Wildcards And Numbers

Apr 18, 2007

How do Iput wildcards around a number in an sp ? If my user leaves BoxNo blank it will list all boxes

FROM tblFiles
ConNo =@strRMUConsignmentNo
and FileRef like '%'+@strtxtFileRef+'%'
and Subject like '%'+@strtxtSubject+'%'
and FileDescription like '%'+@strtxtDescription+'%'
and BoxNo like %+@strBoxNo%

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Formatting Numbers In A Mixed Column (numbers In Some Cells Strings In Other Cells) In Excel As Numbers

Feb 1, 2007

I have a report with a column which contains either a string such as "N/A" or a number such as 12. A user exports the report to Excel. In Excel the numbers are formatted as text.

I already tried to set the value as CDbl which returns error for the cells containing a string.

The requirement is to export the column to Excel with the numbers formatted as numbers and the strings such as "N/A' in the same column as string.

Any suggestions?

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Query Analyzer Shows Negative Numbers As Positive Numbers

Jul 20, 2005

Why does M$ Query Analyzer display all numbers as positive, no matterwhether they are truly positive or negative ?I am having to cast each column to varchar to find out if there areany negative numbers being hidden from me :(I tried checking Tools/Options/Connections/Use Regional Settings bothon and off, stopping and restarting M$ Query Analyer in betwixt, butno improvement.Am I missing some other option somewhere ?

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I Need To Update A Table With Random Numbers Or Sequential Numbers

Mar 11, 2008

I have a table with a column ID of ContentID. The ID in that column is all NULLs. I need a way to change those nulls to a number. It does not matter what type of number it is as long as they are different. Can someone point me somewhere with a piece of T-SQL that I could use to do that. There are over 24000 rows so cursor change will not be very efficient.

Thanks for any help

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Sql && Wildcards

Jan 22, 2007

HelloI am trying to search 2 columns on a databsae table  using a string put into a box, the code i have at the moment is SqlConnection conn =                        new SqlConnection(SqlDSFindPost.ConnectionString);        SqlCommand cmd =          new SqlCommand            ("SELECT * FROM tblBlog WHERE UserName LIKE @UserName OR Title LIKE @Title; ", conn);        cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = '%' + TextBox1.Text + '%';        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Title",SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = '%' + TextBox1.Text + '%';        conn.Open();        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();        GridView1.DataBind(); I have tried all sorts of strings and even typeed the string directly into the parameter but never get any results, yet when i type the wildcards directly into the textbox i get the correct rows returned. Can anybody see anything wrong with my code  and tell me where i am going wrong, or alternativly point me in the direction of some c# code for searching a database similar to the search box abovei dont do a lot in asp or c# so this is driving me crazy  Thanks for looking 

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Jan 19, 2005

Does anyone know how I could show all the records of tools with the word released after them? For example, 'Volume Monitor 4.4 Released'

I tried this statement with no luck:
Select * from Issues where Tools LIKE 'RELEASED %'


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Using Wildcards

Feb 24, 2000

I have a need to use wildcards in a sql statement. e.g. select * from tbl where field='%computer%'.
How can I substitute the string "computer" for a variable declared in the stored procedure.
Procedure Sample
@Str varchar(50)
select * from tbl where field = '%' & @Str & '%'
(How do incorporate the wildcard variable @Str?

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Wildcards In BCP

Apr 21, 1999

I am running the data import below in a stored procedure:

EXEC xp_cmdshell "bcp TCCSTGB..TGB_Fimport in d:MSSQLTGB_ImportsNNNYYYYMMDDHHMM.SDF /f d:mssqlFormatsTGB_Fimport.fmt /Usa /P ", no_output

I want to replace the NNNYYYYMMDDHHMM with a wildcard (for example *), so that import will pull ANY .SDF files in, but it will not run. i get the following:

Bcp: Unable to open host data-file.

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Using Wildcards %

Nov 1, 2007


I need to replace the use of wild cards in my query with something else which achieves the same thing. The problem is the web application which uses the query does throws an error when using '%' characters. Any ideas?

The following statement appears in the where clause:

AccType.Value like '@Opened_By[%DIST%APP% as Distance and Business Provider, DIST% as Distance, APP% as Business Provider]'


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Generate List Of All Numbers (numbers Not In Use)

Feb 21, 2007

I have an 'ID' column. I'm up to about ID number 40000, but not all are in use, so ID 4354 might not be in any row. I want a list of all numbers which aren't in use. I want to write something like this:

select [numbers from 0 to 40000] where <number> not in (select distinct id from mytable)

but don't know how. Any clues?

