Web Based SQL Table Editor

Jun 21, 2004

Is anyone aware of a tool that will allow users to update the values of a sql table via a web page? What I am looking for is a tool that when given the name of a table will generate a web front end to allow editing of the table.


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SHIFT + SPACE In Table Editor

Feb 6, 2007

The default behaviour for pressing SHIFT + SPACE when editing text inside a cell in the Table Editor view in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express is to change focus to select all cells comprising the current row. This behaviour lends itself to the default behaviour for pressing SHIFT + {LEFT | RIGHT | UP | DOWN } in changing the focus to select adjacent cells.

However, I find this is quite annoying as the SHIFT + SPACE combination is quite a common miss-type when entering text in UpperCaps or when entering text with spaces while holding the SHIFT key.

Anyone else have this gripe with MSSMSE? Anyone know how to disable this behaviour?


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Uploading Column Definitions From The Flat File Connection Manager Editor Into A Table Definition

Apr 3, 2008


Is there a way of uploading column definitions from the Flat File Connection Manager into a SQL Server table definition. Since I have over a dozen data sources to process each with around 200 columns and of course like many BI techies I have little immediate influence over the structure of these flat files. I just know that these data sources are business critical.

Judging by looking at similar threads I can't be the only one who would greatly benefit from being able to upload column definitions from the Flat File Connection Manager into a SQL Server table definition as opposed to doing this manually.

Thanks in advance,


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Add Calculated Field In Order Table Based On Price Column In Product Table

Nov 18, 2014

I have 2 tables: Order(ID, Quantity) and Product(ID,Name, Price) and I want to add a calculated field in Order table based on the price column in the Product table. How do i do that?

this query returns the values i want in the table.

select a.quantity * b.price
from tblCustomerPurchases as a
join tblProduct as b
on a.ID=b.ID

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Create Target Table Dynamically Based On Source Table Schema?

Sep 13, 2005

I’ve got a situation where the columns in a table we’re grabbing from a source database keep changing as we need more information from that database. As new columns are added to the source table, I would like to dynamically look for those new columns and add them to our local database’s schema if new ones exist. We’re dropping and creating our target db table each time right now based on a pre-defined known schema, but what we really want is to drop and recreate it based on a dynamic schema, and then import all of the records from the source table to ours.It looks like a starting point might be EXEC sp_columns_rowset 'tablename' and then creating some kind of dynamic SQL statement based on that. However, I'm hoping someone might have a resource that already handles this that they might be able to steer me towards.Sincerely, 
Bryan Ax

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Query Based Off Primary Key Of Parent Table - Adding Child Table

Jan 28, 2012

I need to add a child table that will tell us who the participants counselor is, what I did was I did a Make Table query based off the primary key of the Parent table and made that the link (foreign key) for the People_tbl and the Counselor_tbl, so if the counselor changes then the user adds the record to the counselor tbl and then puts in the Effective date. The problem is that when I run a report it doesn't show the present counselor always shows the old counselor?

SELECT Student_ind.StudentFirstName, Student_ind.StudentLastName, Student_ind.[Student ID], People_tbl.[Family ID], People_tbl.FirstName,
People_tbl.LastName, People_tbl.[Parent ID]
Student_ind ON People_tbl.[Family ID] = Student_ind.[Family ID]
WHERE (People_tbl.LastName = @Enter_LastName) AND (People_tbl.FirstName = @Enter_FirstName)

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Insert A Row To A Table Based On Table Values?

Jun 10, 2015

Here is my table:

My question is: How can I insert a row for each unique TemplateId. So let's say I have templateIds like, 2,5,6,7... For each unique templateId, how can I insert one more row?

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Delete Child Table Rows Based On Predicates In A Parent Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables that are related by keys. For instance,Table employee {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,department_name char(40) not null,age int not null,...}Employee table has a primary key (combination of last_name and first_name).Table address {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,street char(200) not null,city char(100) not null,...}Address table has a primary key (combination of last_name, first_name andstreet in which (last_name, first_name) reference (last_name, first_name) inemployee table.Now I want to delete some rows in Address table based on department_name inEmployee table. What is sql for this delete?I appreciate your help. Please ignore table design and I just use it for myproblem illustration.Jim

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Analysis :: Hierarchy Based On Dimension Table Joined Multiple Times Against A Fact Table?

Aug 11, 2015

I am working on a model where I have a sales fact table. Each fact record has four different customer fields (ship- to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer). I have one customer dimension table that joins to the sales fact table four times (once for each of the customer fields above).  When viewing the data in Excel, I would like to have four hierarchies (ship -to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer) within Customer. 

