Window NT Messaging Or Exchange Server ??

Dec 22, 2000


I have Outlook 2000 and SQL 7 .. do I need Window NT Messaging and Exchange Server to configure a profile for the mail to work ???

thanks in advance for the answer

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Text Messaging With SQL Server

Mar 3, 2005

Hello All,

Does anyone know if it is possible to send a text message to a phone number via a DTS package or job within SQL Server. For instance, if a job fails a text message is sent to a user.

Thanks, Gary

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SQL Server 2008 :: Table(s) Design For Messaging Functionality?

Jul 21, 2015

I'm in the process of building messaging functionality in to my application where by users can contact one another, look at it as a dating site, you click on someones profile, view their profile and then send that user a message.

I started to build the table which looked like this:

Id (PK) (Increments by 1)

ToUserId (FK) -- User who they're getting in contact with

FromUserId (FK) -- User who sent the message

Content (nvarchar(3000)) -- Message being send

Status (int) -- read / new / deleted / sent

EmailDate (datetime)

EmailDeleted (datetime)

But the problem with this setup is both user's maybe sending / replying to each other so I would have multiple entries / statuses in one table which may become a nightmare to manage / control.

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How To Connect To Sql Server As Other's Window Login Rather Than User's Window Login Thorugh ASP.NET.

Dec 14, 2006

Dear members,

In MSDN, it says that it is recommended to use windows authentication to connect to SQL Server rather than use mixed authentication.

I create user deltasqluser on windows OS, and I specify in my webform ASP.NET script below :

protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label Label1;
private string _connString = @"data source=deltasql2000;initial catalog=northwind;integrated security=false;user id=deltasqluser";
comment : I login to my windows as deltakoronx, and I want to every user (including me), connected to sql server through IIS, will be identified as deltasqluser not as user's login (impersonate)
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = "select suser_sname()";


string userName = cmd.ExecuteScalar() as string;
Label1.Text = userName;

at web.config, I add :
<identity impersonate="false" userName="deltasqluser" password="" />

at IIS webApplication1's properties, tab "Directory Security", at "Authentication and access control" section, I checked "enable anonymous access" with user : DELTAIUSR_DELTA and checked "Integrated Windows Authentication",

at query analyzer, I login as "sa" and execute script below :
exec sp_grantdbaccess 'deltasqluser','northwind'

when I run the ASP.NET script, error at conn.Open(); with error message :
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.

What should I do so that IIS login to SQL Server as user deltasqluser not as "NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE" ?



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Oct 23, 2000

Need Some Help. I'm new to SQL Server 7.0., and I'm wondering if the application can do what I need it to do. I've got a stand alone third party program that updates a SQL 7.0 DB, and what I need is: When an update happens, is there any way to 'let another program know' that an update has occured and what the data is? I would hate to have to write an SQL clause to constantly 'poll' the DB looking for an update, this seems silly. Simply I need some way to know if table X has been updated, and what was the update? Any help would be greatly apprec... KT

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Messaging Again

Oct 23, 2000

Trigger seems to work fine, however, the Online Books state you can find out what data was actually modified when the trigger fired, but I can't seem to find out how to do it. Any Ideas Apprec.. Thanks.. KT

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SQL Server And Exchange

Nov 15, 1999

How do I get my Exchange address from my exchange server stored in my SQL Server 7.0 database? Or, how do I query that list from SQL Server 7.0...?



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SQL Server Without Exchange

Jun 2, 1999

I'm having difficulties to figure out how to set up Sql Server / Windows NT / MAPI in order to send e-mails.

Is it possible to manage emails from Sql Server without exchange ?

Thanks in advance


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MS Exchange Server

Jun 8, 2000

Hi there,

I have just installed Exchange Server.
Can any one help me for what I have to do in Exchange Server so that I can send Email
from SQL Server 7.0

Thanx in advance,

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&&<Host System.Messaging In CLR&&>

Dec 2, 2006

Hi All, i am trying to host the system.messaging.dll in SQL Server. I get the usual warnings about not being fully trusted. I am prepared for MS not supporting. But, when i execute my trigger (which writes to message queue), the trigger fails with an exception of 'That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers'. So. is there no way for me to write to MSMQ using triggers? Do i have to rethink my strategy?

imports System.Messaging

Dim msmq As MessageQueue = MessageQueue.Create(".TestQueue", False)


Thanks for the help

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Using SQL MAIL Without A MS Exchange Server ?

