Is there a good article on the net for working with filters?
Also, I have a report with 10 parameters.
Each parameter get his default values from a dataset.
The problem is that the report ake a lot of time to load since it need to run all 10 datasets to load the parameters values.
I am using SSRS 2008. I have 3 applications specific reports deployed to reporting manager..AAA , BBB and CCC - be my Applications for example.i have 3 different application users. i want to grant access the respective application users to access respective reports.i mean application user A should not be able to access/view reports from BBB and CCC. similarly for B and C application users.HOw this can be implemented ?
I'm using SSAS 2005 with Excel 2007. My data store is very poor at the moment and most of the tables for the dimensions get rebuilt every night. The current result is as follows;
User selects product "Issue May 2008" as a filter from the product dimension, saves and closes the report. User opens the report after the data has refreshed, the data is different, the filter shows Issue May 2008 but when you click on it the item above it is displayed - this is because the IDs have changed in the source table.
Is there a way to make it so the text/description of the dimension is used rather than the ID?
In my head that explanation makes sense, but I can understand how it might not so please let me know if it doesn't
I was wondering if it's possible to set filters per user. For example we have a client who has offices in 10 different states, we want an admin of an office to only be able to run reports on their state. Is this possible without creating 10 different models/views?
I am creating report using reporting service and datasource is SQL Server 2005 Cube.
I am using query builder and i am creating query parameters in the query builder but when i run the report is showing the filters but data is not filtering based on which i selected from the list.
How do i create filters?? Please help out on this.
Hi. Is it possible to create a report via SSRS and deilver it via the subscription service in an email such that when user opens their own report (filtered by their user id) they can then dynamically change filters (cbo boxes) a la an excel pivot table which will then refresh the data in the report for them?
I can't seem to find a way to do this. Drill-down is not what is wanted...they want to simply cheange selections in cbo boxes and have the data all refresh.
I have a report generated through a number of recursive CETs and would like to add a FILTER parameter for the user to select on. (Using Parameters in the query will not work because recursion cannot be limited at the outset by the parameter). The values to be selectable are: Sprint 1 - R 1.0 Sprint 2 - R 1.0 Sprint 3 - R 1.0 Sprint 4 - R 2.0 Sprint 5 - R 2.0 Sprint 6 - R 2.0 ...etc
I want the report to display only those Releases (R n.0) which the user specifies, eg: Release 2 would select all data with R 2.0 in the field.
Using Table properties-Filters for the field works IF I use "=", as: Expression: Operator: Value: An.... =Fields!SprintName.Value = Sprint 4 - R 2.0 or =Fields!SprintName.Value = Sprint 5 - R 2.0 or =Fields!SprintName.Value = Sprint 6 - R 2.0
Issues: 1. I am unable to use Like (I could specify Like '%- R 2.0%' and have all Release 2.0 displayed), but it does not work with any of the syntax I have tried. Using only a single expression row, - R 2.0, '%- R 2.0%', "%- R 2.0%" all fail by displaying NO data. CAN Like be used? And what is the syntax?
2. I do not have any control over the And/Or column -- it is always greyed-out, and inserts "or" automatically if the Operation is "=", and "and" if the operation is "Like". How do I control this paramter?
3. And, most important, how do I get user input to the filter field, such that If I enter Release 2 from a drop down (?), I can display the appropirate data?
I am using Merge Replication between SQL Server 2005 (Publisher) and Pocket PC (Subscriber). I have a .NET compact framework appliction on the Pocket PC that replicates data from the server.
I am using SqlCeReplication class on the Pocket PC application to synchronise the data. By default, when i call the Syncrhonise() method, it pulls all the data from the server. What I want is to pass a parameter from the Pocket PC and filter the data based on that paramter. E.g. from the Employee table, I want only those Employee that belongs to a CompanyID that I pass as a parameter.
Is there a way to do this, so that i can pass parameters from my PDA application (Windows Mobile), and make the Filters specified in the Publication to use that parameter to filter out the rows.
Hi, Is there a way to create a new mining model from an existing one but with a different filter? I can see that the SELECT INTO DMX statement perform the creation. Is there a syntax for DMX in SQL Server 2008 for setting the filter for the new model?
Does anyone know if you can use any other parameters in the row filters for merge replication besides the functions SUSER_NAME() and HOST_NAME()?
I would like to create a publication for a couple thousand mobile databases to replicate with one SQL Database but filter what data they get based on some parameters. Do I have to hard code WHERE statements into static filters and create a publication for every user (seems a little ridiculous)?
Is there a proper way to do this using the SUSER_NAME and give each user a different connection name that will filter data properly?
I have a fairly simple report that displays one table (table1). The table has a filter that I created by opening the properties of the table and entering
in the Value field of the Filters tab. The filter operates on the
The report displays the row count from the dataset (=CountRows("mfrep_rqw"), but this value doesn't change when the filter is applied. I'd also like to display the number of filtered rows, but I can't figure out how to do it. Any ideas?
