Where Can I Find All The Triggers In My Database

Mar 21, 2001

Hello, I have created a couple of triggers in many different tables. is there a way to run a comman in sql window to see a list of all the triggers that I created, or telling me which tables that triggers are located.



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How To Find Disabled Triggers?

Sep 27, 2007


Im trying to find out what triggers in a database are disabled.

In SQL2000 I could use

Code Block

select name from sysobjects where status & 2048 > 0 and type = 'TR'
because the status field delivers information.

In SQL2005 status is always 0 so no indication if the trigger is enabled or disabled.

Do you have any idea to find out what triggers in a database are disabled?


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Can You Qry Sys Tbls To Find Triggers, Constrants Etc?

Jul 23, 2005

I have just been handed a HUGE dB with 100's of SP, TBLs UDF etc etc.I need to add 1000's of records from a flat file accross dozens ofrelated tbls ASAP! (You know the drill)The dB was built with a lot of Business Logic, Constraints etc.I am a Web APP developer and know a lot of TSQL and can also buildbasic triggers and some pretty complex SP and have built solid dB fromscratch but I usually handle business logic and data intergrity beforeit even gets to the dB (or at least I like to think I do).With that said there is no documentation (of course)and I need toreverse engineer this beast ASAP.I was hoping there is a way to qry the SYS tbls or some tricks to getall this info I am looking for.I use the ALT+F1 short cut on tables all the time and am looking for asolution along those lines.Any help would be great and whom ever gives me the key(s) to unlockingthis mess I will give them a free access to a New RSS Fantasy Footballsite launching this summer! If you're not into FF then you can give itto a friend or something.

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Is There A Way To Find The Last Procedure Execution Time If Procedure Updates The Existing Table And There Is No Flags/triggers?

Aug 21, 2007

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Help Sql Server Database Triggers

Feb 15, 2008

help sql server database triggers sample code ???

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How To See The Status Of All Triggers In A Database

Aug 23, 2001

I used the sp_msforeachtable stored proc to disable all triggers in a database. Once the command is complete, I want to see the statuses of all
these triggers . I am used to an Oracle database so I miss the data dictionary views that easily show this info. Also, I need to view the statuses of all FKs once they are all disabled as well.

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Triggers In Different Database Servers

Feb 16, 2004

Dear All,

I am trying to create a trigger on table A existing in Database A on Server A which on insert,update,delete would reflect these changes on table B in DatabaseB on Server B. I wrote the following syntax but it doesnt work

CREATE trigger trg_upd_tableA
On dbo.tableA
--update the fields
declare @cust_no varchar
SELECT @cust_no = cust_no FROM inserted

update ServerB.DatabaseB.dbo.tableB
entity_type_cd = 'MFG',
cust_no = 6699,
name_en = 'NOVARTIS',
status ='A',
where cust_no= @cust_no

I get the error below

Another user has modified the contents of this table or view ; the database row you are modifying no longer exists in the database

Database Error: '[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] MSDTC on server 'DatabaseB' is unavailable'

I would like anyone to reply to me as soon as possible please because i need the solution urgently

Thanks alot in advance,

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Database Triggers Folder Empty

Dec 19, 2007

I have an interesting problem. I am unable to see any database triggers in the Database Triggers folder under programmability in SQL 2005. I have been able to create and alter triggers in the database that function exactly as their supposed to, yet they never show up as visible in the Triggers folder. I would love for one of the luminaries on this forum to share some wisdom with me and let me know what setting is the culprit. It is driving me batty.

Thank you all in advance.

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Creating Triggers Among Multiple Database Servers

Nov 14, 2000


I am trying to create a trigger to update a table on a different database server. (Both databases are SQL server 7.0) Does anyone know the syntax of how to implement this?

Any help is appreciated!!

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Alter All Objects In A Database / Views / Triggers

Apr 20, 2015

I am trying to replace object name in views , triggers, stored procs, UDF,TVF etc.I have created a automated script to replace 'dbo.Cust' with 'dbo.Customer' in all objects and generate script as ALTER Statements. some objects are still scripted out as Create. Reason is it has some extra space in between

[NAME] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
[DEFINITION] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[DEFINITION_bk] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[type] [char](2) NOT NULL


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Backup Of Database - Don't Lose Info - Triggers?

Feb 13, 2007

I have a database that has a table with tons of data in it and it is getting close to the 999 days before it starts deleting the oldest records. Is there a way to allow the table to keep all of the information? I don't think there is, so here is my next question. Is there a way that I can move the entire table into another database to save all the information and start over with the 999 days? My main goal here is to not lose ANY information from any table from the database.

