I am new to servers and when I try to learn about them I get confused, because the information does not list a server in XP, but they keep it separate from Microsoft SQL Server, like XP has it's own server. Can someone help clarify for me what the versions of SQL servers are?
Hi I am interested in taking MCTS exam 70-431 for sql server 2005 implementation and maintainance. I have been reading the hardware requirements for the instalation of sql server versions and realise that enterprise and developer editions have same minimum requirements for the operation system. I understand that the Developer Edition includes all the functionality of SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, but it is licensed for use as a development and test system, not as a production server.
Also I undestand that the developer edition supports the Windows XP Home Edition with SP2 or later but the enterprise edition does not support this operating system. The evaluation/trial version is for the enterprise edition. Can I use the developer version of sql server 2005 for my practice exercises instead of using the trial version? I have all hardware requirements for the trial enterprise version except that I am using Microsoft windows Xp home edition version 2002 with SP2. I am trying to see if I can use the developer version of sql server 2005 as it is cheaper for me to buy this software than buying the new operating system for my computer. According to the microsoft book for the MCTS exam 70-431 there is a section which states that before you begin you should have Microsoft Windows Server 2003 running on your computer on an NTFS file system (NTFS) partition. Will I still be ok to use the book and be able to do all the tests in the book if i am using the developer version of sql server 2005 with my Microsoft windows Xp home edition than using the trial version which comes with the book?
I am trying to install SQL Express on Window Home XP and SCC is returning the following error:
The SQL Server Configuration Checker cannot b execute due to WMI configuration on the machine ..... Error 2147942405 (0X80070005).
I tried running the following batch file which I believe resolved the same issue that someone else raised earlier (though I am not sure whether the OS was Home XP)
Will upgrading from XP Home to XP Professional (academic version) help me install SQL express successfully>
The Batch file I ran looks like this:
FIXWMI.CMD ------------------------
@echo on cd /d c: emp if not exist %windir%system32wbem goto TryInstall cd /d %windir%system32wbem net stop winmgmt winmgmt /kill if exist Rep_bak rd Rep_bak /s /q rename Repository Rep_bak for %%i in (*.dll) do RegSvr32 -s %%i for %%i in (*.exe) do call :FixSrv %%i for %%i in (*.mof,*.mfl) do Mofcomp %%i net start winmgmt goto End
:FixSrv if /I (%1) == (wbemcntl.exe) goto SkipSrv if /I (%1) == (wbemtest.exe) goto SkipSrv if /I (%1) == (mofcomp.exe) goto SkipSrv %1 /RegServer
:SkipSrv goto End
:TryInstall if not exist wmicore.exe goto End wmicore /s net start winmgmt :End
I wanted to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, instead of installing .Net Framework 2.0, I installed .Net Framework 3.5. When I tried to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition I received the following error:
SQL_ERROR (-1) in OdbcStatement::execute_batch sqlstate=42000, level=16, state=2, native_error=7404, msg=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]The server could not load DCOM. Error Code: 0x80071cec (7404) Windows Error Text: Source File Name: libodbc_statement.h Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:28:15 2006 Function Name: OdbcStatement::execute_batch@sysdbupg.sql@56 Source Line Number: 91
I then decided maybe I do need .net framework 2.0, but when I try to install it it says it's already included with the OS.
But the "Programs and Featuers" only list .Net Framework 1.1 and .Net Framework 1,1 Hotfix (KB92979).
I uninstalled .Net Framework 3.5 and tried to install .Net Framework 2.0 again, but it still says it's included in the OS.
After uninstalling .Net Framework 3.5, I tried to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, but still received the above error message.
Is .Net Framework 2.0 included with Windows Vista Home Edition?
If it is, any ideas in solving the Server 2005 Express Edition installation error?
Ive seen several sellers, both retail and on ebay, who say that sql server2000 developeredition will run on windows xp home edition. Is this true? Some articlesI've seen imply yeswhile other articles imply no. I'm trying to learn sql server and a lot ofbooks I've purchaseoffer a 120 day evaluation. I'd prefer to buy an edition that I can affordand will give me boththe server and tools.A seller on ebay is selling the developer edition and it's price is withinmy budget. I don't wantto buy it if it won't install on windows xp home.Any help would be great. Thanks
I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 on Windows Vista Home Premium edition, when I run the Installer I received are the following error message.
IIS Feature Requirement (Warning)
IIS Feature Requirement
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is either not installed or is disabled. IIS is required by some SQL Server features. Without IIS, some SQL Server features will not be available for installation. To install all SQL Server features, install IIS from Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel or enable the IIS service through the Control Panel if it is already installed, and then run SQL Server Setup again. For a list of features that depend on IIS, see Features Supported by Editions of SQL Server in Books Online.
