I have a stored procedure that has a paramter that accepts a string of values. At the user interface, I use a StringBuilder to concatenate the values (2,4,34,35,etc.) I would send these value to the stored procedure. The problem is that the stored procedure doesn't allow it to be query with the parameter because the Fieldname, "Officer_UID" is an integer data type, which can't be query against parameter string type. What would I need to do to convert it to an Integer array? @OfficerIDs as varchar(200) Select Officer_UID From Officers Where Officer_UID in (@OfficerIDs) Thanks
Can any one help me with a sample code, which can take an array of elements as one of it's parameters and get the value inserted into a table in a stored procedure.
I'm trying to build an SQL string that should look like this when executed: UPDATE [Table] SET Active = 'False' WHERE ID IN (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.) I'm using the convention (in code behind):SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [Table] SET Active = 'False' WHERE ID IN (@TheIDs)", connection);cmd.Parameters.Add("TheIDs", SqlDbType.Text).Value = theIDsAsAnArrayList; But logically enough I cannot insert them as a text string as they have to be integers seperated by commas. Question: How can I convert an Array of integers into ... well, a string without the quotes, if you know what I mean? As it cannot end up like this: UPDATE [Table] SET Active = 'False' WHERE ID IN ("3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.") Note the quotes around the integers. Any hints on doing this with security in mind are welcome. I know I can concatenate the whole lot as strings, but this is unsecure, so I'm not going for that approach.
Hi everyone.... I need a column in my table that its DataType should be as integer arrays how can I implemant it in my sqlserver table. Any help appreciated.
i doing an online shop project which have an shoppingcart and it stored database. and i have the situation like this. the products have properties such as size, color . and customers can buy a product with particular size or color. and i have the shopping cart table structure and data like following Id(primary key) CartId productId size color quantity 1
1 1 S red 10 2
1 1 S black 2 3
1 1 S blue 3 4
1 1 M red 5 5
1 1 L blue 2
all the data above is i image the customer may inputed. And my problem is how to use an stored procedure to updata above record when a customer buy the same product which is one of the product from above(have same productId, size, color)
and i try to use the following code but it didn't work <code> create procedure shoppingcart_add_item ( @cartId int, @productId int, @size nvarchar(20), @color nvarchar(20), @quantity int ) AS DECLARE @countproduct DECLARE @oldsize DECLARE @oldcolor select @countproduct=count(productId) FROM shoppingcart WHERE productId=@productId AND cartId=@cartId select @oldsize=size,@oldcolor=color FROM shoppingcart WHERE productId=@productId
IF @CountItems > 0 and @oldsize = @size and @oldcolor = @color
UPDATE ShoppingCart SET Quantity = (@Quantity + ShoppingCart.Quantity) WHERE ProductId = @ProductId AND CartId = @CartId
ELSE /* New entry for this Cart. Add a new record */
and the result from this stored procedure is not what i want, what i try to say is can i stored all the size and color in @oldsize and @oldcolor array. then loop through the array to get the one i want?????? somebody get any idea??? or don't know what i am talking about?
I have a two dimensional array in Front end (As for example Array contains 20 ECode and EmployeeName). I have a Stored Proc. where i have written a statement for inserting theses value in a table. so how i will pass this array to SP. Pls. give exmp. for Front end and SP also.
I have a table on the database with columns like the following:Name Date DataJoe 11/5/05 data1Joe 11/6/05 data2Bob 11/5/05 data3Bob 11/8/05 data4I want to retrieve all data from an array or list I pass in thatcontainsone row for each name and a date, like below.Name DateJoe 11/6/05Bob 11/7/05I want to retrieve all rows from the first table where Name is Joe andDate > 11/6/05 or where Name is Bob and Date is > 11/7/05. There couldbe an unlimited number of name/date combinations.Can anyone suggest a way to write a stored procedure to handle thisquery.Thanks,Rick
I executed them and got the following results in SSMSE: TopSixAnalytes Unit AnalyteName 1 222.10 ug/Kg Acetone 2 220.30 ug/Kg Acetone 3 211.90 ug/Kg Acetone 4 140.30 ug/L Acetone 5 120.70 ug/L Acetone 6 90.70 ug/L Acetone ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Now, I try to use this Stored Procedure in my ADO.NET-VB 2005 Express programming: //////////////////--spTopSixAnalytes.vb--///////////
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security = SSPI; Initial Catalog = ssmsExpressDB;")
Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdaptor("[spTopSixAnalytes]", sqlConnection)
'Pass the name of the DataSet through the overloaded contructor
'of the DataSet class.
