What's The Best Method To Stop SQL Injection?
Nov 20, 2006Does UrlEncode have any impact on SQL injection? How would I go about protecting my site?
View 3 RepliesDoes UrlEncode have any impact on SQL injection? How would I go about protecting my site?
View 3 RepliesHi,
New here:) and hoping someone might be able to shed a little light on a problem I am having.
I have a job scheduled, which needs to be periodically stopped and then restarted.
After looking through various places I think the start method and stop method are the best bets?:rolleyes:
But not really sure to be honest.
Can anyone give me some tips/pointers/opinions on what would be the best way to do this. (have tried to setup a job with the said method in each step - but it doesn't like my syntax.
Thanks in advance
Hi,I am trying to write a method which needs to call a stored procedure and then needs to get the response of the stored procedure back to the variable i declared in the method. private string GetFromCode(string strWebVersionFromCode, string strWebVersionString) { //call stored procedure } strWebVersionFromCode = GetFromCode(strFromCode, "web_version"); // is the var which will store the response.how should I do this?Please assist.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHi,
I just have a Dataset with my tables and thats it
I have a grid view with several datas on it
no problem to get the data or insert but as soon as I try to delete or update some records the local machine through the same error
Unable to find nongeneric method...
I've try to create an Update query into my table adapters but still not working with this one
Also, try to remove the original_{0} and got the same error...
Please help if anyone has a solution
This is my code:
CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Products"
If textboxStockID.Text.Length > 0 Then
CommandText = CommandText & " where [StockID] like '%" & textboxStockID.Text & "%'"
End If
Is this subject to the sql injection bug... if so, what changes do I need to make?
What is the best way to avoid SQL injection?I know not to do stuff in Visual Basic such as...
Dim objCmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM mytable where id ='" & Request.QueryString("id") & '" , objConn)As it's best to use stored proceduresIs there any other problems you guys might have had happen to you or other possibilites for attackers that I should know about? Cheers
I manage a VBSript/ASP/IIS/SQL website for a nonprofit, and our website has been hacked by SQL injections. I have changed the code on the website so it can't access the database, cleaned the database, backed up the database, but now need to find a way to tighten up the security so it won't happen again.
We're a non-profit- so the server is Windows 2000 Terminal SP4 (yeah, I know, it's old, bear with me).
I was using the following code to access the database from the website:
dbconn.open "DSN=cptigers;UID=sqlwebaccess;Password=password" (where cptigers is the name of the DSN connection with SQL server authentication).
So far, I've removed read permission in IIS on the include file that I use to open the database. I've changed the data source to use Windows NT authentication, and set the SQL login MDBCA/cptigers (this is the IIS login) to have public and db_denydatawriter roles.
But I'm not sure how to call this database connection in the code (how do you define the IIS user and password?), and not sure if this is sufficient to protect from future SQL injections.
Am I heading the right direction? Thanks, Amanda
Hi All:I can't seem to get this thing work... When I type this in a textbox : '; exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember 'redice','sysadmin' -- , there's no respond, I mean, I check redice's role, but the System Administrators is not checked.Any idea about this?Thanks in advance.
View 11 Replies View RelatedHi All,
First explain the SQL Injection and how it working and second what is the Solution of SQL Injection..... ?
Hi there !
Can anyone put some more lights on SQL Injection ? Is there anyway to get rid of it ? If yes then please let me know ?
With Thanks !
Does anyone have any insight regarding SQL injection involving a table name t_jiaozhu? Is this a new hack script or old? I am having a hard time finding any clear details other than ways to stop injection from happening. This I know, what I am trying to figure out is what damaged may have been caused (worse case) and what would be a good plan of attack to figure out what steps suceeded/failed.
View 1 Replies View Related
I have a windows 2003 server with SQL Express 2005. The server has about 15 websites and uses ASP
Hackers somehow are creating NT Administrator Users on the server and then logging in with Terminal Services.
