Where To Place An Order By

Dec 26, 2007

Where would i place an orderby my DateCreated field...everywhere i try to place it i get this error...
The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated....


( @LoginID nvarchar(50),

@DateRangeFrom datetime,

@DateRangeTo datetime




IF ( @DateRangeFrom = '1/1/1753' ) AND ( @DateRangeTo = '1/1/1753' )

select x.*, x1.TotalExpenses, x2.WorkedCount

from (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, oe.FirstName, oe.LastName

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardExpenses tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, oe.FirstName, oe.LastName


select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered,oe.FirstName, oe.LastName

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardHours tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated ,oe.FirstName,tc.DateEntered, oe.LastName ) x

left outer join (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, sum(tce.ExpenseAmount) as TotalExpenses

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardExpenses tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered ) x1 on x1.TimeCardID = x.TimeCardID and x1.DateCreated = x.DateCreated and x1.DateEntered = x.DateEntered

left outer join (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, count(*) WorkedCount

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardHours tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated, tc.DateEntered) x2 on x2.TimeCardID = x.TimeCardID and x2.DateCreated = x.DateCreated and x2.DateEntered = x.DateEntered


select x.*, x1.TotalExpenses, x2.WorkedCount

from (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, oe.FirstName, oe.LastName

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardExpenses tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID And tc.DateCreated BETWEEN @DateRangeFrom AND @DateRangeTo

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, oe.FirstName, oe.LastName


select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered,oe.FirstName, oe.LastName

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardHours tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID And tc.DateCreated BETWEEN @DateRangeFrom AND @DateRangeTo

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated ,oe.FirstName,tc.DateEntered, oe.LastName ) x

left outer join (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, sum(tce.ExpenseAmount) as TotalExpenses

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardExpenses tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered ) x1 on x1.TimeCardID = x.TimeCardID and x1.DateCreated = x.DateCreated and x1.DateEntered = x.DateEntered

left outer join (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, count(*) WorkedCount

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardHours tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated, tc.DateEntered) x2 on x2.TimeCardID = x.TimeCardID and x2.DateCreated = x.DateCreated and x2.DateEntered = x.DateEntered



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Programmatically Loop Through Sqldatasource - Which Event To Place It In...to Get The Right Order....

Mar 7, 2008

Hello,  I want to loop through the first 10 records that are showing in a gridview with several pages that is populated by a sqldatasource.  I can loop through the sqldatasource and get the list of values, but I'm doing something wrong because the 10 records it prints out are not the same 10 records the user sees in the gridview...They can click a search button which changes the sort, and they can click on the column headings to change the sort order.
Where's the best place to put the looping code?  I need the result to be the same as what the users sees. 
  1        Protected Sub GridView1_Sorted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.Sorted2            Dim i As Integer = -13            Dim sTest As String = ""4            Dim vwExpensiveItems As Data.DataView = CType(SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), Data.DataView)5    6            'Loop through each record7            i = -18            For Each rowProduct As Data.DataRowView In vwExpensiveItems9                i = i + 110               'Output the name and price11               If i > 9 Then12                   Exit For13               End If14               sTest = rowProduct("employeeid")15               Response.Write("RowSorting " & i.ToString & " [" & sTest & "]<br>")16           Next17       End Sub18    

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Is There A Place Where I Can Find The Events That Takes Place In Sql Server?

Jul 20, 2007

Is there a place where i can find events that takes place in the sql server? Like adding data to a database or something like that....



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Express Will Not Load. Insurmountable Difficulties With Order Of Uninstalls/order Of Installs/ Suggestions Plz

Jan 7, 2007

Finding the "pieces of information" I need to successfully install the SQL Server Express edition is so complex. Uninstalls do "not" really uninstall completely, leading to failure of SQL install. Can you suggest a thorough, one-stop site for directions for the order of app uninstalls and then the order for app installs for the following...

SQL Server Express edition

Visual Studios 2005

Jet 4.0 newest upgrade

.Net Framework 2.0 (or should I use 3.0)

VS2005 Security upgrade

Anything else I need for just creating a database for my VS2005 Visual Basic project?

