What Happened To SQLEXEC

Sep 16, 1998

I have obtained control of yet another server. When I open Enterprise Manager, I don`t get the traffic lights on the new server to light up. Also the sqlexec (wheels) do not even appear. The server and I are on different workgroups, but another user, who is also in a different workgroup from the server gets everything to show fine. What happened? My other 3 servers appear just fine. What is my lack of connectivity?

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How Could This Have Happened ????

Jan 7, 2004

Hi everybody!

Something strange happened to one of my SQL Databases.
One of my User Defined Funcitions has lost ALL its roles permissions!

I created this UDF a long time ago and I assigned permissions to some specific Roles to run the UDF. It worked fine until today. All of a sudden there were no permissions for any role for that UDF. I am the only Admin for the DB.

I reassigned the roles permissions and it seems to be working fine now.
How could this happen ? has anyone here experienced something like this before ?


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Hey! What Happened?

Mar 5, 2004


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What Happened?

Mar 18, 2004


"Clean up your room, stand up straight, pick up your feet, take it like a man, be nice to your sister, don't mix wine and beer, Oh, and don't drive on the railroad tracks..."


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Jun 8, 2007

Hi!Weird thing today!I opened Visual Studio 2005 and I can only see themastermodelmsdbtempdbSystem DatabasesWith the SQL Server management studio I can still see all mydevelopment DB, but NOT fron Visual Studio.There has been some maintenance on the machine done by tha servicedepartment, but they don't know what to say.Anyone has an Idea of what happened?Thank you!Piero

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What Happened To The Sticky?

Oct 11, 2005

Hey, who took the sticky down?

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What Happened To Nice BCP Interface In SQL 6.5

Nov 20, 1998

In the SQL Object manager tools for sql server 4.21 there was a gui interface for running BCP where you could select tables and fields etc.

I haven't beem able to find abnything equivalent in sql 6.5 enterprise manager. Am I missing someting, or was this dropped?

Jerry Dunn

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How To Find Out Changes Happened For All Objects

Jul 30, 2013

How i can find out the changes happened in database like modifying functions,table indexes,procedures and adding or removing columns..here in this query

select * from sys.objects
where type IS NOT NULL
and modify_date between '2013-07-21' and '2013-07-29'

but here i am getting created objects list and modifying list.but if i deleted any object it is not showing anything..how can i get the all the changes happened in database between specific dates.

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What Happened To Sql_handle In Sysprocesses?

Sep 13, 2007

In SQL Server 2000 you can monitor active processes by looking at the sql_handle column in sysprocesses. In SQL Server 2005 BOL says sql_handle ...

Represents the currently executing batch or object.

In SQL 2000 a non-zero value in sql_handle indicated an active process. You could not simply rely on the status column to check for an actively running process. This is not the case in 2005. I ran a profiler trace to confirm that just because sql_handle reports a non-zero value does not mean the corresponding process is active. Does anyone know why this has changed and how we are now to interpret sql_handle in 2005? Why are non-zero entries reported for processes that are not currently running?

Thanks, Dave

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Count All Things Happened Today

Nov 11, 2007

Ive got a table of notes people have created, with a field called "timecreated" which has a default value of "GETDATE()" Im trying to write an SQL statement that will count up all of the notes that people have created today/ yesturday etc. i could do it if the timecreated value was a "short date string" styled date, but its set up like  : 11/11/2007 18:51:46 is there way of converting it before counting? if theres a simple way of doing this i would appricate any help thanks John

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SQL Msg: "an Unexpected Error Happened During This Operation"

Nov 1, 2000

I have W2K Adv, SQL 7 Enterprise in a workgroup with mixed security. The SQL installation is an almost entirely default install.

At the console, in SQL Enterprise Manager, when I select open a database, open tables, select a table, open table, and select all rows the system displays "an unexpected error happened during this operation". As far as I know this has never worked on this installation.

The error occurs with every logon account (including sa and local administrator accounts), both the "all rows or top row" options, every table, every database (including the customers database and the Northwind database).

I have tried adding administrators and accounts as users of the databases etc. and given the accounts all the permissions I can dream up.

There are no interesting messages in the event viewer. The SQL agent is running.

Technet found two documents but not related to the problem.

I can run SQL Analyzer and run "select * from table_name". That works on the Northwind and customer database tables - every time.

