Web Sync (Anonymous Subs) Reinitialize ALL?

Oct 24, 2006


I have a web sync merge publication with multiple anonymous subscribers. Unfortunately two of the subscribers have experienced errors as follows.

The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Subscriber for changes not yet sent to the Publisher. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload). (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199401)

Now they successfully sync'd within the retention period so I am baffled as to why the cleanup has occured. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a way to reinitialize just a single subscriber. It seems that the only reinitialize option is across all subscribers, which I do not wish to do as they would loose any changes since last sync.

Can anyone shed any light on this.


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Data Driven Subs

Jun 13, 2007

I have vb code that I am triggering a Data Driven Subscription.

The problem I am having is that I need to wait for the Subscription to finish before I go on to the next line of Code.

I am Currently using SQL to query the Subscriptions table in the ReportServer Database. I am Checking the LastStatus field to see if the Subscription is done. But I've noticed that it doesn't always update the field when the Subscription is finished.

for example some times that field will stay "Pending". Is there another way that i trap for the subscription being complete?

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Checking Publications Are Subscribed To All Subs

Mar 11, 2005

Hi All

How can I checked the publication are subscribed to all subscribers?
is there any stored procedure or method to do this?

Thanks alot


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Sub Subs, Counts, With Division Problem

Sep 22, 2005

Hello all, first post and really new to sub subs too! If any has time, I'm trying to retrieve data like this:
Reason Countee Perc
BENT HEAD 26 (% OF 26 TO 92)
OTHER 24 (% OF 24 TO 92)

I'm using the SQL below but can't seem to work out the percentage calculation. (The below only returns 0's). Thanks for any help up front!!!

SELECT Reason, COUNT(Reason) AS Countee, COUNT(Reason) /


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Need To Reinitialize Subscriptions

Jun 7, 2015

I am getting continuous errors in publisher/distributor server

Background: Transactional replication (Push) with one publication (above 30 articles (tables)) and 1 subscriber. Publisher/Distributor is 2008r2 SP2 & Subscriber is 2008r2 sp1

Current Problem:

Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent PubServername-Production-ProductionReplication-Subscriberservername scheduled for retry (One of the replication job). Query timeout expired.

When I open the replication monitor..In the first tab it is showing performance excellent but when I double click on the publiscation, it is showing errors under distributor to subscriber tab and there are some undistributed commands 5873507, estimated time to apply these commands, based on last performance is 1:06:05:05

Question 1: Do I need to reinitialize the subscriptions? How to find out the problem what went wrong with replication

Question 2: If I want to do any schema changes @publisher do I need to stop the log reader agent and start after the deployment? In my case both publisher/distributor are on the same server (Transactional Replication)

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How Can You Tell That A Subscription Is Set To Reinitialize?

May 8, 2007

How can you tell if a merge subscription is set to reinitialize?

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Reinitialize Subscription

Jan 23, 2008

Hi members!

I was wondering how to reintialize one of many subscriptions under a publication...
I know I can use sp_startpublication_snapshot to reinitialize all the subscriptions but how do you only reinitialize one subscription????

Thanks for your help!!! very appreciated!


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What Exactly Does 'reinitialize Subscription' Do?

Jan 17, 2008

We have several sites using SQLCE to merge sync. with an SQL 2005 server, and recently a large change was made at the server end. The sites now only seems to upload their changes, but are unable to download any server changes, and the sync fails with the following message (after about half an hour):

A call to SQL Server Reconciler failed. Try to resynchronize.
HRESULT 0x80004005 (29006)
The merge process was unable to create a new generation at the 'Publisher'. Troubleshoot by restarting the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.
HRESULT 0x8004501E (0)

I would like to reinitialize the subscriptions using the option to upload any subscriber changes first, but I don't know exactly what this will do. Will it simply re-download the entire database, after uploading any recent changes? This is what I want it to do, but am unable to find any help telling me what exactly 'reinitialize subscription' does.

Many thanks in advance!

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Reinitialize Replication - Merge

Mar 27, 2004

I have a few databases that I replicate between NY and Greece. We utilize merge replication on all SQL 2000 servers. My question, is there a quick way to reinitialize replication besides pushing the initial snapshot? I would like to avoid the initial snapshot in the event of a failure due to the amount of time it takes to transfer over our 3mb ATM circuit.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Is There Any Way To Just Reinitialize Only The Changed Article?

