Why The Same Attribute Value Displayed Twice In The Mining Model Content?
Jul 10, 2007
Hi, all,
Why I got different results for the same attribute value displayed in my mining model? Any suggestions on what I may have missed for that?
In my case, the mining structure is with case table which is the fact table, within this mining structure, I dragged other attributes from its related dimensional tables as well. E.g The schema of the mining structure is as below:
Fact events key (key of the case fact table)
Agent type (attribute dragged from its related dimension table, which is not the key attribute of that dimension table)
Agent level (attribute dragged from its related dimension table, and it is not the key attribute of that dimension table as well)
......and other attributes dragged from its related dimension tables.
Then in my training model (using Microsoft Clustering algorithm), the content contained within the training model is very strange, e.g there are different results for the same value of attribute 'Agent Level' . Why did that happen and how can I figure it out? There should only one result for each value of each attribute within one mining model?
Please shed me some light on this issue and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly for your kind advices and thanks a lot in advance.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Nov 15, 2006
I get the following error when I try to load the mining model in the mining model viewer
Query (1, 6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[NeuralNet].[GetAttributeValues]' function does not exist.
I get a similar error when I try to load the Load Mining Accuracy Chart
Failed to execute the query due to the following error:
Query (1, 6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[AllOther].[GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource]' function does not exist.
I have OWC 11 installed. What am I missing here?
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Apr 11, 2007
I am trying to model data in analysis services with the Advance Create Mining Model function in the excel addin. I am having trouble creating an association model that works like the Associate button above the Advanced button.
The format of my data is like this
OrderID Product
100 Bike
100 Helmet
100 Shoes
200 Helmet
200 basketball
200 Bat
300 Shoes
300 Socks
The associate button works perfectly since it asks me which column is the transaction id (orderid) and which column I am trying to predict (product). The advanced create mining model asks me to determine what the columns are...
OrderID=key Product=Input+Predict?
When I run the advance create mining model associate, I get a browser that gives me no rules and the support for only one item itemset (each product but no combination of products).
Does anyone know what I have to do to get it to work like the associate button?
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Oct 18, 2006
Dear friends,
I encounter a serious problem.
I would like to develop an application that can create Data Mining structures and a mining model in SQL Server 2005 with VB.NET. I tried the code from book Data Mining with SQL server 2005 in chapter 14 but did not work. Any good idea?
Please help me.
Best regards,
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Oct 20, 2006
Thank you very much for your help.
The errors that I can see in the code that you gave in your answer are the following and they are more or less the same as I had previously
I tried the code but initially I have encounter the following problems.
1. In any line that have the declaration As Server, As Database like in
Public Function CreateDatabase(ByVal srv As Server, ByVal databaseName As String) As Database gives me the problem that type Database is not declared the same type Server is not declared and it does not give me any option.
2. In addition to that for As DataSource, As RelationalDataSource, As RelationalDataSourceView, As ScalarMiningStructureColumn, As DataSourceViewBinding, gives me the problem that type is not declared.
3. Finally in mc = New MiningModelColumn("Yearly income", Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID("Yearly income", Type.GetType(MiningModelColumn))) is not accesible in this context because it is 'Private'.
I have some more problems but I thing that by solving the above that I referred I will solve the rest.
Thank you any way.
Best regards,
PhD student
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Jul 18, 2006
I perform data mining on all products and a specific product category.
Do I need to create 2 data source views, one for all products and the other one for the specific product category?
Afterward, I run the Data Mining Wizard 2 times to create 2 mining structures.
I also need to add the same mining model (e.g. Bayes, Cluster) to each of these mining structures.
Is there any simple way to do it?
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Apr 30, 2015
I'm a beginner with SQL 2012 SSDT & SSMS. I get this error message when I try to deploy my project:Â
"Error 6
Error (Data mining): KEY SEQUENCE columns are not supported at the case level. The 'Customer Key' column of the 'TK448 Ch09 Cube Clustering' mining structure contains content that is not valid.