Is there a way to build hierarchies within my Customer dimension based on the same Customer table?  What I want is to view the data in Excel and see the Customer dimension.  Within Customer, I want four hierarchies. 

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Transact SQL :: Update Table Based On Available Date Range In Same Table

Dec 2, 2015

I would like to update the flag of the promotion ID should the promotion ID date range overlap with Promotion ID(All) Date Range. The general logic is as below.

Update TableName
SET PromotionID Flag = 1 AND Reason = 'Overlap with row ID(Overlap row ID number)'
Where EACH ROW(Except with Promotion ID ALL) Date Range Overlap with ROW(with promotion ID ALL) Date range

Note: ROW is Partition By ColumnA,ColumnB

TableName: PromotionList

ID PromotionID StartDate EndDate ColumnA ColumnB Flag Reason
1 1 2015-04-05 2015-05-28 NULL NULL 0 NULL
2 1 2015-04-05 2015-04-23 2 3 0 NULL
3 2 2015-05-04 2015-07-07 2 3 0 NULL
4 ALL 2015-04-05 2015-04-28 NULL NULL 0 NULL
5 ALL 2015-07-06 2015-07-10 2 3 0 NULL
6 1 2015-02-03 2015-03-03 NULL NULL 0 NULL

Expected outcome after performing update on the table

ID PromotionID StartDate EndDate ColumnA ColumnB Flag Reason
1 1 2015-04-05 2015-05-28 NULL NULL 1 Overlap with row ID 4
2 1 2015-04-05 2015-04-23 2 3 0 NULL
3 2 2015-05-04 2015-07-07 2 3 Overlap with row ID 5
4 ALL 2015-04-05 2015-04-28 NULL NULL 0 NULL
5 ALL 2015-07-06 2015-07-10 2 3 0 NULL
6 1 2015-02-03 2015-03-03 NULL NULL 0 NULL

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Update Data To A Table From The Sum Of A Field From Another Table Based On Some Criteria

Jan 22, 2008

Hello Friends,

I have two tables, And also I have Sample data in them.

create table X
(y int,
m int,
v int)

insert into X select 2007,1,5
insert into X select 2007,1,3
insert into X select 2007,2,9
insert into X select 2007,2,1

select * from X

Create table Y
(fy int,
fm int,
v int)

insert into Y select 2007,1,0
insert into Y select 2007,2,0
insert into Y select 2007,3,0

select * from X
select * from Y

I want to update the Table Y with the Sum of the Fields V from X based on the Criteria Y.fy = X.y and Y.fm = X.m

Using temporary table cannot be done.

Thanks in Advance,

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Selection Of Table Based On Value Selected For The Particular Attribute In Master Table

May 29, 2008

Now i have master Table for a device Utility. There is a attribute called "Device Type " in the table. Every Device Type has specific Device Attributes associate with it . Now attribute of Diffrent Device type are stored in Different Tables. Now when i select a particular value of Device Type ( lets say Type 1 or TYPE 2 ... ) then the table with has the attribute associated with particuter device type only has to be selected .
So how can I do this ???
How to form a realtion between the tables,... ????

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SQL 2012 :: Delete From One Table Based On Results Of Other Table

May 28, 2015

I have this table:

with actividades_secundarias as (
select a.*, r.Antigo, r.Novo, rn = row_number()
over (PARTITION BY a.nif_antigo, r.novo ORDER BY a.nif_antigo)
from ACT_SECUNDARIAS a inner join

[Code] ....

I want to make a delete statement like this:

select * into #table1 from actvidades_secundarias where rn>1
Delete from act_secundarias where act_secundarias.nif_antigo = #table1.nif_antigo and act_secundarias.cod_cae = #table1.cod_cae

But it seems that I cant delete like this.

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Transact SQL :: Update A Field In Table Based On Another Table

Nov 17, 2015

I have a daily record table (has field Date1, field2Update) and have another table(has field Date2, Flag (value: 0 and non 0 values)

I want to update table1 and set field2Update as somevalue where table2.Flag <> 0

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How To Insert Rows To Table B Based On Values In Table A.