Oct 24, 2007


I'm setting up Transaction Replication b/w SQL Server 2K and SQL Server 2K5.
I have published Tables, Views and SPs as articles.
When I try to modify the published Stored procedure, the changes are not replicated.

When I Reinitialize the Subscription and start the Snapshot agent, it is copying the changes

made. But all articles are reinitialized again, So it takes huge time to do this.

Is there any way to just reinitialize only the changed article?
Or Is there any work around for this problem?


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Reinitialize Subscriptions In Transactional Replication

Feb 27, 2004

If I have one table in one publication in transactional replication
replication between primary and replicate is broken because subscription is marked as inactive.

If there are 3 rows on replicate and 5 rows on primary , out of which 2 are added after replication is broken

If I do

Reinitialize subscriptions
start the snapshot agent
start the distribution agent

Does this mean that it will only transfer the new 2 rows to replicate sites ? or will it drop everything from replicate site and apply all rows from primary site on to replicate.

Any help is appreciated

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Looking For Table / View That Will Tell Me If I Need To Reinitialize Subscription

Dec 20, 2006

I have kind of unique situation. I am running Merge replication. In one of my publications I am only publishing procedures/functions/views. By design, these do not change that often, but when a programmability object changes, it is scripted in a way so that:

1. The article is dropped from the publication

2. the object is then changed

3. The article is added back to the publication

My question is: Is there a table or view that the subscriber or publisher can see that could tell me if reinitialization needs to occur. I am looking at adding an automated script at the subscriber that makes the determiniation and automatically reinitializes the subscription. My alternative is to force the subscriber to reinitialize every time when synchronizing with this publication, even if nothing has changed because the process has to be automated.



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Do I Have To Reinitialize Snapshot If A New Table Added?

May 2, 2007


After creating a publication for Merge Replication, if I need to add or drop a simple table, do I have to reinitialize the snapshot all over again?


Ekrem Önsoy

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How To Reinitialize When There Is A Problem With Your Selected Data Store?

Nov 18, 2006

I've been trying to reinitialize the membership database, but something stops me.
I have tried deleting aspnetdb.mdf from the App_Data folder. This works fine, and then a new one is created when I use the asp.net adminstration tool. I can use the server explorer to view the table content (all null).
Although I can open the asp.net configuration page, the problem occurs when I select security. Then I get the error
There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store. The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: Database 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727asp.netwebadminfilesApp_DataASPNETDB.MDF' already exists. Could not attach file 'C:Documents and SettingsJeff LeeseMy Documentsworldmy workcurrentcounsellorApp_DataASPNETDB.MDF' as database 'ASPNETDB_devjeffleese'.
All this seems to have happened after I modified my connection info in the web.config file:
<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;&#xD;&#xA; AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;&#xD;&#xA; user instance=true;&#xD;&#xA; Integrated Security=True;&#xD;&#xA; Initial Catalog=ASPNETDB_devjeffleese;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
So, two questions:
1) What are the &#xD;&#xA; sections about? They seem to have been inserted automatically at some point, and I wonder if its just formatting info or should I remove them?
2) How can I get security going again. How do I deal with the 'already exists' problem that prevents 'attaching' ?
Would greatly appreciate guidance in how to start over...

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SQL Anonymous Logon

Jun 16, 2004

I was reading though my logs and noticed I had three instances of an anonymous logon last night. The last anonymous logon was at approx midnight. This is prime hacking time.

Can anyone give me direction on issues or concerns with anonymous logons.

Much thanks in advance ....

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Get Rid Of An Anonymous Subscription

Feb 27, 2007

Hi all

I've got the following situation:

setup up an merge publication (distributor and publisher at the same server)
setup an anonymous subscription
deleted the subscription

In the replication monitor, I still see the deleted subscription.


And how do I get rid of it?

Thanks a lot for any informations and greetz


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Unable To Reinitialize Subscription?

Feb 11, 2015

When trying to reinitialize a transactional replication subscription I am unable to select the "Generate the new snapshot now" checkbox. This seems to be happening only with SSMS 2014. When I connect to the same server from SSMS 2008 R2 I am able to select this checkbox.

