What Is The Best And Most Effective Way To Find The Most Related Phrases?
Dec 10, 2007
Hi, I am looking for a sql statemnt that find the most related phrases, how to do that? For example, I want to find the related phrases bellow for the following phrase: "How to install the software"
1- "Installation does not work"
2- "installation"
3- "steps to install the software"
It's obvoius that phrase number 2 and 3 are related to that phrase, how to do that using sql?
View 1 Replies
Mar 10, 2008
Not sure if you could help or not, but I need to pull the most recent effective date for this report I am trying to run, but I am getting know where. If someone can take a look at this, it would be great.
pcs number 00004344 effective dates 5/1/2006 and 5/1/2007. I need it to be the most recent effective date which would be, 5/1/2007 date.
Can someone help me?
USE [Impact_PROD]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[p_PrepareMalPracticeReportDataBYCPTCODES] Script Date: 03/10/2008 09:18:56 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_PrepareMalPracticeReportDataBYCPTCODES]
PRINT 'SP started on: ' + CAST(@StartTIME as varchar)
DECLARE @PKey varchar(16), @pcsi_id1 varchar(8), @pcsi_id2 varchar(4) /**@pcsi_id3 varchar(4),@Lpcsi_id3 varchar(4)**/
DECLARE @LplID varchar(12), @LTrm Datetime, @Eff Datetime, @Trm Datetime, @Gap int, @Corrected bit
DECLARE @CTrm DATETIME, @i varchar(8), @LastID varchar(8), @LEff Datetime, @FinalEff DATETIME
SET @i = 0
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#pcsiData') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #pcsiData
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#HoldKey') IS NOT NULL
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#HoldKey2') IS NOT NULL
SELECT pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2 AS pcsi_pkey, pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, pcsi_eff1, pcsi_trm1
INTO #pcsiData FROM pcsi p
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2) FROM pcsi WHERE pcsi_id1 = p.pcsi_id1) > 1 --AND p.pcsi_prd = 'dgh'
ORDER BY p.pcsi_id1 + p.pcsi_id2 ASC, p.pcsi_eff1 ASC
--SET TRM DATES TO NULL WHERE DATE IS 1977-03-23 00:00:00.000
--(IMPACT XSQL process uses that date in place of null!)
UPDATE #pcsiData
SET pcsi_trm1 = null
WHERE pcsi_trm1 = '1977-03-23 00:00:00.000'
SELECT pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2 as Pkey, (COUNT(pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2)) AS DupCount --pcsi_eff1, pcsi_trm1, COUNT(pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2) AS DupCount
INTO #holdkey
FROM #pcsiData
GROUP BY pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2
HAVING count(*) = 1
(SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[NonDuppcsiDataForMalPracticeReport]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTable') = 1)
DROP TABLE NonDuppcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
SELECT pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, pcsi_eff1, pcsi_trm1 INTO NonDuppcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
FROM #pcsiData
WHERE pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2 IN(SELECT pkey from #Holdkey)
WHERE pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2 IN (SELECT pkey from #HoldKey)
SELECT pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, pcsi_eff1, pcsi_trm1, count(*) as NoofDup
INTO #HoldKey2
FROM #pcsiData
GROUP BY pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, pcsi_eff1, pcsi_trm1
HAVING count(*) > 1
DELETE #pcsiData
FROM #pcsiData, #holdkey2
WHERE #pcsiData.pcsi_id1 = #holdkey2.pcsi_id1
AND #pcsiData.pcsi_id2 = #holdkey2.pcsi_id2
drop table #holdkey2
(SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTable') = 1)
DROP TABLE pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
--CREATE TABLE pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport (pcsi_pkey varchar(16) PRIMARY KEY, pcsi_id1 varchar(8), pcsi_id2 varchar(4), pcsi_id3 varchar(4), pcsi_eff1 varchar(8), pcsi_trm1 varchar(8), Corrected bit)
SELECT pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2 as pkey, pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, pcsi_eff1, pcsi_trm1
INTO pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
FROM #pcsidata p
WHERE pcsi_eff1 = (SELECT MIN(pcsi_eff1) FROM #pcsidata WHERE pcsi_id1 = p.pcsi_id1 AND pcsi_id2 = p.pcsi_id2)
SELECT pcsi_pkey, pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, pcsi_eff1, pcsi_trm1
FROM #pcsiData
--group by pcsi_pkey
Order By pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2, pcsi_eff1 ASC
FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @pkey, @pcsi_id1, @pcsi_id2, @eff, @trm
SET @lplID = @pcsi_id1 + @pcsi_id2
SET @LEff = @Eff
SET @Ltrm = @Trm
FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @pkey, @pcsi_id1, @pcsi_id2, @eff, @trm
SET @i = 2
DELETE FROM tmppcsiDatesWithGaps --Clear table used for debugging
BEGIN --Begin While Loop
IF @pcsi_id1 + @pcsi_id2 = @lplID
BEGIN --If current record is for the same provider location as the last then...