I was trying to use MS Access as my backend db but would like to try SQL Express

Thank you, Mark

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Conditional Order By - Sort Result Set By Employee Number Ascending Order

Sep 24, 2012

In SQL sERVER 2008, I have two fields - Depatment and Employees. I need to sort the result set by employee number ascending order, with following exception

1)when department number = 50 - the preferred order is Employee # - 573 followed by 551-572 (employee # belong to Dept 50 = 551-573)

2)When Department number = 20 – the preferred sort order is Employee # 213-220, followed by Employee # 201-213 (employee # belong to Dept 20 = 201-220)

How shall I achieve this?

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Analysis :: Order Of Rows In Tabular Table Not In Same Order Data Was Retrieved?

May 19, 2015

I never paid much attention to this before but I noticed this today in a new table I was creating.

For tables defined in the tabular model the table properties have something like SELECT Blah FROM TableName ORDER BY Blah Then in the tabular model the table's data is in the same order it was ordered by in the data source for the table.

I have a date table I setup and I noticed it is NOT respecting the sort order.

I have it sorted by DateID which sorts with the oldest date first and newest date as last row.However, the table that is imported and stored in the data model is not in that order.

I can of course manually sort the rows in BIDS/DataTools, but I find this discrepancy odd.

Would this have negative impacts on the EARLIER function for example if the data rows are not in the order specified?

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Calculate Total Amount Of Order Details Based On Particular Order

Apr 10, 2014

I have a query that calculate the total amount of order details based on a particular order:

Select a.OrderID,SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity-Discount)
From [Order Details]
Inner Join Orders a
On a.OrderID=[Order Details].OrderID
Group by a.OrderID

My question is what if I wanted to create a formula to something like:

UnitPrice * Quantity - DiscountAmount Where DiscountAmount = UnitPrice Quantity * Discount

Do I need to create a function for that? Also is it possible to have m y query as a table variable?

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Default Sort Order - Open Table - Select Without Order By

Mar 27, 2008


I recently run into a senario when a procedure quiered a table without a order by clause. Luckily it retrived data in the prefered order.

The table returns the data in the same order in SQL Manager "Open Table"

So I started to wonder what deterimins the sort order when there is no order by clause ?

I researched this for a bit but found no straight answers. My table has no PK, but an identiy column.



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How To Add Order Item Into A Purchase Order Using A Stored Procedure/Trigger?

Jan 4, 2008

Hey guys, i need to find out how can i add order items under a Purchase Order number.
My table relationship is PurchaseOrder ->PurchaseOrderItem.

below is a Stored Procedure that i have wrote in creating a PO:

CREATE PROC spCreatePO (@SupplierID SmallInt, @date datetime, @POno SmallInt OUTPUT)



INSERT INTO PurchaseOrder (PurchaseOrderDate, SupplierID) VALUES(@date, @SupplierID)




However, how do i make it that it will automatically adds item under the POno being gernerated? can i use a trigger so that whenever a Insert for PO is success, it automaticallys proceed to adding the items into the table PurcahseOrderItem?


ON PurchaseOrderItem




'What do i entered???'


help is needed asap! thanks!

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Best Place To Put TempDB

Nov 16, 2001


Can anyone give me any input on this. Recently TempDB one of my production server came down because tempDB got so big that it chewed up all the space in it's drive. My TempDB was in drive C:, where the Operating system and the rest of the SQL systems databases are(msdb,model,master). The actual production data are located in another logical RAID 5(Drive E:) Drive. I want to prevent the problem from happening again. Is it wise or does it degrade performance if i move TEMPDB from drive C: to drive E:? Is this going to cause a major bottom neck in drive E:, where the data are located?

Thank You for any help!


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Sql Box Moved From One Place To Other

Jan 5, 2006

what happens if the physical location of a box(which had sql server 2000 on it) is chaned.
what happens to the replication and distributed queries.

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No Place On Disk

May 20, 2004

I have one big db and i heve no place on disk
the log file is big too. how can i delete the log

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Best Place To Start

Apr 17, 2007

I am fairly versed with SQL 2005 as I have been using it since it came out. Now I have need to learn about Cubes.

