What Should I Do To Clean A Whole DB ?

May 29, 2006

My DB is holding some data for the moment I'd like to clean.

I'm wishing to erase the WHOLE data stored in the database (just the data, not the DB itself). What SQL command should I use ?

If there is another way to do what I'm wishing to do, let me know please.


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Clean Up This View

Dec 13, 2006

PHP Code:

(dbo.document.docVisible = 'yes') AND (dbo.document.docHide = 'NO') AND (dbo.t_files.fileMoved = '1') AND (dbo.documentCategory.docCategoryName LIKE '%olic%') AND (dbo.minisite.sectionLive = 1) AND (dbo.t_files.fileName <> N'A LINK') AND (dbo.t_files.fileName NOT IN (SELECT exFileID FROM t_exclude)) 
OR (dbo.document.docVisible = 'yes') AND (dbo.document.docHide = 'NO') AND (dbo.t_files.fileMoved = '1') AND (dbo.minisite.sectionLive = 1) AND (dbo.t_files.fileName <> N'A LINK') AND (dbo.t_files.fileName NOT IN (SELECT exFileID FROM          t_exclude)) AND (dbo.document.docDesc LIKE '%olic%') 
OR(dbo.document.docVisible = 'yes') AND (dbo.document.docHide = 'NO') AND (dbo.t_files.fileMoved = '1') AND (dbo.minisite.sectionLive = 1) AND (dbo.t_files.fileName <> N'A LINK') AND (dbo.t_files.fileName NOT IN (SELECT exFileID FROM          t_exclude)) AND (dbo.document.docType BETWEEN 1 AND 4) 
OR (dbo.document.docVisible = 'yes') AND (dbo.document.docHide = 'NO') AND (dbo.t_files.fileMoved = '1') AND (dbo.minisite.sectionLive = 1) AND (dbo.t_files.fileName <> N'A LINK') AND (dbo.t_files.fileName NOT IN (SELECT exFileID FROM   t_exclude)) 
OR(dbo.t_files.fileName IN ('127-2006-1-27-3321130.pdf', '127-2006-1-30-3726619.pdf', '127-2006-1-27-5700042.pdf', '127-2006-1-27-5678586.pdf', '127-2006-1-27-5693574.pdf', '127-2006-1-27-5873392.pdf'))
ORDER BY dbo.document.docDesc 

Right - as you can see, some of the line slook pretty similar. When I try and do:

(one AND two AND three) AND (four OR five), I get

(one AND two AND three AND four)
(one AND two AND three AND five)

when using enterprise manager. Is there anyway to keep the first way of doing it. Otherwise, everytime I add anotehr OR statement in, I'll have to create a new line!

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Log Files - How To Clean Up

Mar 28, 2006

I had received a message that my log file is full and it do not enable to me to do a database backup before free up disk space. How do i clean up de log file (_log.ldf)?

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Help With Clean Up Query

Apr 10, 2008

I have the following query which strips out middle initial data from the first_name column and populate the middle_initial column with the relevant data.

What my query does not handle is when a first name has a single character (IE: A). In its current state, the "A" would be moved to the middle_initial field with a period added to the end (IE A.). The first_name column would also include "A". Basically, when a single character first name is found in the first_name column, I do not want to populate the middle_name field.

Hope this does not sound too cryptic; query is below along with some sample data when run.

SELECT first_name,
WHEN SUBSTRING(LTRIM(RTRIM(first_name)),LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(first_name)))-1,1)=' '
THEN SUBSTRING(LTRIM(RTRIM(first_name)),LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(first_name))),1) +'.'
END AS 'middle_initial',
WHEN SUBSTRING(LTRIM(RTRIM(first_name)),LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(first_name)))-1,1)=' '
LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(first_name))) END)
ELSE LTRIM(RTRIM(first_name))
END AS 'first_name_removing_initials'
FROM contact

Sample Data
first_name, middle_initial, first_name_removing_initials,
Paul, NULL, Paul
A, A., A,
A Fred, NULL, A Fred,
Aaron, NULL, Aaron

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How To Clean Buffers

Nov 28, 2007

Dear All,
i'm trying increase the performance of one select statement.

after trying first time, at the second time it is giving results fastly.because the data is there already in the buffers.

how can i clean the buffers everytime after run the query?

i'm using

--dbcc dropcleanbuffers
--dbcc freeproccache

are these enough or need some more....
please guide me

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Clean Up ReportServerTempDB

Jan 17, 2008

I have a db server that had served both my application data and reporting services. I have since installed a second db server to be the reporting services server; the primary box still stores the application data. I am keeping reporting services installed and set up on the primary box, since I would like it to act as a warm standby for the reporting services function.