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Sql 2000 And Anonymous Login

Feb 15, 2001

How do you set up a SQL server to allow anonymous access from a website? I am using asp for a web site and keep getting this error:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E4D)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'

I am new to SQL server so any help no matter how obvious would be appreciated


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Anonymous Logins By SC_MSSQL Application

Apr 9, 2008

We're getting a barrage of Windows Authenticated login attempts that are using the Anonymous login on one of our client's production servers. This smells to me of a service gone awry.

The login attempts originate from a server that is hosting some Quest Software applications, specifically their Performance Analysis tool. This machine has been well behaved until this morning, but it has been issuing around ten failed login attempts an hour.

The problem that it causing me pain at the moment is that the client has not renewed their Quest support yet because of a merger, so their contract recently expired. Does anyone have any insight into what might cause a normally well behaved app/server to go mildly berzerk exactly ten days after the support contract expires?


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Cannot Use Anonymous Methods Inside SQLCLR...

Sep 15, 2006

Hi all,

The problem is: when you're trying to call in method MyMethod anonymous method that doesn't use local variables, deployment of the assembly will fail referring that MyMethod tries to store smth. in the static variable. Indeed, looking at the compiled CLR code, you can see that anonymous delegate is cached in the private static delegate and the call looks like:

If(ClassName.privateStaticDelegate == null)
ClassName.privateStaticDelegate = new MyDelegate(HiddenMethodName);

Is there any workaround to fix this problem.

P.S. I googled about this problem and found only one article on it:

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Using REPLMERG For Web Synchronization Of Anonymous Pull Subscription

Mar 23, 2007


I tried to use REPLMERG utility for Web synchronization and got the following error message in log file:

2007-03-23 14:35:10.484 The subscription to publication 'X' could not be verified. Ensure that all Merge Agent command line parameters are specified correctly and that the subscription is correctly configured. If the Publisher no longer has information about this subscription, drop and recreate the subscription.

The case description is as the following:

REPLMERG utility command line:

"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90COMREPLMERG.EXE" -ExchangeType 3 -Publication X -

Publisher B01  -Subscriber  -Distributor B01 -PublisherDB DBS -

SubscriberDB DBS -PublisherSecurityMode 1 -Output C:TempDBS.log -OutputVerboseLevel 2  -

SubscriberSecurityMode 0 -SubscriberLogin Operator -SubscriberPassword XXX -

SubscriptionType 2 -DistributorSecurityMode 1 -Validate 3 -InternetURL

https://www.company.com/Synch/replisapi.dll -InternetSecurityMode 0 -InternetLogin USER1 -

InternetPassword PWD1 -SubscriberType 0

The subscription to the publication X has been created with the following T-SQL script:


EXEC sp_addmergepullsubscription

@publisher = N'B01',

@publication = N'X',

@publisher_db = N'DBS',

@subscriber_type = N'anonymous',

@sync_type = N'automatic',

@subscription_priority = 0.0;

I've also tried to check subscription information on the server using the following:

sp_helpsubscription_properties N'B01', N'DBS', N'X'

but the result set is empty. When I run sp_helpsubscription_properties

I get the same empty result. But the subcription is anonymous and when I synchronize it using RMO - it works.

Could you please advice what could cause the problem?

Thank you.



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How Do I Provide Anonymous Access To The Report Viewer

May 6, 2008

In remote processing mode, I am receiving the following error when I view a report in the browser: HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.

I have SQL server 2005, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 , Windows Server 2003 running on a virtual PC.

I am using Visual Studio 2008 to create a webpage with a reportviewer.

We are using Windows Integrated Security. How do I provide anonymous access to the report viewer?

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Re-initializing An Anonymous Subscription From The Server - Error

Aug 15, 2007


I'm trying to force an anonymous subscription to re-intialize on it's next sync attempt. I can do this from the subscriber no problems, and from the publisher using 'Re-initalize All Subscriptions', but I can't seem to re-intialize only a single subscription from the publisher.

