What Type Of Permission Needed To Call ListJobs() Function
Apr 30, 2007
I'm working on Application that requires me to check and display status of reports running on report server. My application calling ListJobs() function of Job class part of Reporting Services Web Service API. When i run my application i'm getting insufficient previleges error. So i need to find out what type of permission i need to excute ListJobs().
This is very important part of my app. Please help me out.
Viral Patel
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Jun 7, 2001
Hi all,
I need to run a query that would return all users with sa privileges at a server level. Sysusers has the db users for each individual databaase. But I need to list all sa users and the databases they have rights to. Looks like I may need a cursor...not sure. If any of you can help me build this query, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
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Oct 19, 2006
i need this statement to run but if this field bl_01030_Tour_Schedule.Sch_TourStartDate is >= GETDATE()
Then only SELECT TOP (1)
SELECT TOP(2) Tbl_01030_Tour_Schedule.Sch_TourId,
WHEN(Sch_TourStartDate) < getdate()
THENToursPerBilling_EnterNow ELSE ToursPerBilling
END ASInitial_TourQty,
WHEN(Sch_TourStartDate) < getdate()
THENTourRecurringBillAmount_EnterNow ELSE TourRecurringBillAmount
END ASInitial_TourCost
FROMTbl_01020_Tour_Types INNER JOIN
Tbl_01030_Tour_Schedule ON Tbl_01020_Tour_Types.TourTypeId = Tbl_01030_Tour_Schedule.Sch_TourTypeId
WHERE(Tbl_01030_Tour_Schedule.Sch_TourEndDate > GETDATE()) AND (Tbl_01020_Tour_Types.TourTypeId = @_TourTypeId)
ORDER BYTbl_01030_Tour_Schedule.Sch_TourStartDate
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Jul 20, 2005
I want to write function to call another function which name isparameter to first function. Other parameters should be passed tocalled function.If I call it function('f1',10) it should call f1(10). If I call itfunction('f2',5) it should call f2(5).So far i tried something likeCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[func] (@f varchar(50),@m money)RETURNS varchar(50) ASBEGINreturn(select 'dbo.'+@f+'('+convert(varchar(50),@m)+')')ENDWhen I call it select dbo.formuła('f_test',1000) it returns'select f_test(1000)', but not value of f_test(1000).What's wrong?Mariusz
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Mar 18, 2008
Does any one what kind of access do we need on SQL server fto bcp out data. Does data reader access work? or do we need to have any special permissions like bulk admin?
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Feb 11, 2014
I setup SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2012 with the service accounts in the local Administrator group, but now that I'd like to remove the accounts from this group I'm finding they don't have the appropriate access to the network storage. notes on setting the per-service SID's for SQL (SQL Engine, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and Agent Service) so they can read the Data, Log, and TempDB mount points?
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Jun 4, 2007
Hi there,
I am new here, and I've tried to see if this topic has been discussed elsewhere, but since I am not familiar with the terminology, I'll stick my neck out and ask.
Quick background: I am a C# developer with limited exposure to and experience with SQL. I now have to make some design decisions for a newer version of a "legacy" app. Since those of us who are left here basically know how to query the database and do the CRUD work, but don't have a lot of mad skills in the db design department, I am wondering to which degree we should leave things alone.
Ok, so now to the actual issue.
This database is used by an application that registers sales locally for certain types of sales teams. All data is eventually extracted and sent off as ASCII files to central processing, but until then, they are stored in a table for each sales campaign.
Information about campaigns is stored in one table called CampaignSettings. Highlights of this table include a CampaignID (primary key) and some generic sales information, plus a reference to the table that holds customer information. Yep, each campaign has it's own table, as customer registrations (not just for sales, but for information requests etc.) can easily scale into the hundereds of thousands, plus the number of campaigns will eventually reach at least 20-50 active at any given time.
Yep, perhaps it sounds like a huge task for inexperienced db people, that's why we have to learn, and fast! ;)
Ok, so these individual campaign tables is where it gets interesting, and they are the reason I am writing. Each campaign table has the same basic structure - a RecordID, an insertion date, several customer information fields. And then they have two additional sets of fields; The salesinfo "nodes", and the "custom fields".
There is a table called sinode, which pretty much looks like this:
id - int, primary key
campaign - foreign key to campaignsettings campaignid field
field - varchar, the name of the column in the campaign table
desc - a description of what goes in the field (used in the sales registration app)
default - a reasonable default value showing the user what to register
Using this method, the idea is that each campaign can have a different structure (i.e. different product types sold = different information needs to be registered).
