What's The Scope Of The 'global Dts Object' Referenced From A Script Task?

Feb 27, 2006

Is it at the package scope, AppDomain, Process, or OS/Machine scope?

We've started using SSIS from C# in a multi-threaded app and are coming up against some problems that prompted this question.

One application process, one application domain, multiple threads. Each thread is given a package to execute under the control of a manager thread. The thread instantiates a package instance, (loading the package from a file), sets the value of some of the user variables and executes it. Different threads may be given the same package name to execute, but with different values for the variables.

The problem we see is that two different package instances, when running seemingly separate instances of the same package, seem to be sharing the same Dts.Variables collection instance in a Script Task - overwriting the values of ReadWriteVariables set by the other executing package. Sometimes it will fail completely being unable to access a variable.

I'd have expected two package instances to be completely separate w.r.t. their variables - am I missing something?

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Scope Of Global Variable

Aug 22, 2006


I want to know the scope of a Global Variable in case of multi users.

Means i have declared a global variable in a function. And a new value is assigned to this global variable into this function, each time it is called.

So if, 3 users call this function at same time, then will the get different gloabl variables or same?


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Cannot Run Query--referenced Object

Apr 9, 1999

Msg 225, Level 16, State 1
Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped during query optimization.

can anyone tell me how to solve this problem


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Cannot ALTER 'dbo.fn_GetDate' Because It Is Being Referenced By Object

Jan 29, 2008

I am trying to modify a function used as default value by many tables but I get the following error:

Cannot ALTER 'dbo.fn_GetDate' because it is being referenced by object '...'.

First, can someone explain me the reason behind this behavior? Why can't the function be altered??
I did the following test:
I create a table with a default value of dbo.fn_GetDate_r().
fn_GetDate_r() simply returns the value of another function fn_GetDate().
Result: I can alter fn_GetDate() without problems...

Like I said, the function I want to modify is used by many tables. Is there a simple way to alter it? The tables don't appear in the dependencies and SQL Compare doesn't seem to be able to detect and drop/recreate the constraints...


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How Can I See What Object/resource Is Referenced To With PAG: 5:1:104 OR RID: 7:1:14567:39??

Jul 20, 2007


Can someone tell me how to see what object/resource is referenced to with following statements:

DatabaseID:FileIDageID PAG: 5:1:104

OR RID: 7:1:14567:39


is there a statement too see what's on the mentioned pages??

Thanks in advance.


Patrick de Jong

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Package Path Referenced An Object That Cannot Be Found

Nov 17, 2005

I am running Final Relase of 2005 version 9.00.1399.  I built an Integration Services package saved it closed up, came in the next day opened the project and I get 46 Warnings and the message on all of them is similar:

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Some .Net Assemblies Cannot Be Referenced In Script Task

Dec 14, 2006

I'm creating a script task that needs to reference the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server assemblies, but I'm unable to setup a reference. (Note: the Team Foundation assemblies are part of the VSTS SDK installation.) When designing the script, if I select Project, Add Reference, the .net assemblies for the Microsoft.TeamFoundation namespace are not listed -- even though the assemblies do show up if do the same in a Visual Studio.Net project for C# or VB.

I've also tried to add a reference in a Custom Component Set -- View, Object Browser, Browse, Edit Custom Component Set, and selected a specific assembly. But I get the following error:

Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications
The following components could not be browsed:

C:Program FilesVisual Studio 2005 SDK2006.09VisualStudioIntegrationCommonAssembliesMicrosoft.TeamFoundation.dll

Why can that .dll be referenced in standard VB.Net or C#.Net apps, but not in an SSIS script task?

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SQL 2012 :: Global Temp Table - Invalid Object Name

Feb 13, 2015

I have created a global temp table in Step1 of SQL Job.

I have used that in remaining steps of same job...i ran the job

But i got error message like invalid object name ##xxxxxxxx later i have included as tempdb..##xxxxxxxx also. the i got invalid reference for...

From my SSMS:-

But i was able to do select query for the same from my SSMS...

i have incorporated all steps in single step and completed job...