Dim dataSet As DataSet ("ssmsExpressDB")
End Sub
End Class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
I executed the above code and I got the following 4 errors: Error #1: Type 'SqlConnection' is not defined (in Form1.vb) Error #2: Type 'SqlDataAdapter' is not defined (in Form1.vb) Error #3: Array bounds cannot appear in type specifiers (in Form1.vb) Error #4: 'DataSet' is not a type and cannot be used as an expression (in Form1)
Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance, Scott Chang
More Information for you to know: I have the "ssmsExpressDB" database in the Database Expolorer of VB 2005 Express. But I do not know how to get the SqlConnection and the SqlDataAdapter into the Form1. I do not know how to get the Fill Method implemented properly. I try to learn "Working with SELECT Statement in a Stored Procedure" for printing the 6 rows that are selected - they are not parameterized.
Well, I managed to write a Stored procedure that updates some records in the Northwind Database based on the ProductIDs passed to the SP as a list of strings. This is the Alter version of the SP:USE [Northwind] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[gv_sp_UpdatePOs] Script Date: 06/10/2007 12:07:54 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROC [dbo].[gv_sp_UpdatePOs] ( @IDList varchar(500), @ReorderLevel int, @ProductName nvarchar(30)
) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON EXEC('Update dbo.Products SET ReorderLevel = (' + @ReorderLevel + ') ,ProductName = (''' + @ProductName + ''') WHERE ProductID IN (' + @IDList + ')') END ---------------------- THis works fine inside Sql Server 2005 Query analyser. But when I setup an aspx page with an objectDataSource inside the page attached to an xsd file where the Products table is located. When I try to add new query to the tableadapter inside the Products table and point to the stored procedure in the wizard I get this error: " the wizard detected the following problems when configuring TableAdapter query "Products" Details: Generated SELECT statement. Incorrect suntax near ')'.
Any help would be appreciated And can someone convert it to support XML instead of list of strings. thanks.
Hello, I have a question on sql stored procedures.I have such a procedure, which returnes me rows with ID-s.Then in my asp.net page I make from that Id-s a string likeSELECT * FROM [eai.Documents] WHERE CategoryId=11 OR CategoryId=16 OR CategoryId=18. My question is: Can I do the same in my stored procedure? Here is it:set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[eai.GetSubCategoriesById] ( @Id int ) AS declare @path varchar(100); SELECT @path=Path FROM [eai.FileCategories] WHERE Id = @Id; SELECT Id, ParentCategoryId, Name, NumActiveAds FROM [eai.FileCategories] WHERE Path LIKE @Path + '%' ORDER BY Path Thank youArtashes
I would like to write a store prodecure to return a month:
My output: Wk1 = July Wk2 = July Wk3 = July Wk4 = July Wk5 = Aug
and so on..
then i create list of array like below:
The counter for insert the week one by one
DECLARE @TotalWeek INT, @counter INT DECLARE @WeekNo varchar, @Month varchar SET @WeekNo = '4,9,14,18,22,27,31,35,40,44,48,53' --this is weekno,if less than 4, month is july, lf less than 9, month is august and so on SET @TotalWeek = 53
111 212 313 421 522 623 725 817 932 1044 I need to run a query where I pass in an unknown number of KeywordIds that returns the PictureId. The 'IN' clause will not work because if a KeyWordId gets passed into the Stored Procudure the PictureId must have a record with each KeyWordId being passed in. For example, lets say you need to see the result of all PictureIds that have both 1 and 2, the correct result set should only be PictureId 1 and PictureId 2.
Im going crazy trying to find a simple solution for this. Please advise.
Hi, I m using sql 2005 as a back end in my application... I am useing Store procedure..for my data in grid..
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProductZoneSearct] ( @Productid char(8),@Proname char(8),@radius int,@mode varchar(5) = 'M',@Zone nvarchar(1000),) ASSET NOCOUNT ON;Create Table #Product (ProductID int, TimeEntered datetime, DateAvailable datetime, Productname varchar(80), City varchar(50), State char(4),Miles decimal, Payment varchar(40),UserID int, Phone varchar(15)) Insert #Product Select ProductID , TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname ,City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, UserID, Daily, PhoneFrom [tblproduct] Where city IN (@Zone) Select ProductID TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, U.Phone As phoneNumber, Company, , L.Phone As cmpPhone From #Product As L Left Join (Select UserID, Company, Phone, From [User]) As U On U.UserID = L.UserID Order By DateAvailable
if i pass value in "where city in (@Zone)" and @Zone ='CA','AD','MH' then it can not get any result..but if write where city in ('CA','AD','MH') then it give me perfact result.. I tried to below syntax also but in no any user Where city IN ('+@Zone+') In short if i pass value through varibale (@Zone) then i cant get result...but if i put direct value in query then only getting result..can anybody tell me what is problem ? Please Hel[p me !!! Thank you !!!
