I am getting a failed error message with this code and i don't understand why.
DECLARE @YourTAble Table (AccountID INT)
Insert INTO @YourTable
SELECT AccountID, Ranking =(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @yourtable as YT WHERE YT.AccountID > @yourtable.AccountID)+ 1
FROM @YourTable
ORDER BY (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @YourTable YT WHERE YT.AccountID > @YourTable.AccountID) + 1
I am trying to get the count of records in a file in a single round trip to the server. I tried T-SQL code similar to below and used SQLBindColumn to bind to argument #1. The code executes without error, but the result is never returned.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Thanks! CB
I have an Execute Process Task that calls a batch file.
I need to pass in a date value to the batch file.
If I enter the value 20071018 in the "Arguments" section, it works fine.
However, I use the "Standard Input Variable", User::MyDate (which gets assigned in a previous Execute SQL Task), it bombs. The query I am using returns the date back in the format yyyymmdd. It gets assigned to a string variable, called MyDate.
e.g.) SELECT TOP 1 CONVERT(VARCHAR, MyDate, 112) AS MyDate FROM myTable
which result is mapped to User::MyDate
Is there any obvious reason why this doesn't work?
I have a variable that is created dynamically that will be used as an input for a sql statement. When I display the variable in a text box it looks like this: (PROP_CLASS IN ('" & 100 & "','" & 101 & "' )) The following works when I hard code the values into the SQL statement: strSQL = "SELECT * FROM web_transfer WHERE (PROP_CLASS IN ('" & 100 & "','" & 101 & "' )) AND ........."But I get no values returned when I use the variable directly in the sql: strSQL = "SELECT * FROM web_transfer WHERE (PROP_CLASS IN (" & propertyClass & ")) AND ..........." The propertyClass variable is the text string “(PROP_CLASS IN ('" & 100 & "','" & 101 & "' ))“. How do I add this variable to the sql string so that it is recognized. I guess that it is adding some hidden characters. Any help please?? I am a newbie to this, s
Hi, I'm trying to run a stored proc:ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateXmlWF(@varWO varchar(50))ASDECLARE @varCust VARCHAR(50)SELECT @varCust=(SELECT Customer FROM tblWorkOrdersWHERE WorkOrder=@varWO)When I remove the SELECT @varCust= I get the correct return. With itin, it just appears to run but nothing comes up in the output window.PLEASE tell me where I'm going wrong. I'm using MSDE, although I don'tthink that should matter?Thanks, Kathy
I am trying to change variable value at run time in ssis 2012 package using DTEXECUI utility but can not see any changes happening in config file variable value and also data is not getting populated in my table as per new variable value.
What is the right syntax or method of dynamically changing variable value either through DTEXECUI or DTEXEC command prompt command.
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (005) insert into #t(branchnumber) values (090) insert into #t(branchnumber) values (115) insert into #t(branchnumber) values (210) insert into #t(branchnumber) values (216)
I have a parameter which should take multiple values into it and pass that to the code that i use. For, this i created a parameter and temporarily for testing i am passing some values into it.Using a dynamic SQL i am converting multiple values into multiple records as rows into another variable (called @QUERY). My question is, how to insert the values from variable into a table (table variable or temp table or CTE).OR Is there any way to parse the multiple values into a table. like if we pass multiple values into a parameter. those should go into a table as rows.
Simple example: declare @tTable(col1 int) insert into @tTable(col1) values (1) select * from @tTable
Works perfectly in SQL Server Management Studio and the database connection is OK to as I may generate PP table using complex (or simple) queries without difficulty.
But when trying to get this same result in a PP table I get an error, idem when replacing table variable by a temporary table.
Message: OLE DB or ODBC error. .... The current operation was cancelled because another operation the the transaction failed.
I am trying to use a stored procedure to update a column in a sql table using the value from a variable table I getting errors because my syntax is not correct. I think table aliases are not allowed in UPDATE statements.
This is my statement:
UPDATE [dbo].[sessions_teams] stc SET stc.[Talks] = fmt.found_talks_type FROM @Find_Missing_Talks fmt WHERE stc.sessionid IN (SELECT sessionid FROM @Find_Missing_Talks) AND stc.coupleid IN (SELECT coupleid FROM @Find_Missing_Talks)
Can someone tell me if it is possible to add an index to a Table variable that is declare as part of a table valued function ? I've tried the following but I can't get it to work.
ALTER FUNCTION dbo.fnSearch_GetJobsByOccurrence ( @param1 int, @param2 int ) RETURNS @Result TABLE (resultcol1 int, resultcol2 int) AS BEGIN
my stored procedure have one table variable (@t_Replenishment_Rpt).I want to create an Index on this table variable.please advise any of them in this loop... below is my table variable and I need to create 3 indexes on this...