Oct 28, 2000

I want use SQL MAIL, but I have MDAEMON mail server on my Wndows NT Server!
Can I have any chances for it?

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Import Exchange Into SQL Server With DTS?

Oct 4, 2000

Import Exchange into SQL Server with DTS?

Our users enter data into the MS Exchange database using custom Outlook forms. We want to import that data in SQL Server using SQL Server Data Transformation Services (DTS). We do not see Exchange in the Data Source list in the DTS wizard. Is there an easy way to do this? Maybe an OLEDB provider for Exchange?


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Data Model For A Web Messaging Application.

Jul 20, 2005

I need to develop an internal messaging sub-system that is similar toa web mail application but without SMTP support (e.g message routesare confined to the webapp domain). The requirements are rathersimple: Each user (e.g mailbox) can view incoming messages and hisoutgoing messages. Message quota is defined as the sum of all incomingand outgoing messages per userand tracked in the users' row (Users table – log_TotalMessages). Thequota is enforced by the business logic layer and not by the DB.I am considering the following data model for the storage component,and would appreciate community feedback:Table layout for incoming and outgoing messages************************************************CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Messages] ([MessageID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , // The messageID[RecipientID] [int] NOT NULL , // The userid ('Users'Table)[SenderID] [int] NOT NULL , // The userid ('Users'Table)[GroupID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL , // Only assigned if theuser "replyed" to an incoming message[SubmitDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL , // the date of themessage[DeleteBySender] [bit] NOT NULL , // Since I want to maintain onlyone copy of each message I mark a message "to be deleted" and deleteonly if both are true.[DeleteByRecipient] [bit] NOT NULL ,[SeenByRecipient] [bit] NOT NULL , // Used to "highlight" unreadmessages[Subject] [tinyint] NOT NULL , // Subject is derived from a fixedlist[MessageText] [varchar] (2000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]CREATE INDEX [Messages_RecipientID_IDX] ON[dbo].[Messages]([RecipientID]) ON [PRIMARY]CREATE INDEX [Messages_SenderID_IDX] ON [dbo].[Messages]([SenderID])ON [PRIMARY]/* Send Message */CREATE PROCEDURE SendMessage (@IN_RecipientID int,@IN_SenderID int,@IN_GroupID uniqueidentifier,@IN_Subject tinyint,@IN_MessageText varchar(2000),@OUT_ERRCODE tinyint OUTPUT)ASBEGIN TRANSACTION SendMessageTransINSERT INTO Messages(RecipientID,SenderID,GroupID,SubmitDate,Subject,MessageText)VALUES (@IN_RecipientID,@IN_SenderID,@IN_GroupID,GETDate(),@IN_Subject,@IN_MessageText)UPDATE UsersSET log_NumberOfNewMessages = log_NumberOfNewMessages + 1WHERE usr_AccountNo = @IN_RecipientIDUPDATE UsersSET log_TotalMessages = log_TotalMessages + 1WHERE usr_AccountNo = @IN_SenderIDSAVE TRANSACTION SendMessageTransSET @OUT_ERRCODE = @@errorIF (@@error <> 0)BEGINROLLBACK TRANSACTION SendMessageTransENDELSEBEGINCOMMIT TRANSACTION SendMessageTransEND/* ReadMessage */CREATE PROCEDURE ReadMessage (@IN_MessageID int,@IN_RecipientID int,@OUT_ERRCODE tinyint OUTPUT)ASBEGIN TRANSACTION ReadMessageTransSELECT MessageText FROM Messages WHERE MessageID = @IN_MessageIDUPDATE Messages SET SeenByRecipient = 1 WHERE MessageID =@IN_MessageIDUPDATE Users SET log_NumberOfNewMessages =log_NumberOfNewMessages - 1 WHERE usr_AccountNo = @IN_RecipientIDSAVE TRANSACTION ReadMessageTransSET @OUT_ERRCODE = @@errorIF (@@error <> 0)BEGINROLLBACK TRANSACTION ReadMessageTransENDELSEBEGINCOMMIT TRANSACTION ReadMessageTransEND/* Delete Message */CREATE PROCEDURE DeleteMessage (@IN_MessageID int,@IN_DeleteIncomingMessage bit,@IN_DeleteOutgoingMessage bit,@OUT_ERRCODE tinyint OUTPUT)ASBEGIN TRANSACTION DeleteMessageTransDECLARE @Recipient intDECLARE @Sender intSET @Recipient = (SELECT RecipientID FROM Messages WHERE MessageID =@IN_MessageID)SET @Sender = (SELECT SenderID FROM Messages WHERE MessageID =@IN_MessageID)IF (@IN_DeleteIncomingMessage = 1)BEGINIF((SELECT DeleteBySender FROM Messages WHERE MessageID =@IN_MessageID) = 1)BEGINDELETE FROM Messages WHERE MessageID = @IN_MessageIDUPDATE Users SET log_TotalMessages = log_TotalMessages - 1WHERE usr_AccountNo = @RecipientENDELSEBEGINUPDATE Messages SET DeleteByRecipient = 1 WHERE MessageID =@IN_MessageIDUPDATE Users SET log_TotalMessages = log_TotalMessages - 1WHERE usr_AccountNo = @RecipientENDENDIF (@IN_DeleteOutgoingMessage = 1)BEGINIF((SELECT DeleteByRecipient FROM Messages WHERE MessageID =@IN_MessageID) = 1)BEGINDELETE FROM Messages WHERE MessageID = @IN_MessageIDUPDATE Users SET log_TotalMessages = log_TotalMessages - 1WHERE usr_AccountNo = @SenderENDELSEBEGINUPDATE Messages SET DeleteBySender = 1 WHERE MessageID =@IN_MessageIDUPDATE Users SET log_TotalMessages = log_TotalMessages - 1WHERE usr_AccountNo = @SenderENDENDSAVE TRANSACTION DeleteMessageTransSET @OUT_ERRCODE = @@errorIF (@@error <> 0)BEGINROLLBACK TRANSACTION DeleteMessageTransENDELSEBEGINCOMMIT TRANSACTION DeleteMessageTransEND/* ListIncomingMessages */CREATE PROCEDURE ListIncomingMessages (@IN_RecipientID int)ASSELECT SenderID, MessageID, SubmitDate FROM Messages WHERE RecipientID= @IN_RecipientID AND DeleteByRecipient = 0 ORDER BY SubmitDate DESC/* ListOutgoingMessages */CREATE PROCEDURE ListOutgoingMessages (@IN_SenderID int)ASSELECT RecipientID, MessageID, SubmitDate FROM Messages WHERE SenderID= @IN_SenderID AND DeleteBySender = 0 ORDER BY SubmitDate DESCThanks in advance!-Itai

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Extracting Data From Exchange Into SQL Server Db

Mar 22, 2002

Has anyone been able to solve the issue with setting up a package in EM, which connects to an Exchange(.edb) database and extracts the data into a SQL Server db. Previous message posts don't offer much insight. So far, all I have is using Access 2000, to connect & move the data, then extract from here.
Thanks in advance for any help.

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SQL Server And Exchange Calendar Items

Jun 14, 2004

We are looking to take rows from an existing SQL server table and use them to create calendar entries in Exchange server.

Is there a way SQL server can be set up so that this can be done as a trigger when new rows are entered into the table?

Tim Smith

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Impersonate And Exchange Linked Server

Mar 17, 2004


On my SQL Server 2000, I have successfully created a linked server to my Exchange 2000 server (located on the same physical computer). I can't send request and everything is fine.

But now, I would like to apply the "Impersonate" setting. The big problem I've got is that Exchange doesn't use a login and password for the authentification but use the Windows credentials.

