Writing Data From The Integration Services To A SUN LDAP

Oct 29, 2007

Hi All,

I currently have the problem that I have to write some data into a SUN Directory Server 5.2 LDAP directory.
Does anyone know how I can do this. I already found some articles in this forum that provide solutions how to access
the active directory - but how can I access a none Microsoft LDAP Server?

Is there any way to use the OLE DB Destination or do I have to implement my own LDAP adapter in VB.net?

Thanks a lot for help.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Writing No Records To EXCEL

Jul 17, 2015

I have an SSIS package that is creating an Excel worksheet and writing data to it.  It works fine when i run it inside Visual Studio.  But when it runs as a scheduled job it writes the header and no data.  I turned on logging and the log even says it is writing the 10,456 rows that it should be. 

But they are not showing up in the Excel document.  The job is setup as 32 bit and writing to Excel 97-2003.  The job ends normally and does not generate any type of messages that are out of the ordinary.  This is running on SQL Server 2008r2.

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Dec 12, 2006

This is something that should not be so difficult, but it is proving to be very cumbersome.
I need to query an LDAP database on a Linux server FROM a sql server, namely sql server 2005.
I have found bits and pieces, but can€™t seem to put it all together yet €“ it should be easy, but it€™s proving to be very difficult.
It seems like you can either link an LDAP server through sp_addlinkedserver OR through enterprise manager/sql server studio, you can create a LINKED SERVER.
The problem is HOW to do this.
Here are the parameters for the ldap server:
Server name: serverabc
Ldap info (which I don€™t know how to label) is: 'ou=Hosts,dc=mc,dc=vanderbilt,dc=edu'.
I was able to somehow get this to work last week, but now it€™s not working - it didn't return any data, as i don't have any ldap hierarchy specified, but at least it came back with "command completed successfully":
'SELECT * FROM ''LDAP://serverabcu/ OU=Hosts,DC=mc,DC=vanderbilt,DC=edu''
With all the ldap usage out there, this is really frustrating not being able to find out how to do this.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Sampling Data Set Via Integration Services Data Flow For Data Mining Models Without Saving Training And Test Data Set?

Nov 24, 2006

Hi, all here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am wondering if it is possible to use SSIS to sample data set to training set and test set directly to my data mining models without saving them somewhere as occupying too much space? Really need guidance for that.

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Writing Reports/Extracting Data/Header Info/Reporting Services (2 Questions Really)

Aug 13, 2007

 I have a program where I have to do a weekly data upload of approx 1,500 records. I've written the sql, but need to know how I can add static header text to the SQL statement.the text I need in the header is Reportname(Static  string) + #rows (Rowcount of the sql,  int) + department (String static) I'm planning on writing it and saving it as a package, then schedule it to run every Friday at 5:00.  But I have been reading a little on Reporting Services and wonder if people think it' might be the way to go? Is it a whole new area of security issues? Or is it worth installing and learning? I will have more and more reports I need to write that will increase in complexity, and want to know if I want to keep writing querys by hand, or use reporting services. Thanks in advance! Dan 

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Reporting Services :: Pass A Parameter To LDAP Query In SSRS

Aug 20, 2015

Is it possible to use a parameter in a ldap query using the ADsDSOObject provider?  I keep getting an error "The ICommandWithParameters interface is not supported by the "ADSDSOObject" provider".  Command parameters are unsupported with the current provider.

I don't have a linked server on my DB server to Active Directory so I'm just querying in the SSRS report design.  Here is my query for my dataset.  If I hard code an example it works.  Just doesn't work when I pass a parameter. I've tried making it an expression (= sign), Tried several syntax's, Tried everything I can think of.  Is this possible? or do I just need to push for a linked server?

="SELECT sAMAccountName, displayName, distinguishedName " +
"FROM 'LDAP://DC=xxxx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx' " +
"WHERE objectCategory = 'Person' " +
"AND objectClass = 'user' " +
"AND memberOf = '" + @GlobalGroup + "'"

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LDAP Data Source

Oct 12, 2007


I need to export data from an LDAP-compliant data source, to a SQL Server database. Is this possible with SQL Server 2005 Integration Services? The Import and Export Wizard
does not appear to support LDAP in the Data Source drop down list.



