What Is The Workload Limit In MS SQL Server?

Jun 13, 2006

Hi, I need some help about a project I'm working on.

I'm working on a project (based on MS SQL Server) that will involve a lot of clients, each one constantly querying the server.
Just to have an idea of the project, I'm talking of about 2000 clients, each one queries the database 3-4 times per second: a total of 6-8000 queries per second.
The database is reached through Internet and every client uses a dedicated DSL connection.

My questions are:
- What is the maximum workload of a Microsoft SQL Server?
- What happens when the server workload reaches 100%? is there a queue? and what happens when the queue is full? is it possible that the server goes out of service due the excess of work?
- What are (more or less) the hardware requirements for such a server?

can anyone help me, at least telling me how to find these answers (web sites, books, ...)

thank you for you support

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Migration And Testing Workload?

Aug 27, 2014

We are using Sql Server 2008 R2. We are planning to move to 2014 either through in-place o side-by-side. Mostly side-by-side.

Here first we want to test that 2014 and availability groups. First we are doing in dev box to test. Also we need asynchronous replica because just we need to use that as reporting server.

We want to take work load. For the dev boxes, the applications doesn't connect. Then in that case what the people will do.

If We take database backup from prod to that dev and run some queries in the loop and run the trace for some time and do either in-place migration or side-by-side migration and use the same back to restore and doing the running the same queries and compare this trace to previous trace will work?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create A Table That Would Represent Workload For Each Shop

Mar 19, 2015

I am trying to create a table that would represent a workload for each shop. In order to do that I need to have WorkLoad table and ShopWorkLoad table which is actually just aggregation of WorkLoad.

WorkLoad contains a list of following items:

current orders that are in the process (one select statement)
scheduled orders (another select statement)
expected orders (third select statement) that come through a third-party system

All of this needs to be live. So, for example, as soon as order is added to Order table it should be included in WorkLoad if certain conditions are met. Same goes for scheduled orders (which come from another table). Expected orders will be loaded on a daily bases (based on historical data).

ShopWorkLoad table is aggregation of WorkLoad table.

Currently I did it this way:

Added after insert/update trigger on Order table: when order is created/updated, if it meets certain conditions, it should be inserted in WorkLoad, otherwise remove it from workload if it's in there and doesn't meet conditions

Added after insert/update trigger on Schedule table: when order is scheduled, if it meets certain conditions, it should be inserted in WorkLoad, otherwise remove it from workload if it's in there and doesn't meet conditions

Running daily job that populates WorkLoad table with expected orders based on historical values

Final step is to create an indexed view vShopWorkLoad

My biggest concern is usage of triggers which call pretty complex logic to determine whether item should be added to workload or not.

One other option was to create vWorkLoad view and somehow make it an indexed view but currently I don't see a way of doing that because the query consists of 4 union select statements, below is pseudo example. But even if doing it that way, how to build aggregated indexed view on top of vWorkLoad indexed view?

Third option is to use sql agent job which would run every x seconds (maybe 20) and it would execute all of these queries to populate WorkLoad table with delay of 10-20 seconds, but I am still not sure if this is acceptable to the client.

Fourth option is to create 3 or 4 indexed view where sum of them makes a workload. Then, ShopWorkLoad view would be built on top of these 3 or 4 indexed views, but in this case I don't know how this would affect performance since ShopWorkLoad query would be often queried.

Example of workload pseudo query:

WorkLoadType = 'Order in process',

[Code] ....

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Distributing DTS Workload

Apr 14, 2008

Suppose I create a DTS package (I am an old timer from SQL Server 2000 days but I suppose with 2005/2008 integration services there is a similar concept of package) which essentially reads data from a set of csv files, transforms it, and loads it into a SQL Server database. There are two scenarios:

i) The transformation involves applying functions on the columns before loading to the database.
ii) The transformation involves joins of data from multiple files.

My question is, can I run this DTS package on a machine which does NOT have SQL server installed for scenario i) and scenario ii) above? The idea is to distribute the actual processing across a set of computers to take off load from the main database server. If it can be done for either case then can u please explain how? Thanks in advance for your help.

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Workload Governor And MSDE

Dec 16, 2004

Hi - does the workload governor kick in when more than 8 concurrent operations take place on MSDE as a whole, or does it kick on each database.

Ie. if I have 8 databases within MSDE - and there is 1 operation happening on each one at any given time, will one additional operation on any of the databases invoke the workload governor across ALL databases?



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Query/Workload Generator

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,- Is any body aware of a random workload/query generator such as theTPC-H query generator (QGEN) ? I am looking for a query generator thattakes a schema as an input, and produces several queries.I need it mainly for performance evaluation. the generator I am lookingfor should produce SELECT queries, including joins, and not only INSERTINTO, DELETE, UPDATE queries such as the "SqlQueryGenerator" athttp://www.tucows.com/preview/297930ThanksRegards,Abdur-Rahman

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Workload Governor Removed

Jan 8, 2007


I am in the process of porting over an application from Access To SQL implementing SQL Server 2005 Express. My intention is to implement this database on a full time server and upgrade to a full blown version of SQL later. Am I correct in assuming that there is not limit on the number of concurrent connections to SQL Server Express since it was stated that the "Workload Governor" has been removed? Or does something else control the number of users that can be simultaneously connected to the server.

