I have a number of functions that require the input of parameters in order to ultimatly create a report under Reporting Services by making use of a Stored Procedure.
All the functions etc work as does the stored procedure, but it only works if I specify data that I know exists e.g.
I am writing a stored procedure to pull records from a table of personal data related to jobs applied for.
There are 3 tables involved, the jobs, the applicants and the applications.
I need to search on job title, job ref from the jobs table and on forename, surname and applicant ID from the applicants table.
There are some quirks here, if the user enters an applicant ID then we can simply scan the jobs table for that id where it also matches the job title wildcards, so that is quite easy to manage.
My own idea for the more complicated searches was to gather the unique ID's from the jobs table into a var, then do similar with the applicants and then search the applications table where both these ID's matched? I think that wouldn't work so well if using the 'WHERE IN()' clause for the main query?
So what approach would be best here to perform the second part of the SP if the client hasn't passed an ApplicantID?
Obviously the applications table has both JobID and ClientID's to relate back to the applicants table.
So can anyone help here, it seems a fairly complicated statement or set of statements would be required here.
I was doing research oh how to do some searches on dates that allow a bit of a freedom to the person searching. They should be able to specify the parameters. For example how would you make a search for all events that happened on a specific day in any year,any month? example : every 18 Or how would you searh for values that happened in a specific month in any year and any day? eg. May Or how would you search for values that happen in a specific year and any day and month? eg. 2007 Or how would you search for values that happen every 18 May?
I tried few things and can only work out the search for the year bit. The values are saved in the database as DateTime.
First thank you for all your help thus far. Now I'm stuck again. I've been doing a lot of reading on triggers and logging information into tables but I've been trying to capture how many times someone enters an item into the search box.
So every time somebody types Gumballs into the search box I want to capture it and the name of the person who is currently logged in. Is there away to do this? Maybe this is something that I should be checking in ASP.NET forums?
Hi Everyone. I have created a procedure on sql to obtain information about two tables ( bookinfo and author). The procedure is :
CREATE PROCEDURE FindBookByAuthor @Aname char AS
select b.libcode, b.title, b.subject, a.authorname, b.instock from bookinfo b join authorinfo a on b.authorid = a.authorid where a.authorname like '%' + @aname + '%' GO
I have tested this procedure changing the variable @aname for the surname of the author. This works fine. The problem comes when I execute this procedure from web matrix. I use a textbox to obtain the data for the variable @aname. I send the data. What happens is that when I run the web page and look for a book through the author the select statement behaves differently and gives me a different output.
Hi, I am looking for an easy and efficiant way to add a boolean search function to an already existing search i have using ASP pages and MSSQL 2000 SPROCS.
Currently I have some code such as:
@var1 int = NULL, @var2 varchar(50) = NULL
SELECT blah, blah, blah FROM sometable INNER JOIN anothertable ON anID = anID WHERE (table1.column2 = COALESCE(@var1,table1.column2) AND table2.column4 = COALESCE(@var2,table2.column4))
and this works like a charm, if i pass a value into @var1 or @var 2 it gives back results where those crietera match, or if I pass no values in it returns all records.... anyways, you get the idea...
Now I would like to add the ability to introduce a 3rd variable, and have it run a boolean search on a varchar(2500) column. This column is a description field for an image so I would like to be able to search the descriptions by passing in something like 'car OR bike AND travel' and return all the records that have the words 'car' or 'bike' and 'travel' somewhere in the description field.
How can i do this? I am using SQL Server Standard Edition so I don't believe I have full text search functions available, (not sure if that would even help).
Thanks all for your support and guidance!
P.S. i would also like to maintain the functinality so that if all the @var# are blank it still returns all records.
Here is my requirement: The script needs to enumerate the the databases in a givin instance of sql server. Then it needs to output the account with permissions on that server. Finally it then needs to search stored procedured for reference to specific file and account names loaded from a csv file. The results should be output to a text file or displayed in an exportable window format.
What I don t understand: What do they mean by: account with permissions on that server, which account re they talking about
and what do they mean by the SP references a specific file and account name? how can an SP reference a file or account name. i have never seen that? Thanks for help.
For anybody that implemented fuzzy searches in SQL Server or any otherdatabase for that matter. I have implemented edit distance algorithm,specifically q-grams, in SQL Server and wanted to get some opinionsfrom anyone who used a similar algorithm in a DBMS.We are looking to implement fuzzy address search and are employingnumber of different techniques including synonyms for strings like"drive", "dr", "drv", etc... Number expansion, so 6 ave = Six Ave =6th Ave = 6... Now, we also have an implementation of edit distancealgorithm, which would cover misspellings and similar sounding words.One of the challenges is putting various techniques together. Synonymsand number expansion techniques go well together but no edit distance.Also, I am trying to figure out how to leverage edit distanceimplementation for 'contains' searches. So if a string like'Mississippi Municipal Building' would be returned if the Search is for'Misisipi Municipal'.Any thoughts?
