Is there any other things in replacement of database mirroring? Hey Guys may be my question is funny.. but i still dont know what excatly is database mirroring? can any body explain me in simple and clean way?
Using SQL Server 2008, we would like propose mirroring between two servers of a critical database. Since we initiate, may require to clarify on its purpose and also required changes from application end.Any changes required from OS Level? (I believe both servers IP or Host name should be added in host entries. Mirroring ports should be allowed/open including Principal and mirror server IP Addresses): Windows Team.Any changes required from Application? (Instance name, authentication: user name and its password should be added in web config files): Application Team.Any changes required from Network Team?Also for mirroring both the principal and mirror servers should be with same version, does it only mean SQL Server 2008 versions are enough or does it also mean to say build numbers 10.00.4000 should also be same.URL....
I have just finished configuring my first test mirrored environment (High safety mode). I setup the database engine service accounts on each of the servers with domainuser. I inherited a production mirrored environment set up by someone else. On the production servers the database engine service account is NT Authorityuser a local account. I am trying to practice installing Windows updates within a mirrored environment and I not sure how to proceed when the service account is NT Authority user account. should I change the service account to a domainuser?
ALTER DATABASE foo set PARTNER = 'TCP://' I get this error message:
The database is being closed before database mirroring is fully initialized. The ALTER DATABASE command failed. What does that mean, and how do I fix it?
I set up a new mirror server. Everything is good except that the Database Mirroring Monitor is not working for one of the databases. In the monitor the principal data is showing up as blank
If I look at dbm_monitor_data on the principal most of the data columns (e.g. Send_queue_size) are null where as they have data for the other databases.
Both servers are SQL Server 9.0.2047 Enterprise Edition.
I have read on the web that high protection mode not recommended, except in the event of replacing the existing witness server. But I can't find the reason why anywhere. Can anybody explain? Thanks.
1. Once the mirroring is setup is it possible to switch between high-protection and high-performance modes? If it is will I have to stop the mirroring, switch the modes and then restart it again?
2. Let's say the principal server went down and I manually failed over to the mirror server. Mirror server runs as a new principal server for a couple of days and then I bring the original principal server back up. What needs to be done in order to bring transactions on the principal server up to date?
for a database mirroring , which stretergy is good. Creating with witness server or without it.?
I am firsttime doing this , so i am posting it to the forum..
and also if we are creating the database mirroring with witness server for automatic failover , will the witness server need the same amount of harddisk space like the pricipal or mirror server.??
we want to migrate our production server , without taking the database what we did was , we mirrored the databases from production to one of our development servers and we took the prodcution server for uprgrade.
so today we are moving back (mirroring) all the databases from that development server to our new production server.
my question is , when i move
productionserver_old(principal server) - having the script for principal server
development server(mirror server---->principalserver)) - having the script for mirror server , which is now acting as principal server
new production server(mirror server) - having the script for mirror server. will become principal server , once i moved all the databases
now while mirroring between the developement server and the new production server, i have to run the scripts for the mirror server only.
so both the servers are havign the mirror script now...
is that a problem, or any other way i can handle this....
Does anybody know any good Tutorials for Database Mirroring (Automatic Failover) or Manual Sync with Mirror Server. I tried some sites online, but doesn't have detailed steps.. as i need to sync data with One of my Mirror using Sql Server 2005.
I have some questions about database mirroring. we have almost 40 databases in one server. Can I set up the database mirroring for all the databases. Is it going to any affect on performance. we have already setup the mirroring on almost 30 databases, and I need to set up for the rest of 10. please some body could help on this. Thank you.
Hi, i'm a novice of sql server and I have a problem. I have to reply a server in which there are database that are managed with sql server 2000 sp3; what I must make in order to set up the mirroring between the database of the two server so that the data are always aligned ?
I am new user of SQl and preparing the exam database mirroring....can you tell me how i start the mirroirng ..what is my first tep..and is there only one instance
1. Once the mirroring is setup is it possible to switch between high-protection and high-performance modes? If it is will I have to stop the mirroring, switch the modes and then restart it again?
2. Let's say the principal server went down and I manually failed over to the mirror server. Mirror server runs as a new principal server for a couple of days and then I bring the original principal server back up. What needs to be done in order to bring transactions on the principal server up to date?
Can we have database mirroring for two databases. Like i have an application where in the db used are two, namely DB1 and DB2, DB1 is used in the connection string and with the help of DB1 the tables and sps of DB2 are handled.
in this case can i go ahead with database mirroring. Please comment and give the idea or link on the same.
Hi Can Anybody help me what exectly is database mirroring? I am working in a small scale company. we have SQL server 2005 installed for a software used by our staff. Can any body expalin me what is mirrroring? how can i implements to my Database? What are the Basic Requirements? What are the Steps? Plz.. Thanks in advace who ever help me out for this......
