Why Won't My Sql Procedure Work?

Apr 13, 2005


For some reason my stored procedure is returning no results, when I
know it should be.  I am trying to take a textbox someone has
typed into and returning all names from the database which include that
string.  My SQL statement is

ALTER PROCEDURE getLecturerNames
    @lName as varchar(20)
SELECT * FROM Lecturers
WHERE lName LIKE '%@lName%'

When I step into the procedure, the @lName parameter shows lName =
'ike' (what I typed to search) but no results are returned. 
However when I change the procedures last line  to :

WHERE lName LIKE '%ike%'

2 records are returned.  Is SQL server adding the quotation marks causing the problem, or if not what is?

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Stored Procedure Does Not Work

Nov 15, 2006

Hi All
Please review this vb6 code (the stored procedure was added by aspnet_regsql.exe)
   With CMD      .CommandText = "aspnet_Users_CreateUser"      Call .Parameters.Refresh      .Parameters(1).Value = "812cb465-c84b-4ac8-12a9-72c676dd1d65"      .Parameters(2).Value = "myuser"      .Parameters(3).Value = 0      .Parameters(4).Value = Now()      Call RS.Open(CMD)   End With
The error I get is :Invalid character value for cast specification.
This is the stored procedure code:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[aspnet_Users_CreateUser]
@ApplicationId uniqueidentifier,
@UserName nvarchar(256),
@IsUserAnonymous bit,
@LastActivityDate DATETIME,
@UserId uniqueidentifier OUTPUT
IF( @UserId IS NULL )
IF( EXISTS( SELECT UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users
WHERE @UserId = UserId ) )
INSERT dbo.aspnet_Users (ApplicationId, UserId, UserName, LoweredUserName, IsAnonymous, LastActivityDate)
VALUES (@ApplicationId, @UserId, @UserName, LOWER(@UserName), @IsUserAnonymous, @LastActivityDate)

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Cannot Get Stored Procedure To Work

Dec 10, 2007

I am trying to pass a value from one stored procedure into another. I have got the following stored procedures:
Stored Procedure 1:ALTER PROCEDURE test2
(@Business_Name nvarchar(50)
INSERT INTO client_details(Business_Name) VALUES(@Business_Name) SELECT @Client_ID = scope_identity()
Stored Procedure 2 - Taking Client_ID from the proecedure test2ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.test3
@AddressLine1 varchar(MAX),
EXEC test2 @Client_ID = @NewClient_ID OUTPUT
INSERT INTO client_premises_address(Client_ID, AddressLine1) VALUES(@Client_ID, @AddressLine1)
SELECT @NewClient_ID
When I run this proecedure I get the following error:
FailedProcedure or function 'test2' expects parameter '@Business_Name', which was not supplied. Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Client_ID', table 'C:INETPUBWWWROOTSWWEBSITEAPP_DATASOUTHWESTSOLUTIONS.MDF.dbo.client_premises_address'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.
However If I run Stored Procedure Test2 on its own it runs fine
Can anyone help with this issue? Is there something that I have done wrong in my stored procedures?
Also does anyone know If I can use the second stored procedure in a second webpage, but get the value that was created by running the stored proecdure in the previous webpage?

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This Stored Procedure Does Not Work! Why?

Apr 19, 2004

here is code i have

private void btnGetCustomers_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection ();
conn.ConnectionString = " Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=Northwind; Integrated Security=SSPI ";

SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand ();
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.CommandText = "procCustomers";

// add the input parameters and set their values
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ContactName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50));
cmd.Parameters["@ContactName"].Value = txbxContactName.Text;

conn.Open ();
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader ();
if (dr.HasRows == true)
dgrdMyDataGrid.DataSource = dr;
dgrdMyDataGrid.DataBind ();
Response.Write("Nothing found.");

// clean up
dr.Close ();
conn.Close ();

and here is the stored procedure:

@ContactName nvarchar(50)
SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE customers.contactname LIKE @ContactName
ORDER BY customers.contactname ASC

no compile errors, it just returns nothing even if there is supposed to be a match... what am doing wrong?