Hi All,I have the following scenario. I have a table called Invoice. Thishas around 30 columns of which i have to do a retrieval based onfilter conditions on 10 columns. These filters need to be partialsearches i.e. for e.g the Customer name could be 'Arun', 'Parthiv','Aaron', now i should be able to search the customer as 'ar' and itshould return 'Arun' and 'Parthiv'. My concern is there are 10 columnson which this like '%x%' search has to be done and there willpractically be hudreds of thousands of rows. can anybody suggest me toimprove the performance of such a query. Currently what i am thinkinof isselect Id, Memo, .. FROM Invoice where CustomerName like '%' + @Name +'%' and etc.P.S. am using ASP.Net as the front end.
I have a database containing several tables with many different fields. I need to create an admin section that lets me search on one field or the combination of several. Does anyone have links to pages that offer a general overview for inhouse database search strategy and admin edits. Thank you
I have recently become responsible for a small database for a volunteer soccer league. I am reasonably savvy when it comes to development, but I have not had a lot of experience with administration before.
I need to do what I think must be pretty simple: set up full text indexing so I can use a CONTAINS search on a table. The table contains all of the fields the kids use, and each field has a number of divisions that typically play on that field; we use these 'favored divisions' to make scheduling a little easier. Now, one day when I have time, I will set up a proper, normalized, one-to-many relationship between the favored divisions and the playing fields, but right now it's basically like this:
fieldID (int, primary key, identity seed) fieldName (varchar), e.g. High School Field favored_divisions (varchar) - comma-delimited list of divisions, e.g. G10,B14,G12
I imagine it's probably database sacrilege to have a comma-delimited list like that, but we don't have the resources now to re-write that piece of the web application. My question is, in SQL Server 2005, what do I need to do to be able to do a full-text search on this field with the following query:
SELECT fieldID, fieldName FROM playing_fields WHERE CONTAINS(favored_divisions,'G10')
Right now the query runs and does not return an error, but does not return any results, either. IIRC, full-text indexing is enabled by default in SQL Server 2005, but I am not familiar with the procedure -- something about having to populate a catalog. Do I need to edit or set up a new index on the actual playing_fields table? What has to happen to make this work?
I have a form that loads a dataset. This dataset is composed from SQL statements using alias and unions. Basically it takes uses data from 3 tables. This dataset also has a alias column called ClientName that consists of either people's name or business name.In addition, the form also consist of a search field that allows user to enter the 'ClientName' to be searched (i.e. to search the alias column). So, my question is how can the alias column be searched (user can also enter % in the search field)Function QueryByService(ByVal searchClientNameText As String) As System.Data.DataSet If InStr(Trim(searchClientNameText), "%")>0 Then searchStatement = "WHERE ClientName LIKE '" & searchClientNameText & "'"Else searchStatement = "WHERE ClientName = @searchClientNameText"End If Dim queryString As String = "SELECT RTrim([People].[Given_Name])"& _"+ ' ' + RTrim([People].[Family_Name]) AS ClientName, [Event].[NumEvents],"& _"[Event].[Event_Ref]"& _"FROM [Event] INNER JOIN [People] ON [Event].[APP_Person_ID] = [People].[APP_Person_ID]"& _searchStatement + " "& _"UNION SELECT [Bus].[Organisation_Name],"& _"[Event].[NumEvents], [Event].[Event_Ref]"& _"FROM [Bus] INNER JOIN [Event] ON [Bus].[APP_Organisation_ID] = [Event].[APP_Organisation_ID] "& _searchStatement ..........End Function
i want to be able to do full text searches on a table that i have that already has data in it.. i created a new catalog, then started incremenetal population.. but nothing happened? will it only catalog the new data thats been entered into the table after i start incremental update? so since i have data in teh table already, would i need to do a full population first before i start incremenetal population?