Also, for the "custom fields" stuff, something similar is employed. There is a scriptvariables table, similar to the sinode one, which contains custom fields that campaigns contain - when they feel like it, they can for instance find everyone with a certain value in a custom field and send them some sales propaganda by snailmail, with some of these script variables used in the letter. The difference between salesinfo columns and custom field columns is basically that only salesinfo columns (plus a few of the standard ones present in all tables) are reported to central processing.
QUESTION #1: Is there a name for such a table structure, where the very definition of tables themselves are somewhat dynamic and applications need to query support tables in order to know the customer table structure for each campaign. Is the name "Brain Dead Design"? ;) Or is this an acceptable way of doing things?
Since we're now upgrading things a little, among other things we're considering moving from "old fashioned" ADO.NET to LINQ or some kind of O/R mapping application, so that we'll cut down on the maintenance of the database <-> object layer.
QUESTION #2: Will an O/R Mapper or LINQ (when Orcas goes RTM) be able to handle the kind of tables we're talking about here, considering that the structure of the individual customer table is not known at compile time, but depends on the database?
And then, there's the question that has been haunting me for a while now..
QUESTION #3: If you, the reader, who with great probability knows a lot more about database design than I do, were put in charge of such a project - how would YOU design it? Keep it like today? Create a huge normalization table for sales items and custom fields? What kind of architecture would be "correct" in this case, considering that our customers scale from the very small with few campaigns to the relative large with big, nasty customer tables.
I will be extremely grateful for any replies, and I promise to read many heavy SQL books as penance, and spend 10% of my work day helping newbies for several weeks once I attain enlightenment! :)
Thanks in advance,
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Mar 28, 2006
can i make a function call from stored procedure
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Feb 26, 2008
Does anybody knows how to call a function from one VB source file to another VB source file??
I have create a MDI parent form, now i want to call the function of the child form from the parent form. Does anyone know this??
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Sep 20, 2007
How do I give a Windows group complete rights (including create) to allstored procedures and user defined functions without giving them dbo accessin SQL Server 2005? If I have to I can do it from the Management Console,but I would also like to know the commands.ThanksMatthew WellsJoin Bytes!
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Dec 5, 2006
Hi all
I have some problems with sending Mail over System.Net.Mail ...
I have made a C# Class which sends mail, and it works fine.
Now I have added this assembly to SQL Server 2005,
I made the SQL function and so on.
When I try to run it I get the following message:
Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SendMail, Line 114
Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
Would be very very happy for any comments !!
Thanks and best regards
Frank Uray
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Feb 25, 2008
Can someone help me to understand a stored procedure I am learning about? At line 12 below, the code is calling a function named"ttg_sfGroupsByPartyId" I ran the function manually and it returns several rows/records from the query. So I am wondering? does a call to the function return a temporary table? And if so, is the temporary table named PartyId? If so, the logic seems strange to me because earlier they are using the name PartyId as a variable name that is passed in.
1 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetPortalSettings]2 (3 @PartyId uniqueidentifier,45 AS6 SET NOCOUNT ON7 CREATE TABLE #Groups8 (PartyId uniqueidentifier)910 /* Cache list of groups user belongs in */11 INSERT INTO #Groups (PartyId)12 SELECT PartyId FROM ttg_sfGroupsByPartyId(@PartyId)
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May 9, 2006
I made an SQL function in MSSQL2000. This is a function that get's a calculated heat emission. When I run the Query in MSSQL2000 the function works. It calculates every emission for every row. When I call this SQL function in VS2005, it says it does not recognize the function. Does anyone know what this may cause? thank you. For the people who are bored, I added the SQL statement. The error is at the function
SELECT TOP 15 tbProducts.prod_code, tbProductProperties.prop_height, tbProductProperties.prop_length, tbProductProperties.prop_type, tbProductProperties.prop_default_emission, tbProductProperties.prop_weight, tbProductProperties.prop_water_volume, tbProductProperties.prop_n_value, GetHeatEmission(50,70,20,[prop_default_emission],[prop_n_value]) AS customEmission FROM tbProductClassification INNER JOIN tbProducts ON tbProductClassification.clprod_fk_prod_id = tbProducts.prod_id INNER JOIN tbProductProperties ON tbProducts.prod_id = tbProductProperties.prop_fk_prod_id WHERE (tbProductClassification.clprod_fk_class_id = 3327) AND (prop_height >= '030') AND (prop_height = '060') AND (prop_length
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Dec 11, 2001
Does anyone know if/how SQL server can call a function in a C++ library?
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Aug 1, 2006
I want to write one function like that
dbo.function( number , 1 , 2 ) ,
but I would like to overload, and send char or number
dbo.function( number, 'abx' , ' xpto' ).
I would like to keep the same name, Can I do this? or Do I need to write to differents functions
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Aug 10, 2007
I have a procedure which has query
like Query 1.