However, the ReportServerTempDB on my primary box is still quite large. The ChunkData table is quite close to 10 gig. The CleanupCycleMinutes property is set to the default of 10. Clearly any data that might be in this table is far older than that.

Is there some recommended method of clearing this data? Can I just delete the rows or do a truncate on the table? I would prefer not to uninstall/reinstall reporting services, as this machine is actively serving my application data.


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How To Clean Up All Database Tables?

Apr 28, 2008

Hi everyone,
What is the easy way to clean up all ms sql 2005 tables? 
For example, a database table named Customers which has triggers and primary key and foreign keys.  Now I clean up the Customer table using the folowing statement
delete Customers
And the ms sql 2005 asks me to remove all triggers and foreign keys before allow me to clean up the Customers table.  Is there a way to clean up all tables without remove the tiggers and foreign keys?

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Log Shipping: Clean Up Log Files

Mar 3, 2004

I need some advise in the log shipping. The log files in the primary server get cleaned up according to what I have specified in the maintenance plan. But the log files that got shipped to the secondary server stay there for ever wasting my hard disc. Will it make any problem if I remove them or can I set it up to remove all files earlier than past 2 hrs? Please advise.

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Can't Clean Buffer Cache

May 16, 2007


My problem is that I cannot completely clean buffer cache on SQL Server 2005 version 9.00.2047.00 (probably SP1).

Right after I run DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS in the context of my database (this is development server, and so far I am only the one who is working with a particular database), I run a script that quetries sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors view also from the context of my database to make sure that the buffer cache is really clean. However it shows large number of entries totalling 42 MB.

I ran both DBCC an the script in the past too, and it always showed nothing in the results, that means that buffers were really clean. The reason why I am running this is for benchmarking of existing and new application.

Does anybody have any idea, suggestions, how to troubleshoot this issue ? I already closed all connections to this database, but rebooting the server is not an option since other people are also working on it.


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How To Clean All Messages Of A Queue ?

Sep 22, 2005

    How to clean all messages of a queue ?

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Best Way To Clean Up Temp Files

Mar 13, 2006

I have a custom Data Flow task that creates temp files to the system temp directory during processing. A lot of times, we'll use SSIS to do one data transformation, running and tweaking the package along the way... we do this in the designer ... if we notice something that's incorrect in the data view, we just hit the stop button and fix it. However, when we do this, the Cleanup() function isn't called, and my temp files are left in the temp directory, when they really ought to be disposed of.

Is there a method that gets called every time when the DtsDebugHost quits, whether it finished, didn't finish properly, or was stopped in the middle? What would be a good way (other than having some service that monitors what temp files are used by what processes) to clean up temp files after we don't need them?


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Clean Input Before Submitting To Database

Sep 11, 2006

Is there some recommended way to clean input before submitting it to the database? We'd like to develop a library that can be used on our ASP/ASP.NET apps to filter input before it's sent to the SQL Server and Oracle databases. Is there a way to create a .NET DLL that can be used for both ASP.NET and classic ASP apps. Thanks.

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DTS - Clean Up Date Fields Upon Insertion

Feb 4, 2003

I am importing Visual FoxPro (6) views into SQL 2000 tables and I am looking for a snippet of code to "clean up" date fields upon insertion. I can insert the views into the SQL tables fine using the tables/views selection of DTS as my source. However, I would like to ensure the date fields are in fact vaild dates and not garbage using the SQL query option of DTS source. I would like to do the insert and cleanup in one step. Do you have a snippet of code to validate a date field that I can use? Thank you for any assistance in advance, Terry.

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[Expired Subscription Clean Up] Job Failing

Nov 14, 2005


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How Do I Clean Up Database Deleted By ClickOnce With T-SQL?

May 12, 2006

I posted this in the SQL Server Express forum as well...

My app deployed via ClickOnce. It ships with a database creation script which creates the database in the ClickOnce data directory. Upon uninstall, the entire data folder is deleted successfully. But if you then reinstall the app, SQL Server Express still thinks the database exists. Right now, to get a re-install to work, I have to go into Management Studio Express, click on the db (get an pop-up error as the physical db file is no longer there) and then click delete.

So my question is... what system proc should I execute in the db creation script before I run the CREATE DATABASE command?

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DTS Tasks Do Not Run On Clean Install Of 2005

Mar 13, 2008

Good afternoon.

