Where To Put My SQL? This Has Got To Be Obvious...

Aug 7, 2006

A noob to SSIS... Have been reading the Wrox book and online help, but can't figure a lot of things out (why don't they ever make books with examples for EXACTLY what you wanna do?!?! ).

I have a view on my source DB that transforms it's data into my destination DB's format - mostly for testing currently. I can't assume this view will exist though, when it comes time to do an import, so I am trying to figure out in my SSIS package, where to do this transformation.

Should I:
Use an Execute SQL Task and keep the SQL in the task itself? This seems the most "portable" but I haven't figured out how to actually use the result set (stored in a variable) to do an insert of this data (again, this seems like it should be obvious).Create the view at the beginning of the control flow?Do some other transformation task of which I am oblivious?Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Help, Pkg Does Not Run From Job - No Obvious Reason

May 6, 2008


I have a package that just won't run from a job.

To test the problem, I created a very simple package. All it does is load a simple text file to a table on the local server.

I set protection level to "encrypt sensitive with password", and set the password. I changed the creator name to the SQL Server Agent Account. (don't know how to change the GUID?)

It runs fine from BIDS and msdb storage. But if I run it from the job, it fails with:
Executed as user: DOMAINUSERNAME. The package execution failed. The step failed.

No logging occurs, even though I have set the package to log, which seems to indicate it's not even getting as far as starting the package. I've restarted all the services.

I tried running this package from a job on ANOTHER server and it works, no problem. There's just something going on with this other server where it won't run from the job... both servers use the same SQL Server Agent account.

I've consulted http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918760 and it talks about this problem but I have everything set correctly... never had this problem before... seriously.


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T-SQL In Mngmt Studio Express Doesnt Affect Change- Obvious Omission?

Feb 16, 2007

I must be doing some daft thing-In Management Studio Express I have Northwind, Pubs and a db of myown.I can create SQL select queries and get results back fine but when Itry to do an insert, update or delete I get the message: (1 row(s)affected) - making me think all has gone well, however, when I refreshand look at the relevant table nothing has changed.Any tips?ps In learning the basics of SQL server, vs.net, javascript andvbscript I am often encoutnering a problem that halts me for fivehours or so but has an obvious solution 'if you know how'- I supposethis is the difference learning on your own vs in an officeenvironment- "Pete, how do you...?". I am trying to create abeneficial application under my own steam and with limited resources-are there any other sources of internet support I might not know aboutbut could use to get quick answers to sticky techie questions?D

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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object - NOT OBVIOUS....

Jun 28, 2006

....not to me, anyway. And I have searched. I'm getting this in several places, and I'm sure there's something underlying the I just haven't cottoned on to yet. Please have a look at the following. The error appears in the "SqlTextSource.SelectCommand=" line. Debug shows SqlTextSource is null, but why? It's in the .aspx! Thanks very much.
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"    CodeFile="AddText.aspx.cs" Inherits="AddText"   MasterPageFile="Admin.master" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1"    ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1"   Runat="Server">
   <div>      <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlTextSource" runat="server"          ConnectionString= etc etc         SelectCommand= DeleteCommand= InsertCommand= etc etc         <DeleteParameters> <InsertParameters> etc etc      </asp:SqlDataSource>   </div></asp:Content>
using System;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;using System.Collections;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
public partial class AddText : System.Web.UI.Page{   protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)   {      SqlTextSource.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [text]";   }}

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