SET @Gap = DATEDIFF(day, @Ltrm, @Eff)
IF @Gap > 2
BEGIN --If there is a gap greater than 1 day...
PRINT 'GAP between fetch ' + str(@i - 1) + ' and ' + str(@i) + ' (' + @pcsi_id1 + ' ' + @pcsi_id2 + ' ' + '): ' + str(@gap) + ' days! '
PRINT 'Last Trm: ' + CAST(@LTrm AS varchar) + ' Eff: ' + CAST(@eff AS Varchar)
--IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport WHERE pcsi_id1 = @pcsi_id1 AND pcsi_id2 = @pcsi_id2)
--IF @pcsi_id1 + @pcsi_id2 NOT IN (SELECT pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2 FROM tmppcsiDatesWithGaps)
--BEGIN --Begin if effective date was not already updated
--IF @Leff > @Eff
UPDATE pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
SET pcsi_eff1 = @Eff-- pcsi_Ltrm = @LTrm
WHERE pcsi_id1 = @pcsi_id1 AND pcsi_id2 = @pcsi_id2
--UPDATE pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
--SET pcsi_id3 = @lpcsi_id3, pcsi_eff1 = @LEff-- pcsi_Ltrm = @LTrm
--WHERE pcsi_id1 = @pcsi_id1 AND pcsi_id2 = @pcsi_id2
--INSERT INTO pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport (pcsi_pkey, pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, pcsi_id3, pcsi_eff1, pcsi_trm1)
--VALUES (@pcsi_id1 + @pcsi_id2 + @pcsi_id3, @pcsi_id1, @pcsi_id2, @lpcsi_id3, @LEff, @Ltrm)
INSERT INTO tmppcsiDatesWithGaps (pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, lpcsiid, EffectiveDate) VALUES (@pcsi_id1, @pcsi_id2, @lplid, @Eff)
--END --End if effective date was not already updated
END --End if there is a gap greater than 1 day
END --End if the provider location is different than the last row
--Set current rows data in last rows variables...
