Which Sql Server Error Number Is Used When A Table Has A Deadlock?

Jul 23, 2005

I want to set an alert for a specific table whenever an event has
caused a deadlock to occur on the table.

I understand how to set up an alert. But I don't know which error
number to use for the New Alert error number property for a deadlock.
Or how to specify a deadlock on a specific table.


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Getting SQL Server Deadlock Error - How Do I Work Around?

Mar 27, 2007

I have some ASP.NET C# code which executes a stored procedure in SQL Server via the SqlCommand and SqlConnection classes.
One of the stored procedures that gets executed is giving the error: "Transaction (Process ID 272) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction." This only happens occassionally.
 Is there a way to get around this in my ASP.Net application? One thing I tried is ensuring that no 2 users entered the stored procedure concurrently:object synclock = new object() ;
lock (synclock) {
// execute SQL stored procedure
} This did not solve the problem, and I'm not even sure if that is the correct implementation to ensure sequential execution of the stored procedure.

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Maintenance Job And Deadlock Error (SQL Server 2005)

Oct 3, 2007

Hi there,

We have lately experianced a strange problem with our SQL Server 2005 x64 (SP2) that is NOT consistent but when it happens it happens on the same time.

Almost every night at 03:30 one of our databases (not all) seems to be down or locked. When i have a look at the order table in this database I can see that we have stopped recieving orders after 03:30. Two hours later (05:30) I can see the following error each minute in the error log until we reboot the server:

All schedulers on Node 0 appear deadlocked due to a large number of worker threads waiting on LCK_M_IS. Process Utilization 0%%.

As we have a maintenance job running at 03:30 it feels like this is the problem. The job performs the following tasks: "Check Database Integrity -> Rebuild Index -> Reorganize Index"

When i look at the history of the job it looks like it's not completed and only the "Check Database Integrity" task was runned. No error message here either.

Also when i look in the error log i can see that the Maintenance job is started but never ended. Worth to notice is that I get the follwoing info in the log after the start-message:

Configuration option 'user options' changed from 0 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

Also, when i run this job manually daytime it works great!

Anyone having any idees on this? Is it possible to track this even more? I'm tired of restarting the server 03:30 in the morning =)


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Negative Number To Numeric Table Results In Error

Apr 10, 2015

I have an Excel/ vba module to update a SQL database. One of the data is numeric. If the data is a positive number, there is no problem, but if the number (zscore) in Excel is negative an error pops up: Error converting datatype varchar to numeric.

zscore = Range("J" & mytel99)
rc.Open "INSERT INTO dbo.QHSE_3rdline_history (RvA_Nr, RvA_Letter, Afdeling, Datum, Organisator, NummerRO, Eenheid, ALC, RO, Interpretatie) " _
& "VALUES ('" & rva1 & "', '" & rva2 & "', '" & Range("B" & mytel99) & "', '" & datum & "', '" & Range("B1") & "', '" & Range("B2") & "', '" & Range("G" & mytel99) & "', '" & Range("H" & mytel99) & "', '" & Range("I" & mytel99) & "', '" & Range("K" & mytel99) & "')", con
rc.Open "UPDATE dbo.QHSE_3rdline_history SET [Matrix] = '" & Range("C" & mytel99) & "', [Component] = '" & Range("D" & mytel99) & "', [Zscore] = '" &


how to get negative data in a numeric SQL table?

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Mirroring :: Email Deadlock Information When A Deadlock Occurs

Nov 10, 2015

Is there a way to send out an email woth deadlock information (victim query, winner query, process id's and resources on which the deadlock occurred) as soon as a deadlock occurs in a database or at instance level?I currently has trace flag 1222 turned on. And also created an alert that send me an email whenever a deadlock occurs. but it just says that a deadlock occurred and I log into sql server error log and review the information.

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Error - Column Name Or Number Of Supplied Values Does Not Match Table Definition

Oct 17, 2013

I have a table names Alert_Event and a new column named BSP_Phone has been added to the table. I am trying to set NULL values to the column and I get the below error. I am setting null values in the bolded text in the query.

