Why Most Of The Index's Avg_fragmentation_in_percent Doesn't Reduce After Reorganize / Rebuild Is Performed
Sep 18, 2007
I am build up a maintenance plan to reorganize and rebuild the index of one database. After that maintenance plan is performed, i found that most of indexes's avg_fragmentation_in_percent doesn't reduce. Is that any efficiency way to reduce fragmentation of the indexes?
We face slow performance issue for like taking long time for same query execution after We apply index rebuild and reorganize index. But, after execution of query or procedure for 2 -3 times, performance will be faster. I have following questions
1 do we need to update stats after we rebuild an reorganize index. 2. is it will be slow for 1-2 times for every query and stored procedure execution after we rebuild and reorganize index?
I understand the difference between REBUILD and REORGANIZE. Just wondering if you can do both in the same script or do you have to rebuild the index first and later reorganize?
will maintenance tasks like rebuilding and reorganizing indexes be replicated in transactional replication, or do i have to setup these management tasks on the subscribers as well?
My employer is concerned that the Rebuild/Reorganize indexes will slow down the server,will take more time and our online application users will experience slow responses. And they don't want to do off line defrag either.
So I am going to suggest to spread out the Rebuild/Reorganize indexes in such a way that rebuild/reorganize is done in small chunks rather than doing it all at once.
Hi, I have a script to rebuild and reorganize indexes for sybase i.e reorg rebuild index... like command i have. Now i want similar command for MSSQLSqlserver.plz help me.
Any assistance with this issue would be greatly appreciated. TIA!
Server: DBServer-1 Task Detail: Reorganize index on Local server connection Databases: dbA,dbB,dbC,dbD,dbE,master,model,msdb
Object: Tables and views Compact large objects Error No: -1073548784 Error Message: Executing the query "ALTER INDEX [PK_Residential] ON [dbo].[Residential] REORGANIZE WITH ( LOB_COMPACTION = ON )" failed with the following error: "A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition w/ SP2 SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition (9.0.3054)
Hello all,SQL 2000 on Windows 2000. If I go into all tasks, maintenance plan, itgives me an option to reorganize data and index pages. When I check onit, it populates the line "change free space per page percentage to" andputs in 10 in there. Is this the default for free space? Is it thedata pages that will have 10% free space or just the index pages? Aredata and index on the same pages?Thanks,Raziq.*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
We have a 20 GB database and reorganize indexes and update statistics maintainance takes about 4 hours and the log files grows out of control what is a serious problem since it can not be truncated (database mirroring).
I am trying to configure the SelectedDatabases property of the Reorganize Index Task using an expression.
The Expressions property of the task provides the ability to configure the SelectedDatabases property of the task using an expression. The properties pane shows that the type of the SelectedDatabases property should be a "(Collection)" (which is edited using the 'Object Collection Editor').
How do I create an expression to configure the SelectedDatabases property? Can I build the collection in text? Or do I need to provide a variable of type System.Object that contains a collection type (and if so exactly what type should it contain)?
My SSIS package is running very slow taking so much time to execute, One task is taking 2hr for inserting 100k records, i have disabled unused index still it is taking time.I am rebuilding/Refreshing indexes and stats once in month if i try to execute on daily basis will it improve my SSIS Package performance?
We have a maintenance plan running everyday for rebuild and re-organisation of indexes. But, somehow its getting failed. Here is the script that we are running for rebuild or re-org.
/* Script to handle index maintenance Tuning constants are set in-line current values are; SET @MinFragmentation SET @MaxFragmentation SET @TrivialPageCount
Rebuild Index job for user db's is failing, one user db is a huge size 120 GB. The job scheduled to run every sunday 1 AM
I found the below error in log report
Rebuild Index Task (server name) Rebuild index on Local server connection Databases: All user databases Object: Tables and views Original amount of free space Task start: 01/13/2008 1:26 AM. Task end: 01/13/2008 2:38 AM. Failed-1073548784) Executing the query "ALTER INDEX [Idx_CISCO_WLC_EVENTID] ON [dbo].[CISCO_WLC_200711262137] REBUILD WITH ( PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, ONLINE = OFF ) " failed with the following error: "Cannot find the object "dbo.CISCO_WLC_200711262137" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I have a table with over 60 million rows (approx 20GB) which has an indexed column. I have tried using DBC DBReindex to rebuild the index, but after kicking it off on a friday, it is still running the following wednesday. Since managers and other finicky types access this database, that's not acceptable (it slows down their reporting).