SET @lplID = @pcsi_id1 + @pcsi_id2
SET @LEff = @Eff
SET @Ltrm = @Trm
--Get next row of data
FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @pkey, @pcsi_id1, @pcsi_id2, @eff, @trm
SET @i = @i + 1 --increment i
PRINT 'Iteration #' + str(@i) + ' -- ' + @pkey + ' Eff: ' + Cast(@Eff as varchar) + ' ' + ' Trm: ' + cast(@trm as varchar)
END --End While Loop
INSERT INTO pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
SELECT distinct pcsi_id1 + pcsi_id2, pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, pcsi_eff1, pcsi_trm1
FROM NonDuppcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
UPDATE #pcsidata
SET pcsi_trm1 = '20470101'
WHERE pcsi_trm1 is null OR pcsi_trm1 = ''
SELECT p.pcsi_id1, p.pcsi_id2, MAX(p.pcsi_trm1)
INTO #HoldKey2
FROM #pcsidata p
group by p.pcsi_id1, p.pcsi_id2
ORDER BY p.pcsi_id1
UPDATE R SET pcsi_trm1 = I.pcsi_trm1 FROM pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport R
ON r.pcsi_id1 = I.pcsi_id1
AND r.pcsi_id2 = I.pcsi_id2
Print ''
Print ''
Print ''
Print 'SETTING MAX TERM VALUES NOW....(This may take a while)'
Print ''
Print ''
UPDATE pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
set pcsi_trm1 = jp.MaxTrm
FROM pcsi p JOIN (SELECT pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, MAX(pcsi_trm1) as maxtrm FROM pcsi p2
--WHERE p2.pcsi_id1 + p2.pcsi_id2 = p.pcsi_id1 + p.pcsi_id2
GROUP BY p2.pcsi_id1, p2.pcsi_id2) jp ON (jp.pcsi_id1 + jp.pcsi_id2 = p.pcsi_id1 + p.pcsi_id2)
DECLARE @NotTermed int
SET @NotTermed = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport WHERE pcsi_trm1 = '20470101')
PRINT 'Total non-duplicate records not termed: ' + str(@NotTermed)
--UPDATE pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
--SET pcsi_trm1 = NULL
--WHERE pcsi_trm1 = '20470101'
UPDATE pcsiDataForMalPracticeReport
SET pcsi_trm1 = NULL
PRINT 'STEP TWO.......................'
PRINT 'Preparing the table names...tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates'
--This step updates tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates with the desired effective date and most recent termination date
--if there are no current records with a termination date = NULL
TRUNCATE TABLE tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates
PRINT 'Inserting new data into tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates'
INSERT INTO tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates
(pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, pcsi_eff1)
SELECT DISTINCT pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2, pcsi_eff1
FROM pcsi p
WHERE p.pcsi_eff1 = (SELECT MIN(pcsi_eff1) FROM pcsi p2
WHERE p2.pcsi_id1 = p.pcsi_id1 AND p2.pcsi_id2 = p.pcsi_id2)
ORDER BY pcsi_id1, pcsi_id2
--Set temp bogus date to distinguis which records are current in
--subsequent statement
PRINT 'Setting bogus date to distinguish pcsi records that are not termed'
UPDATE tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates
SET tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_trm1 = '12/21/2049'
WHERE '03/23/1977' IN (SELECT pcsi_trm1 FROM pcsi p WHERE p.pcsi_id1 = tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_id1 AND p.pcsi_id2 = tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_id2)
PRINT 'Setting most recent term date for pcsi records that are not currently active'
UPDATE tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates
SET tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_trm1 = (SELECT MAX(pcsi_trm1) FROM pcsi p
WHERE p.pcsi_id1 = tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_id1
AND p.pcsi_id2 = tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_id2)
WHERE tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_trm1 is NULL
PRINT 'Setting bogus dates back to NULL'
UPDATE tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates
SET tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_trm1 = NULL
WHERE pcsi_trm1 = '12/21/2049'
PRINT 'Correcting Effective Dates for those records with gaps in credentialing records'
UPDATE tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates
SET tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_eff1 = t.EffectiveDate
FROM tmppcsiDatesWithGaps t
WHERE tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_id1 = t.pcsi_id1
AND tmpMalPracticeEffectiveDates.pcsi_id2 = t.pcsi_id2
----END OF SP---
DECLARE @Diff decimal
SET @ENDTIME = getdate()
DECLARE @GapCount int
SET @GapCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tmppcsiDatesWithGaps)
PRINT 'Total number of non-distinct provider locations: ' + Str(@i) + '.'
PRINT 'Total number of gaps found: ' + Str(@GapCount) + '.'
