Nov 22, 2006

I know that INSTEAD OF triggers are not allowed on updatable views that use WITH CHECK OPTION, but this is different. WITH CHECK OPTION has no effect on a view used to update a table with INSTEAD OF triggers. Can you create an updatable view that uses WITH CHECK OPTION on a table that has INSTEAD OF triggers?

The following code demonstrates the problem. Comment out the create trigger statement to see the behavior change.

create table test (test int not null)
create view test_view as select * from test where test < 0 with check option
/**/create trigger test_insert on test instead of insert as insert into test select * from inserted
insert into test values (1)
insert into test_view values (2)
select * from test
select * from test_view
drop view test_view
drop table test

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Fire Triggers Option On A SQL 2000 Database

Dec 4, 2007


I'm aware that when bulk loading to a SQL 2005 database through an OLE DB Destination, you can enable the FIRE TRIGGERS option. Is this option available when your database target is SQL 2000? I can't find it in the Properties or other windows.

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Check Point Option

Apr 18, 2001

Hello folks,

The other day I was checking the dboption and I couldnt see the "Truncate log on Check Point" option in the dboption window. Wondering if i'm looking at the right place.

Appreciated, If any one point me where can I look for this.



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WITH CHECK OPTION Is Not Checking For Deletes

May 13, 2006

I was testing how the WITH CHECK OPTION works. I though that it prevents row from dissappearing from the view implementing this option but I found that I was able to DELETE all rows through the view - Why is this???

Please note that I only have the base version of sql server 2000 - No patches applied

Thanks for your help

------------------------------------------- Test

Create table T100 (A int)
Create view VT100 AS (SELECT * FROM T100 WHERE A < 2) with check option
INSERT INTO T100 VALUES (1) -- Part of the view's result
INSERT INTO VT100 VALUES (-2) -- Works
UPDATE VT100 SET A=5 -- Update fails because of WITH CHECK OPTION - GOOD
INSERT INTO VT100 VALUES (999) -- Inser fails because of WITH CHECK OPTION - GOOD
DELETE FROM VT100 -- DELETES ALL ROWS!!!! ******************* ???


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Check If (Select All) Option Was Selected In Multi-value Parameter.

Jan 22, 2008

I am working in .net 2.0.
How can I check if "(Select All)" option was selected in multi-value parameter?
Thanks in advance!

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Check Constraints, Triggers

Oct 27, 2000

I have a question concerning setting up data integrity checks in SQL Server.

I have a table that lists "Groups" to which an Entity belongs. The Entity can belong to multiple Groups. Every entity has 1 and only 1 of its Groups designated as the "Primary Group". Based on this, my table contains multiple records for each Entity. Each record describes 1 Group of which the Entity is a member. In this record, there is a bit field indicating whether the Group is the "Primary Group".

In other DBMS's I have implemented a check constraint on the "Primary Group" column to enforce the business rule that "a Entity may have one and only one Primary Group". I am aware now, that in SQL Server 7, I must implement this rule as a trigger, or in the client or data services layers.

Does anyone know if SQL Server 2000 will allow me to write such a check constraint?

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Check Constraints Or Triggers

Aug 26, 2005

Hi, I´m facing teh following situation:This are just sample table names, but should do for discussingpurpouses.Create table Invoice(InvoiceID Integer Not Null,CustomerType Integer Not Null,CustomerCode Integer Not Null,Amount DECIMAL(10,2) Not Null,.................)Create Table Type1Customer(CustomerCode Integer Not Null,...............................)Create Table Type2Customer(CustomerCode Integer Not Null,...............................)I need to add a way to restrict the CustomerType and CustomerCode,in the Invoice table to the correct values.This means that if customerType equals 1 the customerCode should bechecked against Type1Customer and if customerType equals 2 thecustomerCode should be checked against Type2Customer.I succesfully created a check constraint. That ensures that the validvalues exists when the rows in the Invoice table are inserted orupdated, but doesn´t prevent from deleting records from tablesType1Customer and Type2Customer that are referenced from the Invoicetable.Are triggers the only way to go?Thanks in advanceSebastián streiger

