When I Add A New Record I Get An Error.

Jul 31, 2007


in a page i use DataListView to insert records (Lan=VB)

in my SQL database i creat some colums and once is DateStamp to save the Date of the record is created and not alowed NULL but in Default mode (getdate())

when i creat a record and don't insert annything for it page getting an error and tel me the DateStamp is not alow NULL.

please tell me what to do to insert the record whithout getting error?

Thanks Zed


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You Can't Go To The Specified Record Error

Mar 7, 2008

I have a form that pulls information from several tables and produces a record that includes information from these tables based on what you choose. The first field to enter information is a combo box that pulls from a patient information record. If I put in totally new information, I have no problem adding a record, but if I try to choose infomation from this table and use it again for a new record, it gives me the error shown in my subject line. (This combo box also populates information to other text boxes on the form). I have the row source pulling this information from the table and the Control source to do the same. I have another combo box set the same and it does not cause this error. What areas should I look at that might be causing the problem. I have the tables set to allow duplicates. If I need to include coding in for this question, please let me know. Since I am totally new to working with access, I'm not sure if you would need this, or can just point me to other areas I might check that can influence this problem. I appreciate any help you can provide.

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ASP: Error When Trying To Insert Record

Jul 6, 2007

I receive the following error when trying to INSERT INTO; am using Access db.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

The code is as follows:

Dim dbConn
set dbConn = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
dbConn.Execute("INSERT INTO tbl_country (region, countryName, population, country_currency, description, imageURL, imageALT) VALUES ('" & Request.Form("region") & "', '" & Request.Form("countryName") & "', '" & Request.Form("population") & "', '" & Request.Form("country_currency") & "', '" & Request.Form("description") & "', '" & Request.Form("imageURL") & "', '" & Request.Form("imageALT") & "'),")

I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me.

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Error Message This Record Has Been Allocated Elsewhere