PRINT 'FINISHED ON: ' + cast(@ENDTIME as varchar)
SET @Diff = CAST(DATEDIFF(second, @StartTime, @EndTIME) AS varchar)
PRINT 'Time elapsed: ' + str(@Diff) + ' seconds.'
PRINT ' = ' + str(@Diff/60) + ' Minutes!'
View 7 Replies
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Sep 10, 2015
I have two tables. Status and Fourhistory tables.Status table contains a status column with effectivestart and end dates as history. This column is having history at month level.
Fourhistory table maintains 4 columns as part of history with the use of effectivestart and end dates. Here history capturing is at day level.
Desired Result: I want to merge the status column into FourHistory table.Below i have given some possible sample scenarios which i face and the third table contains the expected ouput.how to achieve this in T-SQL query.
create table dbo.#Status(
ID varchar(50),
Status varchar(50),
EffectiveStartDate datetime,
EffectiveEndDate datetime,
Is_Current bit
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Aug 13, 2015
I have a Transactional table containing IDs that relate to each other. The table highlights the transactions that move one ID to another, by storing an ID and a IDNew (Basically from ID to ID).
My requirement is to create a Inline Table Valued Function that will efficiently return a single ID column to show all related IDs by looking at the ID and the IDNew fields.
I need to pass in a single ID to get all relations or a list of IDs through xml.
I have managed to achieve this by making use of two recursive cte's and then combining the results with union statements to create a distinct list of values.
IF OBJECT_ID (N'tempdb..#Trans', N'U') IS NOT NULL
TranID int identity(1,1),
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Sep 8, 2006
how can i find all the names of tables that a specific table is related to in tsql?
View 3 Replies
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Sep 20, 2005
Is it possible to find records that contain the string "cyber-shot" when the value for search is "cybershot"?? (This is an example and I need a dynamic solution)
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Jan 31, 2008
Hello, I hope you can help!Database: SQL Server 2005Code: ASP.net 2.0 / C#I have implemented full text search that works fine with single word searches but I receive a syntax error when the search string contains a space. The way the code works is a user selects a "Category" in ListBox3 and search results (company names) are displayed in ListBox4.
Here is an error example:Search on "Absorbers, Nuclear Radiation"Error:Syntax error near ',' in the full-text search condition 'Absorbers, Nuclear Radiation'. My Code for Selecting (ListBox4):
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource6" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:XYZ%>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [Categories], [SupplierName] FROM [Suppliers] WHERE CONTAINS([Categories], @Category)" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ListBox3" Name="Category" PropertyName="SelectedValue"
<asp:ListBox ID="ListBox4" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource6"DataTextField="SupplierName" DataValueField="SupplierName" Style="z-index: 103;
left: 26px; position: absolute; top: 302px" Width="90%" Height="200px"></asp:ListBox>
Here is where I assign the value to the parameter @Category (ListBox3):
<asp:ListBox ID="ListBox3" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource5"
DataTextField="Category" DataValueField="Category" ></asp:ListBox>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource5" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:XYZ%>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [Category] FROM [Categories] ORDER BY [Category]">
Typical data format in the Categories database field. Note: Each entry in the field is separated by a semicolon.Abrasives;Absorbers, Nuclear Radiation;Accelerators & Accessories;Adhesives;
I read somewhere you could possibly add quotations to the search string and it could possibly work but I do not know how to do that??Thanks for your help!
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May 19, 2004
i make The Extended stored procedure for MS SQL Server which
Calculation of a degree of similarity of phrases.
One of the most complex and important problems for the developer and the operator of a database is maintenance of uniqueness names in the most important references of system.
Offered function can be used in SQL inquiry as criterion of sorting of the directory according to similarity with a required phrase.
� incredibly high speed of data processing
� Unique algorithm analyzing similarity of phrases even at significant divergences in required phrases
� is not required installation of additional libraries to each client - library DLL must benn installed only on a server.