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Dataflow To Excel - Convert Numbers Stored As Text To Numbers Excel Cell Error

Mar 27, 2007

I'm trying to write data to excel from an ssis component to a excel destination.

Even thought I'm writing numerics, every cell gets this error with a green tag:

Convert numbers stored as text to numbers

Excel Cells were all pre-formated to accounting 2 decimal, and if i manually type the exact data Im sending it formats just fine.

I'm hearing this a common problem -

On another project I was able to find a workaround for the web based version of excel, by writing this to the top of the file:

<style>.text { mso-number-format:@; } </style>

is there anything I can pre-set in excel (cells are already formated) or write to my file so that numerics are seen as numerics and not text.

Maybe some setting in my write drivers - using sql servers excel destination.

So close.. Thanks for any help or information.

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Sql Case With Wildcards ???

Mar 28, 2007

I’m trying to use case statement in my view with wildcards for '%Tradies%', instead of listing all items      
WHEN 'Tradies Rebate1' THEN 'Test'
WHEN 'Tradies Rebate2' THEN 'Test'
WHEN 'Tradies Rebate3' THEN 'Test'
WHEN 'Tradies Rebate4' THEN 'Test'
At this moment '%Tradies%' does not work and gives me null values in EventGroup column.
Here’s my statemnt
CASE [dbo].[Event].[EventName]
      --WHEN 'Tradies Rebate1' THEN 'Test'
      --WHEN 'Tradies Rebate2' THEN 'Test'
      --WHEN 'Tradies Rebate3' THEN 'Test'
      --WHEN 'Tradies Rebate4' THEN 'Test'
      WHEN '%Tradies%' THEN 'Test'
      WHEN 'Install Products' THEN 'All Installed'
      WHEN 'Installation Product Conversion' THEN 'All Installed'
      WHEN 'Installation Products' THEN 'All Installed'
      WHEN 'BK 3' THEN 'All Bright Kids'
END AS [EventGroup],
Please help!!!

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How To Use Wildcards In WHERE Clause

May 5, 2004

I have a SQL statement which is generated dynamically. I need to know what is the correct syntax for this

WHERE status = 'open' AND salesman = * AND dat = * AND customername = *

i.e. fetch everything WHERE status = 'open'

I know that simply WHERE status = 'open' would do the trick but I need it like the first example because of the way the statement is being generated i.e. this salesmen bit is like this.

If Salesman <> "*" Then
sql2 &= " AND salesman = '" & Salesman & "'"
sql2 &= " AND salesman = *"
End If



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Wildcards In Words

Apr 28, 2005

Hi I'm using the full-text indexing on a table and I'm trying to implement a search where users can search for words and use wildcards themselves. However I'm working on a method so that can enter a wildcard in the middle of a word to get records where they are unsure of the spelling etc.
For instance, a search of 'Ste*en' should return results like 'Steven' and 'Stephen' etc. So if they are searching for word 'establishment' they can search for 'estab*ment' and it should return all the records using this query:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE CONTAINS(myField,'"estab*ment"')
If I do a wildcard at the end e.g: SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE CONTAINS(myField,'"estab*"')
I get the results I am looking for. But the middle wildcard does not seem to work as expected even though it is the syntax used on MSDN and other SQL info sites.
Is there something I am not doing properly?

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How To Insert With Wildcards

Aug 22, 2000


it's a little stupid but i can't seem to insert a certain data.
it's like this:

insert into dept(dept_no,dept_name)

how do i insert with the (') included in the string?

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Wildcards In SQL Server

Nov 1, 1999

I have a stored procdure in SQL Sever that accepts paramteres. I am trying
to return rows where parameter that is passed is somewhere in the cuustomer's
name. Without the variable the SQL would look like this:

WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%Smith%'

I can't figure out how to replace LIKE '%Smith%' with a varible. I tried
'%@CustomerName%', ('%' + @CustomerName + '%') and neither works. Any ideas?

ps my column's type is char(50) and so is the variable so trailing spaces
don't matter.