0 0
I am finding it hard to locate the content that is not valid. I've been trying to find a answer for this problem but can't seem to find anything. How can I locate the content that is not valid and change or delete it so that I can deploy this solution?
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Sep 14, 2007
I am not getting Mining Accuracy Chart and Min ing Model Prediction
Plz tel me how to do.And how to use the filter input data used to generate the lift chart and
select predictable mining model columns to show in the lift chart
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Sep 29, 2015
I followed the tutorial posted at [URL] ...
Everything was ok until the last step where I had to process the mining structure which resulted in a warning
"Informational (Data mining): Decision Trees found no splits for model, Tbl Decision Tree Example."
What does this error mean? How do I resolve it? Also, I only see the first level in the Mining Model Viewer, I don't see the levels 2 and 3.
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Oct 27, 2007
Hi all,
I have MS Time Seeries model using a database of over a thousand products each of which has hundreds of cases. It amazingly takes only a few minutes to finish processing the model, but when I click Mining Model Viewer to view the models, it takes many hours to show up. Once the window is open, I can choose model for different products almost instantly. Is this normal?
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Jan 6, 2007
I'm trying to build a association model in the Standard Edition based on an existing cube. I keep getting the error:
Error (Data mining): The 'Product Recommendations' mining model has 60385 attributes. This number of attributes exceeds the attribute limit of 5000 allowed by the current version of the algorithm associated with the mining model.
I created Cube Slice filters and those limit the Customer and Product dimensions (Product is Nested) to well under 5000. The error message also does not change. The number of attributes is equal to the number of rows in the Product dimension, but I expected the cube slice to reduce the number. I tested all the SQL used while it processes and with the MDXFilters the number of rows returned is well under 5000.
So, in short, the final questions is, is it possible to create a mining model in standard edition based on an existing cube where the nested dimension in the model has more than 5000 rows? Is there some other way to filter the query?
I guess my only choice on this if there isn't a way is to extract the data into relational table with only the rows I want to analyze....that's a huge pain and doesn't really make sense when the filters should limit the model size.
What is annoying on this is I can't find one reference anywhere on the microsoft site that this limit even exists within the product...
Thanks for any assistance on this!
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Oct 29, 2007
I know, this is a common OLAP Error, but In fact I'm having trouble with this while trying to process a DM Mining Structure.
I'm currently working on a website that gets data from its users and analyzes it using SSAS. The thing is each time we add a new "analysis criterium" (sorry I'm trying to translate our french BI language in English...), we have to build a new mining structure, which needs data about users who have actually answered the question associated with this criterium. Some times, there are thousands, and some other only dozens, which is the case for the structure I'm having trouble with.
I got only 2 hundred tuples in the learning set. So lots of the common criteria weren't filled: I removed them using a stored procedure before feeding the structure, so that I got no column with only "null" values.
Of course, I know that 200 learning cases is really not enough to build an accurate model, but the purpose was just a proof of concept for machine driven Mining Structure building, and that was supposed to work even with so few cases.
When I process the MS, it fires: (Sorry it's in french, translation follows)
Erreurs dans le moteur de stockage OLAP : La cl̩ d'attribut est introuvable : Table : _x0032_0_EtudeIphone_Apprentissage, Colonne : EtudeIphone, Valeur : le nouvel iPhone (t̩l̩phone tactile et musical d۪Apple). Erreurs dans le moteur de stockage OLAP : La cl̩ d'attribut a ̩t̩ convertie en un membre inconnu parce que cette derni̬re est introuvable. Attribut Id de la dimension : 20_EtudeIPhone ~MC-Id de la base de donn̩es : ClassificationVDCE, Enregistrement : 2.
Badly translated it says "Errors in OLAP Storage Engine: Attribute Key not found Table:<StrangeTable> Column <MyPredictableColumn> Value <OneOfTheInterestingValues>
Errors in OLAP Storage Engine: Attribute key not found: converted to an unknown member. Attribute Id from dimension..."
