementary statistics on the values read. Then the values read and their computations will be written to a sql server database.
My manager suggested that SSIS might be a good candidate technology for doing this type of work. Does that sound correct? My only hesitation with using SSIS is that I want to keep the application as simple as possible, so that the code can be more portable. Maybe might argument is not a good one, but maybe someone can help me out here.

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Displaying A Trend Line (in Line Chart) In SSRS

Feb 7, 2007

We have a line graph which plots the actual data points (x,y), everything is working fine with this graph. Now we need to add a trend line to this existing graph after going thro. the articles we came to know that there is no direct option in SSRS to draw a trend line. So we need to calculate the trend values ourselves which we need to plot as atrend line. This trend line is similar to the trend line which comes in Excel chart, do anyone know how to calculate the trend values from the actual data points. We got through several formulas, but were not clear, have anyone tried out exactly the same, if so please help us out by providing an example to calculate the trend values.

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Dynamically Change The Color Of The Line On A Line Graph

Oct 26, 2007

I have a line graph which shows positive and negative values. Is it possible to have the line one color when its negative and another when its positive?


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How To Monitor Store Procedure (Line By Line)

Sep 29, 2001

HEllo can anybody tell me how to monitor a long store procedure
line by line. Also how to put progress bar in it to tell user how
much is done.


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BIDS Line Charts - Cant Remove Line?

Dec 12, 2007


When creating a line chart, I would like to be able to show Markers for the data points, but no line between these points (as you can do in excel).

I have set the line setting to none (for the lines of interest), however the lines still show.

Is this a bug, or am i missing something obvious settings-wise?



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Line 1: Incorrect Syntax Near '-'. But There Is No '-' In First Line!

Dec 28, 2007

  HiIt's my stored procedure 1 CREATE PROCEDURE singleSearch2
2 @SQ nvarchar(30),
3 @pType nvarchar(11),
4 @pCol nvarchar(11)
5 AS
7 DECLARE @SQL NVarChar(1000)
10 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHEN '+CHAR(39)+'e'+CHAR(39)+' THEN '+CHAR(39)+'اجاره'+ CHAR(39)
11 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHEN '+CHAR(39)+'r'+CHAR(39)+' THEN '+CHAR(39)+'رهن'+CHAR(39)
12 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHEN '+CHAR(39)+'f'+ CHAR(39)+' THEN '+ CHAR(39) +' Ù?روش '+CHAR(39)
13 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHEN '+CHAR(39)+'e r'+CHAR(39)+' THEN '+CHAR(39)+ 'اجاره - رهن '+CHAR(39)
14 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHEN '+CHAR(39)+'e f'+CHAR(39)+' THEN '+CHAR(39)+'اجاره - Ù?روش '+CHAR(39)
15 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHEN '+CHAR(39)+'r f'+CHAR(39)+' THEN '+CHAR(39)+' رهن - Ù?روش '+CHAR(39)
16 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHEN '+CHAR(39)+'e r f'+CHAR(39)+' THEN '+CHAR(39)+'اجاره - رهن - Ù?روش'+CHAR(39)
18 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHEN '+CHAR(39)+'z -'+CHAR(39)+' THEN '+CHAR(39)+'زمین'+CHAR(39)
19 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHEN '+CHAR(39)+'m -'+CHAR(39)+' THEN '+CHAR(39)+'مسکونی'+CHAR(39)
20 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHEN '+CHAR(39)+'t -'+CHAR(39)+' THEN '+CHAR(39)+'تجاری'+CHAR(39)
21 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' ELSE [type] END AS [xtype] FROM [data] '
22 SELECT @SQL=@SQL+' WHERE ([type] LIKE %'+CHAR(39)+@pType+CHAR(39)+'%) AND ('+@pCol+' LIKE %'+CHAR(39)+@SQ+CHAR(39)+'%)'
23 Exec (@SQL)
24 END
25 GO
 and i face this error: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '-'.

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Line Chart - Line Styles

Jan 16, 2008


Anyone have any idea how to make a line style dashed or dotted in a line chart please?

If I change the series style to dashed or dotted it still appears as a solid line, yet the legend displays a dashed or dotted line....


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Style: Constraints - In-line Vs Out-of-line?

