Why I Am Not Able To Change The Size Of Report Body
May 3, 2007
Hi, all experts here,
Thanks a lot for your kind attention.
I am on the layout page, and click on the body, going to the body property dialogue, there is a size property there, I changed its width and height, but it is not changed at all? I mean once I save it, it is back to its orginal size? Why is that? Any advices for that?
Hope my question is clear.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
And I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
In one of my SSRS report under body properties default size (width = 34.54712cm , height = 20.92853cm ). I've tried to reduce the size to width = 26cm ,height = 18 . once i changed. the width its going to the same orginal size again.
Hello, I was modifying some standard reports of one planning program, by downloading .rdl file from report server and creating a new report project. I have done so many times. Last weak in one of those new reports only header of the report was seen in the report server as I thought I had made some kind of mistake tried to look for it, and after some time the problem fixed itself and I blamed everything on one mixed up connection between the tables in the report, because after removing it the problem fixed itself, but now I think that was just a coincidence. This weak after working fine for about a weak, 6 reports appeared as only headers and footers, they worked fine yesterday and no changes were made to the reports, but in the morning only the header is seen. The reports that are affected are the 4 new ones, and 2 original ones, they are all dealing with the same date just different grouping and sorting. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
The gap between my report heading and the body seems unusually large, is there a way to shrink this down from what appears to be a default of over an inch? I dont see a way to slide the body upward in layout mode.
Hi I have a report of 8.5"(W) by 11"(H).The header and footer size are fixed. The header size is 4.75 in and footer size is 2.375in. In the report body I have a table where the data is dynamic. The problem is when the data is small i mean like 2 or 3 columns it doesnt touch the footer . If we have more than 10 columns or so it goes to the next page and even then it doesnt touch the footer beacuse the data stops there. If we have like 4 columns or so in the table then it touches the footer. I tried to replace the table with the list but I got the same problem there also. I tried to place the table in a rectangle and it has the same problem. I want the table to touch the footer no matter how much the data is . Is there any work around for this problem?
I really appreciate your help and time Thanks Hobbs
Have you ever tried the following: change the background color of your body to any other color than white and deploy it. You will see that that body background color is still white.
I'm working on a dashboard which is black so I really need to get this working.
Is it possible to retrieve the value of a subreport's field or control from the parent report? I'm doing some grouping in the subreport and need to retrieve the group by's data value from the subreport.
Also, is there a way to repeat the main page's body when subreport has a page break? ie you page break on some thing in the subreport and need the body and head of the parent report to repeat on subsequent pages.
We have the customer requirement to display the footer of a SSRS Report fixed at the absolute bottom of a DIN A4 format page. The footer contains information like company address and stuff.
I searched quite a while on this topic and only found workarounds for SQL Server 2005 with Custom Code in the SSRS Report to calculate the size of the body content and then insert some empty lines to get the space needed to push the footer to the bottom of the page. But this won't work in SQL Server 2012. And I wasn't able to figure out how to achieve this yet.
Hello,I have been trying to figure out how to temporarily change the maxfilegroup size of a SQL 2000 database I "inherited" when our DBA quit.I just need some breathing room until I can figure out how to properlyarchive and remove some filegroups.Here is the scenario, my filegroup is set to 20. Each filegroup is setto grow to 4096.I currently have all 20 filegroups in use and filegroup number 20 ismore than 1/2 full.I have considered making the max size for each filegroup larger butbelieve this is treating the symptom not fixing the problem.I would RTFM if I knew how to ask the question in 5 words or less.I have plenty of room to grow in terms of disk space.In Query Analyzer I suspect I have to use an ALTER DATABASEIn Gui mode I suspect I have to right click on the database properties,filegoups,,,,In the past I have setup my databases with 1 filegroup and autoconfigured to grow as needed so this is new territory for me so pleasefeel free to dumb it down for a noob as I need baby steps.
I am using one Publisher with many subscribers for Merge replication of a database. I wanted to change size one column in a table. So I added a dummy column (through Filter column). Copied data, dropped old column (through Filter column), added new column, copied data, and dropped dummy column. On subscriber A, replication is OK. On subscriber B, I get the following message. -------------------- Initializing Connecting to Publisher 'REPLIC' Retrieving publication information Retrieving subscription information A column was added to or dropped from the replicated table. The schema script 'exec sp_repladdcolumn '[dbo].[Items]','C1',[NVARCHAR(1000) NULL], '%', 1' could not be propagated to the subscriber. The schema script 'exec sp_repladdcolumn '[dbo].[Items]','C1',[NVARCHAR(1000) NULL], '%', 1' could not be propagated to the subscriber. A column was added to or dropped from the replicated table. --------------------
I made a new snapshot, reintialized subscription with upload, and tried to sychronize again. But same message.
Question 1. Is there anyway to make replication? Question 2. If not, can I at least upload data changes before dropping and making new publication?