Error Message:

Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SaveBSPOutageInfo, Line 22
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.USE [gg]

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SaveBSPOutageInfo] Script Date: 10/17/2013 19:01:20 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SaveBSPOutageInfo] @eventCreatedDate DATETIME, @eventOrigin varchar(10),


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How To Retreive An Error Description For A Given Error Number In SQL Server?

Aug 3, 2000

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Deadlock Error

Aug 9, 2007

I received the following error message when run the query,

Server: Msg 1205, Level 13, State 61, Line 1
Transaction (Process ID 61) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

how can solve the deadlock error ?


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Deadlock Error

Jul 20, 2005

I am getting quite a few deadlock errors where both sessions aretrying to execute sp_execsql according to the the trace information inthe error log (see below). The database is being asscessed by anapplication written in .NET, as well as a few people using QueryAnalyzer. This seems to be happening relative randomly - can't pin itto any specific circumstances. Any thoughts would be appreciated.RID: 8:1:617:37 CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x2Grant List 1::Owner:0x3738dbe0 Mode: X Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:55ECID:0SPID: 55 ECID: 0 Statement Type: CONDITIONAL Line #: 47Input Buf: RPC Event: sp_executesql;1Requested By:ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:52 ECID:0 Ec:(0x4AC4D570)Value:0x23297b80 Cost:(0/12C)Node:2RID: 8:1:267:91 CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x2Grant List 0::Owner:0x3efae340 Mode: X Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:52ECID:0SPID: 52 ECID: 0 Statement Type: CONDITIONAL Line #: 115Input Buf: RPC Event: sp_executesql;1Requested By:ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:55 ECID:0 Ec:(0x483FB570)Value:0x37c0e060 Cost:(0/138)Victim Resource Owner:ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:52 ECID:0 Ec:(0x4AC4D570)Value:0x23297b80 Cost:(0/12C)

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Deadlock On Single Table

Jul 20, 2005

We have one user who enters a transaction and then does a single rowupdate (updates all columns but only one is changing - this is due tothe way our sql is generated in the application), at this pointanother user enter a transaction and tries to update the same row (heunderstandably has to sit and wait while he is blocked by the originaluser). The original user then updates the same row again – at thispoint the second user is chosen as a deadlock victim and killed. If Itry and recreate this with any other tables(or pubs) I get my expectedbehaviour of the original user just doing 2 successful updates and thesecond user then completing his update once the original user haseither committed his changes or rolled back. The query plan indicatesthat a drop and insert of the row is happening (this is not the casewith any other tables where we get our expected behaviour). This onlyhappens when the index is clustered - if we use a non-clustered indexit does not occur.Is this expected behaviour? it seems dangerous to me as the firstuser has not commited or rolled back his updates. It was onlyhighlighted by a fault in our application that caused the secondupdate to be executed.I have some thoughts about it being something to do with a row lockbeing relased due to a delete / insest of the row in the second update(we see this in the execution plan).....Any help much appreciated as I am struggling to get my head round howthe second user was ever able to get hold of the resource.

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How To Get Table Info From RID Deadlock ?

May 7, 2007

Hi There

I am trying to troubleshoot deadlock issues.

The dead lock is with a RID.

Now from various links i have established that you have to use DBCC PAGE() with relevant info to get more information, i get back a object and index id, m_objid.

However i dont know how to get the tablename form here, msdn simply says that it is an allocation id not and actual table id, so how can i from here get to table information?

All i am trying to figure out is which table is affected fromt he RID dealock, but that does not seem to be a simple process.


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Process DeadLock -- Frustating Error

Mar 24, 2008

I have a stored procedure which gets called by ASPX page and it inserts, updates data into different tables. originally, I had a issue that if error occured, it would not rollback all the data so i used transaction around it. now, once in a while I am getting this error "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction (Process ID 181) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction".
I don't know how this error occurs and how do I prevent it. please help.
transaction is as follow.
 // t-sql codes to insert update multiple tables
if (@@TRANCOUNT > 0) --error
declare @errSeverity intselect
@errMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE(),
@errSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()
RAISERROR(@errMsg, @errSeverity, 1)

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How To Solve The Deadlock Error During Backup?