I ran thru SQL injection and tried to stop these attacks by stopping keywords in the SQL, but they still happen
Can anyone help, I really cant afford to pay for a security analyst so any advice would be nice.
How are these guys creating users?
Hi there. I use MS Enterprise library to get access to my MSSQL database. All actions are performed by stored procedures. Should I check the input parameters for "bad" symbols such as ' or union words or the library do all this for me? Thanks.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat is SQL Injection? Can any body explain it briefly?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAm looking for SQL injection automation tool,can anybody suggest a tool which will be helpful.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to inject a "where" criteria parametrically, but I can't get this to work:
@Criteria varchar(255)
declare @t table(NID int not null);
set transaction isolation level serializable;
begin tran;
insert into TestIT (Product,CatID,Category,Title)
output inserted.TestID into @t( NID)
select Product,CatID,Category,Title
from TestIT where @Criteria order by TestID;
I get the message "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected". How do I fix this?
I haven't been able to get a clear-cut answer on this so I decided to ask here.
I have developed a web application that is used as a front-end to many SQL reports using report viewer.
The authentication on the front end uses a stored procedure to match the login name and password.
However, many of my reports do NOT use stored procedures. They are just standard text queries.
Is this secure? I don't know much about SQL Injection. Could an attacker see
all of the data in the database?
A new take on my question from yesterday:
Does RS do any checks for SQL Injection attacks or is that entirely up to the developer?
i.e. if I have a report that uses dynamic SQL and pass in parameters via the web service are these parameters checked in any way?
Hi, i have a big question about SQL injections,Im deploying a web site, and im using strore procedures, the store procedures recives the query parameters and then execute the query, that i already defined in them.I pass the store procedure´s name and their parameters via a sql statement adding the parameters to the string chain. The string chain is something like this: string sql = ("EXEC sp_StoreProcedure1 ' " + param1 + " ' + ' " paramN" ' )i define the store procedure´s name and the parameters in the string, and then i send the string to execute.My questions are,is there some kind of potential issue or attack that it can happens if i made the queries in this way?? is my database secure of sql injections just beacuse the use of store procedures???thanks for ur answers! ill appreciate them a lot
View 2 Replies View RelatedAlright, so I have a basic search function to look through a field in my database which is decided by a query string. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DatabaseConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Employee] WHERE ([Responsibilities] LIKE '%' + @Responsibilities + '%')"> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Responsibilities" QueryStringField="q" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> But, I'd really like to fix it using parameterized SQL queries, so that people aren't dropping my tables. >_>I've been lookin' around for some code on how to do this in C#.NET, and most of them seem to look like this: SqlConnection objConnection = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString);objConnection.Open();SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand( "SELECT * FROM User WHERE Name = @Name AND Password = @Password", objConnection);objCommand.Parameters.Add("@Name", NameTextBox.Text);objCommand.Parameters.Add("@Password", PasswordTextBox.Text);SqlDataReader objReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader(); My problem is that I don't know how really know how to go from my code to this code... I mean, would I throw the latter in my backend code and call what it returns as a string, would I entirely replace my Datasource and do soemthin' with the code? Any help, in the form of tutorials or just straight up tellin' me here, would be greatly appreciated.Thanks. =D
Hi everyone,it is the first time i try to do the sql injection. and i got the problem for the following code. Dim strSQL as String = ""Dim objConnection as New oleDBConnection(getConnectionString("image check list"))strSQL = " insert into tblTest (id, text) value ( 1, @Text)"cmdSelect.Parameters.Add(New SQLParameter("@Text", "abc"))Dim objDataAdapter As New oleDBDataAdapter(strSQL, objConnection)Dim objDS As New DataSet()objDataAdapter = NothingobjDS = Nothingthe exception said i have problem in "cmdSelect".i am using SQlServer as the data store.http://aspnet101.com/aspnet101/tutorials.aspx?id=1 => this is the reference site i read.Anyone can help?thanks a lot!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am building my first ASP.Net app from scratch and while working on the DAL I came across the problem of SQL Injection. I searched on the web and read different articles but I am still unsure about the answer. My question is should I add
db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "AvatarImageID", DbType.Int32, avatarImageID);
Add in Parameters to my C# code to avoid SQL Injection. What is the best practice. I am unclear if the stored procedure already helps me avoid SQl Injection or if I need the add in parameters in the C# methods to make it work. I need some help. Thanks, Newbie
My C# update method in the DAL (still working on the code)
private static bool Update(AvatarImageInfo avatarImage)
//Invoke a SQL command and return true if the update was successful.
return true;
I am using stored procedures to access the data in the database.