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Stored Procedure Cannot Work In .NET

Jul 30, 2005

Hi, i encounter a problem in the .NET. I have
write the stored prodeure for the registering function and it works
perfectly in the SQL Server. But when i called the stored procedure
from the .NET, it cannot work. Can someone pls help? Thanks!

Stored Procedure Codes:

CREATE PROCEDURE spAddProfile(@MemNRIC CHAR(9), @MemName
VARCHAR(30), @MemPwd VARCHAR(15), @MemDOB DATETIME, @MemEmail
VARCHAR(80), @MemContact VARCHAR(8))

    --RETURN -200

    RETURN -201

    FROM DasMember
    RETURN -202

INSERT INTO DasMember(MemNRIC, MemName, MemPwd, MemDOB, MemEmail,
MemContact, MemDateJoin) VALUES (@MemNRIC, @MemName, @MemPwd, @MemDOB,
@MemEmail, @MemContact, GETDATE())

IF @@ERROR <> 0



DECLARE @status int
EXEC @status = spAddProfile 'S1234567J', 'Kim', 'kim', '1986-01-01', 'kim@hotmail.com', '611616161'

SELECT 'Status' = @status

When called from .NET, it cannot works.. These are the codes:

Private Sub btnRegister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        Dim connStr As String =

        Dim dbConn As New SqlConnection
        dbConn.ConnectionString = connStr
            Dim dbCmd As New SqlCommand
            dbCmd.Connection = dbConn
            dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
            dbCmd.CommandText = "spAddProfile"

            Dim dbParam As SqlParameter
            dbParam = dbCmd.Parameters.Add("@return", SqlDbType.Int)
            dbParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue

            dbParam = dbCmd.Parameters.Add("@MemNRIC", SqlDbType.Char, 9)
            dbParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
            dbParam.Value = txtNRIC.Text

dbParam = dbCmd.Parameters.Add("@MemName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30)
            dbParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
            dbParam.Value = txtName.Text

dbParam = dbCmd.Parameters.Add("@MemPwd", SqlDbType.VarChar, 15)
            dbParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
            dbParam.Value = txtPwd.Text

            dbParam = dbCmd.Parameters.Add("@MemDOB", SqlDbType.DateTime)
            dbParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
            dbParam.Value = txtDOB.Text

dbParam = dbCmd.Parameters.Add("@MemEmail", SqlDbType.VarChar, 80)
            dbParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
            dbParam.Value = txtEmail.Text

dbParam = dbCmd.Parameters.Add("@MemContact", SqlDbType.VarChar, 8)
            dbParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input


            Dim status As Integer
            status = dbCmd.Parameters("@return").Value
            If status = -201 Then
lblError.Text = "NRIC already exists!"

            ElseIf status = -202 Then
lblError.Text = "You must be at least 18 years to sign up!"

                lblError.Text = "Success"

            End If

        Catch ex As SqlException
            lblError.Text = ex.Message

        Catch ex As Exception
            lblError.Text = ex.message
        End Try

    End Sub
End Class
Can someone pls help? Thanks a lot!! I appreciated it very much!!

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Stored Procedure Do Not Work

Oct 26, 2000


When I tried to execute a procedure it give me message:

"Too many arguments were supplied for procedure sp2_ge_ag15_01"

I am doing:
exec sp2_ge_ag11_01 306,'NOVO VELHO',Null,
It has 9 parameters

the begin of the my procedure is:

CREATE procedure dbo.sp2_ge_ag11_01(@Pcd_ficha integer,
@Pnm_ficha varchar(60),
@Pcd_pac integer = null,
@Pdt_nas datetime,
@Psx_pac varchar(01),
@Ppes_pac smallint,
@Palt_pac float,
@Pemail1 varchar(50),
@Pobs varchar(254))


What Happen

thank you in advance

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STUMPED: Why Doesn't This Procedure Work?