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LDAP Data Source

Oct 12, 2007


I need to export data from an LDAP-compliant data source, to a SQL Server database. Is this possible with SQL Server 2005 Integration Services? The Import and Export Wizard does not appear to support LDAP in the Data Source drop down list.



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Integration Services :: SSIS VB Script Loading Data Into Oracle DB Missing Some Data

Nov 10, 2015

I'm using Script Component to load data into Oracle DB due to the poor performance issue. Now, I found it will missing some data during the transmission. Please see the screenshot below: 

SQL Server:

create table Person
BusinessEntityID Integer,
FirstName nvarchar2(50),
MiddleName nvarchar2(50),
LastName nvarchar2(50)


I follow up this article: [URL] ....

VB Script: 
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

[Code] ..........

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Integration Services :: SSIS - Managing Data Integrity When Importing Sharepoint Data

Sep 28, 2015

I setup this package to import data from a Sharepoint list to a SQL Server data table. The primary key of my SQL table is mapped to the Title column of my Sharepoint list. There is a possibility that duplicate values will be entered in the Title field of the Sharepoint list. So when importing data into my table via SSIS, my package always error-out when there it comes across duplicate values. how you others have managed data integrity when importing from a Sharepoint list with the Title column being mapped to the primary key of a table.

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Mapping Of SQL Server Data Types To Integration Services Data Type

Oct 14, 2005

Does anyone know of any cross-references between SQL Server data types and the new data types introduced with SQL Server Integration Services? 

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Integration Services :: Best Way To Value Data Column In Data Pump From A Flat File

Aug 28, 2015

I have to value [CreateDate] in the data pump of my Flat File Source into my OLE DB Destination SQL Server Table. With a Variable within the SSIS Package or with a Derived Column task within the Data Flow between the Flat File Source and OLE DB Destination?

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Using Integration Services To Import Data

Jun 5, 2007

Please help! I am trying to import data from an ODBC data source to a SQL Server database using Integration Services. I am new to SQL Server 2005 but all was working happily on 2000 using DTS.

I am trying to follow the tutorials using a data flow task but cannot get my ODBC database into the connection managers tab, because OLE DB for ODBC isn't one of the options! Am I missing something? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I am struggling to come to terms with 2005 and cannot migrate the 2000 DTS packages

Many thanks

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Integration Services Data Types

Apr 5, 2007

Hi, I have a question regarding the Integration Services Data Types.

From http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms141036(d-printer).aspx, I found a table that shows me the Mapping of Integration Services Data Types to Database Data Types.

For example, how the DT_BOOL Data Type maps to bit for SQL Server.

In this case, I am okay, as I know exactly what the mapping is, however, for some of the datatypes, I do not.

Here is an example. The DT_CY datatype maps to smallmoney and money ... how do I know which one to map to? For me, which one I map to does indeed matter because their representation is different.

DT_NUMERIC maps to decimal and numeric ... this one does not matter as much

DT_STR/DT_WSTR ... I need to know whether its char, varchar, ncahr, or nvarchar for padding purposes mostly.

Any help would be gladly appreciated.

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Integration Services :: How To Handle Bad Data

Nov 18, 2015

I am having a requirement where I need to load the correct data into the target table and needs to save the bad data for analysis, how can I do that in SSIS.

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Updating Data By Integration Services

May 30, 2007

Hi friends ,
Can any buddy tell me how can i update a particular table by integration services.... I just need to update some of column value

if i write query ...i need to write approx 35 update statement (Query)
So is there is any way by which i can replace existing data to my current data .

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Integration Services :: Cannot Get Data To Go Into Database

May 11, 2015

I've got 4 massive pipe delimited flat files that should go into 4 different SQL Server database tables. They constantly throw errors.

What is the best way to get the data into the database...varchar(Max), varchar(100)?  

I just want the data to load. What is my best bet before the cart me off to the loony bin?

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How To Extract Data From LDAP And Then Import It Into SQL Database (for Quicker Retrieval)

Apr 21, 2008

Hi Everyone,
Am a third year student doing work placement.
Could anyone please give me clues on how to go about extracting data from a LDAP and then into an SQL database?

