WebServices: This Complex Type Does Not Contain Any Properties

Aug 9, 2007

Hello everyone,
I am newbie in SSIS and I have one problem.
I have defined in Control Flow one WebService Task, specified the WSDL-File.
I have chosen one method from WS as Input. But this method requires one parameter of the ArrayOf_xsd_string type.
If I try to choose it, I receive following error:

This complex type does not contain any properties. (Microsoft.SqlServer.WebServiceTaskUI)
Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask.CustomGridControl.HandleEllipseBtn(Int64 row, Int32 col)

in my WSDL-File it already defined:

Code Snippet<complexType name="ArrayOf_xsd_string"><complexContent><restriction base="soapenc:Array"><attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="xsd:string[]"/>

Could you help me? Where I can define this ArrayOf_xsd_string type, or how can I correct my problem?
Thanks a lot for your Help!

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Using A Complex Type As Parameter To A Webservice

Mar 28, 2007

I really need some information that shows how I could construct a query that take a complex type as parameter.

Regards, Christian

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SSIS Web Service Complex Type Inputs

May 21, 2007


I am trying to make a call to a third-party web service in my SSIS package. The request has custom complex data type as the parameter. As has been pointed out in this forum before, the Web Service Task only lets you assign the outside parameter from a variable, not the internal parameters needed to create the complex data type.

To be more specific, the web service input wants a 'ContactSearchRequest' parameter. I can assign this from a variable. If I click on the 'value' field under the 'Input' section for the web service task, it shows me that the 'ContactSearchRequest' data type is made up of the following:

contactId - long
numResults - int
offset - int
passKey - string
searchParam - string
sortType - int

Unfortunately, I can't assign these internal parameters from a variable, at least not through the web service task interface.

My next thought was to create a variable of type 'object' and then set it in a script task prior to calling the web service task. However, I'm not sure exactly how to do this. How will my script know about the class definition of 'ContactSearchRequest'? Do I just create a class called 'ContactSearchRequest'?

I've used this same web service in a .NET C# project and after I imported the web service, visual studio knew all about the custom data types. How do I do something similar in SSIS?

Of course, the easiest solution would for Integration Service to allow me to set those internal parameters via variables, but we're apparently not there yet.

Any suggestions?


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Ambiguous Complex Type Definition With XML Source. Workaround?

Jan 19, 2006


This could well be down to my _limited_ knowledge of XSD.

I have a document and SXD supplied by 3rd party.

Both documents are valid, according to XMLSpy.

When I give the document and xsd to SSIS XML Source it complains about ambiguous complex types.

In the XML doc there is an element called Allowance that has child elements.

There is also a group which references many other elements including Allowance.

When I remove the group, SSIS stops complaining about allowance.

Would the problem stem from SSIS creating an output called Allowance ('cause of it's children), getting to the group and again, 'cause allowance has children, try create another output called Allowance.

Is my understanding of this correct? Is there a work around for a situation like this?

The only thing I can come up with is deleting the group....

Possible to alias an element? Could alias the Group > Allowance g_Allowance.



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Consuming WCF Service With Complex Data Type In SSIS

Oct 9, 2007


Need a guidance on consuming the WCF service with complex type in the SSIS package.
I have a WCF service with complex type inside the complex type (Nested complex type) in the web method as an argument. When I try to use this WCF service in the SSIS web service task, I get an error "The web method has unsupported arguments".

I am able to consume the WCF service with the web method having Complex type and simple/prmitive type in side that as argument.

For example:

The web method in WCF service which accepts the argument as comlex type say "Employee" whose structure is:

FName String;
LName String;
Age int

It is possible to consume this WCF service and pass the arguments.

But when the Employee complex type is changed to have one more complex type in side it it give the above mentioned error. The Employee type is modified as:

FName String;
LName String;
Age String
Type EmployeeType;

type string;

Now I get the error Web Method has unsupported arguments.

Can this be done in SSIS?


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SQL 2012 :: How To Obtain Some Properties Of Circle Defined As A Geometry Data Type

Jul 15, 2014

I am not very familiar with working with spatial data and I am currently trying to work out how to obtain some properties of a circle defined as a geometry data type. Specifically, I need to determine x and y co-ordinates for the centre point and the diameter of the circle.I have had a look at the MSDN reference for spatial data .

