Why Is Getdate() Slower Than DATEADD()

Aug 22, 2007

I was tasked with optimizing a query that was taking about 2.5 minutes to run. It is now running in 2 seconds, so great, it's working....except I don't understand why. The ONLY change made is the where...

Here is the origional

Code Snippet

WHERE (j.datelaunched > GETDATE() - 7 OR (j.jobtype_id = 2 AND j.datecreated > GETDATE() - 30)

Here is the optomized

Code Snippet

WHERE (j.datelaunched >= DATEADD(DD, DATEDIFF(DD,0,GETDATE() - 7), 0) OR (j.jobtype_id = 2 AND j.datecreated >= DATEADD(DD, DATEDIFF(DD,0,GETDATE() - 30), 0)))

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Help Cursor Based Stored Procedure Is Getting Slower And Slower!

Jul 20, 2005

I am begginner at best so I hope someone that is better can help.I have a stored procedure that updates a view that I wrote using 2cursors.(Kind of a Inner Loop) I wrote it this way Because I couldn'tdo it using reqular transact SQL.The problem is that this procedure is taking longer and longer to run.Up to 5 hours now! It is anaylizing about 30,000 records. I thinkpartly because we add new records every month.The procedure works like this.The first Cursor stores a unique account and duedate combination fromthe view.It then finds all the accts in the view that have that account duedatecombo and loads them into Cursor 2 this groups them together for datamanipulation. The accounts have to be grouped this way because aaccount can have different due dates and multiple records within eachaccount due date combo and they need to be looked at this way aslittle singular groups.Here is my procedure I hope someone can shead some light on this. Myboss is giving me heck about it. (I think he thinks Girls cant code!)I got this far I hope someone can help me optimize it further.CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_PromiseStatusASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON/* Global variables */DECLARE @tot_pay moneyDECLARE @rec_upd VARCHAR(1)DECLARE @todays_date varchar(12)DECLARE @mActivityDate2_temp datetimeDECLARE @tot_paydate datetime/* variables for cursor ACT_CUR1*/DECLARE @mAcct_Num1 BIGINTDECLARE @mDueDate1 datetime/* variables for ACT_CUR2 */DECLARE @mAcct_Num2 BIGINTDECLARE @mActivity_Date2 datetimeDECLARE @mPromise_Amt_1 moneyDECLARE @mPromise_Status varchar(3)DECLARE @mCurrent_Due_Amt moneyDECLARE @mDPD intDECLARE @mPromise_Date datetimeSELECT @todays_date =''+CAST(DATEPART(mm,getdate()) AS varchar(2))+'/'+CAST(DATEPART(dd,getdate()) AS varchar(2))+'/'+CAST(DATEPART(yyyy,getdate()) AS varchar(4))+''DECLARE ACT_CUR1 CURSOR FORSELECT DISTINCTA.ACCT_NUM,A.DUE_DATEFROM VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDS AOPEN ACT_CUR1FETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR1 INTO @mAcct_Num1 , @mDueDate1WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)BEGINSELECT @rec_upd = 'N 'DECLARE ACT_CUR2 CURSOR FORSELECTB.ACCT_NUM,B.ACTIVITY_DATE,B.PROMISE_AMT_1,B.PROMISE_STATUS,B.CURRENT_DUE_AMT,B.DAYS_DELINQUENT_NUM,B.PROMISE_DATE_1FROM VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDS B (UPDLOCK)WHERE B.ACCT_NUM = @mAcct_Num1ANDB.DUE_DATE = @mDueDate1ORDER BY B.ACCT_NUM,B.DUE_DATE,B.ACTIVITY_DATE,CASEB.Time_ObtainedWHEN 0 THEN 0ELSE 1END Desc, B.Time_ObtainedOPEN ACT_CUR2FETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR2INTO @mAcct_Num2 ,@mActivity_Date2,@mPromise_Amt_1,@mPromise_Status ,@mCurrent_Due_Amt,@mDPD,@mPromise_DateWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)BEGIN----CHECK------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @PrintVariable2 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable2 = CAST(@MACCT_NUM2 AS VARCHAR)+''+CAST(@MACTIVITY_DATE2 AS VARCHAR)+' '+CAST(@MPROMISE_AMT_1 ASVARCHAR)+' '+CAST(@MPROMISE_STATUS AS VARCHAR)+''+CAST(@mCurrent_Due_Amt AS VARCHAR)+' '+CAST(@mDPD AS VARCHAR)+''+CAST(@mPromise_Date AS VARCHAR)--PRINT @PrintVariable2----ENDCHECK------------------------------------------------------------IF @mDPD >= 30BEGINSELECT @tot_pay = SUM(CONVERT(FLOAT, C.PAY_AMT))FROM vwAplicablePayments CWHERE C.ACCT_NUM = @mAcct_Num2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE >= @mActivity_Date2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE < @mActivity_Date2 + 15----CHECK------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @PrintVariable3 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable3 ='Greater=30 DOLLARS COLLECTED'--PRINT @PrintVariable3----ENDCHECK------------------------------------------------------------ENDELSE IF @mDPD < 30BEGINSELECT @tot_pay = SUM(CONVERT(FLOAT, C.PAY_AMT))FROM vwAplicablePayments CWHERE C.ACCT_NUM = @mAcct_Num2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE >= @mActivity_Date2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE BETWEEN @mActivity_Date2 AND@mPromise_Date + 5----CHECK----------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @PrintVariable4 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable4 ='Less 30 DOLLARS COLLECTED'--PRINT @PrintVariable4----END CHECK------------------------------------------------------------END----------------------------------------MY REVISEDLOGIC-------------------------------------------------------IF @rec_upd = 'N'BEGINIF @mDPD >= 30BEGINSELECT @mActivityDate2_temp = @mActivity_Date2 + 15--DECLARE @PrintVariable5 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable5 =' GREATER= 30 USING ACTVITY_DATE+15'--PRINT @PrintVariable5ENDELSE IF @mDPD < 30BEGINSELECT @mActivityDate2_temp = @mPromise_Date + 5--DECLARE @PrintVariable6 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable6 =' LESS 30 USING PROMISE_DATE+5'--PRINT @PrintVariable6ENDIF @tot_pay >= 0.9 * @mCurrent_Due_Amt--used to be promise amtBEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET PROMISE_STATUS = 'PK',TOTAL_DOLLARS_COLL = @tot_payWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto PK.IF @mPromise_Status IN ('PTP','OP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @todays_dateWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDSELECT @rec_upd = 'Y 'ENDIF ((@tot_pay < 0.9 * @mCurrent_Due_Amt) OR @tot_pay IS NULL)AND( @mActivityDate2_temp > @todays_date )--need to put 1dayof month here for snapshot9/01/2004BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSETPROMISE_STATUS = 'OP'WHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto OP which is the original Activity Date.--The record will hold this date until it goes into PK,PB,orIP.IF @mPromise_Status IN ('PTP','OP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @mActivity_Date2WHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDENDELSE IF ((@tot_pay < 0.9 * @mCurrent_Due_Amt) OR @tot_pay ISNULL)AND( @mActivityDate2_temp <= @todays_date )--need to put 1dayof month here for snapshot 9/01/2004BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSETPROMISE_STATUS = 'PB',TOTAL_DOLLARS_COLL = case when @tot_pay is nullthen 0 else @tot_pay endWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto PB.IF @mPromise_Status IN ('PTP','OP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @todays_dateWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDENDENDELSE IF @rec_upd = 'Y'BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSETPROMISE_STATUS = 'IP',TOTAL_DOLLARS_COLL = 0WHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto IP.IF @mPromise_Status NOT IN ('IP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @todays_dateWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDENDFETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR2 INTO @mAcct_Num2,@mActivity_Date2,@mPromise_Amt_1,@mPromise_Status ,@mCurrent_Due_Amt,@mDPD,@mPromise_DateENDCLOSE ACT_CUR2DEALLOCATE ACT_CUR2FETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR1 INTO @mAcct_Num1 , @mDueDate1ENDCLOSE ACT_CUR1DEALLOCATE ACT_CUR1SET NOCOUNT OFFENDGO

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Why SSIS Package Slower And Slower

Mar 1, 2008

hi, friends, please look at this:

I have a SSIS package, and inside it I do something like below:

1. I have a SQL component, to give back a object to store the records.
2. I have a VB script component, I direct the object I got in 1 step into the script as a dataset.