My question is why ##temp table created in step1 is not able to use in other steps of same job ?

SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition

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Script Task Error --Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Sep 13, 2006

I am trying to execute this code feom Script task while excuting its giving me error that "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." The assemblies Iam referening in this code are there in GAC. Any idea abt this.


Public Sub Main()

Dim remoteUri As String

Dim fireAgain As Boolean

Dim uriVarName As String

Dim fileVarName As String

Dim httpConnection As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.HttpClientConnection

Dim emptyBytes(0) As Byte

Dim SessionID As String

Dim CusAuth As CustomAuth


' Determine the correct variables to read for URI and filename

uriVarName = "vsReportUri"

fileVarName = "vsReportDownloadFilename"

' create SessionID for use with HD Custom authentication

CusAuth = New CustomAuth(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Dts.Variables("in_vsBatchKey").Value.ToString()))

Dts.Variables(uriVarName).Value = Dts.Variables(uriVarName).Value.ToString() + "&" + _

"BeginDate=" + Dts.Variables("in_vsBeginDate").Value.ToString() + "&" + _

"EndDate=" + Dts.Variables("in_vsEndDate").Value.ToString()

Dim request As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(Dts.Variables(uriVarName).Value.ToString()), HttpWebRequest)

'Set credentials based on the credentials found in the variables

request.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(Dts.Variables("in_vsReportUsername").Value.ToString(), _

Dts.Variables("in_vsReportPassword").Value.ToString(), _


'Place the custom authentication session ID in a cookie called BatchSession

request.CookieContainer.Add(New Cookie("BatchSession", CusAuth.GenerateSession("EmailAlertingSSIS"), "/", Dts.Variables("in_vsReportDomain").Value.ToString()))

' Set some reasonable limits on resources used by this request

request.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = 4

request.MaximumResponseHeadersLength = 4

' Prepare to download, write messages indicating download start

Dts.Events.FireInformation(0, String.Empty, String.Format("Downloading '{0}' from '{1}'", _

Dts.Variables(fileVarName).Value.ToString(), Dts.Variables(uriVarName).Value.ToString()), String.Empty, 0, fireAgain)

Dts.Log(String.Format("Downloading '{0}' from '{1}'", Dts.Variables(fileVarName).Value.ToString(), Dts.Variables(uriVarName).Value.ToString()), 0, emptyBytes)

' Download data

Dim response As HttpWebResponse = CType(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

' Get the stream associated with the response.

Dim receiveStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()

' Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format.

Dim readStream As New StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8)

Dim fileStream As New StreamWriter(Dts.Variables(fileVarName).Value.ToString())







'Download the file and report success

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

Catch ex As Exception

' post the error message we got back.

Dts.Events.FireError(0, String.Empty, ex.Message, String.Empty, 0)

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

End Try

End Sub

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Getting Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object In Execute SQL Task

Jun 6, 2007

When I try and parse a simple execute of a stored procedure in the Execute SQL Task Editor, I get the error:

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Now, I ONLY get this error on my laptop, so I'm assuming it might be an installation error. I've tried to do the exact same thing in other environments, and received no error. Here's what I'm doing:

1. I create a simple stored procedure on a SQL 2005 database. Here's what it does:

create proc usp_testsp



select 'whatever' ;


2. I create a new SSIS package in BIS.

3. I create an ADO.NET connection to the above SQL 2005 database

4. I pull over an Execute SQL Task item from the toolbox to the Control Flow tab.

5. I choose the ADO.NET connectiontype, the connection I created in #2, SQLSourceType of Direct input, SQLStatement is: exec usp_testsp, IsQueryStoredProcedure set to True. And I try ResultSet as both Single row and None

When I try to Parse the Query, I get the above error. If I still try to run the task in the debugger, here's what I get with the ResultSet set to None:

Error: 0xC002F210 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec usp_testsp" failed with the following error: "Could not find stored procedure 'exec usp_testsp'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

And just so you know, I can execute the sp with no problems. And just to check, I granted execute to public on the sp.

