Where Is Join Performed?

Mar 1, 2000

I have someone in my organization that is running
EXTREMELY large queries on our SMS database from
his desktop. By that I mean that he is pulling all the fields
from multiple tables requesting 40+ fields. (And yes, he
states that he needs all this information from 1 query!!)

With this in mind, can you tell me where the work is performed?
Are all the requested tables and fields pulled back to the
desktop and then joined? Or, does the work get done on
the server?

Thanks! I appreciate the help.

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Synchronization Performed On Day Basis

Nov 5, 2007

Currently database1 and database2 are planned to be synchronized with the interval of 5 seconds!! ( dont know exact, but i select run continoulsly on subscriber screen )
This could cause serious performance issues as both applications will be live on difference servers.

how can i Synchronization should be performed on day basis or it should be modification basis to avoid any performance issue on live application

i am using merge replication
Local distributor
and subscriber on another server .

plz help me
its urgent

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Value That Is Returned If An Insert Is Not Performed From A SQL Stored Procedure.

Sep 14, 2007

I am using the following stored procedure to insert a value into the database. I am new to stored procedures so I need help. Basically this stored procedurewill only insert a value for "CustomerName" if it is not a duplicate value.
So I noticed in My C# when I call this stored procedure, a negative one "-1"is returned if the insert is not performed because of a duplicate value.
Is that correct? Should I be getting back a negative one "-1" ? You seeI thought that a Zero "0" would be returned if the insert was not performed.Not a negative one?
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CustomerCreate](  @CustomerDescription nvarchar(100),  @CustomerName nvarchar(100),  @LastUpdateDate datetime,  @LastUpdateUser nvarchar(32),  @inserted_record smallint output)
 if exists (select 1 from Customer where CustomerName = @CustomerName) BEGIN
    set @inserted_record = 0
 END    ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO Customer (  CustomerDescription,  CustomerName,        Active,  LastUpdateDate,  LastUpdateUser ) VALUES (  @CustomerDescription,  @CustomerName,  @LastUpdateDate,  @LastUpdateUser ) END

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Must Destination Table Exist Before Transformation Can Be Performed?

Sep 26, 2006

hi all,

i'm a newbie in SSIS. i created a package to transfer data from one table to another. before the data flow, i added a Execute SQL Task package that truncate the dest table if it exists and create a new one if it doesn't.

i'll encounter an error (invalid object name) when i run the whole package but no error if i execute the tasks 1 by 1.

what's the workaround for this? thanks!

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How To Return Number Of Selected Rows From All Queries Performed On DB

Feb 20, 2013

Recently I had an application developer approach me and asked if I could provided him with a list of sprocs by returned row count. We had an issue where the application passed in a number of parameters which attempted to return 200k plus rows of data and the application was timing out. He changed the required parameters in the application and a reasonable number of rows were returned as expected. Short term solution to this one problem.

However there are always timeout issues with this particular application and we got to thinking that maybe other sprocs that were called using parameters would also fail at some point in time because too much data was being returned.

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SQL 2012 :: Error 1237 - The Operating Could Not Be Completed - Retry Should Be Performed

Oct 19, 2015

One of our dba's runs a process every night to update the database with a daily data file received from an external source. He was testing on a new SQL Server 2012/Windows 2012 R2 cluster that has an Availability Group. While trying to process INSERTs, the process failed with a error: "could not allocate a new page for database X because of insufficient disk space in filegroup PRIMARY."

The log also contains "Operating System Error 1237 (The operating could not be completed. A retry should be performed) encountered".

However, there is 300 GB free on the data drive (E:) where the .mdf file is located. The SQL Server service account has the "Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks" permission (instant file initialization).

All of the disks are VMware 5.1 or 5.5 VM's and the E: disk has thick/eager zero provisioning.

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Implicit Conversion Of Char Value To Varchar Cannot Be Performed Because The Collation Of The Value Is Unresolved..

Nov 12, 2007

I got this erorr when trying to create my stored proc,

What do i need to fix, and how do i fix it?!!

Msg 457, Level 16, State 1, Procedure PROC_DAILY_ACTIVITY, Line 13

Implicit conversion of char value to varchar cannot be performed because the collation of the value is unresolved due to a collation conflict.