Jan 16, 2006

I have been looking at this for over a day now. I cannot see why this procedure does not work, its so simple.
No matter what happens it always returns 0. If it locates a record, it doesnt update it, yet it still returns 0.
It should not be returning 0 if its not updating so I can't figure out why it does.
Why does this always return 0?
[pre]Create Procedure CreateNewCategory @title nvarchar(100), @description nvarchar(1000), @displayOrder intAS DECLARE @Result as int
IF EXISTS(SELECT categoryTitle FROM categories WHERE categoryTitle = @title) BEGIN  SELECT @Result = 1 ENDELSE BEGIN  INSERT INTO categories(categoryTitle, categoryDescription, displayOrder)  VALUES(@title, @description, @displayOrder)   /* If no error was encountered, 0 will be returned. */  SELECT @Result = @@Error ENDGO[/pre]

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Stored Procedure Won&#39;t Work After Migrated To Sql 7.0

Sep 28, 2000

Do anybody aware of any problems with the way that sql 7.0 converting stored procedures from sql 6.5...thanks

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Help! Stored Procedure Does Not Work On Second Server

Sep 8, 1999

I have a stored procedure that works on my development server but when I placed it on the server that is to be the prodcuction server i get the following response:

output ----------------
The name specified is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
This is the procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_OutputClaim @OutFile varchar(255), @CurAns char(8) AS

declare @CmdLine varchar(255)

select FieldX into ##TempTable from Table where FieldY = @CurAns

select @CmdLine = "exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp tempdb.dbo.##TempTable out
c:est" + @OutFile + " /Uxx /Pxxx /Sxx /f c:estcp.fmt'"

exec (@CmdLine)
drop table tempdb..##TempTable

Thanks for any help !!!!


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Calling The Same Store Procedure Repeatly, But Only Work In The First Time

Apr 18, 2006

I had try calling a function, that call a store procedure, repeatly using a for loop, but I notice it will only get the expected part_id in the first time, and return an empty string sub-sequentially without throwing an exception. So I had try using a sql query instead, but the same thing happen. Below is my function, can you point out to me what's wrong?
My original version that calls a store procedure
Public Shared Function getPartId(ByVal part_supplierserialnumber As String) As String
Dim mySqlCommand As New SqlCommand
Dim mySqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(GetERATSConnectionString())
Dim myPart_id As String
mySqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
mySqlCommand.CommandText = "getPartId"
mySqlCommand.Connection = mySqlConnection
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@part_supplierserialnumber", part_supplierserialnumber))
myPart_id = mySqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
Catch ex As Exception
myPart_id = ""
End Try
Return myPart_id
End Function
My Store procedure
create procedure getPartId@part_supplierserialnumber as nvarchar(50)as
select top 1 part_id from tblPtSingapore where part_supplierserialnumber = @part_supplierserialnumber order by part_datecreated desc
The new version I tried which happen the same thing
Public Shared Function getPartId(ByVal part_supplierserialnumber As String) As String
Dim myPart_id As String
Dim strSql As String = "select top 1 part_id from tblPtSingapore where part_supplierserialnumber = '" & part_supplierserialnumber & "' order by part_datecreated desc"
Dim mySqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(GetERATSConnectionString())
Dim mySqlCommand As New SqlCommand(strSql, mySqlConnection)
myPart_id = mySqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
Catch ex As Exception
myPart_id = ""
End Try
Return myPart_id
End Function

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Stored Procedure Sort Parameter Doesnt Work

Jul 22, 2006

Hello, I am trying to make this.


@nmpersona int,

@sortorder varchar(20)



select nmpersona, dsprimernombre, dssegundonombre,

dsprimerapellido, dssegundoapellido

from personas

order by @sortorder


But I got this error. Please help

Msg 1008, Level 16, State 1, Procedure P_SEL_ALLPERSONAS, Line 13

The SELECT item identified by the ORDER BY number 1 contains a variable as part of the expression identifying a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression referencing a column name.

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Does The .. Expression In Stored Procedure Work In SSRS 2000 ?

Mar 13, 2007


I am not understanding this part of the problem. I am currently reusing a stored procedure that has a ".." as part of the select statement.