My problem is:
I run the package in the SQL SERVER 2005 Store Procedue like this:

dtexec.exe package.dtsx
loop untill i>t

I control the it runs 30 times. But I found that the speed is slower and slower.
the first time, it takes about 600 s, but the last time, it takes the 1800 s.

The package don't drop the object it create during the loop in the Store Procedue ?

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Getdate() >= Startdate And Getdate() <= Enddate

Oct 4, 2000

Please i need an exmple of ur solution, thanks :)

I'm using some files to show certain pages on certain date for an example

File name : aa.doc
start date: 10/02/00
end date : 10/03/00

But it expires on 10/02/00, here is the strored procedure:

Before the date comes, it expires the page
Here is my stored procedure:

SELECT startdate, enddate,archivedate
and (startdate is null or (getdate() >= startdate and getdate() <= enddate))
and (archivedate is null or (getdate() <= archivedate))
group by startdate, enddate order by startdate desc "

Thankx a lot

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Select Convert(varchar(16), Getdate(), 101)+LEFT(REPLACE(convert(varchar, Getdate(), 108), ':', ''),4)

Sep 26, 2007

select convert(varchar(16), getdate(), 101)+LEFT(REPLACE(convert(varchar, getdate(), 108), ':', ''),4)

From above query I get


but it' s yyyy and hour can not be separated


How can I separated the year and hour ?


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Oct 17, 2006

Just want to double check this.To add 30 days to the current date in a stored procedure using SQL Server should be this: DATEADD(day, 30, GETDATE())Right?Thanks,Zath

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Dateadd In RS

Mar 1, 2006


Hope someone can help.

I've got to produce a report that filters information dependent on the purchase date based on various parameters.

The parameters are:

@yearend (Datetime)

the script that I wrote in SQL is

select assetno from assets where purch_date < = dateadd(mm,-@months, @yearend)

but when I try to use this in the dataset it comes up with the following error:

"Application usess a value of the wrong type for the current operation"

Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Feb 6, 2006

Hi guys I am trying to convert this to date add because MS SqL and Jet SQL dont exactly speak the same language


I am trying to calcuate the finalsuit date for every 2 years becasue that when employees have to get their gaming license renewed, so I'm trying to add the renewal year by 2 because they have to get it done every two years

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Mar 22, 2007

If I am running a scheduled job at the first of the month and I want to run an update sequence for the previous month, i was essentially using this sql:

@startdate = dateadd(mm, -1, getdate())
@enddate = dateadd(dd, -1, getdate())

So, will the @enddate represent the last day in the previous month or will that not work?

The Yak Village Idiot

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Sum Iff With DateADD

Apr 17, 2008

What is the correct format for getting the last three months of data. in sql its DATEADD(mm-3,getdate()) but for some reason the report doesnt want to take this? what am i doing wrong?

Code Snippet

=IIF(Sum(iif(Fields!Database_Size_Datetime.Value >= DATEADD(mm, - 3, GETDATE()), Cdbl(Fields!MonthlyDBTotal.Value), 0.0))/ 3)

By the way, im trying to get the average over the last three months by doing this.

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Need Help With DATEADD

Sep 26, 2006

I am using Derived Column Transformation Task to format my data as I am converting my DTS to SSIS. One of the columns requires to use DATEADD where I add 1 month and substruct one day from the date that I get in the flat file.(note that I always hardcode the day to "01" regardless of what I get in my flat file)

The current script looks like this:

DTSDestination("PeriodEndDate") =
dateadd("d",-1,dateadd("m",1,cdate(mid(cstr(DTSSource("Col004")),1,4) & "-" & mid(cstr(DTSSource("Col004")),5,2) & "-" & "01")))

Does any one know how to convert it so it works in my derived column?



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Bug In Dateadd?

Nov 19, 2007

when I execute the following:

select dateadd(dd,92710,1/1/1753)

I get 2153-10-31 00:00:00.000

in managed code I get the right answer 11/1/2006. Between 1753 and 2007, there should have been 2007 - 1753 = 254 yrs x approx 365 = 92,710 days. Where is the year 2153 coming from?

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Why Does 8 Bcp's Run Slower Than 4 Bcp's?

Mar 22, 2007

I am not sure if this is the correct forum but here goes!