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Table With Triggers Or Maybe A Check Constraint

May 19, 2013

I have a question about a table with triggers or maybe a check constraint.I have the following create tables:

create table bid(
seller char(10) not null,
item_nummer numeric(3) not null,

create table Item(
startprice char(5) not null,
description char(22) not null,
start_date char(10) not null,
end_date char(10) not null,
seller char(10) not null,
item_nummer numeric(3) not null,

What i'm trying to make is this trigger/constraint: colomn "seller" from table Item will get NULL as long as systemdate is > start_date and end_date, then it will get the value from seller from table bid on the same item_nummer in both table).

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In SqlServer Management Studio Express, Server Type Option Is Greyed Out, Also Publication Option Missing

Apr 27, 2008

Hi everyone In my SqlServer Management Studio Express, on start up it shows the server type option, but greyed.So that value is fixed to database engine. ( I'm trying to work on an SqlServer Compact Edition database through the SSMStudiothat's why I'm trying to get this to change.)Besides, after I connect i go to the Object Explorer, expand the server node, and go to Replication.When i expand replication, i get the "Local Subscription" option, but nothng for Publication.( I want to work on Merge Replication, that's why I desparately need Publication to work)Am i missing something here? I did not install SqlServer separately, I only have what comes bundled with the Visual Studio  2005 Setup.

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SQL 2012 :: Configuring Memory Per Query Option And Index Create Memory Option

Feb 10, 2015

So I started a new job recently and have noticed a few strange configurations. Typically I would never mess with min memory per query option and index create memory option configuration because i just haven't seen any need to. My typical thought is that if it isn't broke... They have been modified on every single server in my environment.

From Books Online:
• This option is an advanced option and should be changed only by an experienced database administrator or certified SQL Server technician.
• The index create memory option is self-configuring and usually works without requiring adjustment. However, if you experience difficulties creating indexes, consider increasing the value of this option from its run value.

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Multiple Triggers On A Table Or Encapsulated Triggers

May 12, 2008

This isn€™t an problem as such, it€™s more of a debate.

If a table needs a number of update triggers which do differing tasks, should these triggers be separated out or encapsulated into one all encompassing trigger. Speaking in terms of performance, it doesn€™t make much of an improvement doing either depending upon the tasks performed. I was wondering in terms of maintenance and best practice etc. My view is that if the triggers do totally differing tasks they should be a trigger each on their own.


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Data Access :: How To Check All Connection Automatically During Routine Check By Using Batch File

May 20, 2015

I have multiple ODBC connection and how to check all connection automatically during routine check by using batch file.

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Help Please (Check File Exists/ Archive File/ Check If File Empty)

Mar 10, 2008

Hello World,

I'm new to SSIS and would like a little assistance getting started, if possible...

Here is what I want to do:

Check if file exist (C:DTS UpgradeFilexxx.txt) --->

Archive file (C:DTS UpgradeArchive) --->

Check if file has data (true or false)


If there are any good website that have good direction, let me know

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

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Which Would Be The Best Option?

Apr 28, 2008

I have a table name “StringResources� which contains resources for different cultures. Right now, whenever admin adds any new resource, it immediately available to end user. Now the new requirement came up. We want admin to add resource first and when he is ready with all the resources for particular culture then only the resources should be available to end user.
Important: StringResource table has SQLCacheDependecy set. So any change for particular culture will invalidate the cache. This how the select statement looks.SELECT dbo.StringResources.resourceType,            dbo.StringResources.cultureCode,            dbo.StringResources.resourceKey,             dbo.StringResources.resourceValue       FROM dbo.StringResources
      WHERE dbo.StringResources.cultureCode=@cultureCode
Which would be the best option below:
1>     Add new Boolean column “Publishedâ€? and show only resources which are published to end user.
Advantage:  No need of extra table.
Disadvantage: This will invalidate the cache every time resource is added even if it’s not published. 
Other option
2>     Add new temporary table with same structure. When admin add new resource, add it to this temp table and when publish move resources to String Resources table.
Advantage: Admin will have separate working space.  It will invalidate cache only when resources are published.
Disadvantage: Need extra table. 