I can't put the select statement up here due to privacy but I have found the error where the error states the following:-

Invalid Column Prefix: AM, invalid table name.

I noticed that part of the select statement was the following:-


I tried executing this stored procedure in the query analyzer and it works fine, but when I tried executing it in SSRS, it gives me the error. After searching through the internet for possible causes, I found out that it was the ".." was giving the error. Anyone knows why ? I found out that it was supposed to bypass any users and permissions to the table.

Thakns !


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Using Return X In A Stored Procedure Doesn't Work With Table Adapters

Mar 9, 2007


I was trying to create a simple SP that return a single value as follows:CREATE PROCEDURE IsListingSaved@MemberID INT,@ListingID INTASIF EXISTS (SELECT [Member_ID] FROM [Member_Listing_Link] WHERE [Member_ID] = @MemberID AND [Listing_ID] = @ListingID)    Return 1ELSE    Return 0GOWhen I try it out in the Tableadapter's preview table, I get the correct result (1, where the entries exist). However, in the BLL, I tried to get the value as:Dim intResult as IntegerintResult = CType(Adapter.IsListingSaved(intMemberID, intListingID), Integer). However, this always returns 0 (when it should be returning 1). P.S. Curiously, breakpoints skipped the VS generated code for the adapter. What could be the problem? Thanks,Wild Thing 

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SQL Server Insert Update Stored Procedure - Does Not Work The Same Way From Code Behind

Mar 13, 2007

 I have created a stored procedure on SQL server that does an Insert else Update to a table. The SP starts be doing "IF NOT EXISTS" check at the top to determine if it should be an insert or an update.
When i run the stored procedure directly on SQL server (Query Analyzer) it works fine. It updates when I pass in an existing ID#, and does an insert when I pass in a NULL to the ID#.
When i run the exact same logic from my aspx.vb code it keeps inserting the data everytime! I have debugged the code several times and all the parameters are getting passed in as they should be? Can anyone help, or have any ideas what could be happening?
Here is the basic shell of my SP:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spHeader_InsertUpdate]
@FID  int = null OUTPUT,@FLD1 varchar(50),@FLD2 smalldatetime,@FLD3 smalldatetime,@FLD4 smalldatetime
Declare @rtncode int
IF NOT EXISTS(select * from HeaderTable where FormID=@FID)
 Begin  begin transaction
   --Insert record   Insert into HeaderTable (FLD1, FLD2, FLD3, FLD4)    Values (@FLD1, @FLD2, @FLD3,@FLD4)   SET @FID = SCOPE_IDENTITY();      --Check for error   if @@error <> 0    begin     rollback transaction     select @rtncode = 0     return @rtncode    end   else    begin     commit transaction     select @rtncode = 1     return @rtncode    end      endELSE
 Begin  begin transaction
   --Update record   Update HeaderTable SET FLD2=@FLD2, FLD3=@FLD3, FLD4=@FLD4    where FormID=@FID;
   --Check for error   if @@error <> 0    begin     rollback transaction     select @rtncode = 0     return @rtncode    end   else    begin     commit transaction     select @rtncode = 2     return @rtncode   end

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SQL Cache Dependency Invalidation - Can It Work On The Procedure Based Command?

Dec 19, 2005

I was wondering if SQL Cache Dependency would be in fact invalidated if:
1.  it was created based on a procedure type command.
2. if the select statement retrieves the data from multiple database tables
 Any help would be more appreciated.  I am stuck with the fact that none of the data bases on sql dependency is invalidated. I spent literally hours to understand what i am doing incorrectly.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS - Execute Stored Procedure With Parameters Does Not Work

Jun 9, 2015

Using the following:

SQL Server: SQL Server 2012
Visual Studio 2012

I have created an SSIS package where I have added an Execute SQL Task to run an existing stored procedure in my SQL database.