Does anybody have any suggestions of where I need to begin to learn about what cubes are, how to create them and use them?

Ultimately we will be incorporating them into Reporting Services.

Thanks for the information.

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Where To Place Articles

May 30, 2006

I have a design that includes articles that will be searched. Obviously its too slow to put them into fields, and impossible because some have photos or are otherwise html documents. So I want to put pointers to their location.

Two questions. For each deployment, both desktop and web, where is the best place to put the articles. In any folder, or only in an iis virtual folder?


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Find Order By Date Range Or Order Id

May 8, 2007

hi basically what i have is 3 text boxes. one for start date, one for end date and one for order id, i also have this bit of SQL
SelectCommand="SELECT [Order_ID], [Customer_Id], [Date_ordered], [status] FROM [tbl_order]WHERE (([Date_ordered] >= @Date_ordered OR @Date_ordered IS NULL) AND ([Date_ordered] <= @Date_ordered2 OR @Date_ordered2 IS NULL OR (Order_ID=ISNULL(@OrderID_ID,Order_ID) OR @Order_ID IS NULL))">
 but the problem is it does not seem to work! i am not an SQL guru but i cant figure it out, someone help me please!

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Default Sort Order When Order By Column Value Are All The Same

Apr 14, 2008

We got a problem.
supposing we have a table like this:

aName string2 NOT NULL

insert into a values ('bank of abcde');
insert into a values ('bank of abcde');
... (20 times)

select top 5 * from a order by aName
Result is:
6Bank of abcde
5Bank of abcde
4Bank of abcde
3Bank of abcde
2Bank of abcde

select top 10 * from a order by aName
Result is:
11Bank of abcde
10Bank of abcde
9Bank of abcde
8Bank of abcde
7Bank of abcde
6Bank of abcde
5Bank of abcde
4Bank of abcde
3Bank of abcde
2Bank of abcde

According to this result, user see the first 5 records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 in page 1, but when he tries to view page 2, he still see the records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. This is not correct for users. :eek:

Of course we can add order by aid also, but there are tons of sqls like this, we can't update our application in one shot.

So I ask for your advice here, is there any settings can tell the db use default sort order when the order by column value are the same? Or is there any other solution to resolve this problem in one shot?

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Recordset's Order And Database's Physical Order?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,guys!I have a table below:CREATE TABLE rsccategory(categoryid NUMERIC(2) IDENTITY(1,1),categoryname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(categoryid))Then I do:INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('url')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('document')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('book')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('software')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('casus')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('project')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('disert')Then SELECT * FROM rsccategory in ,I can get a recordeset with the'categoryid' in order(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)But If I change the table definition this way:categoryname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE,The select result is in this order (3,5,7,2,6,4,1),and 'categoryname 'in alphabetic.Q:why the recordset's order is not the same as the first time since'categoryid' is clustered indexed.If I change the table definition again:categoryname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE CLUSTEREDthe result is the same as the first time.Q:'categoryname' is clustered indexed this time,why isn't in alphabeticorder?I am a newbie in ms-sqlserver,or actually in database,and I do havesought for the answer for some time,but more confused,Thanks for yourkind help in advance!

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Default Sort Order When The Order By Column Value Are All The Same

Apr 14, 2008

We got a problem.
supposing we have a table like this:

aName string2 NOT NULL

insert into a values ('bank of abcde');
insert into a values ('bank of abcde');
... (20 times)

select top 5 * from a order by aName
Result is:
6 Bank of abcde
5 Bank of abcde
4 Bank of abcde
3 Bank of abcde
2 Bank of abcde

select top 10 * from a order by aName
Result is:
11 Bank of abcde
10 Bank of abcde
9 Bank of abcde
8 Bank of abcde
7 Bank of abcde
6 Bank of abcde
5 Bank of abcde
4 Bank of abcde
3 Bank of abcde
2 Bank of abcde

According to this result, user see the first 5 records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 in page 1, but when he tries to view page 2, he still see the records with id 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. This is not correct for users.
Of course we can add order by aid also, but there are tons of sqls like this, we can't update our application in one shot.
So I ask for your advice here, is there any settings can tell the db use default sort order when the order by column value are the same? Or is there any other solution to resolve this problem in one shot?