I have setup database mirroring for one big database.But now Transaction log is full and server is down. What should i do? We do bulk-insert in that database.
I have 3 server configured with mirroring. When the automatic failover occur, I use alter event generate by Sql Agent to rebuild user account (problem witch orphan user). My application use multiple database and I set up mirroring to multiple database. A question is the order which database get up after automatic failover. When event occur all database are ready to use, or maybe one database get up and sql agent send me event , secound database get up and sql agent send me event. What is the order?
I'm not personally a DBA or claim to be a database expert, instead I am a software architect who works closely with database architects and DBA's. I'm presently architecting a system where we will have a smart client used in both Europe and the United States from the same database instance.
The system is to be used for performance testing of devices and then the results will be available to management through the same smart client used by test engineers etc. The first release is operational in the United States today with Poland coming online shortly.
Today we are weighing our options between having cross-geo database mirroring or merely having the database server in the United States with application server level caching implemented in Poland and the United States.
The .net framework's Windows Communication Foundation is used with a netTcpBinding and the service layer is asynchronous with the reliableSession option enabled.
Does anyone have any feedback on whether you would go with cross-geo database mirroring or would you use local application servers with possibly some caching capabilities at that layer? Please also describe the benefits and any risks associated with each also...
I am trying to mirror a database and I keep getting the error Msg 1469 saying that "Database mirroring cannot be enabled because the database is an auto close database on one of the partners. Well.. the database properties is saying "false" under auto-close. What else could be wrong?
I'm looking at replicating our primary SQL server to a secondary offsite server (linked via 100Mb so effectively LAN speed). What are people's preference when deciding on a solution?
On the surface mirroring looks much better but having dug a little I've found it is recommended only 10 databases are mirrored per instance. That said, I've found a post from someone who is upto 58 databases mirrored. Are there similar limitations with log shipping?
Does anyone have any experience of mirroring and is using it in prefence to log shipping?
Our current recovery strategy is the classic restore the SQL dump from tape onto a rebuilt server so either method will be a vast improvement. None of our databases are mission critical that they need upto the second replication. 15 minute replication would be fine leading me to think that log shipping may be better given the possible limitations of mirroring
For recovery, I was considering amending the DNS records of the Database servers. Does anyone see any issues with this approach? I understand there is a automatic failure function if using mirror but this may require the application to be coded correctly?
I'm interested in how Combining Log Shipping and Database Mirroring works when failover occurs. From SQL BOL, it says:
"Topic: Database Mirroring and Log Shipping ... To run in high-safety mode with automatic failover the mirroring session is configured with an additional server instance known as the witness. If the principal database is lost for any reason after the database is synchronized and if the mirror server and witness can still communicate with each other, automatic failover occurs. An automatic failover causes mirror server to assume the principal role and bring its database online as the principal database. For more information, see Automatic Failover [ ] . If the log shipping backup location is accessible to the new principal/primary server, its backup jobs begin to ship log backups to that location. The database mirroring synchronous mode guarantees that the log chain is unaffected by a mirroring failover and that only valid log is restored. The secondary servers continue to copy log backups without knowing that a different server instance has become the primary server. ..." Source:
Could anyone tell me that how the database mirroring synchronous mode guarantees that the log chain is unaffected by a mirroring failover and that only valid log is restored?
Let me elaborate the situation (if anything I said is incorrect, please correct me ) Here is the time line of the failover happens:
------- tn-1 ---------- tn ---------- tf -------- tn+1 ---------------> t
----------------> t: the time line. tn: the moment that the log shipping backup job and copy job is done for the transaction log obtained between the time interval tn-1 and tn. tf: the moment that mirroring failover occurs in the database mirroring session. the time interval between each tn and tn-1 are constant, say h seconds, for all n are positive integers.
Here is the question that I want to ask: In database mirroring synchronous mode, it guarantees that all the committed transaction from the moment tn to tf is copied to the mirror database. All the transaction log backup for log shipping are done on the original principal before the moment tf. After the mirroring failover occurs at the moment tf, how the log shipping mechanism guarantees that the transaction log between the interval tn and tn+1 that can be unaffected by a mirroring failover? That's the point that I interested in.
I am in the process of setting up a SQL 2005 environment with mirrored database. We have run into a couple issues with mirroring and I have been told that SSIS (which I know little about) may be able to solve. First, when we failover a database I receive access denied messages because the user does not exist on the secondary instance. Second, I need to copy the maintenance jobs to the secondary database.
1. Is there a way to copy the users from the primary to secondary (and associate with the database) using SSIS?
2. Is there a way to copy the mainteance jobs to the secondary?
...or I am just looking in the wrong place with SSIS.