Dec 6, 2007

 Hi i get an error whenever i try to insert some data into my database, the error basically says that the record has been inserted elsewhere, this might be from the way my code has been formed, can you see any mistakes in my code below;  1 --This stored procedure allocates serial numbers to a rep.
2 --Allocating by taking the Rep_ID as the search criteria input values as input parameters
3 --and start and end range of serial numbers.
5 CREATE PROCEDURE wc_Stock_Allocate_Update @Start_RangeID int, @End_RangeID int, @Rep_ID int, @IsAllocate bit, @ROWCOUNT int out , @TotalRequestedCards int out ,@Product_ID int , @OutputMsg varchar(200) out
7 AS
10 DECLARE @Start_Range_ID int
11 DECLARE @End_Range_ID int
13 SELECT @Start_Range_ID = Serial_ID FROM tblSerial WHERE Serial_No=@Start_RangeID AND Product_ID=@Product_ID
14 if IsNull(@Start_Range_ID,0)<1
15 begin
16 set @OutputMsg = 'Invalid Start Serial No'
17 return
18 end
19 SELECT @End_Range_ID = Serial_ID FROM tblSerial WHERE Serial_No=@End_RangeID AND Product_ID=@Product_ID
20 if IsNull(@Start_Range_ID,0)<1
21 begin
22 set @OutputMsg = 'Invalid End Serial No'
23 return
24 end
26 DECLARE @strSQL varchar(5000)
27 DECLARE @ThereIsCriteria bit
28 --DECLARE @TotalRequestedCards int
30 SET @ThereIsCriteria =0
31 --SET @TotalRequestedCards = (@End_RangeID - @Start_RangeID)+1
32 DECLARE @RangeDifference INT
33 DECLARE @TotalAlreadyAllocated int
34 SELECT @RangeDifference = COUNT(*) FROM tblSerial WHERE Serial_ID >=@Start_Range_ID AND Serial_ID <= @End_Range_ID
35 SELECT @TotalAlreadyAllocated = COUNT(*) FROM tblSerial WHERE Serial_No >=@Start_RangeID AND Serial_No <= @End_RangeID AND (isnull(Rep_ID,0)>0)
36 --SET @TotalRequestedCards = @RangeDifference - @TotalAlreadyAllocated
37 --if @IsAllocate=0
38 SET @TotalRequestedCards =@RangeDifference
39 IF @IsAllocate = 1
41 SET @strSQL = 'UPDATE tblSerial SET Rep_ID=' + LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(10),@Rep_ID))) +
42 ', Allocation_Date=GetDate() WHERE Serial_No BETWEEN ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(10), @Start_RangeID ))) + ' AND ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(10), @End_RangeID ))) + ' AND (tblSerial.Rep_ID=0 OR tblSerial.Rep_ID IS NULL) AND Product_ID=' + ltrim(rtrim(convert(varchar,@Product_ID)))
44 END
47 SET @strSQL = 'UPDATE tblSerial SET Rep_ID=0
48 , Allocation_Date= ' + CHAR(39) + '1/1/1999' + CHAR(39) + ' WHERE Serial_No BETWEEN ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(10), @Start_RangeID ))) + ' AND ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(10), @End_RangeID ))) + ' AND (tblSerial.Rep_ID='+ ltrim(RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(10),@Rep_ID))) + ') AND Product_ID=' + ltrim(rtrim(convert(varchar,@Product_ID)))
51 END
54 exec (@strSQL)
57 --Make sure this has saved, if not return 10 as this is unexpected error
61 RETURN @@error
62 END
67 print @Start_RangeID
68 DECLARE @Tstamp timestamp
69 DECLARE @Stock_ID int
71 IF @IsAllocate = 1
74 declare @Stock_IDpass int
75 declare @StockSTatus_IDpass int
76 declare @ToRep_IDpass int
77 declare @Start_Range_IDpass int
78 declare @End_Range_IDpass int
79 declare @Product_IDpass int
81 set @Stock_IDpass =0
82 set @StockStatus_IDpass =2
84 set @ToRep_IDpass = @Rep_ID
85 set @Start_Range_IDpass = @Start_RangeID
86 set @End_Range_IDpass = @End_RangeID
87 set @Product_IDpass = @Product_ID
90 exec wc_Stock_Update 0,2,@Rep_ID, @Start_RangeID, @End_RangeID, @Product_ID,0
92 END
95 DECLARE @Start_Serial_No int ,@End_Serial_No int
96 SELECT @Start_Serial_No =Serial_No FROM tblSerial WHERE Serial_ID=@Start_RangeID
97 SELECT @End_Serial_No =Serial_No FROM tblSerial WHERE Serial_ID=@End_RangeID
99 exec wc_Stock_Update 0,2,0, @Start_RangeID, @End_RangeID, @Product_ID,1
101 END
103 END
105 GO


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History Record Error On DB Restore

Oct 5, 1998

Whenever I perform a backup or restore I receive the following message:
"A history record could not be written to msdb.sysbackuphistory..."

What can I do to resolve this error?

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Sql Timeout Error When Add Or Edit A Record

Nov 15, 2004

i have sql running on a server and i have about 6 pc accessing the db using a vb project. all of a sudden when ever the user tried to update or addnew data to the db the software would hang and i would get a microsoft sql timeout error. once i stoped and restarted the service everything seems to be fine. does the service need to refreshed on a regular basis? or could someting could of set the db in some sort of lock state?

if you have any ideas pleas let me know.


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Error - Record Has Been Changed By Another User

Mar 3, 2005

I apologize in advance if this has been posted but if you get the attached error "The record has been changed by another user...", we've discovered that this error can occur if you have a SQL Server Data Type of "Float" and also a "Text" Data Type in the same table. We discovered that it only happens on some records though and I am not sure why this is so. The solution is apparently to add a TimeStamp Data Type to the SQL Server table which does seem to fix the problem. If anyone has any insight on any other solutions (we cannot change the Data Types) or the reasoning behind this error, I would greatly appreciate the feedback.