Query 1
Select Clinetid
from clinet
inner join {
select centerid from GetChildCenter(@Centerid)
select centerid from getParentCenter(@Centerid)
} as Center c
on c.Centerid = client.Centerid
Query 2
declare @Center table ( centerid int)
insert into @Center
select centerid from getchildCenter(@Centerid) union all select centerid from getparentcenter(@Centerid)
Select Clinetid
from clinet
inner join @Center c on c.Centerid = client.Centerid
I just want to know which one is better performance wise..
because there is millions of rows for table center which is used by function getChildCenter() and GetparentCenter()
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Feb 22, 2008
I need to find all of the records Table A with ID values that are not found in Table B. What type of join do I need? Is there such a join?
Thank you
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Sep 7, 2007
priceStockID productID supplierID price
1 1 1 100
2 1 2 110
3 2 1 10
4 2 3 20
5 3 1 30
6 3 2 20
7 3 3 15
8 4 1 40
how can I get the priceStockID for the lowest price of each product in the most efficient way
the result table should be like below
priceStockID productID supplierID price
1 1 1 100
3 2 1 10
7 3 3 15
8 4 1 40
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May 19, 2004
Hi all,
I have a stored like this
CREATE PROCEDURE fts_insert_service_tasks( @status_no int output, @status_text nvarchar(255) output, @fts_employee char(100) , @fts_SCCode bigint, @fts_TaskDescription ntext) AS
declare @str_err nvarchar(255)
declare @err_no int
set @err_no=0
if ( isnumeric(@fts_SCCode) = 0 )
set @str_err ='The fts Sccode is not a number'
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1
if ( @fts_SCCode = '' )
set @str_err ='The fts Sccode can not be null '
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1
if ( len(@fts_employee) > 100)
set @str_err ='Maximum Employee length allowed is 100 characters'
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1
if ( @fts_employee = '' )
set @str_err ='The employee fiedl can not be null'
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1
if (@err_no=0)
INSERT INTO fts_ServiceTasks (fts_employee , fts_Sccode, fts_taskdescription)
VALUES(@fts_employee, @fts_SCCode, @fts_taskdescription)
set @status_no=0
set @status_text = 'Add Service Task Ok'
set @status_no=@err_no
set @status_text = @str_err
and I called it from the ASP
<%function Add_Service_Task(fts_employee,fts_sccode, fts_TaskDescription)
cm.ActiveConnection = m_conn
cm.CommandType = 4
cm.CommandText = "fts_insert_service_tasks"
cm.Parameters(3).Value = fts_employee
cm.Parameters(4).Value = fts_sccode
cm.Parameters(5).Value = fts_TaskDescription
on error resume next
if cm.Parameters(1)=0 then
call obj_utils.ErrMsg(cm.Parameters(2).Value,3000)
end if
if err.number <> 0 then
call obj_utils.ErrMsg("System error at " & err.number & err.Description & ", please contact the administrator", 5000)
end if
end function%>
I test with SQL 2k, Win2k3 OK
But with Win2k i got:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E30)
Type name is invalid.
/fmits/classes/cls_servicecall.asp, line 256
Please help me!
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Jan 19, 2007
Hi All,
I'll admit that I'm not the greatest at stored procedure/functions but I want to learn as much as possible. So I have two questions:
1) I had VS2005 autogenerate a sqldatasource that created Select/Insert/Update stored procedures. When Updating a record and calling the stored procedure, I want to query another table (we'll call it tblBatchNo) that has only one record, Batchno. I want to put that current batchno into the Update statement and update the record with the current batchno. Can someone point me in the right direction? Remember that I'm still a beginner on this subject.
2) Can someone provide any links to online tutorials on t-sql?
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 17, 2007
I'm not sure this is the place for this question, but not sure where else to go. I've written asp.net code to read from a sql server 2005 db and send out customized emails based on user info.Currently the process gets rolling by clicking a button in a web page.The client doesn't want to click a button, they want to run the email sender on a timer.How can I set up my function to run on a timer either in asp.net or more likely called from sql server?
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Sep 12, 2012
How to call a sql function in stored procedure using Sqlserver 2008?
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Aug 27, 2007
Hello All,
How do i call a user defined function from within a stored procedure,
I have created a simple function which takes firstname and lastname as parameters and returns the concatenated name string.
That part works.
declare @fullname varchar(400)
As always thanks for all your input
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi all, I want to use a function with a tabel object as parameter. Doessomeone know a method to do this. I have read that a table as parameteris invalid.