Apr 18, 2008

My question is about coding style for specifying constraints when creating tables.

Two styles for defining constraints:

FruitName NVARCHAR(50),
FruitTypeID INT
FruitID INT,
FruitName NVARCHAR(50),
FruitTypeID INT,
DateCreated DATETIME


CONSTRAINT FK_fruit_fruit_types FOREIGN KEY (FruitTypeID)
REFERENCES FruitTypes (FruitTypeID),
CONSTRAINT DF_fruit_date_created DEFAULT
GETDATE() FOR DateCreated

Which style do you prefer and why?

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Problem Showing Data From Select Line With Another Select Line In It

Apr 7, 2007

If i use this code i cant get the data showed, it show nothing."SELECT COUNT(DogImageDate) AS Amount, DogImageDate, DogImageID FROM EnggaardImages WHERE DogImageDate NOT LIKE (SELECT TOP 1 DogImageDate FROM EnggaardImages ORDER BY DogImageDate DESC;) GROUP BY DogImageDate ORDER BY DogImageDate DESC;"
But if i use this code i get data showed"SELECT COUNT(DogImageDate) AS Amount, DogImageDate, DogImageID FROM EnggaardImages GROUP BY DogImageDate ORDER BY DogImageDate DESC;"
Then i get Images(6)Images(1)Images(1)
But i dont want the first to be showed, therefor i use the Select TOP 1, so i get a look like this
But i cant get it to work.

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There Was An Error Parsing The Query. [ Token Line Number = 1,Token Line Offset = 43,Token In Error = C]

Jul 27, 2007

Hello all
Trying to delete some data from a SSCE (2005) DB produces the exception:
There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 43,Token in error = C]
Here is the code I am using

string dsc = Application.StartupPath + "\FCDB07.sdf";

conn = new SqlCeConnection("DataSource = " + dsc);


cmd = conn.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM DataContainer WHERE FileName =" + dgContainers[0, SelRowIndex].Value.ToString();

cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 43,Token in error = C ]


Any Idea on What causes this?


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Error Parsing Query: [ Token Line Number = 1,Token Line Offset = 83,Token In Error = 5 ]

Nov 23, 2007

Hey all-

I'm trying to insert some values into an SQL Compact database on a WM6 device but there is something apparently wrong with my SQL statement...

The program is going to allow users to schedule an SMS message to be sent at a certain date and time. I'm using a database to keep track of the scheduled SMS messages. The database has 3 rows: phone number, message, and the date/time to be sent.

Here is the relevent code:

private void scheduleMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


//connect to DB and do our scheduling magic

string message = messageBox.Text; //should rename messageBox...

string phoneNum = phoneNumBox.Text;

string dataBase = @"Program FilesSMS_Scheduler2SMSDatabase.sdf";

//SqlCeEngine eng = new SqlCeEngine(dataBase);

SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source=" + dataBase);


//insert phone number, message text, and date/time into DB
string cmd = "INSERT INTO Scheduler(phoneNum, message, date) VALUES("+ phoneNum + ", "+ message + ", "+ dateTimePicker1.Value +")";

SqlCeCommand cmdPhone = new SqlCeCommand(cmd,conn);

cmdPhone.ExecuteNonQuery(); //error occures here...

messageBox.Text = "";

MessageBox.Show("Message Scheduled!");


I'm guessing it doesn't like how I am trying to get the data from the different text boxes and the DateTimePicker to go inside the SQL command. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix my SQL command or how to get data from a textbox and DateTimePicker to be inserted into a database a different way?

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Why Doesn't Job Run?

Jul 18, 2007

I setup a Sql Server Agent job to run daily every 15 minutes from 11:15PM to 10:45PM. I set this up about noon, and the job and schedule were both Enabled.

But the job would not run. I sat and watched it for some time but it just sat there. What do I have to do to get the job to run?

Sorry! I forgot that Recurring schedules do not work until the start-time is reached. If you change the start-time the schedule becomes inactive. So I created a second schedule to cover the hole!

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Get The Next In Line...