Why? Too few cases? I have structures based on the same template but associated with other criteria and they work perfectly.
I'm ready to answer any question, and give any detail.
Thanks in advance.
François JEHL
IT Consultant
Winwise - Paris
PS: Of course, my "Id' column is unique....
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Jan 25, 2008
I have many lookup tables in my report model. I have tried renaming these fields to more accurately represent the attributes meaning to the end user but I'm having trouble with it.
Here's an example:
I have a table which contains two fields; OfficalGrade and SpecifiedGrade. Both are FK integer values pointing to a Grades lookup table with GradeID as the PK.
In the report builder, the official grade and specified grade fields are both being displayed as GradeID so it's impossible for the user to tell which is which.
In the report model, the Grades Entity has a role for Offical Grade and another for Specified Grade. I've checked both of their properties but I cannot find a setting which will allow me rename the value that is available to the end user.
I'd greatly appreciate any advice on fixing this!
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Jun 5, 2007
Hi, all,
Again I encountered a very strange problem which displayed the predicted attribute values as percentage format? The data type of the attribute is actually double, why is that?
That's really frustrated.
Thanks a lot in advance for your kind advices and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Jan 11, 2007
Good afternoon,
I'm doing a custom clustering plugin for text to pre-process ("clean" the texts), calculate weights, estimate the number of clusters (using the PBM index) and finally, do the actual clustering.
So... I've made each of these modules on C++ and I'm putting them all togheter on the plugin.
My database (MDB file) has only one table, with only two fields within: a key (auto-incremental) and a small text. What I intend to do is to get the text in each test case, store them togheter somewhere and call my classes to cluster these texts.
I'm trying to log the texts in a file (just a test) on the ProcessCase method, in the CaseProcessor class. I've did it with no problems with numerical data.
But when I load the MDB file on the Mining Structures Wizard, it says the content type of the field holding the texts is "Continous" and the data type is "Text". Actually, when I saw it I didn't really mind.
But when I run the mining model it gives me the following error: "Error 1 Error (Data mining): The data type of the Table1.Texto mining structure column must be numeric since it has a continuous content type (Content is set to Continuous or Key Time or Key Sequence). 0 0 "
So... How do I change this content type ? (the content type combobox on the Mining Structures Wizard couldn't the changed)
Can anyone help me on this, please ?
Thanks a lot.
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Dec 19, 2006
With the number of threads it is difficult to know if this has been posted. If I use the Mining Content Viewer for Linear Regression, under Node Distribution, there are values given for Attribute Name, Attribute Value, Support, Probability, Variance, and Value Type. The output is similar to what Joris supplied in his thread about Predict Probability in Decision Trees. My questions:
1. How should these fields be interpreted?
2. With Linear Regression, is it possible to get the coefficient values and tests of significance (t-tests?), if they are not part of the output I have pointed to?
Thanks for your help with this?
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Aug 17, 2006
I've tried those two operations in the Management Studio.
Though we can create a mining structure and mining model in Management Studion,
but we cannot process the analysis-service database.
(1) I create only a mining structure through CREATE MINING STRUCTURE.
No error reported. But if I process the analysis-service database in Management Studio I always get error
'Error : The '<mining_structure__name>' structure does not contain bindings to data
(or contain bindings that are not valid) and cannot be processed.
I then tried to create it by creating and running an XMLA script. It was successful.
However, it's much harder to learn XMLA.
If any of you created an analysis-service database in Mgt Studio, and create a mining
structure in the same place using DMX script, can you process the database?
(2) Is there any use of CREATE MINING STRUCTURE operation without binding
to any table? Examples I saw so far did not show relating it to do. In my experience
processing the analysis-service database with that mining structure is doomed to fail.
(3) Is there any way we can create mining structure through CREATE MINING
STRUCTURE operation in Management Studio and use RELATED TO clause
to bind it to any Relationship to an attribute column (mandatory only if it applies), indicated by
the RELATED TO clause
(4) If this is the fact, is there any use of CREATE MINING STRUCTURE operation?