Mar 7, 2008

I need Insert rows in the OrderDetails Table based on values in the Orders Table

In the Orders table i have a columns called OrderID and ISale.
In the OrdersDetails i have columns called OrderID and SaleType

For each value in the OrderID Column of the Orders Table, anytime the ISale Column in the Orders table = 1, and the SalesType column in the OrderDetails table is empty, I want to add two rows in the OrderDetails table. One row with the value K and another row with the value KD.
That is a row will be added and the value in the SalesType column will be K, also a second row will be added and the value in the SalesType column will be KD

Also for each value in the OrderID Column of the Orders Table, anytime the ISale Column in the Orders table = 0, and the SalesType column in the OrderDetails table is empty, I want to add two rows in the OrderDetails table. One row with the value Q and another row with the value QD
That is a row will be added and the value in the SalesType column will be Q, also a second row will be added and the value in the SalesType column will be QD.

I need a SQL Script to accomplish this. thanks

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Finding Rows In One Table But Not In Another Table Based On 2 Fields

Apr 23, 2008

I have 2 tables with 2 fields in common between them. How do I get a count of rows in table 1 but not in table 2 matching those 2 fields? Thanks.

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How To Update A Table 2 Based On A Nother Table

Feb 20, 2001

hi, I have two tables named state and state2, please click on the link to view both tables. I want to update the second table by inserting the
state from table one. I tried to make it but failed,I would appreciate your

update state2
set state = (select code from state1 where id= select id from state1 where...I do not know how
where id =(select id from state.....I do not know how

anyway, I appreciate your help.

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Update Table Column Based On Value From Another Table?

Sep 2, 2005

Hi, I have two tables. I want to update two columns in my first table,[ADD_BSL_SALES] and [ADD_BSL_COST] with two values [Sales] and[Costs] held in my #temp table but based on a RUN_DATE from my firsttable.Can anyone point me in the right direction?Thanks in Advance ï?ŠBryanCREATE TABLE [GROSMARG_AUDIT_ADDITION] ([RUN_DATE] [datetime] NULL ,[SALES_DIFF] [numeric](19, 6) NULL ,[COST_DIFF] [numeric](19, 6) NULL ,[ADD_BSL_SALES] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,[ADD_BSL_COST] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,[ADD_SALES_DIFF] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,[ADD_COST_DIFF] [numeric](18, 0) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT RUN_DATE,datetime,INSERT SALES_DIFF,numeric(19,6),INSERT COST_DIFF,numeric(19,6)INSERT ADD_BSL_SALES,numeric(18,0),INSERT ADD_BSL_COST,numeric(18,0),INSERT ADD_SALES_DIFF,numeric(18,0)INSERT ADD_COST_DIFF,numeric(18,0)--- Second TableCREATE TABLE #DUPTOTALS[Sales][Costs]

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Trying To Return A Single Record For Each Client From Child Table Based Upon A Field Of Date Type In Child Table

Nov 1, 2007

I have table "Clients" who have associated records in table "Mailings"
I want to populate a gridview using a single query that grabs all the info I need so that I may utilize the gridview's built in sorting.
I'm trying to return records containing the next upcoming mailing for each client.
The closest I can get is below:
I'm using GROUP BY because it allows me to return a single record for each client and the MIN part allows me to return the associated record in the mailings table for each client that contains the next upcoming 'send_date' 
SELECT MIN(dbo.tbl_clients.client_last_name) AS exp_last_name, MIN(dbo.tbl_mailings.send_date) AS exp_send_date, MIN(dbo.tbl_mailings.user_id) AS exp_user_id, dbo.tbl_clients.client_id, MIN(dbo.tbl_mailings.mailing_id) AS exp_mailing_idFROM dbo.tbl_clients INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_mailings ON dbo.tbl_clients.client_id = dbo.tbl_mailings.client_idWHERE (dbo.tbl_mailings.user_id = 1000)GROUP BY dbo.tbl_clients.client_id
The user_id set at 1000 part is what makes it rightly pull in all clients for a particular user. Problem is, by using the GROUP BY statement I'm just getting the lowest 'mailing_id' number and NOT the actual entry associated with mailing item I want to return.  Same goes for the last_name field.   Perhaps I need to have a subquery within my WHERE clause?Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely..

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Update The Second Table Based On First Table?????????

Jun 29, 2007

I have two tables.First-----RollNo                    Number(PK) Appno                    Number Second-------RollNo                         NumberAppno_1                      NumberNow I want to update "Second" table's "Appno_1" field with the "Appno" field of the "First" table and the "RollNO" of "First" table should match with the "Second" table "RollNo" field.Actually both the tables are different .but by mistake i have entered some blank data in second table .So i want to update the second table.Plz Help...............How i will i do it :Plz Help-----------------------

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How To Delete From Table A Based On Table B

Nov 17, 2005

lets say i have 100 employees on Table A and I have 10 employees on Table B. I want to delete all the employees in Table A that are in Table B. Delete From TableA Where EmpNum = (Select EmpNum From TableB)The above SQL wont work but i am looking for something similar. any ideas?