We rebuilt our SqlServer 2000 Trans replication the other night. It used to run in 3 hours but now it runs in 9.5 hours (7 hours bcp out, 2.5 hours bcp in). We have a dedicated distributor box (4 processors), a 4 processor publisher, and a 2 processor subscriber. None of the systems exhibited any processor stress or unusual disk activity. The network tests OK (tested with file xfers). But the bcp's wrote data at 2.5 to 4 minutes per 100k rows, and they loaded the data at about 100k rows in 10 seconds or less.

As you know, Replication Snapshot uses bcp on each source table to build a collection of flat-files. Then it uses bcp to load those files into the subscribing tables. Because bcp is the workhhorse here, I decided against posting this in the Replication forum.

The only change I know of is increasing MaxBcpThreads from 4 to 8. This parameter specifies the number of bulk-copy operations that can be performed in parallel. I was thinking that 8 bcp's might somehow be killing the drive where all the bcp files are written.

Any ideas?

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Everything Slower With SP2?

Apr 12, 2007

I installed SP2 two days ago and it seems like my SSIS-packes now take longer time than before - the very opposite of what I was hoping for.

Anyway, here are some data from runs on our performance environment. No new data is added to the source database between the runs, but I do a full process of the cubes every time (time is in seconds):


Load dimensions..................200.................................270

Load fact data.......................800...............................1600

Process cubes....................2100...............................2600

So, as you can see, everything is going slower with SP2. I have yet to look into if there are any specific steps in the packages that take longer time than before, but it's odd that all packages take a longer time to execute. Especially that cube processing is slower suprises me.

Has anyone experienced something similar? Thanks!

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DATEADD - Add Weekdays Only

Sep 20, 2006

Hi, I have a problem with working out some dates. I have a query that has a start date field and a number of days field. I know i can create another field that could provide the return date (DATEADD function) by adding the number of days to the start date. However the problem I have is that i need to discount the weekends from the return date. For example if the start date was a wednesday and the number of days was 3 the datadd sum would give a return date of saturday when in reality it should be monday. I am not sure if i am making sense but if anyone out there has any ideas it would be more than welcome. Andrew

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DateDiff / DateAdd - Please Help Me:(

Sep 28, 2007

i have a Pictures table:  PictureID, Name, Description, DateAdded (GETDATE() when insert), IsActive...
i need to make some stored procedures to show me the pictures added in last 24hours, in last 3 days, last 2 weeks and so on
the pictures added in database are active (available to be seen by users) only 1yaer after the date added
I tryied to make a stored procedure (in fact i maked a lots of them, for 1day 3 days 1 week 1 month), but i have a problem with that DateDiff and DateAdd
Here is what i tryied CREATE PROCEDURE LastAdded_2monthsAgo


SELECT Pictures.ProductID, Pictures.Name, Pictures.Description, Pictures.DateAdded
FROM Pictures
WHERE (DATEDIFF(month, Pictures.DateAdded, GETDATE()) >= 0) AND (DATEDIFF(month, Pictures.DateAdded, GETDATE()) <= 2)
ORDER BY DateAdded DescI have a feeling that is wrong, please make your own version and show me what i should write...I don't know what should be first the today date or the DateAdded...i need to select the last added products from a specific interval of time...Should i do something with that "1 year available" like  WHERE (DATEDIFF(month, GETDATE(), DATEADD(year, 1, Products.DateAdded)) >= 0) AND (DATEDIFF(month, GETDATE(), DATEADD(year, 1, Products.DateAdded)) <= 2) I am sure is a stupid thig up there...if you can, make your own version how you would do it and show me..please help me

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DATEADD Function?

Feb 21, 2008

 Hi ALL!anyone can help me resolve this problem.I create SQL sentence and using DATEADD to Update DATETIME FIELDand i need Increase 1 Year and Month is 04 and day is 01.example: origin datetime field : 2007/06/26result after update  is : 2008/04/01so by DATEADD(yy,1, datefield)?Have any expression for datefield  to set month and day like what i need?Thanks  .

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DateAdd Function

Jul 23, 2007


Can someone please tell me why the following won't work:


SELECT * FROM Validation where CourseDate > DateAdd(wk, -3, GetDate())

I want to select all records where the coursedate is more than 3 weeks old.


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Using DATEADD Function

Jan 3, 2005

:eek: Hi,
I'm getting problem while using DATEADD Function.