And here's what I get with ResultSet set to Single row:

Error: 0xC00291E2 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: There is an invalid number of result bindings returned for the ResultSetType: "ResultSetType_SingleRow".

I only get this on my laptop. I have SQL Server 2005 SP2 Developer Edition on Windows XP Professional, SP2.



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Script Task Component: Object Not Set To Instance Of Object

May 19, 2008

i have some code in a script task component which is meant to find a cell in an excel sheet and assign a variable to its value in the script component. I receive an error that the object is not set in instance of object. below is the code which i tried to simplify to find the error, but it is still occurring. any help would be appreciated. thank you

Dim vars As IDTSVariables90



Variables.freq = "1"

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EXECUTE SQL TASK --&&> Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Jun 27, 2007

Hi all,

Does anyone see the error below before?
I am using SSIS Execute SQL Task (ADO.NET) to update a table using a stored procedure.
It works like this many times for me and all of a sudden, not sure what is changing in the environment, I kept getting this WARNING when I click on PARSE QUERY
€śObject Reference Not Set to An Instance of an Object€? when I click on PARSE QUERY.

This is going against SQL SERVER 2005 SP2 x64 Enterprise.

Note that this task executes fine and the stored procedure updates data.

The stored procedure does the following.
There are other stored procedures of different kinds and they all worked.
But all of them give this error when I click on PARSE QUERY.

Code Snippet
DECLARE @TodayDate datetime
SET @TodayDate = GETDATE()

Exec dbo.updDimBatch
@BatchKey = @BatchKey,
@ParentBatchKey = @ParentBatchKey,
@BatchName = 'Load Customer Increment',
@BatchStartDate = NULL,
@BatchEndDate = @TodayDate,
@StatusKey = NULL,
@RowsInserted = @Count_Insert,
@RowsUpdated = @Count_Update,
@RowsException = NULL,
@RowsError = NULL,
@UpdatedDate = @TodayDate,
@BatchDescription = NULL

OLEDB Sample also give me syntax error

exec dbo.updDimBatch ?,?,'Load Activity Increment','6/27/2007','6/27/2007',1,?,?,0,0,'6/27/2007',''

I tried to change to OLEDB and call the stored procedure like this but got syntax error?

Not sure what is the error here.

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FTP Task: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object.

Jun 19, 2006

I hit this error when I run the FTP task. I set IsRemotePathVariable = TRUE and RemoteVariable = User::FTPSourcePath where the variable is set with //DMFTP//PE1.JPG in the script task prior to FTP task.

IsLocalPathVariable also set to TRUE and LocalVariable = User::FTPTempPath where the variable is set to c:BiztalkFTPTemp

The FTP Operation is set to Receive Files.

I have tested the task with IsReportPathVariable to False and it works fine.

Can anyone help me and provide some advise on this? Thank you.

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Global Variable In SQL Task

Mar 24, 2003

How to set and reference Global Variable in a SQL Task (MS SQL 2000)

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Global Function For Different Different Task

Sep 17, 2007


I've a function which I'm using in one of my script task. Then I do some operations and in other script task I'm using same function. If I change a function in one task then I need to do in all other tasks. Is there a way where we can write this function at package level and be able to use in any of the task.



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Retriving A Global Variable From A SQL Task

May 25, 2001


I am tring to figure out how to retrieve the value of a global variable from s SQL task, the value for the Global variable is set in a Active Script Task. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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DTS Task Properties And Global Variables

Mar 2, 2004

Hey all,
I have a stored procedure, which need one variable as parameter. I am trying to call this stored procedure from my DTS Task and my parameter is defined as the Global Variable in DTS. here is the SP call within my DTS Task

declare @id int
select @id = DTSGlobalVariables('ClientId' ).value
exec sp_Update_DayPart @ClientId= @id

it gives me an error that DTSGlobalVariables function not defined. In this case how can i pass the value of Client Id which is my global variable to my SP.