Colleagues with other installations do not get the error, and their systems return the rows correctly.

If any of you can help, I'd really appreciate it.

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What Happened To Enterprise Manager In SQL 2005?

Jan 29, 2008

I just go a new job where I work with Point of Sale machines and I'm having a hard time figuring SQL 2005 out. When I was in school we were taught using SQL 2000. Some of our POS (Point of Sale) machines are moving over to using SQL 2005 Express and I am having the hardest time figuring all this out. All be it I haven't use SQL in a good while but I still remember how to administer SQL 2000 with Enterprise manager. Am I missing something or what's the deal hear.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Best regards,


Bob McQuay
ADI Business Solutions
Network Technician

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What Happened To My Newly Created SQLCLR ??

Feb 21, 2006


I had DTS the Northwind sample database from SqlServer 2000 to 2005. It's went ok and no errors. Then, I created a SP named upGetCustomer, bascially it queries the Customers table and list some of it's fields and order by CustomerId,CustomerName, Country decrementally. SP is so simple and has no errors.

Then, I created a SqlServer project in VS2005 using C#. Add store procedure class as below,
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
public partial class StoredProcedures
public static void Customers(string customerid)
using (SqlConnection sqlConn =
new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
SqlPipe sqlPipe = SqlContext.Pipe;
SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@custId", SqlDbType.VarChar, 5);
param.Value = customerid;
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand();
sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
sqlCmd.CommandText = "upGetCustomer";
SqlDataReader rdr = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader();

I had taken method of created SQLCLR from source in Microsoft website, but coding is mine, and hopes it is correct. I used SqlConnection string as 'context connection=true' which I still not quite sure what does it means, hopes it mean current connection I am using on my Windows authentication.

The project did compiled & deployed OK on the VS2005 side.

The problem is that when I tried to locate the assembly on the Sql Server 2005, but can't find it anywhere on Sql Server.

I did try complied and deloyed again, it keeps saying there is an error in deployment as customers assembly is already exist on the database. I then, tried to remove this assembly on the database using SQL script, drop assembly customers in the Northwind database but got error saying it does not exist. So where is it???

Please help...

Thank you

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SqlDataSource? What Happened To The Separation Of UI And Business Logic?

Mar 16, 2007

I guess I just don't get the reasoning behind the new SqlDataSource control.  Haven't we just spent the last decade or so evangelizing and learning how and why to separate business logic from the display in VB 6 and VS.NET?  In this age of programming for disparate devices (desktop, mobile, PocketPC, etc.) when this separation makes more sense than ever, why is MS pushing us to go back to putting our logic and data access rules and objects back in the display?  It doesn't make sense.  Why would anyone do this?  And why would all the experts and MVPs at ASP.NET, DevX, 4GuysFromRolla, etc., go along with this?

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What Happened To Nice SqlDataAdapter.Fill Method In ASP.net 2.0

Dec 26, 2005

What happened to nice SqlDataAdapter.Fill method in ASP.net 2.0 + How can i now access and traverse trhough table.
ex : sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSetname.tblsname);

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What Happened To Donald Farmer's Script Book?

Nov 7, 2006

Anyone know what happened to the release of Donald Farmer's book "The Rational Guide to Extending SSIS 2005 with Script"? I ordered it back in June and it still says "Item is not released - expected to ship July 3"

Looks like the latest update has it coming out in December... every 3 months or so the release date gets pushed back.

LOL with my luck by the time it gets released I will be finished with the giant data warehouse ETL project I've been working on since July and I will read the book and swear a lot becuase I'll find there was much easier ways to do things via script than the way I did them. :)

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Transact SQL :: Table To Store All Transaction Happened On A Single Day

Jun 11, 2015

I have a transaction table to store all the transaction happened on a single day. as per my requirement I wrote the query like this select Currency Code,TransactionCode,TransactionAmount,COUNT(TransactionCode) as [No. Of Trans] from TransactionDetails where TransactionCode in ('BNT' ,'BCN','BTC','STC','SCN','SNT') group by TransactionCode,CurrencyCode,TransactionAmount order by CurrencyCode..I got the result like this

My I want to show this result like this
  BNT          0            0
  BCN        0            0
  SCN        1            12
  BTC        0             0
  STC        0             0
  SNT        0             0

and so on for all the the currency lists.how can I achieve like this .

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