To do this I'm trying to execute sp_reinitmergesubscription using the subscriber details found in the sysmergesubscriptions table. This executes ok and when the subscriber starts to sync it does try to re-initialize starting with generating a new snapshot, but after processing for a while it throws the following error messages:

Error messages:
The merge process could not allocate memory for an operation; your system may be running low on virtual memory. Restart the Merge Agent. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147198720)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147198720
An error occurred while reading the .bcp data file for the 'CDP_TableDates' article. If the .bcp file is corrupt, you must regenerate the snapshot before initializing the Subscriber. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199428)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147199428
The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147201001)

There doesn't appear to be any shortage of memory on the server. There is no problem regenerating the snapshot from the publisher, and there's no problem with syncing through the web using delta syncs or re-initializing from the subscriber, so I can't see any obvious cause from those error messages.

I'm using SQL Server 2005 SP2 on the publisher, and SQL ServerCE 3.1 on the subscriber.

Any ideas or alternatives?


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Can Sql Server Reports Vieweble By Anonymous Users?

Aug 3, 2007

Hi there,

I created reports and deployed successfully. but one problem i am facing is when i am opening the browser to see reports, it is asking for credentials..

But i want to show these reports for anonymous users

Is there any way to show reports for anonymous users? If yes, what is the process. please refer me any articles.

please help me out.


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Allow Public/Anonymous Access To Report Folder

Nov 12, 2007


I have a set of reports that should be accessible to any user on our network. Those reports are located in a single folder in SSRS. I would like to configure security to allow anyone to see the reports in that folder. Is there a way to do this?

I do have other folders where I am using security so I do not want to open up system-wide access to all reports.

Thank you for your ideas.


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Merge Replication With Anonymous Subscribers And Identity Columns

Dec 21, 2005


I read the BOL on how the publisher will had out identity ranges to subscribers, but it was not clear if this was also the case for anonymous subscribers. Will merge replication with identity columns work with anonymous subscribers that sync via HTTPS?

Darrell Young

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Data Access :: Return String From Oracle Anonymous Block

Oct 30, 2015

I am trying to execute oracle procedure (anonymous block) with input and output parameters from ms sql code and return 2 values back:a number and a string.I am using **EXEC() AT** to execute oracle code and return a string back to ms sql. It works fine when returning numbers, but if I add a string output parameter, I am receiving an error:Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0...A severe error occurred on the current command.  The results, if any, should be discarded.

The server log has the following entry in exception.txt:

Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 00000005031C07E0 at 0x0000000070F9C183
There is also a SQLDump file generated:
*   10/28/15 12:45:38 spid 63
*   Exception Address = 000000005040C183 Module(MSVCR100+000000000003C183)


It looks like the problem is in passing varchar2 from oracle into ms sql. I had logging code in oracle block, and it works fine. I have found a few examples of using **exec() at** but there is always only integer output passed back.

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Changing Merge Agent Profile For HTTPS - MergeSubscriberType = Anonymous

Aug 8, 2006


We are using HTTPS merge replication

Our setup is as follows:

subscription.CreateSyncAgentByDefault = False -- I wrote a windows service to synchronise
subscription.UseWebSynchronization = True
subscription.InternetSecurityMode = AuthenticationMethod.BasicAuthentication
subscription.SubscriberType = MergeSubscriberType.Anonymous

Some of our subscribers have low-quality internet connections - how do I get the agent at the publisher/distributer use a slower profile - I've read How to: Work with Replication Agent Profiles (Replication Transact-SQL Programming)
but can't see where you specifiy an alternate agent profile

On the distributer / publisher (same machine) I go to replication monitor -> Warnings and Agents - I can only set the profile for the snapshot agent....


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How To Grant Rights For The Anonymous IIS Web User IUSR_.. To Execute Scalar Function In Assembly

Jul 26, 2006

Dear all,

Basically I want to set chain up the rights so that the anonymous web user IUSR_ .. can execute the new .NET subs, functions etc in the assembly, just as the anonymous web user can execute Stored Procedures when granted. In this way, it should be possible to call the .NET assembly just as classic stored procedures from ASP/ASP.NET.

I have written a .NET function which I can successfully execute if I log on to the database as an administrator by sending this T-SQL query; it returns the result of a given string:

select dbo.CLRHTMLString('abc')

The scenario is now to try to grant access to this assembly for a different role (webuser), which the classic IUSR_MYSERVERNAME is a login of, so that I can call the .NET Assembly when I am authenticated as the anonymous web user (e.g. via ASP, etc.).