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Integration Services :: Passing Complex Type As A Variable In Web Service Task

Oct 5, 2011

When you pass a complex type (the one represented by class) to a web service the BIDS UI allows you to enter values for every field of that type as constants. But what if you want to pass a variable? Once again the UI allows you to specify a variable for that complex type parameter. But how to make this variable in SSIS?I understand it should have the type of Object. But how to specify what the runtime type of this object is? And how to assign all fields to that object?

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SQL 2012 :: Connection Properties Versus SSMS Server Properties

Mar 16, 2015

I have an ODBC connection string that is working fine with the following properties:

Database="XXXXXXX",Network="YYYYYY"; strangely no server is specified in the string, but it is specified in the ODBC Connection file.

I am trying to do a new server registration in SSMS for this database.However, I don't understand where the network spec is placed.

Under Registered server name I've tried:


When I browse the server for the database instance list, I receive "network path was not found".

I even tried:"XXXXXXX",Network="YYYYYY" for the registered server name.Same error message.

What am I doing wrong ?

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Complex DB Search Forms (Store Proc Vs. Complex Where)

Nov 12, 2003

I have web forms with about 10-15 optional search parameters (fields) for a give table. Each item (textbox) in the form is treated as an AND condition.

Right now I build complex WHERE clauses based on wheather data is present in a textbox and AND each one in the clause. Also, if a particular field is "match any word", i get a ANDed set of OR's. As you can imagine, the WHERE clause gets quite large.

I build clauses like this (i.e., 4 fields shown):

SELECT * from tableName WHERE (aaa like '%data') AND (bbb = 'data') AND (ccc like 'data%') AND ( (xxx like '%data') OR (yyy like '%data%') )

My question is, are stored procedures better for building such dynamic SQL clauses? I may have one field or all fifteen. I've written generic code for building the clauses, but I don't know much about stored procedures and am wondering if I'm making this more difficult on myself.

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Webservices And SQL 2005

May 15, 2007

Hey guy and gals,
I need to connect to a web service from a Sproc, can this be done? I've google and found out about Httpendpoints but that is running the web service on the server, not connecting to one from the server in a sproc. Any ideas or site links would be helpful. TIA.

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SQL Connections Stop & Webservices

Oct 10, 2007

Hello, I appeal to all to save me from this situation.

I have a WebService in VB.net by IIS and a operation to connect to the SQL server and run a query and others operations. All fine...

But after a certain time only the SQL operations don't respond nothing, the others are OK. So the problem is not in the IIS i think and something between the IIS and the SQL Server.

Can you give me some light about this PLEASEEEE :D ?

If any of you need the source say it.

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Triggers Calling WebServices

Mar 16, 2006

Yes, I know there is at least one other thread about this type of thing, but my error is a bit different............

I have been trying to call a webservice from within a trigger and i keep receiving the following error:

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure wepTestTrigger, Line 1

A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'wepTestTrigger':

System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.


at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check(Object demand, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean isPermSet)

at System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Demand()

at System.Net.CredentialCache.get_DefaultCredentials()

at Triggers.wepTestTrigger()


The statement has been terminated.

How or what do I need to do in order to call this webservice?

Thank you for any help.

Wayne E. Pfeffer

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Windows Authentication And WebServices.

Jun 14, 2006

If the web service is talking to a SQL Server database and the authentication used is SSPI (Security Support Provider Interface
) / windows authentication, does the ASP.Net user or machine id user
need to be added to the list of allowed ids to the database server? Or
am I misunderstanding the security constraints?

If I run my code through an Nunit test conduit, I can retrieve data,
but If I run it through my webservice it fails authentication.


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Calling WebServices Asynchronously From SQL CLR

Sep 18, 2007

I'm assuming it's possible to call a web service asynchronously from a SQL CLR function, is this correct or is there a fundamental flaw in calling the asynchronous methods?

I've tried coding a sample and despite creating a new thread, which in turn calls the web service asynchronously and using newthread.join I can never get the webmethodasync_completed sub to be called.