Thanks in Advance

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ExecutePackage Task Global Variables

Jan 8, 2008

I'm trying to pass a global variable from a DTS package to the child packages that it calls using ExecutePackage tasks. I have selected the child's global variable on the Inner Global Variable tab and I have selected the parent's global variable on the Outer Global Variable tab. That doesn't work. Whatever I type into the Value column of the Inner Global Variable tab gets passed to the child package. How do I get the parent's global variable passed to the child package? Do I need to set the value on the Inner Global Variable tab to some special word to make it look for the parent's global variable? If I set it to nothing, nothing gets passed.

I have been able to make this work using an ActiveX Script task. I can set the Inner Global Variable value of the Task object to the parent's global variable value, but that's not the clean solution I'm looking for. There must be a simple way to do this because Microsoft's documentation brags about this feature, but they don't explain exactly how to do it.



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Setting Global Variables In A Script Task, HOW?

Jan 3, 2007

I'm playing (and trying to learn)...

I have an FTP task in a for each containter and am setting the RemotePath using an expression (works great). Thought I could use this to start learning some of the scripting funtionality in SSIS (in a script task) so found some code in this forum (thanks Original Posters!) and tried my hand at some coding... Intent was to create a variable and then dynamically overwrite the Expression in the FTP Task from the script (I know I don't need to do this, I just wanted to use it for learning purposes)....

I have a variable named varFTPDestPathFileName (string) and want to set it to the value of varFTPDestPath (string) + varFTPFileName (string). Note: all variables are scoped at the package level (could this be the problem?). I did not assign any of the variables to ReadOnly or ReadWrite on the Script Task Editor page (seems to me that doing this in the code is a whole lot cleaner [and self documenting] than on the Task Editor page)...

I keep getting the following error:
"The element cannot be found in a collection. This error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during execution of the package and the element is not there."

Here is the script:

Public Sub Main()
Dim vars As Variables
' Lock for Read/Write the variables we are going to use

' Set Value of varSourcePathFileName <<--- ERROR OCCURS HERE
vars("User::varSourcePathFileName").Value = _
Dts.Variables("User::varFTPDestPath").Value.ToString + _


Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

I would also like to be able to loop through the Dts.VariableDispensor to see the contents of the variables and their values.

Somthing like

For each ??? in vars

One other question... Do we always have to preface the variable with "User::" or "System::", if so can you explain why?

Any help would be much appreciated....

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Usage Of Global Variables Inside SQL Task

Mar 11, 2008

I've been looking around but haven't yet found the syntax for usage of global variables in an SQL Task.

I've set the global variable Id (see code below):

if (select field from table where id = @[User::id]) is null
select top 1 1 as response from table
else select top 1 0 as response from table

My objective with it is to set another global variable (@isNull). Supposably, when the selection returns null, I should set the variable to null, I did it by using the selections and mapping the response to that variable (is ther a better way to do so?).

When I try to execute this, it says the variable has not been defined.
Here is the error:

Error: Must declare the variable '@'.

I've also tryed it withou the brackets and the User:: thing in the beggining, (@id directly) and here is the response:

Error: Must declare the variable '@id'.

How should I access the global variables in the SQL code?
(BTW, I've checked the field in execution time and it is set to 23, the correct Id, so the block that preceedes this one is working properly)


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Passing Global Variables From A Execute Package Task

Apr 28, 2004

I have a package (Package1) that is run from another package (Package2) via a Execute Package Task. I set a Global Variable called sErrorMessage in the in Package1 and would like to access that Global Variable in an ActiveX Script Task in Package2. How can I do this?

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Variable Scope And Connection Manger Scope

Mar 13, 2008

I have taken three dtsx files and re written them into one each in its own container. I use the XML Task task alot which the File connection is set by a variable and the variable value is evaluated by expression (the expression makes up the path/filename from other variable values). All the variables that make up the connection are at the container scope. The package will not run now because it is saying that the source (created by variables) for the file connection do not exist.

It seems the answer is that file connections exist at the package level therefore the variable has to be at the package level. This seems to be alot of variables i now have to move to package level to generate the XML source connection. Which in essence makes it confusing as to which variables operate in which container.