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An ALL Option

Sep 9, 2006

How can I get an All option into the cascading prompt?
I want to view data for all states in USA. I find I can't proceed to load report unless I have filled in a value for all prompts. Any help?


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May 19, 2008

I have a small doubt.
If we enable AWE option we can have advantage of available physical memory.we can have more memory by using max server memory property.
then why this AWE option comes in to picture.

I read bol but iam not able to understand what exactly happens.

Could any one tell me why this AWE option if we have max server memory property.

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Oct 25, 2007

What is equivalent to OPTION (RECOMPILE) in SQl Server 2000.  
Create table #Employee
EmpId int IDENTITY,EmpName varchar(30)
insert into #Employee(EmpName )
select EmpName from AllEmployees

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Best Option To Update Every Jan 1st

Feb 27, 2006

I have a vacation request app I'm designing, and it has a VacationData Table with TotalVac, UsedVac, VacLeft, VacationCarriedOver, and VacCompleted.
I need to take the VacLeft and divide by 2 and place that data in the following two spots, one in the VCO and add it to the TotalVac, which is pulled from another table w/hire date and other info.
I only need to run this on Jan 1 of every year, any suggestions?

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Lock Option

Jul 12, 2001

I was running a query and it didn't execute stating you have run out of locks
How could I set the locks



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Not For Replication Option

Oct 14, 1999

I am trying to alter a table that has an identity field to make the column have the not for replication option. I just can't seem to get the syntax down for the alter table command. PLEASE HELP. I know it can't be that hard!!!

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DB Recovery Option

Jan 23, 2003

Is there a Stored Procedure or something else that will tell me if a DB is set to Full or Simple recovery?

Ken Nicholson

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Query Option In DTS

Apr 27, 2001

Im trying to transfer data from SQL tbl to .xls file through a DTS package.

My problem is that DTS transfers all the data from the source tbl to .xls

But i would like to have the selective data transfer based on some query like ;

select * from tbl where field ='val'

instead of complete data transfer.
Thanks in advance.


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What Are Best Option Available In Market?

Oct 15, 2005

70-229 certification exam measures your ability to design and implement database solutions by using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition. Candidates for this exam work in a medium to enterprise computing environment that uses SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition. Candidates have at least one year of experience implementing relational databases. I don't have experience on database. Haven't experience on SQL server administration. Suggest me good one resources in low price. What are best option available in market?

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Is SQL Server An Option?

Jun 6, 2006

First off, I apologize for not knowing what I'm talking about and being long winded. I'm trying to determine if SQL Server Express is an option for a client of mine. Their needs are beginning to go beyond what I'm comfortable with in Access, so I'm looking into the option of upgrading to a SQL Server Express back-end with a VB front-end.

Access doesn't require any setup beyond "File, new", so I know nothing about the background work required to get a database running on a platform like SQL Server.

My first concern is what kind of network admin rights do I need to install & use SSE..

It's unlikely that her IT group will just hand us the keys to any of their servers, so all we really have available is what we can put on her network drives. Am I right in assuming that using a SQL Server database would involve more network privileges than just dropping a file on the network and pointing my front end app at it?

With that said, I think I remember seeing something on one of the MSDN pages about setting up a database to run off of a CD-Rom. Could I somehow use this capability to get what I need?

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More Then One Option Incorporated Into SP

Dec 12, 2007

Hello all

I would like to add a couple more fields that the users can query by, more options how would I add in the same stored proecedure, First Name, Date, and IR#?? so they can have the ability to run it by one field or two fields or all the above?? how would I incorporate those in the stored procedure??