But when I run it in my application no records ae displayed.
In Sql profiler it says completed and I use the values in query analzyer it works fine. here is my stored proc:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].oc_OnlineCaseOrder
@CategoryId int, @Order varchar(25)
SET @CategoryId = @CategoryId SET @Order = @Order
If @Order = 'Alpha'
SELECT oc.[CaseId], oc.[StatusId], oc.[CategoryId], oc.[Title], oc.[CaseText], oc.CourseId, occ.Description AS CategoryDescription, ocs.Description AS StatusDescription FROM [dbo].oc_OnlineCase oc WITH (nolock) JOIN dbo.oc_OnlineCaseCategory occ WITH (nolock) ON oc.CategoryId = occ.CategoryId JOIN dbo.oc_OnlineCaseStatus ocs WITH (nolock) ON oc.StatusId = ocs.StatusId WHERE oc.CategoryId = ISNULL( @CategoryId, oc.CategoryId ) AND oc.StatusId = 100 Order by oc.[Title]
SELECT MIN(oca.AuditDate) as "Recent Case Publication", oca.CaseId, occ.[Description] INTO #TempCaseIds From [dbo].oc_OnlineCaseAudit oca WITH (nolock) JOIN dbo.oc_OnlineCase oc WITH (nolock) ON oc.CaseId = oca.CaseId JOIN dbo.oc_OnlineCaseCategory occ WITH (nolock) ON oc.CategoryId = occ.CategoryId JOIN dbo.oc_OnlineCaseStatus ocs WITH (nolock) ON oc.StatusId = ocs.StatusId WHERE oc.CategoryId = ISNULL( @CategoryId, oc.CategoryId ) AND oc.StatusId = 100 Group by oca.CaseId,occ.[Description]
Select DISTINCT CaseId, [Description] From #TempCaseIds
My Alter Table below doesn't seem to be adding the column, any ideas why? I reference the column later in my TSQL and get a invalid column name error, and sure enough, when I check the table the column is missing.
-Thanks ******************************************************* CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_alk_populate_cust_to_pledge_tbl] AS -- This procedure should go through each customer and populate the TEMP Table MI_Flat_Customer_Pledge by using Table mi_pledgehold. -- Table mi_pledgehold is a replicat of the needed info from pledgehold with the addition of an actual primary key -- Table MI_Flat_Customer_Pledge changes the one to many relationship between Customers and Pledges into a flat table for reporting -- Table MI_Flat_Customer_Pledge will only show 10 pledges DROP TABLE dbo.mi_pledgehold SELECT [cust-num], [loc-id], [pledge-amt], [ticket] into [dbo].[mi_pledgehold] from pledgehold ALTER TABLE [mi_pledgehold] ADD [mi_pledge_id] smallint IDENTITY(1,1)PRIMARY KEY -- Drop and Create the MI_Flat_Customer_Pledge DROP TABLE mi_flat_customer_pledge CREATE TABLE dbo.mi_flat_customer_pledge ( [cust-num] int, [pledge-amt0] numeric, [pledge-amt1] numeric, [pledge-amt2] numeric, [pledge-amt3] numeric, [pledge-amt4] numeric, [pledge-amt5] numeric, [pledge-amt6] numeric, [pledge-amt7] numeric, [pledge-amt8] numeric, [pledge-amt9] numeric, ) *****************************************************8
Hi All,Hope someone can help me...Im trying to highlight the advantages of using table variables asapposed to temp tables within single scope.My manager seems to believe that table variables are not advantageousbecause they reside in memory.He also seems to believe that temp tables do not use memory...Does anyone know how SQL server could read data from a temp tablewithout passing the data contained therein through memory???Is this a valid advantage/disadvantage of table variables VS temptables?
SQLLY challenged be gentle --Trying to create code that will drop a table using a variable as theTable Name.DECLARE @testname as char(50)SELECT @testname = 'CO_Line_of_Business_' +SUBSTRING(CAST(CD_LAST_EOM_DATEAS varchar), 5, 2) + '_' + LEFT(CAST(CD_LAST_EOM_DATE AS varchar),4)+ '_' + 'EOM'FROM TableNamePrint @testname = 'blah...blah...blah' (which is the actual tablename on the server)How can I use this variable (@testname) to drop the table? Undersevere time constraints so any help would be greatly appreciated.
In a previous post "Could #TempTable within SP cause lock on tempdb?" http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/showpost.aspx?postid=2691763&siteid=1
It was obvious that we have to limit the use of #Temp table to a minimum. Let assume that some of the temp tables are really difficult to replace and we have to live with them.