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Update Table Based On Another Table

Feb 20, 2001

hi, I have two tables named state and state2, please click on the link to view both tables. I want to update the second table by inserting the
state from table one. I tried to make it but failed,I would appreciate your

update state2
set state = (select code from state1 where id= select id from state1 where...I do not know how
where id =(select id from state.....I do not know how

anyway, I appreciate your help.

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Based On Id, How To Know Table Name

Dec 4, 2007

Dear All,
based on objectid column in sysindexes, how to know the table name?

select object_name(id) as table_name, rows from sysindexes
where indid<2 order by rows desc

actually i'm trying to replace the query
select count(*) from mytable

select object_name(id) as table_name, rows from sysindexes
where indid<2

please guide me

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Updating A Row Based On Another Row In Table

Aug 6, 2013

I have a table in SQL server which has two rows. One has an ID of 'Bag CL55412'. Another has an ID of 'Bag CL55412-Cpy'. The Price for the first one is $99.99. I want to make the price for the second one 2% more & $.99 more.

The data looks like this
Bag CL5541299.99111
Bag CL55412-Cpy102.99500

The SQL to select that formula looks like this.

FROM [SC].[dbo].[Product]
WHERE ID like '%CL55412%'

To Update, I can think of something like this, but it will update based on itself, not a different row in the table.

UPDATE [SC].[dbo].[Product] SET ChannelPrice=(CEILING([ChannelPrice]*1.02)+.99)

How would I get it to update as I want it to? The origin CompanyID will always be 111 & the destination company ID will always be 500 for all of the respective rows that need to be updated

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Max Query( Based On Two Table)

Mar 19, 2007

i've two table Rate and Topic

Sample Table

Table name==>Topic
above table TID is primary key

next table

Table Name==>Rate

above table RID is primary key and TID is foreign key..

i need Top 3 Topic but based on Maximum Rate of value

any query.........

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Update One Based On ANother Table

Oct 13, 2005

Here is my situation;I have two tables in a MS-SQL DB. One table with dollar amounts and servicecodes. I have a second table that I want to move some information into fromthe first table. The catch is I want to move one field as is from the firsttable to the second, but the rest of the fields in the second table arecalculations based on fields in the first table.The first table is called XFILE. It has fields SVCCODE, PRICE, DWAGES,DMATLS, etc. The second table has the same field names and I want to movethe SVCCODE from XFILE to Cost_Percent with no changes. For DWAGES in theCost_Percent table I want to do the following calculation;[ XFILE.DWAGE] divided by [XFILE.PRICE] and put the results in Cost_Percenttable DWAGES fieldSo basically I am putting a percent in the Cost_Percent table. I can movethe data from one table to another ok, but I can not figure out how to writethe query in the Query Analyzer to do this.I am ruining SQL2000 Standard on a Win2K3 server. I am using Query Analyzerand SQL Enterprise Manager from an XP-Pro WS.I have looked in the 'Books On-Line' for the answer but I sort of new to SQLand can't find the answer that I am sure is staring me in the face.Thanks in advance for any help.Mike Charneym charney at dunlap hospital dot org

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How Can We Do Row Based Table Tracking

Nov 2, 2007

hi there,
how to retrieve a specific Row from a table based on its row number???

Select [2nd Row] from TAB001 in SQL Server2000.


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How Do U Create A Table Based On A Query

Jan 23, 2002

Hi guys,
Can anyone please tell me how to create a table based on a query.

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Set-based Update - Table Joined On Itself

Dec 15, 2005

Guys - sorry for the long post - hope it's clear

DDL/DML below

I want to update the startdate column (for all rows) so that when period is 0 then the new value
is a hardcoded value (say '01-Dec-2000') but for all other rows it takes the value in the
enddate column for the row of the previous column (with the same freq)

ie the startdate column for period 1 takes the enddate value for period 0 and so on for a particular freq