I'm having problem on trying to execute a query in stored procedure that has parameters as a integer. The parameter with the integer is in the WHERE clause. If I take out the WHERE clause, it would work. If I take out the parameter and replace it with a value, it would work. I have try using the CONVERT function to convert it to an integer, still no luck. Error: Unterminated String Constant. What is the problem? Set @strSQL='Select * From(SELECT Row_Number() Over(Order By ' + @SortExpression + ') as Row_Count,Rank() Over (Order By ' + @SortExpression + ') as TableInfo_ColumnSort,dbo.EVENT_LOGS.EVENTLOG_ID, dbo.USERS.USERNAME, dbo.EVENT_LOGS.ITEM_TYPE, dbo.EVENT_LOGS.SCREEN_ID, dbo.EVENT_LOGS.CHANGE_TYPE, dbo.EVENT_LOGS.IP_ADDRESS, dbo.EVENT_LOGS.CREATE_DATE,dbo.USERS.FIRST_NAME,dbo.USERS.Last_NAMEFROM dbo.EVENT_LOGS INNER JOINdbo.USERS ON dbo.EVENT_LOGS.USER_UID = dbo.USERS.USERID) as TableInfoWhere Row_Count Between ' + @startRowIndex + ' and ' + @maxRowIndex + ' ';Exec(@strSQL);
I would like to INSERT an array of integer into a table in MSSQL Server, then count the number of rows in the table with c++ using ODBC. Here you find my code to do this task:
In my code, I would like to Insert the array and then count the number of rows:
SQLTCHAR Statement[] = _T("INSERT INTO information1(Wert1,Wert2) VALUES(?,?) select count(*) as a from information1 ") ;
Problem : My expectation is, that first 9 rows are inserted into table then comes 9 as result to user (if the table is empty) but this code returns me 1 if first the table is empty. If the table is not empty, it returns 1+number of existing rows in the table. If I take a look inside the table, the 9 rows are successfully inserted in it. Only the number of rows in the table is wrong.
Hint : If I monitor the database using SQL Profiler. It looks like this:
Help Stored procedure working but not doing anything New Post Quote Reply Please i need some help.
I am calling a stored procedure from asp.net and there is a cursor in the stored procedure that does some processing on serval tables.
if i run the stored procedure on Query Analyzer it works and does what it is suppose to do but if i run it from my asp.net/module control it goes. acts likes it worked but it does not do what is suppose to do. i believe the cursor in the stroed procedure does not run where is called programmatically from the asp.net/module control page.plus it does not throw any errors
This is the code from my control System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter [] param={new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@periodStart",Convert.ToDateTime(startDate)),new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@periodStart",Convert.ToDateTime(endDate)),new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@addedby",UserInfo.FullName+ " "+UserInfo.Username)};
set @NoOfDeadPensioners=0 set @NoOfEnrolledPensioners=0 set @DeactivatedPensioners=0 set @actionType ="PayList Generation"
select p.pensionerId,p.isAlive,p.isActive,py.currentMonthlypension from pensioner p left outer join pensionpaypoint py on p.pensionerid=py.pensionerId
where p.isActive = 1
OPEN paylist_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM paylist_cursor INTO @pensioner_id,@isAlive,@isActive,@currentMonthlypension
set @NoOfLoadedPensioners=@NoOfLoadedPensioners+1 if(@isAlive=0) begin update Pensioner set isActive=0 where pensionerid=@pensioner_id set @DeactivatedPensioners =@@ROWCOUNT+@DeactivatedPensioners set @NoOfDeadPensioners =@@ROWCOUNT+@NoOfDeadPensioners end else begin insert into pensionpaylist(pensionerId,dateAdded,addedBy, periodStart,periodEnd,amountPaid) values(@pensioner_id,getDate(),@addedby, @periodStart, @periodEnd,@currentMonthlypension) set @NoOfEnrolledPensioners =@@ROWCOUNT+ @NoOfEnrolledPensioners end
-- Get the next author. FETCH NEXT FROM paylist_cursor INTO @pensioner_id,@isAlive,@isActive,@currentMonthlypension END
CLOSE paylist_cursor DEALLOCATE paylist_cursor
set @reportSummary ="The No. of Pensioners Loaded: "+Convert(varchar,@NoOfLoadedPensioners)+"<BR>"+"The No. Of Deactivated Pensioners: "+Convert(varchar,@DeactivatedPensioners)+"<BR>"+"The No. of Enrolled Pensioners: "+Convert(varchar,@NoOfEnrolledPensioners)+"<BR>"+"No Of Dead Pensioner from Pensioners Loaded: "+Convert(varchar,@NoOfDeadPensioners) insert into reportSummary(dateAdded,hasExceptions,periodStart,periodEnd,reportSummary,actionType) values(getDate(),0, @periodStart, @periodEnd,@reportSummary,'Pay List Generation')