Code Block

-- =============================================
-- Author: <Zaccheus,Tenchy>
-- Create date: <NOVEMEBER,12,2007>
-- Description: <Reporting stored procedure,DAILY ACTIVITY,>
-- =============================================
(@Region_Key int=null)
Null as Customer_Code,
Region AS Region,
Name AS Territory_Name,
Non_Customer_Activities.Que_Desc AS Store_Name,
Non_Customer_Activities.Logged_Time AS TheDate,
Non_Customer_Activities.response AS Response,
Null as is_Visit_Fg
FROM [FSSRC].[dbo].Qry_Sales_Group Sales_Group
(Select QH.[question_code]
,CONVERT(datetime,DATEADD(day, (qh.cycle_day-1), p.start_date),6) Logged_Time
,SUBSTRING([entity_code],1,5) SR_Code
,Territory_Code SR_Territory_Code
,'Not Customer Related' Que_Desc
From question_history QH
ON p.period_code = qh.period_code
INNER JOIN [RC_DWDB_INSTANCE_1].[dbo].[Tbl_Territory_In_Sales_Responsible] as Territory_In_Sales_Responsible
ON Territory_In_Sales_Responsible.SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code=SUBSTRING([entity_code],1,5) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS
INNER JOIN dbo.questions Question_Header
ON Question_Header.question_code = QH.question_code
WHERE [entity_code] like '%.USER%'
AND Question_Header.Question_Code IN('AME01','ASE01','ACO01','ALU01','AOS01','APH01','ATR01','ATE01','ACR06','ACR05','ACR02','ACR03','ACR08','ACR07')
AND CONVERT(datetime,DATEADD(day, (qh.cycle_day-1), p.start_date),6) = '11/9/2007'
) Non_Customer_Activities
ON Sales_Group.Code = Non_Customer_Activities.SR_Territory_Code
Region AS Region,
Name AS Territory_Name,
Customer_Activities.Customer_Name AS Store_Name,
Customer_Activities.Logged_Time AS TheDate,
NULL AS Response,
FROM [FSSRC].[dbo].Qry_Sales_Group Sales_Group
(Select distinct time_log Logged_Time
,[entity_code] Customer_Code
,[name] Customer_Name
,Territory_Code Cust_Territory_Code
,MAX(is_Visit_Fg) Is_Visit_Fg
From question_history QH
ON p.period_code = qh.period_code
INNER JOIN dbo.questions Question_Header
ON Question_Header.question_code = QH.question_code
INNER JOIN [FSSRC].[dbo].[customer]
ON Entity_Code = [customer_code]
INNER JOIN [FSSRC].[dbo].[visit] V
ON V.[customer_code] = QH.[entity_code]
AND V.[period_code] = QH.[period_code]
AND V.[cycle_day] = QH.[cycle_day]
INNER JOIN [RC_DWDB_INSTANCE_1].[dbo].[Tbl_Territory_In_Sales_Responsible] as Territory_In_Sales_Responsible
ON Territory_In_Sales_Responsible.SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code=[sales_person_code] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS
WHERE [entity_code] NOT like '%.USER%'
AND Convert(datetime,convert(Varchar,time_log,110)) = '11/9/2007'

) Customer_Activities
ON Sales_Group.Code = Customer_Activities.Cust_Territory_Code
WHERE @Region_Key=Region_Key
order by 4

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Why Most Of The Index's Avg_fragmentation_in_percent Doesn't Reduce After Reorganize / Rebuild Is Performed

Sep 18, 2007

I am build up a maintenance plan to reorganize and rebuild the index of one database. After that maintenance plan is performed, i found that most of indexes's avg_fragmentation_in_percent doesn't reduce. Is that any efficiency way to reduce fragmentation of the indexes?

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The Operation Could Not Be Performed Because The OLE DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' Was Unable To Begin A Distributed Transaction.

Jan 14, 2008


I am facing the below mentioned error:

The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].

I have a Insert statement which i am using to insert data into a remote server from my local server. I have added the remote server as a linked server in my local server but when i try to execute the statement i am getting the above mentioned error. I am using Windows Enterprise Edition 2003 and SQL Server 2000.

