What Must Be Done To Setup A Remote Stored Procedure Call?

Sep 15, 1998

What are the steps for setting up a remote stored procedure call?

Thanks in advance,


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Call Remote Server In A Stored Procedure(6.5)

Nov 27, 2001

I was wondering is anyone can help me out on this one,
I want to run a query, but I need to reference a Database that exists on a different server. I am using SQL 6.5
Any suggestions would be welcomed,
Thanks a mill,

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How To Call Remote Object Using C# Stored Procedure

Nov 29, 2005

I want to call a windows based service running with remote objects listner from a C# Stored procedure. Any idea how to do that?

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Remote Procedure Call

Jul 25, 2002

I have a SQL2000(sp2) database (ServerA) and a SQL7(sp2) database(ServerB)
From the SQL2000 database I want to call a remote stored procedure on ServerB and store the result set in a table on ServerB.


insert TableA
exec ServerB...sp_GetStuff

If I try this by making serverB a remote server,
I get the following error message
Server: Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Login failed for user 'sa'.
If I make ServerB a Linked server, I get the error
Server: Msg 8501, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
MSDTC on server '' is unavailable.
Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

Now the MSDTC on ServerB won't start - It returns error 3221229574 to which the solution seems to be to reinstall MSDTC which looks like a very messy job with registry hacks and also the threat of reformatting the hard drive So I don't want to do this if possible

I really don't want a distibuted transaction anyway so I tried to stop the transaction being promoted using

But this has no effect

Any ideas would be appreciated"

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No Output Variable In Remote Procedure Call?

Sep 10, 2007

I'm calling a procedure on a remote Server (local SQL2005, remote SQL2005) and I need the return value.

declare @value int execute ('exec mbtest1.dbo.psybcis ?', @value OUTPUT) at [REMOTESQLSERVER] select @value

create procedure [dbo].[psybcis] (@value int OUTPUT) as begin select @value = '13' end

I do not get a value in the OUTPUT variable - just NULL. Documentation says:
Execute a pass-through command against a linked server
{ EXEC | EXECUTE } ( { @string_variable | [ N ] 'command_string [ ? ] ' } [ + ...n ] [ { , { value | @variable [ OUTPUT ] } } [ ...n ] ] ) [ AS { LOGIN | USER } = ' name ' ] [ AT linked_server_name ] [;]
There is an OUTPUT parameter, but how does it work? Is my syntax wrong?

It works when using following syntax,
declare @value int exec [REMOTESQLSERVER].mbtest1.dbo.psybcis @value OUTPUT select @value
but I need to use this procedure call in a distributed transaction to a Sybase ASE server and this syntax is not allowed for cross-system-calls.
So first I want to get it work from SQL2005 to SQL2005.

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Remote Stored Proc Call

Aug 29, 2007

I'm calling this from another sql server....
I created a linked server... and want to restore database backups on the other box....
The restore script runs fine when ran locally but fails with the message below when calling it remotely

Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Server: Msg 3101, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use.

CREATE PROCEDURE usp_restore_database_backups AS

FROM DISK = 'D:MSSQLBACKUPBesMgmtBesMgmt_backup_device.bak '
--STANDBY = 'D:MSSQLDataBesMgmtundo_BesMgmt.ldf',
MOVE 'BesMgmt_data' TO 'D:MSSQLDataBesMgmt.mdf',
MOVE 'BesMgmt_log' TO 'D:MSSQLDataBesMgmt.ldf'

WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

EXEC sp_dboption 'BesMgmt', 'single user', true

I have set it to read only dbo only .... single user.... still get the same message....
does anyone have any suggestions....

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DB Engine :: Remote Procedure Call Failed After 2012 Installation

May 8, 2015

We have server with Sql2008 R2 RTM 64 bit standard edition.We installed 2012 sp1 64 bit standard edition  in win2012sp1 64 bit as side by side setup.After installation, i found the below error when i opened SSCM:

Remote Procedure Call Failed:

I fixed this error by renaming the MSC file.