To test access, I created a login (webusertest) for a user (webusertest) in the same role (webuser) on the database. But when I use this login, which supposedly has the same rights as the IUSR_, execution right is denied:

EXECUTE permission denied on object 'CLRHTMLString', database 'adt_db', schema 'dbo'.

Note: The 'webuser' database role has Execute permission on the Assembly.

I have also tested this from my actual web page, with the following results:
(1) IUSR_MYSERVER member of db_owner role: Web page has right to call assembly.
(2) IUSR_MYSERVER not member of db_owner role: Web page does not have right to call assembly.

Further test results:
(3) Function can be called when making the user "webusertest" member of the "db_owner" role, which is too much rights to grant for the anonymous web user.

(4) When adding the user 'webusertest' to get 'Execute' permissions on the assembly, it does not get added. After clicking OK, there is no warning message, but when opening the Assembly Properties -> Permission dialog box the same time, the 'webusertest' user does not appear in the list.

Thankful for any advice on this matter.

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ReportServer.asmx Contacts Web Service To Retrieve Dataset As ANONYMOUS, Report.asmx Does Not

May 14, 2007

Dear SQL Server Reporting Services gurus,

Before I begin describing our problem, let me first start off with a description of our environment and current configuration.

Background/Configuration Specs

We have SQL Server Reporting Services running on a Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Service Pack 1 server. It is configured so that the Reports and ReportServer virtual directories run under a sql server domain account.

The datasets for our reports are xml datasets returned from calling a web service on a second IIS server, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Service Pack 1. The web service runs under a service account and is not set to impersonate the user. The web service contacts a database located on the same server as reporting services to retrieve the data. So, it should receive the request, login to the database it is trying to access using the service account, and return the dataset.

We are programatically accessing reports via a client application, specifying the virtual directory via the reportserver url (e.g. http:\hostname\reportserver\virtual directory path\report name).

Kerberos is enabled on both the sql box and the iis box with constrained delegation allow the sql account access to the iis box.


When I try to browse to the report from Report Manager in IE, (http:\hostname\Reports\...etc) I am able to successfully view the report.

When I try to view the report in the client app, (http:\hostname\reportserver\...etc.) the report fails.

Looking at the iis logs, it appears that in the first case, the web service is receiving the request from the sql server domain account. In the second case, it appears that the web service is receiving the request from an anonymous login.


What exactly is the difference between rendering/viewing a report via ReportManager versus programatically via ReportServer?

Is there any configuration we need to be aware of when configuring ReportServer?

Any help you can provide would be very much appreciated.



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Automating IUSR Access Priviledges With Anonymous Access For SRS Virtual Directory.

Feb 22, 2008

We have an application that requires write settings to reportserver virtual directory for the IUSR account when anonymous is turned on during the install. Once the install is complete, we lock down the IUSR account so that it only has browse access to the virtual directory when enabling anonymous access.

We automate the uninstall and install of our daily builds and I'm trying to figure out if I can automated this process somehow either through command line utility or in vbs.

Your help is greatly appreciated...


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Sync Two Tables

Feb 22, 2008

Hi Forum, Ive been unsuccessfully trying to copy data from one table to another, very simple scenerio!
Table1 ID(PK), FirstName, Mobile, Date.
Table2 FirstName, Mobile.
The first question I have is should I fill Table2 at the insert stage OR should/do I update Table2 from Table1 as the users details are entered. ie create some kind of relationship.
Really appreciate good advice! cheers P

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Sync DBs On Different Servers

Apr 18, 2005

I have two db instances on different SQL Servers. One is my test db and the other the prod. db. Each has two tables that hold lookUp values for the entire application. I would like to keep these tables in sync. in both dbs. The prod. db would be the master. I was trying to design a trigger to insert, update, or delete the appropriate records in the test db as they were added or deleted from the prod db.
I'm getting too many prefixes errors on the script when trying to reference the table on the test db using four part naming convention.
Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? Do I need to set up a linked server to accomplish this functionality? If so, how do I setup security for a linked server?
Thanks in advance.

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