What's Wrong With This View? Duplicate Columns?

Jul 23, 2005

When I add this code in a view and try to save . . .

dbo.TypeByCase ON dbo.TypeByCase.CaseNum = dbo.Master.CaseNum

It gives the error:
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Column names in each
view or function must be unique. Column name 'CaseNum' in view or
function 'dbo.BobView1' is specified more than once.

Any idea why?



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Write A CREATE VIEW Statement That Defines A View Named Invoice Basic That Returns Three Columns

Jul 24, 2012

Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named Invoice Basic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.

This is what I have so far,

SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal
From Vendors JOIN Invoices
ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID


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Creating SQL View - Syntax Is Wrong

Apr 14, 2004

We are creating a view in SQL to format data to DTS to another database. Here is the section of the view which does not work -- eliminating this section from the query allows the view to be created:

CASE APTran.LineNbr
WHEN < '0' THEN 'O'
--Offsetting Document (or transaction line as we have (AP Liab. AP Cash Entry).
WHEN > '0' THEN 'D'
--Regular Document (or transaction line as we have (This is either a Debit or a Credit line not AP Liab. AP Cash Entry).

I am attaching the whole query stmt here.

Thanks very much for all assistance.

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The Package Contains Two Objects With The Duplicate Name - Package Created In UI - Duplicate Columns

Aug 17, 2007

I've begun to get the above error from my package. The error message refers to two output columns.

Anyone know how this could happen from within the Visual Studio 2005 UI? I've seen the other posts on this subject, and they all seemed to be creating the packages in code.

Is there any way to see all of the columns in the data flow? Or is there any other way to find out which columns it's referring to?

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SELECT * View Returning Wrong Column Data

Oct 16, 2007

SQL 2005 9.00.3402.00 (x64) As Above really when I select * OR select a single column from the view the wrong column data is returned. in SQL Management Studio when I expand the Columns of the view it reflects the old table structure not the new table structure. I can easily fix by compiling the view again but this would mean I would have to recompile all referencing views when I make a change to table structures. I've tried various DBCC Clean Buffers & drop cache with no effect. Is there a command to recompile all views & poss stored procs in a database. Any help or explanation would be appreciated GW

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Newbie: Modifying Table = Wrong Data In View?

Apr 15, 2004

Hi there,

Completely new to the world of databases. I'm a designer who works primarily in Flash. In any case, I'm trying to manage an application that uses MS SQL and learn about the wonderful world of databases.

Ok, I modified a table (e.g. I added a column called "Rate") that had associated views (created by another developer). Noticed that my application went a little wonky as some of my variables within my app took on the value of the data in the "Rate" column. I checked one of the views and noticed that a column within the view (e.g. TutorID) was assuming the values in the "Rate" column. Note: The column TutorID had been blank before the change to the table. I'm completely lost as to why this is happening. Do I need to rebuild the view? Can I just reset the original view?


Oh yeah, I'm using SQL4X Manager J from Mac Guru (if that helps).

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Matching A View's Columns To It's Underlying Table's Columns

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,Using SQL Server 2000, I'm trying to put together a query that willtell me the following information about a view:The View NameThe names of the View's columnsThe names of the source tables used in the viewThe names of the columns that are used from the source tablesBorrowing code from the VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE view, I've got the codebelow, which gives me the View Name, Source Table Name, and SourceColumn Name. And I can easily enough get the View columns from thesyscolumns table. The problem is that I haven't figured out how tolink a source column name to a view column name. Any help would beappreciated.Garyselectv_obj.name as ViewName,t_obj.name as SourceTable,t_col.name as SourceColumnfromsysobjects t_obj,sysobjects v_obj,sysdepends dep,syscolumns t_colwherev_obj.xtype = 'V'and dep.id = v_obj.idand dep.depid = t_obj.idand t_obj.id = t_col.idand dep.depnumber = t_col.colidorder byv_obj.name,t_obj.name,t_col.name

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Getting Duplicate Columns

Apr 9, 2007

I have a table with say 45 columns.
I have a business requirement that requires me to fetch the rows for which col1 , col2, ....col 11 are same and rest can be different. there is an identity column, in the table so I can have duplicate rows also.

how can I effectively write a query that will fetch me all those rows for which my 11 columns are same.


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Need A Script To Take Duplicate Data And Lines And Place It Into A New View.

Sep 28, 2007

I have a Site 2509CRUZ2 and SB1931 that have Multiple Contract ID's assigned to them in the table. Which are in 12 font below. I need to create a script to take these duplicates and place them in their own view but not delete them from the table.

