What Are The Differences Between MS SQL Server 2005 && Oracle 9i ?

Aug 5, 2006

Hi guyz,
I have basic knowledge of Sql Server 2005 and now i wanna move ahead in Oracle 9i !
So, i have 2 questions here -

a)Whats the Difference between Sql Server 2005 and Oracle 9 i ?

Note: Please keep the discussion general so that student like me can understand. I have never seen Oracle but the industry requirements suggest that Oracle is way better than than SQL Server 2005. But thats what i think

b)I am Running Windows XP SP 2 and i would like to practise Oracle 9i. So, Where i can download it for free ? I know i have checked there website but they don't mention the difference between each version. Oracle does't market their products as well as Microsoft.

Please , I am Student .. so i request you to make the discussion general .
Thank you for your time.

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SQL Server - Oracle Differences - Connect By Prior

Dec 5, 2007

Hello ,

I'm facing a complicated problem and I don't think that the solution will be an easy one.

I have an SQL statement in Oracle which I need to translate it in Sql Server 2005.

select lpad(' ',5*(orderid)) || to_char(descr) as menui
from <table _name>
where MENU_ITEM not in ('test1','test2','test3') and item_parent not in ('test4,'test5,'test6')
start with <item_parent='item_parent' >
connect by prior <menu_item = item_parent and menu_name='ADR_m_adr_frame'; > ?(condition)

Somewhere I have read that SQL server does not support Hierarchical Sql statements. Is this true ? How am I going to do that ?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you

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Recovery :: Differences Between Clustering In Oracle

Oct 5, 2015

I am need of comparing ORACLE and SQL clustering,.

1) Dynamic addition / removal of nodes with no effects on data distribution-- I think Yes

2) Integrated clustering technology for all major OS and Server Platforms

3) Automatic Workload management that enables enterprise Grids

4) Recovery Advisories

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Differences Between SQL Server 2005 X64 Vs X86?

Mar 12, 2007

Hi there,

I'm trying to find what are the main differences between SQL Server 2005 64-bits and 32-bits. So far, I've found some articles about TPC-C performance but I would like to know some response time or execution time of a batch or SSIS packages.

Any information about this 2 versions is appreciated.


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Differences Between MS SQL Server 2000 And 2005?

Jan 20, 2006

Firslty, my aplogies if this is documented elsewhere - I am a new user to SQL Team and not yet found everything! I hope someone here can help me...

In brief, I am making the foolish mistake of embarking on my third and final year of an MS(c) degree in forensic computing. For my final year project I am intending to study and document (for forensic computing purposes) the forensic capture and investigation of data from a MS SQL Server database.

However, my experience is mostly from MySQL! In other words, I know very little about the internal structure of MS SQL Server 2000 or 2005.

Which leads me to my question....

Can anyone point me in the direction of a technical pagedocumentpdf (whatever) that details what the core fundamental differences are between 2000 and 2005. I'm not talking about an MS publicity paper - no, I need a non-bias technical guide which states the differences as fact.

If the differences in 2005 are mostly just cosemtic (the GUI etc) then I'll study 2000 because lots is already known and documented about it it seems. However, if it's much more than that and the differences are specific to what I'm studying (the forensic capture) then I'll probably have to go with 2005 because that's what we will be encountering more of in the next few years and the differences will effect the investigator.

Your time and responses much appreciated.



(BTW - Having looked at the description of 'Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000', it seems like it might be a good book for my project (if I do 2000). Would you guys agree?)


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What Are The Differences Between CD1 And CD2 Of The SQL Server 2005 Enterprise? And Can I Just Attach The Sql2000 MDF File Into Sql2005?

Feb 4, 2006

I have new bought the SQL server 2005 enterprise, but it have 2 CDs, so what are the differences between CD1 and CD2? and so which one should i install first? or is it necessary to install both two or just need to install one of them?
And about my original sql 2000 database, can i just attach it's MDF file into the sql 2005 engine, or which import wizard can load the sql 2000 MDF into sql 2005? or do i need to keep the sql 2000 engine before do this?

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Differences Between SQL 2005 Thats Comes With Vs2005 And SQL 2005 Standalone ??