My question is can we easily move variable scope (Not ideal as we have alot of variables at package level) Or Can we do the same for connection managers as we do for variables and have them only used in a scope? (this will be ideal as some connections only need to be at a container scope)

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How To Retrieve Global Variables In An ActiveX Script Task Using VBScript In SSIS

Oct 27, 2006

I need to retrieve the Global Variables set in my package configuration file within an ActiveX Script Task within an SSIS package. In DTS, I could access the Global Variables to execute a SQLXMLBulkLoad for the following statement:


Function Main()


set objBL = CreateObject("SQLXMLBulkLoad.SQLXMLBulkLoad")
objBL.ConnectionString =
objBL.KeepIdentity = False
objBL.CheckConstraints = False

objBL.Execute DTSGlobalVariables("gv_XSDSchemaFile").Value, DTSGlobalVariables("gv_XMLFullPath").Value

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
set objBL=Nothing

End Function

I have tried using the Script Task to write this in VB.NET, however the MSXML4.0 is not exposed within the limited object model of the Script Task Designer. I have written a Data Flow Object using the XML Source, however it requires quite a bit of effort to have the Data Flow Component parse the XML (with 10 hierarchical nodes), transform each and provide a SQL Server Destination. This works, however the XML Source Component requires a hardcoded reference to the XSD Schema file and does not allow for a Global Variable to used. (They do provide this functionality for the XML file source though).

My requirement is to allow for the Global Variable to be passed for the Schema file at runtime. The only way I can think of is to recreate what I was doing in DTS where I could simply pull in the XML and XSD Global Variables and execute the SQLXMLBulkLoad in VB Script.

Any ideas on how to write this in VBScript within the ActiveX Script Task in SSIS?...


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Is There Away To Reference Global Variables In A Lookup Transformation That Are Set Outside A Data Task Flow?

Mar 31, 2008

The logic I am trying to recreate via SSIS is the following SQL statement:

insert into db3.dbo.targettable1 -- Target database table

select distinct ?,
from ? -- Source database table
join dbo.targettable2 c1 -- Target database table
on c1.Alias = ? and
c1.CSetID = ? and
c1.FacID = (select f.PFacID
from dbo.Fac f
where f.FacID = ?)
where not exists (select * from dbo.targettable2 c -- Target database table
where c.Alias = ? and
c.FacID = ? and
c.CSetID = ?)

I have an OLE DB Source that consists of an expression to approximate the following portion of the Above Select statement:

Select ?,
from ? -- Source database table and

The package has 2 global variables User:CSetID and User::FacID whose scope is global to the package and whose values are set within a Foreach Loop Container outside of the Data Flow Task

I was trying to reference the 2 global variables within the Looup Transformation to recreate the following portion of the SQL statement.but encounter errors:

join dbo.targettable2 c1 -- Target database table
on c1.Alias = ? and
c1.CSetID = ? and
c1.FacID = (select f.PFacID
from dbo.Fac f
where f.FacID = ?)

In the Advanced Editor window of Lookup Transaction

select * from
(select * from [dbo].[targettable2 ]) as refTable
where [refTable].[Alias] = ? and [refTable].[FacID] = ? and
[refTable].[CSetID] = ?

Is there away to reference global variables in a Lookup Transformation that are set outside a Data Task Flow?

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Passing A Variable Value (Package Scope) To A DTS Package Embedded Into Execute DTS 2000 Task

Jul 19, 2007

Hi friends,

I have a for each loop that populates from a set of flat files into a Sql Server table, I run the Flat file Import via a dts package embedded into Execute DTS 2000 Task. I want to pass the Sourcefile Name that is fetched by the For Each Loop to assign it Global Variable in DTS. how this can be made ?