At event log i am observing continuously below error:

Source:        Application Error    Event ID:      1000

Faulting application name: wmiprvse.exe, version: 6.3.9600.16384, time stamp: 0x5532e9c9

Faulting module name: svrenumapi100.dll, version: 2009.100.1600.1, time stamp: 0x4bb681be

Exception code: 0xc0000005

Fault offset: 0x00000000000514e6

Faulting process id: 0x17e8

Faulting application start time: 0x01d0873d9d37c382

Faulting application path: C:Windowssystem32wbemwmiprvse.exe

Faulting module path: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100Sharedsvrenumapi100.dll

Report Id: afe88c1-330-11e4-80c4-008786656bda

Faulting package full name: 

Faulting package-relative application

is there any other way to get rid of this error without installing a SP1 or later on sql 2008 R2 RTM version.

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SQL Tools :: Server Agent - Remote Procedure Call Failed (0x800706be)

Jun 20, 2011

I can't access SQL Server 2008 R2 remotely on Windows 2008

1.  TCP/IP Enabled for SQL Server Network Configuration Protocols, SQL Native Client 10.0 configuration clients, and SQL Native Client 10.0 configuration clients(32 bit)

2.  Firewall disabled to make sure its not interferring with things.

I noticed the SQL Server Agent is Stopped.  Not sure if this is the issue.  When I try and turn this from disabled to Automatic or Manual, I get this error:

Remote procedure call failed (0x800706be)

It shouldn't be this difficult.

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System Stored Procedure Call From Within My Database Stored Procedure

Mar 28, 2007

I have a stored procedure that calls a msdb stored procedure internally. I granted the login execute rights on the outer sproc but it still vomits when it tries to execute the inner. Says I don't have the privileges, which makes sense.

How can I grant permissions to a login to execute msdb.dbo.sp_update_schedule()? Or is there a way I can impersonate the sysadmin user for the call by using Execute As sysadmin some how?

Thanks in advance

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How To Call A Stored Procedure Using C#

Aug 29, 2007

I have a stored procedure I created in SQL server 2005. Now I need to call the stored procedure in C#. Can someone help me out here? What is the C# code I need to call this stored procedure? I have never done this before and need some help.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[MarketCreate]
(  @MarketCode  nvarchar(20),  @MarketName  nvarchar(100),  @LastUpdateDate  nvarchar(2),)
ASINSERT INTO Market(  MarketCode  MarketName  LastUpdateDate)VALUES(  @MarketCode  @MarketName  @LastUpdateDate

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How To Call A Stored Procedure In Asp.net

Mar 31, 2006

I have created a stored procedure only with an insert statement in sql server 2005.
How can i call this stored procedure through code in ASP.NET page using vb.
i want to pass one parameter that comes from a text box in asp.net page.
my emailid is: g12garg@yahoo.co.in pls reply.
Thank you

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Call For BCP Within A Stored Procedure

Aug 7, 2001

Does anyone give me syntax for adding a bcp script within a stored procedure..I had done it once 3 yrs back does'nt seem to work now, and I do not know where I am going wrong??

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How Can I Use Stored Procedure To Call Dll

Aug 7, 2001

Hi, If I have a dll file and I know the interface of that dll file. How can I use stored procedure to call this dll file? Thank you.

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How Can I Use Stored Procedure To Call Dll

Aug 7, 2001

Hi, If I have a dll file and I know the interface of that dll file. How can I use stored procedure to call this dll file? Thank you.

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Call SQL Stored Procedure

Nov 9, 2005


Even though this may be not right place with this issue I would like to try!
I facing with the problem “Object Variable or With Block variable not set” while I am trying to execute the stored procedure from Ms. Access form.
I need some help very badly or maybe a good sample of code that works in this issue is very welcome.

