Webservice Task Input
Aug 8, 2005I want to dynamically pass values to the input value of a Web method to return values to a webservice.
View 7 RepliesI want to dynamically pass values to the input value of a Web method to return values to a webservice.
View 7 RepliesHi,
I have a SSIS package with a Sequence which Contains a Webservice Task, in the input section of this task i want to pass a User Variable as Parameter for my webmethod. but it doesn´t work, it allways sends the variable definition as string "@[User::Filename]". so i searched Microsoft Technet how to pass User Variables in Webservice Tasks and found this site: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187617.aspx
which says :
Select the check boxes to use variables to provide inputs. "
but there is no such checkbox on the input page of my Webservice Task... there is just the Value column which i can edit... but as mentioned before when i try to set the value to a variable it doesn work
i tried the following strings in the value column:
any ideas?
thanks for your help
View 10 Replies View RelatedHi
I have designed a package that reads in rows from an Excel file into a recordset then loops through the recordset sending two parameters to a webservice task. This works fine however I now need to output the results of the webservice task to a file or recordset - I have tried outputting to a file however it only stores the last result as the file is overwritten each time - I am new to SSIS and am sure there must be a really simple way to do this but cannot find an help on how to do it !
Thanks in advance K
I am searching for a solution for Calling or consume a web service in SSIS through Script task. I have gone through so many links but i am able to find the exact solution. I am getting so many references, though i am unable to crack it.
My requirement is i need to call a web service URL through script task which is having a client certificate. When we are trying to connect to the URL it will ask for the certificate authentication. After calling this URL we will get a WSDL file from the web service, We need to consume that WSDL file and we need to identify the methods inside this WSDL and need to write the data available in this WSDL to the data base tables.
How can we call that web service URL( With certificate) through script task and how can we read the WSDL file and How we can load the data into DB table.
I'm attempting to use the Web Service task to call a method provided by a vendor. The inputs are all simple types so that helps a lot, but for one input it's a string array. If I enter a single string value for a given id using the array dialog, the method works fine.
However if I try to change the input to use a variable to provide the value it fails. I'm assuming that you can't create a variable to return a string array. Please let me know if this is the case or if I'm missing something obvious ;-)
In addition, is there a way to specify a null value for an input? Currently there doesn't appear to be a way to do this in SP2. I tried leaving the string empty which didn't work and I tried using a variable with expression "NULL(DT_WSTR, 1252)" but that failed too.
For the life of me I can't figure this one out. I'm trying to call a web service using the SSIS "Web Service Task". I give the Connection Manager a valid URL, download the WSDL, and go to the input pane of the "Web Service Task" options. No problems. I select my web service and pick a web method from the methods drop-down box. No problems. But where it should pop up with an input dialog box that allows you set your inputs for the web service call, nothing shows up. No errors are reported; the input pane just remains completely blank. I can inspect the WSDL with other tools (like Altova's XMLSpy) and plainly see the inputs it takes. I haven't seen a similar issue posted on this forum so I don't know if I'm going nuts or my version of SSIS is evil or what. I applied SQL Server SP1 and SP2 but it didn't change anything. I then tried to connect to one of Amazon's public web services to see if it was a problem related to our in-house WSDL formatting, and I discovered the same problem. Take for instance
I create a Web Service Task for this service and when I go to select the "ListLookup" method from the drop-down box on the input page no input parameters appear. The WSDL clearly defines this method to take a bunch of inputs. If anybody has any ideas about what's going on here I would greatly appreciate the help. Thanks.
I'm using a Row Count Task to count the number of records passing thru a particular path in my data flow. I created a package variable and referenced this variable in the Components Properties tab in the Row Count Task. I believe this is the minimum I need to do to get the row count.
However, as I explore the other tabs in the editor, I see there is something called Input Columns tab. What is this for? I didn't select anything in there and things are working fine. At first I thought that I had to choose the columns that I want to have available to me for further processing after the Row Count Task, but this isn't the case. I am able to see all my columns coming out of the Row Count Task even tho I didn't do anything in the Input Columns tab.
So, what is this setting for?
I would like to create a SSIS package that is going to be called by store procedures.
What i have done so far.
1) I created a Execute SQL task that come with this statement e.g. Seleect * from tblA where BD >= ? and BD =< ?
2) I save this package as a DTSX file and will called it from a proc.
