Writing File From SP With Text Column

Dec 21, 2006

Hi Everyone, I´m new to this group, I´m trying to write a text files
adding content from a text column (more than 8000 characters), I found
code how to write files and it works but i have the problem when added
the text column to the body of the file.

any idea? tip?

thanks in advance!


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Writing Text To A Flat File

Jul 11, 2007

I have a Foreach loop which scans a table, and gets names of a bunch of procedures, and then back in the foreach loop, they get executed. Im trying to figure out how I can create a sort of log file to say the name of the procedure that is getting executed currently and the current date time stamp onto a flat file. I havent been able to figure this out yet..anyone know how to do this? I grab the names of the storedprocedures from the table and store it in a variable and use the name from the variable to actually execute the stored procedure.

I guess in essence, the question is how do i directly write lines of 'text' (from say a variable) into a flat file.

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Design Advice...writing A Text File

Jul 23, 2004

I need to create a text file using information from SQL tables/views in the following format...Can anyone recommend a direction or procedure to look into, i.e, sql script, custom dts, etc. The items in parentheses identify specific portions of the text file.

101081,84423,customer ,072304,customer ,11310 Via Playa De Cortes , ,San Diego ,CA,92124,
(02) 6 ,1 , , , , ,22 ,1 ,0.00 ,160.46 ,160.46 ,0.00 , , , , , , , , ,1,1
(03)B130907540,5.41 ,1
(03)B130907550,5.41 ,1
(03)B130907560,5.41 ,1
(03)B130907570,6.04 ,1
(03)B065007550,1.72 ,2
(03)B065007560,1.72 ,6
(03)B519926530,4.66 ,13
(03)B519926550,4.66 ,12
(03)B560911200,2.14 ,1
(03)B560912500,2.14 ,1
(03)B095305750,3.65 ,1

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Writing Multiple SQL Tables To One Text File

Apr 7, 2008

I am trying to create a text file from multiple SQL Tables using @BCP_Command. I tried using DTS and SQL but the number of columns in the tables have to be the same size when doing a union. I also not to place a delimeter between each column. I've learned how to use BCP_commands on one file not sure if you can make it work with two or more.

Rich Pezick

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Writing To Text File From Stored Procedure

Sep 26, 2013

Want to write from a table variable to a text file from a stored procedure.Read about xp_cmdshell bcp etc. but worried because it's supposed to be a security problem and needs to be from a permanent database.Also am getting error "The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'xp_cmdshell'..."

1. Is xp_cmdshell a bad idea to use even if I get permissions ?
2. Can a "permanent" table be used in a stored procedure starting out fresh each time with 0 rows rather than use a table variable ?

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Writing To A Text File From A Database Query.

Jul 20, 2005

I need to just back one table and not all the data in the table. Is there away to have SQL save the data return from a query to some text file that Ican then use to build the table in another table on another server?I am SQL server 7Thanks,S

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Writing To Text File From Stored Procedure

Mar 29, 2006


Writing to text file from table/view is done using osql,bcp etc. How do we write output of stored procedure into text file??

Thank you

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Writing Result Set On Text File And Export To Specific Location

Jul 8, 2013

Iam trying to crate a job, that writes the result set on text file and export to location like "abcxyz.txt"

job succeeds but i cant see any thing written on the file and i have given the same path in the job path option.

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Problem Writing To Fixed Width Text File Destination

Oct 30, 2006

I am trying to export data from a query in SQL Server 2005 SSIS to a flat file destination. Everything works fine except the rows returned from my query are written to the flat file in one long string (i.e., without line breaks). I have tried appending a new line character to the rows returned from the query but that only throws an error when the package is executed. My rows returned from the query are 133 characters wide (essentially only one column per row) so I have set the properties accordingly for a fixed width file format with 133 character wide rows.

Any suggestions or ideas on how to correct this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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Writing Into The FLAT FILE When Derived Column Fails

Aug 30, 2007

Flat file is the source for to load the data into a table. I am using "Derived Column Component" for the data validation.

"Derived Column Component" Fails then i am writing/redirecting the records into the Flat File using "Flat File Destination" component.

It works fine except the following the issue.

The derived columun value (that cause an error) is not get inserted into the Flat File

the data comes as "000000" and tring to convert to date format
(DT_DATE)("20" + RIGHT(Check_Date,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING(Check_Date,1,LEN(Check_Date) - 4) + "/" + SUBSTRING(Check_Date,LEN(Check_Date) - 3,2))

The above expression is working fine, except the data 000000 not passed into the Flat File Destination.