If we use BI Dev Studio, it's much easier to use the wizard.
(5) I found I cannot create a mining model inside a mining structure through operation
CREATE MINING MODEL. If you call that operation, you end up having a mining
model and a mining structure with the same name. I found that in order to create a
mining model inside a mining structure you have to call operation ALTER MINING
STRUCTURE ADD MINING MODEL. Is it true this is the only way?
Thank you,
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Mar 28, 2007
I have found that in the autogenerated model attributes are missing for those fields that have relations to other tables. At first, it may look reasonable since a user can still get down to the field's value through the relation/related table. However, if the relation's key fields is the only thing the user wants to display, then going down to the related table is an overkill.
I can add an attribute manually and bind it to the key field(s). Is there an option in the autogeneration process to do it automatically? The only post I've found so far suggests to do everything manually (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1152575&SiteID=1). Is this the only way?
Thank you,
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May 17, 2007
I'm working on a project to create a mining model.I have one "flattened" table with a productID (key) and related attributes. Example columns are weight, color, price, units sold last year, product category, product rating (top seller, etc) and similar columns, about 40 in total. There are about 15,000 products and same number of rows in the table.
The objective is to pass a ProductID (that also exists in the table) and get back the top N products that most resemble the source product based on all the attributes.
Any advice on which models I should test and how to set up the models would be much appreciated. Also if there is a similar example/sample out there, please let me know. I downloaded the MovieClick sample, but that doesn't work in my case as I only have the equivalent of the Customers table.
Thanks in Advance.
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Jun 26, 2007
Mining Model Prediction... what for?
Which Data Mining algorithm use Mining Model Prediction?
Every algorithm has to use Mining Model Prediction for a final goal of a Data Mining Project?
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Dec 6, 2006
I newly Installed my SQL 2005.When I try to train my Model its giving me "Key not valid for use in specified state." Can anyone help me how to figure it out?
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Sep 18, 2006
i want create a model to predict what product i should Ads for customer at time.
example: in summer, i should show the , drinks (coca, pepsi) , ice food, bikini, sandals, glasses. in winter, i should show shoes, coats, hot food....
i have some table:
order(orderid, time,cusid...)
orderdetails(orderid, productid..)
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Mar 4, 2007
i have a problem, because i have 3 tables.
One name "CallPair" contain: id- identity number, from - phone number, to - phone number.
Second name "Talk" contain: id - identity number, callPairId - id from "CallPair" table, date
Third name "Transaction" contain: id - identity number is a number of transaction, idTalk - id from Talk table, callNr - number of talk in transaction
I want mining model to sequence clustering, but i don't know how build case and nested table
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May 24, 2007
I have one main mining structure and several mining models that are using the MS Decision Trees algorithm. I have a Reporting Services report that displays the model using a table. I want to set it up so that in the DMX query, I can use a parameter to specify which model to use. That way I just have one report that can reference multiple models. For example I would like to do something like this:
This doesn't work because I get the error message:
Preparation of DMX query failed. Error (Data mining): Either the user, user, does not have permission to access the referenced mining model, @model, or the object does not exist. (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services)
We are running SSAS 2005 SP2. Is there a way to accomplish this?
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Aug 7, 2006
In the attribute discrimination viewer provided as Web
Controls is it possible to format the visualization.