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Order By Clause In View Doesn't Order.

May 18, 2006

I have created view by jaoining two table and have order by clause.

The sql generated is as follows

SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.UWYearDetail.*, dbo.UWYearGroup.*
dbo.UWYearGroup ON dbo.UWYearDetail.UWYearGroupId = dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYearGroupId
ORDER BY dbo.UWYearDetail.PlanVersionId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWFinancialPlanSegmentId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYear, dbo.UWYearGroup.MandDFlag,
dbo.UWYearGroup.EarningsMethod, dbo.UWYearGroup.EffectiveMonth

If I run sql the results are displayed in proper order but the view only order by first item in order by clause.

Has somebody experience same thing? How to fix this issue?


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Inconsistent Sort Order Using ORDER BY Clause

Mar 19, 2007

I am getting the resultset sorted differently if I use a column number in the ORDER BY clause instead of a column name.

Product: Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition
Version: 9.00.1399.06
Server Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

for example,

create table test_sort
( description varchar(75) );

insert into test_sort values('Non-A');
insert into test_sort values('Non-O');
insert into test_sort values('Noni');
insert into test_sort values('Nons');

then execute the following selects:
order by
cast( 1 as nvarchar(75));

order by
cast( description as nvarchar(75));



Any ideas?

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SQL Servers Place In The 'Application'

Jan 28, 2004

I'm rapidly understanding that much more of my application as a whole is in SQL Server that I would have originally thought.

Stored Procedures
And so on

It generally means that some of the stuff I'd have naturally done in the Business Layer might be best done in SQL - certain issues in the Business Layer might be best being triggers or constraints for example...

One thing that still puzzles me, and I'd like some references or advice now as it's a blank area in my mind is how this interfaces to your asp.net code.

Obviously I call stored procedures and the like from code, and use parameters, etc, not problem, it's more what I do when these stored procedures or associated triggers fail (or a constrain fails - though this should be less likely)?

SQL sends back an error? But what? Then what do you get your page to do, especially if SQL failed midway through a 'big' transaction? Do you have save 'where the user was somehow' so they don't start inputting again?

It's all a bit vague at the moment, some detail would be nice? :)

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SQL Query Needs Decimal Place

Nov 12, 2005

Hello all,I have an SQL query which retrieves a COUNT number from 2 different tables, and i want to do a division with botht he COUNT data retrieved. Trouble is I can't get it in the format that I want, my SQL query is as below :-SELECT ROUND( ((T1.Present/T2.Total ) * 100), 2) FROM(Select Count(Date) as Present from Attendance WHERE Month(Date)=12 AND Status=1) T1,(Select Count(Date) as Total from Attendance WHERE Month(Date)=12) T2The trouble here is that the result should be as below: T1.Present = 3T2.Total = 5  T1.Present/T2.Total = 3/5 = 0.6The final should be 60 after divided by 100But i am getting a zero as my result, even when I don't multiply the number by 100, the division result is still zero. I am guessing it is a conversion problem. Could anyone please offer me any advise on how to get the final result in the format I want?

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Place Index On Filegroup

Dec 14, 2001

Hi, I want to replace the indexes in my database to a different
filegroup. How can I do that using T-SQL? I only found a way that
uses the EM, but I have a lot of indexes and I hate to do it manually.

Thanks a lot.

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Null Error In One Place, But Not The Next

Aug 9, 2001

One of our customers has a production and a test database. We are loading tables via a C++ program that works on production, but not on test, which is supposed to be an exact duplicate.

The error we are getting when trying to add columns to one of the table is 80004e21 null That is it.

When we load the exact same records in the production environment we do not get the error. We have spent many hours ensuring that the tables are exactly the same on test as in production.

Does anyone know, is there an environment variable at a database level that says how to handle null values?


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Upgrading From SQL 6.5 To 7.0 With Replication In Place.

Feb 4, 2000

If I have a publisher, distributor, and subscribers all running SQL 6.5, and I wish to upgrade to SQL 7.0, in what order to I upgrade?

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Database Backup To Different Place

Mar 11, 2004

Hi All!