I have applied two filters for table in the SSRS report, one is StartDate and another is EndDate. But I was unable to choose the Boolean operator (And/Or) to use to combine this expression.
I came to know that the Boolean operator cell activates after we begin to enter an expression in the next row. But by default it is set as "And" operator. Now i want to cahnge that to "Or" operator it is in disable. Is there any way to enable this cell to choose the operator from the cell.
I would like to know what the best method of handling a rather large record selection task.
Here is the crystal version.
if {?WhseRegion} = 'Western' then {R_ShippingLog;1.InvUnitSite} in ['LA','AL','DA','DB','OA','PO','SE','TH','TN']
else if {?WhseRegion} = 'Eastern' then {R_ShippingLog;1.InvUnitSite} in ['AD','BE','CH','CI','EL','FL','IL','JL','KC','KS','MA','MI','MK','NE','NJ','NO','PA','SA','STL']
else {R_ShippingLog;1.InvUnitSite} in ['LA','AL','DA','DB','OA','PO','SE','TH','TN','AD','BE','CH','CI','EL','FL','IL','JL','KC','KS','MA','MI','MK','NE','NJ','NO','PA','SA','STL']
What I trying to figure out is how to incorporate the above in the dataset filter area on the datagrid.
I have created a report showing both first name and last names with the following filters. Both of them are prompted parametres
Last Name Contains ------------------ First Name Contains ------------------
When users enters both then we get the results back. I want the first name to be optional such that if user enters something for the first name then take it into the search criteria else show all the first names which matches the last name criteria.
Example: Last Name = "SMITH", First Name = (user has not entered and NULL check box is checked). I don't get any results since this filter translates to find all the records which has the last name SMITH and First Name IS NULL),
Instead I want this to be select all the records which has the last name SMITH and First Name <> EMPTY. Is there a way I can do this using the fiter magic?
I am developing a summary report that will have multiple tables, charts and matrixes, all using the same set of data. However, one table may only show one month of data while another will show three months. If they all use the same Dataset with the same data parameters, is the data only pulled once? And then each component can use Filters to further refine the data? If this is true, this would seem to be the best option.
Or does each report component execute the query independantly?
Before I get too far down the road developing this report, I'd like to know the best way to do it from the beginning.
I have created a report showing both first name and last names with the following filters. Both of them are prompted parametres
Last Name Contains ------------------ First Name Contains ------------------
When users enters both then we get the results back. I want the first name to be optional such that if user enters something for the first name then take it into the search criteria else show all the first names which matches the last name criteria.
Example: Last Name = "SMITH", First Name = (user has not entered and NULL check box is checked). I don't get any results since this filter translates to find all the records which has the last name SMITH and First Name IS NULL),
Instead I want this to be select all the records which has the last name SMITH and First Name <> EMPTY. Is there a way I can do this using the fiter magic?
I am getting data from an external source. External data has a column called "Type". I have a variable in my package which contains the list of types as shown below:
Filtered_type_List = 2,4,8,10,11
If this variable(Filtered_type_List) is blank, then I need all the data from the external source and if it is not blank then I only need the records matching to his list. How can I implement this in DataFlow Task?
In the Package configurations wizard, I am trying to edit an existing configuration using the edit button. In the Configuration Filter, I get the list of several filters (the filters which were used for other packages). Whe I try to reuse an used filter, it is forcing me to set a new value and when I go back to SQL Server tables , I see the old value has got erased.
Can I not use an existing filter?. Do I need to use new filters for every new package?.
Does anyone know the best way to set up filters against the Cube data. Ex. The Cube was built with data for 1998,1999, 2000. The totals and the rollups will include the value for all years. Client A want to access the Cube Data through Excel 2000 but only wants to see the values for 1999 - with the correct totals and rollups...
I know you can uncheck the other years in the filters in excel, but the totals and rollups will still include the values summing for all years.
I would like to setup a merge replication from a main database (publisher), to around 100 client databases (subscribers), that contain only subset information for each distinct client: each client has then its own database to view and modify its own data (Filtered on rows and columns). The client databases will initially be hosted on the same SQL server Instance.
I don't want to setup manually 100 publications with static filters, and more may come in the future: a pain to setup and maintain because I have to configure the tables, the columns and the row filters (and joins) each time.
I would like then to setup one publication with a dynamic filter, to filter in a way or another on a specific client. Creating subscribers becomes then a piece of cake. The dynamic filter would apply based on a property specific to the client, but... HOW?
Filtering on HOST_NAME() will not work because several subscribers are on the same server.
Filtering on SUSER_SNAME() will not work because merge agent will always use the same user name for connecting to the publisher (using push subcription, all merge agents are on the same server), and I have not find out how it can be configured by merge agent: even if the merge agent jobs have different owner, it is always the SQL Server Agent login that is used to connect to the publisher (I am using windows authentication).
I was thinking about using DB_NAME(), and have specific db name for each client DB, but DB_NAME() provides the name of the publisher DB, not the subscriber DB. etc ...