I have an IS package that contains some legacy DTS tasks. The package does run successfully on some machines, but others not at all, generating a weird error that says "Error: The task failed to load. The contact information for the task is "Execute DTS 2000 Package Task;Microsoft Corporate...." There's more to the error but searching on it hasn't turned up any results so I'm not posting the entire thing. I can if requested.

On the server where the DTS packages fail, regular IS packages that contain no DTS legacy tasks run successfully, and the only difference between the machines that work and don't work is SQL Server 2000 is not and was never installed, whereas the machines that work are running 2000 and 2005. The servers where the tasks fail version 9.0.3050.

One thing I have noticed is that on the machines where DTS works there is an extra file in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinn called Microsoft.SqlServer.Exec80PackageUtil.dll. Copying the file to a non-working server did not solve the issue. I tried installing the backwards compatibility update but it said that a newer version was already installed.

If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it. If you need more information just ask and I would be happy to provide it.

Thanks again,


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Restore A Complete SQL Server Installation Into A New Clean One

Oct 13, 1998

A customer is about to replace their PDC with SQL Server running on it.
MY companies role is to build the new server, and get their SQL Server running again.
I need to have the devices, databases, tables, data and the USERS copied across. I cannot use transfer manager as their will be only 1 instance of SQL Server running on the network.

If all we have is an NT backup is perfomed on the entire disk, i.e. the MSSQL/DATA directory.
How do we recreate the databases and their associated tables and also, how do we recreate the User accounts ?
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Please feel free to e-mail me with a response


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Clean Text Files Externally Or Internally

May 17, 2008

Quick history, I have substantial experience using MS Access, VBA, and Regular Expressions to clean up messy text files for use in MS Access.

I want to upgrade an MS Access back end to SQL Server (2008 to be specific). I need to upload several delimited files on a daily basis. The files are full of formatting that I strip out using VBA and Regular Expressions. I've poked around on the site and found some UDFs that implement the VbScript Regular Expressions object as a stored procedure in Transact SQL.

My questions is, am I better off processing the files externally using a procedural language like VB or can SQL Server handle the processing as gracefully as MS Access/VBA/RegEx does?

Thanks for letting me tap into your experience.

I could simply puzzle it out myself by implementing it in SQL Server but I'd rather not waste the time as a newb to transact SQL and then find out that I'd be better off doing it externally.


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Clean Install Windows Auth Error

Feb 17, 2007


I cannot log in to SQL Server 2005 Dev Edition in my local machine using Windows Authentication. The server returned "Login failed..." when connecting with SQL Server Management Studio.

I have not change anything since installation of this server.

This problem happens in RTM and SP1 versions, both running on Windows Vista RTM.

Anyone having this kind of problem too? Any solution? I'm guessing it's Vista-related.

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Distribution Cleanup Cannot Clean Up Snapshot Folder

Sep 7, 2007

We are using SQL Server 2005 SP2 to do transactional replication.

We and have a separate service account for the SQL Agents (sqladmin) vs. SQL Replication Agents (sqlrepadmin). It is my understanding this is a replication security best practice. The sqlrepadmin has full permissions on the snapshot share folder and it's subdirectories. The sqladmin account does not have permissions at all.

I have been getting an error message when we run the distribution clean up job.
Executed as user: PRODsqladmin. Could not remove directory '\Tes01boxRepldatauncqabox01_DB01_TO_ORACLE20070905104896'. Check the security context of xp_cmdshell

I have dropped the publication and recreated which is what appears to have caused the error.



If a publication is dropped, replication attempts to remove the snapshot folder under the security context of the SQL Server service account. If this account does not have sufficient privileges, log in with an account that does have sufficient privileges and remove the folder manually. Removing a folder requires the Modify privilege if the folder is a local path or the Full Control privilege if the folder is a network path.

The note above implies that the SQL Server service account (sqladmin) needs permissions on the snapshot folder as well.

Finally my questions:
Is there a workaround that will allow the distribution cleanup job to run as sqlrepadmin and perform the delete?

If both sqlrepadmin and sqladmin need permissions to the snapshot what is the reasoning from a security perspective of separating them out?

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Clean Up Data - When Process Runs Next Time

Jul 25, 2006

In a integration project I am moving data from A to B.

First time is fine - since table B is empty.

However next time I run the process, I would like to delete all records in B before I run the project again.

What is the best way to delete / clean up data when you re run the process ?

Cheers, T

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Replication :: Error Occurred While Clean Up The Cluster

Jun 29, 2015

I have problem when I create the clusters I created domain account and give him permission create computer objects and real all properties but there are problem when clean up the cluster always pop up and error but latter I tried using my domain admin and worked perfectly is there any permission is missing for cluster ? or all I need is Create Computer Object and Read Permission?

