What Is The Meaning Of LTRIM(N' ') ?
Sep 7, 2006Actually, I don't know what is the meaning and difference of "N" in the
Actually, I don't know what is the meaning and difference of "N" in the
I Have a sql select statment and i need to trim white space off one of my columns .
How do I do that please help.
Could somebody please give me a syntax that I can use to trim spaces. I have used and I still have the spaces. :
We are trying to clean up spaces at road intersections. Thanks for your assistance.
I have some data that contains spaces both before and after the text string, and now I'm wondering what would be the best method to remove these blanks (sometimes there are no blanks, so I can't check with a specifik width)?
Is it possible to do something like:
set foo = ltrim(rtrim(foo))
or do I have to split it into 2 steps?
This trimming will be done in update & insert statements
// Pati
How do i remove carriage returns in SQL Server ? each of the lines have a carriage return as well as in front and back of the text.
Keith Waltin
Transport Ticketing Authority
03 9651 9066
I've tried the
update test.dbo.test
set bodytext1 = ltrim(rtrim(bodytext1))
but the whitespace/carriage returns still exists in the back and front of the text ? Anyone got any ideas ?
can anyone explain me what happens when we write the above for a col.
I k now it remove spaces but can anyone explain with exmpls
Hello All,
I am trying to ltrim a portion of multiple fields in a grouping. I am able to do it for one of them, but unfortunately there are several I have to do it for. If I use the following expression, it works for that one.
Code Snippet
=iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="Inquiry Menu - Bank 083",LTRIM("Inquiry Menu"),Fields!TestName.Value)
However, if I try and do it for more than one it errors out. For example...
Code Snippet
=iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="Inquiry Menu - Bank 083",LTRIM("Inquiry Menu"),Fields!TestName.Value)
OR iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="Search Menu - Bank 083",LTRIM("Search Menu"),Fields!TestName.Value)
OR iif(Fields!BankNumber.Value="083" and Fields!TestName.Value="SEAX - Bank 083",LTRIM("SEAX"),Fields!TestName.Value)
Is there another way to arrange this so I can LTRIM each field group seperately?
Hi i have a select statement as
select empnum, len(empnum), ltrim(rtrim(empnum)), len(ltrim(rtrim(empnum))) from employee
When i execute this stament i get the following
1234 61234 6
4321 84321 8
1111 61111 6
2222 62222 6
How does this happens. Why ltrim and rtrim is not working here.
You all have been so much help, but I've discovered yet another problem. I'm trying to clean up my table using the following command:
UPDATE dbo.TableName
SET First_Name = LTrim(RTrim(First_Name))But it does not seem to have any effect. Thoughts? Thanks!
How do I "ltrim" an enire colum?
I imported data into a database and the first character in an ID Field starts with %. This is causing many problems for the application. Unfortunately, this field exists in 72 of 128 tables in the database. Is there a way to LTRIM every ID field where the first character is %? This is easy in 1 Table but how do I apply it to all 72 tables at once? Thanks for for your assistance
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to follow an SSIS tutorial. It is doing a transformation on mainframe data.
It has the statement LTRIM(State) == '' in the Condititonal split editor.
The data type is DT_STR.
Nothing works (dbl quote,brackets, ect)
I have also tried to change the type to DT_WSTR. According to docs ltrim only works with Unicode.
Can someone please tell me how to detect an empty string.
Thanks for any help
How do I convert Oracle's LTRIM(char, set) to SQL Server?
I'm not sure about why I'm not able to remove spaces even after trimming them. Below is the result of query I'm usning.
select distinct LTRIM(RTRIM(Promotion_Code)) Promotion_Code
--, count(Promotion_code)
from dbo.Marketing_Promotion_Tb
where Promotion_code like '%1BTPIZZA%'
Result :
Promotion_Code Length
In ado.net (using C#). have a statement such as "sqlCommand cmd=new sqlCommand(sqlStatement,stringConnection,sqlTransaction)". do you know the meaning of this bold parameter ? is it its tasks ? thank very much
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was looking at a Miscrosoft example of a SQL "INSERT INTO".
One example they give isINSERT INTO Northwind.dbo.Shippers (CompanyName, Phone)
VALUES (N'Snowflake Shipping',N'(503)555-7233') What does the "N" stand for (or do) in N'Snowflake Shipping'? Is this really needed? I've looked around some and can't find any discussion about it.