Many thanks in Advance

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Stored Procedure Call

Jul 4, 2006


i created a stored procedure and below is the code segment of it;

create Procedure test1
@price as varchar(50) output,
@table as varchar(50) = ''

Declare @SQL_INS VarChar(1000)

SELECT @SQL_INS = 'select ['+@price+'] from ['+@table+']'

Exec (@SQL_INS)

Procedure gets 2 parameters, one of them is just INPUT parameter and the other one is both OUTPUT and INPUT. What i wanna do is to get the result set of this procedure to use in my application.

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Call Stored Procedure From Another SP

Dec 11, 2007

Hi, i wanna know if we can call a stored procedure from another one. If yes, what's the syntax?

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How To Call Stored Procedure In VC++

Oct 6, 2007

Respected Sir/MAm

i am working on VC++ (visual studio2005 with sql200).i have created one stored procedure to insert data into table.
i want to call this strd procedure in the VC++ main.cpp file....

Could you please help me for the correct syntax code with example.

Thank You.

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Stored Procedure's Call

Apr 7, 2008

Hi there. My problem is: I have two stored procedures.
2. SELECT C FROM D WHERE A = EXEC First procedure

The meaning: First procedure gets some Id from B table. The second one gets a DataSet by this Id number. The problem is that when I getting an Id from first proc I use SELECT, than in the second one I use EXEC, and in the end, seconf procedure returns two DataSets. The first contains an Id from first procedure, second contains a valid DataSet. Therefore my application falls because it suppose that valid data in first DataSet. Hoow can I call to stored procedure from another stored procedure without creating two DataSets?
P.S. I already tried to use return instead of select in the first procedure. Same result.
Thank you

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Asynch Call DTS Or Stored Procedure 1.1

Jul 10, 2006

I would like to trigger a DTS or a stored procedure from asp.net 1.1 BUT
I don't want to wait for it to finish. In fact the DTS/Storeproc calculates values into different tables.
Those values are not needed immediately. The calculation takes between 20 or 30 minutes.
Do you have any idea how to do it ?

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Call Stored Procedure In Loop

Oct 26, 2006

I have gridview display a list of users. I have added a column for a check box. If the box is checked I move the users to another table.I need to pass some parameter of or each row to a stored proc. My question. In the loop where I check if the checkbox is selected I need to call the stored procedure.Currently I do an open and closed inside the loop.What is best and most effficent  method of doing this should I open and close the connection outside the loop and change the procs parameters as loop through. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn =
new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand commChk = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("storedProc", conn);
commChk.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
commChk.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mUID", ddMainUser.SelectedValue.ToString());
commChk.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sUId", gvUsers.Rows[i].Cells[2].Text);
conn.Close();   If so exactly how do I do this? How do I reset the parmaters for the proc?  I haven't done this before where I need to loop through passing parameter to the same proc. thanks    

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Call Function From Stored Procedure

Jan 19, 2007

Hi All,
I'll admit that I'm not the greatest at stored procedure/functions but I want to learn as much as possible.  So I have two questions:
1) I had VS2005 autogenerate a sqldatasource that created Select/Insert/Update stored procedures.  When Updating a record and calling the stored procedure, I want to query another table (we'll call it tblBatchNo) that has only one record, Batchno.  I want to put that current batchno into the Update statement and update the record with the current batchno.  Can someone point me in the right direction?  Remember that I'm still a beginner on this subject.
2) Can someone provide any links to online tutorials on t-sql?
Thanks in advance.

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How To Call A Stored Procedure From A Web Page With VB

Feb 13, 2007

Dear Masters;
How can I call a stored procedure with VB code?

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How To Call Stored Procedure To Table??

Nov 12, 2007

Hi.....I have problem and I need your helpI stored a procedure in the Projects Folder in my computerand I want to return the procedure result in a column inside tableHow I can do that?????????thank you

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Make A Call To AS/400 Stored Procedure From DTS

Feb 15, 2000

Can DTS make a call to a stored procedure on an AS/400 and accept data from that call. I need to access the AS/400 through OLE/DB for AS/400, execute the call to a stored procedure (the AS/400 stored procedure gets the data from DB2/400, executes some business logic, then presents the record set), and grab the record set returned and dump it into a SQL 7.0 table.