Sort the attributes by Win
factors first and then Loss factors, so they look like this:
Favors Win Favors
2. Change the colors
of the win bar and the lose bar
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Mar 22, 2007
i try to process datamining with DMX
first i create new mining:
CREATE MINING model ForexData ( timeseri DATE KEY, Xhnow TEXT DISCRETE, Muccl TEXT DISCRETE, Change TEXT DISCRETE, XH5be TEXT DISCRETE, XH3be TEXT DISCRETE, XH1be TEXT DISCRETE , XH1ne TEXT DISCRETE PREDICT_only, XH3ne TEXT DISCRETE PREDICT_only, XH5ne TEXT DISCRETE PREDICT_only)Using Microsoft_Association_Rules (Minimum_Probability = 0.4, Minimum_Support = 0.01)
after that i use insert into statement:
INSERT INTO mining model ForexData(Change,Muccl,Timeseri ,XH1be,XH1ne,XH3be,XH3ne,XH5be,XH5ne)OPENQUERY([Forex DB],'Select Change,Muccl,Timeseri ,XH1be,XH1ne,XH3be,XH3ne,XH5be,XH5ne FROM dbo.dataprice')
there is the fisrt time i deploy ForexData so, it return an error:
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'timeseri' attribute of the 'ForexData_Structure ~MC-timeseri' dimension from the 'Analysis Services Project1' database was being processed.
i dont know about it, i have read some docs and comments on web but can solve this problem, can you help me?
as soon as posible, please
i have create a data source and data source view by BI and it return database is 'Analysis Services Project1'. and data source name: 'Forex DB' ;data source VIEW name: 'Forex DB' ;
nick yahoo: remember_somebody; contact to me if you can, i really need these infomation
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Dec 7, 2007
Hi all,
Here is my problem, I developed a forecasting mining model(forecasting.dmm) in SQL Server using Analysis Services Tool. I want to Access the mining model viewer chart(prediction chart) by using localhost in InternetExplorer.
I want to know How to access the charts using Report Server of Sql Server 2005(not the data part, the prediction chart)
Can you please help me.
Thank you,
mahesh manthena
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May 17, 2007
I've been playing around with the association mining model in SQL server 2005 and built a market-basket analysis of my data that I'm pretty happy with. The next task for me is figuring out how to run DMX queries against the data that I've just mined, so we may possibly use it in a web based application. This wouldn't necessarily be a difficult problem (and still may not be), but every example I've seen for the Mining Model Prediction Designer uses relational databases and I built my mining model off OLAP. Therefore, my predictable attribute is nested and when relating the mining model structure to the relational database that the cube was built off always gives me an error:
"Errors in the high-level relational engine. The 'CompanyName' column could not be found in the top-level clause of the SHAPE statement."
What I would like to do, and I'm not really even sure how I should structure any of my queries, is feed the model a product and have it return a listing of all the products it predicts. Currently, I've only been able to get the designer mode to process a singleton query, and even that didn't return any useful data. I know that this probably can be done pretty easily so any advice you may be able to offer would be greatly appreciated!!
So you may better understand my question, my association mining structure hierarchy looks as this..
[Model] ProductRecommend
With that in mind, I'm trying to perform a query simliar to this:
PredictProbability([ProductRecommend].[Product].[PRODUCTCLASSID]), <---- Throws Error for PredictProbability syntax no matter what I try to get to [PRODUCTCLASSID]
(SELECT [PRODUCT] FROM [ProductRecommend].[Product])
'ProductA' AS [PRODUCT]) AS [Product]) AS t
Thanks again for any help!
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Mar 28, 2007
I have tried to process a data mining model that I have produce programmatically. I use the following code for processing
Private Sub BtProcess_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtProcess.Click
' Now some different styles of processing
'Process mining structure first - don't process the models though
' ms.Process(ProcessType.ProcessStructure)
DeclareBox.Text = "Process Data Mining Structure"
' Process the mining model only (because the structure has been processed above
' We could have said ProcessDefault without processing the structure first, though
DeclareBox.Text = "Process Data Mining Model"
End Sub
I use the following code for data mining model and is correctly designed
Private Sub CreateMiningModel()
Dim mc As MiningModelColumn
mm = ms.MiningModels.Add(CbDatabase.Text & " miningmodelName") ', Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID(miningmodelName, Type.GetType(MiningModel)))
mm.Algorithm = "Microsoft_Decision_Trees"
mm.AlgorithmParameters.Add("COMPLEXITY_PENALTY", 0.3)
mc = New MiningModelColumn("SUMCODE", "SUMCODE")
mc.SourceColumnID = ms.Columns("SUMCODE").ID
mc.Usage = "Key"
mc = New MiningModelColumn("STAFF_YES", "STAFF_YES")
mc.SourceColumnID = ms.Columns("STAFF_YES").ID
mc.Usage = "Input"
mc = New MiningModelColumn("D_G_OZODIS_IPER", "D_G_OZODIS_IPER")
mc.SourceColumnID = ms.Columns("D_G_OZODIS_IPER").ID
mc.Usage = "PredictOnly"
and I received the following error message. Any Ideas? What is wrong with this? Thank you in advance
<Batch xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2003/engine">
<Process xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<MiningStructureID>test27 MiningStructureName</MiningStructureID>
<MiningModelID>test27 miningmodelName</MiningModelID>
Processing Mining Structure 'test27 MiningStructureName' completed successfully.