My intention is to pass 2 values when i call the proc. What should do next? any guided tutorial or steps i would be happy. thanks
Microsoft says it is possible but I just do not see how. Here is the
link to the help file where it said that variables could be pass as
input to web methods...I do not see the check box they mention on my
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is not a way to pass parameters to input of Web Service tasks. I heard this problem is fixed with SQL2K5 SP1 and even the online doc says that one can choose either "value" or "variable" when specifying input for web service tasks, but after I installed what-I-think-is SP1, there is still no way to do this.
If one can only specify values (hard-coded) as input to web service tasks, then this would be a very severe limitation. I hope I'm wrong, so could someone please give a pointer. Thanks
Kevin Le
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to do something that should be fairly straightforward, but SSIS seems to be getting confused. I have a stored procedure which takes a timestamp as an input parameter. (NOTE: It's not a DateTime that's being stored as a DBTIMESTAMP, it really is a timestamp in the SQL sense.)
The command should be something like this:
Code Block
EXEC dbo.UpdateSynchTimestamp ?
I tried to use my variable to pass the value through Parameter Mapping, but I got an unusual error:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "EXEC dbo.UpdateSynchTimestamp ?" failed with the following error: "An error occurred while extracting the result into a variable of type (DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP)". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
This is strange for a number of reasons:
1) The DBTIMESTAMP parameter has the Direction set to "Input", so it should not be interpreted as an Output or ReturnValue.
2) The Execute SQL Task has Result Set = "None", so it should not be trying to return anything.
If I change the code to include a value hard-coded it works:
Code Block
EXEC dbo.UpdateSynchTimestamp 0x00000000000013BD
It is only when a variable is involved that it breaks.
Finally, here's the Stored Procedure itself:
Code Block
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateSynchTimestamp]
UPDATE ServerSettings
SET [Value] = @NewValue
WHERE [Key] = 'SynchTimestamp'
Doe anyone have any suggestions as to why this isn't working for me? For the time being, I have a Script Task which constructs the command text and stores it in a variable. I can't even use an Expression because the DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.
Thanks for reading this!
In SSIS web service task - when you specify the Service and Method in the input tab for a WSDL file being used,
it seems to prompt for the parameters to be supplied only in the body of the WSDL file, and not the header.
I need to be able to provide security information (present in the SOAP header of the WSDL) like username, password etc..which is necessary to post any response to the web server, and I cannot see where I can give this in the input tab of the web service task.
Any help highly appreciated.
I've encountered a new problem with an SSIS Pkg where I have a seq. of Execute SQL tasks. My question are:
1) In the First Execute SQL Task, I want to store a single row result of @@identity type into a User Variable User::LoadID of What type. ( I tried using DBNull Type or Object type which works, not with any other type, it but I can't proceed to step 2 )
2) Now I want to use this User::LoadID as input parameter of What type for the next task (I tried using Numeric, Long, DB_Numeric, Decimal, Double none of there work).
Please give me solutions for the above two..
I need to loop the recordset returned from a ExecuteSQL task and transform each row using a Data Conversion task (or a Script Task).
I know how to loop the recordset returned by an ExecuteSQL task:
I loop the returned recordset (which is mapped to a User variable of type System.Object) and assign the Variable Mappings in the ForEach Loop to different user variables which map to the Exec proc resultset (with names and data types).
I assume to now use these as the Available Input columns for the Data Conversion task, I drag a Data Flow task inside the For Each Loop container and double-click it, then add a Data Conversion task.
But the Input columns (which I entered in the Variable Mappings in the ForEach Loop containers) dont show up in the Available Input columns of the Data Conversion task.
How do I link the Variable Mappings in the ForEach Loop containers from the recordset returned by the Execute SQL Task to the Available Input columns of the Data Conversion task?
If this is not possible, and the advice is to use the OLEDB data flow as the input for the Data Conversion task (which is something I tried too), then the results from an OLEDB Command (using EXEC sp_myproc) are not mapped to the Available Input columns of the Data Conversion task either (as its not an explicit SQL Statement and the runtime results from a stored proc exection)
I would like to use the ExecuteSQL task to do this as the Package is clean and comprehensible. Which is the easiest best way to map the returned results from a Stored proc execution to the Available Input columns of any Data Flow transformation task for the transform operations I need to execute on each row of data?
[ Could not find any useful advice on this anywhere ]
thanks in advance!
Hi Everyone,
I haven't been able to successfully use the ADO.NET connection type to use both input and output parameters in an execute sql task containing just tsql statements (no stored procedure calls). I have successfully used input parameters on their own but when i combine it with output parameters it fails on the simplest of tasks.
