I created a DTS by right clicking and exporting the data to a file and I also saved the DTS package. Where will the DTS Package be saved in SQL 2005 in case if I have to do any modifications later.
This is a pretty simple question, but I'm going nuts trying to find the answer. After creating an SSI package, I told it to save to the SQL server... Now where do I go to pull that package up again and make changes and/or execute the package?
When I submit data through my website one particular field which is drop down field and has 4 values (5, 10, Fee, other) saves as "undefined" I get no errors through the web site.
I recently viewed an application which included customizable savable reports. In the first step, the user selects from a very large (probably over a hundred) set of variables to include in the report (these would be the columns displayed in the report). In a second step, the user selects (from the same set of variables) which variables they want to set as criteria indicators (these would then be dropdowns and text boxes on the report that would filter the query results).
So, how do they do this? Lets take the AdventureWorks database as an example. Lets say the user can select the following variables to include in their report:
How do you design this in the database? If you have a table that holds all of the possible variables, and a table that connects the user-selected variables to the user – how then do you construct the query that pulls it all together? For example, what if a user wants only these two variables in their report:
Product.Name Vendor.Name
Here is the query:
select p.name as ProductName, v.name as VendorName from Production.Product as p inner join Purchasing.ProductVendor as pv on pv.ProductID = p.ProductId inner join Purchasing.Vendor as v on v.VendorId = pv.VendorId
How do you build that query from just getting two variable names?
ALTER TRIGGER Trigger1 ON countries FOR UPDATE AS begin
insert into country1 values(:deleted.cid,:deleted.cname,getdate(),,system_user,@@servername, host_id(),host_name(),DB_NAME()) --select * from country1 /*insert into country1 select * from deleted*/
i want to store data into country1 table as old data with all information end
I don€™t understand what my wrong is. I am trying to save data in to SQL Mobile Database. my Database is included in my project. after saved, i connect that database by VS2005 server explorer to view the data. But I don€™t found any data in Sdf file. private void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
I want to modify a package stored on the server from my client machine, and everything goes great.
The only problem I get is that when I try to run it by double-clicking it I have to re-write the password in the connection string, i.e. "pwd=asdasd", because it is not saved by the package itself even though the checkbox in the Connection Manager tab (in the SSIS Designer) is checked. What can I do to save it automatically??
I am facing this unusual error. In My ASP Page I am submitting the Page and after submitting the form I am calling another ASP page, which contains sql command to insert the record.
My Problem is when I am submitting the Form. Record is getting inserted twice with same values.
What is the cause of this problem as I am facing this problem in every form.
Hi, there; I have a SSIS package which has SQL2005 as its destination. When I setup the connectionmanager, I'd like to use SQL authentication. But I found that the password field cannot be saved (Checkbox "Save password" is selected).Everytime I open the this package's connectionmanager, that password field is cleard. The result is that my C# application that loads that package to execute failed with "Login failed..."
Did I do something wrong or anybody know how to save that password field?
Hi,I've got a question about saving into datetime fields in a SQL Server table. A form I have create has two fields both for dates as well as other form fields, but the user may or may not fill in all the form fields, so when they click the save link I have a query which saves all the form fields whether they are blank or not. Unfortunately this is causing the two date fields to be saved in the database as "01/01/1900" even thoough they are blank fields.What is a good way to not save blank date fields as "01/01/1900"?ThanksStephen
I have a developer using SQL 7.0 Enterprise Manager and the DTS Wizard to create and save simple DTS imports on the SQL Server. The DTS job runs only on his workstation using his NT logon ID. Server is set for mixed security. Other users can edit the saved DTS job and resave it, then anyone can run the job. I tried having the developer log in with his NT logon ID on another workstation; he can't run the job from there if he was the last person to edit it from his workstation.
Any ideas, anyone? This is the only person having this problem in my shop.
Hi guys, I was doing some changes on my asp web pages, I added new field expiry date that will be scanned into the system in format ddmmyyyy but it can't save as i am gettting that message that char can't be converted into datetime as date time was out of range.
I have added this into my asp pages <% Session.LCID = 3081 %> and changed the sql server regional setting setting the date to dd/mm/yyyy I can't set it to ddmmyyyy as there is not option without "/".
Could somebody help me as this is quite frustrating.
I am facing a problem. I have custom data flow transformation.We have saved a package using component's earlier assembly version. Now when we install later version of the component the saved package fails to open. If I try creating new package it succeeds.
Error message :
Error 1 Validation error. Data Flow Task: DTS.Pipeline: The component metadata for "component "Oracle Destination" (153)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed. Package.dtsx 0 0
We tried overriding "perform upgrade" method but still I am facing the same issue.
I ran the SSIS wizard in Management Studio and saved the file in MSDB. I want to look at the design of the package but even going to BI development studio, I can't seem to find where you can open and work with the packages which were created in Management Studio and saved in MSDB. Anyone find a way to look at them?
I created my first package using the import wizard and saved it to the server. And now I can't find it. In SQL Server Mgt Studio, I've browsed through every imaginable folder in the target database, in MSDB database, and in the global folders.
I read something that suggested there should be an Integration Services folder, but there isn't.
Once I locate the package, I understand that it's not editable. Can it be transferred to BI Studio for editing? TIA.