� Result is all the table sorted in decreasing order phonetic similarity (probably use of operator TOP for sample only the limited quantity of the most similar variants)
� Use of user server function supposes use in Stored procedures, Views and any SQL expressions
� Spends a minimum of server memory
If the decision of the given problem is interesting to you and there is an opportunity desire and an opportunity to test http://kozin1.narod.ru (http://kozin1.narod.ru/newsite/index.html?english.htm)
Dll and sample scripts in rar archive (2,5 KB)
I thank in advance
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Nov 16, 2007
You know how you can go:
Code Block
where control_id in (11111,22222,33333,44444)
Code Block
where TextName in ('11111','22222','33333','44444')
and you can do this:
Code Block
where TextName like '11%' or TextName like '22%'
well how do you do this? Or can you... or can we right a function to do it... or are we just hosed writing like after like.
where TextName like in ('11%','22%',... and so on)? is anything like that possible?
or better yet
where TextName like in ( select substring(columnName, 1, 2) + '%' from whatever )
can you imagine the dynamics if that syntax actually worked?
Can a function be written to mimic this functionality? so I can do something like this:
where TextName = function('11%,22%,33%')
View 13 Replies
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Oct 31, 2007
Hi, I have had this problem for a while and have not been able solve it.
What im looking at doing is looping thru my patient table and trying to organise the patients in to there admission sequence, so when patient "A" comes in and is treated at my hospital and is discharged and admitted to another Hospital within one day then patient "A" will get a code of 1 being there first admission.
then if patient "A" is admitted again but there admission date is greater than one day they get a code of 2 being for there second admission but will need to loop thru table looking for other admissions and discharges.
The table name is Adm_disc_Match_tbl
Basically what i have 4 fields.
Index_key = which is the patient common link (text)
ur_episode = this wil change for each Hospital (text)
Admission_datetime = patient admission date and time (datetime)
Discharge_datetime = patient discharge date and time (datetime)
example of data
Code: ( text )
Index_key,ur_episode,Admission_datetime,discharge_ datetime
HERBERT-7/1929,513884-1686900,4/07/2006 10:58,17/07/2006 13:37
HERBERT-7/1929,C023092-1698859,17/07/2006 13:20,24/07/2006 0:30
ELSIE-5/1916,G148445-1720874,8/08/2006 11:00,30/08/2006 10:00
STANISLAWA-3/1918 ,G119981-1720045,8/08/2006 13:01,22/08/2006 12:13
FREDA-11/1925,183772-1998910,27/03/2007 9:53,3/04/2007 11:06
FREDA-11/1925,G147858-2007408,3/04/2007 10:49,26/04/2007 12:39
FREDA-11/1925,183772-2037727,28/04/2007 17:05,9/05/2007 11:41
FREDA-11/1925,G147858-2052082,9/05/2007 12:00,25/05/2007 11:17
If anyone could help it would be much appreciated.
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Oct 3, 2001
Hi all,
I am a java developer having little bit knowledge in sql statements.
can any body guide me what is the effective way of using sql statement
to achieve the following goal.
here is the requirement.
1. There are 2 tables A & B.
2.The table 'B' may or maynot have an equivalent entry for the primary
key of table a.
3. select column1 (of A), column 2(of B) from table a and b.
4. now column2 should give a value, if there is a corresponding
entry in table b.other wise null.
5. at any time there may be 0 to 1 record in table b for the primary
of table a.
thanks in advance
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Apr 4, 2006
I did a search of the forums and couldn't find any other threads on "Effective Dating" so please forgive me if this topic has already been covered.
Does anyone know of any support articles or tutorials covering the topic of "Effective dating" as a means for keeping a history for data?
I would like to keep a infinite history on certain tables and would like to avoid duplicating data structures if possible. Any suggestions?
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Oct 6, 2006
My gut tells me this can't be done quite the way I'm hoping, but maybe someone has a little insight...