Also, I was thinking that when an entry is added into the main table, if it can also be added into the other table where I move the old data? I think a trigger can be used here, but I'm not sure how to do one in 2005. Thank you very much in advance for your help!!!

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Fire Triggers Option On A SQL 2000 Database

Dec 4, 2007


I'm aware that when bulk loading to a SQL 2005 database through an OLE DB Destination, you can enable the FIRE TRIGGERS option. Is this option available when your database target is SQL 2000? I can't find it in the Properties or other windows.

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Multiple Triggers On A Table Or Encapsulated Triggers

May 12, 2008

This isn€™t an problem as such, it€™s more of a debate.

If a table needs a number of update triggers which do differing tasks, should these triggers be separated out or encapsulated into one all encompassing trigger. Speaking in terms of performance, it doesn€™t make much of an improvement doing either depending upon the tasks performed. I was wondering in terms of maintenance and best practice etc. My view is that if the triggers do totally differing tasks they should be a trigger each on their own.


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Database Level Triggers In SQL 2000? File Writing?

Oct 17, 2007

Is there any ability to do database-level triggers in SQL 2000?  I have a SQL 2000 database, and I was asked if we could create a trigger that whenever anyone touches the data in a database, to create an entry in an event log?  If not, I have a main table I can put a trigger on; however, my question is how do you write to a file in a trigger as well?

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Performance Problems Updating A Remote Database Using Triggers

Apr 20, 2005

I have a table that has triggers on insert update and delete. The triggers perform modifications on another table on a remote databased(linked server).
All triggers make a join between the tables inserted, deleted and the remote table.
When running a profile on the remote database it seems that the following query is done on the remote table by the triggers.

"Select * from Database.dbo.Table"

The triggers are the only entities accessing the remote table from the original server so the query must come from them. My only conclusion is that MSSQL server is doing this query for some kind of "optimization".

Has anyone seen this before?
How can I work arond this? The remote table is BIG and this query happening every few seconds in a problem for me.



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How To Use Triggers To Enforce Cross-database Referential Integrity?

Aug 1, 2001

Can someone give me an example on how to enforce cross-database referential integrity with triggers in SQL Server 2000?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Database Triggers To Prevent Large DDL Transactions?

Mar 2, 2014

A server I'm working on has a very unique situation, where user tables and production tables reside on the same database. Users update / create tables or populates these tables, so it can't be a table-specific trigger. However, they give a new meaning to "kamikaze pilots" as it's not uncommon for them to "accidentally" update / insert / delete 500,000,000 + records in a single statement. I've tried educating them to use batching, but to no avail, so now I'm forced to stop these statements BEFORE they execute, based on rowcount, as they fill up the database log so quickly that it goes into recovery mode (It has a 200GB log file - insane, I know).

I recon the mosts transactions allowed should be 1,000,000 records in a single statement. Looking for database trigger to stop them from executing statements with large records?

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Database Triggers - SQL Server - Fields Only Allowed If Listed In Another Field In Another Table

Nov 2, 2006

I would like to ensure data integrity in a column (actually multiple columns will need a trigger) in my table(s) by setting up a trigger which allows an update of my database field only if the value which is being written to the field in the database exists in another column (in another "check" table).eg. I only want values "Yes", "No" or "" in many of my fields, which I store in a column named "YesNoBlank" in another table.Does anyone know the easy way to do this? / Syntax for the trigger?

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How Do I Find Out What Database I'm Using?

May 15, 2006

Hello all!

Quick question: How do I find out what database I'm currently using? I can't seem to find an appropriate system stored proc in BOL. For example:

use XYZ

[SQL statement(s) in question]



Thanks in advance for your help!

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Could Not Find Database ID...

Sep 24, 2007

I took some database from mproduction, updated and then restored to acceptance. I was trying to make my update as quick as possible so I dropped my originals and renamed my new ones...

now I am getting this...

"Could not find database ID"

I have looked at a few things like ....


but it ain't working and I have not been able to find the crossdatabase referencing object causing all of this pain using profiler and the QA.

it's probably not a good idea to update the key on sysdatabases in master. anyone got any bright ideas.

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Could Not Find Database ID

Sep 21, 2007

I dropped a DB and restored it from last nights backup.
Now getting a job failure that has this msg. Any ideas?