Jan 24, 2005

I used veritas to backup MsSQL 2000 database server but I often encounter backup fail error due to the deadlock in the database. May I know how to reduce this problem?

I heard there is a method to control the database deadlock timeout. If we set a lock timeoutvalue, will it reduce the chance of deadlock to happen? Is there any disadvantage of doing that?

If I were not wrong , we can set the lock_timeout value using the syntax "SET LOCK_TIMEOUT milliseconds" Is that true? But Do we have to have to run this command for every database? What is the normal milliseconds value?

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Deadlock On Update Using Temp Table

Dec 29, 2005

I sometimes get the following error from an update statement in astored procedure:Transaction (Process ID 62) was deadlocked on thread | communicationbuffer resources with another process and has been chosen as thedeadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.The isolation level is READ UNCOMMITTED and there are no explicittransactions in the stored procedure. The update statement is asfollows:UPDATE PLSET PL.PL_SI_LAST_YEAR_AMOUNT = #tmpWorkPLPrior.PRIOR_AMOUNTFROM #tmpWorkPLPriorWHERE PL.COMPANY = @compAND PL.PLAN_YEAR = @yearAND PL.FORECAST_QUARTER = @qtrAND PL.VERSION_ID = @verAND PL.BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE = #tmpWorkPLPrior.BUSINESS_UNITAND PL.PROJECT_ID = #tmpWorkPLPrior.PROJECT_IDAND PL.BUDGET_CODE = #tmpWorkPLPrior.BUDGET_CODEAND PL.BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE <> 'G7'PL rows: 24,342,553PL rows - Filtered: 230,088#tmpWorkPLPrior rows: 3,641Updated rows: 43,692The temp table (#tmpWorkPLPrior) is created by a SELECT INTO statement.It has the values that need to be set in the PL table. The PL tablehas a clustered index on 8 columns. The filters (@comp, @year, ...)select 230,088 rows. When the update succeeds it updates 43,692 rowsin about 15 seconds. Why does this sometimes deadlock and other timessucceed? There is nothing else running, so the process is deadlockingon itself.Thanks,Frank

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Deadlock When Working With Temporary Table?

Oct 16, 2007


We wrote some stored procedures, and some temporary table used because there some some complicated logic.

In normal testing, the application works weel, but very easy to get deadlock error in stress testing.

Error message like this:
Transaction (Process ID 51) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

Sample code:
CREATE TABLE #PageIndexForUsers
IndexId int IDENTITY (0, 1) NOT NULL,
UserId int

INSERT INTO #PageIndexForUsers (UserId)
FROM Users

Other tested functions will insert/update table Users too.

I searched on internet, several people said it's MS bug, anybody help?

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Stored Proc And Deadlock Error Handling

Jun 4, 2004

I have a Stored Proc that is called by a SQL Job in SQL Server 2000. This stored proc deadlocks once every couple of days. I'm looking into using the @@error and try to doing a waitfor .5 sec and try the transaction again. While looking around google I've come across a few articles stating that a deadlock inside a Stored Proc will stop all execution of the stored proc so I will not be able doing any error handling. Is this true? Does anyone have any experience that could help me out?

I know the best solution would be to resolve why I get a deadlock. We are currently looking into that but until we can resolve those issues I would like to get some type of error handling in place if possible.

Thank you,

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How To Enter More Number Of Rows In A Table Having More Number Of Columns At A Time

Sep 24, 2007


I want to enter rows into a table having more number of columns

For example : I have one employee table having columns (name ,address,salary etc )
then, how can i enter 100 employees data at a time ?

Suppose i am having my data in .txt file (or ) in .xls

( SQL Server 2005)

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SQL 2012 :: Deadlock When Inserting And Deleting Items From Same Table

Nov 3, 2015

I am getting a number of deadlocks when inserting and deleting items from the same table.

The delete statement has a U lock and awaiting an IX lock on an index that covers the column in the where clause.

The insert statement has a IX lock and awaiting a U lock on the same index.

The delete statement is deleting about 5000 rows, where as the insert statement is inserting a single row.

Both these statements are found in stored procedures being called from LINQ to SQL.