Howdy!Does any of you good folk know how to change window size of the DTSImport/Export Wizard window?Darn thing is very small and inconvinient to work with, no apparent way tochange it's size,may be there is a registry tweak or something.Thanks in advance,I.B.
We have 300+ databases on one sinlge server. If I need to change log size to "unlimited" for all of them, is there any way to do so? Please advice. -Julie
I am working on reports in SSRS 2008 (not R2)... There are some reports with parameters that are hidden when the report is accessed through normal URL using ReportViewer.asx..The thing is that these hidden parameters need to be visible when the report is accessed using SSRS Report Manager.
I have a database I need to copy from a Prod server to a Dev server. There is not enough space on the Dev server. In looking at the size of the files on the Prod server, the Initial Size property for the transaction log on the Prod server is set to 100,000 MB though the log is using nowhere near that.
This is a mirrored database so the recovery model is "full". I know that to change the initial log size, I have to put the database in 'simple" recovery model. Is this possible? Can I just:
1. Pause the mirror 2. Switch recovery model to simple 3. Change the initial size property to something smaller. 4. Shrink the transaction log 5. Change the recovery model back to full and resume the mirror?
I honestly don't know if the transaction log is needed on the Dev server. Meaning I may just be able to restore the transaction log to a different location on the server and delete it so that new one is created.
I have a report that has a matrix. That matrix can have from 2 to 16 columns dependinging on the dataset result. Right now I am forced to place this matrix on the left side of the report and make a column layout pretty narrow. When dataset has more than 13 or so columns it looks OK, but when dataset has only two or three columns it looks weird with a matrix sitting in the left corner with two or three narrow columns and a lot of empty space to the right.
Is it possible programmatically change the width of the columns depending on their number in the dataset?
Is it possible to move the location of the matrix (horizontally) depending on the number of columns in the dataset?
I have a 14GB database whose data content is legacy and is described as static. The log file is significantly large and continues to change size mostly increasing by 2-5GB a day (~60GB now) I have observed over the past two days; it shrank once unexpectly by a few GB. The instance is hosting other databases such as: EnterpriseVaultDirectory, EnterpriseVaultMonitoring, EnterpriseVaultStore, and NetPerfMon - might these seemingly unrelated data sources be involved?
I am trying to a trace to find traffic against the tables, no such luck.
Web applications are playing against it for queries but there should be no UPDATEs beign applied. I can only suspect that other unknown applications are performing operations but have yet to find unexplained connections.
Are there any other reasons why this type of log file activity would happen merely due to queries or stored procedure calls?
Lets also state, "mirroring, indexing, replication" are not at play. I know logging "Full" is not necessary as "Simple" should suffice but I am still hunting down why UPDATEs might be getting through. I realize I might adjust the migrated SQL 2000 security model to deny updates to find what breaks but would rather not take that iniative yet.
The installation is a fresh SQL 2005 Standard setup with SP2 applied; the databases were upgraded.
Is it possible to turn a server report created using report builder (with all the smdl and dsv stuff) into a report that is viewable using the Reportviewer ASP.Net control in _local_ mode? I need this because I'm trying to replace the datasource used in creating the report by another one for viewing the report.
I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I€™m using€?
And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn€™t keep the changes.
I would like to generate a report that lists each database in both sql 2000 and 2005 instance alongwith their size. I can get the size sysfiles... perhaps i can join it with sysdatabases ?
I need to keep a section of a report the same size. I have now a table with a detail and group section. The table header must print on every page and the table footer must print on every page. The detail section can only be 16 rows. When I have more than 16 rows the report page breaks perfectly and puts the remaining rows on the next page along with repeating the header and footer. The problem is when there are fewer than 16 rows the table does not take up the full page and looks horrible. All my displayed data is in the data set. I have looked at padding the dataset with bogus rows that would show up at the end and just not display but would rather take care of this on the report end. Any ideas? Thanks, Chad
I am trying to change the Page size of the layout dynamically. Does anyone know if this is possible? If so can you point me in the right direction to find resources for this.
Hey guys,Does anyone know a way (in Enterprise Manager or thru a SQL statement)to get the number of rows and the size of each table in a database?Thks,
Can anybody tell me how to change the name Property of a report on the Report Server?
When im using the standard Webpage, i can change all the properties i want.
But when i try the same in code. Changing the name property gets me a read-only exception. The description does change but i actually want the name to change.
Is it possible to setup different font size when a user is browsing or printing a report?
I have a lot of data to print on a report and i need tu use a font size of 7pt which is fine for printing but when the user is looking at the report on the browser a font size of 7pt is a bit too small and the bold doesn't work.
Is there a way to dynamically make report header and footer fields change location (or size)? I have many matrix reports that grow in width and then the header and footers do not look good.
Another example is I have a line that is in the header...I would like this to grow to the width of the report, which again is not static on a matrix report.