My update stored proc
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[syl_AvatarImageUpdate]
@AvatarImageID int,
@DateAdded datetime,
@ImageName nvarchar(64),
@ImagePath nvarchar(64),
@IsApproved bit
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
UPDATE [syl_AvatarImages]
[DateAdded] = @DateAdded,
[ImageName] = @ImageName,
[ImagePath] = @ImagePath,
[IsApproved] = @IsApproved
WHERE [AvatarImageID] = @AvatarImageID
--Execute LogError SP
EXECUTE [dbo].[syl_LogError];
--Being in a Catch Block indicates failure.
--Force RETURN to -1 for consistency (other return values are generated, such as -6).
Hello, Our Security specialist, is running an audit on one of my systems. All pages pass except the login page. It keeps saying I am getting hit with a SQL injection attack. I filter out special characters, both on the Client Side validation and the server side.It is only the one page I have is failing, and I am beginning to wonder if it is producing false positives.Protected Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click If Not Page.IsValid Then
lblError.Text = "Page Invalid"
Exit Sub End If Dim strMesage As String = ""
If Not IsInputSanitized(strMesage) Then
lblError.Text = strMesage
Exit Sub End If If Not ValueIsValid(txtUserName.Value.Trim) Then
lblError.Text = Globals.Message_InvalidCharacters
Exit Sub End If Public Function IsInputSanitized(ByRef p_strReturnMessage As String) As Boolean Dim loop1 As Integer Dim arr1() As String Dim coll As NameValueCollection Dim regexp As String = "^([^<>" & Chr(34) & "\%;)(&+]*)$"
Dim reg As Regex = New Regex(regexp) coll = Request.Form arr1 = coll.AllKeys 'Start at 1 so you will skip over the __VIEWSTATE
For loop1 = 0 To UBound(arr1) 'Skip over the ASPNET-generated controls as they will give a false positive.
If Left(coll.AllKeys(loop1), 2) <> "__" Then If Not reg.IsMatch(Request(arr1(loop1))) Then
p_strReturnMessage = Globals.Message_InvalidCharacters
Return False End If End If Next loop1 'If it never hit false retrun true
p_strReturnMessage = "Success"
Return True End Function If Not ValueIsValid(txtPassword.Value.Trim) Then
lblError.Text = Globals.Message_InvalidCharacters
Exit Sub End If If Not ValidateUser(txtUserName.Value.Trim, txtPassword.Value.Trim) Then
lblError.Text = Globals.Message_LoginInvalid
End If End Sub Here are the other validation routines 'This is a check to make sure that the String Values Entered into the Database field 'are indeed valid and without characters that can be used in injection attacks
Function ValueIsValid(ByVal p_Input As String) As Boolean Dim strIn As String = p_Input Dim x As Integer Dim A As String Dim l_Return As Boolean = True For x = 1 To Len(strIn) A = Mid(strIn, x, 1) 'Check each character in the string individually
If InStr("<>+%|?;()", A) <> 0 Then 'If this is not a "Bad" character
l_Return = False 'tack it onto the output string
End If Next Return l_Return End Function
I am building a website in ASP.net 2.0 and I want to protect my self from sql Injection.
I am half way there in that I have built my own class that I use to check any input to the Database from a textbox (or user input) for specific characters that cause trouble, such as the “ ‘ � or “;� it then converts them to my own code for example “ ’ � = |^| the same function will convert my “code� back to the original character which works great until I get to Gridviews and Forum View.