What could I use in this case to dynamically filter on client data without having to fall into heavy replication administration and setup.
i'am working with SSRS 2008 and my source is OLAP(mdx query) i created a report like this
the report return me the following data
Nbre all Products Nbre Dell Products Nbre HP Products
Month 1 50 50 50
Month 2 100 100 100
what i need is doing filter for a specific columns for example for Nbre Dell Products show me only the number of Dell Products also for Hp Products how can i do it.
I am using Sql 2005 and merge replication with push subscriptions. I have several dynamic join filters on some of my tables.
The join filters all use a central table that maps say a server location name (something that is returned from HOTNAME() in my case) to an for a store branch ID. This is a retail system database.
When I add a new new subscription I update this table with the new server location name and it's corresponding branch ID. My filtered tables all have a foreign key in them that is the branch ID. I can then effectively join from the server location name to a Branch ID.
What I have noticed is that if I update one row in the map table, sql server will re-generate all partitioned rows for all subscribers, even for rows that haven't been updated.
The net result is that when I add a subscription, my existing subscriptions all get about 52,000 row updates.
Am I seeing this because I said my partitions will overlap when I created the table articles?
I am using Merge Replication between SQL Server 2005 (Publisher) and Pocket PC (SQL Mobile 2005-Subscriber). I have a Windows Mobile appliction on the Pocket PC that replicates data from the server.
I am using SqlCeReplication class on the Pocket PC application to synchronise the data. By default, when i call the Syncrhonise() method, it pulls all the data from the server. What I want is to pass a parameter from the Pocket PC and filter the data based on that paramter. E.g. from the Employee table, I want only those Employee that belongs to a CompanyID that I pass as a parameter.
Is there a way to do this, so that i can pass parameters from my PDA application (Windows Mobile), and make the Filters specified in the Publication to use that parameter to filter out the rows.
am using report parameter name date and its data type ia datetime,and in the dataset also the same type.but the problm is whn im using this to filter data using this date parameter,the following error will pop up. "an error occurred during local report processing.The value provided for the Report parameter 'Date' is not valid for its type." Plese giv me solutn to this problm thanks Jo
I'm trying to calculate the average number of sick days per person so that it can be broken down by person role or department or some other dimension. I have a calculation for sick days that works ok and is [measures].[sick days.I'm trying to create another calculation that is [total staff] but it doesn't work.
My final calculation will be [avg sick days] = [measures].[sick days] / [measures].[total staff]
The bit I can't get to work is making it ignore any filters. For example I have a measure called [staff] and as you would expect it can be broken down by [person].[role] or [department].[department].
I'm trying to get [total staff] to return the total when it's used with [person] or [department]. I've managed to get it to work with [person] by using ROOT([Person]) but then I will need to do this for all different hierarchies that will use it.
I've created a join filter on the header table for our inventory data.
I've create a join filter on the header table for our inventory detail data.
The joins between the inventory header table and the inventory details table is on a three field key which are of type nvarchar.
When I try to sync a subscription, I receive an error which indicates that it cannot bulk copy into the inventory details table on the subscriber because it would create duplicate keys. There isn't any duplication at the publishing server so, I expect this has something to do with the data type of the key/join fields.
Am I correct? If so, is there a workaround.
I essentially only want to send that inventory data to a subscriber that the subscriber needs.
we have a handful of developers and each of us are responsible for laying out and creating our own database backends. This often leads to inconsistencies in table and column structures.One obvious situation that comes up often is whether or not the other developers are building in history into their primary tables, using history/archive tables or (usually in cases of helper tables) no historical data at all.
My thought on how to alleviate this a little was to suggest that we all build a IS_DELETED computed column into our tables so that someone else trying to work with their data doesn't have to play the guessing game. In most cases, this column would just be running date comparisons on an Expiration Date and either checking to see if it's in the future (usually 12/31/9999) or NULL.
I have read that computed columns can be a performance hit if used/returned unnecessarily but is that also the case on fields where their main use would be filtering? It just seems that the calculation that the computed column is doing would be necessary for the WHERE anywhere so it seems like a wash ... and worth the benefit of not having to decipher someone else's work.
Card number and date of borrowers earliest loan for all borrowers who had a loan before the 03/Jan/2004 OR who borrowed a book published before 1920
So far my query looks like this but it is bringing back date out after 03/Jan
select cardno, min(l.dateout) from loan l right outer join book b on l.isbn = b.isbn where b.yearpublished < '1920' or l.dateout < '03/Jan/2004' group by cardno order by cardno;
Any idea why this expression would not work in SSRS?
Based on a expression on a group textbox I get 0 records that match: =Iif(Fields!ACCRUAL_CODE.Value <> "A", CountDistinct(Fields!LOAN_NBR.Value), 0)
I've evaluated in the proc & there should be a count of 29 records.
I found a work around by using this in the stored proc & I get my record count:
and changed the expression in SSRS to this & it works: =sum(Fields!ACCRUAL_CODE.Value)
Is this a known issue with strings? From searching on this site I see that string evaluations are widely used so I do not see why it wouldn't work. I've also see this when filtering the dataset on anything that is a character. Any suggestions?