Whose Runnable

Apr 13, 1999

In a development database, a developer was running 11 simultaneous jobs (in
PB) doing inserts into 11 tables. Ten completed and he wanted to know which
one was still active. We suspected it was on the largest table with the
most inserts was the one still active.

We're running on MSSQL 6.5, sp4.

We looked at current activity -user activity and saw that there were two
active users. Myself and someone else but not the developer. Although one
hint was a small blue line in the icon of a red page surrounded by a red
circle and a red line going through it, I guess that was the indication of
which table.

When we logged onto ISQLW and ran sp_who on are separate machines as sa, we
saw different statuses on the same process.

I saw the process 31 as sleeping and the developer on his machine(also
logged on as sa) saw the process 31 as runnable?

My question is this correct? How do I tell if HIS process is running if I
can't see it on my machine when we are both logged on as SA?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

David Spaisman

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Sp_who2 Status RUNNABLE

Jun 10, 2004

In the sql server analyzer, i ran sp_who2 store procedure to find out the procesess and locks on the sql server. I noticed on the status column some entries "RUNNABLE", does this could trigger blocked to other processess if not closed by our application? or What does runnable status mean?

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Excessive Blocking - Runnable Processes

May 23, 2006

Hi there,

Currently using SQL Server 2000 (SP4). The following condition started occurring last week:

- Server has excessive blocking
- Majority of the processes are in runnable state
- Excessive blocking happens for a few mins. and repeats again during the day. Does not happen at night.
- Nothing on the server errorlog, profiler
- CPU averages 40 - 50% at that point of excessive blocking

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Runnable Master Awaiting Command

Nov 1, 2006

Hi,Database Server running slow. I used SP_WHO2 ACTIVE and the resulthas many ofXXXX SA RUNNABLE MASTER AWAITINGCOMMAND..........(XXXX is spid)and they stay for couples seconds.Last week , the server was running fine and during weekend ,noneof errors record in Windowsevent log or SQL Server log.Server is Windows 2003 server with 4 CPUs of xeon , 4 GB of memoryandMSSQL SERVER 200 SP4.I found out that every runnable master db tasks has shared lock onkey of'master.dbo.sysxlogins.sysxlogins' objectIs this the problem of slow running database server?Please advice.Peeud

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Locks And Forever Runnable Processes

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,I'm using SS 2000 and NT4 (and Access97 as front-end on another server)Well, probably by lack of knowledge about table locks, I don't really knowwhere to start to present this problem. In Enterprise manager, section"Management->Current activity->Locks/Objects", we have a couple (5-7) of"forever runnable" processes, all related to two specific situations. Eachof them are for "SELECT" statements. It's been a long time since it's likethat. I've always been curious about them but the weren't causing anyproblem. Now, after a modification, a third situation happened ("SELECT"again)... and sometime a lock created by this new "forever runnable" processblocks other functions that use the same table. All my table are linked withan ODBC link.Any help or suggestion where to search would be appreciated.Thanks.Yannick

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