if (@@ERROR <> 0) BEGIN
insert into reportSummary(dateAdded,hasExceptions,periodStart,periodEnd,reportSummary,actionType) values(getDate(),1, @periodStart,@periodEnd,@reportSummary,'Pay List Generation')
Hi can someone tell me whats wrong with this stored procedure. All im trying to do is get the publicationID from the publication table in order to use it for an insert statement into another table. The second table PublicaitonFile has the publicaitonID as a foriegn key. Stored procedure error: cannot insert null into column publicationID, table PublicationFile - its obviously not getting the ID. ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedureUpdateDocLocField @publicationID Int=null,@title nvarchar(MAX)=null,@filePath nvarchar(MAX)=null ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Publication WHERE title = @title)SELECT @publicationID = (SELECT publicationID FROM Publication WHERE title = @title)SET @publicationID = @@IDENTITYEND IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM PublicationFiles WHERE publicationID = @publicationID)BEGININSERT INTO PublicationFile (publicationID, filePath)VALUES (@publicationID, @filePath)END
Having a little trouble not seeing why this insert is not happening.... --snip-- DECLARE c_studId CURSOR FOR SELECT studentId FROM students FOR READ ONLY OPEN c_studId FETCH NEXT FROM c_studId INTO @studentId IF( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 ) BEGIN SET @studRec = 'Found' END CLOSE c_studId DEALLOCATE c_studId BEGIN TRAN IF (@studRec <> 'Found') BEGIN INSERT INTO students (studentId) VALUES (@studentId) END Well, you get the idea, and I snipped a lot of it.Why is it not inserting if the user is not found?Thanks all,Zath
I have a SP below that authenticates users, the problem I have is that activate is of type BIT and I can set it to 1 or 0. If I set it to 0 which is disabled, the user can still login. Therefore I want users that have activate as 1 to be able to login and users with activate as 0 not to login
Hi there below is my code for a sproc. however when i run it, it doesnt seem to create a table
USE [dw_data] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_address] Script Date: 10/24/2007 15:33:21 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
CREATE PROC [dbo].[usp_address] ( @TableType INT = null
IF @TableType is NULL OR @TableType = 1
OK, I have been raking my brains with this and no solution yet. I simply want to update a field in a table given the record Id. When I try the SQL in standalone (no sp) it works and the field gets updated. When I do it by executing the stored procedure from a query window in the Express 2005 manager it works well too. When I use the stored procedure from C# then it does not work: 1. ExecuteNonQuery() always returns -1 2. When retrieving the @RETURN_VALUE parameter I get -2, meaning that the SP did not find a matching record. So, with #1 there is definitely something wrong as I would expect ExecuteNonQuery to return something meaningful and with #2 definitely strange as I am able to execute the same SQL code with those parameters from the manager and get the expected results. Here is my code (some parts left out for brevity):1 int result = 0; 2 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(icaoCode)) 3 { 4 icaoCode = icaoCode.Trim().ToUpper(); 5 try 6 { 7 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcedureName);(StoredProcedure.ChangeAirportName); 8 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Icao", SqlDbType.Char, 4).Value = newName; 9 cmd.Parameters.Add("@AirportName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newName) ? null : newName); 10 cmd.Parameters.Add("@RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; 11 cmd.Connection = mConnection; // connection has been opened already, not shown here 12 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; 13 int retval = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // returns -1 somehow even when RETURN n is != -1 14 result = (int)cmd.Parameters["@RETURN_VALUE"].Value; 15 16 } 17 catch (Exception ex) 18 { 19 result = -1; 20 } 21 }