Msg 913, Sev 16: Could not find database ID 7. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition. [SQLSTATE 42000]

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Find Database

Dec 12, 2006

i want a large database for datamining. but i don't find. can you help me?.

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How To Find Database In VC#?

Nov 27, 2006

Hi There!

I am very new to VC# and SQL Express. I made a databse and a table in SQL Express, but I can not find it when I open up VC# Express and search through the Database Explorer. Can anyone provide me with information on how to get them working together? I have searched online for a while, but so far no good answers. Thank you!

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I Don't Find Any Sql Server Database

Jan 24, 2007

I installed already vs 2005. The installation installed automaticaly SQL Server 2005 express. Now , I want to see which databases I have there and tables,views,store procedure etc. I tried the server explorer in the vs but I don't see any database on my pc. I tried also to open somthing like enterprise manager like I have in sql server 2000 but I don't found such a tool. I tried to find it in START=>Programs=>SQL Server 2005 but their I see only the Configuration tool. I want to know if the installation of the vs 2005 does not install Databases for the sql server Express ? Should I have to download this database samples? What about a tool to view those database like the enterprise manager  in sql server 2000  ?

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Cannot Find Database.mdf Under App_Data Using Sql

Mar 26, 2007

Why can I not connect to the database created under app_data folder with sql express and view the tables. I am trying to understand the structure of how it works, I have gone through the My personal web site starter kit's files to try and understand how it writes to the database.Why is the databse not visible in SQL express and why are the databases attached database files and not directly in SQL2005. 

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Could Not Find Row In Sysindexes For Database

Aug 26, 2007

I am trying to attach a database that was created on another server.  I believe the database was created using SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005.  Now, I have successfully attached the database in my development environment, which is using SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005.
However, when I tried to attach the database onto our production server, which is SQL Server 2000 I received the error:
Error 602:Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID 18, object ID 1, index ID 1.  Run DBCC CheckTable on sysindexes.
In my development environment, I ran DBCC CheckDB on the source database and no errors are returned.
I aslo checked the compatibility level under the database properties and it shows: Sql Server 2000 (80)
So, this should not be a version incompatibility issue. What is causing the attach to fail on SQL Server 2000?
Thanks for any help.

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How To Find All The Tables Which Are In Database

Feb 24, 2008

 Hi......i want to find all the tables which are in database. is there any hint or code that can help meThanks in advance

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How To Find That The Database Is Corrupt

Jan 6, 2002


I am new to sqlserver. we are using sqlserver 6.5.
these is no dbcc checkdb,checkalloc has been ran on the database for more than a uear, and dbcc updateusage has been run daily. Still now no errors are seen on the errorlog. The database has been restored daily on a different server too.

How can we confirm that the database is good. Will the database show suspect if there is a single table gets corrupt.or the dbcc update usage will say that the table is corrupted.

Suppose if I run the checkdb and checkalloc on the server now (after a year), will there be a possibility of table corrupt seen and how can I handle the database in this situation.

It is very much appreciated if any of you clear my doubt.


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How To Find The How Old Is The Database Backup

Aug 31, 2007

We get our Database restored regularly in our test enviornment.
I am trying to find out the Database Backup Time stamp through system tables and I am not able find .
If you guys know ,please let me know.


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Is There A Way To Find Growth In Log (ldf) And Database(mdf) ?

Sep 22, 2005

Hello,I need to monitor every 15 minutes growth in data file and log file .Since mdf and intial file sizes are set to high value,measuring these values at 15 min interval will not provide the changein size .My intention is to measure the log file size growth which helps tocalculate the disk space and bandwidth required to setup log shipping .We need to set up this infrastructure based on this calculationThanksM A Srinivas

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How To Find A Column In Database

May 29, 2008

Hi all,
Is there a way to see how many tables have a column like "name" in database?

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Add Database In VWD - Can't Find SQLExpress

Apr 27, 2006


Connection to SQLServer files (*.mdf) require SQLServer Express 2005 to function properly.

ASP.NET Config manager is able to create aspnetdb and set up MemberShip correctly.

SQLExpress service account has access to teh folder (as witnessed by ASP.NET manger success).

What else can cause the IDE to fail to create and attach the file?

Also the accoutn I am running VWD under can access and create/attach db files with no problem.

I have the same issue running VS2005 Professional on a second machine.

I already shut down firewall to see if that was part of the issue.

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How Do I Find When My Database Was Last Accessed

Dec 11, 2007

I have a bunch of datbases I have created during the development process. I want to delete those no longer being used. How do I find when the last time a database was accessed?


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