Start time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; End time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; Duration: 0:00:00
Processing Dimension 'test27 MiningStructureName ~MC-SUMCODE' failed.
Start time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; End time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; Duration: 0:00:00
Processing Dimension Attribute '(All)' completed successfully.
Start time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; End time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; Duration: 0:00:00
Processing Dimension Attribute 'OZOS NUM MANY' failed.
Start time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; End time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; Duration: 0:00:00
SQL queries 1
Error Messages 1
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Operation canceled; HY008.
Processing Dimension Attribute 'STAFF_YES' failed. 1 rows have been read.
Start time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; End time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; Duration: 0:00:00
SQL queries 1
Error Messages 1
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Requested conversion is not supported.. Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'STAFF_YES' attribute of the 'test27 MiningStructureName ~MC-SUMCODE' dimension from the 'test27' database was being processed.
Processing Dimension Attribute 'D_G_OZODIS_IPER' completed successfully.
Start time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; End time: 26/3/2007 11:36:18 μμ; Duration: 0:00:00
Errors and Warnings from Response
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Requested conversion is not supported..
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'STAFF_YES' attribute of the 'test27 MiningStructureName ~MC-SUMCODE' dimension from the 'test27' database was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The process operation ended because the number of errors encountered during processing reached the defined limit of allowable errors for the operation.
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Operation canceled; HY008.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'test27 MiningStructureName ~MC-SUMCODE', Name of 'test27 MiningStructureName ~MC-SUMCODE' was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'OZOS NUM MANY' attribute of the 'test27 MiningStructureName ~MC-SUMCODE' dimension from the 'test27' database was being processed.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. The database operation was cancelled because of an earlier failure.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'test27 MiningStructureName ~MC-SUMCODE', Name of 'test27 MiningStructureName ~MC-SUMCODE' was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'D_G_OZODIS_IPER' attribute of the 'test27 MiningStructureName ~MC-SUMCODE' dimension from the 'test27' database was being processed.
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Feb 14, 2006
Hello, I am using SQL Server 2005, and trying to load a mining model : microsoft association rules through a VB.net.
When it is loading, this error msg displayed :
"An error was encountered in the transport layer. The peer prematurely closed the connection."
Any help is really appreciated.
Thanks a lot,
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Feb 5, 2008
I've just created a Sales Forecasting Mining Model. How do i export the predicted time series values into a table?? Is there any tutorial explaining this.
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Jun 5, 2007
Hi, all experts here,
Thanks for your kind attention.
I am wondering why the loading of mining model for MTS failed in my case, the model has successfully processed and deployed? But when I clicked on the model viewer, the error message saying: failed to load model. Why is that? Is it because too many records for the table? Or why is that? (in my case, I got a case table and a nested table with over 1000,000 records)) Thank you very much and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Jan 22, 2007
I am developing a multiple regression model for a super market site selection with 11 predictors.
As soon as I press the model viewer tab, the following message appears:
The server content appears to be out of date.
Would you like to build and deploy the project first?
I opt no and the error message pops up:
The tree graph cannot be created because of the following error:
'Either the user, ......., does not have access to the ....... database, or the database does not exist.'.
Could anyone mine out the cause please....
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