Nov 2, 2005

I just want to run a webiste off my home computer with a dynamic address.It seems I can do all I want with the SQL that comes with vs2005 except being able to backup the DBIs the SQL 2005 that comes with vs2005 good enoh for everything I should want to do?? Is there some chart somewhere that explains the differences ?

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Native Oracle SQL -&&> SQL Server 2005 CE .sdf File -&&> Using Visual Studio 2005?

May 23, 2007

I've got a table adapter that connects using an oracle data connector. In the adapter, I'm using native oracle SQL such as:

select TO_DATE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(weird_oracle_field),0,12),'YYYYMMDDHH24MI') as dt_added from oracle_data_table

There's also a CASE statement in there with some other data transformations.

Anyway, I want to take the results of that Oracle query and put the dataset into a SQL Server Compact Edition database - within an application that I'm creating in Visual Studio 2005.

For whatever reason, I can't seem to do anything like that in 'bulk' and there aren't any data migration tools that work with anything other than "full" SQL Server versions. My client doesn't support SQL Server, but I can deploy my app with SQL CE. I need a 'local' copy of the database (for several reasons) and just can't seem to figure out how to make this work.

I'm really going nuts. I feel like I'm soooo close when I see the data I want in the table adapter - but I can't seem to actually *move* the data over!!

Can anyone help?



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Connection String Differences In SQL 2005

Apr 15, 2008


I'm a SQL n000b, and have just joined the forum 5 minutes ago seeking an answer to this problem that I've encountered. It seems that the way connection strings are handled in SQL 2005 have changed. This connection string used to work, but is now borked:

<add key="DBNAME.ConnectionString" value="packet size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source='sqlvirdev0035dev35';persist security info=False;initial catalog=DBNAME;connection timeout=60" />

Has something explicitly changed in SQL 2005 that would break this <add key>? Does something need to be set server side in order to handle these connection strings now? I have no idea why this won't work anymore, I just know that it doesn't work.

Ty for any help,

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Differences Betwee 2000 And 2005 SQL

Jul 9, 2007


I have a simple sql statement that used to work in SQL 2000 that isn't working in SQL 2005. The order by clause doesn't seem to have any effect on the result set. The sql statement is:




The period end date is appearing in ascinding order on sql server 2005 and in the correct order in sql 2000. Any idea? Thank you for your help

- T.A.

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What Is The Differences Between Having And Where Clause In MS SQL 2000or MS SQL 2005 ?

Mar 11, 2008

Can I know about the above answer with 1 or examples if anybody can ?

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UPDATE Statement Differences Between 2000 And 2005

Jun 21, 2007

I just wanted to post a difference I found between SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 regarding UDPATE statements that are done on a join. I understand that if tables are designed correctly this won't be a problem. But, when you inherit a bad design, you are unfortunately stuck with it. Hopefully this will help ease data differences in your migration from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005.

Run this code on a SQL 2000 connection, then run on SQL 2005. My guess on the behavior difference is strictly performance based since 2005 pulls the top result. Either way it can cause a lot of head scratching if you're not aware of it.

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#UpdateTestA') IS NOT NULL


IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#UpdateTestB') IS NOT NULL



UpdateTestA int identity(1, 1),

FullName varchar(20),

UpdateData varchar(10))


UpdateTestB int identity(1, 1),

FullName varchar(20),

UpdateData varchar(10))



VALUES ('Barney Rubble')




VALUES ('Barney Rubble', 'First')




VALUES ('Barney Rubble', 'Second')

SELECT * FROM #UpdateTestA


SET a.UpdateData = b.UpdateData

FROM #UpdateTestA a

INNER JOIN #UpdateTestB b on b.FullName = a.FullName

SELECT * FROM #UpdateTestA



Hope this solves a problem that you were having too.