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Problems With Wildcards

Sep 7, 2007

Hi all,I am creating an ASP.NET site, and I'm having lots of issues trying to get wildcards to work with the following query:DECLARE @Status varcharDECLARE @AssignedTo intDECLARE @AppID intSELECT dbo.Issue.IssueID, dbo.Issue.ReportedBy, dbo.Issue.ShortDescription, dbo.Issue.DateReported, dbo.Issue.Status, dbo.Priority.Description AS Priority, dbo.Application.ApplicationFROM dbo.Issue INNER JOIN dbo.Priority ON dbo.Issue.Priority = dbo.Priority.PriorityCode INNER JOIN dbo.Application ON dbo.Issue.Application = dbo.Application.ApplicationIDWHERE (dbo.Issue.Status LIKE '%' + @Status) AND (dbo.Issue.AssignedTo = @AssignedTo) AND (dbo.Application.ApplicationID LIKE '%' + @AppID)ORDER BY dbo.Priority.PriorityCode When running this through query analyser I get the error:Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 5Syntax error converting the varchar value '%' to a column of data type int. Could someone help me understand this please?Thanks

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Wildcards On Columns?

Nov 29, 2005

My use of wildcards thus far has been limited to matching a givenstring anywhere in a column as follows:SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column LIKE '%string%'However, I'm wondering if there's a way to do this in reverse. Thatis, is there a way to match the column anywhere in the string?Pseudo-coding it as:SELECT * FROM Table WHERE 'string' LIKE %Column%What I'm trying to match is network addresses. Most of the storedaddresses in this table are exact (i.e. ip-1-2-3-4.location.isp.com)but sometimes they encompass an entire group (i.e. location.isp.com).When an exact address is given in the code I'm writing, it needs tomatch any rows that contain its exact self or contain a shortenedversion of which it is part.Any ideas?-cyber0nehttp://www.cyber0ne.com

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Findstring And Wildcards

Nov 29, 2007

Can you use wildcards with findstring? The documentation does not address this.

So far I haven't had any luck.

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Using Wildcards Efficiently With Equals Or LIKE

Jul 6, 2006

Is it possible to use wildcards with an equals statement? Such asSELECT * FROM Table WHERE City = '%' AND State='Ca'Bascially just stating where city equals anything...I know you can do it with a LIKE statement such as...SELECT * FROM Table WHERE City LIKE '%' AND State='Ca'but is that very efficient?The reason I want to do this is because I want to programmitcally set the city, so just ommiting it won't work
Also, using City LIKE '%' seems to not include NULL...is there anywayto include NULL as well as anything else?
Thanks for your help!

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Is There Such A Thing As Table Name Wildcards?

Jan 8, 2007

Hey all,I have a datagrid with populated by this query: SELECT TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE (TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE')I have paging, sorting and selection enabled.Now I am looking for a way to use a wild card as a placeholder for the table name in my select statements so I can use the valued selected from the datagrid.Example : SELECT * FROM %TABLENAME%TIAWOOHOO! my first post. 

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Dropping Constraints Using Wildcards?

Jun 1, 2004


Is it possible to use wildards in SQL to drop a constraint on a table?


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Using Wildcards To Select Fields

Jun 23, 2008

I have a really large table with many Proposal fields and corresponding approval fields.


Would it be good practice or even possible for me to select all proposal fields using a wildcard somehow within the select statement. If it is ok, how would I go about doing it?

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Wildcards In Dropping Constarints

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Is it possible to use wildards in SQL to drop a constraint on a table?Thanks!

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INDEX Possible For Reverse Wildcards?

Jul 20, 2005

If I use _reverse_ wildcard search will it always result in a tablescan? Is it possible to get the DB (Oracle or SQL server) to useindexes when doing reverse wildcard match?let's say I have:table email_address (id int, email varchar)with the following entries2, www.%shoes.%3, w%.super%shoes.%4, %webbox.somecopany.comselect id from email_address where 'www.superdupershoes.com' likeemail;this returns 2,3But the query always results in a table scan even if I add an index toemail. What kind of index can I employ in this situation?Please note that this is a _reverse_ search, the opposite of what'snormally done, i.e. select from email_address where email like'www.%shoes.com'.Thanks!- Robert

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Stored Procedure Using WildCards

Dec 12, 2007

I have an ASP.NET application where I am using a drop down list which is populated from another table. I have initialized the drop down with a "All" with the value of "%" field and then appended the rest of the data from the table.

I wrote a basic stored procedure which doesn't work exactly the way I want it to:


@StartDate datetime,

@EndDate datetime,

@MessageCode char(2)



FROM table_name

WHERE (update_date between @StartDate AND @EndDate) AND (message_code LIKE @MessageCode)

If I select any item except for "All" the stored procedure brings back exactly what I want. If I select "All", no rows are returned. I have searched around the internet for a simple solution to this with no luck. Any ideas?