Would it be easier on tempdb if the #TempTable is replaced by a table variable? Or do they all end up in tempdb?
I have a stored produre. Inside this stored procedure I have table variable with one column. Once the table variable is populated with rows, I would like to pass each value in the table, into a table-valued function. The table-valued function may return any number of rows. I would like all the rows the TVF returns to be returned from the stored procedure as a single result set. I would also like to do this without defining a table variable to hold the results of the table-value function.
Code Snippet
declare @IdTable table ( EmployeeId nvarchar( 16 ) not null ) insert into @IdTable select EmployeeNumber from Employees
/* I need to run this query for every EmployeeId value in @IdTable and return the results from the stored proc as a single result set. */ select * from fn_GetEmployeeById( EmployeeId )
In my stored procedure i have a multi-valued varchar(max) parameter and I wrote a table-valued function that takes the varchar(max) and return a table back to the stored procedure where i inserted into a @table. Just wondering is there a better and faster way of doing this?
@CourtIDs as nvarchar(MAX) -- @CourtIDs = '1231,3432,1234,3421'
) AS
--split CourtIDs into a table DECLARE @tbCourtIDs table(CourtID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY) INSERT INTO @tbCourtIDs select * from dbo.Split(@CourtIDs, ',')
I need to write a query that requires respective fields referencing from multiple tables. For example, here are the tables: Main Table: InfoID Team1 Player1 Team1 Table: Player_ref Player Team_Player_ref Player1 John doh Table: Team_ref Team Team_Player_ref Team1 My Team
Ideal result Table from query: InfoID Count John Doh 1 My Team 2
Any suggestion to creat the Ideal Results table from query? Normally, I could do it if it only referenced from 1 table, I would do an inner join, however, since there are 2 referenece table, doing inner join wouldn't work. A proposed suggestion would certainly be nice. Thanks in advance. --daydreamstuck at the current problem
Hi,I have two databases on the same server: COMU0002 and 2007DUand two tables: tecnicos on COMU0002 and telf_cli ON 2007DUBeing on COMU0002 this query doesn't work:SELECT * FROM tecnicosLEFT JOIN 2007DU.dbo.telf_cliON ...The error says: INCORRECT SYNTAX NEAR '2007'Even this query being on 2007DU fails on management studio:SELECT * FROM 2007DU.dbo.telf_clibut SELECT * FROM telf_cli works okAny ideas?Thank you!
We wrote some stored procedures, and some temporary table used because there some some complicated logic.
In normal testing, the application works weel, but very easy to get deadlock error in stress testing.
Error message like this: Transaction (Process ID 51) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
Sample code: CREATE TABLE #PageIndexForUsers ( IndexId int IDENTITY (0, 1) NOT NULL, UserId int )
Other tested functions will insert/update table Users too.
I searched on internet, several people said it's MS bug, anybody help?
Hi I have the following Stored Proc which works in SQL Server 6.5 but not in SQL Server 7.0. All this Stored Proc does is Create a temp table, execute the DBCC ShowContig on a table and insert the results of the DBCC into a temp table. What am I missing. Thanks.
The code of the Stored Proc is:
/* This Stored Procedure Creates a temp table. (Step 1) */ /* Initializes a local variable @StirngToBeExecuted with */ /* a DBCC command. (Step 2) */ /* Step 3. The Command is Executed and the results of the */ /* DBCC command is inserted into Temp Table. */ /* Step 4. The results of the Temp table are shown on the */ /* Screen. */
/* This SQL Works Fine in SQL Server Version 6.5 */ /* In SQL Server 7.0 the results of the DBCC command is */ /* NOT getting inserted into the Temp table. WHY??? */
IF EXISTS (SELECT * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.Test_sp') and sysstat & 0xf = 4) drop procedure dbo.Test_sp GO
Nice simple problem, trying to set the guest user with SQLCMD to have select permissions on an object: -- Code below -- Line below should read "colon"setvar MAD guest : setvar MAD guest
Unfortunatly I keep getting the following error being thrown:
Newbie to backups here. I'm trying to setup a Maintenence Plan for backing up the system tables. For some reason the Differential backup on the Master table is failing.
Can you NOT run differential backups on the Master table?