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View SELECT Differences Between SQL 2000 &&amp; 2005

Apr 8, 2008

I have the following a view on a SQL2K box that uses the following SELECT statement:


SAT.PublicationDate AS SATPubDate,
SAM.PublicationDate AS SAMPubDat
FROM SkuFlags SF
LEFT OUTER JOIN SpringArbor_music SAM ON SF.ISBN = SAM.PrimaryKey
( SAT.PublicationDate IS NOT NULL ) AND
( SAT.PublicationDate <> '010001' ) AND
( GETDATE() <= DATEADD(day, -1, ( CAST(LEFT(SAT.PublicationDate, 2) + '/01/' + RIGHT(SAT.PublicationDate, 4) AS DATETIME) )))
OR (
( SAM.PublicationDate <> '010001' ) AND
( SAM.PublicationDate IS NOT NULL ) AND
( GETDATE() <= DATEADD(day, -1, ( CAST(LEFT(SAM.PublicationDate, 2) + '/01/' + RIGHT(SAM.PublicationDate, 4) AS DATETIME)))

The view works in SQL2K. When I try to run it under SQL2K5, I get a "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value." error. I know what the error is, the SAM.PublicationDate field has NULL values in it (and this is vendor supplied data that is updated frequently, so not dealing with NULL values isn't an option), so during the CAST function it's try to CAST NULL + /01/ + NULL into a DATETIME value and crashing.

My question is why this works in SQL2K and not SQL2K5?


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Merge Replication Differences Between SQL 2000 And SQL 2005

Jun 27, 2006

We have developed a mobile system that uses merge replication for SQL Mobile to SQL 2005. Previously we have developed mutliple mobile systems using merge replication for SQL Ce to SQL 2000.

Based on the knowledge we had gathered over about 4 years, we applied the synchronisation parameters for the SQL 2005 solution as we would for the SQL 2000 solution.

We have found there are some differences. Not too surprising I suppose, only some of these have us a little baffled.

For instance, there was a little flag called keep_partition_changes in SQL 2000 that is supposedly superceded by the use_partition_groups flag. However, if you don't set up your filtering to conform to the standards required by the use_pre_computed_partitions flag if you want it set to true, then the use_partition_groups flag gets set to false - also the @partition_options falg gets set back to 0 (static or non-unique data) when we want it at 3 (Single Parition, One subscriber).

To top it all off, when you get the use_partition_groups flag working, there are restrictions on which columns you can update on the device. WTF? This seems ludicrous, to be unable to update data at the subscriber - particularly information that allows you to effectively "delete" data from your subscription.

Examples of the current behaviour are as follows,

On initialize for a subscriber, the subscriber will receive their own data as inserts, plus exact multiples of that data as updates. Say there are 100 rows in TableA, the subscriber gets 100 inserts, plus 6000 updates. TableB has 20 rows, the subscriber gets 20 inserts, 1200 updates.

Further to this, performance goes out the window when synchronising changes. Typically the data flow will be between 5 and 200 changes in both directions for a synchronisation. We are seeing sync times in the replication monitor of over 20 seconds per user. Surely the calculations do not take that long. The tables in the database are not very large.

This behaviour gets significantly worse as we load the system. The application has an auto sync function which is timed to operate evry 10 minutes. However, now that there is in excess of 50 or so users on the system, those synchronisation times blow out to multiple minutes and the server starts to thrash. We have looked at indexing and maintenance but to no avail.

Everything still points to the merge replication setup.

So, it seems obvious to me that we are mising some key information about how to set up merge replication in SQL 2005. We woudl be very gratefull if someone could point out the errors of our ways.

Sorry for the convoluted post. Hope someone can help us.


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Differences Between 2005, 2000, And Express - Documentation, Whitepapers?

Apr 27, 2007

Can anyone point me in the direction of some NON-sales documentation on the differences between these product? I am sure, especially with Express, there are considerable functionality and architecture differences.

I've looked in BOL, and I've done searches online.

All i seem to get is sales related stuff.

I'm curious about the architecture of SQL 2005, SQL express. In 2000, there was some fairly detailed documentaiton on this subject, but 2005 BOL seems REALLY diffucult to find things.

I may just need to try different keywords...

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Oracle And SQL Server 2005

Oct 20, 2007

I have more than 8 GB Data in oracle and Everyday we have to check some data in oracle but it takes times due to lot of data. So what i was looking that data that we need can import in SQL Server database and do checking purpose. But I was looking some command that connect to oracle brings its data and import in SQL Server. For that we will fire SQL statement to oracle through asp.net and  insert into SQL Server I will fire differencial data insert covery only. is there any way or idea to do that please advice me.