The reason it is poorly designed is the table is used to hold questions and answers, all with a 1:1 relationship. Instead of having ID, ProductType, Question, Answer they have unfortunately adopted the approach of the above i.e:
id 1 thisID 3 parentid nuLL DESCRIPTION: this is a question
id 20 thisID 3_1 parentID 3 DESCRIPTION: this is the answer to the question above
So I am writing a sproc that does this using a temp table. I got this far:
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author:Spencer -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetFAQs] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @ProductType varchar(255) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here CREATE TABLE TEMP ( IDINT, thisIDvarchar(50) null, parentIDvarchar(50) null, Titlevarchar(255) null, DescriptionQvarchar(8000) null, DescriptionAvarchar(8000) null, ProductTypevarchar(255) null, )
SELECT ID, thisID, parentID, Title, DescriptionQ, DescriptionA, ProductType FROM A2Z WHERE ProductType = @ProductType AND parentID IS NULL END GO
This gets all my questions for that product type.
What I need to do is load the questions into my temp table and then run through the a2z table again gaining the answers to the questions (the parentid holds the question ID). The answers then will also get loaded into the temp table.
For those implementing encrypted columns, what is the recommended approach when allowing users to also do partial searches on encrypted data? (ie email or creditcard info where the tables contain millions of rows). I understand one cannot have the encryption without performance impact, but the searches can be 10 to 20 times as long as when the info is stored in normal char(20) columns. Just looking as a way to try and lessen the impact.
Hello everyone and thanks for your help in advance. I am working on an application that does a property search off of a database that contains approximately 40000 records. The search criteria allows the use to specify a minimum and maximum price, subdivision name, number of bedrooms, etc. I set up a stored procedure to query the databse. if one of the parameters is not specified, i simply pass it a "%". However, when i execute this sproc in Query Analyzer, it takes in excess of 10 seconds to return the records, even if only one or two are returned. I am assuming this is due to the use of the wildcard character when the user does not have a preference, but I am not sure of any other way to do this. Any help on this topic would be grealy appreciated.
hi,i have an sqldatasource a gridview and dropdownlistthe gridview is updated on the selectedIndexChanged Event of the dropdownlistmy goal is to add an item in the dropdownlist with the name ALLwhich should matches all the records in the databasei tried to put the value of the all item = * and % but neither seems to workany help on what could be going wrong would be appreciated
Is it a good idea to have multiple contains? I have this query:Select * from myTable where contains (Col1, 'Africa') or (Col2, 'Africa')Also, I tried this, didn't return anything:Select * from myTable where contains (Col1, 'Africa*') or (Col2, 'Africa')Both Col1 and Col2 has the string 'Africa' and 'African' in it.--sharif
I am trying to control how users view records. I want to create a solution that would, for instance permit:user A to view Store 1user B to view store 2 and store 3user C to view store 5 and store 6and User D to view all stores even if more stores were added in the future (in other words user D would have access to all records) I want to create an 'authorization table' so that different users can see different records. I think the easiest way to do this is to pass a parameter to the where clause, but the problem that I face is the how can I use a wildcard in a SQL 'IN' clause? Does anyone have any suggestions. Perhaps I am taking the wrong approach. I would appreciate any guidance.
Hello, I'm trying to pull some data from a table with the option to filter on 2 columns. I've set up my sql statement to accept 2 parameters and I'd like to be able to send 1 or 2 wildcards if needed. My statement looks like this:SELECT * FROM City WHERE CityName= @CityName AND State= @State ORDER BY CityName For example, if you wanted all of the cities in all of the states I would pass (*,*) as parameters. Or if I wanted to see all of the states that have a city named Richmond, I'd pass (Richmond,*) as the parameters. The wildcards are not returning anything and I don't know why. It works fine if I pass something like (Indianapolis,Indiana) as parameters so I think it's in my use of the wildcards that is wrong. Thanks.
I'm writing a stored procedure where one of the arguments (WHERE area) really only needs to be used in some circumstances. I.e., when the procedure is passed a USER_ID it needs to check that against the database, but in some instances I'll send 0 instead of a real USER_ID, and in those cases it should return all records regardless of the ID.
Here's what I've got: ... and b.user_ID = CASE @user_ID WHEN 0 THEN '%' ELSE @user_ID ... ...the problem being the '%' part. That won't work on an integer column.
I've got a text field with a list of dates in this format:
10/31/2006 11/2/2006 11/4/2006 11/5/2006
The field can contain multiple dates (as listed above). I need to query the db and retrieve dates by month and year. For example, all fields containing 10/%/06 or 11/%/%06.
My query:
SELECT * FROM tblCalData WHERE visible='1' and approved='1' and eventDates LIKE '11%06%' ORDER BY eventDates DESC
so even though a field contains dates in October and November, selecting all November dates, in this example, don't appear. The query seems to be looking only at the first date.
Is this possible? Is there another/better way to do this?
everytime i want to query for any of tbl_c_? that contain a specific value i have to reference all 25 in my query. is there a better way? I cannot change the table.