Table is now.


---------- --------------- ----------
NVLC009581 MOLT00100 1506BLDG

NVLC004724 ROB00100 1802BLDG

NVLC004682 TTC00100 2303BLDG

NVLC004445 JSNS00100 2509CRUZ2

NVLC009812 JSNS00100 2509CRUZ2

NVLC004741 ROB00100 360BLDG

NVLC004506 CTMA00100 5300MARY2

NVLC009423 CTMA00100 5300MARYWY

NVLC009755 TTC00100 810BROADWY

OTRC005086 HFBC00100 SB1931

OTRC005087 KNK00100 SB1931

View would need to be:


---------- --------------- ----------

NVLC004445 JSNS00100 2509CRUZ2

NVLC009812 JSNS00100 2509CRUZ2

OTRC005086 HFBC00100 SB1931

OTRC005087 KNK00100 SB1931

So I need a script to accomplish pulling this data into a view.


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Duplicate Dhcek On Two Columns

Nov 23, 2006

I have a table T1 and on this table I have an insert trigger. In the trigger I need to check if T1.ID and T1.Type=’xyz’ together are duplicated or not (duplicate dhcek on two columns), if yes return error from trigger. There might be T1.ID and T1.Type=’abc’ duplicated, that is fine.

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Duplicate Records In Multiple Columns.

May 21, 2008


I have a question regarding duplicate records, the thing is I'm able to query for duplicated records if I type the following:

select ColumnName from TableName
where ColumnName in
select ColumnName from TableName
group by ColumnName having count(*) > 1

That gives me duplicate records for one column, but I need find duplicate records in more than one column (4 columns to be exact), but the way I need to find these records is they all have to be duplicate, what I'm trying to say is I don't don't want to find the following:

First Last Age Email
John Smith 25 jsmith@hotmail.com
John Smith 26 jsmith@hotmail.com
John Smith 25 jsmith4@hotmail.com

I need to find the following:

First Last Age Email
John Smith 25 jsmith@hotmail.com
John Smith 25 jsmith@hotmail.com
John Smith 25 jsmith@hotmail.com

So all the columns must be exactly the same, that's the only condition I want to show the records, is there any way to do this?

For the record, I'm using MS SQL Server 2000, thank you.

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Duplicate Results In 2 Columns But Reversed

Feb 17, 2004

I have to write a query which extracts everyone from a table who has the same surname and forenames as someone else but different id's.

The query should have a surname column, a forenames column, and two id columns (from the person column of the table).

I need to avoid duplicates i.e. the first table id should only be returned in the first id column and not in the second - which is what i am getting at the mo.

This is what i have done

select first.surname, first.forenames, first.person, second.person
from shared.people first, shared.people second
where first.surname= second.surname
and first.forenames = second.forenames
and not first.person = second.person
order by first.surname, first.forenames

and i get results like this

Porter Sarah Victoria 9518823 9869770
Porter Sarah Victoria 9869770 9518823 - i.e. duplicates


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Get Rows With Duplicate Values In Certain Columns

Jul 23, 2005

Hi there,I would like to know how to get rows with duplicate values in certaincolumns. Let's say I have a table called "Songs" with the followingcolumns:artistalbumtitlegenretrackNow I would like to show the duplicate songs to the user. I considersongs that have the same artist and the same title to be the same song.Note: All columns do not have to be the same.How would I accomplish that with SQL in SQL Server?Thanks to everyone reading this. I hope somebody has an answer. I'vealready searched the whole newsgroups, but couldn't find the solution.

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MS SQL Dealing With Duplicate Columns In Rows?

Aug 21, 2007

Hello,Suppose I have the following table...name employeeId email--------------------------------------------Tom 12345 Join Bytes!Hary 54321Hary 54321 Join Bytes!I only want unique employeeIds return. If I use Distinct it will stillreturn all of the above as the email is different/missing. Is there away to query in SQL so that only distinct employeeId is returned? noduplicates.I wouuld like to say WHERE no blank fields are present to get theright row to return.Many thanksYas

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Delete Duplicate Rows With No Unique Columns

Apr 3, 2000

I have 4 rows which are exactly the same. I want to delete one row but i do not have any unique identifing columns. How should i delete that row ?

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Query To Find Duplicate (paired) Columns

May 28, 2012

I have the following table:


I need to run a query to discover all instances where a f_name and f_country pair exists for more than one f_ID. ABC/US is one such example; IDs 123 and 456 have this pair.