Is it possible to specify a specific timeframe for which triggers should be effective? I have some make-shift replication tasks which are currently done via pure insert/update queries and various times throughout the day. In the am our "target" table is completely wiped and repopulated from our "source" table which resides on a different server.
I'm hoping to setup update triggers throughout the day to catch changes to our "source" table. These triggers should only be active for a six-hour period throughout the day. Unfortunately true replication isn't an option here.
I can think of a couple ways to take care of this such as checking GETDATE() from the trigger itself and deciding whether or not to do anything, or perhaps scheduling a job to enable and disable triggers at the appropriate time. Is there a way to setup such a schedule for the trigger itself?
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Feb 8, 2007
When I click on the properties of a 2005 sql server database and thenpermissions.If I select a group and then effective permission, I got an error,saying that "cannot execute as the principal server because the 'xxxgroup' does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated,or you do not have permission (Microsoft SQL Server; Error: 15406)"I guess the error is valid, since the group does not exist in thedatabase as a user. If so, how do I get the effective permissions of agroup?
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Nov 25, 2003
Dear SQL,
since I create some multi-language table - I want to allow finding unicode text
so I made the field: Key_Words" (ntext)
It will have a string that can include some words in different languages, so that I can find by using:
SELECT Key_Words FROM MyTable WHERE Key_Words LIKE '%" & MyVar & "%' "...
The problem is that I can not apply clustered index on ntext field (or *any* index...)
Any ideas how to deal with it ?
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Feb 25, 2004
I have built my own functions in the past that involve a timestamp and record lock column in each table (to support some other DB).
I am currently using SQL 2000 and was wondering if there is a better (OK, easier) way to lock records and even prevent edits from taking place when a record is open.
Any input appreciated.
View 25 Replies
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Apr 4, 2006
Can anyone provide me with some insight on tracking the history of my data using "Effective Dating"? I would like to keep track of an infinite history for many of the tables in my database and am trying to avoid duplicating data structures if possible.
Any advice on this topic would be appreciated, I am most interested in any links to tutorials or support articles on subject that you may know about. I have searched the web and the forums section and have not come across much.
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May 20, 2008
I have a table with a single effective date, rather than both a start and stop date. I have to be able to match up this table to another one with service information in it and am not sure how to get the correct record selected.
So in table one I have a personID, effective date, and lots of other fields. There are also multiple records for each personID, so say personID 1 has records with effective dates of 1/1/2007, 6/1/2007, and 1/1/2008.
Table two has personID, Service Date, and lots of other fields.
So if I am looking to match up the effective row from table one to a record in table two with a service date of 8/1/2007, how do I get the db to locate and return the record with an effective date of 6/1/2007, and only this record?
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Mar 2, 2004
I have a large SQL Database im building, in the database there is a table for each user with certain things listed. One problem is, sometimes in a few collums, there will be like 100things listed, instead of one line.
For Example:
Products in that some users will have 1 product like "apples" but others will have many more products.
What is the most effective way of listing the data? Create new tables? Seperate the products with comma's or spaces?
How do I do it, and keep the overall db size smaller?
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Dec 17, 2014
i have 3 tables having refrential integrity on id on column on each table
TABLEA contains 5 million rows
TABLEB contains 50 thousand rows
TABLEC contails 5 thousand rows
i have a proc that have 3 in parameter that are actually values of some of the columns in that table one parameter for each table.what is the optimized way to write query to get records on the basis of in parameters from these tables.
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Jul 20, 2005
As our customers demand that we tighten our IT security in the company,I've been asked to prepare a report quarterly showing, for each user inActive directory, what his effective permissions are for every table inevery database that he has permission for on our SQL Server 2000 server. Isearched a bit for a tool to do this, but all I found was the PERMISSIONS()function for showing effective permissions of the current user. Is thereany way to do it for an arbitrary user, without logging in as them?