Result Set: None
Connection Type: OLE DB
SourceType: Direct Input
IsQueryStoredProcedure: False (this is greyed out and cannot be changed)
Bypass Prepare: True

When I use the following execute statement where I am "Hard Coding" in the parameters, the stored procedure runs successfully and it places the data into the table per the stored procedure.

SQLStatement: dbo.sp_ml_location_load @system_cd='03', @location_type_cd=Store;

However, the @system_cd parameter can change, so I wanted to set these parameters up as variables and use the parameter mapping in the Execute SQL Task.

I have set this up as follows and it runs the package successfully but it does not put the data into the table. The only thing I can figure is either I have the variables set up incorrectly or the parameter mapping set up incorrectly.

Stored procedure variables:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ml_location_load]
(@system_cd nvarchar(10), @location_type_cd nvarchar(10))
BEGIN .....................

Here is my set up, what is wrong here:

I Created these Variables:

Name Scope Data Type Value
system_cd Locations String '03'
location_type_cd Locations String Store

I added these parameter mappings in the Execute SQL Task

Variable Name Direction Data TypeParameter NameParameter Size
User::system_cd Input NVARCHAR@system_cd -1
User::location_type_cd Input NVARCHAR@location_type_cd -1

I used this SQLStatement: EXEC dbo.sp_ml_location_load ?,

It runs the package successfully but it does not put the data into the table.

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Temporary Table In Stored Procedure Doesn't Work From SQLDataSource

Feb 20, 2008

I have a stored procedure with the following:

CREATE TABLE #t1 (... ...);

WITH temp AS (....)


SELECT .... FROM temp LEFT OUTER JOIN anothertable ON ...

This stored procedure works fine in Management Studio.

I then use this stored procedure in an ASP.NET page via a SQLDataSource object. The ASP.NET code compiles without error, but the result returned is empty (my bounded GridView object has zero rows). From Web Developer, if I try to Refresh Schema on the SQLDATASource object, I get an error: "Invalid object name '#t1'. The error is at the red #1 as I tried putting something else at that location to confirm it.

What does the error message mean and what have I done wrong?


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Transact SQL :: How To Make Procedure Work For Multiple Values In Parameter

Jun 7, 2015

Below is the stored procedure i have it works fine if i have 1 value passed to @invited_by but i want to modify but i want this code to be working for multiple inputs .Lets say if i do

exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'Test1 . I get the desired output but i want this procedure to work for
exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'Test1,Test2'.
USE [merck_acronyms]


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The Multi Delete &&amp; Multi Update - Stored Procedure Not Work Ok

Feb 4, 2008

the stored procedure don't delete all the records
need help

Code Snippet
DECLARE @empid varchar(500)
set @empid ='55329429,58830803,309128726,55696314'
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0
UPDATE [empList]
SET StartDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1900-01-01 00:00:00', 102), val_ok = 0
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0
UPDATE [empList]
SET StartDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1900-01-01 00:00:00', 102), val_ok = 0
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0


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Why Does This Not Work

Feb 27, 2007

 My error is that 'Name tr is not declared'  tr.Rollback() I tried moving the 'Dim tr As SqlTransaction' outside the try but then I get 'Variable tr is used before it si assinged a value'.
What is the correct way?        Try            conn.Open()            Dim tr As SqlTransaction            tr = conn.BeginTransaction()            cmdInsert1.Transaction = tr            cmdInsert1.ExecuteNonQuery()            cmdInsert2.Transaction = tr            cmdInsert2.ExecuteNonQuery()            cmdInsert3.Transaction = tr            cmdInsert3.ExecuteNonQuery()            tr.Commit()        Catch objException As SqlException           tr.Rollback()            Dim objError As SqlError            For Each objError In objException.Errors                Response.Write(objError.Message)            Next        Finally            conn.Close()        End Try 

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Can't Get LIKE To Work

Apr 19, 2007

I have the below procedure that will not work- I must be losing my mind, this is not that difficult - mental roadblock for me.
Using SQL Server 2000 to create SP being called by ASP.Net with C# code behind
stored procedure only returns if input exactly matches L_Name
PROCEDURE newdawn.LinkNameLIKESearch @L_Name nvarchar(100)AS SELECT [L_Name], [L_ID], [C_ID], [L_Enabled], [L_Rank], [L_URL] FROM tblContractorLinkInfo WHERE L_Name LIKE @L_Name RETURN
I tried: WHERE L_Name LIKE ' % L_Name % '  no luck. What am I missing?
Thank you

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SP Does Not Work.