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How To Create Installer For Webservices

Nov 24, 2007

Hi Experts,
I have to create Installer or setup for my project.
My project Containg 2 webservices and one applicationProject.
I donot Know About Installer How To create SetUp For AboveProject . I want In setup wizard shows in grid it shows the 2 Webservices and PrudentialApplications. and How To add a sqlserver Bootstrapper in this application.

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Design Question About Webservices

Mar 30, 2007


I need to expose data in a SQL server 2005 database as a webservices. I have 2 options to choose. I can create an End point in sql or build a webservices in .NET.

So what are de advantages and disadvantages of those 2 approaches ?

Of course they want the webservices secure. I know that authentication is not a problem since we use windows integrated security for the intranet. But what will happen if we move to an extranet or the internet ?

But how do you enable authorization ? and Context security ? Is context security better done in .NET then in SQL ?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Render One Page At A Time Using SSRS Webservices

Apr 10, 2008

I developed a java proxy application for SSRS(Sql Server Reporting services) and able to render the reports by making webservice calls to SSRS webservices. But I am getting the data for the complete report. How can I get only a partial report( like page by page as we get in the Report Manager)? Which parameters should I pass.
As some of the reports are too big, the java application is getting memory issues and I want to limi the data that I get from SSRS.

Appreciate your suggestions.

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Using Web Services Data Source With A Param From Another WebServices

Apr 4, 2007

Hi !!!
I have to use 2 web services !
One (WebServices A) which contains methods I need to call, and the other (WebServices B) which contains a method who returns a autenticationCookie, that I have to use in parameter for call method from WebServices A ?
It is clear ? I hope...

So my question is how I can do ?
I know I can create few dataSet, but how can I pass a data from on dataSet (from my WebServices B) to the query on an other dataSet (from my WebServices A) ?

Thank your help !

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Need Help On Creating ENDPOINT To Define Webservices In SQL SERVER 2005!

Feb 23, 2006

Hi there,   I am just trying to create an ENDPOINT to define a Web Service in Sql
server 2005. Here is my code
Create ENDPOINT AWService         STATE = STARTED As HTTP (         PATH = '/ADVENTUREWORKS',         AUTHENTICATION = (INTEGRATED),         PORTS = (CLEAR),         SITE = 'DEVISQLDM2005' ) FOR SOAP (         WEBMETHOD 'GetProductList'         (NAME = 'AdventureWorks.Dbo.GetProductList'),         DATABASE  = 'AdventureWorks',         WSDL = DEFAULT )
and when i run this T-SQL its complaining about
Msg 7807, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 An error ('0x80070057') occurred while attempting to register the endpoint 'AWService'.
I am trying this code to run on Windows XP pro and Sql Server 2005. Any
clue why its complaining about this ?
Thanks -D

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How To Call Via CLR One Dll Which Calls Two Webservices (endpoints) With Dynamic Parameter

May 23, 2007

I developed one DLL in vb .Net which call two web services (sql endpoints) I wish to use this solution but for hundreds of servers (endpoints) I want to ask if I could do that with dynamic parameters passed to de DLL CALL in sql server clr.

Actually when I compile de DLL I need to have referenced (hardcoded) the webservices (endpoints) and when I need a brand new endpoint I need to reference it, compile the dll and release.

I cannot find how to invoke the service within the DLL with the namespace or webservice name as parameter.

Mi code to invoke now my referenced end point is: (note that my endpoint name is rperez)

Dim CallWebService As New rperez.IntelisisServiceEndPoint

CallWebService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

Call CallWebService.IntelisisService(ArchivoOriginal)

My class rperez.IntelisisServiceEndPoint is referenced (hardcoded) in the dll project I need it dynamic

Do I need to change my code to PROXY object ?

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Integration Services :: SSIS - WebServices To OLEDB Destination

Oct 8, 2015

I have requirement to update/insert the DPID based on the address which are passed as an input values.There are more than one address at the same time and I configured to get the address from the query which are correct and output of the address values will be stored as system object variable.I am then passing the system object variable to for each loop container and I have configured the collection and variable mappings as a variable for each input value.

when I pass the value manually to the web service task it works correctly.When I pass it as a variable to web service task it doesn't return any value.I have a data flow task which converts the ouput from web service task using the xml source converts it to oledb destination.I don't see any rows being written to the target table.