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Mar 12, 2008
Reading about SQL Injection attacks I came across this example:
SSN="172-32-9999';DROP DATABASE pubs --"
SqlQuery = "SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_id = '" + SSN + "'"
One remedy given was a parameterized query as follows:
Dim cmd As new SqlCommand("SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_id = @au_id")
Dim param = new SqlParameter("au_id", SqlDbType.VarChar)
param.Value = SSN
Why does this parameter which is defined as a varchar solve the problem? It's defined as a varchar, basically a string. Why is the result different in the solution? How is the query string in the second sample different from the one in the first? A simple question I know, but I've been wondering.
Mike Thomas
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Jun 10, 2007
In SSMSE, if I open Server Properties and then Permissions, I can highlight a user or user group and click the 'Effective Permissions' button.
For entries like 'BUILTINUsers' or 'BUILTINAdminsitrators' I get the following error message. I don't understand what it's telling me - can anyone explain?
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Cannot show requested dialog.
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)
Cannot execute as the server principal because the principal "BUILTINUsers" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15406)
Notes: as fara as I know, BUILTINUsers does exist, and I do have permission.
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Jul 13, 2006
I need to perform a lookup based on a business key and a date in the source that must be between an effective from and effective to date in the reference table. I've been able to achieve this by updating the SQL caching command on the advanced tab but the performance is very slow. I have 6 lookups of this type in the data flow with a source SQL statement that returns approx 1 million rows and this package takes over 90 minutes to run.
The caching SQL command now looks like this
select * from
(select * from [ReferenceTable]) as refTable
where [refTable].[Key] = ? and ? BETWEEN [refTable].[StartDate] AND [refTable].[EndDate]
and I've set up the parameters so that the business key is the first parameter and the source date is the second.
I have another lookup in the flow that does a straight equality comparison using 2 columns and the Progress tab shows that this lookup is cached (even though I haven't enabled it on the Advanced tab of the transformation editor) but none of the other lookups (using the date) appear to be cached, even though I have enabled them to be.
Can anyone suggest how I can improve the performance?
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Mar 11, 2014
I would like to filter records with in effective date and expiration date; If there is no record within that range, then check for grace period records ( effective date -30 days and expiration date + 90 days)
Below is the detailed script for sample data...
declare @tab table ( sno int identity, name varchar(100), EFFECTIVE_DATE date, EXPIRATION_DATE date)
insert into @tab (name, EFFECTIVE_DATE , EXPIRATION_DATE )
SELECT 'chandu', GETDATE(), NULL union all
SELECT 'chandu', '2014-02-11 00:00:00' , '2014-03-20 00:00:00' union all
SELECT 'AAA', '2014-01-11 00:00:00' , '2014-05-11 00:00:00' union all
[Code] ...
Expected output:
Looking for query WITH OUT using GROUP BY clause
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Oct 16, 2005
I have a procedure that requires picking up the Rate based on Effective Date. This is what I have so far:
FROM tblShipmentDet SHPD
LEFT OUTER JOIN tblShippers ON SHIP.ProductID = SHPD.ProductID AND SHIP.Shipper = SHPD.Shipper AND Max???(SHIP.Effectivedate) <= SHPD.ReceivedDate
Because there can be more than 1 Shipper record, I would somehow need to pickup the Maximum EffectiveDate in each case. I realize I cannot use the Max aggregate in the JOIN. Not sure where to go from here. On the Mainframe I used a LOOKUP function that would return the correct EffectiveDate. Help would be appreciated.
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Aug 6, 2007
Hi everyone,
I am looking for sql monitoring tool. I have found tools from Idera and Quest but the price is a bit expensive.
The tool I am lloking for is able to show historical information such as CPU/memory/disk usage.