1 A defined subset of data is to be extracted from GDS on a nightly basis,
2 Then imported into a SQL database for quick & easy retrieval.
3 A web interface is required to present data retrieved from the SQL database.

I will appreciate every assistance.


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Integration Services :: Import Oracle Data

May 25, 2015

I'm using - Destination - Oracle driver - oraOLEDB.Oracle.1 (native ole dboracle provider for ole db)

Source - SQL driver - microsoft ole db prover for sql server. I want to import data from sql server to oracle. Challenge is, I have 1 million records on oracle. I have 100 records on sql server (these 100 records count will change daily). So, I thought of using 'lookup' task looking taking record from ms sql and fetch corresponding record from oracle. But when I use lookup, all records from oracle are loading into cache, which is taking approx 3 hrs.

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Integration Services :: Data Comparison Between Two Tables?

May 25, 2015

I have a requirement to compare data between two tables in SQL Server.

What is the fastest way to do it using SSIS? There are approx 6~7 millions of records in each table.

My solution: Read both the tables and store the data in Object Type variable. Then run an except query. But I am stuck at except query part. How do I implement it?

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Integration Services :: Data Validation In SSIS

Oct 5, 2015

Im newto SSIS. I want to develop package for data validation.


1. Mandatory   field checking: if Null, reject the record
 2. If field length > 50, then reject the record


1.   If field length > 12, then reject the record
2. If SSN is not in valid format, issue warning and process rhe record   without SSN value.
3. Valid format: 9 digit numeric values should present after striping off   all non-numeric characters.
4. Only send 9 digits to MDM

Like these i have 30 rules. And I have to shop the error msg if the validation fails like "Mandatory feild is missing".

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Data Problems With Xml Source In Integration Services

Mar 10, 2008

Hi everyone,

I've got a problem to retrieve data from a Xml Source.
Basically, I call a method from a Web Service which gives me a Xml file.

The problem is that the XML structure is not really good. But we can't touch it.

Here is the Xml File :

Code Snippet

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ArrayOfWSTargetVO xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
As you can see, for each WSTargetVO, we have a projectid, an id and a name. But the value is not directly put into these nodes but in a new one : <value>

That causes my problem because here is the xsd file generated by visual studio :

Code Snippet

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:element name="ArrayOfWSTargetVO">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="WSTargetVO">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProjectId">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Value" type="xs:unsignedByte" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Id">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Value" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Name">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Value" type="xs:string" />
And when I try to use the outpul results from the Xml file, I can't see how I can get a datatable with three columns corresponding to projectid, id and name.

Integration Services only asks me to choose between WSTargetVO or ProjectID or Id or Name and give me the <value> value.

I don't know if it is possible to modifiy the contents of the XmlFile or something else using XPath.

Of course, if I try to modifiy the XSD file and delete the value node to have a simple structure, I see my three columns but i can't get any data.

I'm aware that the XML file is pretty bad but it is impossible for me to change it.

If somebody has an idea, I would be happy to hear it :-)

(I'm a beginner in Integration Services)

Thank you,

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Integration Services :: Data Conversion In SSIS

Nov 5, 2015

I am loading incremental data from sql server to oracle by using ssis and while data convert it says data type dont match.

SQL column data type is:smallint:SQL Server 2008 r2
Oracledata type is:Number(5):Oracle 10 g.

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Integration Services :: Missing Data From Excel

Aug 24, 2015

I have a data in excel sheet which is to be loaded to sql table. The Column called seq_num has data with leading 0's these 0's are ignored while loading through ssis.

Example if seq_num is like 0099988 the sql table would get 99988, how to get the whole data with missing anything.

FYI: seq_num on excel source has a data type as dt_r8.

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Integration Services :: Extract Data Into Excel?

Jun 2, 2015

I'm trying to extract the SharePoint List data into excel file using SSIS package. I'm using SharePoint 2013 and BI 2008 R2. how to do it.

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Integration Services :: Custom Data Flows

Nov 20, 2015

So I have to make a fairly dynamic Data flow. I will get the most of the configuration from a database table. I will look up the name of the procedure to run as a source (I can use expressions or a script component source for this), I will lookup columns names from a database table.I can use expressions (maybe) or a destination script component for the destination including the destination table name and column names, these will be looked up in a database table.What I am not sure is how I will do the mapping.  How can I make this dynamic?  The logic for mapping will be in the database as well.  Could I create a custom dataflow all in one script?  A source, destination and mappings all in one script?  Is there an example of this out there.my task ios to make the data flow completely dynamic.all config info would be kept in a SQL Server database.A complete custom script component dataflow task.

