WQL Query To Watch For A File
Aug 17, 2006
I need an example of a WQL query to use in the WMI Event Watcher task to watch for the presence of a file. The task has to succeed for either:
1) The file already exists when the task is run
2) The file shows up while the task is running (waiting)
Also the query has to reference a UNC path and file name. The file I'm looking for is just a flag file telling me a table is refreshed in our Data Warehouse.
I also need pointers on how to set the WMI connection manager. For the server, do I use the \servername of the fileserver? Do I need to include the folder the files are in (eg. \servernameflags)?
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Jan 30, 2008
I have a folder that gets 2 to 3 files dropped everyday. I want to create a package that loads only the new files into the database. The old files (Processed files) remain in the same folder and cannot be moved. How do i accomplish this in ssis?
I found something about the file watcher task with the for loop, but just can't put it all together.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Mar 21, 2007
Can't an SSIS package run "in the background", so to speak, without having either the cmd.exe or dtexecui windows open while executing? I'd obviously rather not have to have a window open when the thing is running right?
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Feb 27, 2007
hi frnds,
i want to view the runtime variable value in the watch window while the package is running,
how i will get that watch window. i searched all the menus but i didnt get it.
im using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 for SSIS package.
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Mar 26, 2007
I honestly don't see where to view the watch window. Can someone please advise.
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Feb 15, 2006
I cannot use the watch window while debugging. I want to use it to look at the runtime variable values. The watch window is blank when I click on it, could someone please tell me where and how to configure it?
Many thanks
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Jan 12, 2006
Is there a way i can see the value of the variables during debugging ?
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Mar 2, 2008
between my wrox book, google and looking everywhere in BIDS, I couldn't figure out how to watch the variables being set in an Exec SQL Task control flow item. My wrox book said something about right clicking the var in the script (I wasnt in a script), or using the debug menu or pressing ctrl-alt-q. None of this worked. Is it possible that at installation a certain choice wasnt made, or maybe watch windows only work in the context of something other than the control flow?
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Aug 19, 2007
Hi Guys,
I've got an order generation query that will _sometimes_ run long. By that I mean every few days a query used to estimate the required stock quantities for an order will time-out because it has taken an extended time to run. This only occurs at one particular site. This site shares a common schema with others who do not experience this issue, although site is a particularly busy one.
This query (a stored proc call) needs to aggregate sales data from ~200k rows and usually takes 10-15 seconds. On the days when it 'runs long' it will hit the 5 minute time-out period and be failed by the application.
The problem I have with this process is that if I have the application dump out the query it's using to generate the order (this query will vary as the stored proc is passed the name of a temp table to use for this order) so I can run it in Query Analyzer to get an execution plan and maybe some clue as to why it takes so long; the issue will vanish. After I've tried to investigate in this way an order generated from either Query Analyzer or the application will work in the normal time. When the query is running long any processes which attempts to write to the sales data tables will get blocked until the order generation has finished.
The application is accessing the database via ADO 2.6. The database itself is running on SQL Server 2000 sp3 under Win2k.
I believe that the SQL Profiler is the tool best suited to investigate this but I'm hoping for some advice on which of the myriad of watchable metrics I should be checking here.
Any profiler advice or estimates as to what the issue may be here would be great!
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Feb 5, 2008
Not sure if this is a "user training" issue or a bug, I seem to have difficulty dragging and dropping variable(s) to the watch window. Is there a specific sequence I need to follow to enable this feature in BIDS? Appreciate any feedback.
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Mar 15, 2007
hi frnds,
i have one SSIS package with single SQL Execute task.
select empname from emp
This is the query i had mentioned in that SQL task.
i had created the varibale User:rs as object and i mapped that to the resutset and i selected fullresultset in general tab.
In the debugging mode im getting the com object as the result of that variable.
This is the o/p which i got in the debugging mode.
- User::rs {System.__ComObject} __ComObject
Type __ComObject
Value System.__ComObject
but i requires the empname to be displayed in that mode.
how to get that?
pls tell me .
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Jan 25, 2006
When i debug a trigger is it possible to add a WATCHon the INSERTED or DELETED?I think not, at least I couldn't figure out a way to do so.Does someone have a suggestion on how I can see the values?I did try to do something likeINSERT INTO TABLE1(NAME)SELECT NAME FROM INSERTEDbut this didn't work. When the trigger completed and Iwent to see the TABLE1, there were no records in it.Are there any documents, web links that describe waysof debugging the trigger's INSERTED and DELETED?Thank you
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Nov 2, 2007
Hi all,
I have the "Northwind" database in my Sql Server Management Studio Express.