I would really find it beneficial if you could use the flexibility of an ADO.NET connection type as the parameter marker and parameter name can be referenced anywhere throughout the sql statement in no particular order. The addition of an output parameter would really make it great!!
I am trying to prove I can use SSIS to connect to a web service. The WS I am trying to connect to was developed by a vendor and covered by a NDA, but I was able to reproduce the issue with a public WS.
Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:
In the Web Services Connection Manager, I entered http://office.microsoft.com/Research/Providers/MoneyCentral.asmx?wsdl in the URL window. I am able to successfully "test" the connection
I pasted the above link into IE and saved the resulting XML as a .wsdl file on my local machine. In the Web Services Task Editor, General Tab, I specify the path to the .wsdl file and click on "Download WSDL" button. No Issues
When I click on "Input" and select "MoneyCentralRemote" from the drop-down for Service, I receive an error message saying "This version of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is not supported"
So the questions are:
Did I perform the above steps correctly?
What WSDL versions are supported in SSIS?
How can I tell what WSDL version was used to create the .wsdl I am trying to access?
If the WSDL is an unsupported version, is there a work-around to fix the issue?
Please tell me why to use a webservice? Which factor outperform webservice?
OK. I give up and need help. Hopefully it's something minor ...
I have a dataflow which returns email addresses to a recordset.
I pass this recordset into a ForEachLoop configuring the enumerator as (Foreach ADO Enumerator). I also map the email address as a variable with index 0.
I then have a Execute SQL task which receives this email address as a varchar variable (parameter 0) which I then use in my SQL command to limit the rows returned. I have commented out the where clause and returned all rows regardless of email address to try to troubleshoot this problem. In either event, I then use a resultset to store the query result of type object and result name 0.
I then pass this resultset into a script variable to start parsing the sql rows returned as type object. ( I assume this is the correct way to do this from other prior posts ...).
The script appears to throw an exception at the following line. I assume it's because I'm either not passing in the values properly or the query doesn't return anything. However, I am certain the query works as it executes just fine at the command prompt.
ds = CType(Dts.Variables("VP_EMAIL_RESULTS_RS").Value, DataSet)
My intent is to email the query results to each email address with the following type of data by passing the parsed data from the script to a send mail task. Email works fine and sends out messages but the content is empty. I pass the parsed data as string values to the messagesource and define the messagesourcetype as a variable in the mail task.
part number leadtime
x 5
y 9
Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?
after connecting webservice with my vs.net2005 using sqldatasource in webservice for getting data's ,i faced following errors:-
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataView' to type 'System.Data.DataSet'.
Code which i used in Webservice is as follows:-
<WebMethod()> _Public Function getData() As DataSetDim ds As New DataSet
Dim sds As New SqlDataSourcesds.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Item("HRMSConnectionString").ToString
sds.DataSourceMode = SqlDataSourceMode.DataSet
sds.SelectCommand = "select * from EpmEmployeeDetail"ds = CType(sds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty()), DataSet)
Return ds
End Function
I created a custom DTS object that does its work by calling awebservice. When you create the object in DTS, it lets you set theuser/pw you want to use to authenticate to the webservice. The problemI am having is that once I authenticate to the webservice within DTS,it always uses the same authentication when contacting the service.So, for example, I drop a new instance of my object into a package. Itconnects to the webservice as me. I set up the parameters of the task,including telling it to connect as User="test". If I run it, my codesets the credentials correctly on the webservice, but the webservicestill gets called as me.If I exit out of SQL Server and go back in, and run it, it correctlyconnects as User="test". But then if I try to edit the task, and givemy own user and password, it still always tries to connect as "test".It seems whoever I initially connect to the webservice as, that is theinformation that DTS will use for the entire session.Is there any way to do what I want to do?thanks
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a webservice that I would like to call from SQL Server 2005. I have done alot of testing and am pretty familiar with how CLR works and how to create assemblies in SQL. My problem is that I don't know much about .net and am not sure what kind of project I need to create in Visual Studios to accomplish calling the webservice. I've tried googling and have not found much that is of use to me.
Any help would be appreciated
I need to populate a table B by selecting a from table A but for every single record selected from Table A for some of the feilds i need to pass it to a WCF webservice and do some tasks.
Can somebody show me an example of this i am completely clueless on how to invoke a WCF webservice for every single row fetched from a database.
A step by step example would be of great help.
