What Is A Bookmark, And Why Is It Costing Me 32%?

Apr 26, 2007

okay, so i've been slowly working on an application mostly VB/ASP.Net based that is basically i dummied down query builder. the user selects a bunch of controls off the website, then submits it for a query. the server then executes a dynamic stored procedure, and the website builds a count with the results. i have a couple of questions, i've come to the point where if the query isnt finished inside 30 seconds, the site times out, so i'm looking at a query here, and i have a "BookMark LOOKUP" that is costing me 32% of the query. what can i do to stop that?

how can i get my indexes to perform faster, and is it an issue with the procedure that causes some queries to time out, or is it just the way the data is organized?

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Costing Queries

Sep 4, 2001

l'm in the process of looking at existing queries trying to fine tune them and cost them to try and optimize them. When you get a value Table scan 79%. Is that good or bad.What bench mark should one use when costing queries?Where can l get tips to fine tune queries and enhance performance?Please advice

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Bookmark Lookup

Nov 7, 2003

execution plan of procedure shows

bookmark lookup cost : 46%

any way to reduce it ?



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Jump To Bookmark In Reports

Aug 17, 2007


Please tell me how to implement the "Jump to Bookmark" in reports,
I mean to say, i have to move to another area or page in a report.
Please provide a sample for the same.

Thanks and Regards
Altaf Nizamuddin

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Bookmark In Code Not Working.

Feb 13, 2007

I have a report in reporting services that has a bookmark value asigned to each row. In the following Page_Load event for the page, I'm getting the following error on the ReportViewer1.JumpToBookmark("6") statement:

"An exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Some parameters or credentials have not been specified"

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

If Not IsPostBack Then

Dim strReport1 As String = "/ReportDirectory/CurrentWeekSales"

ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New System.Uri(CStr(Session.Item("ReportServer")))
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = strReport1
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.Timeout = 500000

Do While ReportViewer1.ServerReport.IsDrillthroughReport

Dim RptParameters1 As ReportParameter() = New ReportParameter(0) {}
RptParameters1(0) = New ReportParameter("EBO_EmpKey", CStr(Session.Item("UserKey")))



End If
End Sub

What am I missing?


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Is Bookmark In A Nonclustered Index Ordered?

Jul 23, 2005

When a nonunique nonclustered index is built on top of a clusteredindex, is it guaranteed that the bookmark in the nonclustered indexwill be kept in the same order as the clustered index?Here's an example to demonstrate my question:CREATE TABLE indextest (col1 int NOT NULL,col2 int NOT NULL,col3int,col4 int)ALTER TABLE indextest ADD PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (col1,col2)CREATE INDEX ix_indextest ON indextest (col1,col3)GOINSERT indextest VALUES (1,2,1,1)INSERT indextest VALUES (1,3,2,1)INSERT indextest VALUES (1,4,2,1)INSERT indextest VALUES (2,1,1,1)INSERT indextest VALUES (1,1,1,1)SELECT col1,col2 FROM indextest WHERE col1=1 AND col3=1DROP TABLE indextestThe select statement above is covered by the nonclustered index, sothat index is used. However, the nonclustered index is defined only toensure the ordering of col1 and col3 within the index; col1 and col2follow within the index as the bookmark to the clustered index. When Irun this query, my desired result is to have the records appear in theorder supported by the clustered index:1,11,2As it happens, the result I got was indeed in that order, but I don'tknow if it was mere coincidence, or if the bookmark in the nonclusteredindex is maintained in the same order as the clustered index. If Iwant to ensure the above order, is it sufficient to have thenonclustered index defined as above, or do I need to define it as:create index ix_indextest on indextest (col1,col3,col2)just to be sure that the results are returned in ascending order forcol1,col2? If the two-column index is sufficient, is it guaranteed tostill be sufficient in SQL2005 and future versions of SQL Server, or amI better off adding the third column just to be safe?Thank you,--Dennis Culley

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Work Tables/bookmark Lookups

Feb 4, 2006

I notice that SQL Server 2005 creates worktables where SQL 2000 does not. Often these work tables appear in STATISTICS IO, but they show a 0 scan count and 0 logical reads. These worktables often appear to be substituted for bookmark lookups.

Has the optimizer decided to use worktables instead of bookmark lookups (often resulting in a higher cost plan)?


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BookMark Link && Report Navigation

Nov 21, 2007


Is there a way to combine the Bookmark and report link functionalities in reporting services. For example, I have two reports. When I click a link in first report, I would like to be able to navigate to second report but not at the top of the report but at a particular report item way down in the second report, sort of like an anchor on an HTML page. Can I do this?


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Jump To Report (specific Bookmark)

Jun 7, 2006

Is there a way to jump from one report to a specific bookmark in the second report? I have a chart that jumps quite nicely to a filtered version of the report, but instead would like to be able to jump to the entire report at the specific location (e.g., Bookmark) related to the chart data item.

I know that it's quite easy to jump to a bookmark within the same report. What I can't quite determine is how to jump from one report to a specific section in a second report.


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I Want To Jump To An Entry Specified By Parameter, Doable As Bookmark?

Aug 30, 2006

I know I can do to just show 1 entry

select * from table where no = @parameter_no

but is it possible to actually select ALL entries (I have 250 for now) in the list report, but jump to a particular # based on parameter?

Say I have ID 1 ~ 250 (select * from table) in DataSet, but when I enter 220 in parameter, the report still selects all 250 entries but jump to the 220 entry?

I have bookmark set up on each entry

Thanks for any help. I noticed in my search that jump to a report + bookmark isn't supported, does my situation fall under that?

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Reporting Services :: Passing Values To SSRS Bookmark?

Jun 5, 2015

I am using 2 charts in my SSRS Report. Requirement is to load the Right side chart based on the click event from left chart.

I can achieve it using go to report option. But the issue is total page getting refreshed while using this option. I feel bookmark option will be the best. But I don't think I can pass a value to Bookmarks.

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Northwind - Execution Plan Bug? Why Index Seek And No Bookmark Lookup?

Dec 10, 2006

If you display the execution plan and run the following:SET STATISTICS IO ONgoSELECT ProductID, SupplierIDFROM ProductsWHERE SupplierID = 1I don't understand how come there is noBookmark Lookup operation happening to get theProductID?I only see an Index Seek happening on SupplierID.There is no composite index SupplierID + ProductIDso what am I not understanding here?Thank you

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - Bookmark From One Table To Another In Current Report

Oct 7, 2011

I want to bookMark from one table to another in current report. Below are the 2 tables , when I select a

FromBrandName in the first table, it should take me to the second table row with the same

FromBrandName. Is this possible? Is there a function  to access a specific running value other than First and Last?

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