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Multivalue Parameters And Wildcards

Dec 14, 2007

Greetings all
trying to get a multivalue parameter to accept either typed in data ex: 111111111,111111112 or if I want to return all id numbers type in %. Problem is when I test it by typing in 111111111,111111112 it throws an error saying " Incorrect syntax near ','.

I can enter 111111111 or % and get results, the error comes when I try to type in two or more id numbers. the parameter in the dataset looks like

where a.id_number LIKE (@id_number+ '%')

any suggesstions? Im sure there are threads out there but Im pressed to meet a deadline and wanted to see if there were any quick solutions


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Wildcards In SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 20, 2005

I thought this problem would go away over the Christmas holiday, butof course it did not. I'm trying to write a stored procedureincorporating wildcards, so I can search for variations. Example, ifname 'Smith' is submitted, sproc should retrieve all recordscontaining 'John Smith', 'Zenia Smith', 'Smithfield & Co.' You get theidea.Using SQL Query Analyzer, the queryselect * from filewhere name like '%smith%'works like a charm.But if I write a stored procedure declaring the variable @name andusing a where clause 'where name like '%@name%'', I get zero results.The query doesn't bomb. It just doesn't produce anything - even thoughI know there are records that meet the criteria.Any ideas? Or are sprocs and wildcards incompatible?

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SQL Parameter And Wildcards, How To Make It Work?

Oct 22, 2007

Hello, I have what should be a very simple problem, but I cant solve it.
I want to have a stored procedure return a table query (no problems here) but I also need to supply several parameters to the stored procedure (again, no problem!)

Here is the problem, I need to be able to supply a wildcard into the stored procedure as an argument somehow. I can do this already, but the results are incorrect!!! It seems like when local variables are used, the wildcard argument gets ignored. for example, I have included the following example:

DECLARE @Dv_id nchar(15)

SET @Drv_id = '%'

SELECT Diver.*, (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Dv_id)) as RowNum FROM Diver WHERE Dv_id LIKE @Dv_id

SELECT Diver.*, (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Dv_id)) as RowNum FROM Diver WHERE Dv_id LIKE '%'

OK, this is an example of my problem, the results I get from this are that the fist SELECT return 0 rows.
The second SELECT returns the correct number of rows (everything in the table). Why is there a difference between:
WHERE Drv_id LIKE @Drv_id
WHERE Drv_id LIKE '%'
The wildcard statement '%' is supposed match everything, correct??
It seems like the local variable SET command syntax eats up my value of '%' and turns it into a NULL.

Is there any way around this?

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Multiple Wildcards In A Foreach Loop

Nov 8, 2007

I have a complex Foreach loop that needs to operate on files beginning ABC*.* and BCD*.* (but not files beginning CDE*.*). But the enumerator configuration only seems to allow one wildcard.
Any suggestions on how I do this? Thanks.

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Multiple Wildcards In Foreach Loop

Nov 22, 2006

Hi, I am using Foreach Loop to loop through files in a directory...
I would like to use more than one wildcards (e.g. *.txt *.log ).. but the container does not seem to work that way. It only takes one wildcard...

Is there anyway i can pass in multiple file extensions ?

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Parameterized Query Using Wildcards In VS2005

Feb 14, 2006

Hey everyone,

I have a smart device project in Visual Studio 2005 that has a SQL Mobile data source. I am trying to create a parameterized query that utilizes 'LIKE' and wildcards. My query is below:

SELECT LocationID, StreetNum, StreetName, rowguid
FROM tblLocations
WHERE (StreetNum = @StreetNum) AND (StreetName LIKE '%' + @StreetName + '%')

However, when I test this on my PDA, I get the following error:

SQL Execution Error.

Executed SQL statement: SELECT LocationID, StreetNum, StreetName, rowguid FROM tblLocations WHERE (StreetNum = @StreetNum) AND (StreetName LIKE '%' + @StreetName + '%')
Error Source: SQL Server Mobile Edition ADO.NET Data Provider
Error Message: @StreetName : deerbrook - FormatException

Does anyone know how to add wildcards to a parameter?



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SQL Text Match On Character Stream (wildcards)

May 22, 2008

Hey Guys,

This may be easy...or it may be impossible!

I need to match a text field on zero or more characters. If available, the 'or more' characters need to be in a specific sequence.

The % wildcard doesn't quite cut it.

For instance, I need to match the name field with 'm', 'ma' or 'mar' (but no other character combinations).

Is this possible?

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