Pls advise. Thank you.

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Html File To Text In Column

Aug 23, 2005

I have a table and in one column is a html file. I need to to be able query some text that is inside this html file.

What is the best way to take this html file and add the text of the document into another column in the same table?


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Fixed Column To Text File

Mar 19, 2008

What is the best way to export fixed length data to text file in SSIS?

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Text File Stored In A Column

Oct 20, 2006

does sql server 2005 standard store blob or text file in MS WORD format in a hirarchical manner (like how xml is stored) or does it store it as a long and single line of text in a column. Thanks!!

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Sorting Text File Based On Any Column

Aug 24, 2007

Hi All,
Is there any command which will sort data in text file based on 3rd column (based on any column)?

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Full-text Indexing Of An Image Column With A .PDF File

Mar 16, 2005


I am having difficulty in indexing a Table when it contains a PDF file in an Image column. Basically I have a table with a unique id, some other fields, and an Image column. The Image column contains uploaded files from a web application. Full-text indexing works fine for all types of files that I have uploaded into this table which includes (.doc, .xls, .ppt) but I get the following message in my Event Viewer if one of thee files is a PDF file.

One or more documents stored in the Image columns with extension '.pdf' did not get full-text indexed because loading the filter failed with error '1x01'.

I have searched Microsoft's site and implemented their prescribed fixes but none has worked including installation of SP3 of Sql Server and/or modifying the registry key to run the Sql server indexing procedure as a single threaded process.

Has anyone experienced this problem? Please help.


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Text File To SQL Table With Identity Column Failing

Apr 22, 2008

I am using data flow task to load data with the source as text file to sql server table with identity column.
After mapping all the columns except identity column, when I execute, the package failing saying
it can not insert null value into identity column. I donno how to get around with it ????

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Reading A Text File With Fixed Length Column

May 11, 2008


I would like to read from a Text File using SSIS Integration Package.

The file has a fixed number of columns, let's say 3 columns.
There is no row header and each columns length is fixed. There is no delimiter as well.

Here is the sample of the file contents:
John Doe USA
Mary Monroe UK
Andy Archibald Singapore

Here is the hints to read the file contents
John Doe USA
Mary Monroe UK
Andy Archibald Singapore

If you notice, from the 1st column until the 9th column, it's reserved for the first name.
The 10-th column until the 19th column, it's reserved for the last name. Finally the 20-th column until the 29th column is reserved for the Origin Country.

Since there's no delimiter inside the flat file contents, i have difficulty in parsing this text using SSIS Package.

Please let me know if you need any necessary information.

Thanks for all your help.


Hadi Teo.

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How To Import Text File(no Space, No Symbol, No Column) Into Mssql

Dec 24, 2005

 the text file format use the length of character to define the field

for example,

9 chars <0001130130> is a field
1 char <H> is a field
20 chars <AUT BAGES AVEROUS 03> is a field

one record by one record store in db
no space, no symbol, no line break between each record

I try bcp method, but some error happens. Please give me suggestions. thx

I run the following code in query analyzer.

WITH (FORMATFILE = 'D:cp.fmt')

it shows the error

Server: Msg 4839, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot perform bulk insert. Invalid collation name for source column 4 in format file 'D:cp.fmt'.

For your information
data file
000000011301220051222000192000000000011301320051222000030000000000019067420051222000000001<there are many space >

bcp.fmt file <I use tab to separate and use ascii>
1    SQLCHAR    0    4    ""    1    PLUEVT    ""
2    SQLCHAR    0    9    ""    2    PLUSKU    ""
3    SQLCHAR    0    8    ""    3    PLUFRD    ""
4    SQLCHAR    0    9    ""    4    PLUPRC    ""

I try to edit collation name in Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS or others, but the error also happens.

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Writing Formatted Text Using Bcp

Mar 29, 2007

I am trying to write the output of an sql query to a text file using bcp. Now the problem am facing is i have to format the text like i the following order...
<DATETIMESTAMP>08:39 Thursday, March 15, 2007</DATETIMESTAMP><CATEGORY>Quarterly Sales</CATEGORY><HEADLINE>Quarterly Corporate Earnings  (03/15/07)</HEADLINE><BODY>                        Quarterly Corporate Profits (03/15/07)                              PER-SHARE ($)   NET EARNINGS (mil$)  REV. (mil$)COMPANY    CURRENT YEAR-AGO CURRENT  YEAR-AGO  CURRENT  YEAR-AGOabc                      0.33      n/a               8.60           (13.30)         144.40      112.50 bcdf                     0.16     (0.15)            7.80            (7.40)          101.90       81.20 gha                      n/a       n/a               (90.00)        (80.00)         488.00       462.00 qwqw                  (0.10)    (0.15)            (3.30)          (4.30)           2.90         2.20
Copyright(c) 2007 mycompany.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved</BODY>
Would somebody please advice whther this sort of formatting is possible with bcp..Please give some pointers am completely stuck....the company data is coming from a database table...am using sql 2005...
Thanks in advance