I have also enabled the Allow InBound and Allow OutBound in the security configuration of My Computer properties but still i am facing the same problem. Kindly let me know how to resolve this issue.


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An Operation On A Socket Could Not Be Performed Because The System Lacked Sufficient Buffer Space Or Because A Queue

Jul 14, 2006

Hi Guys,

Can anyone help me with this error

An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue
was full.

I have three packages running in parallel. This package download data from different databases from ServerA into ServerB.
At some point one of the package is getting the error above at random time.

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An Operation On A Socket Could Not Be Performed Because The System Lacked Sufficient Buffer Space Or Because A Queue

Jul 18, 2006

Hi Guys,

Can anyone help me with this error

An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue
was full.

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Linked Server Issue: The Operation Could Not Be Performed Because The OLE DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' Was Unable To Begin A Distribut

Jan 16, 2008

I was making a linked server connection between 2 SQL Server 2000 servers (both running on Windows 2003 Server), and I was creating an insert trigger in one of the SQL Server table to insert the same value to the other SQL table. But when I try to make an insert to the table, the following error occurred :

Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Procedure <triggername>, Line xx
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].

I tried to change the trigger into a SELECT statement only and the error still occurred. But when I tried to insert a row directly to the linked server via Query Analyzer, it succeeded.
I have read KB 280106, KB 306212, and KB 329332, and I've tried SET XACT_ABORT ON statement, but none of them can solve the problem.
If there's anyone who has idea on what's wrong or has a suggestion what I should try please help.
Thank you in advance.

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Desperate! - Need Simple MSSQL Server Monitoring Scripts, Ideas, Etc That Can Be Performed By Operator Types (non-programmers)

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone have any basic, simple scripts of sp's that I can give mycomputer operators to use to monitor for serious conditions on our sqlservers? We are new in the ms-sql arena, a small shop and we cantreally purchase any tools to monitor these servers, but we need somebasic checks that we can use to make sure a server is performing in areasonable fashion, no blocks, cpu<xx%, memory not pegged, IO working,etc...and we need to be able to do this without bugging ourprogrammers every time we are wondering why things are slowwnig down.We are a split shop between as400s and sql servers, and our operationsstaff has no problem performing this type of duty on the 400s. I thinksince the sql servers are so easy to deploy into production, the ideaof how to monitor these things health got lost in the shuffle andallowing the programmers to do it just serves to destabilize ourenvironment.Please help! Our shop has turned to chaos since we went live withMSSQL centric applications and everytime one programmer "resolves anissue" some other programmers application starts to act up.

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Can Any One Tell Me The Difference Between Cross Join, Inner Join And Outer Join In Laymans Language

Apr 30, 2008


Can any one tell me the difference between Cross Join, inner join and outer join in laymans language

by just taking examples of two tables such as Customers and Customer Addresses

Thank You

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I Want To Revert Back To Original State Of Database Before I Performed Restore Database

Nov 15, 2006

Hello,i am in great trouble. I want to revert back to original state ofdatabase before i performed restore database on my sql server 2KDatabase. Accidently i didn't take backup of my Database and i didrestore, so is there any way to get the original state back of myDatabase?Any suggestion will be highly appriciated.Regards,S. Domadia.

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CPU Usage(%), Logical IO Performed (%) Usage For Adhoc Queries Is 90%

Sep 7, 2007

Hello, When I am seeing SQL Server 2005 Management studio Server Dashboard> I am seeing my(USERS) databases and msdb database usage is very small % of in CPU Usage(%), Logical IO Performed (%) Usage pie chart.

90% of Total cpu usage is showing for Adhoc Queries. what excatly this means in Dashboard? if application uses more than it would have shown in Database level or not?

sicerely this dashboard is good, if any one is watching daily, please advice their experiences here.

Thanks in advance. Hail SQL Server!