Creating a temporary table in stored procedure and using a sql query to insert the data in temp. table.I am facing the error as : String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated. The procedure i created is as : ALTER PROCEDURE fetchpersondetails AS CREATE Table #tempperson (personID int,FirstName nvarchar(200),LastName nvarchar(250),title nvarchar(150),Profession nvarchar(200),StreetAddress nvarchar(300), StateAddress nvarchar(200),CityAddress nvarchar(200),CountryAddress nvarchar(200),ZipAddress nvarchar(200),Telephone nvarchar(200),Mobile nvarchar(200), Fax nvarchar(200),Email nvarchar(250),NotesPub ntext,Affiliation nvarchar(200),Category nvarchar(200))
Insert into #tempperson SELECT dbo.tblperson.personID, ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.fName, N'') + ' ' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.mName, N'') AS FirstName, dbo.tblperson.lname AS LastName, dbo.tblperson.honor AS Title, dbo.tblperson.title AS Profession, dbo.tblperson.street + ' ' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.suite, N'') AS StreetAddress, dbo.tblperson.city AS cityaddress, dbo.tblperson.state AS stateaddress, dbo.tblperson.postalCode AS zipaddress, dbo.tblperson.Phone1 + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Phone2, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Phone3, N'') AS Telephone, dbo.tblperson.mobilePhone AS mobile, dbo.tblperson.officeFax + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.altOfficeFax, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.altOfficeFax2, N'') AS Fax, ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email1, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email2, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email3, N'') AS Email, dbo.tblperson.notes AS NotesPub, dbo.tblOrganizations.orgName AS Affiliation, dbo.tblOrganizations.orgCategory AS Category, dbo.tblCountry.countryNameFull AS countryaddress FROM dbo.tblperson INNER JOIN dbo.tblOrganizations ON dbo.tblperson.orgID = dbo.tblOrganizations.orgID INNER JOIN dbo.tblCountry ON dbo.tblperson.countryCode = dbo.tblCountry.ISOCode
I am trying to insert new records into the target table, if no records exist in the source table. I am passing user specific values for insert, but it does not insert any values, nor does it throw any errors. The insert needs to occur in the LOAN_GROUP_INFO table, i.e. the target table.
I have a table census data containing the number of people having ages ranging from 0 to 120 years. Year 0 is in a column called F_0 and year 120 is in a column called F_120 with everything in between.
For example, when I create a script for the table the column for year 0 appears as: [F_0] [numeric](38, 8) NULL
I've already created 2 summary columns (people 0 to 18 years old and people 19 to 59 years old).
I follow the same methodology to create a summary table for people from 60 to 100 years old, but all the calculated values are NULL.
So the following is successful: [Under_19] AS (((((((((((((((((([F_0]+[F_1])+[F_2])+[F_3])+[F_4])+[F_5])+[F_6])+[F_7])+[F_8])+[F_9])+[F_10])+[F_11])+[F_12])+[F_13])+[F_14])+[F_15])+[F_16])+[F_17])+[F_18]) PERSISTED,
But this is not: [Over_60] AS (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((([F_60]+[F_61])+[F_62])+[F_63])+[F_64])+[F_65])+[F_66])+[F_67])+[F_68])+[F_69])+[F_70])+[F_71])+[F_72])+[F_73])+[F_74])+[F_75])+[F_76])+[F_77])+[F_78])+[F_79])+[F_80])+[F_81])+[F_82])+[F_83])+[F_84])+[F_85])+[F_86])+[F_87])+[F_88])+[F_89])+[F_90])+[F_91])+[F_92])+[F_93])+[F_94])+[F_95])+[F_96])+[F_97])+[F_98])+[F_99])+[F_100])+[F_101])+[F_102])+[F_103])+[F_104])+[F_105])+[F_106])+[F_107])+[F_108])+[F_109])+[F_110])+[F_111])+[F_112])+[F_113])+[F_114])+[F_115])+[F_116])+[F_117])+[F_118])+[F_119])+[F_120]) PERSISTED,
Hi folks,I'm doing calculations based on data in a table, but the data has somezeros in the field I'm dividing by. I'm trying to write a script toreplace any field with 0 or null with 1, but it's not working. HEre'swhat I've got:Update A Set A.deptcode = A.deptcode,A.type = A.Type,A.Volume = (case A.VolumeWhen Null Then 1When 0 then 1Else A.VolumeEnd)From Data_Unsorted A Join Data_Unsorted B OnA.deptcode = B.deptcode and A.type = B.TypeMy table is data_unsorted and deptcode and type are my primary keysVolume is the item I want to put 1 if null or zero, and I'd thing theabove statement would work, but it doesn't. This table has 383 rows,and it says it updates 383 rows, but when I run the following query totest:select a.deptcode, a.type, a.volumefrom data_unsorted awhere a.AveMonthVolume = 0 or a.AveMonthVOlume is nullIt didn't work... still TONS of nulls and zero's. Is there a trick tothis???Thanks,Alex.