May 24, 2007

SP below is not work.It gives null for @kaysay 
I used parametric table name. Is this the problem? 
My aim to calculate record count of a table
CREATE PROCEDURE Tablodaki_Kayit_Sayisi(@TABLO varchar(30))AS
Declare @kaysay bigintDeclare @SQLString nvarchar(100)Declare @Param nvarchar(100)
Set @SQLString = N'Select @kaysayOUT = count(BELGE) From ' + @TABLOSet @Param = N'@kaysayOUT bigint'
Execute sp_executesql@SQLString,@Param,@kaysayOUT = @kaysay
Select @kaysay

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Can Anyone Tell Me Why The Following Sql Does Not Work?

Sep 3, 2007

SELECT H.id, H.CategoryID ,H.Image ,H.StoryId ,H.Publish, H.PublishDate, H.Date ,H.Deleted ,SL.ListTitle,C.CategoryTitle
FROM HomePageImage H
JOIN shortlist SL on H.StoryId = SL.id
(INNER JOIN category C on H.CategoryId = C.CategoryId)
order by date DESC

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Please Help Me To Keep My Work...(:

Apr 12, 2004


I am trying to query with my stored procedure. I am getting comma separated list as input parameter (which is VARCHAR) .

The table column, which I have to compare with input parameter value , is in INTEGER datatype.

So when , I compare Like as follows:-


I am getting error. "Syntax error converting the varchar value '34,343' to a column of data type int."

Could anybody help me , to solve this ?

Thanks !


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Why Won't This Work!?

Aug 31, 2004

I have a textbox and a checkbox on a form and I'd like to add both values to a db. The textbox value gets inserted fine but I'm having trouble with the checkbox. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Form1 is the column in my db.

SqlCommand myCmd = new SqlCommand();

myCmd.Parameters.Add("@ClientCode",SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox2.Text;

myCmd.CommandText = "UPDATE table SET Form1 = 'Yes' WHERE ClientCode = @ClientCode";

myCmd.Connection = sqlConnection1;

if( CheckBox1.Checked == true)


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DBA Work

Aug 29, 2001


Beside working right from the server how else someone can perform the SQL admistration job, I guess my question is how do most SQL DBA perform their administration without going to the server directly. Anyone --- can help please??

Thanks in advance.

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Does This Work?

Mar 15, 2007

Declare @StartDate datetime
Declare @EndDate Datetime
Set @StartDate = dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, getdate()), 0)
Set @EndDate = getdate()

The job runs at 11:30 pm so I want the start date to be the same but the time to be equal to 00:00:00.0 When I run the getdate does it also return a time stamp?

The Yak Village Idiot

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Why Did It Work?

Aug 6, 2007

I had a problem where some users were experiencing timeouts when trying to add a single record to a table with 2.3 million records.
It's not a very wide table; only 10 columns and the biggest column in varchar 500. The rest are guid, datetime, tinyint...

There is also an old VB app that inserts about 3000 records a day into this table during office hours while users occasionally try and insert a record into this table.

Something said to me that the problem could be indexes but I wasn't quite sure because I though indexes only have an impact on select, delete & update. And not particulary on insert. But I checked it out anyway and noticed that the 3 indexes (1 column PK, 1 column Clustered & 1 column non-clustered) weren't padded. So I changed that (Fill Factor 95) and the problem has gone away. But why? I thought the insert would just have appended it to the end of the index before I made this change? Why would that time out?

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Why Does One Work, But Not The Other?

Mar 25, 2008

I have the following queries. The first returns the 'Unknown' row, the second works the way I would expect. Are my expectations wrong? Can someone describe for me what is going on?