I already configure IIS7 with all feature, but system still generate above mentioned message.
I could not install SQL Server 2005 Developer edition on my notebook with os Vista Home Premium. I know about the SP2 thing...but before coming that point, I can not either install the SQL Server 2005... When installing,when the database services point comes it gives an error about user thing...and then installation starts to rollback...
I check the IIS configuration from the net...And see that while activating IIS there is no option for Windows Auth. in Home Premium in Control Panel>Program...>Windows Programs.....etc....
SO ON VISTA HOME PREMIUM is SQL SERVER 2005 Dev. Edition can be installed or not?
Hi, I have Vista Home premium edition and trying to install SQL Server developer edition 2005 as local administrator. I have already enabled IIS 7 and have Office Ultimate 2007 installed. When I run the set up program, I get a warning titled "Program Compatibility Assistant" that my Operating system may not be compatible with the version of sql server I am installing. It says after setup is complete, I should run SP2 of SQL Server 2005 with 3 buttons as "Check for solutions online", "run this program" and "cancel"...
My question, should I select "run this program" and after the setup completes, download SP2 and apply the patch?
I read some articles in forums that sounds like lot of issues to get sql server working on vista. Can some one direct me to correct options. This is my wife's machine so I dont want to experiment too much and blow her machine away. Please help.
I recently bought a Dell server with Windows 2003 enterprise edition. I wanted the X32 version and metnioned of the same to the sales people, but somehow they put the x64 edition on the server. The database I am planning to use does not work on X64 edition as of now. How do I downgrade the OS to X32 version? Do I need to send the system back to Dell? Machine not opened yet. Or is there a way I can get software CD and downgrade to X32 version?
I am installing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services on Windows XP Home Edition SP2 and received error 29521. I am installing with an account that has administrator rights. The summary.txt file contains: Error String : SQL Server Setup failed to execute a command for server configuration. The error was {Microsoft}{SQL Native Client}{SQL Server}CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.. Refer to the server error logs and Setup logs for detailed error information. Error Number : 29521
I just got Visual Studio 6 Enterprise which includes SQL Server7. However, when I try to install SQL7 (Standard Edition ?) onWindows XP Home it only installs the client components and notthe server component. The install routine claims this is becauseof the version of Windows I am using.Now I know that IIS isn't supposed to be installable on WindowsXP Home but it is with a fairly straight forward hack, so what Iwas wondering was is there a way to get SQL7 Standard installedon Windows XP Home (maybe with a similar sort of hack)?Failing that (and assuming the SQL7 in VS6EE is "Standard") doesSQL7 Desktop work on Windows XP Home? If so where can I get it(haven't seen one so far on eBay)?Regards PLST
I€™m quite new to SQL Server so maybe this is an easy question but I haven€™t found the answer after 3+ hours of Googling and experimenting.
I have a simple set up €“ two computers named HELEN and DELORES, both running Win XP Pro, SP2. These machines are connected via a home network and both belong to the same Workgroup. There€™s no Domain involved. HELEN is running SQL Server Express while DELORES is the €śclient€?, running SQL Server Management Studio Express. I am using €śWindows Authentication€? and Named Pipes to allow DELORES to work with the SQL Server Express instance on HELEN.
I have a general understanding of €śWindows Authentication€? and I was hoping someone could fill in the gaps. I realize €śWindows Authentication€? uses the underlying Windows User Accounts on the server to validate incoming connections.
I€™m sometimes having a problem in connecting SQL Server Management Studio Express (running on DELORES) to the SQL Server Express instance (running on HELEN). This problem may be due to a lack of understanding of Windows User Accounts.
I€™ve found that if I use the exact *same* username *and* passwords on both machines, SQL Server Management Studio Express has no problem connecting to HELEN€™s SQL Server Express instance. If I change the username and/or password on only one of the machines, the connection fails. Also, if I keep the usernames the same on both machines but I delete the passwords, the connection fails again.
I realize I can set up a user account on HELEN. Do I then have to set up the same user account (with the same non-blank password) on Delores? So far, this is the method that€™s been successful. Is it possible for me to tell SQL Server Management Studio Express to use a particular account (username/password) when connecting to HELEN via Named Pipes? If so, how is that specified?
I admit to my confusion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I€™m quite new to SQL Server so maybe this is an easy question but I haven€™t found the answer after 3+ hours of Googling and experimenting.
I have a simple set up €“ two computers named HELEN and DELORES, both running Win XP Pro, SP2. These machines are connected via a home network and both belong to the same Workgroup. There€™s no Domain involved. HELEN is running SQL Server Express while DELORES is the €śclient€?, running SQL Server Management Studio Express. I am using €śWindows Authentication€? and Named Pipes to allow DELORES to work with the SQL Server Express instance on HELEN.