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Rendering Report Page By Page Using Webservices

Apr 10, 2008

How can I get only one page of data each time when I call the render menthod from the SSRS webservice

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Incorrect Syntax Near 'm'. An Expression Of Non-boolean Type Specified In A Context Where A Condition Is Expected, Near 'type'

Jun 3, 2008

This is nutty.  I never got this error on my local machine.  The only lower case m in the sql is by near the variable Ratingsum like in line 59.
 [SqlException (0x80131904): Incorrect syntax near 'm'.An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'type'.]   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +925466   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +800118   System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +186   System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +1932   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async) +196   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) +269   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +135   view_full_article.btnRating_Click(Object Src, EventArgs E) +565   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +105   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +107   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +7   System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +11   System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33   System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1746</pre></code>
 Here is my button click sub in its entirety:
 1 Sub btnRating_Click(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
2 'Variable declarations...
3 Dim articleid As Integer
4 articleid = Request.QueryString("aid")
5 Dim strSelectQuery, strInsertQuery As String
6 Dim strCon As String
7 Dim conMyConnection As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection()
8 Dim cmdMyCommand As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand()
9 Dim dtrMyDataReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
10 Dim MyHttpAppObject As System.Web.HttpContext = _
11 System.Web.HttpContext.Current
12 Dim strRemoteAddress As String
13 Dim intSelectedRating, intCount As Integer
14 Dim Ratingvalues As Decimal
15 Dim Ratingnums As Decimal
16 Dim Stars As Decimal
17 Dim Comments As String
18 Dim active As Boolean = False
19 Me.lblRating.Text = ""
20 'Get the user's ip address and cast its type to string...
21 strRemoteAddress = CStr(MyHttpAppObject.Request.UserHostAddress)
22 'Build the query string. This time check to see if IP address has already rated this ID.
23 strSelectQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) As RatingCount "
24 strSelectQuery += "FROM tblArticleRating WHERE Itemid=" & articleid
25 strSelectQuery += " AND ip = '" & strRemoteAddress & "'"
26 'Open the connection, and execute the query...
27 strCon = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("sqlConnectionString").ConnectionString
28 conMyConnection.ConnectionString = strCon
29 conMyConnection.Open()
30 cmdMyCommand.Connection = conMyConnection
31 cmdMyCommand.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text
32 cmdMyCommand.CommandText = strSelectQuery
33 intCount = cmdMyCommand.ExecuteScalar()
34 intSelectedRating = Int(Me.rbRating.Text)
35 conMyConnection.Close()
36 'Close the connection to release these resources...
38 If intCount = 0 Then 'The user hasn't rated the article
39 'before, so perform the insert...
40 strInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO tblArticleRating (rating, ip, itemID, comment, active) "
41 strInsertQuery += "VALUES ("
42 strInsertQuery += intSelectedRating & ", '"
43 strInsertQuery += strRemoteAddress & "', "
44 strInsertQuery += articleid & ", '"
45 strInsertQuery += comment.Text & "', '"
46 strInsertQuery += active & "'); "
47 cmdMyCommand.CommandText = strInsertQuery
48 conMyConnection.Open()
49 cmdMyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