In my C:ProSSEAppsSamplesForChapter02Chapter02 folder, I have the following 2 files:
(1) ListColumnValues (MS-DOS Batch File)
sqlcmd -S .sqlexpress -v DBName = "Northwind" CName = "CompanyName" TName =
"Shippers" -i c:prosseappschapter02ListListColumnVales.sql -o
(2) ListColumnValues (Microsoft SQL Server Query File)
USE $(Northwind)
SELECT $(CompanyName) FROM $(Shippers)
When I ran the following SQLcmd:
I got the following "ColumnValuesOut.rpt" with error messages:
'Northwind' scripting variable not defined.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server L1P2P3SQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near '$'.
'CompanyName' scripting variable not defined.
'Shippers' scripting variable not defined.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server L1P2P3SQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near 'CompanyName'.
I copied these T-SQL statements from a book and I do not know how to correct them.
Please help and tell me how to correct these errors.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Dec 10, 2007
We can save query output save as CSV file directly from the Query Analyzer window. I have done it at last few year before. Now I need it.Can anyone please give the one example for the same.
Amit K Patel
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May 30, 2004
i want write a syntax in my storeprosedure or Query Analyzer that execute my sysntaxec in .sql file
forexample i have Mine.sql that contain "select * from my table" and i have a Store procedure
i want write a sysntax in my store procedure to execute my select in Mine.sql
how can i do that?
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Jul 23, 2005
Ok, I know this is a stupid newbie question, but I'm a stupid newbie,so it fits.I've got a query that writes a basic report, and I need to be able togive it to a user who doesn't even know how to spell SQL to run.Basically, I want her to be able to double click on a bat file on hercomputer, and it'll produce an output file based on what the queryfinds in the database.I've got the query in a file with a .sql extension, and it runs fine inQuery Analyzer. I saw an old post when searching the google archivesfor this newsgroup, which says to create a .bat file with a command inthe format:isql -Usa -Ppassword -ic: est.sql -oc: est.logThat doesn't work, though. My output file ends up having the error:DB-Library: Unable to connect: SQL Server is unavailable or does notexist. Unable to connect: SQL Server does not exist or network accessdenied.Net-Library error 52: ConnectionOpen (Connect()).I think I understand what the problem is, but I'm not sure what to doabout it. I'm not telling it where the SQL server is. I think theprevious conversation where I got this advice was assuming that thiswould all be done on the same machine as the database, when I'm tryingto run this from just any generic PC on the same network as thedatabase server. How/where do I tell the bat file what server that Iwant it to go to? Or am I completely off in thinking that's theproblem?--Richard
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Nov 1, 2007
I have a query file, test.sql, in the root of my C drive. It is400,000 lines worth of insert into statements and is so big i cannotload in into management studio. How can I run this?
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Oct 25, 2007
Hi All.
Have a nice day.
I have one file and all tables and fields created in this file, this file name is "db1.sql", i downloaded this file from a internet demo. and programmer give this file to use in the asp.net code. but i cannot open this file.
I want to use this file in my sqlepress, how can i import or bring to my sqlexpress server and use it ?
Please can you help me how can i use it?
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Jul 25, 2001
I have a query something like this:
select "bcp EISAT_08_18.."+name +" OUT C:"+ name+".TXT -c -t -SCJACOBI"
from sysobjects
where type = 'U'
When I run the above query I want to output the result of the query to a file.
Can someone help me on that?
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Jul 31, 2001
Hi all,
When I run a query in the sql query analyzer I need to write the output of that query in to another file. In Oracle its spool. Can someone help me on this please. Thank you!!!
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Aug 26, 2006
Hi everybody,
I need a syntax in SQL Server 7.0. By using which I need to excecute a query from file. By using xp_cmdshell I am getting it. But whole results comes in a single column. I need the result set as it appears while executing the query. Can you help me in this. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Gopakumar N.Kurup
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Mar 2, 1999
Im running a query using isql from the command line and outputting the results
to a file. Ideally I'd like to have the file in csv format so that it can be used by a client to import the results into their system.