Any good suggestion? Thank you in advance.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,Probably a very simple question but I'm afraid my experience at this issomewhat limited so...In a database with a many to one relationship, say orders to customers, isit preferable to have an UID for a customer and store this in the orderstable rather than the customer name, for example.CUSTOMERS++++++++++UID: Name: Address: Postcode: etc01 Alpha 12 Acacia Ave HN7YHH02 Beta 23 Acacia Ave HN6YTH03 Gamma 28 Acacia Ave HN7UYHORDERSCustomer Amount dateAlpha 100 20030823Alpha 250 20030824Beta 90 20030825Alpha 800 20030825Gamma 1000 20030826Or is it is better to have:ORDERSCustomer Amount date01 100 2003082301 250 2003082402 90 2003082501 800 2003082503 1000 20030826Assuming that the second option is the best, how far do I go? I can see howit would beof benifit to do this for orders and customers where there may beseveral hundred thousand orders and hundreds of customers, but for examplewould I need to do this for a customer contact database with titles - egeach title having a UID and using this ID in the customer table?Thanks for taking the time to read this. Any advice is gratefully received.Kind thanksChris S
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Jul 7, 2007
Hello All,
I'm hoping someone can help me with this puzzle.
Most logins I've created have been SQL Server authenticated. I assign the login newEmployee to a role existingRole, and ensure the role has the required permissions. This didn't seem to be rocket science....
My company has been provided with an application with a SQL Server back-end. My instructions were to create a Windows authenticated login and give it full access to the database. I followed the above principles, but running the application, the user got the error -
SELECT permission denied on object 'sysobjects', database 'databasename', owner 'dbo'.
So I decided to try the simplest possible scenario to make it work:
I've created a login DOMAINewEmployee with Windows authentication.
DOMAINewEmployee has been granted access to databasename.
By default, DOMAINewEmployee is a member of Public.
Public has been granted all available permissions on all objects.
ie... grant all on userTables to public
........grant all on sysobjects to public
........grant all on otherSystemTables to public
Running the application, the user still gets the above error. I'd send the problem back to the vendor, except if I've logged onto the PC as DOMAINewEmployee, querying -
select * from dbo.sysobjects
via Query Analyser produces the same error message. (An equivalent error message is produced when querying a user-created table).
To compare, I then created a login newEmployee2 with SQL Server authentication.
newEmployee2 has been granted access to databasename.
select * from dbo.sysobjects
runs successfully from Query Analyser (as to any queries on user-created tables).
What else is required to grant access to tables from a Windows authenticated login?
( What really scares me, is that the application will run if I make the Windows authenticated login a member of server roles System Administrator and Database Creators, then the application will run - but I don't want this to be the permanent solution. Even after doing this, the above query still fails in Query Analyser for that login, suggesting that there is something wrong with how I configured the permissions. )
Any help would be appreciated.
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Nov 29, 2006
I just tried to install SP2 of the Sql Server Express but it wouldn't install.
The message was somthing like:
No effective changes to make.
Am I missing something here?
How do I check my version?
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Apr 30, 2007
I am using conversation Timer for delaying a message for a few seconds but I can see the message immediately in the queue.
Here is the code i am using. This is a part of a stored procedure I have used.
MESSAGE TYPE [sendmsg]
I am executing this stored procedure with following statements.
exec set_ssb_msg 'test3', 25;
exec set_ssb_msg 'test1', 1;
select * from q1
I was hoping to see just the 'Test1' and see test3 after 25 seconds. But I could see both the messages in a queue as soon as i run the stored proc.
If I execute a receive command on the queue, I am receiving 'test3' first and then 'test1'. This is exactly opposit of what i expected.
Can you please let me know if I am doing anything wrong or missing a step.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Nov 14, 2007
I have a simple gridview that loads on page load. It uses an on page sqldatasource declaration in which there's a parameter in which value is already available in cookies. I added an asp:HiddenField and set that value on PageLoad() to the value of the cookies. I then set a FormParameter in the sqldatasource mapped to that hidden field. However that appears to have no effect at all. I'm guessing the sqldatasource will only use the form field after postback.
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Jul 17, 2015
I have saml token which contains user name and password.
I have to use this token to authunacate the ssas cube date base to open the report.
How implementing the Effective User Name authentication for ssas.
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