50 conMyConnection.Close()
51 Me.lblRating.Text = "Thanks for your vote!"
52 Comments = comment.Text.ToString
54 If Len(Comments) > 0 Then
55 emailadmin(comment.Text, articleid)
56 End If
57 'now update the article db for the two values but first get the correct ratings for the article
58 strSelectQuery = _
59 "SELECT SUM(rating) As RatingSum, COUNT(*) As RatingCount "
60 strSelectQuery += "FROM tblArticleRating WHERE Itemid=" & articleid
61 conMyConnection.Open()
62 cmdMyCommand.CommandText = strSelectQuery
63 dtrMyDataReader = cmdMyCommand.ExecuteReader()
64 dtrMyDataReader.Read()
65 Ratingvalues = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrMyDataReader("RatingSum").ToString)
66 Ratingnums = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount").ToString)
67 Stars = Ratingvalues / Ratingnums
68 conMyConnection.Close()
69 'Response.Write("Values: " & Ratingvalues)
70 'Response.Write("Votes: " & Ratingnums)
72 UpdateRating(articleid, Stars, Ratingnums)
73 Else 'The user has rated the article before, so display a message...
74 Me.lblRating.Text = "You've already rated this article"
75 End If
76 strSelectQuery = _
77 "SELECT SUM(rating) As RatingSum, COUNT(*) As RatingCount "
78 strSelectQuery += "FROM tblArticleRating WHERE Itemid=" & articleid
79 conMyConnection.Open()
80 cmdMyCommand.CommandText = strSelectQuery
81 dtrMyDataReader = cmdMyCommand.ExecuteReader()
82 dtrMyDataReader.Read()
83 Ratingvalues = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrMyDataReader("RatingSum").ToString)
84 Ratingnums = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount").ToString)
85 Stars = Ratingvalues / Ratingnums
86 If (Ratingnums = 1) And (Stars <= 1) Then
87 lblRatingCount.Text =" (" & (String.Format("{0:f2}", Stars)) & ") / " & dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount") & " Vote"
88 ElseIf (Ratingnums = 1) And (Stars > 1) Then
89 lblRatingCount.Text = " (" & (String.Format("{0:f2}", Stars)) & ") / " & dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount") & " Vote"
90 ElseIf (Ratingnums > 1) And (Stars <= 1) Then
91 lblRatingCount.Text =" (" & (String.Format("{0:f2}", Stars)) & ") / " & dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount") & " Votes"
92 ElseIf (Ratingnums > 1) And (Stars > 1) Then
93 lblRatingCount.Text = " (" & (String.Format("{0:f2}", Stars)) & ") / " & dtrMyDataReader("RatingCount") & " Votes"
94 End If
96 'Response.Write(String.Format("{0:f2}", Stars))
97 'Response.Write("Values: " & Ratingvalues)
98 'Response.Write("Votes: " & Ratingnums)
99 If (Stars > 0) And (Stars <= 0.5) Then
100 Me.Rating.ImageUrl ="./images/rating/05star.gif"
101 ElseIf (Stars > 0.5) And (Stars < 1.0) Then
102 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/05star.gif"
103 ElseIf (Stars >= 1.0) And (Stars < 1.5) Then
104 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/1star.gif"
105 ElseIf (Stars >= 1.5) And (Stars < 2.0) Then
106 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/15star.gif"
107 ElseIf (Stars >= 2.0) And (Stars < 2.5) Then
108 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/2star.gif"
109 ElseIf (Stars >= 2.5) And (Stars < 3.0) Then
110 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/25star.gif"
111 ElseIf (Stars >= 3.0) And (Stars < 3.5) Then
112 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/3star.gif"
113 ElseIf (Stars >= 3.5) And (Stars < 4.0) Then
114 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/35star.gif"
115 ElseIf (Stars >= 4.0) And (Stars < 4.5) Then
116 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/4star.gif"
117 ElseIf (Stars >= 4.5) And (Stars < 5.0) Then
118 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/45star.gif"
119 ElseIf (Stars >= 4.5) And (Stars <= 5.0) Then
120 Me.Rating.ImageUrl = "./images/rating/5star.gif"
121 End If
122 dtrMyDataReader.Close()
123 conMyConnection.Close()
124 End Sub
If you want to reduplicate the error, click over here and try to submit a rating:
Thanks for helping me figure this out.