I have a general understanding of €śWindows Authentication€? and I was hoping someone could fill in the gaps. I realize €śWindows Authentication€? uses the underlying Windows User Accounts on the server to validate incoming connections.
I€™m sometimes having a problem in connecting SQL Server Management Studio Express (running on DELORES) to the SQL Server Express instance (running on HELEN). This problem may be due to a lack of understanding of Windows User Accounts.
I€™ve found that if I use the exact *same* username *and* passwords on both machines, SQL Server Management Studio Express has no problem connecting to HELEN€™s SQL Server Express instance. If I change the username and/or password on only one of the machines, however, the connection fails. Also, if I keep the usernames the same on both machines but I delete the passwords, the connection fails again.
I realize I can set up a user account on HELEN. Do I then have to set up the same user account (with the same non-blank password) on Delores? So far, this is the method that€™s been successful. Is it possible for me to tell SQL Server Management Studio Express to use a particular account (username/password) when connecting to HELEN via Named Pipes? If so, how is that specified?
I admit to my confusion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I wish to start learning about SQL server 2005. Right now I am out of work and wish to build my database skills and get a certification on SQL server 2005. I used SQL 2000 at my last work at an entry level, so I have some experience. I want to get some books and if possible and SQL 2005 on my home computer to learn on. Would SQL server 2005 developer edition be the one I want for learning? I know some books come with a trial software but they only last 180 days, I don't want to feel pressured in trying to learn that quickely since I do have a 1 year old to take care of.I did notice that it was only $50 dollars, which is a plus since I need to watch the money. Does this editoin give me query analyzer and the SQL server enterprise manager? I do have some school background but that was back in 2003 in VB6, Oracle, Java, javascript, HTML.
I'm trying (and failing) to get a definitive answer from various MS web sites as to whether or not SQL Server Developer Edition will run on Windows Vista Home (Premium) I've just taken delivery of a shiny new laptop preinstalled with the above, and was looking for some reassurance before shelling out for the software (granted, it's not a lot of money, but even so...)
I have to deal with a private network of laptops which are all equiped with preinstalled "Windows XP home"
I've installed SQLExpress on one of these, but I cannot connect on it from the rest of the laptops. (I've successfuly done this with "Windows XP profesional" though, and local connections work fine as well).
I've already setup the SQLExpress to accept conections throuigh TCP/IP but I can not think of something else. (Security comes to mind, but I do not know how to resolve it on "Windows XP Home").
Hi Experts, Can anyone help me to identify the problem? The situation of my problem is : My company network in clients side is running either Window XP Pro or Window Xp Home.The problem occur when i access from Window XP Home to Server (Window Server 2003) an error pop up Sql Express Error 18452. It is worked fine in WIndow XP Pro version. Thanks for anyone provide me a solution.
My Problems & Situation:Hi! I am a ASP.NET starter. My platform is WinXP Home Edition and I haven't installed any version of SQL server before.I download different version of MSDE and extracted in my C drive separately, including: 1. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A 2. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a (contained MSDE 2000) 3. MSDE 2000 for Developers Using Visual Studio .NETsince all of the above versions have the same problem when I try to install it. The problem is that when I double click each of the setup.exe, it will show a pop up error:[A strong SA password is requires for security reasons. Please use SAPWD switch to supply the same. Refer to readme for more details. Setup will now exit.] Then I found a solution from Microsoft, it told me that: 1. Run the setup in the command prompt 2. Locate in the extracted path 3. type --> "Setup.exe /qb+ INSTANCENAME=NetSDK DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=1 SAPWD=<pwd>" p.s. I have changed the <pwd> to 123abc However....another Error Occur:1st pop up --> [Unable to determine system default collation.]2nd pop up --> [Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine Setup failed.] My Question:1. Why the error still occour when I type that command to setup? (Solution from Microsoft)2. How can I fix it and complete the installation?3. How many users(maximum) can be created in a MSDE database? Greateful if anyone can give me hand.
Hi, I'm trying to install Sql Server on my machine, in which is installed Windows Xp Pro x64 Edition, but I can't, setup return me, on the list of requisite (Minimum Os Version Check: Failed) a message error that tolds me that I can't install SQL Server on my os. The Sql Server version I'm trying to install is Developer CTP 2008 Version, but also Sql Server Express Edition doesn't work!Can anybody help me? There's a particular version of SQL Server for XP Pro x64 Edition?Thanks in advance!
Hi, I'm having a problem installing SQL2005 Developer on Windows Vista.
At the System Configuration check page, I'm getting the IIS Feature Requirement item telling me IIS is not installed or disabled. This is not the case.