Does anyone know how I would access the class I created through the gridview and formview so that any info they display gets first translated through my class.
Or if that is not possible how I would set the grideview or formview to translate the “codes� for me.
If I am totally off track here and there is a much better way to do all this then I am all ears. Please keep in mind I will require the “bad� characters to be saved in some way shape or form.
I have become a big fan of the datasets in Visual Studio 2005. I usually create the SQL for each method in the table adapter; however, I am wondering if there is any 'built-in' functions in the C files for sql injection prevention? I have read that using stored procedures is a good method for prevention. Should I be using SP rather than SQL within my methods in the data table?
View 5 Replies View RelatedOne night over the last week someone successfully found a hole in a line of code in an ASP.NET website and was able to run an injection script against our database. I know, I know, stupid stupid stupid of us, but the breach was in an old app and an old database that we hadn't really taken a look at in a while, hence the one hole they found. This script from what I can tell was able to get a list of the databases on the server and attempted to iterate through all of them. The login they seized only had permissions for two db's so that's all they could access, but I'm still very scared about what they could have done with that login. I don't see any data loss, but they definitely dumped the contents of all tables, some of which contained some sensitive information. That information was encrypted but I'm not sure how much better that makes me feel.
So my questions
1) Since the user account they seized was the DBO on the database, what types of things might they have been able to do in the hour or so they were poking around other than run select statements. I know the account had update and delete permissions, although they didn't delete anything. My guess is they didn't want to tip us that they were in so they left the data intact.
2) How should we investigate the health of the DB and the server, to make sure they didn’t insert any scripts that are monitoring or reporting on data.
3) With DBO login access could they have messed with any system tables or settings?
4) Would DBO access allow them to read DB passwords? We’ve changed all of them already but I’m still concerned.
OK, so I’ll stop asking questions because obviously any help you can provide would be awesome.
Thanks so much.
My website im working on lets ppl post stuff about them self and what not. How would guard against them from trying drop tables and what not
View 5 Replies View RelatedHi,
I need to find out what sql injection attack is, what it does how it is done and how to protect form it....Any through explanation will be much appreciated.
Hi, I'm building a web application in which I want to prevent SQL injection. I'm using stored procedures, and using queries on my app like this:in my database...create proc createStudy@title varchar(200),@text textasinsert into studies values(@title,@text)goand in my web app...query="createStudy '"+titleBox.Text+"','"+textBox.Text+"'"; //title and text boxes are textboxes, createStudy is a stored procedure in my databaseodmccommand cmd = new odbccommand(query,con);con.Open();cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();But before this I do this code:if (titleBox.Text.Contains("Drop") || titleBox.Text.Contains("Delete")) messageLabel.Text="No permissions to do that";else(...my code)Is this ok to prevent SQL injection?!?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHi
What is a dynamic is SQL? can u give me a example.
What is a SQL Injection? can u give me a example.
Thinks in advance.
Hope everybody is fine.Well,today I want to know the smartest ways to prevent sql injection attacks.It would be really helpful if anybody gives light to it.
I apologize if this isn't the most appropriate place to ask but we have a SQL 2k server behind our website and we recently added a product review portion to our product pages. In the comments field in our db we are getting entries like:
1. Online Pharmacy, [url=http://w
2. iPb95U <a href="http://kmajvv (html tags are replaced in actual db)
My question is why the cut off? I just converted the code from escaped quotes and string concat to a stored proc using ADO params. The first entry was submitted with the sproc and the second while the string concat was still being used. So the visitor must be purposely truncating the entry, but I'm curious as to why. Is it just to try and break the code?
If anyone knows of better place to post questions like these, maybe a security forum, please let me know.
Hi friends, we have a website http://www.barneguiden.dk we have been constanly been attacked by virus. A malicious script enters into sql server database and stops the site.
can any one please suggest us how we can prevent it. I think it is going from our search field.Any help will be appriciated.
Umar Rahman