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Odbc Error - Record Has Been Changed By Another User

Oct 9, 2001

The following error is recieved when updating a record using access 97 and odbc driver to an oracle database.

This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made.

Any help is greatly appriciated.
Thanks in Advance

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Run Time Error 3197 - Record Locked

Oct 4, 2000

Hi Fellow Listers:

Working with SQL 7 and Visual Basic 5.0:
We have experienced a lock situation and we do not know how it happened nor how to solve it:

When trying to update a record we get the following message.

Run time Error 3197:
The Microsoft Jet Database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.

And for sure, ONLY one user is connected at the time.
Apparently, the record is marked and can be read but CAN NOT be updated.
Fortunately the record CAN be deleted !!!

The only way we found was using the VISDATA.exe that comes with Vbasic, to delete the record and add a new record with the same information.

Since this condition makes any updating program to be aborted, it's a big problem.
How this happened?
Is there any way to prevent this?
Is there a way to detect this in advance?
Is there a way to correct this situation automatically, such as rebuild or check the Data Base?

Your advise will be greatly appretiated

Gerardo Alvarez
Bienvenido a nuestro Site en http://www.asaven.com

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Error When Attempting To Insert Record Using Stored Procedure

Jun 21, 2006

I am trying to save user data to a sql table but keep getting the following error;
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Boolean' to type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter'.
I am using VWD Express Edition with .NET 2.0 and a SQL 2000 database. The code that generates the error is as follows;
Public Function chkUser(ByVal strUser As String) As Stringdim MyConnection As SqlConnectionDim MyCommand As SqlCommandDim ReturnString As StringDim params As SqlParameterDim SelectCmd As String = "wm_CheckUser"MyConnection = New SqlConnection(myConnectionString)MyCommand = New SqlCommand(SelectCmd, MyConnection)MyCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Tryparams = MyCommand.Parameters.Add("@parUser", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = strUserMyCommand.Connection.Open()MyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()ReturnString = "Record Exists!"Catch Exp As SqlExceptionReturnString = ReturnError(Exp.Number, "Users", Exp.Message)End TryMyCommand.Connection.Close()Return ReturnString
End Function
Basically, I'm traying to check to see if a user id already exists in the database before saving the data the user entered. If the email address entered by the user is already in the database I want a message to be shown to the user. If the email address does not exist then the data entered by the user is saved and the form goes to step two (2) of the user registration process.
Any help with this would be greately appreciated. I can't seem to see what is wrong here. Please someone help.

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Geting Timeout Error In Application When Inserting Record

Mar 9, 2006

i currently have more tha 3 million of records in my table in sql 7. i am getting timeout error in my web application when i try to insert a record in that table

what could be rhe reason for this? how to avoid this type of problem?

Thanks in advance

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BCP -- Insert Record Error (SQL2005-Window 2003)

Aug 21, 2006

Hi All,

When we to inset record into the tables through BCP we are getting following errors.

C:> bcp ACCT.dbo.dtpro out C: estdtpro_TA.dat -T-n
C:>bcp ACCT.dbo.Semiaa out C: estSemiaa_TA.dat -T -n

BCP out works fine only BCP in have problems.

Please can you let me know how to resolved this problem.

Exp - 1

C:> bcp ACCT.dbo.dtpro in C: estdtpro_TA.dat -T-n

Starting copy...
SQLState = HY000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file

0 rows copied.
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
Clock Time (ms.) Total : 1

Exp - 2

C:>bcp ACCT.dbo.Semiaa in C: estSemiaa_TA.dat -T -n

Starting copy...
SQLState = HY000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file

0 rows copied.
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
Clock Time (ms.) Total : 1


C:>bcp ACCT.dbo.SemiH in C: estSemiH_TA.dat -T -n

Starting copy...SQLState = HY000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file
SQLState = 42000, NativeError = 7339
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]OLE DB provider 'STREAM' for l
inked server '(null)' returned invalid data for column '[!BulkInsert].Created'.