After creating a WebService using SQL Server 2005 HTTP Endpoints I can only browse to the wsdl file using localhost address and not via the machine name
For example http://MACHINENAME/SomeWebService?wsdl will ask for some authentication that can never be determined while
http://localhost/SomeWebService?wsdl will successfully generate the WSDL file
This happens on the actual machine and on all other machines in the domain which pretty much defeats the purpose of using Web Services to expose functionality.
Does anyone have any idea regarding
(a) what security features are at work here,
(b) Where are they documented
(c) How to set or use them in such a manner as to actually be able to use web services.
While investigating I have noticed that all examples conveniently use localhost and so either avoid or never address this issue.
Any suggestions appreciated.
I have noticed what seems to be a bug in Reports using an XML Webservice for a datasource.
I have the data source setup and working to query an XML webservice. All fields aren't always populated - so after the intial step that automatically builds your dataset and sets up the field names - I went in and manually added the remaining missing fields (which were blank).
Then I setup the report - dragging/dropping fields from the dataset.
I thought everything was working fine, UNTIL i noticed that IF the FIRST record contains ANY blank fields - ALL of those fields (on every record returned) show blank on the report.
For example my webservice might return something like this:
Code Snippet
But when my report actually runs, it doesn't show any value for the second record:
My Report
Child_Name Child_ID
In this case, Tim should actually show the Child_ID value, but apparently because the first record didn't have a value - the report assumes NO RECORDS will have a value and doesn't bother printing them.
But if I run the report so that the first record DOES contain that field - then everything seems fine.
I can see that my Dataset hasn't changed - as it still contains all the fieldnames (even the ones that sometimes return empty).
Am I doing something wrong?
Can SSIS package be run from WebService?
P.S. SSIS package and Webservice are located in the same computer.
Thanks much!
Is it possible to call/fire a method in a webservice (.asmx) from a trigger in MS SQL 2005? I would like to send out a notification to all the admins whenever a new row is inserted into a table in our db. If possible, can someone show me an example of how to?
View 1 Replies View Related
Is there any way to delete folder in reportserver using RS webservice API?
I know there is a method: DeleteItem ( Item As string )
But I tried it and it didn't work for folders.
I just try to implement the 3 tire architacture. So, I developed the one web project for web ui and one web service and one dall project in one solution.
On dll project put the bll, connect to sql server and return the result set to web service.
Form web service, get the result from dll and transfer to web ui.
When I call class from dll, i just overrid the connection string.
Actually it's wrok properly in my development pc and in my local webserver.
As our usual, when i publish to real web server i got the following error.
Server was unable to process request. ---> An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
Anybody plz help and direct how should i fixed this problem.
Soe Thiha
I want to use ReportViewer Control to show the data.
Can I render report using Sql Server 2005 Reporting web service call. I didn't get any sample which allow me to host report on reporting server but view them using ReportViewer Control using webservice call rather than using URL.
I need to hide Reporting server URL location. And If you show report using ReportViewer Control using URL mechanism, anybody can see the report server url.
I have written a SQL CLR procedure, which will be invoking the webservice..I developed the application locally and it works fine, I am able to invoke the webservice using the SQL CLR procedure present in my database. But when i hosted the webservice in App server and executed the SQL CLR procedure in DB Server.
From DB Server, I am not able to invoke the webservice present in the app server. But i am able to browse the webservice from my db server.
I am getting the foolowing error message
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'usp_LoadView':
System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)
at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)
at StoredProcedures.usp_LoadView(String ConnectionString, String WebserviceUrl, String ColumnMappingsXml, SqlXml AddressXml, SqlXml& ExceptionSqlXml, Int32& ErrorStatus)
I goggled and tried out various options, like increasing €œwebservice timeout€? and increasing €œexecutiontimeout€? for HttpRuntime, but none seems to be working. Please provide me your suggestions to how to fix this..
We have a package that runs a webservice. The webservice connects to exchange for multiple mail accounts so it sometimes takes awhile to run.
If run from SQL Server Management Studio, it usually completes, but may occassionally time out.
If run from a job (i.e. we want this scheduled) then it NEVER completes successfully - althought there is very little information about what the error was. It seems to fail too quickly to be a time out error...
Any idea why this is happening? Or how to prevent it from timing out? Is there a way to initiate the webservice asynchronously from SSIS?
How i can get the FileNames that are stored in Web Server.
Dim strFiles As String = Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFiles/")
Dim dirinfo As New DirectoryInfo(strFiles)
The above Method Iam writing in Web Service. These files will display in a DataGrid in Windows Application.