Whenever I insert a record into my table it adds trailing white spaces up to the amount of char's that the field is set to allow. Obviously I don't want it to do this.
Among other problems then when I get the data back out it has a ton of white spaces, which normally wouldn't be a problem. i could just use the .Trim() function, but for some reason when I bind the data to a drop down list and use the .Trim() function it doesn't trim the white spaces.
Anyways any ideas on how to make it so the white spaces don't get put in in the first place?? Or any other thoughts on this?? Thanks!
hi i have table i use it for update insert and the users use this table from a grid on the web and i need to prevent from white space in the fields in table so how to create TRIGGER remove white space from a fields in table scan and fix it ?
Creating a text file using DTS, is there a function/way to take out white spaces from columns. Example: '1234 ','567 ' would come in text as '1234','567'
I have a column which has some white spaces that I suspect is tab delimeted one. So when I use a rtrim(col1) it would not trim those. So i used a scrip component and wrote this line,
Row.trimDetail = RTrim(Row.detail)
here trimdetail is an o/p column and detail is the input col with the trailing spaces.
but still I don know why the column has that spaces. Can someone help me to figure out what is the problem ?
Hi, I'm inserting a few columns into my db (they all have a nvarchar(50) ).. but i noticed when i retrieve them out of the db, the length of the string always have some trailing white spaces behind them and such when I try to do stuff like dropdownlist.items.findbyvalue(), it normally fails.I did trace and before the string get into the db, they were teh right length. so I'm not sure where did I do things wrong? thanks
I have a table . It has a nullable column called AccountNumber, whichis of varchar type. The AccountNumber is alpha-numeric. I want to takedata from this table and process it for my application. Before doingthat I would like to filter out duplicate AccountNumbers. I get most ofthe duplicates filtered out by using this query:select * from customerswhere AccountNumber NOT IN (select AccountNumber from customers whereAccountNumber <> '' group by AccountNumber having count(AccountNumber)[color=blue]> 1)[/color]But there are few duplicate entries where the actual AccountNumber issame, but there is a trailing space in first one, and hence thisduplicate records are not getting filtered out. e.g"abc123<white-space>" and "abc123" are considered two different entriesby above query.I ran a query like :update customers set AccountNumber = LTRIM(RTRIM(AccountNumber)But even after this query, the trailing space remains, and I am notable to filter out those entries.Am I missing anything here? Can somebody help me in making sure Ifilter out all duplicate entries ?Thanks,Rad
I spent huge amount of time figuring out how to preserve lading and trailing white spaces on report display without success. Can anyone help me here?
My problem is I have data with leading and or trailing white spaces and I need to show it as is. In designer preview it shows correct values. As soon as report is published and accessed on web, it truncates the whitespaces . I had a look at source, it shows values are correctly fetched(with spaces) but are ignored while rendering. I also tried replacing blank space with , however it reads this as &nbsp;.
I am using asp.net 2.0 and SQL serer 2005 reporting services.
In sp_create_plan_guide documentation, it's written:
When SQL Server matches the value of statement_text to batch_text and @parameter_name data_type [,...n ], or if @type = 'OBJECT', to the text of the corresponding query inside object_name, the following string elements are not considered:
White space characters (tabs, spaces, carriage returns, or line feeds) inside the string. Comments (-- or /* */). Trailing semicolons
On SQL Server 2008 SP3, I created a plan guide for a query. Now, if I execute the query exactly how it was defined in the plan guide, SQL Server match it and use the plan guide to optimize the query.
However, if I add just a space between a column name and an operator in the WHERE clause, the plan guide is ignored. How come it doesn't ignore the extra space, like mentioned in the documentation?
Product Type - A Product Name  - 1 Product Price -  1 Product Name - 2 Product Price - 2
Product Type - B Product Name - 1.1 Product Price - 1.1 Product Name - 2.1 Product Price - 2.1 Product Name - 3.1 Product Price  - 3.1
Similarly i have different Product types and product names and its prices underneath each product type. As you can see, there might be varied number of products under the product type so i am grouping it on Product type. The issue is when i export the report to pdf or word, when ever we have a big group of Product Type( example: Product Type X and it has 10 different Products under it) along with few other smaller groups, the big group tends to jump on to the next page of word or pdf and leaves a big empty space in the previous page. Any way i can break those big groups and  fit  as many as we can on the page and the rest should follow onto the next page rather than leaving the previous page with blank space.Â
For some reason, there are extra trailing spaces being added to all my data as it is placed in the db. I am collecting information from, processing a TRIM-like function in javascript, and then again in the ASP.net code before it is being placed in the db.
The extra spaces are causing problems with my application.
I'm trying to create an output file in a specific layout. For some reason my output file is adding an extra 10 spaces between the Account Number and the Check Number in the statement below. The rest of the output file looks fine. Where the extra 10 spaces are coming from? I need 1 Filler Space between these fields.