My reason for asking is I have 7 machines that need to access the server. I also have 2 databases that need to be accessed from each machine. If there is no limit, I will keep my databases seperate. However, if there is a limit, I will most likely merge the tables into 1 db.

Thank you,


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Decreased Memory Usage When The Workload Is Heavy?

Nov 6, 2007

I have a specific job that should be run with a decreased memory usage when the workload is heavy on the SQL Server.
This is a heavy job that has no specific requirement when it comes to response time.
It is important that the rest of the application shouldn’t be affected with longer response time when this job is running. 
How can this job bee handled from the application, without having to create a separate batch job.

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Limit In Sql Server

Aug 3, 2004

someone suggested I use:

select top 20 * from t
where pkc not in (select top 10 pkc from t order by pkc) order by pkc

to simulate the limit function in mysql.

i want to replace the 10 in the inner select with a variable. When I do this:

select top 20 * from t
where pkc not in (select top @counter pkc from t order by pkc) order by pkc

it gives me in an error in sproc. Pls help!!

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Sql Server Limit

Jul 20, 2005

I'm storing time series data in a table in SQL server 2000. The tablehas columns like: CodeEquity, PriceDate, LastPrice. To extract thelast price for a number of equities on COMMON DATES I have used thequery:select t.LastPrice,h1.LastPrice,h2.LastPrice,h3.LastPrice fromBlg_HistoricData t,Blg_HistoricData h1,Blg_HistoricDatah2,Blg_HistoricData h3where t.CodeEquity=114151 and h1.CodeEquity=112220 andt.PriceDate=h1.PriceDate and h2.CodeEquity=112580 andt.PriceDate=h2.PriceDate and h3.CodeEquity=112228 andt.PriceDate=h3.PriceDatethis works for about 20 self joined tables and then says syntax error.I'm wondering what sql limits it hits. Is it possible to do this inSQL for 300 tables?Thank you.

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Limit In Mysql = Top In Sql Server ?

Jul 20, 2004

I have used this mysql code in my programm before:

select * from address order by vorname asc limit 0, 10

It works fine. But now I want to use sql server, and it doesn't recognize the term limit.
So I have found out that I can use top instead.
I have changed my code into this:

select top 0 * from (select top 10* from address order by vorname) order by vorname asc

But it gives me an error message:

wrong syntax near the word Order.

Can anyone give me a solution?
Thank you.

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Upper Limit For SQL Server?

Sep 23, 2005

I was wondering what more experienced DBAs have observed with regard to the capacity of a MSSQL DB. Is there an upper threshold of rows where performance becomes unacceptable? I have a fairly slow, but constant input rate of approximately 2,000 rows every 60 seconds or so (that is a little high, but I'm interested in worse case scenario here). That is up 172,800 rows a day. (I'm being overly pessimistic here.) We'd like to be able to keep all of this around as long as possible.

Or would a more heavy duty DB be in order for these sorts of data rates?

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SQL Server 2000 And 8k Limit

Oct 27, 2005

How can I check (from TSQL) if a table is likely to bust the 8k limit?ThanksMike

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MySQL's SELECT Limit In MS SQL Server

Jan 29, 2004

Hi groupmates,

In MySQL, we can use limit for our selection. E.g.

select * from mytable limit 10, 20

means selecting [20] records of all information from the table [mytable] from the [10]th record

But in MS SQL, what can we do? Please help.

I am writing PHP to retrieve small data from a large volume of database. Please help


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SQL Server 2000 2GB Memory Limit?

Jul 23, 2005

SQL Server 2000 SP3 on a Dell dual 2.4GHz Xeon box 3GB RAM Windows 2KSP4. Two aplication dbs, each less than 2GB in size.Had a problem where we would run Solomon queries and what not againstthe box. It had 2GB RAM, and sqlserv.exe would take up to 1.85GB ofRAM, exhausting the physical RAM on the box. SQL would choke and theSolomon users would have problems, and I would have to restart the SQLservice.I added another GB of RAM, bringing the box to 3GB, and increased thepaging file. The OS sees it, and SQL sees it. I check EnterpriseManager, and tell SQL to dynamically configure memory, and it offers anupper limit of 3071MB, so it "sees" the 3GB.I can stress the box with queries to the point that sqlserv.exe takes1.99GB of memory (as viewed through Task Manager) and then SQL serverchokes. It never goes past 2GB, and the OS and box continue runningfine.Does SQL server 2000 have some upper limit, or do I just need to changesome setting through EM?Thanks.