And this is the stored procedure invoked by the code above:1 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ChangeAirfieldName] 2 -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here 3 @Id bigint = null,-- Airport Id, OR 4 @Icao char(4) = null,-- ICAO code 5 @AirportName nvarchar(50) 6 AS 7 BEGIN 8 -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from 9 -- interfering with SELECT statements. 10 SET NOCOUNT ON; 11 12 -- Parameter checking 13 IF @Id IS NULL AND @Icao IS NULL 14 BEGIN 15 RETURN -1;-- Did not specify which record to change 16 END 17 -- Get Id if not known given the ICAO code 18 IF @Id IS NULL 19 BEGIN 20 SET @Id = (SELECT [Id] FROM [dbo].[Airports] WHERE [Icao] = @Icao); 21 --PRINT @id 22 IF @Id IS NULL 23 BEGIN 24 RETURN -2;-- No airport found with that ICAO Id 25 END 26 END 27 -- Update record 28 UPDATE [dbo].[Airfields] SET [Name] = @AirportName WHERE [Id] = @Id; 29 RETURN @@ROWCOUNT 30 END
As I said when I execute standalone UPDATE works fine, but when approaching it via C# it returns -2 (did not find Id).
I've got a stored procedure in database A that calls the sp_start_job stored procedure in msdb as follows:
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job B'jobname' ;
The domainusername is the in the database sysadmin role and the owner of the job. To make this work originally, I had to change the msdb database to be trusted.
This worked for the past several months.
Now it doesn't work (perhaps after a reboot but not sure). The error I get is "The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_start_job', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'
I looked to make sure that the account had grant execute rights and it does. I tried setting it via GRANT statement and it was granted successfully yet the error still occurs. I've tried changing accounts and anything else I can think of to no avail.
Any ideas how to troubleshoot this issue. I've tried all the tricks I can think of.
I am having a problem with this stored procedure. I'm using SQL Server 2005 Developer's edition and if I execute the procedure in a query window, I get no errors. Also, when the script runs from a website call there are no errors. The problem is that it doesn't return the information that is in the database. It is supposed to return the orders from Washington state between such and such dates. The orders are there in the database, so I think the where clause must be wrong.
Thanks for the help.
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[CommerceLibOrdersGetWashingtonState]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
Creating a temporary table in stored procedure and using a sql query to insert the data in temp. table.I am facing the error as : String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated. The procedure i created is as : ALTER PROCEDURE fetchpersondetails AS CREATE Table #tempperson (personID int,FirstName nvarchar(200),LastName nvarchar(250),title nvarchar(150),Profession nvarchar(200),StreetAddress nvarchar(300), StateAddress nvarchar(200),CityAddress nvarchar(200),CountryAddress nvarchar(200),ZipAddress nvarchar(200),Telephone nvarchar(200),Mobile nvarchar(200), Fax nvarchar(200),Email nvarchar(250),NotesPub ntext,Affiliation nvarchar(200),Category nvarchar(200))
Insert into #tempperson SELECT dbo.tblperson.personID, ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.fName, N'') + ' ' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.mName, N'') AS FirstName, dbo.tblperson.lname AS LastName, dbo.tblperson.honor AS Title, dbo.tblperson.title AS Profession, dbo.tblperson.street + ' ' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.suite, N'') AS StreetAddress, dbo.tblperson.city AS cityaddress, dbo.tblperson.state AS stateaddress, dbo.tblperson.postalCode AS zipaddress, dbo.tblperson.Phone1 + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Phone2, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Phone3, N'') AS Telephone, dbo.tblperson.mobilePhone AS mobile, dbo.tblperson.officeFax + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.altOfficeFax, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.altOfficeFax2, N'') AS Fax, ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email1, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email2, N'') + ',' + ISNULL(dbo.tblperson.Email3, N'') AS Email, dbo.tblperson.notes AS NotesPub, dbo.tblOrganizations.orgName AS Affiliation, dbo.tblOrganizations.orgCategory AS Category, dbo.tblCountry.countryNameFull AS countryaddress FROM dbo.tblperson INNER JOIN dbo.tblOrganizations ON dbo.tblperson.orgID = dbo.tblOrganizations.orgID INNER JOIN dbo.tblCountry ON dbo.tblperson.countryCode = dbo.tblCountry.ISOCode