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Duplicate Data In Table For Specific Columns

Nov 27, 2015

I have an table with duplicate data. I need to delete the duplicate records based on the RequestId.

I want to delete the records based on the RequestID 1001, Delete the duplicates in 1002, 1003 .

DECLARE @table TABLE ([Employee_SID] [int] NOT NULL,
[CalculatedTotalSalesYear] [numeric](19, 2) NULL,
[CalculatedTotalSalesYearAnnualized] [numeric](19, 2) NULL,
[RequestID] [int] NOT NULL)

[Code] ....

Expected Result

select * from @table

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query To Avoid Duplicate Records (across Columns)

Jan 3, 2015

rewrite the below two queries (so that i can avoid duplicates) i need to send email to everyone not the dup[right][/right]licated ones)?

Create table #MyPhoneList
AccountID int,
EmailWork varchar(50),
EmailHome varchar(50),
EmailOther varchar(50),

[Code] ....

--> In this table AccountID is uniquee

--> email values could be null or repetetive for work / home / Other (same email can be used more than one columns for accountid)

-- a new column will be created with name as Sourceflag( the value could be work, Home, Other depend on email coming from) then removes duplicates

SELECT AccountID , Email, SourceFlag, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY AccountID, Email ORDER BY Sourceflag desc) AS ROW
INTO #List
from (
, EmailWorkAS EMAIL
, 'Work'AS SourceFlag
FROM#MyPhoneList (NoLock) eml
WHEREIsOffersToWorkEmail= 1


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Ranking Duplicate Contacts Using Multiple Columns

Jun 8, 2015

I'm in the process of trying to identify duplicate contacts. I doing this for millions of contacts and have gotten stuck and could use some elegant solutions!

The business rule is this:

Any contact that has the same name, phone and email address are the same contact
Any contact that has the same name, and email address are the same contact
Any contact that has the same name, email address, but different phone are a different contact.
Any contact that has the same name, email address, and a blank phone can be the same contact as one that has the same name, email address, and has an email address
Rank by the DataSource_fk. 1 being the highest

Put another way:

If 3 contacts have the same name, 2 have phone '1112223344' and all three have the email address 'johndoe@gmail.com' they are the same contact and the lowest DataSource_fk should be ranked the highest.

I've used the Row_number over (Partition by) in the past, but am unsure how to deal with the blanks in email and phone.

DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestBusinessContact];
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestBusinessContact]
[TestBusinessContact_pk] INT IDENTITY(1,1)NOT NULL,
[Business_fk]INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_TestBusinessContact_Business_fk DEFAULT(0),

[Code] ......

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Integration Services :: Eliminate Duplicate Derived Columns

Apr 27, 2015

I have a lot of different data flows that need "Derived Column". There are maybe only 5 different such "Derived Column" but they appear many times. Is there a way to eliminate all that double work? It should be something that does not take me more time to do than just duplicating all the "Derived Columns".

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New View Not Showing Columns

Jul 9, 2001

Any idea why I cannot see (in Enterprise Manager) all the coulmns of a selected table? All I get is * all columns - not each one, meaning I cannot select individual columns in my new view. Could it be the version? I am running SQL 7.0 SP1


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View Columns Switched

Nov 24, 2005

I'm having an odd issue with SQL Server. What happens is the following: I create view1. I then create view2 which uses view1. I then create view3 which uses view2. Then, if I make a change in View1, my other views are messed up. What happens is that columns in view3 (and view2) will be switched. Therefore, if a crystal report for example references view3, I'll suddenly get an exception due to a field in the cyrstal report thinking it's going to get an integer but gets a date instead. It's as if the columns were moved around. Is this a known issue with SQL Server 2000? Has someone else had that here? Has someone resolved that here? thx.

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Creating Columns In A View

May 10, 2006

Hi im trying to create a view that creates another column for a table and then adds the value but i cant get it could sum1 help


Alter Table Employee
Add EMP_BONUS Decimal(6,2)

Update Employee
Set EMP_BONUS = EMP_PCT / 500000

Select Employee.EMP_LNAME, Employee.EMP_FNAME, Employee.EMP_PCT, Position.POS_TITLE, Employee.EMP_BONUS
From Employee
Inner Join Position On Employee.POS_ID = Position.POS_ID

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Formatting Columns In A View

Jun 29, 2007

I have a view that I created from 4 SQL tables in order to query data for a report. I can't change the format of columns in the original table but would like to format the columns in the view as a different data type.