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BACKUP LOG Cannot Be Performed Because There Is No Current Database Backup

Feb 10, 2006

Hi All,I am facing this issue very frist time. I add a logical device asfollowing:USE masterGOEXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'AdvWorksData','C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBACKUPAdvWorksData.bak'-- Create a logical backup device, AdvWorksLog.USE masterGOEXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'AdvWorksLog','C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBACKUPAdvWorksLog.bak'-- Back up the full AdventureWorks database.BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO AdvWorksData-- Back up the AdventureWorks log.BACKUP LOG AdventureWorksTO AdvWorksLogThe database backup is completed successfully but log's backup failswith the following messages:Msg 4214, Level 16, State 1, Line 1BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current databasebackup.Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.We are moving from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. I have ensured that databasehas full recovery mode on. We are using SQL 2005 on Windows 2003 ServerSP1.Further more, I also created a plan to test it, and plan also failswhen backing up the logs.Can anyone shed some light on this issue.Thanks in advance.Najm

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BACKUP LOG Cannot Be Performed Because There Is No Current Database Backup.

Nov 14, 2006


I have a MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 9.0.2153 which manages my BizTalk Server 2006 Databases. The BizTalk server installer automatically creates a job named Backup BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb) which should back up the databases and transaction protocolls.

The SQL Server Agent runs under domain-administrator account which has full access to my backup directory D:ackups.

The job executes the following steps:

Step 1: BackupFull:


exec [dbo].[sp_BackupAllFull_Schedule] 'd' /* Frequency */, 'BTS' /* Name */, 'D:Backups' /* location of backup files */

Step 2: MarkAndBackupLog


exec [dbo].[sp_MarkAll] 'BTS' /* Log mark name */, 'D:Backups' /* location of backup files */

My challenges are:

1. The job doesn't back up my databases(D:Backups is empty after executing the job)

2. I get every time the following error in error protocol of the job:

BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Fehler 4214) BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Fehler 3013).

I have already switched the Databases from full to simple recovery mode and vica versa, it didn't help. Also, the above stored procedures doesn't include neither the TRUNCATE nor the LOG parameters for the logfiles so I wasn't able to solve this issue by adjusting these flags.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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BACKUP LOG Cannot Be Performed Because There Is No Current Database Backup. BACKUP LOG Is Terminating Abnormally.

Jan 31, 2008

Hi there

I'm getting this message on my third automated backup of the transaction logs of the day. Both databases are in full recovery mode, both successfully backed up at 01.00. The transaction logs backed up perfectly happily at 01:30 and 05:30, but failed at 09:30.

The only difference between 05:30 and 09:30's backups is that the log files were shrunk at 08:15 (the databases in question are the ones that sit under ILM2007, and keeping the log files small keeps the system running better).

Is it possible that shrinking the log files causes the database to think that there hasn't been a full database backup?



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Transaction Scope - The Operation Could Not Be Performed Because OLE DB Provider SQLNCLI For Linked Server XXX_LINKED_SERVER Was Unable To Begin A Distributed Transaction. OLE DB Provider SQLNCLI&a

May 15, 2008

Hello, I've a problem with a software developed in C# with the framework 2.0. This is the error I receive : The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "XXX_LINKED_SERVER" was unable to begin a distributed transaction. OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "XXX_LINKED_SERVER" returned message "No transaction is active.". If I try directly to restart the process, it works fine. Is there someone who can help me ? This is the process 1. In C# --> Call of a Query : select from the linked server (db in sql 2005) and insert into a table SQL 2005 2. In the C# --> using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) and insert in a table in SQL 2005 which is link server Thank in advance.

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Integration Services :: How To Perform Left Restricted Join In Merge Join Transformation

May 22, 2015

I have two xml source and i need only left restricted data.

how can i perform left restricted join?

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Transact SQL :: Difference Between Inner Join And Left Outer Join In Multi-table Joins?

Oct 8, 2015

I was writing a query using both left outer join and inner join.  And the query was ....