I am wondering if there is a way I can prevent the delete statement taking the U lock out?My thinking being if the delete didn't take out the U lock then it would not deadlock with the insert. Are there any hints I could use to avoid the particular lock above?

I have seen various examples of multiple updates causing a deadlock, which can be fixed by adding multiple indexes. However, as I am inserting and deleting rows I imagine that all the indexes will need to be updated by both operations.

I have inherited the architecture and don't have the time to redesign everything at present. My backup plan is to deprioritize the delete and build in a retry mechanism.

However, it would be really good if I could find a more elegant way to handle deleting and inserting rows at the same time.

Deadlock trace information below...

11/02/2015 22:21:26,spid21s,Unknown,waiter id=process1cc9c68558 mode=IX requestType=wait
11/02/2015 22:21:26,spid21s,Unknown,waiter-list
11/02/2015 22:21:26,spid21s,Unknown,owner id=process203f31b498 mode=U
11/02/2015 22:21:26,spid21s,Unknown,owner-list
11/02/2015 22:21:26,spid21s,Unknown,pagelock fileid=1 pageid=721673 dbid=6 subresource=FULL objectname=PerforceReports_Staging.dbo.DebugReport id=lock1663f5d900 mode=U

[Code] ....

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Deadlock Due To Transactions Within A Single SPID(syslockinfo Table)

Jun 4, 2007

I got a deadlock scenario and so I took a snap shot of the syslockinfo table. I found out an interesting scenario where the deadlock is because of two transactions within the same spid.

rsc_text rsc_bin rsc_valblk rsc_dbid rsc_indid rsc_objid rsc_type rsc_flag req_mode req_status req_refcnt req_cryrefcnt req_lifetime req_spid req_ecid req_ownertype req_transactionID req_transactionUOW

1:31840 0x00060200607C00000100000000000000 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 2 0 0 6 0 5 1 1 0 0 113 0 1 96462284 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

1:31840 0x00060200607C00000100000000000000 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 2 0 0 6 0 5 3 1 0 67108864 113 0 1 96594607 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

For the first one the lock was granted(transactionID:96462284)
but for the next one(transactionId:96594607) it was put in wait state and SQL server detected it as a deadlock.

I just wanted some clarifications.
1) what is the significance of req_transactionID column in syslockinfo table?
2) what is the relationship between req_transactionId column and spid column?
3) In case of nested transactions what will be the values of these 2 columns and what will be the relationship between them in that scenario?
4) In this case the deadlock is occurring while executing a SP(the nested level of calls go till 3rd level).
5) Will there be contention for locks between transactions within a single spid.

it is something like this:
end while

the deadlock occurred when executing sp_cache 2.
At that time there were only two transactionId values in the syslockinfo table for this spid,They were:
1) 96462284

If some body could please help me it would be really helpful for me.

Thanks in advance!!

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Deadlock Problem? 3 Way Conditional Split Of Data From One Table To Another Never Completes

Feb 21, 2007

I have a source table which I'm splitting 3 ways based on a column value, but the target is the same OLE DB destination table. One conditional path is to a Multi-Cast two way split to same OLE DB gestination table. The default split is to a flat file for logging unknown record types. For a test I have data for only the 3 column values I want, but I'm having trouble with the process completing. If I pre-filter the data going into the source table by one or two values I can get the process to complete even if one split is to the multicast. If I include all three data types in the source table, I get different results depending on the order in which the conditions are specified - sometimes only two split paths are executed; other times all three are executed, but in some cases only one path of the multicast split is executed. In any case, when the three source data types are used in the test, the process never competes - the pathes are in a yellow condition and never complete.

Am I creating some kind of deadlock situation by having the source data directed to the same target table via 4 splits? Any help you can provide is appreciated. Thanks.

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SQL Server Column Name Starts With A Number. C# Throws Error.