BCP copy in failed

Thanks in Advance

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Receiving System Error When Retrieving Database Record With Null Value

Sep 26, 2007

I have some VB.NET code to retrieve data from an SQL Server database and display it.  The code is as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sw_calendar = calendarAdapter.GetEventByID(cid)
If sw_calendar.Rows.Count > 0 Then

lblStartDateText.Text = sw_calendar(0).eventStartDate
lblEndDateText.Text = sw_calendar(0).eventEndDate
lblTitleText.Text = sw_calendar(0).title
lblLocationText.Text = sw_calendar(0).location
lblDescriptionText.Text = sw_calendar(0).description

lblStartDateText.Text = "*** Not Found ***"
lblEndDateText.Text = "*** Not Found ***"
lblTitleText.Text = "*** Not Found ***"
lblLocationText.Text = "*** Not Found ***"
lblDescriptionText.Text = "*** Not Found ***"
End If
If all of the fields in the database has values, everything works ok.  However, if the title, location or description fields have a null value, I receive the following error message:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'.
I've tried a bunch of different things such as:

Adding ".ToString" to the database field,
Seeing if the value is null:  If  sw_calendar(0).description = system.DBnull.value...
...but either I get syntax errors in the code, or if the syntax is ok, I still get the above error message.
Can anyone help me with the code required to trap the null within the code example I've provided?  I'm sure there are other, and better, ways to code this, but for now I'd really like to get it working as is, and then optimize the code once the application is working (...can you tell I have a tight deadline )

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Error Retrieving A Record Based On 3 Parameters. Need Help With Forming My SQL Statement

May 18, 2008

I am having trouble returning the correct record with my stored procedure.
my problem is that i don't know how to structure the sql statement to do the following:
given a set of records that have the same loankey, i need to
1. find the record that has most recent date (lockExprDt)
2. for all records with that date, find the highest Lock Number (LockNo)
3. for the all the records with that date and that LockNo, find the highest extension number (Ext) 
currently my sql statement returns a record that has the most recent date. i don't now how to write the sql to further define my query to return the record that has the most recent date with highest lock number, and finally the highest extension number.
any suggestions as to what i am doing wrong. below is my slq statement. please note that i need to add the sql that will query for the max LockNo, and max Ext. Any help is greatly appreciated. thx!
select a.loankey, a.lockrate, a.investor, a.price, a.ext, a.cost, a.lockno, a.lockstatus , CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.lockdate,10)='12:00:00 AM'  THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.lockdate,10)   END as 'LockDate' , CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)='12:00:00 AM'  THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10) END as 'LockExprDt'  , Case WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)>= CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10) THEN datediff(day, CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10), CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)) ELSE NULL END as 'Days' 
from cfcdb..locktable ainner join (select loankey, max(lockExprDt) as lockExprDtfrom cfcdb..locktablegroup by loankey) bON a.loankey = b.loankey AND a.lockExprDt = b.lockExprDt
where a.loankey = @LoanKey

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SQL Server 2012 :: Inserting Record In Table - Trigger Error

Aug 6, 2014

I am inserting a record in XYZ table(DB1). Through trigger it will update ABC table(DB2).

I am getting error when doing above thing. What are the roles to be set to user to avoid above problem.

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Transact SQL :: Error 1934 When Trying To Delete A Record From File-table?

Sep 28, 2015

I just wanted to delete a record from a filetable by "delete from dbo.DocumentStore where stream_id = 'A322276D-AE65-E511-8266-005056C00008'".

Then i received error 1934:

Meldung 1934, Ebene 16, Status 1, Zeile 578
Fehler bei DELETE, da die folgenden SET-Optionen falsche Einstellungen aufweisen: 'ANSI_PADDING'. Überprüfen Sie, ob die SET-Optionen für die Verwendung mit indizierte Sichten und/oder Indizes für berechnete Spalten und/oder gefilterte Indizes und/oder Abfragebenachrichtigungen
und/oder XML-Datentypmethoden und/oder Vorgänge für räumliche Indizes richtig sind.