Code Snippet
select *
SynonymComFinancialCategory b
LEFT JOIN TT_FinancialCategory a
a.FinanceGroup = b.FinanceGroup
AND a.FinanceCode = b.FinanceCode
AND a.Finance = b.Finance
AND b.Finance <> 'Unknown'
a.FinanceGroup IS NULL
AND a.FinanceCode IS NULL
AND a.Finance IS NULL

Code Snippet
select *
SynonymComFinancialCategory b
LEFT JOIN TT_FinancialCategory a
a.FinanceGroup = b.FinanceGroup
AND a.FinanceCode = b.FinanceCode
AND a.Finance = b.Finance
a.FinanceGroup IS NULL
AND a.FinanceCode IS NULL
AND a.Finance IS NULL
AND b.Finance <> 'Unknown'

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Coalesce Does Not Seem To Work

Sep 27, 2006

  Hi,I have the following table with some sample values, I want to return the first non null value in that order. COALESCE does not seem to work for me, it does not return the 3rd record. I need to include this in my select statement. Any urgent help please.Mobile    Business     PrivateNULL        345           NULL4646        65464        65765NULL                        564654654     564           6546I want the following as my results:Number3454646564654654Select COALESCE(Mobile,Business,Private) as Number  from Table returns:3454646654654 (this is a test to see if private returns & it did with is not null but then how do i include in my select statement to show any one of the 3 fields)select mobile,business,private where private is not null returns:657655646546thanks

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Update Does Not Work Well

Sep 29, 2006

Hello,I created a formview in a web page. The data are in a sql server express database.With this form, I can to create a new data, I delete it but I can't to modify the data.The app_data folder is ready to write data; the datakeynames element in formview web control declared. I replace the automated query created by VS 2005 by a strored procedure to see if the problem solved.The problem is the same with an update query or a update stored procedure...Have you an idea, please.Than you for your help.Regards.

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Update Does Not Work

Jan 9, 2007

Im working with a detailsview and when I try to edit something and then update, the changes are not saved.
I have 2 tables ("[etpi.admin].Ocorrencias" and "[etpi.admin].SMS") that store the data that Im trying to change. Since Im having problems with the name of tables, Im coding it manually, using SQL server management studio and VWD.
I believe my code can be wrong (Im new to vwd and C# world), so here it is:
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [etpi.admin].Ocorrencias SET [Status_Ocor] = @Status_Ocor, [Percentual] = @Percentual, [IDPriori] = @IDPriori, [Abertura] = @Abertura, [IDTecRes] = @IDTecRes, [Area] = @Area, [CodEquip] = @CodEquip, [Descricao] = @Descricao, [Destinatario] = @Destinatario, [Data_Implanta] = @Data_Implanta WHERE [etpi.admin].Ocorrencias.IDOcorre = @IDOcorre
UPDATE [etpi.admin].SMS SET [idSMS] = @idSMSWHERE [etpi.admin].SMS.IDOcorre = @IDOcorre"> 
<UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="idSMS" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Status_Ocor" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="Percentual" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="IDPriori" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Abertura" Type="DateTime" /><asp:Parameter Name="IDTecRes" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Area" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="CodEquip" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="Descricao" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="Destinatario" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="Data_Implanta" Type="DateTime" /><asp:Parameter Name="IDOcorre" Type="Int32" /></UpdateParameters>

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My Rollback Does Not Work

May 30, 2007

My rollback does not work
In my SP I want any of cmdS,cmdS2,cmdS3,cmdS4 produces error Rollback must be executed for all of cmdS,cmdS2,cmdS3,cmdS4 . I tested for error producing situation but no rollbak occured.
How can I solve this problem. Thanks.
Below is my SP .
begin transaction
..........If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS)))>0
 If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS2)))>0
execute(@cmdS2) If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS3)))>0
 If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS4)))>0
If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS2)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS3)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS4)))>0
Beginif @@ERROR <>0
rollback transaction
set @Hata = 'Error !'
Beginset @Hata = 'Sucessfully executed :)' End
commit transaction

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