SELECT DISTINCT CASE p.PaymentMethodID WHEN 10 THEN 'I' WHEN 60 THEN 'V' WHEN 50 THEN 'S' ELSE 'I' END + CONVERT(CHAR(1), '') + (REPLICATE('0', 20 - LEN(ba.AccountNumber))+ CONVERT(CHAR(20), ba.AccountNumber)) + CONVERT(CHAR(1), '') + (REPLICATE('0', 18 - LEN(p.CheckNumber)) + CONVERT(VARCHAR(18), p.CheckNumber))
When I go to preview mode and select the print preview. The white background is black and the black is white. Any one know how to set this back to the original way it worked?
Hey guys, i finally connected to the db fine however for some reason i cannot pull the data. I was hoping somebody here might be able to help me. The code is below
Function MyQueryMethod() As System.Data.DataSet Dim connectionString As String = "server='xxxx'; user id='xxxx'; password='xxxxxx'; database='wel"& _ "sh_indiv'" Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString) Dim queryString As String = "SELECT [test12].[name], [test12].[grade] FROM [test12]" Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand dbCommand.CommandText = queryString dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand Dim dataSet As System.Data.DataSet = New System.Data.DataSet dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet) Return dataSet End Function im kinda new to programming with vb for asp.net pages so please bare with me.
SELECT t.Doctor, t.LedgerAmount, t.TransactionDate, ISNULL(lg.LedgerGrpDesc, 'No Sales Group') AS LedgerGroup FROM Transactions t LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerGroups lg ON t.LedgerDescription = lg.dbLedgerDesc
[Code] .....
My problem is that the data in t.LedgerDescription sometimes now has either leading/trailing white space or more likely special chars so the join against lg.dbLedgerDesc doesn't always work.
I can't change the source of the data to strip out special chars/white space so am stuck on how to deal with it.
I tried using LTRIM & RTRIM in the where clause but this doesn't seem to have had any effect...
LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerGroups lg ON LTRIM(RTRIM(t.LedgerDescription)) = lg.dbLedgerDesc
I have just started using SQL Server reporting services and am stuck with creating subreports.
I have a added a sub report to the main report. When I right click on the sub report, go to properties -> Parameters, and click on the dropdown for Parameter Value, I see all Sum and Count fields but not the data fields.
For example, In the dropdownlist for the Parameter value, I see Sum(Fields!TASK_ID.Value, "AppTest"), Count(Fields!TASK_NAME.Value, "CammpTest") but not Fields!TASK_NAME.Value, Fields!TASK_ID.Value which are the fields retrieved from the dataset assigned to the subreport.
When I manually change the parameter value to Fields!TASK_ID.Value, and try to preview the report, I get Error: Subreport could not be shown. I have no idea what the underlying issue is but am guessing that it's because the field - Fields!TASK_ID.Value is not in the dropdown but am trying to link the main report and sub report with this field.
Am I missing something here? Any help is appreciated.
Hi i have 1 query please guide me, SELECT P.ProjectName, REPLACE(SPACE(TU.TaskOutlineLevel), ' ', '__') AS dash,TU.TASKISSUMMARY AS TASKSUMMARY, here i want to add BLANKS but not working so i have to show add spaces using __ here any idea i can add SPACES or ' ' here. please let me know if any. basically i want to align the data in my GRIDVIEW Thanks in advance Parth
Hello,when I export data from a table to a text file, I get trailing spacesif the data type in char. (This dosen't happen if the data type isvarchar). I can get rid of the spaces by using the trim() function onevery signle column. here is an example:DTSDestination("first_name") = DTSSource("last_name")My question is:Is there any easier way to get ride of the training spaces for allcolumns when exporing a table? It is too time consuming if I have totype trim() for every single column in the table.Thank you in advance,Eddy
My Input is a flat file source and it has spaces in few columns in the data . These columns are linked to another table as a foreign key and when i try loading them in a relational structure Foreigh key violation is occuring , is there a standard method to replace these spaces .
what approach should i take so that data gets loaded in a relational structure.
for example
Name Age Salary Address dsds 23 fghghgh
Salary description level 2345 nnncncn 4
here salary is used in this example , the datatype is char in real scenario
what approach should i take to load the data in with cleansing the spaces in ssis
In SQL Reporting I want the user to pass a parameter to the report; the parameter is a employee number. Easy right, you write a where statement like where table_name.employee_number =@employee_number. When the user runs the report they€™re asked to type in the number.
My problem is the dB stores the employee number with leading spaces padding the number out to 9, so if the user types in 1 they get jack, but if they type in €˜ 1€™ they get the right employee. I can€™t roll it out that way
I€™d do something in the where clause so the user could just type in 1 & it would auto pad out to 9 spaces. I€™ve tried using the €˜LIKE€™ clause & I€™ve tried using concatenate but so far neither works well.
Pardon me if this question is too elementary. I am trying to create a trigger that will cause certain datafields to be updated with values from other data fields in the same row when a certain column, created specifically to fire the trigger, is updated. The purpose of this is to reduce data entry by field personnel.I think I have the create trigger statement correct, but I'm a little confused on the update statement.
I do know that I have to ensure that sp_dboption Recursive Triggers value is set to false, thanks.
