Write A CREATE VIEW Statement That Defines A View Named Invoice Basic That Returns Three Columns
Jul 24, 2012
Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named Invoice Basic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.
This is what I have so far,
SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal
From Vendors JOIN Invoices
ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
I have a table that I cannot allow a computed field to exist on (due to a 3rd party software), so I am thinking I could create a view with a computed field that is persistent, is that possible?
the syntax below will not work, I am not even sure if this is possible, but if it can work, that would be great.
I am wanting to get the sum of jetfoot1, 2 & 3 and have the total added up as "total"
create view ViewSumReport as select JETFOOT1,JETFOOT2,JETFOOT3,(JETFOOT1+JETFOOT2+JETFOOT3)as [total] persisted from dbo.fielddata GO
Hi all, I am trying to create a view with approx. 3000 columns... and got the following error message:
"CREATE VIEW failed because column 'HSEPRIN' in view 'MyTestView' exceeds the maximum of 1024 columns.
Is it mean the max number of columns for each table is 1024? I thought in SQL server the table can contain as much information as possible. Anyone can help to answer my question?
I compared view query plan with query plan if I run the same statementfrom view definition and get different results. View plan is moreexpensive and runs longer. View contains 4 inner joins, statisticsupdated for all tables. Any ideas?
I had given one of our developers create view permissions, but he wants to also modify views that are not owned by him, they are owned by dbo.
I ran a profiler trace and determined that when he tries to modify a view using query designer in SQLem or right clicks in SQLem on the view and goes to properties, it is performing a ALTER VIEW. It does the same for dbo in a trace (an ALTER View). He gets a call failed and a permission error that he doesn't have create view permissions, object is owned by dbo, using both methods.
If it is doing an alter view how can I set permissions for that and why does it give a create view error when its really doing an alter view? Very confusing.
I'm a developer, not a DB admin. I'm writing a .NET app that usescrystal reports.The table I need to output is built inside a stored procedure. Nochoice, it makes use of some temporary tables. (Believe me I've triedto get around that.)Crystal reports seems to only know about tables and views. It lookslike a view cannot call procedures. It can call functions, but in turnthey also can't call procedures. I am hosed, what now?Performance is not a factor here, small data sets, I just gotta get thething working.
I want to write a statement something like this SELECT Add_Date, File_No FROM dbo.File_Storage WHERE (File_No = 11/11/1234/) But i want the search to ignore the first 2 digits so that it will return e.g 10/11/1234, 09/11/1234 so that it's only matching the last part Any Help Would be greatly appreciated Thanks
I am trying to get data from an Oracle view using an OLE DB data source and a "SQL Command". When I "preview" the data it looks fine, but when I execute the package I get the following error:
Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, CEDAR View [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "OraOLEDB" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "ORA-01403: no data found". Error: 0xC0047038 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on component "CEDAR View" (1) returned error code 0xC0202009. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited. Error: 0xC0047039 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.
Hello, I have this table: Table1: ID, Num,Type, Amt Can I create a view that return all rows in Table1 and Amt as zero if Type=āPā (if not the value itself)
I have a simple query that joins a largeish fact table (3 million rows) to a view that returns 120 rows. The SKEY in the view is returned via a scalar function. The view returns instantly if queried on it's own however when joined to the fact table in the simple query below results in a query execution plan that runs forever. Interestingly if I change the INNER JOIN to a LEFT OUTER JOIN the query returns the matched results almost instantly.
Select Dimension.Age_Band.[10_Year_Age_Band], Count(*) From Fact.APC_Episodes Inner Join Dimension.Age_Band ON Fact.APC_Episodes.AGE_BAND_SKEY = Age_Band.AGE_BAND_SKEY Group By Dimension.Age_Band.[10_Year_Age_Band]
I know joining to a view using a column generated by a scalar function is not a good recipe for performance. I also know that I could fix this by populating a physical table with the view first as I have already tested this though I hoping not to have to go down that route.
Why a LEFT OUTER JOIN works and not an INNER JOIN or anyway I can get the query optimizer to generate an execution plan that works?
I have a complex view in my sql 2005 database. The view returns a column that could be null (as the result of a left outer join). The coulmn that is returned is an integer. Everything works fine if I run the view from SQL 2005 Management Studio. My column value is always null if I use ADO.NET's SqlAdapter to return a DataTable. Has anybody seen this behaviour before? Any help appreciated. Regards, Paul.
I have 2 TableAuthorsID Name1 Clint2 Voke BooksBookID ID BookName Price1 1 Book1 10 2 1 Boo21 12 3 2 Book3 6 4 1 Book4 13 5 1 Book5 2 Now I want to List All Authors and only show Most Expensive book Name of each Author.So I need this Fields :ID,Name,BookName,BookID,Price. How could I Write SQL query For It (I want to show results in DB Without Using SP).I want to Create NEw Views Which Shows my required Results. thanks,
Hello,Using SQL Server 2000, I'm trying to put together a query that willtell me the following information about a view:The View NameThe names of the View's columnsThe names of the source tables used in the viewThe names of the columns that are used from the source tablesBorrowing code from the VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE view, I've got the codebelow, which gives me the View Name, Source Table Name, and SourceColumn Name. And I can easily enough get the View columns from thesyscolumns table. The problem is that I haven't figured out how tolink a source column name to a view column name. Any help would beappreciated.Garyselectv_obj.name as ViewName,t_obj.name as SourceTable,t_col.name as SourceColumnfromsysobjects t_obj,sysobjects v_obj,sysdepends dep,syscolumns t_colwherev_obj.xtype = 'V'and dep.id = v_obj.idand dep.depid = t_obj.idand t_obj.id = t_col.idand dep.depnumber = t_col.colidorder byv_obj.name,t_obj.name,t_col.name
I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:
I am looking to create a constraint on a table that allows multiplenulls but all non-nulls must be unique.I found the following scripthttp://www.windowsitpro.com/Files/0.../Listing_01.txtthat works fine, but the following lineCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX idx1 ON v_multinulls(a)appears to use indexed views. I have run this on a version of SQLStandard edition and this line works fine. I was of the understandingthat you could only create indexed views on SQL Enterprise Edition?