I cant understand what is the meaning of & ~. I have seen the same in following query. Could any one explain me please.
select p.action & ~convert(int, 0x10000000), N'column' = col_name(p.id, p.colid), p.uid, N'username' = user_name(p.uid),
p.protecttype, o.name, N'owner' = user_name(o.uid), p.id, N'grantor' = user_name(p.grantor)
from #output p, dbo.sysobjects o
where o.id = p.id
order by p.uid, p.id, p.protecttype, p.action
-- Krishna
set @pDate2= dbo.AsString(@pYear,@pMonth,@pDay2,23,59,59)
explain the above query
hey, can anybody help me to understad that code:
SELECT companies.Contact_Company AS am_label1,
ISNULL(Incident_CNT,0) AS NumberOfIncidents
SELECT DISTINCT Contact_Company FROM HPD_Help_Desk
) companies LEFT OUTER JOIN (
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Incident_CNT, Contact_Company AS am_label1
FROM HPD_Help_Desk
WHERE Status< 5
AND DATEADD ("s", submit_date, '1/1/1970') >= CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime)
GROUP BY Contact_Company
) IncidentsByCompany
ON companies.Contact_Company = IncidentsByCompany.Contact_Company
Thank you.
Code Snippet<Query>UPDATE OPTIONS SET OptionText = '~DrawerPort~' WHERE...
What is meant by "~" here?
In the following example the line of code
IF RIGHT(@StringArray,1) != @Delimiter
includes " != ". What does it mean?
Thanks, Bill
Full Example:-- Creates a UDF that returns a string array as a table result set
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_ParseArray
( @StringArray varchar(max),
@Delimiter char(1) )
RETURNS @StringArrayTable TABLE (Val varchar(50))
DECLARE @Delimiter_position int
IF RIGHT(@StringArray,1) != @Delimiter
SET @StringArray = @StringArray + @Delimiter
WHILE CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringArray) <> 0
SELECT @Delimiter_position =
CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringArray)
INSERT @StringArrayTable
VALUES (left(@StringArray, @Delimiter_position - 1))
SELECT @StringArray = STUFF(@StringArray, 1,
@Delimiter_position, '')
An example for finding the length of a string is:
SELECT LEN (N'She sells seashells by the sea shore')
This returns 37. Without the N, it still returns the same 37. Why is N used?
Any one help me out ?
Thank you very much .!
Hello All,
Does anyone knows what is the meaning of IDENTITY in following 2 rows.
[UserId] [bigint] IDENTITY (0, 1) NOT NULL ,
[ProductId] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
Thanks in advance
Dear fellows,
Labels as the ones are easy recognizable when you explore LDFS by mean DBCC or whatever but on the contrary the following ones are tricky to reach the meaning:
Does anyone have any link related with this? I tried hard to search by Goog or something like that but unsuccessfully at all.
Is it possible to find records that contain the string "cyber-shot" when the value for search is "cybershot"?? (This is an example and I need a dynamic solution)
When we send a message in service broker we send nchar(0xFEFF) in the start of the xml file.
What is the meaning of nchar(0xFEFF)?
Thank you.
Does anyone know the meaning of the datacode different values? I understand that 0 is OK and 1 is not, what is the meaning of the rest? I have an execution with no errors except a datacode=3 in the PackageEnd event. What does it mean?
The documentation says:
"An integer value that identifies the event associated with the log entry. The value 0 indicates the event provided no identifier."
When I look at the sysdtslog90 table and I filter for 'PackageEnd' events, I see a value of 0, 1 or 3 in the datacode column. Is there any information I can glean from these values, e.g. package success or failure?
I sent a long string of ID from front end to my stored procedure...till now I was using varchar(8000)...but if the string crossess that limit it is breaking.
If I try to use text datatype..It doesn't support rtrim, stuff functions etc...
So could any one suggest me a best way to save a long string without any restriction of size...
My front end is C#.Net and Back End is SQL SERVER 2000
Thanks in advance
When you write a sql query, some times there is curly braces within a query in a asp.net application. What is the meaning of that?
select column1, column2, column3
from table1
where column1 = 'somethin'
order by column3
So what is being used in here {LIMITDATE} and can some one explain this to me? I use C#.
Why is the unsed space is negative number? Whould that affect the database? How do you fix the negative number?
If 'out of lock' happen, how do you check at what level the object was/is locked and how many locks is needed to configure?
Thank you ahead of time
as Christopher Yager say in "Need distributed service broker sample", I also test sending messages between two SQL Server 2005 instances,and after I setup the test environment with instance1 and instance2,I find queue [q2] in ssb2 can't receive message from ssb1. when I query by "select * from sys.transmission_queue",I get some message records that transmission_status is "64(error not found)".
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