The original table has the values formated as varchar, the info in the columns is numbers and I would like to have the values changed to decimal when the view is queried.

Is this even possible? Any help would be appreciated.

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Query To View With Many Columns

Jul 31, 2007

Hi All,
I have a simple question. If I have a view that query from joined multiple tables and return a lot of columns (more than 100). If I run a simple query just return several columns (e.g. 4-5 columns), will SQL Server query all columns first from all joined table? or can SQL Server query only necessary column from related table?

Does anyone have idea how to join table that can reflect both left and right join?
Table A Table B
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column1 Column2 Column 3 Column5
A Jan 5 xxx A Jan 1 yyy
B Feb 3 C Mar 4
B Mar 4 C Apr 3
C Apr 2 D May 2
E Mar 1

Result Table
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column 5
A Jan 6 (= 5+1) xxx yyyy
B Feb 3
B Mar 4
C Mar 4
C Apr 5 (= 2+3)
D May 2
E Mar 1

So the result table is a join on column1 and column2 (both are primary key), with column3 is a sum aggregate. Table A has additional column4 and Table B has additional column5, so quite difficult to union (In fact, there are a lot of column differences between table).

Thanks for the help.

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Replicate View With More Than 255 Columns

Oct 24, 2007


I'm setting up Transaction Replication b/w SQL Server 2K and SQL Server 2K5.
I have published Tables, Views and SPs as articles.
One of the views has more than 300 columns. So when i try to replicate it, I'm encountering the

following error Message.

"Error 20068: The article cannot be created on table because it has more than 255 columns."

When a view can be created with more than 255 cokumns, why the problem arises when we replicate

Can any one help me on this?


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I A View In Access Project I See Only All Columns

Oct 11, 2006

I try to create a view in Access Project but in design view I only see "all columns" in a table. The individual columns are not listed. This happens only with a certain SQL Server database. Any suggestions ?

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Columns Selection For Catalog View

Jul 25, 2012

Write a select Statement that selects all of the columns for the catalog view that returns information about foreign keys. How many foreign keys are defined in the AP database?

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Create A View That Counts In One Of The Columns?

Nov 5, 2014

I need to create a view that counts in one of the columns.

The tricky part for me is that it should only count to three, then start on 1 again and count to three again.


1 - car
2 - bike
3 - Motorbike
1 - Boat
2 - Airplane
3 - Motorboat
1 - Bicycle

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Create View With Computed Columns?

Apr 1, 2015

I have a table that I cannot allow a computed field to exist on (due to a 3rd party software), so I am thinking I could create a view with a computed field that is persistent, is that possible?

the syntax below will not work, I am not even sure if this is possible, but if it can work, that would be great.

I am wanting to get the sum of jetfoot1, 2 & 3 and have the total added up as "total"

create view ViewSumReport as
from dbo.fielddata

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Creating A View With Columns Not In Another Table

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I'm somewhat of a newbie and I need to create a view with a columnthat is not derived from any other tables. What I want is for thisfield to be an auto-increment field or some kind of UID. Can anyonequickly tell me how to do this.Here is my dilemma. I need to pull data from a unique data set from atable which does not have a primary key, and none exists in its data.Please tell me how to put this data in a view(or another table) sothat I can pull it out with unique records. It doesnt matter what theunique field consists of.Thanks

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Can Not See Columns In Query Design View

Nov 3, 2006

Even though I select "Column Names" in Design View when creating a query (or view), only "* (All Columns)" appears in the table box.

In InfoPath, when I connect a combo-box, err drop down box, to the database, I am unable to connect directly to a table... no tables are shown. If I select a different database, these problems do not exist.

I can not find any setting to allow these columns to be shown in the design view or any setting that will "expose" the tables in InfoPath.

I tried creating a new database and exporting the data, tables and data, from the troubled DB to the new DB; however, the new DB exhibited the same behaviour. The system tables, Master and Model, have the same behaviour. Please help me with your ideas and suggestions... thank you very much for your time.

This database was upsized from Access 2003 to SQL Server 2000 SP4.


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DB Design :: Alter View To Add Columns

Jun 9, 2015

I would like to alter view to add columns. My base table is populated by application and the base table name is always change. Is there any way to add some extra columns to this view.

One way is to create a sp to add columns and use the view inside the sp. But I would like to know is there any way to alter the view. 

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