I can run a query and output the results to a file but get i dont get the csv format I require. I can separate the columns using /s parameter but I also additional space within the column fields.
I know it is possible to create the csv format using the SQL query tool and ISQL_w but I was wondering if there was some parameter that I can call that will format the output like the format options in ISQL_w allows me to do.
Thanks in advance
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Jul 30, 2001
Is there a way in SQL Server 2000 to output your query results to a file (example comma-delimited) in the SQL CODE ITSELF? I know you can check the option under Tools->Options->Results but I want to have it do it in the SQL code. Thanks Eric
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Jan 1, 2005
Dear All,
i need to put a query in a batch file to be easy to use by the user.
jusy only double click on it and it will work.
can any one help?
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Feb 27, 2006
In a stored procedure how do I output the result of a query to a text file?
Bharathram G
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Jul 27, 2015
I have the below query which gives me statement to apply the login name, SID and PWD and that I statement I can apply to Dr and secondary server. Incase of failover there will be no connection issue.My query is
SELECT 'EXEC sp_addlogin @loginame = ''' + loginname + ''''
,', @defdb = ''' + dbname + ''''
,', @deflanguage = ''' + language + ''''
This query output I wanted in a sqlfile so that I can schedule a batch file or sqlcmd and apply the login detail from the new one inserted in the primary.
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Apr 13, 2006
I have an sp that runs a query in xp_cmdshell/BCP combo that puts the output into an XML file (using for xml auto hint on the end of the query).
I personally feel that I should now (under SQL 2K5) be able to do this within a query, not going any where near xp_cmdshell or bcp, and then use SSIS in the final step to ftp it up to the clients site.
It builds a command string in the sp, then runs that command string via xp_cmdshell.
I guess what I'm asking is, is it possible to run a query within an SP with the output going to an XML file on the server automatically? AND that file to be a well formed XML file?
Any suggestions?
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Sep 24, 2006
Hi all,
im trying to write a stored procedure that will basically browse a folder and get me the first file that it sees. Is there any way that I can do this in TSQL or using CLR in C#? I was thinking something along the lines of using the dos dir command and triyng to pipe it into a variable, not sure how to go about doing this. Any suggestions?
dir /b ...gives me the bare file names, but it lists all the files in the folder, any way that i can just get the first file ( i dont really care what file).
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Aug 29, 2007
I want to export/output result of a query to a CSV file using SQL Server 2005. How can i do it ? I just want to do it all using SQL Server 2005 query window without having to use some 3rd Party control or software. Is it possible and how? Is there some SP which can convert the result to a CSV File ?
Thanking you...
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Feb 7, 2008
Ok, so im pretty much finished writing my forum web page. However to display things like how many replies each thread has and who replied last, i need to perform a query in the code file. Im guessing its simple enough but i cant get the syntax for actually performing any query. I already know the sql syntax like select * from all that stuff but how do i get do something like:
Dim x as integer = sqlQuery("Select count(*) FROM ...")
Currently i have it all working by creating a table and making it invisible and just pulling data from the table but thats sloppy and pretty ineffecient if i databind a table for every single topic name.
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Feb 4, 2005
I have a report that is based on a query that is read from a .sql file and is executed in the stored procedure. I found this code on the internet. When I run the SP in Query Analyser it tells me that "2 rows have been affected". I don't know why I don't get the data. Any help??
Stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE TimeTracker_Report_ClientNumbers2
CREATE TABLE #tmpQuery (Query NVARCHAR(4000))
BULK INSERT #tmpQuery FROM '\servernameQueriesReport_ClientNumbers.sql'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLQuery
and Report_ClientNumbers.sql contains the following query:
SELECT Name, ClientNumber FROM Companies WHERE Not ClientNumber IS NULL ORDER BY ClientNumber
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Apr 3, 2001
I have come across manual queries being run daily and the results saved to a txt file on the network.
I basically want to set run these up a stored procedure and set up as a scheduled task to run daily.
Does anyone know if you can automatically save the results of a query/stored procedure to a text file on a network??
Many Thanks..
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Aug 22, 2001
I have a small problem with SQL server 7.0 where I have to write the output of a query directly to a file without the user going to the menu and clicking on save. Scenario is:
A file is having a query the results of which has to be outputted to a file like in oracle where we have spooling function. Is there any functionality that mimic the oracle functionality where by I can get the output directly to a file?
thanks for your help in advance.
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