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Float Type Steals My Decimal Points And Money Type Kills My Query

Mar 28, 2008

Happy Friday!
A while since I have posted a question, and this one is probably real easy.
I am trying to store numeric values from a php form in MSSQL 2000 database. However, the columns are set to float and if the value is 1.00, when entered into the table it is saved as 1

If I change the column type to money, the query fails, with an error message of conversion of datatype varchar to datatype money statement terminated.

anybody know what I need to do? do I need to do something in my query to specify that this is NOT varchar data?

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How To Declare A Procedure Parameter Type To Match A Referenced Table Colum Type

Dec 14, 2007

I like to define my procedure parameter type to match a referenced table colum type,
similar to PL/SQL "table.column%type" notation.
That way, when the table column is changes, I would not have to change my stored proc.
Any suggestion?

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Sqlbulkcopy Error : The Given Value Of Type SqlDecimal From The Data Source Cannot Be Converted To Type Decimal Of The Specified

Apr 16, 2008


The table in SQL has column Availability Decimal (8,8)

Code in c# using sqlbulkcopy trying to insert values like 0.0000, 0.9999, 29.999 into the field Availability
we tried the datatype float , but it is converting values to scientific expressions€¦(eg: 8E-05) and the values displayed in reports are scientifc expressions which is not expected
we need to store values as is

base {System.SystemException} = {"The given value of type SqlDecimal from the data source cannot be converted to type decimal of the specified target column."}

"System.InvalidOperationException: The given value of type SqlDecimal from the data source cannot be converted to type decimal of the specified target column. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The given value of type SqlDecimal from the data source cannot be converted to type decimal of the specified target column. ---> System.ArgumentException: Parameter value '1.0000' is out of range.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.ConvertValue(Object value, _SqlMetaData metadata)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.ConvertValue(Object value, _SqlMetaData metadata)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerInternal()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteRowSourceToServer(Int32 columnCount)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(DataTable table, DataRowState rowState)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(DataTable table)
at MS.Internal.MS
COM.AggregateRealTimeDataToSQL.SqlHelper.InsertDataIntoAppServerAvailPerMinute(String data, String appName, Int32 dateID, Int32 timeID) in C:\VSTS\MXPS Shared Services\RealTimeMonitoring\AggregateRealTimeDataToSQL\SQLHelper.cs:line 269"

Code in C#

SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(sqlConnection, SqlBulkCopyOptions.Default);
DataRow dr;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataColumn dc;


dc = dt.Columns.Add("Availability", typeof(decimal));

dr["Availability"] = Convert.ToDecimal(s[2]); ------ I tried SqlDecimal

bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "dbo.[Tbl_Fact_App_Server_AvailPerMinute]";


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Implement Time Interval Type In Form Of User Defined Type

Dec 7, 2011

Implement time interval type in the form of a user defined type in SS2k8r2? Specifically an interval type described in the book Temporal Data and the Relational Model by C. J. Date at all. As an example, an interval is below:


which would mean the time period from 1/4 to 1/10.

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Bulk Insert Task Failing On Data Type Conversion For A Destination Column Of Type Bit

Jul 6, 2006

I am trying to use the Bulk Insert Task to load from a csv file. My final column is a bit that is nullable. My file is an ID column that is int, a date column that is mm/dd/yyy, then 20 columns that are real, and a final column that is bit. I've tried various combinations of codepage and datafiletype on my task component. When I have RAW with Char, I get the error included below. If I change to RAW/Native or codepage 1252, I don't have an issue with the bit; however, errors start generating on the ID and date columns.

I have tried various data type settings on my flat file connection, too. I have tried DT_BOOL and the integer datatypes. Nothing seems to work.

I hope someone can help me work through this.

Thanks in advance,


SSIS package "Package3.dtsx" starting.

Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 24. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 23 (cancelled).".

Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task 1, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 24. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 23 (cancelled).".

Task failed: Bulk Insert Task 1

Task failed: Bulk Insert Task

Warning: 0x80019002 at Package3: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (2) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

SSIS package "Package3.dtsx" finished: Failure.

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Msg 6522, Level 16, State 2, Line 1: System.InvalidCastException: Conversion From Type 'SqlBoolean' To Type 'Boolean' Is Not Val

Mar 6, 2008

I created a function called Temperature in VB to be used as a UDF in SQL2005. I get the error listed below. Any thoughts?

CREATE FUNCTION Temperature(@FluidName SQL_variant, @InpCode SQL_variant, @Units SQL_variant, @Prop1 SQL_variant, @Prop2 SQL_variant)


AS EXTERNAL NAME Fluids_VB6.[Fluids_VB6.FluidProperties.Fluids].Temperature

Then ran function:

select dbo.temperature('R22','t','e','225.6','0')

Got this:

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'Temperature':

System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type 'SqlBoolean' to type 'Boolean' is not valid.