I have read article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/920201 and switched on the IIS components as specified.
I've tried installing with Firewall, virus checker etc switched off. Every time I get the same problem. This is an issue, as I specifically need Reporting Services installed.
the installation process stops almost immediately telling me I need a superduper secure password thingy but when I try the command prompts suggested they don't work... I'm on XP home.
When I try to install either SQL Server 2005 SP2 or SQL Server 2008 CTP 2 on a trial copy of Windows Server 2008 Web Edition I get no error messages but the SQL engines are not installed. I have been informed that the SQL Server restriction in place for Windows Server 2003 Web Edition is no longer in place for the 2008 version.
I have a need to become familiar with SQL Server 2000 for work.Needless to say I am new to SQL Server any version, but not IT ingeneral. My employer has provided me with the SQL Server 2000Personal disk from the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise kit as this isreported here on the MSDN web site to be the version that is supportedon Windows XP. In fact so many of you kind people confess to havingsucceeded in doing it.I have tried several installs using various custom componentcombinations as well as the default "typical" install.All start of trying to install the MDAC component, then after severalminutes display a dialog with the following text:"The software you are installing has not passed Windows Logo testingto verify its compatibility with Windows XP. The software will not beinstalled. Contact your system administrator"Before anyone asks, yes I am logged on as the administrator of theWindows XP machine.The setup program then displays a dialog with the following text:"Installation of the Microsoft Data Access Components package failed.(-1)"Setup then shuts down and the PC needs to be restarted before the SQLServer setup can be run again.For the techos that might have an insight, I have included detailsfrom the following logs below. SQL.MIF, SQLSTP.LOG, DASETUP.LOGSETUPAPI.LOG.Any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you.Only the log files follow from here.DASETUP.LOG: ****************************************: * Beginning of Install *: ****************************************Starting Install: Current Date/Time (U.S. Local Time): 09/07/2003 :18:25:09Path: C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32;Localization: Machine Locale set to: English_Australia.1252Command Line Parameters:Suppress Reboot: 0Quiet/Silent Mode: 1Logging Level: 3Windows Directory: C:WindowsProgress: Loading Resource Library.Progress: Parsing INI File.*************************:** Begin INI File Dump **:*************************:Ini Section: General: ProductName = Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6: ProductBuild = 2.60.6526.2: ProductUrl = http://www.microsoft.com/data: ProductVersionKey = SOFTWAREMicrosoftDataAccess: ProductVersionValue = FullInstallVer: InstanceName = MDAC: CheckInUseFiles = 1: EULAFile = MDACEULA.RTF: EULAType = rtf: BackupSize = 10: InstallSize = 20: SupportsTS = 1: SupportsMUI = 0: CheckForDiskSpace = 1: ValidOs = 4294967295Ini Section: Packages: A = SETUP_LIBS: B = C_RUNTIME_LIBS: C = MTX_FILES: D = SETUP_RSP_FILES: E = DASETUP_FILES: F = WDSETUP_DOWNLEVEL: G = WDSETUP_MILLENNIUM: H = WDSETUP_W2K_MIGRATION: I = MDAC_DOWNLEVEL: J = MDAC_MILLENNIUM: K = MDAC_W2K_MIGRATION: L = MSXML_FILES: M = SQLXMLX: N = SQLNET_DOWNLEVEL: O = SQLNET_MILLENNIUM: P = SQLNET_W2K_MIGRATION: Q = SQLODBC_DOWNLEVEL: R = SQLODBC_MILLENNIUM: S = SQLODBC_W2K_MIGRATION: T = SQLOLEDB_DOWNLEVEL: U = SQLOLEDB_MILLENNIUM: V = SQLOLEDB_W2K_MIGRATION: W = JET_FILES: X = NEW_MUI_ENGINE: Y = REG_MDAC_VERSIONIni Section: SETUP_LIBS: Name = Microsoft Setup Libraries: ComponentName = SETUP_LIBS: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = setupapi.cab: InfFile = setupapi.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 1: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 3Ini Section: C_RUNTIME_LIBS: Name = Microsoft C/C++ Runtime Libraries: ComponentName = C_RUNTIME_LIBS: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = msvcrt.cab: InfFile = msvcrt.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: MTX_FILES: Name = MTX System Files: ComponentName = MTX_FILES: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = mtxfiles.cab: InfFile = mtxfiles.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: DASETUP_FILES: Name = MDAC Setup Files: ComponentName = DASETUP: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile =: InfFile = dasetup.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 4294967295Ini Section: SETUP_RSP_FILES: Name = MDAC Setup Response Files: ComponentName = SETUP_RSP_FILES: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile =: InfFile = rspfiles.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 4294967295Ini Section: WDSETUP_DOWNLEVEL: Name = WebData Setup Files: ComponentName = WDSETUP: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = WDSETUP.CAB: InfFile = WDSET_DL.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: WDSETUP_MILLENNIUM: Name = WebData Setup Files: ComponentName = WDSETUP: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = WDSETUP.CAB: InfFile = WDSETUPM.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 16Ini Section: WDSETUP_W2K_MIGRATION: Name = WebData Setup Files: ComponentName = WDSETUP: Dependencies =: InstallType = xpak: CabFile = WDSETUP.CAB: InfFile = WDSETUP.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 12Ini Section: MDAC_DOWNLEVEL: Name = Microsoft Data Access Components: ComponentName = MDAC_CORE: Dependencies = C_RUNTIME_LIBS,MTX_FILES,WDSETUP: InstallType = inf: CabFile = MDACXPAK.CAB: InfFile = MDACXPDL.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%mdaccore.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: MDAC_MILLENNIUM: Name = Microsoft Data Access Components: ComponentName = MDAC_CORE: Dependencies = C_RUNTIME_LIBS,MTX_FILES,WDSETUP: InstallType = inf: CabFile = MDACXPAK.CAB: InfFile = MDACXPKM.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%mdaccore.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 16Ini Section: MDAC_W2K_MIGRATION: Name = Microsoft Data Access Components: ComponentName = MDAC_CORE: Dependencies = C_RUNTIME_LIBS,MTX_FILES,WDSETUP: InstallType = xpak: CABFile = MDACXPAK.CAB: InfFile = MDACXPAK.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%mdaccore.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOS = 12Ini Section: MSXML_FILES: Name = Microsoft XML Parser: ComponentName = MSXML: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = MSXML.cab: InfFile = MSXML.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31Ini Section: SQLXMLX: Name = XML Extensions for Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: ComponentName = SQLXMLX: Dependencies = WDSETUP,MDAC_CORE,MSXML: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLXMLX.cab: InfFile = SQLXMLX.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31Ini Section: SQLNET_DOWNLEVEL: Name = Microsoft SQL Server Network Libraries: ComponentName = SQLNET: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLNET.CAB: InfFile = SQLNETDL.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: SQLNET_MILLENNIUM: Name = Microsoft SQL Server Network Libraries: ComponentName = SQLNET: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLNET.CAB: InfFile = SQLNETM.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 16Ini Section: SQLNET_W2K_MIGRATION: Name = Microsoft SQL Server Network Libraries: ComponentName = SQLNET: Dependencies =: InstallType = xpak: CabFile = SQLNET.CAB: InfFile = SQLNET.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31Ini Section: SQLOLEDB_DOWNLEVEL: Name = Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB Provider: ComponentName = SQLOLEDB: Dependencies = MDAC_CORE,SQLXMLX,SQLNET: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLOLDB.CAB: InfFile = SQLOL_DL.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: SQLOLEDB_MILLENNIUM: Name = Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB Provider: ComponentName = SQLOLEDB: Dependencies = MDAC_CORE,SQLXMLX,SQLNET: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLOLDB.CAB: InfFile = SQLOLDBM.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 16Ini Section: SQLOLEDB_W2K_MIGRATION: Name = Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB Provider: ComponentName = SQLOLEDB: Dependencies = MDAC_CORE,SQLXMLX,SQLNET: InstallType = xpak: CabFile = SQLOLDB.CAB: InfFile = SQLOLDB.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31Ini Section: SQLODBC_DOWNLEVEL: Name = Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver: ComponentName = SQLODBC: Dependencies = WDSETUP,SQLNET: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLODBC.CAB: InfFile = SQLOD_DL.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%sqlclnt.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: SQLODBC_MILLENNIUM: Name = Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver: ComponentName = SQLODBC: Dependencies = WDSETUP,SQLNET: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLODBC.CAB: InfFile = SQLODBCM.