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Limit Saving DTS Package To SQL Server

Nov 23, 2005

Hi all, I know that you can save a DTS package to SQL Server (localpackage under Data Transformation Services in the EM).I wonder can I limit which login has the right to save DTS package? Imean, I would like logins with sa right to have this right but not forother ordinary logins.Can this be done in SQL Server?

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Sql-server 2000 Limit Rows

Jul 20, 2005

Hallo!I have small or big problem.I want creat Store Procedurs whit limit rows.For example I need rows from 100 to 200.--Select * from tableHow I doing best way.

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Sql Server Limit Max Number Of Connections

Feb 15, 2008

Does sql server limit max number of connections, or max connections open from a given source, or over a given time period?

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Equivalent Of LIMIT Of MySQL In SQL Server 2005?

Aug 1, 2007

hey all,
i want to know Equivalent of "LIMIT" of MySQL in SQL Server 2005?
in mysql we can direclty get data using LIMIT clause.
my question is how to do this in sql server 2005?

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SQL Server Does Not Support LIMIT Keyword In SQL Statement?

Jun 5, 2004

What is the SQL Server equivalent of the LIMIT keyword available in MySQL?


this SQL does not work? I get an error saying that there is an error at keyword LIMIT. When I remove LIMIT 1, it works...

is there anything like this in SQL Server?

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SQL Server 2005 Exact Integer Limit

Apr 28, 2006

I need to know the exact upper limit of the Integer Data Type in SQL Server 2005Thanks

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Upper Limit On The Size Of The Database In Sql Server.

Apr 19, 2001

One of our database is approaching the gigabyte size. I know that microsoft claims to support terabyte databases with sql server 7.0. I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the max size of database they have used on an OLTP site without running into problems. ofcourse with SQL Server.


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Impliment MySQL LIMIT Command On SQL Server

Feb 8, 2006

Hi there, it seems the search feature refuses to work so i am posting a question which I am sure has been answered :)

What is the best way to get the LIMIT command functionality in SQL SERVER?

I am making an ASP.NET page, and am unsure how to go about tabbing through 100s of results.

Many thanks,

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SQL Server 2000 Standard .. DB Size Limit

Dec 29, 2003

Hi all.

On the MS website (at this URL: http://www.microsoft.com/sql/evaluation/overview/default.asp) it says that the Standard edition of SQL Server 2000 has a database size limit of 1,048,516 terabytes.

Talking to a friend, he tells me this is not true, and that it has a database size limit of 12gb.

Is Microsofts site incorrect, or is my friend lost?

Cheers! :-)

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Column Limit In Sql Server 2000 Replication?

Apr 4, 2007

I am being told that the colid in syscolumns may not exceed 255 if the table is replicated. Is that true? Where in BOL or elsewhere can I read-up on this? This is a shocking development!!!

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Linked Server Limit In SQL Server 2000

Jul 23, 2005

I am about to start working on a project where I would be required todynamically create linked servers during the execution of anapplication. One of the requirements is for the Link Servers to becreated and dropped before and after the retrieval of the data. Myquestion is about any type of cap on the number of linked servers SQLServer 2000 can have registered at any single time. If I find out thatthere is some type of cap, I would need to look into another way todeal with my linked server needs. Thanks for any help/information youmight be able to provide.

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SQL Server 2005 Workgroup - Number Of Users Limit?

May 7, 2008

Does SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition have a limit to the number of user logins I can make?

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Newbie - Sql Server 2000 Transaction Log Size Limit

Jan 12, 2004

Has anybody encountered a physical size limit for a sql server 2000 transaction log running on win2k?

Transaction log reached ~6Gb before rolling back the delete stating transaction log was full. There was 42Gb free on the server and the log was set to unlimited growth.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Limit DB Access Outside Application?

Dec 3, 2013

We have applications connected to SQL using windows authentication. While having connection with Application user can also access to Database instance on the same time as well. We need to limit the access of user outside application.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Limit The Length Of A Database Field?

Oct 27, 2014

How to limit the length of a database field such that only first 12 characters are shown in the result?

For example, I have show the only first 12 characters of employee name.

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Mirroring :: Any Limit For Configuring Number Of Secondary DB Server

May 7, 2015

In log shipping is there any limit for configuring no.of secondary db server???

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Processor Limit In SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

Mar 5, 2008

I am looking at running SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition in a clustered environment (2 nodes) and am not sure if the 4 processor limit applies to the number of processors per node or the number of processors it will run on in the entire cluster. Could someone please clarify this for me?

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SQL Server/Windows 2003 Mapped Drive Limit.

May 22, 2006

I am setting up 4 Windows 2003 server with SQL server 2005 .

I am using a new SAN device and I am setting up over 37 separate devices.

Three of the machines will be the production machines. The fourth machine will

contains log shipped copies of 37 databases.

I would like to keep each the 37 databases on its own device on the new SAN device.

The problem that I am running into is that I can only map drives up to the letter Z .

Is it possible to map more than 26 drives on a Windows 2003 server ?

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