        S.companyname AS supplier, S.country,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
        Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
        (Production.Products AS P
         INNER JOIN Production.Categories AS C


However ,the result that i got was correct.But when i did  the same query using the left outer join in both the cases


        S.companyname AS supplier, S.country,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
        Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
(Production.Products AS P
LEFT OUTER JOIN Production.Categories AS C
ON C.categoryid = P.categoryid)
S.supplierid = P.supplierid
S.country = N'Japan';

The result i got was same,i.e

supplier     country    productid    productname     unitprice    categorynameSupplier QOVFD     Japan     9     Product AOZBW    97.00     Meat/PoultrySupplier QOVFD    Japan   10     Product YHXGE     31.00     SeafoodSupplier QOVFD     Japan   74     Product BKAZJ    10.00     ProduceSupplier QWUSF     Japan    13     Product POXFU     6.00     SeafoodSupplier QWUSF     Japan     14     Product PWCJB     23.25     ProduceSupplier QWUSF    Japan     15    Product KSZOI     15.50    CondimentsSupplier XYZ     Japan     NULL     NULL     NULL     NULLSupplier XYZ     Japan     NULL     NULL     NULL     NULL

and this time also i got the same result.My question is that is there any specific reason to use inner join when join the third table and not the left outer join.

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Warning - The Join Order Has Been Enforced Because A Local Join Hint Is Used

Dec 23, 2014

I have two select statements, in between select statement taking UNION ALL . I need to avoid the error

Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.

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'Left Outer Merge Join' Failing To Join Valid Row

Aug 10, 2007


OLEDB source 1
,[MANUAL DCD ID] <-- this column set to sort order = 1

OLEDB source 2
,[Bo Tkt Num] <-- this column set to sort order = 1
FROM ....[dbo].[FFFenics] ORDER BY [Bo Tkt Num] ASC

These two tasks are followed immediately by a MERGE JOIN

All columns in source1 are ticked, all column in source2 are ticked, join key is shown above.
join type is left outer join (source 1 -> source 2)

result of source1 (..dcd column)
4-400-8000122 <--row not joining

result of source2 (..tkt num column)
4-400-1000122 <--row not joining

All other rows are joining as expected.
Why is it failing for this one row?

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Multi-table JOIN Query With More Than One JOIN Statement

Apr 14, 2015

I'm having trouble with a multi-table JOIN statement with more than one JOIN statement.

For each order, I need to return the following: CarsID, CarModelName, MakeID, OrderDate, ProductName, Total ordered the Car Category.

The carid (primary key) and carmodelname belong to the Cars table.
The makeid and orderdate belong to the OrderDetails table.
The productname and carcategory belong to the Product table.

The number of rows returned should be the same as the number of rows in OrderDetails.

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Select Command - Left Join Versus Inner Join

Aug 9, 2013

Why would I use a left join instead of a inner join when the columns entered within the SELECT command determine what is displayed from the query results?

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Merge Join (Full Outer Join) Never Finishes.

Jun 5, 2006

I have a merge join (full outer join) task in a data flow. The left input comes from a flat file source and then a script transformation which does some custom grouping. The right input comes from an oledb source. The script transformation output is asynchronous (SynchronousInputID=0). The left input has many more rows (200,000+) than the right input (2,500). I run it from VS 2005 by right-click/execute on the data flow task. The merge join remains yellow and the task never finishes. I do see a row count above the flat file destination that reaches a certain number and seems to get stuck there. When I test with a smaller file on the left it works OK. Any suggestions?

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Why Does My Query Timeout Unless Force Join To Hash Join?

Jul 25, 2007

I'm using SQL Server 2005.

A piece of software I wrote starting timing out on a query that left outer joins a table to a view. Both the table and view have approximately the same number of rows (about 170000).

The table has 2 very similar columns, one is a varchar(1) and another is varchar(100). Neither are included in any index and beyond the size difference, the columns have the same properties. One of the employees here uses the varchar(1) column (called miscsearch) to tag large sets of rows to perform some action on. In this case, he had set 9000 rows miscsearch value to "g". The query then should join the table and view for all rows where miscsearch is set to g in the table. This query takes at least 20 minutes to run (I stopped it at this point).

If I remove the "where" clause and join all rows in the two tables, the query completes in about 20 seconds. If set the varchar(100) column (called descrip) to "g" for the same rows set via miscsearch, the query completes in about 20 seconds.

If I force the join type to a hash join, the query completes using miscsearch in about 30 seconds.