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%sqlclnt.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 16Ini Section: SQLODBC_W2K_MIGRATION: Name = Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver: ComponentName = SQLODBC: Dependencies = WDSETUP,SQLNET: InstallType = xpak: CabFile = SQLODBC.CAB: InfFile = SQLODBC.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%sqlclnt.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31Ini Section: JET_FILES: Name = Jet Expression Service and String Sorting Libraries: ComponentName = JET: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = JETFILES.cab: InfFile = JETFILES.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: NEW_MUI_ENGINE: Name = Microsoft MUI Setup Engine: ComponentName = NEWMUI: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = NEWMUI.CAB: InfFile = NEWMUI.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 8Ini Section: REG_MDAC_VERSION: Name = Microsoft Data Access Components: ComponentName = REG_MDAC_VERSION: Dependencies = MDAC_CORE,WDSETUP,MSXML,SQLXMLX,SQLNET,SQLOLEDB,SQ LODBC: InstallType = inf: CabFile =: InfFile = noop.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11% edist.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31*************************:** End INI File Dump **:*************************:Progress: Loading EULA.Progress: Loading Strings.Debug: Loaded string resource: 13. Characters = 8Windows Version:Major Version: 5Minor Version: 0Windows NT: 1SP Level: 1Terminal Services: 0Progress: Loading Setup Engine Library.Entering function: LoadAdvPack()Parameters:*phInstance = 0x00000000pAdvPackLib = 0x0013EEF0Exiting function: LoadAdvPack()Return value: (BOOL) 1Progress: Loading ODBCConf Library.Entering function: LoadODBCConf()Parameters:*phInstance = 0x00000000pODBCConfLib = 0x0013EEFCExiting function: LoadODBCConf()Return value: (BOOL) 1IE Version:IE 6.00 and greaterVerifying System Language: The system LCID and the LCID of the setupresource DLL do not match.Entering function: BuildJobList()Parameters:pContext = 0x0013EEE4Entering function: CJob::InitializeJobQueues()Parameters:hHive = 0x80000002szRoot = ???????????????spContext = 0x%08XExiting function: CJob::InitializeJobQueues()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Exiting function: BuildJobList()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Progress: Creating Setup Wizard.Creating Wizard Page: 0Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 1Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 2Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 3Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 4Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 5Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Debug: Loaded string resource: 10. Characters = 104Creating Wizard Page: 6Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 7Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 8Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 9Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 11Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 12Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 13Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 14Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard: Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 SetupProgress: Running in Silent Mode. Suppressing UIChecking for disk space: Drive C: requires 12316672 bytes, there are17936592896 bytes available.Detecting in-use files: Setup is checking for in-use files.Detecting in-use files: Start time: 08:25:12:25Detecting in-use files: Setup has detected a locked file:C:WindowsSystem32odbc32.dllDetecting in-use files: Setup has detected a locked file:C:WindowsSystem32odbcint.dllDetecting in-use files: Finished building filelist. CheckPoint time:08:25:15:259Detecting in-use files: Process requires reboot: winlogon.exe, ProcessID 600 (System Process: 1)Detecting in-use files: Process requires reboot: WINDOWS, Process ID556 (System Process: 1)Detecting in-use files: Process requires reboot: Program Manager,Process ID 556 (System Process: 1)Detecting in-use files: End time: 08:25:15:900Detecting in-use files: Elapsed time: 00:00:03:875Detecting in-use files: In-use file check complete.Progress: Running in Silent Mode. Starting Install...Entering function: InstallPackages()Parameters:hWnd = 0x00000000pContext = 0x0013EEE4hMessageTarget = 0x00000000pParam = 0x00000000bAsync = 0Entering function: InstallPackagesThread()Parameters:pParam = 0x009C29C0Entering function: CJob::InitializeJobQueues()Parameters:hHive = 0x80000002szRoot = ???????????????spContext = 0x%08XExiting function: CJob::InitializeJobQueues()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Debug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMP spfiles.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 4pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Debug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 4pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Debug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 4hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPWDSETUP.INFpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstallpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 4pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x01000003Debug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 4hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPMDACXPAK.INFpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstallpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 36pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000BC2Reboot Required: Job number 4 requires rebootDebug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPMSXML.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 36pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Debug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPSQLXMLX.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 548pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Reboot Required: Job number 6 requires rebootDebug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 4hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPSQLNET.INFpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstallpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 36pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x80004005Debug: Loaded string resource: 4. Characters = 23Debug: Loaded string resource: 6. Characters = 16Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 5hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPSQLNET.INFpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstallpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 68pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x80004005Debug: Loaded string resource: 4. Characters = 23Debug: Loaded string resource: 6. Characters = 16Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPSQLXMLX.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 68pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Debug: Loaded string resource: 4. Characters = 23Debug: Loaded string resource: 6. Characters = 16Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPMSXML.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 68pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000BC2Reboot Required: Job number 5 requires rebootDebug: Loaded string resource: 4. Characters = 23Debug: Loaded string resource: 6. Characters = 16Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 5hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPMDACXPAK.INFpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstallpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 68pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000BC2Reboot Required: Job number 4 requires rebootEntering function: CJob::DestroyJobQueues()Parameters: None.Exiting function: CJob::DestroyJobQueues()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Exiting function: InstallPackagesThread()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Exiting function: InstallPackages()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000State after Install:Setup was Successful: 0Setup Requires Reboot: 0Setup Will Reboot the Machine: 0Exiting: Setup is shutting down..Ending Install: Current Date/Time (U.S. Local Time): 09/07/2003 :18:38:30Errors collection: Severity: 100, Type: 2, Code: 0x80004005, Title:(null), Text: Unspecified errorErrors collection: Severity: 100, Type: 2, Code: 0x80004005, Title:(null), Text: Unspecified errorError: The following error was encountered during setup:*** (null):Unspecified error(Severity: 100, Type: 2, Code: 0x80004005)SQL.MIFSTART COMPONENTNAME = "WORKSTATION"START GROUP NAME = "ComponentID"ID = 1CLASS = "DMTF|ComponentID|1.0"START ATTRIBUTENAME = "Manufacturer"ID = 1ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(64)VALUE = "Microsoft"END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Product"ID = 2ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(64)VALUE = "Microsoft SQL Server 2000"END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Version"ID = 3ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(64)VALUE = "8.00.194"END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Locale"ID = 4ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(16)VALUE = ""END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Serial Number"ID = 5ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(64)VALUE = ""END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Installation"ID = 6ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(64)VALUE = "DateTime"END ATTRIBUTEEND GROUPSTART GROUPNAME = "InstallStatus"ID = 2CLASS = "MICROSOFT|JOBSTATUS|1.0"START ATTRIBUTENAME = "Status"ID = 1ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(32)VALUE = "Failed"END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Description"ID = 2ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(128)VALUE = "Installation of the Microsoft Data Access Componentspackage failed. (-1)"END ATTRIBUTEEND GROUPEND COMPONENTSETUPAPI.LOG[2003/09/07 18:25:11 3916.11]#-199 Executing "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.exe" with commandline: /Q:D /N#E077 Could not locate a non-empty section [DefaultInstall] whencalculating disk space in "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPoop.inf". Error0xe0000102: The required line was not found in the INF.[2003/09/07 18:25:16 3916.1]#-199 Executing "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.exe" with commandline: /Q:D /N#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"c:windows empixp000.tmp spfiles.inf" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-024 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMP spfiles.inf" to"C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Shareddasetup spfiles.inf".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMP spfiles.inf" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-336 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMP edist.rsp" to"C:WindowsSystem32 edist.rsp" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET14.tmp".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMP edist.rsp" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-336 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdaccore.rsp" to"C:WindowsSystem32mdaccore.rsp" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET17.tmp".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdaccore.rsp" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-336 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPsqlclnt.rsp" to"C:WindowsSystem32sqlclnt.rsp" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A.tmp".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPsqlclnt.rsp" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.[2003/09/07 18:25:19 3916.1]#-199 Executing "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.exe" with commandline: /Q:D /N#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"c:windows empixp000.tmpdasetup.inf" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-024 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.inf" to"C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Shareddasetupdasetup.inf".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.inf" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-336 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.ini" to"C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Shareddasetupdasetup.ini"via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoftShareddasetupSET22.tmp".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.ini" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.[2003/09/07 18:25:21 3916.1]#-199 Executing "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.exe" with commandline: /Q:D /N#-340 Extracted file "ds16gt.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SETF4.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32ds16gt.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SETF4.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32ds16gt.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SETF6.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32ds16gt.dll" was overwritten byan older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.510.3711.0. Versionof target file: 3.510.3711.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "ds32gt.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SETF7.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32ds32gt.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SETF7.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32ds32gt.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SETF9.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32ds32gt.dll" was overwritten byan older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0. Versionof target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadce.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET106.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadce.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET106.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadce.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET108.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadce.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadcer.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET109.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcer.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET109.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcer.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET10B.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcer.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadcf.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET10C.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcf.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET10C.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcf.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET10E.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcf.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadcfr.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET10F.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcfr.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET10F.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcfr.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET111.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcfr.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadco.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET112.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadco.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET112.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadco.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET114.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadco.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadcor.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET115.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcor.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET115.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcor.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET117.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcor.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadcs.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET118.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcs.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET118.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcs.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET11A.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcs.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadds.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET11B.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadds.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET11B.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadds.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET11D.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadds.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msaddsr.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET11E.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsaddsr.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET11E.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsaddsr.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET120.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsaddsr.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msader15.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET121.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsader15.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET121.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsader15.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET123.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsader15.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msado15.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET124.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado15.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET124.