I ran the Import data wizard and chose to save the package to sql server. Now I would like to execute that package I saved again, but I can't find where to do it in the management studio. Help!
I am calling a procedure that will save a file to PDF. It runs successfully. When I go to look at the PDF, I get a message, "Acrobat reader could not open 'Doc.pdf' because it is either not a support file or because the file has been damaged."
hi i have question can sql server know when the row in table Saved add new field call "date_row_save" date+time inside the my table in the sql server i need to know whan the row last Saved evry row put date time TNX
Hi all, I am not sure this is the right place to post this, but I could find a better place. I uploaded a document in the SQL Server (image datatype), but I was not able to save file Type since there is no field for that, and cannot change the database. Now I download the saved file. Is there any way to extract file Type from the saved file (like from file header?) and open it with an appropriate program such as doc file with MS Word? Thanks, J
Dear all .. i have a serious problem & all ur comments will be appreciated..
i have bought an ASP .NET publishing tool which i receieved an sql script with it to execute on either Ms sql server or MSDE .
i executed it on MSDE as i don't have Ms sql server on my windows dedicated server .
I wanted the tool for publishing (Arabic Language)content for a highly traffic soccer website..
After executing the sql script i tested the tool but i found arabic characters are not saved when i add articles .. they were saved as question marks (??).
so i re-executed the sql script on a new db after modifying every code containg (varchar) to (nvarchar) to support unicode & thus arabic.
it worked & i succeeded in saving arabic articles
BUT >>>>>>>>>>>>>
i found that only short arabic articles r saved fine while any article that reaches around (1 microsoft word page) is not saved well with arabic characters but saved as question marks ( ??? ) .. !!
so i checked the db tables using ASP.NET Enterprise manager & i found that
the field of article has (ntext) & infront of it number 16 ..
it seems that the (ntext) has a limit to wt it can save ..
so i believe there's a way which i don't know to make the (ntext) accepts long articles entry .
Here's the code in the original sql script i received with the tool & i hope u can guide me in details to any modification to do so that the ntext limit is raise to save any long arabic article.
code :
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[xlaANMarticles] ( [articleid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [posted] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL , [lastupdate] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL , [headline] [nvarchar] (350) NOT NULL , [headlinedate] [nvarchar] (255) NOT NULL , [startdate] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL , [enddate] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL , [source] [nvarchar] (255) NOT NULL , [summary] [nvarchar] (3000) NOT NULL , [articleurl] [nvarchar] (1000) NOT NULL , [article] [ntext] NOT NULL , [status] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [autoformat] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL , [publisherid] [int] NOT NULL , [clicks] [int] NOT NULL , [editor] [int] NOT NULL , [relatedid] [nvarchar] (2000) NOT NULL , [isfeatured] [nvarchar] (10) NULL , [keywords] [nvarchar] (255) NULL , [description] [nvarchar] (255) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]
i highlighted the specific column for the article field with red color ..
i tried making it (nvarchar) but the sql manager i use saud it can't be done coz. there has to be a field for TEXTIMAGE coz. it's set to be (on) in the code.
waiting for ur help plz. ... i am desperate .. :confused:
Is there any way to copy data from a previous saved recordset using "BULK INSERT" or bcp ? (the recordset is supposed to be saved using adPersistADTG or adPersistXML)
Jord writes "Hi, Is there a way to retrieve or display the queries that I've run against a database? I didn't save them and now I need to know what I've done. Thanks so much in advance. Jord."
I have two tables something like this : Table : Account AccountID UserName Password
Table : Address AddressID AccountID Line1 Line2 State
My NHibernate mapping file looks like this : For Table Account <id name="ID" type="long" column="AccountID" access="property"> <generator class="identity"/> </id>
My Problem is it does entry in the Account table perfectly, but when it comes to do entry in Address Table it says AccountID can't be null, I'm wondering shouldn't it pick it up from the Account table as I'm passing in that object.
For the Workaround I was thinking maybe I can get the identity of the last entry saved and somehow save it to the other table myself.
I have a dts package I am trying to schedule. I create a new job under SQL Server Agent. On the Command line tab of the jobstep, I choose "Edit the command-line manually".
The changes are retained as I switch from tab to tab within the job step but whenever I exit and save the job, the changes are lost.
I am trying to create a Proxy account to use for Job Scheduling, but when ever I add Logins to the Principals in the Proxy Properties and click OK, when I check again, they are not saved. Is there a reason why this happens? Is there an alternate way to add principals? Thanks.
I am trying to import spreadsheets from web pages on a regular basis. I do not have any control over their format but they have all been saved as web pages from Excel.
There are two parts to this: a) Downloading the files b) Importing the downloads
Right now I am focusing on b) Importing the downloads.
I have tried 1) Using an Excel connection in DTS 2) Using OPENROWSET to access the spreadsheets more directly from TSQL 3) Using a linked server to the file.
All of these seem to use the OLEDB 4.0 provider and they all work if I convert the *.htm file to a *.xls file using Excel first.
With one curious exception none of them work from the *.htm files. DTS is the exception, if I first open the *.htm files in Excel the transformation task succeeds.
I don't really want to use Excel at all on the server. It's strange that DTS does work when the *.htm file is open.
I am trying to get some insight into the various OLEDB options to use hoping that will help me avoid having to use Excel. Perhaps I would just be better off using SQL Server 2005 and SSIS?