Something that i made a mistake with the SET-option for 'ANSI_PADDING' with indexted views and/or calculated rows and/or filtered indeces ...

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Unspecified Error When Inserting/updating Record Using SqlCeResultSet On Sql Compact

Nov 14, 2007


Inside a single transaction I'm inserting/updating multiple records into multiple tables, in this order:
table 1 record 1
table 2 record 1
table 3 record 1
table 1 record 2
table 2 record 1
table 1 record 3
table 2 record 3
table 3 record 3

Now I'm getting an unspecified error on a certain table:

Unspecified error [ 3,-1300704038,-1834095882,activitypointerBase,x lock (x blocks),PAG (idx): 1078 ]

From msdn I see that:

PAG (idx) means a lock on an index page.

x lock means an exclusive lock:

Indicates a data modification, such as an insert, an update, or a deletion. Ensures that multiple updates cannot be made to the same resource at the same time. (I assume that multiple updates within the SAME transaction can be made, only multiple updates from different transaction cannot be made, right?)
I cannot find any reference to this error message and don't know what the numbers mean. Maybe it relates to data that can be found in the sys.lock_information table like explained here, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms172932.aspx, but I'm not sure.

Furthermore, the sys.lock_information table is empty. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem myself. I only received an error log and the database to investigate it.

So, does anybody have an idea what this error message means and what I can do to troubleshoot this?


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Help With Inserting A New Record Into Database - Error Must Declare The Scalar Variable @BookMarkArrayA.

Mar 24, 2006

Can anybody help me with this, I've got a simple program to add a new record to a table (2 items ID - Integer and Program - String) that matches all examples I can find, but when I run it I get the error :
Must declare the scalar variable "@BookMarkArrayA".
when it reaches the .insert command, I've tried using a local variable temp in place of the array element and .ToString , but still get the same error  
This is the code :
Public Sub NewCustomer()
Dim temp As String = " "
Dim ID As Integer = 1
'Restore the array from the view state
BookMarkArrayA = Me.ViewState("BookMarkArrayA")

temp = BookMarkArrayA(6)
Dim Customer As SqlDataSource = New SqlDataSource()

Customer.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("CustomerConnectionString").ToString()
Customer.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO [Table1] ([ID],[Program]) VALUES (@ID, @BookMarkArrayA(6))"
Customer.InsertParameters.Add ("ID", ID)
Customer.InsertParameters.Add ("Program", @BookMarkArrayA(6))

End Sub

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TOUGH INSERT: Copy Sale Record/Line Items For Duplicate Record

Jul 20, 2005

I have a client who needs to copy an existing sale. The problem isthe Sale is made up of three tables: Sale, SaleEquipment, SaleParts.Each sale can have multiple pieces of equipment with correspondingparts, or parts without equipment. My problem in copying is when I goto copy the parts, how do I get the NEW sale equipment ids updatedcorrectly on their corresponding parts?I can provide more information if necessary.Thank you!!Maria

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Error (8626) While Inserting Record Into Table With Text Field And Which Is The Base For Indexed View

Mar 14, 2006

I have a problem with inserting records into table when an indexed viewis based on it.Table has text field (without it there is no problem, but I need it).Here is a sample code:USE testGOCREATE TABLE dbo.aTable ([id] INT NOT NULL, [text] TEXT NOT NULL)GOCREATE VIEW dbo.aViewWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT [id], CAST([text] AS VARCHAR(8000)) [text]FROM dbo.aTableGOCREATE TRIGGER dbo.aTrigger ON dbo.aView INSTEAD OF INSERTASBEGININSERT INTO aTableSELECT [id], [text]FROM insertedENDGODo the insert into aTable (also through aView).INSERT INTO dbo.aTable VALUES (1, 'a')INSERT INTO dbo.aView VALUES (2, 'b')Still do not have any problem. But when I need index on viewCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [id] ON dbo.aView ([id])GOI get following error while inserting record into aTable:-- Server: Msg 8626, Level 16, State 1, Procedure aTrigger, Line 4-- Only text pointers are allowed in work tables, never text, ntext, orimage columns. The query processor produced a query plan that requireda text, ntext, or image column in a work table.Does anyone know what causes the error?