at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToBoolean(Object Value)

at Fluids_VB6.FluidProperties.Fluids.Setup(Object& FluidName)

at Fluids_VB6.FluidProperties.Fluids.CalcSetup(Object& FluidName, Object& InpCode, Object& Units, Object& Prop1, Object& Prop2)

at Fluids_VB6.FluidProperties.Fluids.CalcProp(Object& FluidName, Object& InpCode, Object& Units, Object& Prop1, Object& Prop2)

at Fluids_VB6.FluidProperties.Fluids.Temperature(Object FluidName, Object InpCode, Object Units, Object Prop1, Object Prop2)



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Conversion From Type 'SqlInt32' To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid]

Jun 30, 2007

Hi all,
I am developing ASP.NET 1.1 application using VB.NET & SQL Server, on my machine I am using SQL Server 2000, and everything is working just fine.
The problem appears when I uploaded the site to the Host, they are using SQL Server 2005, is there any reason for this, I am using casting in the code, and I am sure there is something wrong with the hosting settings.
Any suggestions.
Best Regards
Wafi Mohtaseb

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Conversion From Type 'DBNull' To Type 'String' Is Not Valid

Mar 7, 2008

Hello Friends
           How are you?? Friends i am getting problem in SQL Server 2005. I am deployng web application on production server as well as Databse also. In production server i inserted new field in all tables which is rowguid and its type is uniqueidentifier. The default binding for this field is newsequentialid(). In some pages it works ok but in some places it generates error like 'Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid'. Can anybody help me to solve this problem. Its urgent so plz reply me as soon as possible. I'll be very thankfull to you. Thanks in Advance.

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I Really Need A Debate! Type - Attributes Vs Super Type - Sub Types

Apr 22, 2004

I have extensively revied both of the design methodologies and I cannot come up with a single clear reason to use one over the other!

Type - Attributes is where you have a table holding the type categories, type, a table holding the type attributes expected and then a table holding the type attribute value:

CategoryID | Category
1 | Car
2 | Truck
3 | Motorcycle

AttributeID | fkCategoryID | Attribute
1 | 1 (car) | Doors
2 | 2 (truck) | Cab
3 | 2 (truck) | Capacity

VIN | Category | Make | Model
1 | 1 | Honda | Accord
2 | 2 | Ford | F150

fkVIN | fkAttributeID | Value
1 | 1 | 2
2 | 1 | 0
2 | 2 | 1000

Now the above sure is flexible in the sence that a type of automobile can be added without affecting the database schema, but was if some attributes do not take a numeric value? How do you handle computations on attributes specific attributes? Why would I use this structure as opposed to the super type - sub type as shown below?

CategoryID | Category
1 | Cars
2 | Trucks

tbAutomobile (Super Type)
VIN | fkCategoryID | Make | Model
1 | 1 |Honda | Accord

fkVIN | Doors |
1 | 2

fkVIN | Cab | Capacity
2 | 0 | 1000

Now, adding new sub types probably isn't very flexible but, now you can specify data types for each attribute instead of using sql_variant, which by the documentation cannot be used in aggregate functions and may render poor result when used with ADO.

Regardless of the method used, alot of back end coding is required for computations, what table to send the attributes, etc...

Can anyone please help me clarify. What method is best and why. So far I am leaning for option 2. More work but seems to be more flexible in the sence of customization of each datatype.

E.G., what if you wanted to specify attributes about the cap that can be supplied to trucks?

fkVIN | Cab | Capacity | fkCapID
2 | Y | 1000 | 1

CapID | Vendor | Price | et....

Any thoughts at all? I thought this would have been a pretty damn hot topic!

Mike B

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Connection Type Limitations When Using XML Data Type In SQL Task

Jul 23, 2007

I'm trying to use the SSIS Execute SQL Task to pull XML from a SQL 2005 database table. The SQL is of the following form:


MT.MessageId 'MessageId',
MT.MessageType 'MessageType',
FROM MessageTable MT
ORDER BY MT.messageid desc
FOR XML PATH('MessageStatus'), TYPE


For some reason I can only get this query to work if I use an ADO.NET connection type. If I try to use something like the OLEDB connection I get the following error:

<ROOT><?MSSQLError HResult="0x80004005" Source="Microsoft XML Extensions to SQL Server" Description="No description provided"?></ROOT>

Can anyone tell me why the SELECT ... FOR XML PATH... seems only to work with ADO.NET connections?



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