(@StartDate datetime,
@EndDate datetime)
AS SELECT [IR Number], Date, Inspector, Violation, [Violation Type], Loss, [Loss Type]
FROM dbo.Revised_MainTable
GROUP BY [IR Number], Date, Inspector, Violation, [Violation Type], Loss, [Loss Type]
HAVING (Date BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate)

is this correct

(@StartDateServed datetime,
@EndDateServed datetime, @Enter_LastName nvarchar(25), @Enter_Duration nvarchar(10))
AS SELECT IR#, [Date Served], [Reason For Exclusion], Duration, [First Name], [Last Name]
FROM [dbo].[Extended Exclusions]
GROUP BY IR#, [Date Served], [Reason For Exclusion] , Duration, [First Name], [Last Name]
HAVING (Date BETWEEN @StartDateServed AND @EndDateServed, Enter_LastName, @Enter_Duration)

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NOLOCK Option ?

May 12, 2008


I was sreading about NOLOCK that it could prevent deadlocks but could return data which is not committed yet.
1) Should we use NOLOCK with select statements
2) If the transaction isolation level is set appropriately (e.g. Serializable)in the component (for e.g COM+ component) but NOLOCK is specified in the select then would it return uncommitted data. I mean if the transaction is controlled at hihger level then what will be the Pros and Cons of using NOLOCK.


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Better Option Than UNION

Aug 29, 2006

Hi there,

I am selecting few records from a particular table and however I need to run the same query using UNION.But its taking long to execute the query.If I run the query as 2 parts then it works fine but if I put in UNION to both queries then I have problem.Can anyone help?


Select '' as name,'' as userid,'' as firstname from table1 where user like 'A%'(works fine)

Select name,userid,firstname from table1 where user like 'A%'(also works fine)

but if I user

Select '' as name,'' as userid,'' as firstname from table1 where user like 'A%'
Select name,userid,firstname from table1 where user like 'A%'

its taking too long

Somebody please help me

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Recovery Option

Mar 31, 2008


Do I need to restart service after I set recovery option




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BCP -k Option - Very Urgent

Jul 20, 2005

Hi Everyone,I tried to bcp in the data file to a table in sqlserver 2000.The data file has got few blanks in certain columns.My requirement is all those blanks has to be converted null while bcpin the data.1. I have tried giving the option -k - Didn't work2. I have tried creating a format file with prefix length 2 i.e as thecolumn is character.3. Initially it was giving string data truncation error due to theservice pack3. Then I updated the service pack 3 also.Pls someone help me out as this is very critical.Thanks,Ganesh

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Jul 20, 2005

I need to check if any user in the database is assigned any permissionWITH GRANT OPTION. Please let me know how do I check this. Also let meknow if assigning rights WITH GRANT OPTION is possible from enterprisemanager.Thanks in advanceKamal

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What Is The Correct Option For Me?

Feb 21, 2007

Hello there,

I am not a company programmer but I do like to write programs for myself. I am currently looking at writing a Database program to track my DVD's, CD's Tapes and the likes (as well as quite a bit of other data). While discussing this with others it was suggested that I use MSDE (since it's free) and that way I could learn more about SQL databases at the same time.

When I connected to the MS website to download MSDE I found that it will not be supported with Vista. Since I am planning on getting a new PC which will most likley come with Vista I am now wondering what would be the best way to develop my database.

1. Should I use Access (Since it will only be accessed across my home network)?

2. Is there a version of SQL (that does not require a License fee) for Home use?

Please tell me what options I have now!.

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Using Query Option In Bcp

Mar 18, 2008


I am trying to load data from sql server to sybase. SQL Server is our source databse and I want to do this task in unix server using isql and bcp options.

I want to limit the changes on source tables and also I cannot use DTS or SSIS since we dont own SQL server.

Does any have any idea how to use query option in bcp. It is not direct table load. I need to run select statements with Joins in it.

Any ideas on how to script run and save results in to file and then bcp in to our sybase server.

I am not suposed to craete any views on source db. So just need to run sql statements and take the results to text file.

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Miscellaneous Option???

Jun 2, 2006

Does anyone knows what is it for Miscellaneous option on Package Explorer? It seems totally useless

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