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado15.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET126.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado15.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msado20.tlb" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET127.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado20.tlb").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET127.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado20.tlb" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET129.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado20.tlb" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msado21.tlb" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET12A.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado21.tlb").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET12A.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado21.tlb" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET12C.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado21.tlb" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msado25.tlb" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET12D.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado25.tlb").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET12D.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado25.tlb" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET12F.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado25.tlb" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadomd.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET130.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadomd.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET130.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadomd.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET132.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadomd.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msador15.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET133.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsador15.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET133.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsador15.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET135.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsador15.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadox.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET136.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadox.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET136.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadox.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET138.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadox.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadrh15.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET139.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadrh15.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET139.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadrh15.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET13B.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadrh15.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "mscpxl32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET13C.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32mscpxl32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET13C.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32mscpxl32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET13E.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32mscpxl32.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.511.3.20. Versionof target file: 3.520.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdadc.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET13F.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdadc.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET13F.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdadc.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET141.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdadc.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaenum.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET142.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaenum.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET142.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaenum.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET144.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaenum.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaer.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET145.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaer.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET145.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaer.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET147.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaer.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaora.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET148.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaora.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET148.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaora.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET14A.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaora.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaosp.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET14B.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaosp.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET14B.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaosp.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET14D.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaosp.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaprsr.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET14E.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprsr.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET14E.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprsr.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET150.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprsr.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdaprst.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET151.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprst.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET151.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprst.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET153.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprst.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdaps.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET154.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaps.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET154.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaps.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET156.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaps.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdarem.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET157.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdarem.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET157.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdarem.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET159.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdarem.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdaremr.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET15A.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaremr.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET15A.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaremr.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET15C.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaremr.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdart.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET15D.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32msdart.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET15D.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32msdart.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET15F.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32msdart.dll" was overwritten byan older (signed) file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Versionof target file: 2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored.The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdasc.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET163.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdasc.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET163.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasc.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET165.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasc.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdasql.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET166.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdasql.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET166.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasql.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET168.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasql.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdasqlr.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET169.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdasqlr.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET169.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasqlr.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET16B.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasqlr.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.70.7713.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdatl3.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET16C.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdatl3.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET16C.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdatl3.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET16E.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdatl3.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdatsrc.tlb" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET16F.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32msdatsrc.tlb").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET16F.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32msdatsrc.tlb" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET171.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32msdatsrc.tlb" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 9.0.6526.0. Versionof target file: 9.0.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored.The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdatt.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET172.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdatt.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET172.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdatt.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET174.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdatt.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaurl.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET175.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaurl.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET175.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaurl.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET177.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaurl.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 9.1.6526.0. Version of target file: 9.1.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdfmap.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET178.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdfmap.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET178.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdfmap.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET17A.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdfmap.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msjro.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET17D.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsjro.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET17D.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsjro.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET17F.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsjro.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file.Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msorcl32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET183.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32msorcl32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET183.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32msorcl32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET185.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32msorcl32.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 2.573.6526.0.Version of target file: 2.573.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msxactps.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET186.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsxactps.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET186.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsxactps.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET188.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsxactps.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "odbc16gt.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET199.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbc16gt.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET199.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbc16gt.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET19B.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbc16gt.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.510.3711.0.Version of target file: 3.510.3711.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbc32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET19C.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbc32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET19C.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbc32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET19E.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbc32.dll" was overwritten byan older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0. Versionof target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#W190 File "C:WindowsSystem32SET19E.tmp" marked to be moved to"C:WindowsSystem32odbc32.dll" on next reboot.#-340 Extracted file "odbc32gt.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET19F.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbc32gt.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET19F.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbc32gt.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A1.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbc32gt.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbcad32.exe" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A2.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbcad32.exe").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1A2.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbcad32.exe" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A4.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbcad32.exe" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbccp32.cpl" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A5.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.cpl").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1A5.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.cpl" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A7.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.cpl" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbccp32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A8.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1A8.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1AA.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbccr32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1AB.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbccr32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1AB.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbccr32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1AD.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbccr32.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbccu32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1AE.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbccu32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1AE.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbccu32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1B0.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbccu32.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbcint.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1B4.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbcint.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1B4.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbcint.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1B6.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbcint.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#W190 File "C:WindowsSystem32SET1B6.tmp" marked to be moved to"C:WindowsSystem32odbcint.dll" on next reboot.#-340 Extracted file "odbctrac.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1B7.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbctrac.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1B7.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbctrac.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1B9.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbctrac.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "oledb32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET1BA.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBoledb32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET1BA.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBoledb32.dll" via temporary file
I have a Sql Server Express Edition instaled in a Windows 2003 Server. I will use SQL Authentication. Need I Cal's for Windows 2003 server to each user that will access the SQL Express ? If yes, why ?