Subhash Subramanyam

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Passing A SSIS Global Variable To A Declared Variable In A Query In SQL Task

Mar 6, 2008

I have a SQL Task that updates running totals on a record inserted using a Data Flow Task. The package runs without error, but the actual row does not calculate the running totals. I suspect that the inserted record is not committed until the package completes and the SQL Task is seeing the previous record as the current. Here is the code in the SQL Task:

SET @DV = (SELECT MAX(DateValue) FROM tblTG);
SET @PV = @DV - 1;

I've not been successful in passing a SSIS global variable to a declared parameter, but is it possible to do this:

SET @DV = ?;
SET @PV = @DV - 1;

I have almost 50 references to these parameters in the query so a substitution would be helpful.


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Transfer Object Task Error.

Jul 19, 2007


i am trying to transfer objects from SQL Server 2000 DB to SQL 2005 DB.

i have copy schema to true and i am only copying tables. when i have tried first time it worked fine but in next time it start to give error. here is the error description.

[Transfer SQL Server Objects Task] Error: Execution failed with the following error: "ERROR :
errorCode=-1071636471 description=An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is
available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP
Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0



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DTS Transfer Object Task - IDENTITY INSERT?

Nov 9, 1999

Good Afternoon,

Does anybody know if the DTS Transfer Object Task transfers tables with IDENTITY INSERT enabled? I'm copying objects, along with their data to another database, but I need to retain the values in my IDENTITY columns. I will do some manual checking but this is fairly tedious and error prone.

I've checked the Books Online but I couldn't find anything that answers my question.



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SSIS Transfer Database Object Task

Sep 13, 2007

Hi everyone
Can any one help me I am using Tranfer databse object task when I am trying to run it its throwing exception can not send null value in login name????

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Error In Transfer SQL Server Object Task

Jun 7, 2007

Hi all,

I am facing problem while using Transfer SQL Server Object Task in SSIS, it is not importing table & its attributes.

The details settings of Transfer SQL Server Object Task as follows:
clicking edit - Objects(left pane)
Right pane
Source Connection existing server name 1
Source Database ganny1
Destination Connection existing server name 1
Destination Database ganny2
Destination copy objects
Objects to copy - copy all tables - true
Table Objects
CopyPrimaryKeys - True
CopyForiegnKeys - True

After setting all this configurations, Executing task, I am not able to get table in my destination database.
Please suggest me to solve the issue.

Thanks in advance

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Object Task Property Destroyes Package

Jan 9, 2007


In a custom task I have a property of type Hashtable. This property gets changed by a custom UI. After changing the value and closing the UI, the Hashtable is properly filled during investigation in the validate() method.

Now saving the package and inspecting the XML file of the package, there is only this entry:

<DTS:ObjectData><InnerObject><PromotionCodes Type="12" Value=""/></InnerObject></DTS:ObjectData>

So it seems, that the value is empty and there is no further data to the object. Trying to reopen the saved package, the opening fails with something like (Had to translate it my own from german):

Error loading '<PackageName>' : Error loading a task. The contact information for the task is ''. This problem occurs on an error during task loading.

There should be a out of the box possibility to save collections or do you have to implement Load/Save XML your own if you have complex datatypes as properties? As the package has the element of the property included (but empty), it seems it tries to save it.

Anyone a hint. Anybody occuring the same behavior?

Thanks T.

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To Pass A Dataset To .net Script Task As N Object

Mar 21, 2007

I want to pass a dataset to my .net script task as an object. I know how to declare an Obect variable and map the result set of my Execute SQL task to the Object variable lets say tbl1. Then on the Advanced Menu of .Net Script task I input tbl1 as my ReadOnlyVariable. But once in the design view of the .Net Script I am unable to get and work with every row of the my tbl1 variable.

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Transfer Sql Server Object Task Error

Mar 24, 2006

I am trying to move some tables from one database to another(both 2005) using SSIS. The tables are not dbo tables. I am using  sql authentication for the source and windows authentication for the destination SMO conection.

I get the following error:

Error: 0xC002F325 at Transfer Tables from Beta To test, Transfer SQL Server Objects Task: Execution failed with the following error: "ERROR : errorCode=-1071636471 description=An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37.

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E37 Description: "Invalid object name 'demo.rz_Analysis'.".

helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}".

I have no problem transferring the dbo tables.

i have no clue about this...

Does anyone know whats going on here?

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