So, this works:

SELECT di.File_No, prevPlacements, balance,'NOT PLACED' as status FROM Info di LEFT OUTER HASH JOIN View_PP pp ON di.ram_file_no = pp.file_no WHERE miscsearch = 'g' ORDER BY balance DESC

and this works:

SELECT di.File_No, prevPlacements, balance,'NOT PLACED' as status FROM Info di LEFT OUTER JOIN View_PP pp ON di.ram_file_no = pp.file_no WHERE descrip = 'g' ORDER BY balance DESC

But this does't:

SELECT di.File_No, prevPlacements, balance,'NOT PLACED' as status FROM Info di LEFT OUTER JOIN View_PP pp ON di.ram_file_no = pp.file_no WHERE miscsearch = 'g' ORDER BY balance DESC

What should I be looking for here to understand why this is happening?



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Page 2 - Within The INNER JOIN, How To Limit The Row To 1 Row Inside The INNER JOIN?

Apr 24, 2007

Awesome! I don't alway get the email notification of whoever reply to the posting. I think it only work after I log off of the forum.


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Changing From Implicit Join To Explicit Join

Dec 24, 2013

We are trying to migrate from sql 2005 to 2012. I am changing one of the implicit join to explicit join. As soon as I change the join, the number of rows returned are fewer than before.

Below is my Implict join query

INSERT #RIF_TEMP1 (rf1_row_no,rf1_rif, rf1_key_id_no, rf1_last_date, rf1_start_date)
SELECT currow.rf0_row_no, currow.rf0_rif, currow.rf0_key_id_no, prevrow.rf0_start_date, currow.rf0_start_date
FROM #RIF_TEMP0 currow , #RIF_TEMP0 prevrow

[Code] ....

and below is explict join query

INSERT #RIF_TEMP1 (rf1_row_no,rf1_rif, rf1_key_id_no, rf1_last_date, rf1_start_date)
SELECT currow.rf0_row_no, currow.rf0_rif, currow.rf0_key_id_no, prevrow.rf0_start_date, currow.rf0_start_date
ON (currow.rf0_row_no = prevrow.rf0_row_no + 1)

[Code] ....

the count returned from both the queries is different.

I am not sure what am I doing wrong. The count of #RIF_TEMP0 is always 32, it never changes, but the variable @countTemp is different for both the queries.

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Right Join Returns Same Results As Left Join

Feb 5, 2015

Why does this right join return the same results as using a left (or even a full join)?There are 470 records in Account, and there are 1611 records in Contact. But any join returns 793 records.

select Contact.firstname, Contact.lastname, Account.[Account Name]
from Contact
right join Account
on Contact.[Account Name] = Account.[Account Name]
where Contact.[Account Name] = Account.[Account Name]

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How To Join 3 Tables Using Left Or Right Join Keyword?

Aug 17, 2007

Hi guys,

I'll appreciate any help with the following problem:

I need to retrieve data from 3 tables. 2 master tables and 1 transaction table.

1. Master table TBLOC contain 2 records :
rcd 1. S01
rcd 2. S02

2. Master table TBCODE contain 5 records:

rcd 1. C1
rcd 2. C2
rcd 3. C3
rcd 4. C4
rcd 5. C5

3. Transaction table TBITEM contain 4 records which link to 2 master table:
rcd 1. S01, C1, CAR

rcd 2. S01, C4, TOY
rcd 3. S01, C5, KEY
rcd 4. S02, C2, CAR

I use Left Join & Right Join to retrieve result below (using non-ASNI method) but it doesn't work.

Right Join method:




When I use Non-ASNI method it work:





S01 C3 CAR
S01 C4 TOY
S01 C5 KEY
S02 C2 CAR

Please Help.


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Super Join - Is Merge Join The Answer?

Nov 7, 2006

Is there a way to do a super-table join ie two table join with no matching criteria? I am pulling in a sheet from XL and joining to a table in SQLServer. The join should read something like €œfor every row in the sheet I need that row and a code from a table. 100 rows in the sheet merged with 10 codes from the table = 1000 result rows.

This is the simple sql (no join on the tables):

select 1.code, 2.rowdetail
from tblcodes 1, tblelements 2

But how to do this in SSIS?

Thanks - Ken

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