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Writing Text Data

Mar 30, 2000

Hello, historically it has been frowned upon to store textual data in sqlserver. In v6.5 and before, 2k pages were allocated regardless of actual data size. Is this still the case in v7.0? I have a situation where the intranet application wants to store documents/images/etc. Currently, we need to have security granted to each user who connects to the web server to allow them to write files. However, if we write the data via sqlserver, then the application only needs permission. Is this the recommended method? What other options can I use? tia, Lee

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My DTS Package In Via Enterprise Manager Will Not Export Entire Column To A Text File

Nov 28, 2007

I have created a DTS package that pulls data from one column (varchar,600) in a table and exports it to a text file. The max length in this field is only 285 characters long, however, the end of one of the records is being truncated in the text file. Data is tab delimited in the table and is being exported that way.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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Loading Flat File With Embedded Column, Text Delimiters And Newline

Jun 14, 2007

I have the misfortune of converting a DTS package to SSIS that loads a flat file that has a text fields that can contain embedded text delimiters ("), column delimiters (,) and even new lines (CR+LF i.e.,hex 0D 0A) in it. A sample line from the file is posted here, remember this is just one line though it shows as three lines, since the third field has embedded new line in it:

Internet Sales / HELP

If you open in excel it handles it perfectly showing four fields, as below, and this is what I want ( I cannot get it aligned right in the posting, just save the above line in *.csv and open to see what it should be):

Internet Sales / HELP

Now, SSIS errors on the embedded text delimiters and breaks into two or three lines based on which option I chose. I have tried few options based on postings in the forum:
a). Using undouble and undoubleout: Does not work when there are embedded column delimiters (,) in the text field
b). Modified undouble script posted by lvovg at http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1718225&SiteID=1. Handles the embedded column delimiters (,) perfectly, but the embedded new lines (CR+LF i.e.,hex 0D 0A) are breaking it.
Since, I am using the ragged right format to read from the file then use transform script on the line by lvovg, the line is already broken by the ragged right format at the embedded new lines, hence does not work.

Right now I am stuck. Can someone please help (anyone from MS) ? I am already baffled at the amount of coding required to convert a very basic ( and working ) flat file load DTS package to SSIS. I am willing to persist bit longer to convert this to SSIS, before I give up and stick with DTS and wait for a fix / workaround.


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Reporting Services Log File Roulette - How To Tell Which Log File SSRS Is Writing To For Errors?

Mar 13, 2007

I'm sure I'm not the only one frustrated trying to figure out which log file SSRS writes to when an error occurs. Does anybody know a sure way to tell? It doesn't change the date/time of the date modified, so you can't sort by date in windows explorer. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to which file it writes to. For example, I had to go through 6 log files to find which one was being written to. I had thought (hoped) that it would always write to the log files with the latest embedded date/time stamp as part of the file name. It does not.

I'm tempted to start using a file system spy, or resort to other tactics. Does anyone have a sure fired way to see which log file is written to when an error occurs? I'm not talking about SQL Dump files - just "normal" errors when processing reports.


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Writing Into Text Files In SSIS

Aug 18, 2006

I am having a scenario where all the stored procedures are stored in a folder (one sql file per sproc). Stored procedure does not have 'IF Exists .... DROP Procedure' in the script so before creating them we have to drop all sproc manually.

Can anyone help me writing a script / SSIS process to loop through each file in folder and write "IF EXISTS ... DROP PROCEDURE" with the procedure name in it ??

I can create a package that loop through each file in FOR each Loop task but dont know how to write in file using .net

Thanks in advance

Furrukh baig

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Text Box In ASP Page Truncates Field Value When Writing Rst

Oct 4, 2005

Alex writes "Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Version - SQL server 2000
SQL Enterprise Mgr Version 8.0

I am currently developing a backend SQL db for an ASP website. I am only learning, so quite new to it all & would appreciate some help with the following;

I currently have a form that updates a recordset in my SQL db. This is working fine, except for the fact that when the form loads and the db tries to write the field value into my text box, e.g. Address: 20 Harbour Drive, the field value is truncated at the space and it writes the address as 20 in the text box.