create table #periods (period int , startdate datetime , [enddate] datetime , freq int)
insert #periods ( period , startdate , enddate , freq)
select 0 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-Jan-2001' , 1
union all
select 1 , '01-Jan-1900' , '28-Feb-2001' , 1
union all
select 2 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-Mar-2001' , 1
union all
select 3 , '01-Jan-1900' , '30-Apr-2001' , 1
union all
select 4 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-May-2001' , 1
union all
select 0 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-Jan-2002' , 3
union all
select 1 , '01-Jan-1900' , '28-Feb-2002' , 3
union all
select 2 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-Mar-2002' , 3
union all
select 3 , '01-Jan-1900' , '30-Apr-2002' , 3
union all
select 4 , '01-Jan-1900' , '31-May-2002' , 3

select * from #periods -- gives

01900-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-01-31 00:00:00.0001
11900-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-02-28 00:00:00.0001
21900-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-03-31 00:00:00.0001
31900-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-04-30 00:00:00.0001
41900-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-05-31 00:00:00.0001
01900-01-01 00:00:00.0002002-01-31 00:00:00.0003
11900-01-01 00:00:00.0002002-02-28 00:00:00.0003
21900-01-01 00:00:00.0002002-03-31 00:00:00.0003
31900-01-01 00:00:00.0002002-04-30 00:00:00.0003
41900-01-01 00:00:00.0002002-05-31 00:00:00.0003

Desired result
select * from #periods -- gives

02000-12-01 00:00:00.0002001-01-31 00:00:00.0001
12001-01-31 00:00:00.0002001-02-28 00:00:00.0001
22001-02-28 00:00:00.0002001-03-31 00:00:00.0001
32001-03-31 00:00:00.0002001-04-30 00:00:00.0001
42001-04-30 00:00:00.0002001-05-31 00:00:00.0001
02000-12-01 00:00:00.0002002-01-31 00:00:00.0003
12002-01-31 00:00:00.0002002-02-28 00:00:00.0003
22002-02-28 00:00:00.0002002-03-31 00:00:00.0003
32002-03-31 00:00:00.0002002-04-30 00:00:00.0003
42002-04-30 00:00:00.0002002-05-31 00:00:00.0003

I know I need a case statement to test for column 0 and to join the table on itself and have put something together
but it fails for column 0 and updates to NULL - I think it must be to do with the join ??

This is what I've got so far :

PA1.Startdate =
WHEN PA2.period = 0
2000-12-01 00:00:00.000
FROM #periods AS PA1
JOIN #periods AS PA2 ON PA1.Freq = PA2.Freq AND PA1.Period = PA2.Period + 1

Any help gratefully received as always

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Possible To Update A Table Based On Excel?

May 14, 2006

Hi all
I was wondering if it was possible to update a table based off of information from Excel. here is what I though would have worked.

update MyTest Set acctNumber='111' FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=C:MyFile.xls;HDR=YES', 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]') where [ProductGroup]='Hal Butts'

with 'Update MyTest' being the table name. It does have the same name as the excel file. Just to rule that out.

It gives me this error

Ambiguous column name 'ProductGroup'.

If it is possible what is the correct syntax??


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Decrement Total In One Table Based On Value In Another

Oct 17, 2014

I have an procedure that uses a cursor to decrement a total in one table based on value in another. I am trying to rewrite this to be set based but having some issues getting the correct values.

one table will have a total amount available and the other table will have line items for the amount to decrement (think amount left on gift card). If the total amount remaining is less than the line item amount then line item amount should be set to total amount available with total amount set to zero.

this last part is where I am having trouble.

Here is example table

CREATE TABLE qamt(id INT, amt INT);
CREATE TABLE qtot(id INT, tot INT);


[Code] ....

In the end I would want to update the qamt and qtot tables. I basically want to accomplish a quirky update across multiple tables.

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View Based On Table Modification

Aug 8, 2013

I have been inserted one row in to table called as Teachers..

vTeachers is the View ctreated on Teachers Table.

When i Inserted one row in to Table Teachers i didn't see that row in vTeachers View.

How can i get that newly inserted values in to my View?

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Delete Table Based On 2 Parameter

Jun 24, 2014

I am getting runtime error for the below simple execution of sp even I tried casting the @dt to varchar still getting the same error. I want to delete the table based on the 2 parameter ...

1. Table Name first parameter
2. InCondition is the column name which of type datetime

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[DeleteTable](@InTblName NVARCHAR(250),@InCondition NVARCHAR(250))
SELECT @DeleteSQL = N'DELETE FROM ' + @InTblName +' WHERE '+@InCondition+ '=''' + @Dt+ ''''
EXECUTE sp_executesql @DeleteSQL

I have corrected the code now, I am not getting the output it is throwing error at run time.


Where column_name is of datatype datetime

Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spDeleteTable, Line 8
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

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