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SQL Server 2005 Vs Oracle

Apr 6, 2006

Anyone know where I can find some good resources to help us choose betweenSQL and Oracle ( Progress Openedge as well ) . Any comments on what youwould choose ?? We are creating a new Warehouse Management System which wilmanage our very large inventory.Anyway comments suggestions welcomeThanksPaul

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Oracle .dmp To SQL Server 2005

Aug 28, 2007

I am trying to import an Oracle .dmp database into SQL Server 2005, what would you suggest as the fastest and easiest way to do this? DTS/SSIS doesn't have an instant solution and the script I tried to use gave me an error...

Msg 3241, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

The media family on device '<DATABASE>' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.

Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

I would like a GUI based way to do this if at all possible. Thanks

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DTS From Oracle To SQL Server 2005

Mar 13, 2008

Hello guys,

I'm relatively new to DTS and I was trying to import data from the oracle database to SQL server database based on some parameter from the destination table.
i.e select * from SourceTable where SourceTable.Column1 > (select max(Column1) from DestinationTable)
This tries to search DestinationTable from the source database(Oracle)
How shoud I go to solve this problem?
Any Hint is greatly appreciated....

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SQL Server 2005 64-bit &&amp; Oracle

Feb 21, 2008

OK new Windows 2003 Enterprise 64-bit with MS SQL Server 2005 64-bit.. Now I am migrating the DTS packages from our olld Windows 2000 Standard with MS SQL 2000 (all 32-bit). I am not moving the packages to SSIS yet just want to move the legacy DTS jobs over... However whenever I try and connect to the Oracle DB I got ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified.

I have the Oracle 10g 32-bit & Oracle 10g 64-bit clients installed and I can run SQL+Plus and do everything just fine. It is just in MS SQL 2005 I can not. Even in SSIS I get the ORA-12154 error. I can create an ODBC and test it and it works just fine... Has anyone here ever fixed this? Some say it is b/c of the ('s around x86 in program files and I have done their suggestion in making a ProgramFilesx86 directory and copy the visual stupid & sql directories there... still nothing. I have one of my DBA's searching Oracle for any patches but thought I would ask and see.


Billy S.

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SQL Server 2005 Versus Oracle

Jun 18, 2007

If there is someone who is intimate with both sqlserver and oracle tell me the main differences between the two?

what features are not available in either one? is one better for certain situations over others?

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Tutorial For DTS From Oracle To SQL Server 2005

Jan 9, 2008

I want the tutorial for developing Integration Service for copying the database from Oracle 9i to SQL Server 2005.

If anybody knows then pls give me the steps..

Thanx in advance.

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Tuning On Oracle 10g And SQL Server 2005

May 4, 2006

Does anyone have some more detailed information about how Oracle and MSimplement / allow Tuning on Oracle 10g and SQL Server 2005 and thedifferences between them?Which of them, In a deep comparison about it, allow better tuning andwhy.Regards,Marcio Evangelista

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Replication From Oracle 10g R2 To SQL Server 2005 SP2

Oct 6, 2007

Hello All,
I created all the role and logins as described in oracleadmin.sql file and were able to query Oracle tables.
But when I try to crate publisher on Oracle server from sqL server I get the following error:
TITLE: Distributor Properties

An error occurred applying the changes to the Distributor.

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server+Management+Studio&ProdVer=9.00.3186.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.DistributorPropertiesErrorSR&EvtID=ErrorApplyingDistributor&LinkId=20476


SQL Server could not enable 'oracle_dev' as a Publisher. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Failed to execute the HREPL.INITPUBLISHER request to Oracle Publisher 'ORACLE_DEV'. Verify that the Oracle package code exists on the Publisher, and that the replication administrative user account has sufficient permissions.
Changed database context to 'master'.
OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "ORACLE_DEV" returned message "One or more errors occurred during processing of command.".
OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "ORACLE_DEV" returned message "ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
PLS-00201: identifier 'HREPL.INITPUBLISHER' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Error: 7215, Sev: 17, State: 1, Msg: Could not execute statement on remote server 'ORACLE_DEV'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 21651)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.3186&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=21651&LinkId=20476

I searched the web and could not find any related info, where is this package can I run it manually?
Any help appreciated.