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Nov 13, 2007
Hi,is there any method to call a store procedure into a function?ThanksFabio
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Nov 21, 2007
We found the problem that when the SP call function,there must have 'dbo.' before the function.Does it necessarily?Can delete 'dbo.' schema when call function in SP?
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Jun 2, 2006
I currently have the fllowing Stored Procedure. When I pass the the Url of the web service in the parameters, I'm having a sp_OAMethor read response failed error.
I don't know how to pass the parameter as well as the name of the function in the Web Service I'm calling. Maybe I'm all wrong here with this code too?
Thanks for any help.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pTAPServiceWeb]
@sUrl varchar(200),
@response varchar(8000) out
DECLARE @obj int
DECLARE @hr int
DECLARE @status int
DECLARE @msg varchar(255)
EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp', @obj OUT
IF @hr < 0
RAISERROR('sp_OACreate MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp failed', 16, 1)
EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @obj, 'Open', NULL, 'GET', @sUrl, false
IF @hr < 0
SET @msg = 'sp_OAMethod Open failed'
GOTO err
EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @obj, 'send'
IF @hr < 0
SET @msg = 'sp_OAMethod Send failed'
GOTO err
EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'status', @status OUT
IF @hr < 0
SET @msg = 'sp_OAMethod read status failed'
GOTO err
-- IF @status <> 200
-- SET @msg = 'sp_OAMethod http status ' + str(@status)
-- GOTO err
-- END
EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'responseText', @response OUT
IF @hr < 0
SET @msg = 'sp_OAMethod read response failed'
GOTO err
EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @obj
EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @obj
RAISERROR(@msg, 16, 1)
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Oct 15, 2007
how can you call a sql function in data flow? I have a function that calculate age base on the data in two columns . I would like to call this function in data flow to calculate the age..
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May 22, 2007
i am trying to call a function from the SQL server using Ole DB command Transformation using [dbo].[ConvertToDate] ?,?,?,?
there are no errors while executing this transformation
but this function returns a value
Now i need to capture this value how do i do that using the OLE DB command Transformation or any other transformation
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Jul 3, 2006
i m trying to call a function in insert statment
Insert Into (value, value1)
Value(@value, dbo.function(@value1)
dbo.function returns a value,
when i test the function in querry builder all goes fine.
In my program i become a error
"Parameterized Query '' ' expects parameter @value1 , which was not supplied."
I m using visual studio , tableadapter.update function to insert datarecords in db
thx for help
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Jul 19, 2007
Hello Guys,
I have a question that seems easy but I can not figure out...
Have Custom code that fixes Divide by Zero Errors in SSRS. I have added the code to the Custom Code area in Report Properties correctly.
I have a Dataset that has a calculation for a column within a select statement
Query Pseudocode:
select ...[FRC%]=convert(decimal(13,2),sum(cost))/convert(decimal(13,2),sum(income))...
(subquery"blah" )
Custom Code:
Public Function SafeDiv(ByVal numerator as Double, ByVal denominator as Double) as Double
if denominator = 0 then
return 0
return numerator/denominator
end if
End Function
How To use:
If you have a field that does division and you need to eliminate the divide by zero error that occurs with SSRS then type =code.SafeDiv(first,second) in the field.
How do I add this code reference in the following dataset select statement
select ...[FRC%]=convert(decimal(13,2),sum(cost))/convert(decimal(13,2),sum(income))...
(subquery"blah" )
(Subquery"blah") table1
I tried to do this:
from this:
[FRC%]=convert(decimal(13,2),sum(cost))/convert(decimal(13,2),sum(income)) ...
to this
[FRC%]=code.Safediv(convert(decimal(13,2),sum(cost)),convert(decimal(13,2),sum(income))) ...
But it did not work...gave me this error:
TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer
An error occurred while executing the query.
Cannot find either column "code" or the user-defined function or aggregate "code.safediv", or the name is ambiguous.
Cannot find either column "code" or the user-defined function or aggregate "code.safediv", or the name is ambiguous. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 4121)
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.1399&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=4121&LinkId=20476
this is a Matrix report and this select statement is within one of the datasets that fill a matrix.
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Dec 21, 2007
I have a function that I need to call from an execute sql task. I want to bind the return value from the function to an ssis variable.
Can someone please show me an example of what the function syntax needs to look like in order for this to work? I know that with sp's, you need to explicitly state the column names.
I have tried many things without success.
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Apr 24, 2007
Good day!
What is the syntax on calling a function from a column formula in an MS SQL table.
I created a table, one column's value will be coming from a function. And at the same time, I will pass parameters to the function. How do I do this? Is this correct?
SELECT dbo.FunctionName([Parameter1, Parameter2])
But i can't save the table, "Error validating the formula".
Pls. help
Thanks a lot.
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