When I use DATEADD(MONTH, 1 '01/31/2005'), it returns 02/28/2005 and when I use DATEADD(MONTH, 1 '02/28/2005'), it returns 03/28/2005 but I want the result as 03/31/2005 ie last day of the month.

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Function Dateadd

Nov 9, 2006

can something tell me what function do i need if i want to know what happen the last three hours?
for example: dateadd (hh, -3, getdate())
it seems not working?!!

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Apr 22, 2008

I'm trying to break down some code to work out how it's working. I've encountered DateDiff and DateAdd and I think this adds a new date of midnight today after reading up on the syntax (still dont fully understand how it works to be honest)


However, this is slightly different because where there is a 0 above there is a 13 in this one so I'm wondering what the 13 is actually doing.


In this one there's a 21


Can someone guide me please?


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DATEADD Function

May 23, 2008

I'm using a query that is not retrieving all of the data it should because of the datetime stamp. If I use the following in the where clause:

{table.date} between '4/1/2008' and dateadd(day, 1 '4/30/2008')

that works fine for April but not for other months, where I might get more data from the following month than I should.

Is there a way to add hours, minutes, and seconds (23:59:59), all at the same time, without moving ahead an entire day?

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Dateadd Confusion

Aug 10, 2005

I am trying to find a group of clients that were entered last week. I am getting all the dates to go with the Monday of the week they were entered. i.e. If they were entered on 8-2 or 8-3, they go with 8-1. If they were entered, 8-9, they will be under the 8-8 Monday.

No problem with finding the Mondays using either the nice 'weekcommence' function I found here or using numerous t-sql examples.

One thing I don't understand is- how come I can't use an equal sign in my syntax?

For instance,

SELECT dbo.weekcommence(date_added)
FROM clients
where dbo.weekcommence(date_added) = dateadd(wk, -2, GETDATE() )

won't return any results. If I use a greater than sign, I get this week, 8-8 and last week 8-1. I only want to see the week of 8-1.

Now- look at what I have below: Shouldn't I really be able to see ONLY last week's Mondays with this?

select dateadd(wk, -2, dbo.weekcommence(date_added))from clients

To me- the way this reads is: show me 2 weeks ago, from these dates (first Mondays function).
The results are the last two MONTHS, not weeks. What am I misinterpreting?

I can also use this:

SELECT dbo.weekcommence(date_added) FROM clients
WHERE (dbo.weekcommence(date_added) >= dateadd("d",-7,DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,1,getdate()), 0)))

and get the week's of 8-1 and 8-8. But I can't get JUST 8-1 if I take out the greater than sign.

To me- this one reads: Select all my Mondays from the function. Show me Mondays from my function that are = 7 days from this Monday's date.

It seems like it should be straightforward, but I'm obviously missing something big. Any help?

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Using DateAdd And Convert

Jan 18, 2007

Here's my sp which doesn't do what I want

I want it to only list records with LastDateIn 10 days prior to today's date.

CREATE Procedure [dbo].[spRMU_NoFilesBookedInByDay]

SELECT Convert(nvarchar, LastDateIn,103) AS Expr1, COUNT(Status) AS Expr2
FROM tblFiles
where Convert(datetime, LastDateIn,103) < dateadd(day, -10, getdate())
GROUP BY Convert(nvarchar, LastDateIn,103)
ORDER BY Convert(nvarchar, LastDateIn,103) DESC


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Datediff And Dateadd

Feb 11, 2007

hi all,

can i have brief explaination of datediff and dateadd function, regarding their arguments and params, definitions.. like the books online definition.. anybody have the books online url?

becoz im curious what this line do in detail(found it in http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=62729 : count age function and it's kewlLLl)


~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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Jul 23, 2005

I need help in T-SQL.I am using DATEADD function and I want to add 6 months to a date. Butit does not return me the rusults, which I wante.g. SELECT DATEADD(m,'20040630') returns 20041230which is logical correct? But I want it to return end of month (i.e.20041231)Any help in this context will be highly appreciatedAbdul N. Khan

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DATEADD With 8 Byte Int?