HI Guys, I have a question. I am converting Access SQL to SQL Server. One of the statements calls for a wildcard if the user does not select a value for the designated parm field. The value is selected from a cbolist (of names).
Current Statement: And tblRetailer_Contact.faxcontact LIKE *
I substituted: And tblRetailer_Contact.faxcontact LIKE ‘%@faxContacts%’
This might work if the User selects a name but if the User leaves it blank it will not work. Any ideas on how I go about establishing a wildcard if not name is selected?
DECLARE @FaxContact as varchar (50)
SET @H_Date = (SELECT StartDate FROM tblRpt_Params WHERE RptID = 5) SET @Start_Date = (REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR (8), @H_Date, 112), '-', ''), ' ', '')) SET @H_Date = (SELECT EndDate FROM tblRpt_Params WHERE RptID = 5) SET @End_Date = (REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR (8), @H_Date, 112), '-', ''), ' ', '')) SET @FaxContact = (SELECT FaxContact FROM tblRpt_Params WHERE RptID = 5)
SELECT tblEData.Timestamp As [TimeStamp], LTRIM(RTrim([ResultsCustName])) AS CustName, LTRIM(RTrim([ResultsPH])) AS Phone, Status As [Status], FaxContact AS FaxContact, ResultsPKey As ResultsKey INTO tmpE_Callbacks FROM tblEData LEFT JOIN tblContact ON tblEData.RetailerPrefix = tblContact.Prefix WHERE tblEData.Timestamp BETWEEN @Start_Date And @End_Date AND FaxContact Like '%@FaxContact%'
I want to update data only where the value of the 'image_path' column is NOT =*
Im basically trying to exclude creating duplicates, where this path already exists.
Here is my code:
INSERT INTO IMAGE (FCN, IMAGE_NAME2) SELECT FCN, Col066 FROM GRAB where Col066 <> ' ' update IMAGE Set PERIMAGE_PATH = '' +IMAGE_NAME2+ '.jpg' FROM IMAGE WHERE image_name2 IS NOT NULL and perimage_path is NOT =*
What is the proper code to do this. I know the last line does not work. Thanks
The where statement on my stored proc is as follows:
Where actv.ProjID + '-' + actv.Activity = @project
@project is something the user provides in the form of "xxxx-xx-xx-xx". I would like to use a wildcard, so I changed my where statement to the following:
Where actv.ProjID + '-' + actv.Activity = @project + '%'
But this returns nothing and I am not sure why. I don't get any errors, just no results. Anyone got any ideas as to why?
Does SQL Server support wildcard Certificates. When you install the wild cert in the certificate store, the sql configuration manager does not see it in its drop down list. Id it does, what are the steps or please point me to the right direction. Does the cert need to be specifically for that particular hostname. Thanks
I have a problem with SQL CE 3.5 and VS 2005. When I execute query with parameters and wildcard, I have an error : FormatException. Here is my query with parameters : Query: SELECT "PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_ID" AS "Numero","PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_SECT_ID" AS "Section","PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_NUMERO" AS "Rang","PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_GROUPE" AS "Groupe","PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_ENTITES" AS "Entites","PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_LBL_COURT" AS "Court","PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_LBL_LONG" AS "Long","PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_ACTIVE" AS "Active","PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_CONDITIONS" AS "Conditions","PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_PARENTS" AS "Parents","PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_QUESTIONS" AS "QuestionsConditions" FROM "PARAGRAPHES" WHERE ( ( ( ( "PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_SECT_ID" = ? AND ( ( "PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_ENTITES" LIKE ?) OR "PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_ENTITES" IS NULL))) AND "PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_ID" IN (SELECT "DOSSIER_LINKS"."DOLI_PARA_ID" AS "Paragraphe" FROM "DOSSIER_LINKS" WHERE "DOSSIER_LINKS"."DOLI_DOSS_ID" = ?) AND "PARAGRAPHES"."PARA_NUMERO" = ?)) Parameter: @Section1 : Int32. Length: 0. Precision: 0. Scale: 0. Direction: Input. Value: 52. Parameter: @Entites2 : String. Length: 3. Precision: 0. Scale: 0. Direction: Input. Value: "%D%". Parameter: @Dossier3 : Int32. Length: 0. Precision: 0. Scale: 0. Direction: Input. Value: 1. Parameter: @Rang4 : Int32. Length: 0. Precision: 0. Scale: 0. Direction: Input. Value: 2. and my error : [System.FormatException] = {"@Entites2 : %D% - FormatException"}
If I execute query in Query Analyzer (without parameter : values directly on query) there is no errors.