I have try things like :
login : <domain name><username> with the real password
login : <username>@<internet domain name> with the real password
but that doesn't work.

I would like to know if there is a way to "impersonate" user log on the SQL Server when they try to use the linked server to Exchange Server.

Thank a lot

Felix Pageau

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Create Linked Exchange Server

Aug 29, 2007

I'm using sql server 2005 and exchange 2003. End result is I want to upload email attachments to a table in sql. No one seems to have any idea how do do this except with .net, which i know nothing about so not really an option for me. I found this bit of info with some extensive web searching. Can anyone help fill in the blanks? I can't get the linked server to work yet.

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'exchange',
'Exchange OLE DB provider',
'file:\.ackofficestoragemailservernamepublic folders'

Error received:The OLE DB provider "exoledb.DataSource.1" has not been registered.

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My Exchange Server Stops Responding To Clients.

Dec 15, 2007

Hi All,
I am having exchange server 2003.
With following details.

1.Operating System 2003 standerd with sp2.
2.Exchange server 2003. Service pack don't know ( How to check)

From last 2 months, every two days my exchange server stops responding to clients.

When I check the services, all the Exchange related services are ON. ( they are running fine).

Then I use to Restart All excahnge related services, i.e Microsoft Exchange Information Store & Ms Exchange System Attended service and things starts working fine again.

This I have to do every 2 days.

I don't know why this is happening.

Can anyone assist me to resolve as it is getting critical day-by-day.
Also How can I check which service pack of exchange is installed.

Many Thanks

Network Admin.
Carrier - Saudi Arabia.

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Is It A Good Idea To Install SQL On Exchange Server?

Nov 16, 2007

I am out of my element here but I have someone who is working on a project for me that entails him migrating our Access database to sql. He wants to load the sql software on our exchange server but our IT guy is saying this is not a good idea. Any thoughts???



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Storing A List In A Database Table (messaging Queue?)

Feb 14, 2007

hey all you database guru's hopefully someone can lend some insight as to a little table design problem I have.

Basically I've got a system in place to authorize users to access a website typical username password stuff. The table contains a list of users and there passwords plus the auth level and a few other tid bits that aren't really important enough to into detail about them here. What I want to do is add a messaging system to this, I think I could probably figure out a way to do this half decent if I setup a seperate table for each user to add a row to the table for every message entry than in my code have it delete everything but the last 10 entries every time a user logs on. However I would much prefer a way that I didn't have to setup a whole new table for each user just for messaging purposes, maybe store something like a list in one of the database cell's kind of like .nets generic.list or better yet generic.queue, I would also like a way if it's possible without too much work to have the table automatically delete the oldest message every time a new message is received if there's already 10 messages existing for the user.

Anyways hopefully someone has some experience in setting up a system like this, I don't really require any code samples I can code it all myself (other than the database code to automatically remove entry's, I'm not a database guy) if someone could just explain a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do, or if someone has a different more convenient way of doing this I would be up for suggestions

Thanks in advance for any help offered, I do appreciate it

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Want To Link SQL Server DB To MS Exchange E-Mail-Address Data

Mar 1, 2002

Hi all,
I'd like to link a SQL Server database / table to Microsoft Exchange Server E-Mail-Address data, for an Employee Directory project.

I've read a little about "Web Store", a little about ExOLEDB, but I've come across nothing along practical lines. I.e., I still don't know where to begin!

For example the "Web Store" should be created on the SQL server, but how do you create it? Any insights will be greatly appreciated.


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Does SQLMail Require A Mail Account On The Exchange Server?

Sep 3, 2006

I just read that if you use an exchange server...the account that youstart SQL with needs a mail on the exchange box.Is this true?I know I didn't need an account when I've set it up before...but Imight have been using a POP3 server.I have Outlook 2003 installed on the server. Windows 2003 Enterprise.Thanks.

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URGENT !!! Running Exchange/IIS/MS SQL7/Site Server On Same Physical PC

Aug 16, 2000

Hi All,

I have an issue where I am told that we should run Exchange/IIS/MS SQL7/Site Server on same physical PC (cost cutting analysis).