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How To Create An Copy Of A Certain Record Except One Specific Column That Must Be Different &&amp; Insert The New Record In The Table

Sep 1, 2006

I have a table with a user column and other columns. User column id the primary key.

I want to create a copy of the record where the user="user1" and insert that copy in the same table in a new created record. But I want the new record to have a value of "user2" in the user column instead of "user1" since it's a primary key


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Ways To Make This Work: Several Selectable Related Record For One Main Record.

Apr 6, 2007

Hey all!

Sorry for the less then descriptive post title but I didn't find a better way to describe it. I'm developing an app in the express editions of VB and SQLserver. The application is a task/resource scheduler. The main form will have a datepicker or weekly overview and show all tasks scheduled per day. The problem is, I've got one or more people assigned to tasks and I wonder what's the best way to design this. Personally, I'd go for one Task table, a People table and a table that provides a link between them (several record per task, one for each person assigned linking TaskID and PplID). However, I don't see a nice way of showing this data to the end user, allowing him to edit/add etc on ONE screen.

To fix that the only way I see is just add columns to the Task table for every person with select boxes. This way everything can be done on one simple screen. This obviously does present some future issues.

On top of this, which people are available on a day varies and there should be an option to allow a user to set who is available on a specific day. Which would lead me to my first idea and add another table that would provide this. but then I'm having design issues again for the form.

I'm kinda stuck atm, can anyone shed some light on this. I'm sure there is an elegant way of doing this but I'm failing at finding it.

Thanks in advance,


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Query Timeouts When Updating A Record Retrieved Through A Websphere JDBC Datasource - Possible Record Locking Problem

Apr 7, 2008


We're running a Sage CRM install with a SQL Server 2000 database at the back end. We're using the Sage web services API for updating data and a JDBC connection to retrieve data as it's so much quicker.

If I retrieve a record using the JDBC connection and then try and update the same record through the web services, the query times out as if the record is locked for updates. Has anyone experienced anything similar or know what I'm doing wrong? If I just use DriverManager.getConnection() to establish the connection instead of the datasource, and then continue with the same code I don't get these record locking problems. Please find more details below.


The JDBC provider for the datasource is a WebSphere embedded ConnectJDBC for SQL Server DataSource, using an implementation type of 'connection pool datasource'. We are using a container managed J2C authentication alias for logging on.

This is running on a Websphere Application Server v6.1.

Code snippet - getting the record thru JDBC:

DataSource wsDataSource = serviceLocator.getDataSource("jdbc/dsSQLServer");
Connection wsCon = wsDataSource.getConnection();

// wsCon.setAutoCommit(false); //have tried with and without this flag - same results

Statements stmt = wsCon.createStatement();

String sql = "SELECT * FROM Person where personID = 12345";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);


if (rs != null){
if (stmt != null) {

if (wsCon != null) {


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SSIS: Multi-Record File Extract With 9 Record Types

Feb 26, 2008

I am attempting to create a multi-record file (as described in my last thread) and have found the following set of instructions very helpful:

I have been able to create a sample file with two of my record types.

I now need to build on this further, because I have 9 record types in total that need to be extracted to a single flat file.

does anyone have any ideas how I might extend the example above to include more record types or know of another means of achieving this?

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide.

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Add Date To Record In SQL Server Each Time Record Is Added

Mar 1, 2006

Can anyone advise me as to how I can add the date and time to 2 columns in the sql server database for each record that is added. I'd prefer not to use the webform. Can sql server add the date automatically to the row?

