In sql server 2005, I executed SP which contains table variable and following statements. It has been successfully ececuted but later while executing this procedure, at the same time some other process is going on server, suddenlly this process became hang parallely My procedure also became hang at the location of the table variable. From then i was unable to run this SP, If i change the table variable name in SP, i am able to run the procedure.
Now, i need to check the locks on the table variable. If it is temp table i can check in tempdb database but table variable will be processed in the memory.but how to check the locks on table variable and how to release the lock on the table variable?
I am trying to find out what could be causing this issue. Why would we be waiting on cpu when its barely being used. Signal waits are varying from 35 to 55% and cpu usage is only at 5% usage.We are using Windows Server 2012 with SQl Server 2012 Standard edition with cpu5. There are 3 instances on the server each with max memory 50gb memory and the server has a total of 190gb memory. The machine is a 12 core machine with hyperthreading enabled.
I have a table cust_detail when ever there is an insert/update/delete in this table it is getting blocked and in turn its blocking other table inv_credit which is doing select statement.
I have a small doubt. In my server some processs are running slow. With out the use of profiler hw we can find the spid's that are running slow. is there any procedure for that.
I am seeing intermittent blocking problems. The strange part of it is,that the SPID listed in the Blk By column is the same as the SPID thatis being blocked.Has anyone seen this before, or have any idea what this may suggest?
Hi, I am trying to Log my activities when OnError event handler fires
I have defined few tasks in OnError event handler section so when there is a failer on the main package my OnError task runs ( which it work fine) now I am trying to add Dts.LOG from inside OnError evend handler task, and it seems like SSIS doens't give that function. I can use dts.log outside on the main package but not inside OnError section! any ideas Thanks
2 questions: 1) if I place an Execute SQL Task in OnError event of the Error Handler at the Package level, will it catch all of my possible task errors? There's no need to add an Event Handler for each task in the Control flow?
2) A stupid one...I'd like to test my Event Handler (writing to custom log table in case there's an error in the Integration Service)...any ideas how to provoke an SSIS error to check my Error Handler ?
HI, I'm implementing a custom error loggin using SSIS event handler, I succesfully catch the error and now I trying to retreave the value of this variables: System::ErrorCode and System::ErrorDescription.
The problem is that only the System::ErrorDescription retreave a value, the variable System::ErrorCode cames empty.
Hi, Here i have a question.. Whenever i see my spid in LOCK/PROCESS ID one command DBCC BUFFERINPUT(MY SPID) always running and it is showing ''''tempdb.dbo.##lockinfo''' MODE---- X Is it pretty normal or something wrong.. i am not running any thing, just simply opened EM.. Pls any suggestions... thank u
I know that spid 22 is blocking 2 other users. How do I tell who that user is? Is this just matching the same spid# in the process info in EM and if it doesn't give me an NT name it's probably because they're coming through the application and I can't figure it out?
I have a spid that I'm not able to kill, this were a select statement from with in access 97 application using a DNS connection. So even that I reboot the client pc and kill the spid it still shows as active with status RollBack. We have similar problem before and the only way that it disappear were re - starting Sql. (system Sql 7.0 with sp1 and Access 97)
How do COM+ transactions relate to SQL Server SPID?
I am trying to solve a deadlock issue. Using SQL trace, I find SPID 65 and 71 are trying to acquire resources that are locked by each other. But what I am confuse with is tasks performed by 65 are triggered by different transactions (same for 71). Should different COM+ transaction uses different SPID?
The entire COM+ application uses only one db login.
I have a problem. I am trying to kill a spid that is blocking updates to a table. The spid number is '-2'. I am using KILL with UOW and I am getting this error:
Server: Msg 6112, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Distributed transaction with UOW {FCF8D536-27ED-11D6-9CF2-0002A56BDA54} is in prepared state. Only Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator can resolve this transaction. KILL command failed.
Users are connecting through MTS server. I am runnnig SQL2000 sp2 +hotfix, on NT4.0.
Has anyone encountered this problem before, and has a solution for it (besides rebooting the MTS and SQL Server)?
Every week to few weeks we'll have a situation where the cpu will max out on our main db server.
This server is a hoss, dual quad core with 16 gigs of ram. All the system type stuff looks good.
I look into the spids though and I notice a few of them that are very high in cpu.
I believe that I've noticed over time that a certain SPID never releases and starts fresh. Could it be possible that a program is written in a way that it just keeps using it over and over with each new user and it nevers releases that CPU?
I know this is a probably a pretty dumb question and there's alot of details I have to leave out for being brief. Ultimately I have to find out why the CPU is hitting 100 percent and hanging there.
I know it's this program because when I stop the app pool for only that program then the CPU on the SQL box goes back down.
Any help would be appreciated...and feel free to ask more questions for more detail and I'll try to give it.
I'm trying to log the information spit out by SSIS but only the rowcount part, e.g. "component xyz wrote 1000 rows", im currently using a execute sql task but that will log all information, any simple efficient way i can filter out that rows written line and log that into a sql server table?
I am current using Event Handlers in an SSIS package, but when adding a new EventHandler type eg. OnPreExecute, to an executable within the package, I am unable to see this new EventHandler defined in the hierarchical listing on the left hand combo box (named Executables).
Can't seem to find a Refresh option anywhere. I've only been able to see these newly created EventHandlers in the hierarchical listing by closing and re-opening the package.
Is this a 'feature' or am I missing a Refresh option somewhere.
Previously I've posted about precedence error that didn't work and now it works, thanks to John Welch for his support. But when I tried to use event handler, it won't work. When error occured it didn't redirect to the OnError event handler. And then I built another package but with Data Flow task only, put a simple Script task inside OnError event handler and worked fine. There is no differences between my first Data Flow task and the last Data Flow task, totally the same process. I've captured both execution result. This is the first failure Data Flow task and the last success Data Flow Task (failure and success herein means that OnError work or not)
And then I did some testing in my last package contains a success Data Flow task. I put a new Data Flow task by copy from the previous one, execute it and OnError won't work again. Then I delete it, execute the previous one and OnError worked fine. I really don't understand why by adding a new Data Flow Task then OnError event handler won't work ?
I trying to find a way to find what the SPID of a given job that is running. I am trying to create a script that will give me the SPID the JOB_ID, and JOB_NAME. The problem comes in that if I use sysprocesses I have to pull the JOB_ID from program_name in sysprocesses and convert it into something then join it to sysjobs. Have not been sucessfull in that conversion. Any Ideas
I have a Foxpro app with a SQL Server 7 backend. The Idle Connect setting on VFP is set to indefinite. I'm having some connectivity issues where the SPID for the client seems to disappear from the active SQL processes on the server when the client sits idle for a while (10 minutes or so). On some workstations, resuming activity at the client results in the SPIDs reappearing as if they were always there with no problem. On others, the connection is not reestablished and the client gives a 1526 (VFP ODBC) error.
Does anybody know why this might be? Are the SPID connections cached at both sides and if so, how?