Apr 22, 2008

Hi, i've got a table which holds a field called order.
Let's say it looks like this

ItemId Name Order
223 test 1 1
542 test 5 34
23 test 2 4
676 test 123 2

I'm building a website, which gets the records by the right order.
So it displays this on the website:

test 1
test 123
test 2
test 5

Now, I'm building a up/down function.
So when I click down on 'test 123' it should swap the order with 'test 2'

So the database will look like this:
ItemId Name Order
223 test 1 1
542 test 5 34
23 test 2 2
676 test 123 4

And the website will look like this:

test 1
test 2
test 123
test 5

And it should also work the other way around with the up button.

So my guess is, I have the order of the item I clicked on (2) and I should get the order of the previous or next record (depending on which button I clicked).
So how would I do that?

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Down To 1 Line Now

Jan 24, 2006

'So whats the SQL server 2005 Express Edition gonna be called here?

sub openconn ' open a connection to access db'
dim tries
set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'prep connection'
set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' prep recordset'
tries = 0 ' clear tries counter'
do 'try to open connection to the db
conn.open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" &_ 'CHANGE THIS STRING FOR SQL CONNECTION
"DBQ=" & RouteFile & ";DefaultDir=;UID=;PWD=;"
tries = tries + 1
if (err.number <> 0) then 'if errored, close this connection
end if
Loop While (Err.Number<>0) And tries < 10 'if errored, try again. MAX TRIES = 10
end sub

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Ddl Doesn't Populate

Feb 6, 2008

Anybody see a reason why this list won't populate?
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlState" DataSourceID="srcStates"    DataTextField="StateName" DataValueField="StateName" runat="server">    <asp:ListItem>Select State</asp:ListItem></asp:DropDownList><asp:SqlDataSource ID="srcStates" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:webConn %>"    SelectCommand="sp_States" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">    <SelectParameters>        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlState" DefaultValue="Select State" Name="State"            PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />    </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>

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Doesn't See DB Table

May 11, 2005

I'm having a tough time understanding my current problem and why I'm having it.

I'm using an ODBC db connection to connect to my sql server and trying
to insert data into a table I've created, but I keep getting an error
saying that the table doesn't exist.  This is the first time I've
ever used ODBC and DSN to connect to a db so I don't konw if there are
qerks associated with this, but I've tried everything I can think
of.  I've changed the name of the table, placed it in brackets,
placed "dbo" infront of the name, and still I get the same error about
the table not existing.  My "Intial Catalog" in my connection
string is the correct db, I just can't seem to get it going.

Any suggestions?

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DTS SQL Query Doesn&#39;t Run

Aug 27, 2001

I'm pulling data from Oracle 8.05 using Oracle ODBC with DTS to SQL Server 7 sr2. If I choose my columns only, I have no problem. When I try to edit the SQL statement either in the Import Wizard or the DTS Designer, the package won't run. I am selecting on a date column. I corrected the TSQL using the "convert" statement. Does someone know what might be happening?

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SQL Agent Job Doesn&#39;t Run.

Sep 13, 1999

Hi there,
Since I have upgraded to SQL 7 I'm exeriencing a problem with SQL Server Agent. I have a job scheduled to run every hour between 8:30AM and 5:30 PM during weekdays. Every Monday for the last several weeks I check the job status and it says it is enabled, runnable, and scheduled. Last job was run at 5:30PM on Friday, next run time is Monday 8:30AM. The only thing is that it is after 9:00AM. What gives? Then I have to run the job manually for the rest of the day. It usually starts working the next day. Anybody has similar problem?

P.S. The agent service is running.

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DTS Doesn't Work Through Job

Sep 15, 2005

I'm pretty new to DTS, so forgive me if this is basic. I created a simple DTS package to run a query and export it to a text file. I can execute the package fine from my workstation through EM, but when I try to execute the job to run the package I get this error:
Error = -2147467259 (80004005) Error string: Error opening datafile: Access is denied.

I think that maybe SQL Agent doesn't have the right permissions to write to that network drive. What should the permissions be?

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IIF Doesn't Work

Nov 10, 2004

This is probably very simple, but I can't get passed this problem.

I have a report in MS Access that uses info generated by a query. One of the text fields in the query contains either the word 'Select' or the name of a course.
The report should display a space if the value is 'Select', or the actual value of the field in any other case. The field can never contain a null value.

I've used:
in the text box on the report, but this only returns #error regardless of the actual content of the field.

What am I doing wrong?



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