Could anyone please tell me in a few words why I should not run the above mentioned services on the same physical computer ?

I would appreciate any input.


Romy Stevensen

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Stored Proc Requesting Data Via An Exchange Linked Server

Jan 7, 2004

I have created a MS Exchange 2000 link server in my MS SQL Server 2k. I have created a stored procedure (and a view...) using info from that linked server. When I am logged on the server as the Administrator, I can call my stored proc without any problems. When I use another computer (and I am not logged as the admin of the server) and I call the stored procedure, the following error is always raised :
Server: Msg 7302, Level 16, State 1, Procedure test_proc, Line 3
" Impossible de créer une instance du fournisseur OLE DB 'exoledb.DataSource.1'. "
<== I know it is a french error but it can be translated as : "Unable to instancied the OLE DB 'exoledb.DataSource.1' provider"

I would like to know if I can make run my stored proc in the admin account or what should I do to make it work

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XP_SENDMAIL Problem After Windows Trust With Exchange Server Established

Jul 23, 2005

After a trust with exchange server established the xp_SendMailgives the following error:xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80070005Prior to the trust everything worked fine.I have tried the following:1)Checking SQL and SQLAgents accounts all match up with default mailprofile.2)Confirmed I could send from outlook logged in under the account.3)xp_stopmail and xp_startmail4)restarted the SQL Agent5)Confirmed outlook settings as defined in:kb153159 - also tried a pop3 account just to test, but no luck.I think what is happening is now that the trust is established when SQLmakes a mail contection it thinks it is user admin@<otherdomain> ratherthan admin@<normaldomain> and therefore thinks that agent account isdifferent than the mail account.Please help if you can.Thanks.

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Linking SQL Server 2k To Exchange Server 2003

Jun 8, 2004

I am trying to find information about creating a link server in SQL 2000 to connect to Exchange 2003 server. Can anyone help with this?

I am also interested in any kind of tutorial on how to connect to Exchange 2003 Server using C#.


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Configuring Mail For SQL Server Agent - Problem With Exchange And Outlook On Same Machine?

Jul 23, 2005

I would like to configure e-mail alerts on my SQL Server 2000 box.However, we also run Exchange on the same machine. I've been told therecould be conflicts/issues having Outlook on the same machine asExchange; and apparently, one needs Outlook to configure a mail profilefor SQL Server Agent.Is there, in fact, anything to worry about? If so, are there anywork-arounds beside moving Exchange to another server? (we've only gotone server, so this is not an option for us at this time).Thanks.- Dana

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Open Report In New Window: Method Gives Error

Jun 26, 2006


I am using SSRS Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers
Version 9.00.1399.00. I want to open linked report in new window.

I tried whats mentioned in but i get an error on Window.Open method.

How do I solve the problem?


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How Can I Get Data From MS Exchange Server Using DTS In SQL Server?

May 23, 2001

How can I get data from MS Exchange server using DTS in SQL Server?

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Server Agent Window?

Feb 21, 2004

When I start the server agent - it opens up a black (command prompt type) window that seems to serve no purpose - that I know of yet.
What is this and can I stop it opening up all the time?


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SQL Server Login Window....

Jul 2, 2001

I have an desktop app that uses a system DSN to access SQL Server 7. I backed up a database from another machine and restored it on my machine. Now when my app starts, it prompts for login/pw for SQL Server. I have checked my ODBC connection, and the login and pw are correct. I have also used Enterprise Mgr to check it in SQL Server. Does anyone have any thoughts on why it is now popping up? Drop me a line at, and I can answer any questions. I was wondering if any info about the prev machine exists for the database (on the restore)?


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SQL Server Window Froze

Feb 25, 2002

It happened to my sql server 5 times in three weeks. The window just froze and no response to any thing for my sql server. I need reboot server everytime to bring the server back. No any error log in SQl or window, Does any one can help on this one?

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How To Install Sql Server On Window Xp

Feb 9, 2005

i m new to sql server , can any one help me how to install sql on window xp professional service pack 2.

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