I know that if is want to backup my db on the c: drive i do this
TO DISK = 'c:isl_fs1DBName.bak'

BUT HOW do I take this to the network. I tried
TO DISK = '\isl_fs1DBName.bak'
it doesn't work please help

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Can You Use A VARIABLE In Place Of A Database Name?

Apr 8, 1999

Does anyone know if it is possible to use a variable in place of a database..table combination in a select statement

For Example: Instead of using the following with each database hardcoded in the SP:

select @dataused = sum(b.reserved)
from DBSglep..sysindexes b
where b.indid in (0, 1, 255) and segment != 2

I would like to loop for every database listed in sysdatabases and do this:

select @dbname = @dataname+'..sysindexes'

select @dataused = sum(b.reserved
from @dbname b
where b.indid in (0, 1, 255) and segment != 2

I have got the loop working, but just can't get the name substitution working as MSSQL dosn't seem to allow a variable after the FROM statement (it only seems to work with a hardcoded specific database..table name).

Any assistance in resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated! :-)

Many thanks in advance...


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Best Place To Look For Memory Leak

Jun 21, 2001

Last 2 nights (at night) my SQL Server has locked up, first night trying to back up MSDB(20 meg) and last night ran out of memory at 6:30 AM. No users on at either time, no jobs running on the second night. I was going to turn perfmon on tonite. Any input on what best to monitor?

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Log Shring When No Place On The Disk ?

Nov 28, 2007

Hello,I run out of space on the disk, my db log is 130GB, I need to shrink db log. I made a backup through network by UNC of the database, but when I want to backup log, I get a message :BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup.But the backup is reachable, I can restore from it.Any ideas ?

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Proper Place For Sub Select?

Feb 14, 2013

I have a very simple query that gets a field to use as constraints in another query.


FROM apcType T
INNER JOIN apcAttribute a on A.T = T.RIN
WHERE T.Name like '%Sales'

The results of the first query are used in the following query where it is bolded and marked with and <<<<========

SELECT AP.Arg2, AP.Arg3, M.Parcel,
M.Serial, M.Name, M.Acres, M.District,
V.YearBuilt, V.Code, V.Size,
WHERE V1.Year = V.Year and V1.Parcel = V.Parcel and
SUBSTRING(V1.Code, 1, 1) = 'L'


My question is How can I fold the first query into the second?

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Stored Procedure In Place Of UDF?

Jan 7, 2004

thanks for reading.

i'm wondering if i can use a stored procedure in place of a UDF in the case where i want a return value based on a simple calculation involving the input parameter.

i'd like to use this inline in a query somewhere else. that's why the UDF.

the UDF would be something like this ...

create function getFiscalYear (@when datetime)
returns int
declare @rv int

-- months of Oct, Nov, Dec are rolled into following year
if datepart(month, @when) >= 10
select @rv = datepart(year, @when) + 1

-- whereas all other months stay in this year
select @rv = datepart(year, @when)


so, the only reason i'm not using this UDF (and haven't tested it either) is because i can't find (or can't remember how :( ) to add a UDF to my database. when i run this code in Query Analyzer i get an error on the keyword "function". but that's another question altogether.

thanks in advance. (a) for helping with a stored procedure that does the equivalent or (b) nudging me in the right direction towards getting UDFs to work in my SQL 2000 install.

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Backup Database At Different Place

Mar 11, 2004

Hi All!

I know that if is want to backup my db on the c: drive i do this
TO DISK = 'c:isl_fs1DBName.bak'

BUT HOW do I take this to the network. I tried
TO DISK = '\isl_fs1DBName.bak'
it doesn't work please help

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Find A Record Out Of Place

Oct 15, 2013

I have a table called Register that has the following in it

Policy_number, Policy_date_time, Portfolio_set, Status..The rule for the table is that the last record for each portfolio_set for a policy the status needs to be 'A' but there have been instances that the last record status is 'I'

I need to identify the record that is out of place..In the example below record number 2.


policy_number Policy_date_time Portfolio_set, status
12345 1/1/2011 1 I
12345 1/2/2011 1 A
12345 1/3/2011 1 I
12345 1/4/2011 1 I

I need to identify that the second record is in the wrong place...

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