I created a query, which makes use of a temp table, and I need the results to be displayed in a View. Unfortunately, Views do not support temp tables, as far as I know, so I put my code in a stored procedure, with the hope I could call it from a View....
Any idea why I cannot see (in Enterprise Manager) all the coulmns of a selected table? All I get is * all columns - not each one, meaning I cannot select individual columns in my new view. Could it be the version? I am running SQL 7.0 SP1
I'm having an odd issue with SQL Server. What happens is the following: I create view1. I then create view2 which uses view1. I then create view3 which uses view2. Then, if I make a change in View1, my other views are messed up. What happens is that columns in view3 (and view2) will be switched. Therefore, if a crystal report for example references view3, I'll suddenly get an exception due to a field in the cyrstal report thinking it's going to get an integer but gets a date instead. It's as if the columns were moved around. Is this a known issue with SQL Server 2000? Has someone else had that here? Has someone resolved that here? thx.
Hi im trying to create a view that creates another column for a table and then adds the value but i cant get it could sum1 help
Alter Table Employee Add EMP_BONUS Decimal(6,2)
Update Employee Set EMP_BONUS = EMP_PCT / 500000
Select Employee.EMP_LNAME, Employee.EMP_FNAME, Employee.EMP_PCT, Position.POS_TITLE, Employee.EMP_BONUS From Employee Inner Join Position On Employee.POS_ID = Position.POS_ID
I have a view that I created from 4 SQL tables in order to query data for a report. I can't change the format of columns in the original table but would like to format the columns in the view as a different data type.
The original table has the values formated as varchar, the info in the columns is numbers and I would like to have the values changed to decimal when the view is queried.
Is this even possible? Any help would be appreciated.
Hi All, I have a simple question. If I have a view that query from joined multiple tables and return a lot of columns (more than 100). If I run a simple query just return several columns (e.g. 4-5 columns), will SQL Server query all columns first from all joined table? or can SQL Server query only necessary column from related table?
Does anyone have idea how to join table that can reflect both left and right join? Table A Table B Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column1 Column2 Column 3 Column5 A Jan 5 xxx A Jan 1 yyy B Feb 3 C Mar 4 B Mar 4 C Apr 3 C Apr 2 D May 2 E Mar 1
Result Table Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column 5 A Jan 6 (= 5+1) xxx yyyy B Feb 3 B Mar 4 C Mar 4 C Apr 5 (= 2+3) D May 2 E Mar 1
So the result table is a join on column1 and column2 (both are primary key), with column3 is a sum aggregate. Table A has additional column4 and Table B has additional column5, so quite difficult to union (In fact, there are a lot of column differences between table).
I'm setting up Transaction Replication b/w SQL Server 2K and SQL Server 2K5. I have published Tables, Views and SPs as articles. One of the views has more than 300 columns. So when i try to replicate it, I'm encountering the
following error Message.
"Error 20068: The article cannot be created on table because it has more than 255 columns."
When a view can be created with more than 255 cokumns, why the problem arises when we replicate
CREATE VIEW dbo.[ikw_custom] AS SELECT * FROM rns_keyword.dbo.ikw_custom
but if I use following command with condition it gives me an error.
if not exists(select * from sysobjects where name ='ikw_custom' and type='V') begin CREATE VIEW dbo.[ikw_custom] AS SELECT * FROM rns_keyword.dbo.ikw_custom end
help will be appriciated. Thanks in advance -Balbir
I am learning how to work with MSSQL here is what I like to do I have a table with URLs like this "www.urls.com" I need to create a view that will insert this "http://" before "www.urls.com" can some please let me know what I need to do Thank you
I'm new to SQL, and developing my first application using SQL 2000 as the back end for my data.
Can anyone tell me if I can create an SQL View from VBA?
I'm trying to create a data view that access various records from a single table, and it has to distribute that data 2 14 different subforms, representing different days in a 2 week period, which is distingiushed by a field called "Day", that is numbered from 1 to 14.
I also have a summary subform that has the weekly summary (days 1 to 7 and 8 to 14) on seperate subforms. In total I have 16 subforms, which actually source from a single table, just split depending on the day in the period.
As I see it now, creating views iis the best way for me to go, but I also have to be able to change the period id on the fly, so I'm think I have to use VBA to generate these views.
Does any of this make sense, and am I on the right track??
hi,if the below query select DISTINCT group_module_menu_info.menulink FROM user_group_role_info,group_role_module_info,group_ module_menu_info where user_group_role_info.userid=user_table.userid and ((group_module_menu_info.moduleid = user_group_role_info.moduleid)OR (user_group_role_info.roleid=group_role_module_inf o.roleid and group_module_menu_info.moduleid = group_role_module_info.moduleid))
Create a view showing every order that was shipped to Spain. Name the destination column "DestinationSpain". Include code that checks if the view already exists. If it does, it should be dropped and re-created.
Use Northwind Go DROP VIEW Spain_Orders Go CREATE VIEW Spain_Orders AS SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE ShipCountry = 'Spain'
this is what I get.
server: Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Line 1 Cannot drop the view 'Spain_Orders', because it does not exist in the system catalog.
I know IIf doesn't exist in SQL. However, I am creating a view and want to check the value of a field and if it is 1 the field returns 'This value' if it is 2 then 'That value' , if 3 then 'Another value'.