Mar 21, 2006

I have a table in sql server 2000 which has a column whose name starts with a number("2ndName").I have a c# code which updates the table by filling a Dataset.When I issue an update, it throws the following error:-"Incorrect Syntax near 2"Query I use to build the adapter is "SELECT id, Name, [2ndName] FROM MyTBL WHERE 1 = 3" and the statement issued to update is "objAdapter.Update(objDSDB, "MyTBL")" when it throws the error "Incorrect Syntax near 2".Any help to resolve this is appreciated.Thanks in advance.Jai

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Replication Using SQL Server 2000 - Error Number: -2147200976)

Jan 23, 2007

I have few databases with SAME database structure in
SQL Server 2000 in different locations.  Data will be
updated in different places with different sets of
data.   Basically, i need to synchronize the data
especially to the headquarters database   periodically
(may be everyday at night).
DB : SQL Server 2000
OS : Both are running on Windows XP for testing
Situation : Now i have 2 database from 2 different
estates. Now, need to be synched into 1.
Have 2 publisher namely TH1, TH2
1 subscriber : THFinal
I've created 2 individual publications using "Create 
Publication" and published database namely TH1 and
Publication type : Merge publication
Default table article properties setting are as
follows :
a. When merging from different sources : "Treate
changes to the same column as a conflict (changes to 
different columns in the same row will be merged)".
matches the ROW FILTER statement".
Resolver :
I checked "yes" for  - Allow Subscribers to resolve
conflicts interactively during on-demand
Now, when i sync the TH1, all the records from TH1
goes to the subscriber database "THFinal".
When i sync the TH2, all the records which was 
synched earlier (from  TH1) being DELETED. and  all
the records from TH2 goes to the subscriber database
Basically, i WANT to retain the ALL THE data from in
"THFinal" which came from TH1 database since the
primary key is different. Also, all the database
contains running no (Identity increment = 1)  .
Identity : Yes (Not For Replication) (Identit  seed=1)

PROBLEM : 1ST (TH1) database can be synched. when
I try to replicate the 2nd (TH2) database, the 
following   ERROR displayed :  The process could not
drop one or more tables  because  the tables are being
used by other publications.
The process could not drop one or more tables because
the tables are being used by other publications.
(Source: Merge Replication Provider (Agent); Error
number: -2147200976)

Thanks in Advance


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SQL Server 2008 :: Copying ID Number To Another Field In Table

Jun 26, 2015

I need to have a table that has a primary key

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[testing](
[tid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[sometext] [varchar](150) NOT NULL,
[idcopied] [varchar](50) NULL,

..and eveytime I add 'sometext' as another row, the tid # needs to be duplicated to idcopied field

insert into [testing] (sometext,idcopied) values ('some junk',@@identity)


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OPENROWSET (INSERT) Insert Error: Column Name Or Number Of Supplied Values Does Not Match Table Definition.

Mar 24, 2008

Is there a way to avoid entering column names in the excel template for me to create an excel file froma  dynamic excel using openrowset.
I have teh following code but it works fien when column names are given ahead of time.
If I remove the column names from the template and just to Select * from the table and Select * from sheet1 then it tells me that column names donot match.
 Server: Msg 213, Level 16, State 5, Line 1Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
here is my code...
SET @sql1='select * from table1'SET @sql2='select * from table2'  
IF @File_Name = ''      Select @fn = 'C:Test1.xls'     ELSE      Select @fn = 'C:' + @File_Name + '.xls'        -- FileCopy command string formation     SELECT @Cmd = 'Copy C:TestTemplate1.xls ' + @fn     
-- FielCopy command execution through Shell Command     EXEC MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL @cmd, NO_OUTPUT        -- Mentioning the OLEDB Rpovider and excel destination filename     set @provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'     set @ExcelString = 'Excel 8.0;HDR=yes;Database=' + @fn   
exec('insert into OPENrowset(''' + @provider + ''',''' + @ExcelString + ''',''SELECT *     FROM [Sheet1$]'')      '+ @sql1 + '')         exec('insert into OPENrowset(''' + @provider + ''',''' + @ExcelString + ''',''SELECT *     FROM [Sheet2$]'')      '+ @sql2 + ' ')   

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Error Number : 29503 The SQL Server Service Failed To Start.

Mar 29, 2006

Is there a trick to getting this installed correctly? Everything works great until it gets up to starting the service. Here is the complete section of my setup log file.

SQL 2005 Standard.