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How Can I Create A Clean Copy Of My DB And Keep Lookup Table Data

Nov 27, 2007

I have a database that I have been creating and testing. I have added some junk data and some data into lookup tables. Is there a way to create a clean copy of the db and keep the lookup table data? Also will I be able to create the db under a new name?

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SQLMaint Runs Clean BUT Sched Task Fails

Jun 18, 1999

I have a number of test databases which were created from the same backup. Set up SQLMaint to run on them each night. SQL Maint seems to run clean on all of them, but on two the Scheduled Task shows "Failed". All tasks have been set up exactly the same.

Has anyone run into something like this?

Here's the output from the maintenance job for one of the failing db's:

Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility, Version 6.50.240
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996

Logged on to SQL Server 'COSTGUARD2' as 'sa' (trusted)
Starting maintenance of database 'Test15' on Thu Jun 17 23:10:01 1999

[1] Check Data and Index Linkage...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs **

[2] Check Data and Index Allocation...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 2 secs **

[3] Check System Data...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs **

[4] Update Statistics...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 27 secs **

End of maintenance for database 'Test15' on Thu Jun 17 23:10:30 1999

SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 0 (Success)

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Can't Create Model After Clean MDS Install

Apr 17, 2015

I have made a clean install of SQL 2014 including MDS on a server with Win Server 2012 R2.

After the installation I cant create new models because on an error saying that "Must declare the scalar variable "@Version_Id". "

I can see that the tables gets created in the MDS database but the models dont show up in the web interface.

I get the same error message when I try to deploy an old model.

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Reporting Services :: Clean All Cache Information And Retain Logs?

Aug 18, 2015

What is the difference between CleanExpiredCache and FlushReportFromCache Do we need to run both the SPs to clear all the SSRS reporting cache? Is it possible to clean all the Cache information and retain the logs? If yes how we can do so. Is it by deleting the REportServerTempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache table work in achieving this?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Finding A Table Where Maintenance Clean Up Task Configuration Is Stored?

Jul 2, 2014

I am looking for a table where Maintenance Clean Up Task configuration is stored. For example, Delete file older than the following - which is 2 days. Which table can I retrieve the setting in msdb ?

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Why Clean Data Pages Written To L2 Cache To Make Space For Other Not Modified Pages

Oct 2, 2014

in microsoft doc there is written on the topic of BP Extensions with SSD's in SQL Server 2014: only clean pages are written to disk... does this mean data pages that have not been modified yet? or also those data pages that have already been modified, and where log has finished writing and the transaction has been marked as commited??

why are there clean data pages being written to L2 cache to make space for other not modified pages? I mean, shoudnt they be modified first, before letting other unmodified data pages into the Cache? I mean they have still to be modified..that makes no sense to me to page them out and page them in again just for other data pages...

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How Do I Clean Up The SQL Server (ctp) From ADD/REMOVE Program Without The Change/remove Button

Oct 12, 2006

I have uninstalled the CTP version of the SQL Server express so that I can install the released version but CTP version is still listed in the add/remove program list but without the change/remove button. I have been to different sites to find information on cleaning this up and I have ran all the uninstall tool I can find but the problem still prevails. I cannot install the released version without completely getting rid of the CTP version. Please help anyone.



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SQL2K - Clean Buffer Cache And Procedure Cache.

May 31, 2007

Is there a way to drop clean buffers at the database level instead of the server/instance level like the undocumented €śDBCC FLUSHPROCINDB (@dbid)€??
Is there a workaround for €śdbo€? to be able to flush procedure and data cache without being elevated to €śsysadmin€? server role?

PS: I am aware of the sp_recompile option that can be used to invalidate cached execution plans.

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Distribution Clean Up: Distribution Job Not Removing Snapshots

Jul 6, 2007

On SQL Server 2005 SP2 for Publisher and Distributor on the same instance, my old snapshots are not being cleaned up.

The following error is in the agent history:

Executed as user: DomainMyUser. Could not remove directory '\vmsql01ReplDatauncPublication_TRANSACTIONAL20070702104416'. Check the security context of xp_cmdshell and close other processes that may be accessing the directory. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 20015). The step failed.

xp_cmdshell is enabled and I can run commands like :

exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ' md c:TestFolder'

The permissions to the snapshot share and file system are that DomainMyUser has full control.

I have logged into the machine as this user and can remove snapshots so it does not seem to be a permission issue.

On other machines I do not get any errors but the snapshot folder still is not cleaned up.

Any suggestion as to what the problem could be?



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