When I view the detail page, no problems, the recordset was updated, but when I go back to the update page, the record values are truncated again as though the ASP page thinks the space is some kind of delimiter?

The size property of my textbox element is the same as the varchar datatype size in the SQL table.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance, this is driving me nuts.

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Writing A DTXS Package To Extract 50 Tables To 50 Text Files?

Nov 26, 2007

Is there a quick way to extract a full dump of 50 tables to 50 corresponding text files?


table_a has to be extracted to table_a.txt

table_b has to be extracted to table_b.txt

table_c has to be extracted to table_c.txt

I don't want to have to add each one separately by hand in the DTSX package designer.
I can't see any way to do it in a loop (because you have to do the field mapping).
I can't seem to get the DTS Wizard to help - it only seems to be able to handle one table-to-text extract at any one time.
And I've tried editing the DTXS file directly (in XML) but it looks like it's going to be rather complex, even if I only do it to define the connection managers.
Feel free to suggest any better way to do this, though the specification has already been agreed, so I'm unlikely to be able to change it.

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Writing Excel File Through PHP

Sep 28, 2003

I have to generate reports in Excel formats.I send the appropriate content type through header() function of PHP.But I can't get the <td> colors when using css sheets.
Following problem occurs:
1. Image doesn't come.
2.<td> does'nt take css style.
Following is the code snippet:

header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=pareto_combined.xls");
<link href="../../../extra/sheets/SSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<tr colspan=8>
<td height=50> <img src='../../../extra/images/log.jpg'></td>
<td align=right><img src='../../../extra/images/mickey_sup.jpg'></td>



<td class='graybg'><?php echo $agentID</td>
<td class='graybg'><?php echo $dateF?></td>
<td class='graybg'><?php echo $dateT?></td>

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Dec 18, 2007


I have a data flow task where I have to write to a flat file. It works fine for me. But the thing is next timeI run the package it must write the data in the OLDEB source to a different copy. Usually the data is overwritten or appended to already existing data. What I want is everytime the package is run the data must be written to a different copy.


Sai Abhiram Bandhakavi

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Writing Txt File Into SQL Table

May 8, 2007


My situation is:

For example i have txt file called serverlog.txt

txtfile contains:

serverid 3

Last log on 19/3/2007

Linkstatus OK

I have a table created with the following values

Table: serverlog




So my question is how do i get my txt file variables into the sql table.

Is there no import function in SQL?

Ive tried to do it with VB but thats doesnt work.

Greetings Sheila

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Need Some Help Writing Part Of The Derived Column Component

Aug 29, 2006

Hey. I need to see if "/" is present in the column11 and if it's then just pass it as is or do the substring part. How do I get this to work? It's giving me an error. This is for a TimeDate column. I can get a 20060813 or 2006/08/13.I'm using the below and it's giving me an error saying that It should be DT_BOOL and I'm trying to return DT_I4.

findstring(Column11,"/",2) ? Column11 : SUBSTRING(TRIM(Column11),1,4) + "-" + SUBSTRING(TRIM(Column11),5,2) + "-" + SUBSTRING(TRIM(Column11),7,2)

Thank you


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Writing XMLReader Data To A File

Nov 26, 2007

I'm trying to do this: ------------------------------------- 1) Have SQL server return some data from this simple stored procedure. It returns XML: SELECT * FROM eAccessTypes FOR XML AUTO ------------------------------------- 2) In my C# I capture the return value in an XmlReader like so: XmlReader xmlr = mySqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader();
After this i want to write the xmlr data to a file.
Any ideas

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Writing Data From XML File To Database

Feb 16, 2008

Hi Guys
 In my project I need to write the data from an xml file to Database through a stored precedure.
On line a lot of help is available for writing data from Database to xml but I didnt see much info
about writing xml to database.
If any one could give me some code I will really appreciate it.(I am a newbee).
This application is developed using asp.net 1.1 and sql server 2005.
Thanks for your help in advance.

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Reading Or Writing A File To A SQL Database

Nov 22, 2004

Halo, I am a bit new to this
Please can someone help me, I would like to write a file(Any type) to a SQL database like a attached document(s) for the current record and be able to detatch the document when needed.
I use VB.NET for a ASP.NET app.
I basicly would like to attach documents to a piece of equipment may it be any kind and if the user views the equipment he will be able to detatch the documents for that piece of equipment and open it with the correct software.

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