Machine : KINGSERVER550
Product : SQL Server Database Services
Error : The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
Machine : KINGSERVER550
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Failed
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0003_KINGSERVER550_SQL.log
Last Action : InstallFinalize
Error String : The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
The error is (1067) The process terminated unexpectedly.
Error Number : 29503

I searched a previous thread dealing with this error, but seems like nobody has found a solution.


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SQL Server 2014 :: Huge Number Of Rows In Table Spool

Jul 6, 2015

I have a CTE query against a table with 32K rows that runs fine in 2008R2. I am running it in 2014 Std Ed. against the same data and it runs very slowly. Looking at the execution plan I think I see what's contributing to the slowness.

Note that the "actual number of rows" is some 351M...how is this possible?

the query:

declare @amts table (claim int,allowed decimal(12,2),copay decimal(12,2),deductible decimal(12,2),coins decimal(12,2));
;with unpaid (claimID) as (select claimID from claim where amt+copay + disct+mm + ded=0)
insert @amts
select lineID, sum(rc), sum(copay), sum(deduct),
case when sum(mm)>0 and (sum(mm)<sum(mmamt)) then sum(mm) else 0 end
from claimln
where status is null
and lineID not in (select claimID from unpaid)
group by lineID

it's like there's some massively recursive process going on?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Incrementing Number In Table And Then Resetting Column

Jul 15, 2015

I have four columns in my table, the first one is the identity column

col1 Col1 col2 col3

1 12 1 This is Test1
2 12 2 This is Test1
3 12 3 This is Test3
4 12 4 This is Test4
5 12 5 @@@@@

When, I see, @@@ sign in my col4, I need to restart the col3 from 1 again so it will look like this

col1 Col2 col3 col4

1 12 1 This is Test1
2 12 2 This is Test1
3 12 3 This is Test3
4 12 4 This is Test4
5 12 5 @@@@@
6 12 1 This is another test1
7 12 2 This is another Test2

Is it possible to do that?

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Maximum Number Of Columns In A Sql Server Express 2005 Table

Mar 12, 2008

What is the maximum number of columns you can have in a sql server express 2005 table?

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Populate Server Table Via HTTP Address And Port Number

Oct 15, 2015

How do I populate a SQL Server express 2014 table from an impinj speedway reader via http address and port number...

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SQL Server 2012 :: Populate Number Table Variation With Inline Tally?

Dec 27, 2014

I have to create a table like this across a bunch of servers. I'm thinking that I'm overlooking something with needing two additional CTEs, but maybe not. I have it at 17 seconds, which isn't much faster than a while loop solution that's currently in place.

@msg NVARCHAR(MAX) = N''
USE tempdb
CREATE TABLE dbo.EulerSource ( [SID] INT, Euler BIGINT )

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Way To Check To Find Number Of Rows And Size Of A Table

Apr 29, 2015

How can we monitor the all tables in all databases and send notifications to the team.Is there a way to check to find the no of rows and size of a table last month and find out growth % now

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SQL Server 2012 :: Insert Rows Based On Number Of Distinct Values In Another Table

May 20, 2014

I have a table with PO#,Days_to_travel, and Days_warehouse fields. I take the distinct Days_in_warehouse values in the table and insert them into a temp table. I want a script that will insert all of the values in the Days_in_warehouse field from the temp table into the Days_in_warehouse_batch row in table 1 by PO# duplicating the PO records until all of the POs have a record per distinct value.


Temp table: (Contains only one field with all distinct values in table 1)


Table 1 :

PO# Days_to_travel Days_in_warehouse Days_in_warehouse_batch
1 10 20
2 5 30
3 7 40

Updated Table 1:

PO# Days_to_travel Days_in_warehouse Days_in_warehouse_batch
1 10 20 20
1 10 20 30
1 10 20 40
2 5 30 20
2 5 30 30
2 5 30 40
3 7 40 20
3 7 40 30
3 7 40 40

How can I update Table 1 to see desired results?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Number Of Column Mismatch In Source File And Staging Table

Apr 14, 2015

I am having one store procedure which use to load data from flat file to staging table dynamically. everything is working fine.Staging_temp table have single column.All the data stored in that single column below is the sample Data.



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