Is there a way to speed up the reindexing process? Perhaps by adding space to the tempdb (it's 500MB) or putting it in RAM temporarily? I haven't seen any articles that specifically state that TEMPDB is used during an index rebuild, but it seems logical that it would be.
Any suggestions to speed up the process would be most appreciated!
I would like to completely understand the difference between index rebuild Maintenace plan and the customized script.Maintenance Plan rebuilds every single index.It will take the long time as it checks every index.If we use a custom script as a job, it will rebuild the index which has fragmentation >30%.So that, the job will not take much time.
Fellow MSSQL DBA's, I am stuck. I am getting a Msg 2511 on a production database. The message reads - Table Corrupt: Keys in leaf page should be in ascending order. I have dropped the offending index and rebuilt both through the application and through ISQL. Neither method fixed the problem. DBCC CHECKDB shows no errors as long as the index does not exist. I have checked out the data and see no problems. Any ideas? Thanks very much.
In SQL Server 2005 EE I created a maintenance plan to rebuild indexes for a few large tables. I have selected five specific tables, and I'm using both "sort results in tempdb" as well as "keep index online while reindexing".
If I execute this plan for all these tables, are the indexes guaranteed to remain online? There are all different types of indexes on these tables. For example, the table "Contacts" has 8 indexes: 1 Clustered, 1 PK Unique Non-Clustered, 2 Unique Non-Clustered, and 4 Non-Unique Non-Clustered. I've heard that only certain types of indexes can remain online during a reindex (Clustered and Non-Unique Non-Clustered??).
Will SQL Server rebuild an index that isn't compatible with the online reindex mode, or will it choose to ignore it?
SQL Server 2005 version: 2153 I created a maintplan for system and user databases includes rebuild index, maint cleanup tasks.
Job is failing for user databases It includes rebuild index task( online index enabled) and maintenance cleanup task, scheduled at every sunday 1 AM.
I receive following errors:
In eventvwr log
sql server scheduled job 'DBMP_RebuildIndex_User' status: failed-Invoked on 2007-12-02 -1:00 Message: The job failed. The job was invoked by schedule 8 ('DBMP_RebuildIndex_User-Schedule).The last step to run was step1 ('DBMP_RebuildIndex_User')[/red]
In log report:
Failed:(-1073548784) Excuting the query "ALTER INDEX [XPKact_log] ON [dbo].[act log] REBUILD WITH (PAD_INDEX=OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE=OFF,ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS=ON,ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS=ON,SORT_IN_TEMPDB=OFF,ONLINE=ON) "failed with the following error "Online index operation cannot be performed for index 'XPKact_log' because the index contains column 'action_desc' of data type text, ntext.image.varchar(max),varbinary(max) or xml. For non clusterd index the column could be an include column of the index. for clusterd index it could be any column of the table .Incase of drop_existing the cloumn could be part of new or old index. The operation must be performed offline". Possible failure reasons : Problems with the querey .'" Resultset" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Please anyone help me on this? I really appriciate
After rebuilding an index, it still shows as the same amount offragmentation. ANy ideas what's wrong?I'm determining which indexes to rebuild using the following query:SELECTOBJECT_NAME(i.object_id) AS TableName,i.name AS IndexName,ips.avg_fragmentation_in_percentFROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL,'DETAILED') ipsJOIN sys.indexes i ONi.object_id = ips.object_idAND i.index_id = ips.index_idWHERE ips.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 10(I know 10% is not enough where a full rebuild is called for, justwanted to see my fragmentation)Then I rebuild w/:ALTER INDEX IX_CustomerName ON Customers REBUILDWhen I rerun the 1st query the same amount of fragmentation is shownas before the rebuild. I'd appreciate any help.