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Restrict Inserting Record If Record Already Exist In Table

Apr 17, 2014

Is that possible to restrict inserting the record if record already exist in the table.

Scenario: query should be

We are inserting a bulk information of data, it should not insert the row if it already exist in the table. excluding that it should insert the other rows.

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Delete Record Based On Existence Of Another Record In Same Table?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have a table in SQL Server 2000 that contains several million memberids. Some of these member ids are duplicated in the table, and eachrecord is tagged with a 1 or a 2 in [recsrc] to indicate where theycame from.I want to remove all member ids records from the table that have arecsrc of 1 where the same member id also exists in the table with arecsrc of 2.So, if the member id has a recsrc of 1, and no other record exists inthe table with the same member id and a recsrc of 2, I want it leftuntouched.So, in a theortetical dataset of member id and recsrc:0001, 10002, 20001, 20003, 10004, 2I am looking to only delete the first record, because it has a recsrcof 1 and there is another record in the table with the same member idand a recsrc of 2.I'd very much appreciate it if someone could help me achieve this!Much warmth,Murray

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Switch Record Background Color With Each Record In Report

Jan 14, 2008

Hi Everyone-

i have a matrix report
and i want to switch the record background color with each record in the value column in that matrix report
e.g 1st record background color is gray and next record background color is white
and then the next record background color is gray ... and so on

can anyone help?


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Joining Record With The Most Recent Record On Second Table

Apr 23, 2008

Could anybody help me with the following scenario:

Table 1 Table2

ID,Date1 ID, Date2

I would like to link the two tables and receive all records from table2 joined on ID and the record from table1 that has the most recent date.


Table1 data Table2 Data

ID Date1 ID Date2
31 1/1/2008 31 1/5/2008
34 1/4/3008 31 4/1/2008
31 3/2/2008

The first record in table2 would only link to the first record in table1
The second record in table2 would only link to the third record in table1

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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How To Return First Record Child Record And Count

Jan 31, 2006

I've been looking for examples online to write a SPROC to get some data. Here are the tables.

AlbumCategoryID (PK, int, not null)
Caption (nvarchar(max), not null)
IsPublic (bit, not null)

AlbumID (PK, int, not null)
AlbumCategoryID (int, null)
Caption (nvarchar(max), not null)
IsPublic (bit, not null)

I need to return:
-[Albums].[Single AlubmID for each AlbumCategoryID]
-[Count of Albums in each AlbumCategory]

I hope I was fairly clear in what I'm trying to do. Any tips or help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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SQL Challenge - How To Return A Record Set Starting At A Particular Record?

Feb 25, 2007

I have a directory of user information. What I would like to do isallow someone to search for person X and then return not only theinformation for person X, but also the information for the next 15people following person X sorted alphabetically by lastname.So if someone searched for the lastname = "Samson", it would return:Samson, JohnSaxton, GregScott, HeatherSears, Rebecca.... (15 names following "Samson) ...How do you in SQL return a record set of X records starting atparticular record (e.g. lastname = "Smith)?Thanks in advance.

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Column Locked In Record Even Though No One Accessing Record

Mar 18, 2008

Hello. I have a database with a record that has two columns locked. descrip1 and descrip2. they are both nvarchar(max) columns. These are the only two columns of the record that remain locked. I am certain no user is accessing the record. I have even moved a backup of the database to my testing computer and the lock still exists. How do I remove the lock from these two columns on that particular record.

I can edit these two columns on other records. I have researched "Unlock" on MSDN but it doesn't seem to apply to t-sql. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks. Gary.

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Update A Record Based Of A Record In The Same Table

Aug 16, 2006

I am trying to update a record in a table based off of criteria of another record in the table.

So suppose I have 2 records

ID owner type

1 5678 past due

2 5678 late

So, I want to update the type field to "collections" only if the previous record for the same record is "past due". Any ideas?

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