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Equivalence Of Oracle's LEAST In SQL Server 2005

Nov 20, 2006

Greetings, i just want to know what would be the equivalent sentence of


in SQL Server 2005. I suposse that i could just use MIN function in this case?

Thank you in advance,


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Oracle's TO_CHAR, What In SQL Server 2005?

Nov 22, 2006


In oracle i use the following sentence TO_CHAR(Table1.DateIn, ,'mm/yyyy') within a query. I need how to replace this for using it in SQL Server. I tried to use the SQL Server CONVERT function but nothing work. Could you help me?

Thank you in advance,


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Publishing From Oracle To Sql Server 2005

Sep 13, 2005

HI guys,

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Sql Server 2005 Sp2 And Oracle Access

Nov 21, 2006

When I try to create a model in Report Builder based on a connection to Oracle 10g database I get the following error.


Is this a bug in the CTP version or am I missing something?

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Migrating From Oracle To SQL Server 2005

May 30, 2006

I am migrating a database from Oracle to SQL Server 2005. I have a problem when migrating code from PL-SQL (oracle labguage) to T-SQL (sql server language). My problem is: there is pseudo-column in oracle called level that return the level from a register in a tree view of a select (a parent-child relationship). I would want to know how to translate that level column to T-SQL. Thanks!

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Oracle/Unix Environments --&&> SQL Server 2005/Windows 2003 Server

May 8, 2007

I was a Oracle Developer / DBA on Unix Environments all along my career, Very recently iam starting to manage a SQL Server 2005/Windows 2003 Server setup.

Part of my new job is to automate to load Huge Data files/Flat Files (3/4 GB in size) into SQL Server 2005 DB.

Have these initial questions..
Since the files are too large to open at once... What sort of Command Line Interfaces people use on the Windows Boxes.. like doing a "wc" (Word Count) / GREP 'ng Files / Massaging Data Files one line at a time (Like using SED / AWK Commands).. Etc

Any Input / Direction is appreciated...

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Importing Data From Oracle 10g To Sql Server 2005 Using Linked Server

Jul 30, 2007


I am using Windows 2003 server and Sqlserver 2005 by the use of Linked server , I made a connection to Oracle 10g after that I am importing records from Oracle to sqlserver 2005. When I made tnsnames.ora in sql machine , it worked fine but when i am using tnsnames file from oracle server then i fiired importing procedure it returns below maintain error :

OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "BI_ORACLE_LS" returned message "Unspecified error".

OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "BI_ORACLE_LS" returned message "Oracle error occurred, but error message could not be retrieved from Oracle.".

Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_TABLES" for OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "BI_ORACLE_LS". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.

Please let me know.


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Aug 13, 2006

In ORACLE 9i, I created the table test that show the tree structure of an organizaion with the following SQL statement:


And select the data using the following SQL Statement:

The result is:
0 2461
2461 2463
2461 2462
2462 2465
2462 2466
2463 2469
2463 2470

To show the subnodes of the root node 2461, the following SQL Statement is used:


the results:

0 2461
2461 2463
2463 2469
2463 2470
2461 2462
2462 2465
2462 2466

I have created the table test with the same structure and the same data in SQL Server 2005. To show the subnodes of the root node 2461, the following SQL Statement is used:






The results are shown again in Oracle 9i and SQL Server 2005 as follwos:

Oracle 9i SQL Server 2005

0 2461 0 2461
2461 2463 2461 2463
2463 2469 2461 2462
2463 2470 2462 2465
2461 2462 2462 2466
2462 2465 2463 2469
2462 2466 2463 2470

How can I get the result with the same sequence in SQL Server 2005?


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Sql Server 2005 Versus Oracle 10g Certification

Mar 21, 2008

hi guys,
I am joining IT industry in august,my main intrest is in database(readed some stuff of warehousing oracle 9i and sql).
However to move my career in that direction i need certification.
So here is the point,should i get MCTS(in sql server 2005) or OCP(oracle associate 10g).
My main goal is to become DBA. which of the above is more benificial.
I mean more oppurtunites.

please reply.

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