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Error Within Stored Procedure Call

Feb 20, 2003

I'm using the sp_OAMethod method to call a method called "getDesc" from within a VB .dll I created. Within the .dll file, the method is called "getDesc()", but for some reason I'm getting an error saying it is an unknown name. I am able to create the object without errors, so I know the .dll is correctly registered and is being found by the server. Any idea what would cause this error when I know the method name is correct? The code I use is below (without error handling to make it shorter):

-- Decalre variables
DECLARE @property VARCHAR(255)
DECLARE @return VARCHAR(255)

-- Create object
EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'SQLActiveXTest.SQLActiveXTestClass', @object OUT

-- Call method
EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object, 'getDesc', @return OUT

-- Destroy object
EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @object

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Using A Variable To Call A Stored Procedure Name

Jan 31, 2006


I am using an Access 2003 front-end, and an SQL backend to run my application. I have a pretty good handle on using stored procedures and assigning variables for criteria within the SPROC.

I am however having a problem when I try to use a variable in place of a named procedure. For example I have a function that runs 2 procedures, therefore I "Call" the function with the code that runs my procedure, and simply change the name of the SPROC with each call. My problem is that I cannot figure out the syntax to use a variable for the named procedure. My code always errors on the line "objConn.MySProc MyCalendar, objRs" because MySproc is of course not a named procedure.

So how do I refer to a procedures name using a variable?

Here's my code;

Function LieuBen()

MyCalendar = CurrTSCalendar

Call PopulateTmpFile("sp_DelTmpProctimesheetCalc")
Call PopulateTmpFile("sp_PopTmpCalcLieuBen")

End Function

Function PopulateTmpFile(MySProc As Variant)
Dim sp_PopulateTempOTTable As String

Const DS = "SOS-1"
Const db = "TIMS"

Dim objConn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim objRs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim objComm As New ADODB.Command

ConnectionString = "Provider=" & DP & _
";Data Source=" & DS & _
";Initial Catalog=" & db & _
";Integrated Security=SSPI;"

' Connect to the data source.
objConn.Open ConnectionString

' Set a stored procedure
objComm.CommandText = MySProc
objComm.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
Set objComm.ActiveConnection = objConn

objConn.MySProc MyCalendar, objRs

Set objRs = Nothing
Set objConn = Nothing
Set objComm = Nothing

End Function

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Call Stored Procedure From View

Sep 7, 2006

Hello all,
does anyone know if it's possible to call a stored procedure from a view.


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How To Call A Function In Stored Procedure

Sep 12, 2012

How to call a sql function in stored procedure using Sqlserver 2008?

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Call DTS Using Parameter In Stored Procedure?

Jul 18, 2014

I have created a DTS package which stores file data into Database table.

I want to pass file name dynamically to stored procedure from which DTS retrieve data and store it in table.

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How To Call Stored Procedure In Table???

Nov 12, 2007


I have problem and I need your help

I stored a procedure in the Projects Folder in my computer

and I want to return the procedure result in a column inside table

How I can do that?????????

thank you

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How To Call A Stored Procedure In A Scheduled Job

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have a stored procedure.I need to create a scheduled job using that stored procedure.I went to Enterprise Manager -->Management--> Jobs-->New JobPropertiesIn the step tab, I can select db and put the codes.Instead of writing the code there, I want to call the stored procedurein the command box.How can I do that?System: MS SQL Server 2000I would highly appreciate your help.Thanks a million in advance.Best regards,mamun

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Aborting CALL To Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

HelloI am calling a stored procedure in a MSDE/SQLServer DB form within myVisual C++ 6.0 program along the linesCCommand<CAccessor<CdboMyAccessor>>::Open(m_session, NULL);WithDEFINE_COMMAND(CdboMyAccessor, _T("{ CALL dbo.MyProc; 1(?,?) }"))It all works sweet as, but it can take a while and I want to let theuser abort it.Everything I've tried ends in tears.

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