Dec 18, 2006

I have a bigint column called "MillisecondsSince1970" that I need to convert to a date - SSIS is erroring out when I use DATEADD with the 8 byte int (if I use 4 byte it works but the column is bigger than 4 byte). The error is really lame:

[Derived Column [79]] Error: The "component "Derived Column" (79)" failed because error code 0xC0049067 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "Date" (100)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

Anyone have a way around it... a VB.NET equivalent of DATEADD or something else I can do?

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DATEADD Function

Sep 7, 2007

I have two nearly identical querys that are running. One of the query's is using the SQL DATEADD function. These query's are running on a SLQ2005 MSDE. There is now service pack four applied to this server.
The question is:
Are there any known issues with the DATEADD function in SQL 2005? This query is used in a report that has been in use for about two years. There were some changes made to the server (BIOS upgrade) including adding this service pack. These changes did not cause any other SQL issues. This query now takes almost five minutes to run. The nearly identical query (the difference is the date is passed in as a parameter rather than using the DATEADD function) takes from one to two seconds. These reports have a history of nearly identical running time.

What is a good way to try and correct the issue or at least to try and isolate the problem? Have there been any known issues with this function?

Thanks for any help!

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DateAdd SQL Query Different In RS?

Apr 21, 2008

Heres My SQL to get me 2 hours back of Midnight, two months ago (so 11pm of the prev day)

SELECT DATEADD("hh",-2,DATEADD("m",-2,DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(GetDate())-1),DATEADD(day,DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()),0))))
So I converted it into RS for my report start date, but it's not running...cant even get preview to load, it detects an error right away.,,just doesnt tell me what it is

=DATEADD("h",-2,DATEADD("m",-2,DATEADD("d",-(DAY(Now())-1),DATEADD("d",DATEDIFF("d", 0, Now()),0)))

I'm pretty sure I have the "h", "m" and "d" syntax right, I tried them all individually and they give me the correct dates...other than changing GetDate() to Now() I dont know what makes this diffenent...is it just too much nesting to Reporting Services?

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Nov 16, 2007

How was the DATEDIFF function written? I would like to know the logic behind it.

Also what does it mean to say

SELECT DATEDIFF(MONTH, 30, '2004-12-30')

I thought it accepts two dates only. but instead, it took 30 as start date and returned 1259!!


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Query Slower When Run All Together

Nov 14, 2000

Hi gurus
I haven't put the code in since I've tried several variations & keep having the same problem: I'm hoping someone will recognise the problem from a description of it.

There are two parts to my query.

* Part 1 creates and then populates a temporary table

* Part 2 is a select query which joins the temporary table to a permanent table, on 2 fields including a datetime field. The data types on each side of the join are identical.

If I run the first part of the query through ISQL and wait for it to complete before running the second part (in the same ISQL window), it (the second part) takes just 3 minutes. However, if I run both parts together, the second part takes ages, in fact I'm not sure if it completes at all (could wait indefinately!).

I tried placing a 'GO' between the two queries when running them together, but it didn't seem to help.

Please help, I'm stumped.

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Run Database Slower

Oct 13, 2004

I have database, Visual basic as front end, and sql server as backend, the reports are using crystal report. Recently, the user complain it is too slow to run, it took a long to load the data, anybody help me? Thanks in advance.

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Is SSIS Slower Than DTS????!!!!!!

Oct 29, 2005

I am new to SSIS and probably doing some mistake while transferring data from oracle source to oracle destination.  Please guide me..   In our project we need to transfer nearly 80 GB data from old system (Oracle 9i) to new system (Oracle 10 G Release 2). To do this exercise we are testing and comparing performance and cost effectiveness between different tools like SSIS, DTS and SQL * Loader (oracle built in tool).   We have selected one table, which is having 40 fields with 3 million records. The destination table is also having same structure.    Surprisingly SSIS is giving slower performance than DTS!!!!! It is taking more than two hours or nearly two hours. I have tested the same process 3 times.   I have used two servers (1 GB RAM, Dual processor) for source and destination with minimum load and used data flow task (OLEDB Source and OLEDB Destination).   In case of transferring data from Oracle to SQL SERVER I am finding €śFast Loading Option€? in data access mode, which is giving considerable performance boosting. But while transferring data from Oracle to Oracle I am not finding €śFast Loading Option€? !!!!!!!!!   For performance boosting which provider I should use??   Please suggest me€¦ if any one can€¦ would remain grateful to him€¦   Thanks and Regards Sudripta Rakshit.        

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