Hello, I have a simple question. Is it at all possible to replace columns which has nulls with blank spaces for a float data type column. The columns has null values( written)) in it in some rows and has numbers in other rows . I want to remove nulls before copying it to another file. Thanks
I am loading data using SSIS 2008 from a table in SQL Server 2008 DB to excel 97 sheet pre-defined with column headers. All the columns in excel is has 'Text' format property and the columns in the SQL Server table are defined as nVarchar. One of the columns has trailing spaces in few rows in DB but after exporting to excel 97, the spaces are gone. We need to retain the whitespaces in the column values. How can we do that.
Hi! Need help with this one: I have a column with a string composed by several data. After using REPLACE several times, I get something like the data below, which has (in most of cases) a value and a date.
378 9/05
388 9/05
1/06 606
1/06 646
76 5/05
100 1/05
118 8/05
129 8/05
9/05 342
05/3 123
4/06 164 The problem is that I need to get each value alone (to separate columns), in example: Value Date 378 09/2005 388 09/2005 0 04/2005 ... 606 01/2006
and so on... In addittion you can see that sometimes the Value come first or alone, and sometimes the Date come first or alone.
I will appreciate any good ideas, Thanks in advance, Aldo.
Ok, here is the problem. Client created a database with Allocated Space of 5GB. THEY WILL ONLY EVER HOLD A MAXIMUM OF 1GB IN DATA!!! Don't ask.
In any case, they currently have a database filled with 600MB of Data and 4.4GB of White Space. From what I can see, the database is backing up that entire database nightly, based on 5GB of allocated space. It doesnt care that only 600MB is being used, it only knows that someone put aside 5GB and its gonna darn well back it up.
I need to get rid of that space. Their Backups are taking hours on end and Batch Files are timing out. Quite honestly, they dont need to back up 4.5GB of white space.
QUESTION: How can I eliminate that white space? I have tried to run several SQL scripts to Truncate the DB and eliminate unused space, unfortunately it is not working. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
I think this may be a dumb question, but here goes.If there is a lot of "white space" in a field in SQL Server, does it take upserver space, or is it just ignored?Example:Name of product<br>Manufacturer's Name<br>Manufacture's Phone number<br>Instead of this:Name of product<br>Manufacturer's Name<br>Manufacture's Phonenumber<br>I think it would, but maybe not?Thanks, J~
We've been working on a white paper targeting SSIS connectivity which we hope will help answer some of the key questions in the following areas :
What are the SSIS components and their support level for ADO.NET, ODBC, and OleDB?
How to deal with 64-bit connectors? what is supported, what is not?
Special sections on popular data sources such as SAP, Oracle, DB2, Flat File, XML.
A comprehensive list of data sources and available connectors from Microsoft and other 3rd parties.
You'll also find answers to why some of the things are the way they are today.
Note that this white paper is currently under official editing and publishing in Microsoft. It'll be a while before it goes public officially, but I wanted to share it with you, as the rich content it offers can't really wait. You'll find the paper in my blog, which is really a wiki site about SSIS connectivity fully open to public, so feel free to add/update content in there as you feel proper, and help the SSIS community with your wisdom!
A lot of feedback went into this white paper not only from Microsoft, but also from some of our partners and MVPs. I'd like to extend special thanks to Bob Beauschemin for authoring this challenging white paper.
Just a quick one - I swear I've seen a function before that was like Len() but it counted the white spaces too. I have a feeling it was something along the lines of "data_length" but I can't for the life of me find it!
When I exported report to PDF, I am getting a white page alternately between my report pdf pages. What is the problem behind that? Please suggest a solution.
I am hoping there is either a quick fix within SQL reporting services or a 3rd party tool for SQL reporting services that will fix my error. If not, we will be forced to go back to Crystal Reports.
I have a large report, that per each record prints between 3 and 5 pages of information. It is laid out like an MS Word document (as that is what is needed to send off to the client), so it is in standard letter style with the text growing down vertically.
I have about 10 large text (SQL Server Text field types) fields on this report. The report itself was built using the SQL Reporting Services table tool, so I could correclty group the information into the same record and also to keep the needed specific report formatting.
Everything looks GREAT, except for large white space in the report. The cause is that each row on the SQL Reporting Services table contains a field of data. Well, in some instances there is too much text to fit on the current page of the report (in some cases as much as 3/4 a page of paper), so instead of starting to print on the page and then continuing to print on to the next page, the data will skip the page and start at the top of the next page.
This will leave large white spaces in my report. In one instance I have a Text field that with the correct formatting is larger than a page. So the report prints on 1/4 of page 2, is blank for remander 3/4 of a page 2, and then starts printing the large text field on the following page (page 3). So 3/4 of a page in my report is left empty.
Is there a work around for this, or a 3rd party tool that can be purchased to allow for this? I have not found a setting or a way to keep the table rows together as there is in Crystal Reports.
In SSRS the controls(chart and table) are hidden .Some white space occured for each full page. How to avoid such white space (blank page) for every page.
In our report there is five Controls and some of the controls are to be hidden. And that some pages having only white space. How to avoid such blank spaces.