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Integration Services(data Flow Error)

Apr 25, 2006

when executing my data flow package that contains only one source and one destination

OLE db source -> SQL server destination

the following errors occurs in my output

Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task(infraction action), SQL Server Destination [3600]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14.

Error: 0xC0202071 at Data Flow Task(infraction action), SQL Server Destination [3600]: Unable to prepare the SSIS bulk insert for data insertion.

Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task(infraction action), DTS.Pipeline: component "SQL Server Destination" (3600) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202071.

i've checked the structure of my source and destination table but nothing seems to be wrong

if someone have ever faced these errors help me :D

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Integration Services :: Combining Duplicate Data

Nov 4, 2015

I have two tables that I UNION to retrieve data for users.  A combination of these should have only one employee in the table.  The problem is there is a unique id created for the position of instructors.  In the other table, it holds all employees with an employee number.  Some data such as username, email address, etc., does not change.  So even though UNION should remove duplicates, I still have duplicates because of usernames is what I'm filtering on, it is the same in each table.  In the combined table I'm only selecting specific employees based on Job class and Job code.  For employee id in the first table it is preceeded with 'B', and the second by 'T' (this is only to identify which table the data is taken from).  Here is what I am getting when I Union both tables.

distinct 'B-'+ Employee_ID 
as Employee_ID
, Username


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Integration Services :: Filter Out Non-numeric Data

Jul 21, 2015

I have a package that i am building right now and I need to filter out data from my employeeid field that is not an integer. How would i proceed with this? I currently have a conditional split filtering our employee id's that contain a dash. 

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Integration Services :: How To Move Data From PDW Server

Aug 4, 2015

I need to move data from PDW Server to Sql Server through SSIS.

which component should I used under Data flow for PDW part !

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Integration Services :: Fetch Data From Second Sheet

Oct 31, 2015

I was working on a logic which I am not able to code after many attempts. I have an Excel sheet(Base_Data.xlsx) with two sheets as "Mapping" & "Data" with the below data:

Mapping sheet values:

Base_Column Data_Column
Employee Emp
Designation Desig
Organisation Org

Data sheet values:

Emp joindate Desig Gender Org
1234 10/10/2010 Consultant Male Microsoft
4546 25/01/2001 Sw engineer Female Pega

Now using the above base_Data file, I have a to prepare a destination Excel(Destination_File.xlsx) as below:

Employee Designation Organisation
1234 Consultant Microsoft
4546 Sw engineer Pega

I tried to achieve this using SSIS and C#.Net technologies.

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Integration Services :: Variable Data Is Truncated

Aug 25, 2015

I have created a SSIS package that runs several reports exporting the file output to a shared directory.  Then I email these files as attachments to an email group.  I got everything working so far.  But when I checked the email there are only some of the attachments (3 out of 6 files).I have created a variable that uses an expression to concatenate several filenames and their paths separated with a "|".   When I evaluate the expression it list all six files.  When I use the variable in an expression when assigning the "FileAttachments" property in the Expressions tab in the Send Mail Task editor and I evaluate the expression, it only shows 3 out of the 6 files. 

Each file name and path is less than 100 characters.  Why is this task only grabbing 3 out of the 6 files.  If I check the shared directory all 6 files are there. Also, there are two paths in the package that input into the Send Mail Task each creating a different set of report files.  Only one of the paths files are getting attached.  The connectors to the Send Mail Task are set as Evaluation operation: "Constraint" and the Value: "Completion".  Under Multiple constraints I have selected "Logical AND, All constraints must evaluate to True".

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Integration Services :: How To Set Up Job For Getting Data And Put In Shared Drive

Jul 17, 2015

I've one table which is contains sales Tax data and I need to send data(only for past month) to accounting person by every end of the month for Example. Today is July/1/2015 so I need to send data for month of June/2015. 

Is there anyway I can setup a job to send a data. Also I am not able to send large file using OUTLOOK so is there any other Tool to send a data? 

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